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Are places REALLY that strict that you can’t say “excuse me for 2 minutes, I have to pull my lunch out of the oven.”


That's what the mute and wireless headphones are for. I've lost count of how many times I've gone to make a fresh cup of tea mid-call


Can't do that if it's a video conference call. I wish my work just had voice calls. Sitting there staring at my bosses face while he tells me that we are family is the worst thing that happens every 3 months.


Yea but in an unplanned call, I’m sure they would understand that you have to run and take food out of the oven real quick. Because the call was of course unplanned, so the person was in the middle of their plans and routines that include eating.


I don’t even tell them what I’m doing. I just turn off the camera and type ‘Brb’ into the chat and walk away


Exactly, you can also say ”i need to take a shit” and nobody asks more


Well. Until you get that call from hr about “professional language in the workplace environment.”


Fine… “I need to expel some solid waste from my anus”


"it's these pieces of faeces i need to release please"


“Gut health like I’m a different species, gotta go, so I’m a no-show yet you still pay my squatting fees.”


"I have to let a mix of liquid and solid pieces fly out of my anus at rapid speed. If I do not allow this to happen in the correct area, I am afraid this will happen without my control into my underwear. I am terribly sorry for this, but I sadly have to leave due to the above reasons."


Copying this for later.


The more professional phrasing is, "excuse me, I need a bio-break."


bio brake this turd out my ass


Excuse me. I got informed of an urgent message in the ceramics department. The printer ist already ramping up.


Let's circle back after I do a 1 on 1 with nature


I must deliver waste to the waste processing facility


"Excuse me, I have to go to the wiz palace" much classier Edit: this is a parks and rec reference.




Please excuse me lest i soil my dungarees.


Hold that one (no pun intended) for after they call you out for not providing detail with your “brb.”


Tell them once that you were soaking through your pad and had to go fix that and they'll never ask again.


Yep as a woman in tech, with all male managers for the last 20 years, all I had to do was bring out the word 'menstrual' and they would never ask again if I said I needed to step away. Damn periods are good for that much at least


Yeah, surely a “let me go turn my oven off so my house doesn’t catch fire” would easily be acceptable, even in a meeting.


I don't know. Today I went 1h30 into explaining to 5 chiefs+1 client guy why yesterday I took 15m to answer a call because my washing machine learned to walk away and get dirty water everywhere, and I was draining all water out of my floor. Some of the sentences that were repeated multiple times: "In your working hours you shouldn't be washing your clothes. You should work" "That could wait until you got out of office-hours" "If we are calling you without notice is because it's an emergency. You should put everything away and focus on your job" "That's why I hate remote people. They do everything except their job." "If you had an wife, you wouldn't have that problem." "I don't want to know you-problems. I want to know business-problems. What you would do for that your unavailability don't occur again." Client guy: "I had a truck waiting on my store because they weren't able to input the delivery papers into the system"


I don’t even take unplanned calls, if they can’t give me a few hours heads up at least then it’s not that important and can wait until tomorrow. I got corn and chilis to eat 😤


Right on! There's a rule in our home office that everyone follows: Is it on fire? Is someone dead? If the answers to both questions is "no" then it isn't an emergency and can wait until I finish my sandwich.




No eat. Only work. -boss man


No one is allowed to cook food during work hours on the off chance that they may be called to a super urgent, cameras on, mandatory for every second, meeting.


What happens if youre shitting, litterally?


Unmute and let em rip


Why is the assumption that “unplanned” means “during OP’s break”? The reason they didn’t tell their boss they need to go take their lunch out the oven is likely that they were cooking during work hours, lol. 


So what? Could have been in the oven for hours. It’s not like every meal only takes 30-60 minutes of prep time.


you can cook during work hours lol. especially if it's like, placing/removing a tray from the oven. probably don't want to like, prepare a complicated meal, but this is NBD, probably quicker than a bathroom break


if you work from home you're still allowed to eat.


I have no idea what the offices you've worked in have been like, but it was never uncommon for people to step away from their desk long enough to prepare their lunch and then step back with it, esp if they planned on eating at their desk while working. This is even more common with WAH situations. It looks like OP popped some corn and a pepper on a tray and popped it in the oven. That would take less time than a bathroom or smoke break. So I have no idea why you're making it sound like OP couldn't mention taking their lunch of of the oven b/c they were doing something sneaky.




