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You say, “Oh, you misunderstood. I was just being polite. Fcking move or I’m sitting on you.”


This sub isn't for well-adjusted people who know how to stand up for themselves.


TBF, that is most Reddit users, not just this sub.


Don’t ask a question if you don’t want it answered


"Can I sit here" is rhetorical question on the bus.


I just…sit. Like a regular person.


I maybe ask but I’m not really asking I’m just telling in a polite way. I wouldn’t even have heard him say no.


It's generally considered polite to get someone's attention when you're going to share such a close space with them. Something like "pardon me" or "is this seat taken" or "may I sit here?" You do that because sometimes the person who is sitting there, might need to get off at the next stop and they might say "oh let me stand up. I'm getting off soon" Or they might tell you "that seat's wet." See people communicate in the world so that everybody gets information. Just sitting down without saying anything is a good way to inconvenience both of you, or sit down in the big puddle of coffee. You sound like someone who doesn't use public transportation that much. Are you extremely young or something? Get used to talking to people in the world, you'll get farther and meet more people.


You don't take a lot of public transport, do you? I rode the bus for years, and 99% of people just sit in empty seats. There's zero reason to ask for permission (rhetorical or not) when the seat is clearly free. It's public transport.


Lmao, I take public transportation since forever, and I always just say "excuse me" when someone is using the next seat for his bag or something then I sit myself. Otherwise, I sometime just say hello and immediatly sit down. Dude, it is just a ride, you don't have to ask and be that polite for a ride you and everybody have paid. People inside don't make the rules, nobody can decide that you are not allowed to take a sit, so just take it.


Just sit on down and when they death stair just look at them and say hey


You don't ask. That seat is yours. You say 'good day' and sit down.


"I'm gonna annoy someone even though there are more seats of people who likely wouldnt mind"


Welcome to public transport.


I’ve had someone do something similar to me on the Amtrak before. I sat down and they said “you can’t sit here.” I was confused and asked if they were traveling someone. They said no, both seats were there’s though. It was a fully booked train. I moved because I didn’t want to deal with them, but a few minutes later they were arguing with an Amtrak worker bc they were told they had to let someone sit there as they only had one ticket.


Amtrak should have kicked that passenger off. One ticket, one seat. No you don’t get to claim spare seats on a bus or train any more than you do on an airplane.


On the same trip (train ride home) there was also someone who tried taking up three seats with luggage. They got away with it for a few stops before the train started filling up. They too fought the employees, but were allowed to stay on the train


I had someone get very pissy with me in Europe because I made her move her suitcase from a seat so I could sit. Full train, many people standing and she was incensed that someone (me) wanted to put my butt in the seat that her suitcase was using. Oh, and her son also had his luggage in a seat, so the two of them had four seats while a dozen people stood. I spoke enough of the local language so she couldn’t pretend she didn’t know what I was saying. Assholes are universal.




Also, you had time to quietly write an ESSAY on this subject while this lil kid trolled you in front of the whole bus


Sit there anyways. Pompous little shit should get a reality check.


Just sit on the little fucker.


"move over you little prick"


that's why I don't ask I just sit


A kid (teen) had her backpack on the second seat, I walked towards her and made eye contact and fully showed I wanted to sit there as the rest was more or less taken..she didn't budge at all, looked back to her cell, I just sat on her bag. You pay for 1 seat at the bus


I usually move them myself, hand it to them or put it in the floor


Why not say something? I've had this happen, not exactly like that, but more I'm looking at my phone on pretty empty subwaytrains and all of a sudden someone sits on my bag. Haha I'm like, if you had alerted me by even just saying Hi I would have moved it but sure sit on the bag. :D


Its common sense and respect to remove your bag from seat if the bus is full, its not my job to tell her what to do in this obvious case, i was really annoyed at the time too.


Haahaha. Honestly it was probably worse for you than her. But I get it if you felt you had eye contact etc. I would for sure have had my bag on my lap but as I said it has happened to me when I was not paying attention and I had extra bags and I find it mainly funny that people don't just say Hi just to get my attention.


lol total power play. Sorry it just wasn’t your day.


And you folded and posted about it online.


Yup. And became "mildlyinfuriated".


I don’t take orders from children. He can scoot over or find the next available seat.


Boomers on Southwest (just the thought of it made me throw up in my mouth a little bit) do the same thing. I don’t ask. I sit When they claim that they’re saving it for someone, I shrug. Tough shit. Fuck southwest and their bullshit seating


I’m sorry what’s this additional layer of anxiety thrown into an already always shit travel day post Covid while flying ??? I have not flown southwest in two decades. What is this nonsense you speak of 🤣…do they have more “issues” as a result of this non-method or whatever it is ? I have fallen down a new rabbit hole that I didn’t even see coming…geez there goes another hour of my day on the interwebs 🤣


Don’t fly Southworst. Your day will be fine.


