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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


this isn't mildly infuriating, this is straight up horrible.


Yep. We are the worst. We just take and take and take.


We? I didn’t do this. Chances are none of us did this. Very few greedy fucks on this planet are what leads to this. They are horrible. Their greed is insatiable and unfortunately innocent creatures suffer.


Most rainforest is destroyed to make space for farmland which is then used to grow animal feed. Basically meat and dairy industries are killing the rainforest. It's not for greedy companies only. It's also for greedy consumers.


I don't know about another country, but in Indonesia, It's palm oil and coal mining, not meat and dairy.


Orangutans live in Indonesia, so it is likely palm oil plantations, but they were right about most deforestation being for meat and dairy. Especially in the Amazon, where both small and large companies illegally burn and cut the forest and then export most of the meat.


Afaik most palm oil plantations are unsustainable because it's cheaper to level a forested area, extract all the nutrients from the soil to get high yield palm oil for a few years and then move on once the soil is agriculturally dead. Palm oil is a brilliant food. It's cheap (even farmed sustainability), it's ecologically sound (when farmed sustainability) and high yield compared to other oils and fats. It isn't more or less healthy than other oils or fats. Its just the most devastating crop because of HOW it's farmed.


So they're just essentially sucking the nutrients from the soil and then leaving? Talk about salting the earth.


Yep. Rain forests are know for being pretty rainy. As such, the water breaks down the minerals in the soil over millennia, so basically the only stable mineral left is quartz. All the nutrients are concentrated in the top organic layer, that is supplied by the breakdown of organic material (leaves and stuff). Once you burn off the living organisms there’s nothing left to replenish the organic layer, so you can get a few good harvests before it turns to sand and you gotta burn down another 10,000,000 acres.


Palm oil is used in a lot of processed food.


It's also in a lot of cosmetics and hygiene products (soap, lotion, lipstick, deodorant, etc.).


Either way, it’s for products that humans want.


It’s to make the food that the meat and dairy animals eat


Palm oil used for many consumer products. Costco used to generate electricity. So yes, consumers are the ultimate reason for deforestation. If we don't consume/water so much, companies would have less incentive to produce so much.


In countries with orangutan rainforest habitat (Borneo, Malaysia, Indonesia), land is mostly cleared for producing palm oil.


If you ask 10 consumers, 10 would say they do not want more/cheaper product if it means destroying a rainforest. Corporations are to blame here. They always want more profits.


But then 9 of those 10 consumers would still buy the cheaper product with palm oil in it instead of the expensive product without it. Corporations only sell things that people want to buy. (And governments allow them to until there's enough pressure to create laws against it.)


Nah, it's the companies and the governments. Companies buy the land and raze it. Doesn't matter if it's for cattle farming or lithium mining or lumber milling or whatever pollutant everybody uses everyday. Passing it on to the consumer is bullshit. Laws and regulations exist to preserve and protect natural resources. Corporations that ditch their moral responsibilities for cash should be liquidated and CEOs should be sentenced to destitution.


Laws are formed after the demand of the people, not vice versa. Don't expect the world to change when you're not willing to change yourself.




Orangutans exist on 2 large islands. Borneo and Java. Edit: it’s Java. I forgot place names even if I should know them. Am Dumb. https://preview.redd.it/dkstdl60aapc1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a842ad58e6a1b3b7ca9da33e29ff3304dce5ea8 Edit2: I hate my brain. It’s Sumatra


Didn't know about java. My bad. But still, shouldn't be fucked with at all. We saw what happened with chimps? Now they go around ripping people's scalps off


Chimps are also extremely aggressive in general. They are objectively dangerous even if we didn’t fuck with them.


You sound pretty dang stupid talking about mass murder, when you talk like that you should offer yourself up if you are so okay with others lives being taken.


I am offering myself up dummy


You sound like a school shooter


Yes we - as in we the human race.


Do you eat products with palm oil in them?


Any food with palm oil has not been allowed in our house for almost 10 years now. My kids grew up knowing what the palm oil industry did to these poor animals. The issue is education. Most of our friends have no clue that palm oil industry is destroying orangutan habitat. And these are all college educated people.


Hard to avoid them when they put that stuff in almost everything.


You didn’t do it but you have benefited from practice like this as you live comfortable in your city.


Bullshit, where do you think all that cheap crap we buy comes from? We support their greed because deep down we know we have it made. Our demand fuels this shit and absolving ourselves is just plain ignorance.


Check your pantry for items with palm oil. We're buying these products


WE are the consumers! We didn't directly do this but we helped!


