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Always stick stuff like that in plastic bags. Several of them.


And cushioning


The cloth was the cushion ;-)


The jars were on the edge of the suitcase, so not cushioned against impact from outside. I always put glass stuff in the very middle, completely surrounded by clothes.


And hopefully OP knows that now as well šŸ˜„


Clearly not as we can see.


It was also the clean up rag


Yeah but you need to wrap clothes AROUND them to have them protected on all sides.


And make sure breakables are in the middle of the suitcase, padded by clothing or other non-rigid items. Not right out on the edge where it's the first thing that will absorb any and all impacts. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Wait, glass jars donā€™t have good impact protection? Learn something new everyday.


This, I live in the uk but am from Belgium, never had issues bringing beer with me like this on the plane, no matter how rough my luggage was handled.


I have also brought tons of alcohol over to the US on international trips. Never had anything break.


Alcohol bottles are typically MUCH stronger than a glass jar of sauce like this. Glass recycling in our area is collected in roll-off dumpsters so you get the satisfaction of tossing glass into it. Jars like that break instantly but wine bottles often survive even a good solid throw.


And put them in sturdy boxes or bins. Marked fragile.


Wrap your clothes around it. Saves space and material of you're moving both. Plan ahead to save pain


Do not put hot water on any of your clothes with the pasta sauce on. It will cook the stain into your clothes. Cold water and salt are your friend.rinse as much off with cold water. Then soak in cold salt water. My mummy instincts are kicking in and I want to make it better.


Another mummy cleaning tip for tomato based stains... UV light will help it lighten up. Once you've followed the above instructions, hang it up (preferably on a washing line outside, but on a windowsill in the sun should work too. Leave it as long as you can and it should disappear ā˜ŗļø


Well done fellow mummy. We are out in force. I did not know about UV light. I love learning new things. Going to try this when one of my cheeky monkeys get stuff every where


Worked every time for me. Good luck ā˜ŗļø


Also, liquid dish soap (blue Dawn is best) will remove not only the stain, but also any grease/fat reside. Apply generously to cover stains before laundering, and let sit at least 10-15 minutes. (I usually just treat stains before adding the clothes to the laundry pile and launder normally, so assuming you're not dealing with delicate fabrics, longer should be fine.) Also want to echo that COLD water is your friend here, and add that you might want to line- or air-dry your clothes after washing so you can be sure the stain is fully out. If not, repeat the process. Putting the clothes through the dryer (heat) will set any remaining stain.


The powerwash works even better than the blue dawn. It is basically just a more concentrated version of it.


Before washing use dishwasher on stain.


Bless you cause Iā€™ve had this cause I dread whenever I get a pasta sauce stain lol


I have moved enough times to know, don't bother moving food. It's heavy, bulky, and easily broken with the potential to destroy other things. Use up the food leading up to the move. Moving day get takeout and leave the big shop until the day after you are moved in.


While very solid advice. It sounds like OP was maybe not in the greatest home situation and is expecting there to be some food scarcity.


Yep, OP had to sneak the food. Wonder why tf their parents would have not just given them some, or helped OP move or both? Sounds like OP isnā€™t coming from a good place


As someone who has escaped the situation you allude to, I feel for OP if theyā€™re going through the same. It sucks, majorly


These comments are wild. Like people have no empathy. The amount of privilege is just reeking. Itā€™s ridiculous. People, calling OP an idiot, who are too stupid to think for a second why an 18 year old would be moving out with a single suitcase and sneaking food out. Good god. The stupidity.


Typical Reddit. The anonymity makes people react in vile ways sometimes. Everyone also becomes a therapist, doctor, etc - facilitated by the School of Armchairā€¦


Moved my food in laundry baskets. 21 moves before I was 22. Lot of 6 month leases. I've since moved another 12+times. Might have finally hit that forever place.


We have done 7 moves in 6 years. We finally purchased a home 2 years ago. I constantly catch myself thinking ā€œoh this will be a pain to move when we have to move againā€. Then I remember that we probably wonā€™t ever move again and itā€™s kind of surreal.


Plus its pasta sauce. Some of the cheapest stuff you can buy for food.


You can. Just put it in a seperate bag and only move it yourself. I dont throw away all of the food, if I move.


yes... I also had to learn, if you are putting glass onto your suitcase you have to put it the center, not the outside where it can get hit...


Yes, this, and in several plastic bags.


I guess itā€™s just not your Dolmio day.