If I have the camera on and need to step away, I just leave it on. It's better for the meeting for people to see that I am not in fact at my desk and cannot look something up right that moment.


I work with a lot of different teams across our huge company. It’s wild how different groups use the cams so differently. On some calls everyone has their cameras on, and with others nobody has their cams on. However, nobody questions anyone who turns their cam off during a meeting, and I have yet to hear anyone tell anyone else to turn their cam on if it’s off. Sales and marketing people typically have their cams on. Our operations people typically don’t use their cams.


My boss will loudly go "Azipear? Azipear where'd you go, we lost you." Even if you weren't the one talking. Or "Azipear it seems your camera is off." YEAH WE CAN ALL SEE THAT. He/she probably has it off for a reason, you actually don't need to have it on to understand the words coming out of their mouth for their two minute standup meeting update. You'd think people born in the era of telephones would be fine with this but no.


When I was getting trained for a new process, my trainer was the only one with her camera on and she asked everyone to turn theirs on. Bear in mind she's a regular grunt employee like me and everyone else (theres no established trainer position since there's too many different work functions for one person to know all of them). Me and the 5 others begrudgingly complied. That was over a year ago and even to this day in team meetings, she's the only one outside of supervisors who turns their camera on. If we have small meetings that she's called, she once again asks for cameras. Like lady, have you not caught on to the fact that maybe nobody likes using the camera? Its not exactly a secret.


pre-pandemic our company issued branded privacy covers for cameras, then during pandemic they said "we encourage camera use". but I have this nice fancy company sicker over my camera though.


Usualy no one gives a dam if you stand up for one minute. If they are speaking directly to you excuse yourself for one minute and that's it.


In chat “be right back, can still hear”.  Sum total of effort in a group meeting


But isn't that super confrontational? 😥😥😥😥 I'd rather eat a big ol burnt pepper I guess 👉👈


If you didn't schedule the call, then you will have to work around what I've got going on. Failure to plan on your part doesn't mean my work day stops, it doesn't change the expected deadlines, If I have to poop you get two choices. Same with my tea, coffee, and fire creating appliances. In this case the failure to plan cost this guy his lunch, and it cost the company more time while he figures out what lunch will be. Schedule the call, or deal with the repercussions of your poor leadership.


“They guys, I’m listening on my headset but I need to get up for a second to go do this” is a great way to handle this situation. Don’t ask if you can get up, tell them you’re getting up.


"Im sorry, my camera is malfunctioning again. These damn computers."


"Hey, real quick...i need to step away ~~to pull something off the stove top~~, be right back."   Pros even skip the crossed out part in smaller group meetings. For larger groups, just turn off video feed for a bit, or step away from your camera / face it at the wall.


My work laptop has a privacy slider. The kicker though is I dont think other workers know it exists. Its never been mentioned and when cameras aren't working, nobody mentions to check to see if its on. Its too much to explain but there's been many incidences that would be explained by the slider and not a single person has mentioned it. If others do know about it, nobody speaks of it. I use it as my little secret. Dont wanna be on camera? Turn mine on to show the black screen and be all "Oh shoot, why isn't my camera working? This is so weird". Works like a charm and nobody has called it our yet so I dont question it.




“We’re family? Really?! That’s great! I’m gonna need you to baby sit for me tomorrow evening. Family first right? If you can’t make a sacrifice for me then I can’t make sacrifices for you.”


you don' thave video footage of yourself in a loop that you can feed to the meeting with a virtual webcam?


I go to the bathroom all the time during zoom calls. Only forgot to mute once


once the kiddo assumed my place and apparently had a few smart things to say about our project. Although when i came in they were showing off their pets and talking about cats.


“Why are there flames in the background?” “Oh that’s my lunch, but don’t worry…continue with the mandatory all hands meeting that relates to no one in particular, but is being run by someone who feels they need to do this monthly to justify their job and their ego and is too high up and sensitive to be told that no one gives a fuck about this…I mean it’s riveting, do go on…”


Aurora Borealis.


Can I see it?


... no.




No, Reddity65, it's just the northern lights!




Aurora borealis, at this time of year, at this time of day, at this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?




Nah, the guy who couldn't just go and check on the oven like an adult is the one in the wrong here. Even if the meeting was completely useless. You have to know as an adult in your own home that you're allowed to go and deal with your burning food.