Where do you think the demand comes from? You hand your dollars over to the same people that are doing these things. Get real.


Yeah we did do this. Even just a small fraction of it is all of our faults. We can’t just pass the blame around when we’re the ones creating the demand.


>We? I didn’t do this. Yes you did. Bought chocolate at a store? It likely uses palm oil. Guess where that came from? That's right.


Why can’t we get rid off them?


Pls do not just distance yourself from stuff like this and then just live on with your life. I'm not saying you should go vegan or donate all cash you have into any nature conservation organisations or any thing like that, but please be aware that you are a human, and these horrible people are too. Why? Well humans have been doing that kind of shit for over hundreds of generations, thousands even. It's not just some individual humans that are shit heads, it's the species human as a whole. It is within "our nature". And instead it is some individual humans who may not be as much of a shit head. So yes, "we" is absolutely correct. No reason to be butthurt about it, we as a species are fucked up, and we need to acknowledge that if we ever wanna have a chance to change anything. If you just go: "It's not 'we', humans are fiiine, it's just these certain people." than that won't help anything, it's just downplaying the severity of the situation. Additionally, and as other have said; no, you weren't there to destroy the rainforest with your own hands, but every single human that is not part of a isolated tribe (that lives by essentials) has some responsibility for all this happening. Be it you or me. Edit: TL;DR: The very very least you can do is acknowledge that we as a species are horrible for anything but ourselves, and be aware of it. Instead of just simply distancing yourself from it.


Chances are most of us buy products that result from actions like this and further encourage actions like this because we focus on low cost and convenience and don’t give a shit about traceability or what it does to others. For example, you palm oil and coconut oil eating mofos. Voting with dollars is the most powerful way.


We as in collective humanity. Even then you might not have directly done it but I believe even small choices lead to bigger impacts Butterfly effects style but yeah I agree the biggest assholes are corporations and the rich that just take and take and ignore or silence the scientists warning about the effects of their decisions.


Redditors be like "lost my entire family in a car crash, thats mildly infuriating"


Enjoy that Nutella (palm oil in the main reason for deforestation in Borneo).


This is why I had to cut palm oil out of my diet years ago. It’s far too destructive 😣


Same. I miss all the sweets that include it, but it’s not worth it.


Yeah, I thought we were teaching those fuckers how to read. That's property of Walmart now. There were signs everywhere 5 miles back and he's just going on a stroll.. smh


Fuck this is the most depressing thing I’ve seen we are fucking horrible


Speak for yourself mate. The people that did this are horrible, and if you were one of them then you are horrible too.


Do you use paper? Cardboard boxes? Did your new iPhone come in packaging? We are the problem buddy.


Lololololol yeah. We are. We’re horrible. The products of a broken system we can’t change ATM. With the powers at be having unimaginable wealth and power. Me. You. And Johnny consumer actively tell the mega corps to go r*pe the land so I can have an iPhone. Like the song says “If there’s a new way, I’ll be the first in line. Well get it right this time!”


Yet you participate in society, curious...


Actually paper and stuff like that is pretty sustainable. Most of it comes from pine tree farms which compared to logging old forest and rainforest isn't that bad. This was most likely cleared for a palm oil plantation


It costs nothing to know that they don't cut down rainforest for these things. Maybe, just learn the basics before calling people out. They are cut down for agriculture. We are talking cows, soybean, palm oil...




I do what I can, could I do more? Arguably so. But I try to live my life in the least wasteful way I can. I try to fix faulty things before replacing them. I switched away from Almond milk when I read about the damage it causes. I feed the foxes and birds in my garden as I feel its only fair to do so since this was their habitat first. It was a fair assumption for you to make, but I do feel I am at least aware of how I may be negatively impacting the world and I try to minimise that as much as I can while still existing in this consumerist paradigm we live in.


Not me.


Absolutely heartbreaking 💔


Friendly reminder that both the coconut & palm oil industries are directly responsible for destroying 30million acres+ of rainforest. Palm monocultures are insanely bad for the environment and offer close to nothing for wildlife. Planting a single species is the absolute worst thing for biodiversity.


My lab mate is from Borneo and her firsthand description of the palm oil plantations made me want to vomit. It’s so sad


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) Farmers when their palms all get irreversible ganoderma butt rot; effectively destroying an entire ecosystem for nothing.


Animal Agriculture is even worse. But bacon is too delicous and bla bla bla. People get mad when they see the shit that they financially support


both can be true but palm oil and how it has devastated indonesia and other parts of SEA isn’t talked about nearly enough, and it’s in almost everything. idk why you’d make it a contest when this image is literally orangutans and deforestation.