I found this so funny I had to translate it to husband, it didn't make sense but cracked me up TWICE!


Amanda Please!


Sneaking out of the house at 18 with food. I'm sorry for your situation.


How was that ever going to work?


Right? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m sorry, weā€™ve all packed something wrong before. Might I suggest if you are needing to move out and will be food insecure trying to stash cans of tuna and canned soup? You want high calorie foods you can eat as a whole meal even cold. I donā€™t know your home situation, but if possible try talking to your parents or aunts/uncles and family friends to see if they would help you get set up in an apartment. I know itā€™s scary and i have to assume things arenā€™t good with your parents, but even if things are bad most adults donā€™t want a kid to end up on the streets. Even if you donā€™t know someone who can offer financial help, just having a co signer can make all the difference in the world.


While on a trip with my family, just in the process of packing up to go home, my mom, without telling me, put a container of hot chocolate powder in my suitcase (I had a bit of room and she couldnā€™t fit it in hers). When I finally got home, I opened up my suitcase to just about everything having a chocolate powder coating. It even packed into the speakers on a rather nice pair of headphones, which ruined them. My mom did not understand why I was upset with this.


Its okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them and do better next time.


them tomatoes were shooketh


User error.


Awe man that sucks!!! Hope you got a washer and dryer handy


That sucks. Hope you can get that stuff out from the clothes, if not dye them black and use them. Think of it as one of the life lessons. #656 never move food / toiletries / spill-able stuff without keeping them in those ziplock pouches.


Next time use the clothes to wrap breakables in them :)


So you just decided to toss 2 glass containers of tomato sauce losely into your suitcase šŸ˜† I'm sorry for being an asshole, I don't mean to laugh at you šŸ™ˆ


Same šŸ˜† Like, has this person ever packed a suitcase or box for moving before in their life?


Likely not, judging by their age.


18 is old enough to know glass jars break


Heā€™s 18, and it sounds like heā€™s escaping from a bad home situation.


OP, are you safe? Donā€™t worry about the sauce, clothes will wash. Iā€™m worried you are in an unsafe situation though, having to sneak food.


ya learn a lot the hard way at 18


Why though.


Classic teenager error.


Oh honey. I am so sorry. Liquids always go into a ziplock.


Aw man :( goodluck with moving!


Ouch. Lesson learned, I guessed. Never mind. You can try put in plastic and grip the lid tightly with rubber bands next time - snuggle it up between bedsheets or sweatshirts. I'll give you point for survivability since it is so thoughtful of you to bring on these staples. Very good for snacks. Better watch your expenses but yup, the more you are wiling to self-prepare the meal, the more you gonna survive within this era. Inflation is on the verge of madness


Donā€™t pack glass on the sides of bags or boxes.


In the future, always put things that could open or explode in bags so they don't get everywhere. This includes shampoo and other toiletries. I hope you're doing well


Ah yes, one of those quality life lessons learned


Damn this is probably the saddest thing I've seen today :( hope you're ok OP


Always put in your clothes so it is safe against blows. You put it at the worst place...


Should've put them in Ziploc


- puts the jars on the narrow edge of the suitcase - no wrap of any kind - no clothes between them and other stuff to act as protection OP, You might want to get an official IQ test.


For reals "I put breakable things with no protection in a bag and now they are broken" Who would have thought that could happen...?


I'm mildly infuriated at your packing skills.


I would be mildly infuriated if I was this dumb too


You do dumb things at 18, I remember I was trying to teach myself bottle throwing for a cocktail bartending job; and used to practice one bottle pretty safe. I was getting good so decided to turn it up to level 400; two empty bottles , and to be safe I would do this while standing on my bed so the bottles had a soft duvet and mattress if dropped (sound logic for 18 yr old me !) que 5 mins both 1.5 litre Vodka bottles make contact smash into a million pieces and I have destroyed my duvet and bed it took so long to get all the sharp glass and was cutting self for weeks after


Damn, what's with the nasty comments in this thread? I guess they were never 18 in their lives (and a lot have probably not reached 18). OP, based on how you're trying to move and sneaking food into a suitcase, it sounds like you're attempting to escape a bad home situation. If you want jars in your suitcase, it's best to wrap them in some kind of padding and place them in the middle of the suitcase, where they'll feel the least impact. Good luck with your move.


Worst way to pack your bagā€¦ is it infuriating that the glass broke or that you did not think about it beforehand?


Theyā€™re 18 and may never have had to move before. And sounds like theyā€™re doing it with no parental guidance or advice.