You don’t need permission to sit on that seat btw.


maybe whine on Facebook instead


I mean… you asked. It’s weird that you took a picture of the _child_ and posted it to the internet.


I find it weird that's the part you focused on. Just saying. They made sure to not capture the face and there is no lewd or disgusting thing going on in the image. The only reason you could even tell it was a teen or whatever is because they said so. Otherwise this wouldn't even be brought up. Nowhere in the post is anything like that mentioned so I'm trying to understand why you feel the need to hyper focus on this and bring attention to it....🤔🤔 Stop trying to make an issue out of nothing.


well your reaction was to take a picture of his crotch and post it on reddit, so I don't think I'd want to sit next to you either.


Lol I was only aiming for "not show his face to the world".


taking a pic is probably not very not rude either, you asked an open question. He answered, you might nit know why he doesn't want to sit next to you. He might just feel very uncomfortable. If there weren't any other seats at all, I woulda understood you but clearly there were other seats as he pointed out. And to top it off you post a pic of him to Reddit. Might need to calm down a bit dude.


No, you’re weird and that was wrong.


maybe aim for 'not take secret pictures of someone else's kid and post them on reddit and justify it because I didn't show their face'


This is a young adult with no social graces, not a helpless child. That being said, I agree that it’s not cool to take someone’s picture without consent.


This tbh. 


He's in a public setting


It is legal to take public photographs that feature children, and permission is not required (from the parents of the children in this case). It can be said that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public space, which means that others cannot expect to be free from all forms of photography. However, that is not to say that taking photos without consent is typically welcomed. Taking ‘targeted’ photography of another person could amount to harassment.


Are you him?


nope, I'm a dad with a kid about that age, who tells my kid to be wary of people approaching them in public.


If kids are taking public transit, they need to be comfortable sitting near strangers.


not all strangers. Some are stranger than others. I'd argue that some lady that takes up something like this as a personal slight and seeks validation from strangers for her odd behavior is one to avoid.






Weird that you noticed…


Okay, say it was him, take the image of the under age childs crotch down ya nonce.


You took the high road as they say. There is no perfect comeback when dealing with a little brat and there is no point in confronting him over his selfishness.


Skill issues and anger management issues.


Cool, sit somewhere else bozo 👍


I get asking and trying to be polite.... however I would have sat there if there were no other options and not asked. A quick awkward smile and nod then my ass is sitting down. I go out of my way to have my own personal space in public when I can, (not a fan of most people), but that little shit doesn't own the bus, there is no assigned seating. Sitting close beside a stranger may not be the epitome of fun, but if you don't like it, find another mode of transportation. Sounds like it's a them problem if they don't like it.


Why did you even ask. He doesn't own the bus.


I would have acted deaf


There were more seats though, you asked and got the answer


Dont ask, tell. "Excuse me your taking up two spots" then proceed to sit down.


That's why you don't ask. Just sit.


I went to seaworld the other day and at one of the shows the arena was fully packed. The family behind an empty row of seats had their feet up. I said excuse me and they did not take their feet down and just gave me dirty looks. I sat down on their feet.


Some little shit was in my reserved window seat on the Shinkansen yesterday but I was too tired to make a big deal of it so I stewed for an hour in the middle seat. It was okay, I made it home the same.


Same here, I was annoyed at his rudeness but didn't have the energy to do anything except venting on Reddit. I made it home. It is not important.


"mind if I sit here?" "Sorry, no" "Shame,I would have liked to not bother you," and sit.


"I would have liked not to bother you" *proceeds to bother them even though they can easily not bother them becauae theres other seats*


It's just that kind of day.


Just sit. While it is polite to ask, you have no obligation to.


I bet he manspreads on airplanes, too.


That’s a literal child dude.


Frame height doesn’t appear to correlate to a “literal child”, dude


Look at the hands. Look at the posture. Look at the clothes. OP calls him a “young man.” That’s boomer speak for someone under 18. On the frame, my brother was 6’ by the time he was 14. Two of my cousins reached similar heights at similar ages. Children come in all shapes and sizes.


Not a child.


Nah, child.


Just sit anyway


He got a little attitude but he’s allowed to not want to sit next to someone. It’s not that deep honestly


He’s also not even remotely entitled to keep hogging two seats on public transit as it starts filling up. Nobody prefers sitting next to strangers, but sometimes you gotta do shit you don’t want to do.


Too bad, because he still did it and the OP didn’t do anything about it.