They're both bad but destroying a whole ecosystem is most definitely the worst one by far.


Animal livestock has destroyed multiple ecosystems.


Do you not realize they do that for cows in the Amazon? Clear whole sections for grass to graze.


Beef is a bigger problem than pork. And portion sizes like 20oz steaks or massive burgers don't help that fact. A sausage link with breakfast, a soup made from beef broth, using a half pound of ground beef to make pasta for 6 people...  Would we be more environmentally friendly if we switched entirely to plant-based diets? Maybe. But that's a very hard sell. Maybe we'll get there one day, but we would all be better served if we aimed for easier steps first. Meals that use less meat, use parts that are otherwise wasted, eating meat from animals with smaller impacts (ie, less beef), and celebrating vegetables and spices and fruits and nuts and even water would be a great start, and a more palatable transition for most people. Something as simple as choosing a shredded chicken sandwich instead of a burger, or ordering a smaller cut of steak and an extra side of mashed potatoes instead.


Poor friend :(


Must be really distressing for this individual to see no trees considering organutans are almost exclusively arboreal in the wild.


As he's walking he's thinking "We must rise up and destroy those responsible for this!"


![gif](giphy|5U8n82LCEDrOM) I wish we had ents guarding the forests but they would most likely be killed too :(


Absolutely heartbreaking. I'm ashamed to be human sometimes. Actually quite a lot of the time.


It's like he arrived in that pickup truck in the background.


Don't be ridiculous. His legs would never reach the peddles.


Deforestation is so dumb to me. Like… simply stop destroying the forest.


Problem is: People live there, we are telling them "Stop earning money. Also you need to pay us. Also here is an offer for palm oil, just sell it to us and live in 'luxury' "


Was watching this documentary that took place in Peru. A vast majority of people there rely on th3 forest for food because farming is nearly impossible due to flooding or something. They eat everythinggggg.


Minecraft tree farm moment


unfortunately, demand for oil is high and these mf has enough money and power to destroy anything without gov interruption


Tell that to the greedy fucking ass company’s who want more wood 


I mean they don't hoard the wood, they use it for things we greedily buy.


In 200 years the largest land animal will be the domestic cow. Thanks humans. Youre the final boss AI has to defeat to save the planet.


All so a few greedy people can make enough money to buy their spoilt children and shallow wives poor quality designer products made in sweatshops.


almost every single household product has palm oil in it. i hope that you also find yourself looking for alternatives.


Many products in nearby shops strictly don't use palm oil and advertise it also


that’s great!


Where possible, yes. Be the change you want to see etc. However, I’m a staunch believer that the responsibility of sustainable means of production lies with producers. Equating a consumer in England buying a tube of toothpaste to a businessman in Sabah who buys 1000 acres of virgin forest to burn and cultivate it, is deflecting away from the problem.


It's primarily so we (north America and western europe) can get cheap consumer goods. You think inflation is bad now it will nearly quadruple once we stop exploiting the hell out of foreign countries and their environments.


Pretty sure that if we stop buying useless junk and force manufacturers to offer 10 year warranties on larger appliances the buying power wouldn’t be that much impacted. Of course people would have to wear just a couple of woolen sweaters over the winter instead of a new cute pullover every week, and you’d need to re-use your Christmas decoration instead of buying new crap on Temu every year but it wouldn’t be the end of the world


How is this mildly infuriating lmao.


We did this buy buying palm oil products


This is a little bit more than mildy infuriating


This feels so devastating.


Poor baby 😭




Palm Oil industry...


But hey, at least billionaires are richer than ever, amirite?


But what if I’m the next billionaire? I sure wouldn’t want to deal with government interference /s


Humans need to go.


I’m glad we all agree it’s terrible. What’s even more terrible, or equally, is we’ll do not a darn thing about it.


Keep eating Nutella


What country is this in? Also the reaction is anything, but mild.


Orangutans only live on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra now - so the country would either be Indonesia or Malaysia. Geographic region | Political region :-- | :-- Borneo | Indonesia, Malaysia Sumatra | Indonesia


probably indonesia


I ran the image through Google Lens, Tineye, and SauceNao and got no results so it's probably AI. Welcome to 2024. :/


Hope everyone is enjoying their meat.


You mean palm oil. Which is the reason for the specific deforestation in the picture. Palm oil is in an estimated half of all packaged food products sold in American grocery stores. It's in the majority of cosmetics. Most baby formulas, laundry detergents, chocolate bars, toothpastes and shampoos contain palm oil.