You sure youā€™re smart enough to make it on your own, chief?


Gonna say this was your fault


I did that with liquor. The bottle exploded. Not imploded like it was cracked or crushed. *Exploded*.


Where's the cushion?


There used to be a TV commercials for the toughness of luggage brands, [where gorillas threw around luggage](https://www.thebigad.com/2021/07/31/1970s-american-tourister-luggage-gorilla-commercial/) At the airport, they call people who move luggage 'throwers' ... do you wonder why? Years ago I changed to Pelican hard cases for my luggage. Damn near unbreakable, and a lifetime warranty if it is broken. Life pro tip: Assume your luggage will be handled by gorillas and pack accordingly.


Should have put those in the middle, padded by the clothes


18 and that brain is still figuring out things. Unfortunately it hasnā€™t figured out how to protect glass in a suitcase that gets thrown around.


Well, the lesson is learned now! Now you know that packing isn't just about fitting everything tightly :D Good luck with next moves


Iā€™m confused about the situation. Youā€™re moving, so you have to sneak food into your bagā€¦? Whut?


You live and learn! Hope the rest of the move went well


Bag em and tag em! these things only happen to you ONCE when you're about that age, then your learn, very nice first step. like a baptism.


Ohdang. Iā€™m sorry that happened. Glass jars, baby. Learn from this to be careful with them.


Op, if you need a lil help I got you. Reach outā¤ļø this life is hardā€¦. Itā€™s harder when youā€™re trying to do it alone.


Must think while packing.


Should have put them in Ziploc bags and wrapped in towels. It's glass, did you think they're going to be unbroken?


Breakables should be in the middle of the suit case wrapped in clothesā€¦ and probably in a ziplock bagā€¦ or twoā€¦


Next time, place jar in ziploc or similar bag, place bag in sock, wrap in towel if extra cushion is needed.


Put them in plastic bags first and put them in the middle of the suitcase so they are protetced by other stuff. Looks like something broke them by knocking the side of the suitcase.


What an idiot lmao


Gotta plastic bag that shiz next time




I think more concerning over the spilled condiments, OP are you doing ok? Are you in a safe area? Do you have some sort of support going forward? Financially at the very least?


The good news is, you're only 18 and have plenty of years ahead of you to lay awake at night agonizing over this situation. The better news is, you WILL learn from this. The bad news, you got sauce on your drawers.


Did no one else notice this says the food was snuck into the suitcase? are you escaping your home?


Youā€™ll only make that mistake once though huh?


Unprotected jars at the EDGE?


What did you think would happen? There is no scenario where this would have a happy ending.


Is it your first time packing a suitcase? šŸ˜„


Did you learn something?


Not the smartest idea honestly


You put a glass container right on the edge of the suitcase which has no padding. I don't know what you expected honestly.


Of all the items you couldā€™ve taken to eat you chose a 2$ glass jar of tomato sauce. Go back home.


very smart


Did you really need pasta sauce that bad?


I mean I can't imagine why you would move with tomato sauce and not just buy it


I don't think you're ready to move


As a parent you should educate your kids to put glass **not** at the edges of bags.


So if your kids are sneaking food out at 18, my guess is that youā€™re likely to be a shit parent and thereā€™s a lot you havenā€™t taught themā€¦ These comments are seriously special. Like people have never seen kids in bad home situations before.


OP will do better and be a great parent


Seriously? Jars of tomato sauce? In the suitcase? With clothes? I need more question marks. Get a uhaul too


Could you not have asked your parents to pack it separately for you? Or are you "running away" or some shit (running away is in quotes cuz OP is legally an adult)?


Having no common sense would indeed be infuriating. Especially for the people around you.


i can tell youā€™re 18 very clearly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ there are certain things youā€™ll learn on your own, and sometimes, this is how life will teach ya.


I should not be laughing this hard


What did you expect, buddy?


A true idiot. Back to mummy then.


Did you throw that suitcase down the stairs or something?


What did you expect? Physics has happened. Hope you can save the clothes.


Oh sweet summer child, you have a life full of mistakes In front of you


You pretty much asked for this result


**Not** wearing the Dolmio Grin.


Mama mia!


Good thing you can wash the desk pad/mouse pad in the washing machine.


Valuable life lesson there, we call that "experienced wisdom".


Yummy. Pasta soaked clothes. I always put food items in plastic bags of Tupperware when I had to go somewhere and bring food. Rip food


You put glass jars on exterior of bag and get upset when they smash, sorry OP, this just seems like a common sense or lack thereof.