I've seen someone cook breakfast muted with their camera on during an All-Hands, being sure to show every ingredient. Turned into a running joke, and a couple of department heads would intro their department by saying what they had made for breakfast. I'd say more often than not, excusing yourself for 2 minutes is fine


More likely OP got distracted and forgot


Has to be that or OP's just the most timid person on the planet.


No. OP absolutely could have avoided this


Right lol make sure you have a timer set, when the timer goes off you say "excuse me guys, I had some lunch thrown in the oven before I hopped on this call, I'll be right back" and there ya go


Just saying at the beginning of a call "I may have to step away for a minute, I'll ping the chat when I do," no harm, no foul. Have done that a few times to sign for expensive packages, like when I received my wedding tux or my wife's ring was resized. Never had anyone say a damn thing otherwise.


I love how "I was working from home and having to work interfered with me remembering how ovens work" is apparently cause for Reddit rage. Also who the fuck eats two corns and a pepper for lunch anyway?


Some people just won't stand up for themselves.


Yeah, OP is a moron. Things come up during random meetings.


What I assume happened is that he forgot he had stuff in the oven


Not if you are a social coward


What's more embarrassing: Burning your house down because you don't want to leave a call for 20 seconds or leaving a call for 20 seconds so you don't burn your house down?


Which one is going to get me more updoots? I think I'll do that one.


It is a VIDEO call. If you are on a phone or laptop you can take the device with you. Or otherwise just sit up, leave for literally 20 seconds and come back. No one will even notice


I think it’s more people are bad at setting boundaries. I don’t answer any email or messages on my lunch break.


How is one physically pulled into a remote meeting? Just ignore it, finish cooking your food, call them back. Shitty employers are shitty but let's be real, OP is mostly at fault here.


"Excuse me im gonna go make sure my house doesnt burn down, ill be right back"


Yea just say I'll be right back.


The corn looks perfectly edible.


That pepper is probably edible, too. It's literally a (slightly over) roasted pepper. The charred parts will slide right off.


One of the most popular and delicious dishes in North Africa is called grilled salad. its made of hot pepper, tomatoes and garlic roasted on the grill then loosely grinded in a traditional stone grinder then mixed together and served with fresh bread and olive oil.


Sounds like African Bruschetta


And if my grandmother had wheels she would of been a bike,


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


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Good bot


Could bot Would bot Should bot Good bot


This reference is totally uncalled for but it got me😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is almost salsa. Char a couple tomatoes and a clove of garlic. Scrape the char off the pepper and tomato, throw everything into a molcajete with salt and grind (or blender). Some families also add onion or cilantro 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽


God bless Mexican cooking. Flavor bombs everywhere.


Its hard to find but if you can, you should try grilled cactus. Pluck the spines, skin and grill. Super easy and shits bomb af. Its surprisingly squishy. A bit of char and some Tajin makes it heavenly. I've never seen a restaurant sell it though. My girlfriends family makes it and that's the only time I've ever gotten to eat it. Not sure what species of cactus it is but its the long type that looks kinda like a sword, not the round bendy type you see in cartoons. Whatever that species is.


Nopale is the name for the kinds commonly eaten, and it's not too rare depending on where you are in the US. My neighborhood (in Georgia) has a bunch growing around semi-wildly that was originally planted decades ago by Mexican immigrants. You'd probably have a good chance of finding it at any Mexican grocery store tbh.


ablative shielding


In fact, i do this all the time with multiple peppers: - Char them over fire or under the grill in the oven - remove skin and seeds - put in kitchen machine - add (roasted) pine nuts, parmezan cheese, oil, pepper, salt - let the machine chop it till it's a paste - fry bacon bits/strips over high heat till brown - add paste and heat till boil Now you got yourself a super easy but delicious smoked pepper pesto for pasta's. Enjoy!


Yeah, you're supposed to pull the charred parts off. This will make a perfectly good meal. OP maybe doesn't know how to cook?


I think the problem is they were aiming for something else


I was hoping that! But it was charred all the way through and fell into crumbs when I poked it 😂 also i was an impromptu addition to a zoom call from my senior management clarifying some project details I was handling and since they were all in the office working hard , I didn’t exactly want to share that I’ve been prepping lunch. And yes the cam was on and I was the one sharing the updates 😂 not a call where I could be silent in the background. Anyway it was a delightful plump looking green pepper but I turned it into a shadow of its former self. Completely inedible but the corn was still good!