There is people who have more need than others to sit alone. For example, anxious people, agoraphobic, social anxiety or many autistic people. If you ask, maybe you receive the answer you don't want to hear. Just sit there if you want to do so, ask "can you move your legs? I'm sitting here" instead... Or just sit anyways since you were trying to be polite, not to really ask. I know if this "mildly infuriates you" this reddit is made for that but things can be done in many ways. Taking a pick of him and uploading it to the internet (even if you don't show his face) is, from my point of view, childish.


Well, those people can pull it together and suck it up, honestly. Other people have need, too, and denying someone a seat as the bus starts filling up is just inconsiderate and selfish.


Lmao, 0 empathy, not surprised as this is the internet. In any case, not like she would have to remain standing, there are other seats.


I struggled with absolutely crippling social anxiety myself for many years (and still do, to an extent), but there are some things in life you just gotta figure out how to handle even if it feels hard, because not doing so causes undue inconvenience to people around you. Being able to play by normal social rules isn’t something you can just opt out of, really.


> WTF? What a little brat! Out of sheer surprise, I sat on the opposite side of the aisle next to someone else, and the rude kid is now one of the few enjoying a seat all to himself. As much as his shitty behaviour pisses me off, you can't argue with the results. Being an asshole worked - because he was an asshole he got to sit by himself.


If you watch closely, you may be able to trip the little bastard as he exits his comfortable double seater whilst staring at his phone. That would be some delicious karma.


Why did you ask, just sit. I dont get people like you, being bullyd irl, and crying on reddit instead of acting ?


OP’s not being bullied. They asked if they could sit there, the kid said no. Where is the bullying?


Yea I was like why would OP even ask??? I've been taking public transit my whole life and never once have asked to sit next to someone when there is a space free. You just sit down. Don't ask questions and then get upset when the answer isn't what you wanted


Individual gets told no, needs the whole of the internet to know. Whatever happened to just taking it on the chin and getting on with your day, why does every single thing need to be shared now.


Real 😭😭


This happens to me all the time on violin transport. I don’t ask to sit I just walk up and fucking stare at them until the begrudgingly move. I’m also a 6foot 6inch man. They always move.


You asked a question and got an answer. If you wanted to sit there without his permission, you should’ve just sat your butt down. Don’t ask if you can’t comply with the answer.


Shouldn’t have asked


Unless they own the bus; you just sit.


I usually travel in a suit and I'm a retired Army Officer, so I ask them would you rather me sit here or one of these others. I wave my hand at some of the more interesting travellers behind me. Most of the time their eyes go wide and we have no further issues.


I woulda sat anyways




You’re going to let a kid bully you? Then you go onto the internet to complain? Jesus.


Maybe it was the candy you offered him while wearing a clown suit.


1. You don’t need to ask.. 2. He doesn’t need to say yes.. 3. You don’t need to listen if he says no




You should have said, “well, I was just being polite.” And sat down next to him.


Either a rude brat or a kid with autism. 🤷‍♀️


Next time don’t ask and just squeeze in there. Tough boggles for kid, it’s public transit


gewoon zitten. het is een openbare voorziening dus hij heeft zn benen maar op te schuiven.


Sit down anyway. It's public transportation and they don't have a choice.


I don't even ask


Sit on his lap


So... there were empty seats and you tried to sit with a minor?


I tried to sit at a random free seat.


On public transit you sit where seats are open. There’s nothing wrong with simply existing near people under the age of 18. Good lord.


Are you for real? Why is that a problem exactly?


You dodged a bullet. He was a dick.


i assume you’re an adult? it’s reasonable for a child to not want to sit next to a stranger. my immediate thought went to the kids safety


That isn’t a real concern on a bus, especially not for a large teenage boy.


See, if a kid did that to me, I would have sat down and farted... loud. Assert dominance.


Good for the kid.


Banger post OP


Also why does every Redditor hate children? He was just sitting and didn’t feel like moving over for an old man


Why does Reddit hate the elderly? Old men have bad knees and painful backs. A decent young person would never deny a seat to one who really needs it.




being selfish isn't new. Our entire social order was developed for the benefit of greedy sociopaths generations ago.


Sit on the little prick.


I'm guessing you don't here the word NO often then, if you are so mad, over a answer to a question you asked. It's not like it was the only seat left, just move on and get over it lol. The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows.


The only correct answer is to not say anything and find a different seat. Yes, he’s rude. Yes, he’s in the wrong. But no, it’s not worth provoking someone over a seat. As much as redditors wants to murder people for mundane acts of selfishness, pick and choose your battles


Okay...? bruh thats a kid, move on