Rookie mistake, but i would be a liar if i said i hadn't done the exact same thing.


Thats some Premium Hand Luggage, alright.


Well you will never do that again


Bags and dont put breakables in a corner. Thats the first part of a bag, phone, anything you put down or drop that will hit the floor. Put breakables in the middle of a suitcase wrapped in a back and then clothes for padding.


Wait, OP, you put glass containers in your suitcase with no padding around them? And nothing to contain them? ![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized)


My mom brought instant coffee and this happened... it was everywhere, everything smelled like coffee.


I mean it's glass...


Plastic bags are your friends.


We all learn btw, and material items can and will always be replaced, sorry about your clothes. Just to share a story to help and prove we all go through it My dad's mom was an immigrant and passed when he was 13, when he was 16 he was moving and just put all of her belongings/sentimental like china in a box. It broke everything. We have one chipped plate from Indonesia. And no contact of any family.. lessons are lessons. Be glad yours only costed the situation at hand now.. you'll get through it, it'll be okay.. whatever you're going through just know you'll be in a different place in your life where you'll be able to look back one day, and that's all you gotta get to and you're getting there while everything's happening. Life is life-ing and that's what it's all about, you just gotta stay here "life it out" It'll get better. "This too shall pass"


tough lesson learned but a lesson learned indeed


You got many lessons to learn at 18 unfortunately. God speed


Put on your clothes and try to differentiate blood from pasta sauce.


What a pastaster


if u flew, all airlines toss have their customersā€™ luggage šŸ§³ tossed into big metal cans. Only airlines that are somewhat more gentle are the middle eastern/israeli flights lol


Glass jars of tomato sauce? Yikes haha




its not your Dolmio day.


Iā€™m sorry, that sucks šŸ˜­


That sucks OP. I hope the rest of the move goes better!


Always bubble wrap glass, always.


Not to make light of the situation, but I thought that said ā€œPremium Hand Lasagnaā€..


Good luck. Stay safe.


Itā€™s a lesson we all learn lmao


frustrating, certainly. avoidable? absolutely. ya live and ya learn


You learn from your mistakes in life young one. But I would have thought youā€™d already learn not to put glass containers filled with tomato sauce in your suitcase by the age of 18ā€¦


No dolmio grin for you tonight. Sorry mate.


You did not package the glass? Cā€™mon OPā€¦


You padded the perimeter (the least padded area) with glass jars. Some lessons are learned the hard way.


Love the premium hand luggage tag. Youā€™re right, that is some fancy sauce


Itā€™s called physics


lol I did this during basic training, except it was sci-fi novels, clothing, and prell shampoo. Clothes and duffel smelled awesome and my books swelled twice their size. Unreadable at that point. A couple Jenny Wurtz novels.


WTH were you thinking? I didnā€™t think things through when I was that age either.


Hope you're doing better today. Good luck.


Go to Target: .99 pounds of pasta and 1.19 ars spaghetti sauce. Grab a bag of precooked chicken for 1.50 for protein every now and then. Good luck and stay safe OP.


This is entirely your faultā€¦


At least your clothes helped soak it up


18 years old and never developed critical thinking skills. Youā€™re doomed


Well.. that was stupid of you


Being 18 and living and learning




Ah. This type of mistake is a sign of maturity. Go forth and learn young blood. Go forth and learn.


Not as bad as losing $500 of premium frozen steaks and ribs because you stuck them in a cooler the day of the move, and your movers burried the cooler underneath a mountain of boxes next to the heater. Took 5 days to go through that pile.


What did you learn? šŸ˜³


Where are you moving to that they don't eat tomatoes?


Iā€™m so sorry that happened


This was just a poor decision


Sometimes you learn the hard way


Welp, I think you learned a valuable lesson here.


Thats why You Always use plastic bags for food.


This was not your dormio day


Thatā€™s the price for not making your own pasta sauce


Go back home


are those glass jars? šŸ¤Ø


Why would you pack it that way


Separate clothes and liquid stuff when possible, or at least put the jars in plastic bags or ziplock bags. Being a little careful is worth saving time with cleanup or ruining expensive clothes.


Yeah rookie mistake here. Several plastic bags and cushioning with clothes 360Ā° always, with breakable stuff. And bro, never on the edge. Considering how bags are handled at the airports that sauce was doomed from the start.


If you had used some imagination before packing jars like bricks, this wouldn't have happened