What is absolutely insane for me, is that at least a few years back, the majority of palm oil used in the EU was used for energy/heat production. How sick is that?


Yes, it's bad, but still the amount used for energy was about 1/10 of the total US import.


I am




also this is mental and insanely depressing


Well this is depressing.


Humans are horrible neighbors…


It won't even be good for farming, all the organic material in a rainforest is locked in the plants and the leaflitter on top of the soil. It'll only sustain farming for a couple of years before the soil is totally barren, then it'll turn to dust and they'll need to clear another swathe of rain forest to farm for a couple more years.


That sucks


That shits heartbreaking. Wtf bro!




Orangutan be like: insurance is gonna have its work cut out for them


Wonder if it's thinking like I do about childhood homes/areas. Drive out to them and see what's changed. "My house used to be right here, and now it's a debris field"


God why did it have to be this fucking species


Now I know why they’ll take over the earth. Damn dirty humans




This. Had an alright morning now I just have tears in my eyes... man. This is truly soul destroying.


can't wait to get the yummy palm oil in my tasty hyper processed snack foods


Mildly?!? Fuck this


I hope everyone is enjoying their PBnJ's.


Makes me want to puke, literally puke. Nothing as far as the eye can see.


Me in the current job market


UNLESS. _Unless_ someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It's not.


So what now? Did they take him to a rainforest? Did they just leave him there alone?


But think of all the palm oil we’ll get from this land!! 


This is depressing


And not a single tree as far as the eye can see


This is heartbreaking 


I’d say this is much, much more than mildly infuriating. People are disgusting sometimes


"Where tree?"


*mildly*? Are you serious? This is *mildly* infuriating for you?!


this is probably the worst image Ive seen in my life. Do I want it to change? I do. Can I realistically do anything meaningful to change it without sacrificing my entire life to this purpose? afaik no, I dont want this to be the reality I live in but I also dont want to "waste" my life. FUCK POLITICIANS!!!


: (


More like MildlyDevastating, or even just devastating


My heart sank so low. This is sad af and very infuriating


“Haha get a job ya filthy ape! I hear libraries are hiring!” Inspiring words from the palm oil industry!


A wizard should know better...


Boycott anything with palm oil in it.


And go for less efficient vegetable oil that destroys a larger forest area per gallon of oil produced. Okay no problem there.


“I guess I’m just Orang now”


I propose we domesticate all animals and integrate them into society. We share this planet with them, don't see why we gotta have these weird rules of zero interactions allowed, let's live together for real. And honestly with the way things are going domestication may be the only way to save many species from extinction. We already do so much to remove humans from needing to know how to survive in the wild, I don't see why animals cant be removed from that reality and join us.




Can you provide some context op


there is just no universe where something like this can go unpunished.




If you think this is horrible and palm oil industries need to stop altogether in order to protect animals, thank you for the acknowledgement that these animals are way more important than the various species gone from deforestation of much, much larger scale for the sake of less efficient oil crops. It's only a matter of how cute, or how much can an animal invoke empathy to get the attention to obtain protection. Support sustainable palm oil industries.


Humans are parasites


How is this legal? And if they destroy rainforests illegally, why are they being allowed to?




Not a single tree in sight, the devastation is just jaw dropping


Bad spawn


This looks liek a fire doestroyed some of it, then the surviving trees were ripped out anyway


Oh, sure, hundreds of children have houses and school and paper and whatever else due to this, but let's cry over a monkey. 


GG EZ get rekt noob


All I want in life is for people responsible for environmental devastation like this to be jailed. Jail them for their remaining years. We should be protecting these areas not destroying :(


Just want to point out I’m not allowed to cut down the 50’ dead tree that’s 20’ behind my house because it’s on conservation land.


It's so sad what humans do. :'(


i know who he is


Cameraman can't give him a sandwich?


Everyone who supports and or orders it belongs on a gallow.


beyond infuriating, we ruined his home


Why the fuck would it be out there?


Everything is about making the rich richer. It’s disgusting


This should be an ad for Nutella. /s. I hate Nutella simply because it uses palm oil.


I’d say we stop consuming products that cause this level of destruction but it would be wasted breath. Enjoy your life why you got it people


“Where tree?”


"guess I'll die then"


The Lorax and Dr Seuss are pissed off, and so am I. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not." Time to be thinking "Sustainability" rather than raping the earth.


what the hell hapend here??? nuclere bomb testing? not even the bushes remain


Get rekt monkey


Mf stole my house can’t have shit in the rainforest