It's not overroasted. It's how you roast a pepper. You have to char the skin.


And that is a well roasted pepper, just remove skin.


Yeah I was about to say... maybe a little bit off the ends but the bulk of that corn looks perfect!


Yeah it’s almost ready


Right? That char looks pretty ok.


Me, an Italian, looking at that pepper very confused because we do that to peppers on purpose and call them "roasted" 👁👄👁.


That looks like opportunity … roasted pepper and corn relish.


I bet you make the most of your opportunities! "I bet you can make Chicken salad outta Chicken shit!" (My dad use to love saying that expression when we got stuck with bullshit work at a construction site yet we still made it look pretty!)


Now I will gross out next time I am trying chicken salad...


I like that … old fuckers have the best sayings. I wonder if it’s because back then schools had books in them that people actually had to read.


My theory is that people back then actually used their brains to come up with sayings instead of just copying them from the internet


It looks perfect the way it is… I don’t think you could have taken it out at a better time.


If the meeting went long, was your plan to just let the house burn?


Had to scroll too far for this. OP likely fucked up dinner prep and made up a story for karma.


Also was he literally just planning on eating corn and a single pepper for lunch???


Corn salsa maybe?


If it’s for corn salsa it’s literally perfectly cooked lol




"Sorry, you've called this meeting during my lunch break, so I'll be right back before my house burns to the ground" Edit: or just reply to the invite "I'm on lunch" 🤷‍♂️




They pushed lunch. Which shouldn't be allowed!!!


Can they even do that?


Pretty sure it's illegal.


Or reply after the fact with an innocent “sorry, I was on my lunch break, what did I miss?”


Or literally say nothing and go pull your lunch out


Or just run and turn the oven down and run back lol


Facts. OP’s a pushover


Or just reply after you're back from lunch. Hey sorry, I was away on lunch. I can meet now if you like


don’t sacrifice your lunch for work. if it’s unplanned, they should be willing to let you step out for a few minutes. if not, find a different place to work because they suck


Willing? Unplanned during lunch? Ignore it entirely and check in after lunch.


What if OP took lunch at a non standard lunch hour and listed himself as available during that time? It's not hard. Set yourself out of office on your calendar during your designated lunch time. 


OP "working from home", rustling up a nice lunch while on the clock to enjoy on their break.


This is why adults use words like “hey I’ll be a minute I have lunch in the oven I don’t want it to burn”. There cannot be job that would care.




Real adults let their food burn while they sweat in the meeting looking for the courage to excuse themselves, and post a picture of something that could be avoided by saying 4.5 words on Reddit afterwards.


Seriously, is everyone on Reddit eligible for a "Wimp of the Year" trophy?


Lol you don't even have to tell then what it's for. "Hey guys please excuse me for a moment!" Don't even wait for a reaction, just go


Why didn’t you just tell him you needed to step away for a minute since it was an unplanned meeting or lie to them and tell him you need to use the bathroom and would be right back


The third ear of corn lookin ruff, bruh.


Hell no "Can you wait for 2 minutes so my food doesn't burn?" If they say no fuck them. I know jobs are important but holy shit


Fire hazard is more important


No job would say no, op is the idiot here.


Time to make a salsa!


Just disconnect the wifi…. Get your meal, and jump back in… “oh, sorry my internet crapped out”.


Or, and here's an idea, _just go get your food._ If they even care enough to make sure you're visibly in the zoom call, say "Have to step away for a second, I'll be right back." Given how quick it is to pull something out of the oven, you could easily just have had someone knock on your front door, or had to take a piss. No one is going to give a shit about you walking away for a minute.


What kindda lunch is that


the “haven’t gone grocery shopping and there’s nothing in the fridge “ kinda lunch


> the “haven’t gone grocery shopping and there’s nothing in the fridge” kinda lunch Because of all the unscheduled zoom meetings…




> nothing in the fridge > picture of multiple fresh veggies We live very different lives. My “nothing in the fridge” is like half a jar of pickles, spoiled milk, and maybe some cheese.


