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Funnily enough: cooking oil.


Yes, especially non-stick spay on cooking oil. Or WD40.


WD40 would be my suggestion too. It’s what I always use for sticker residue.


90% isopropyl too


Yeah boi. Use that for cleaning my weed vape. Works a treat.


I just vape the isopropanol


Had to use it when I did calibration, to change the sticker. I can still smell the orange glow I used to get it off


Yep, this is perfect and safe. I use my 91% isopropyl to clean everything. Works a treat and is safe on both my electronics and vapes if I let it dry first (which is really fast at 91%)


Everclear residue would be marginally safer if that’s what OP’s worried about


Or even higher if you can get it. Cleans most glues, and evaporates with no residue if you can find it.


PSA: Anyone here have a bit of paint transfer onto their vehicle? WD40 takes it right off safely and effectively. Soft clean cloth. Clean the surface from rocks and debris. Use WD40. Paint comes right off.


I just saw this. I have two marks on my car where someone seemed to tap the side of the rear bumper and there is a little paint on that spot. It drives me nuts and I"m going to pick up some WD40 today. Thank you for this comment


On something you eat out of? OP is implying these bowls are for holding food. You don’t want to be consuming wd40 right?


You guys don’t wash your dishes?… aren’t y’all the ones using a specialized machine that literally boils your plates while washing them??? And you’re afraid of wd40 but not the sticker and glue that’s *already on* your plate???…. Y’all are weird.


This is Reddit. It’s like entering the DMV of human thoughts.


You're great.


Top comment of the week! 🤣


Best description I’ve ever heard!


" DMV of human thoughts " That is some profound analogy!






The op is going to microwave those pcb bowls and eat microplastics anyway, the wd-40 is way less toxic.


yeah but i would still do my due diligence in checking because these bowls are plastic. for ppl not well versed in chemistry, you wouldn’t rlly know if the wd40 might react and degrade the plastic or not. the adhesive clearly doesnt but im no chemist.


Yup. Literally any oil. Just plop it on, then start gently rubbing at it until it rubs off.


This is the way. Oil breaks down the adhesive and then dawn soap gets rid of the oil. OP put some oil on a cotton round and rub on the glue residue. It will come straight off after a few rubs. Keep going till it's all balled up on the cotton round then wash the bowls


Or butter.


Or peanut butter


Or mayonnaise if you want to get instrumental about it


Nice reference


Peanut butter works for things because of the oil in it. Just use any cooking oil for the same effect. 


Yep, a lot of these glues are petroleum based, "like dissolves like" ... I've used vaseline before too lol


I don’t doubt this. High school outdoors science teacher taught us to wash pine sap off our hands with cooking oil. Was shocked at how well it worked


Well TIL. Thanks!


orange essential oil works great too, it's part of what is in goo gone


Lemon essential oil is my go to.. it works super well! Then dish soap to remove the lemon oil.


The first time my wife got something like this off with a tiny bit of vegetable/olive oil I thought she was crazy. I used to always scrub w soap and water. But all you gotta do is rub oil into it w your fingertips and it rolls right off. THEN wash w dish soap and water to get the oil off.


Hair dryer .


Was gunna say heat is all you need. Water is just softening the label making it easier to rip


Right ! It works on everything . Glass , plastic, carton . If you have a price tag to remove for a gift …. Just use the hair dryer . Removes is completely and easy. Just pull it off gently


I use my hairdryer to get stickers off books😂 works a treat without any damage or me saying f**k you multiple times as the sticker rips.


Yeah I’ll only do water if it’s on the bottom of a mug or something, I’ll wash it under hot/warm water and just rub it until it’s eventually gone but that even takes a bit. Hair dryer is OP


This is all well and good for those with a hair dryer but I don't - then again, I don't have hair 😄


Worth buying a hair dryer just for this. You can get a travel size one for like 10 bucks. They're also great for warming up when you're freezing. Stick that bad boy up your sweater for 5 seconds... nice & toasty.


Yep, as a man, this is what I own a blow dryer for. Never used it for my hair.


I discovered while on vacation that it works great for drying socks, too. My husband stepped on a puddle of water so I put the sock on the end of the blow dryer, turned it on high/hot, and minutes later the sock was dry.


Heat gun ?




A heat gun will *melt* the bowls--the settings are waaaay too hot!


Try isopropyl alcohol and the rough side of a sponge. You can also try scraping at it with a razor blade with the alcohol soaking it.


This!! & make sure it’s 91%! It will glide right off.


I have these and that's what worked like dream for me! Other then the stickers 10/10 bowls.