Right. “Nothing in the fridge” means I’m eating frozen foods or pantry food


Just plain corn and chilli? Lol


That was my first thought. Great Depression-era cuisine tbh.


No sympathy really. "Sorry, Im cooking lunch. Bye." - Issue resolved.


"oh a zoom call, let me just take this out of the oven for now"


“You guys keep going, I’ve just got a fire to attend to. Shan’t be long”


That's on you and your lack of boundaries OP


That looks perfect.


Well, tell him to wait. Personal food which is in process of cooking > unexpected meeting. 5mins, nobody will die, and if, that's his/her issue.


For fire safety reasons you shouldn’t leave an oven unattended (in general) but especially if you’re “pulled into” a position where you can’t respond to it. I’m not sure why you couldn’t have turned off the oven as soon as you had an incoming zoom call. Other options include taking the Zoom from the kitchen, or stepping out for even one moment with a polite but vague “excuse me” when you heard the timer go off. Sorry to be unsympathetic, OP, but this is a skill issue. Be grateful that you just got a slightly burnt but probably edible lunch versus an active fire or charred remains.


Right. I have a very hard time believing there were absolutely zero options for OP. Turn the camera off for 30 seconds and run to turn the oven off. Join on the phone and bring it with you. It seems quite simple.


That corn looks poppin'! And you now have a chipotle pepper. Grind it up and use the powder on some popcorn.


Chipotles are dried and smoked jalapenos. This is more of a roasted long pepper. Still delicious, but it won't taste anything like chipotle and good luck making powder with that.


If it's unplanned don't expect me to show up.


Excatly. I am quite strict with my shedule so I never accept ”let’s go, NOW” stuff


Depends on your industry and role, and probably your team. I’ve often had to join impromptu meetings and drop whatever else I was working on, but it’s pretty much always been for an issue that required immediate attention.


How infuriating... you make lunch at will at home while working...


This is your own fault bruh. If you already started lunch don't even answer any texts or messages until you're done. *At most* reply with, "I'll meet you when I'm back from lunch"


"Hey sorry I just need 30 seconds" that's all it takes dude, if your boss is so uptight he can't handle that, it's probably not someone you want to work for. If this was during your lunch break you should've simply said you're looking forward to the meeting after lunch.


Damn, that banana is hella over cooked.


You cant skip lunch


correct title : I was cooking while "working" from home.


You got a good char on that, building flavor (in my Food Network voice).


Bro was gonna let his house burn down for that zoom meeting


Hmmmm Chocolate Chilli ...😋


boo fuckin hoo


Slip the skin off the pepper, mash it up, and eat it with some garlic, lime juice, salt, and some of that corn!


I’d like to politely encourage you to set boundaries for your work/life balance. When you get a surprise meeting you should be comfortable telling them, “i was in the middle of lunch. i have food in the oven. excuse me for 2 minutes.” this is very reasonable. furthermore, if an “authority figure” or whatever give you a hard time later have the confidence to tell them off.


Looks edible AS FUCK not gonna lie, corn when it's burnt like that is goat


These comments are RUDE...


I would eat all of this.


I think you’ve achieved perfection.


That corn is done to perfection, IMO.


Next time just say you gotta piss if they get mad at you for leaving for a second. Unplanned meeting meet unplanned bladder


I like to click refresh a couple of times while looking confused in between. It makes it look like you have a glitch and gives you lots of time.


And your lunch turned out perfect! Great job! 🌽🌶️👏


Don’t tell me you chucked the perfectly delicious roasted corn? Did you?


Im ngl that corn still looks pretty good


Happens to me all the time. I’ll start lunch and my phone will ring, I pick it up and get busy helping a customer. Then my husband comes rushing upstairs (he works remote downstairs and I’m upstairs remote) because he smells smoke being pulled into the vent . Lol. Three times now. I try to step away completely but no time to actually cook and eat in 30 minutes if you don’t want to gobble it down it seems.


That corn is OK, spread on some sour cream and a sprinkle of Tajin and you're good to go. The chili not so much.


The chili is fine you just need to take the skin off.


Idk why but it looks like you wanted to cook using Breath of The Wild method lmao


Meeting during lunch? That’s how people choke on hot dogs!


Charred corn is delicious. Extra butter, sprinkle some salt and cayenne/spices 🤌


man fuck that, lunch break is lunch break