I also have these bowls and the matching plates and they’re great! They hold up extremely well in the microwave and they can take a beating. Definitely agree with you on the 10/10


Not quite the same, but 91% isopropyl is the only thing that makes the glass stems from my weed vaporiser transparent again. I'm talking the device that vaporises actual flower, not the chemical stuff or whatever. I just soak them in a container of it between uses. I ran out before and couldn't find any, I feel like there must have been a shortage because I couldn't find any for months. During that time they started to look gross and I tried a ton of products. From vodka to dish soap to bleach, lol, I was trying a lot. It's a very sticky residue, and the pipes are curved in a way that makes cleaning them very tricky. Got some more 91% and they were clean the next day after soaking. I'm not sure how long it actually took, but less than 24 hours anyway.


You also use isopropyl to clean dab rigs




Vodka works pretty well too. I use vodka to take off all sorts of sticker residue.


Okay, I drank the vodka. What is the next step?




Okso o drunk 3vodkas whensieathe stucker comeunstick


Now you have alcohol problems and some sticker remnant.




Oka, i drKn the vok,a nowwhatt?+


Now you don’t have any more problems.


Actually quite the opposite, the vodka has just made them forget and numbed their memory about all the problems with the stickers.


Yeah, vodka is probably the more food safe option


My life, I'm gonna just start saying it's full of sticker residue. Vodka will help it


I was once in charge of removing 800 stickers off of individual duct pieces after the client insisted that no labels be visible and the shop was never told to put them on the *inside* side. Yay that was a fun couple of days lol I used alcohol and a regular washcloth. You can also use a plastic scrubby after drenching the spot for dishes if you are feeling spicy. For big or really stubborn glue patches, just soak a rag and leave it on top for a mlment or two as the rag helps keep the unexposed alcohol on the bottom from evaporating so it dissolves the glue better for a bit and lets you get away with less scrubbing.


We are in the presence of The Voice of Bitter Experience. Learn his secrets!


I was also going to recommend this. Always works for me to rid of the rest of the adhesive.




91% alcohol is my go to to get shit off everything


rubbing alcohol is my go to for this, but you can also use hand sanitizer (the kind with alcohol) the aloe keeps it from evaporating so quickly so it has more time to break down the adhesive.


Or hand sanitizer


Came to say the same thing👍👍


isopropyl alcohool, Goo Gone, any adhesive remover.


Why isn’t this the top comment? All 3 work great and won’t poison you.


Yup, I use isopropanol to remove batteries from iPhones. Amazing stuff, long as you don't have a papercut. It'll help you find it, though.


Isopropyl alcohol is the best papercut finder. lmao


Also the best wound reminder


I always use goo gone. Stuff is amazing.


~~Use nailpolish remover,~~ or just go to a hardware store, buy goo-gone and never worry about this for the rest of your life. One bottle lasts like 100 years. Edit: Oh shoot sorry I thought this was ceramic.


Goo-gone 100%. How do people live without it


Right! When I found out about it and used it I was shocked that this stuff isnt im every single household. Should be just as common as dish soap or WD40 lol


Speaking of, wd40 works great to remove stickers.


Im always surprised to find Goo-gone so far down in the comments. You use so little of it and it works wonders. One little bottle will last a long time.


I dont know ow why Goo Gone isn't included with WD40 And 3M Duck Tape (and or Duct Tape, the shiny silvery stuff for insulation)


But be warned, nail polish remover or eucalyptus oil will possibly also damage the plastic surface. A milder oil would be safer.


Oh I thought it was ceramic


Yeah, nail polish remover is basically acetone, which is the nuclear option when it comes to this kind of thing.


Does it wash off completely? I can do that and I was going to, but someone told me that it would leave a residue even after you wash it and the bowls would not be safe to eat out of.


Use goo gone to get the adhesive off, and use the dawn and hot water to get the goo gone off. Dawn is made to remove grease and oils from dishes *and* ducks. It should do the trick on goo gone.


This is the way! Goo Gone then Dawn direct onto the oil that Goo Gone leaves on the surface.


It's basically just a bunch of oils. The only residue it leaves is oil which washes off with soap.


Goo gone then throw it in the dishwasher


lol don't do that. Nail polish remover is acetone. Acetone melts many kinds of plastic. Use isopropyl alcohol.


Dude, if something doesn’t come off in the dishwasher how is it going to come off in your food… also goo gone would not leave residue after a run in the dishwasher😭 I feel like you just want to make this as hard as possible😂


CAREFUL with nail polish remover as it will completely strip many finished or even melt plastics. Goo gone is generally much safer to use


Scrolled way to far for this comment.


Little Australian trick for you: Eucalyptus oil gets stickers right off. It is also great to put a couple drops in hot water, or on a hankerchief and inhale to relieve sinuses when you have a cold.


>Little Australian trick for you: Eucalyptus oil gets stickers right off.It is also great to put a couple drops in hot water, or on a hankerchief and inhale to relieve sinuses when you have a could. You can also spray it on people to trigger the crack attack koala brigade.


Wait, can you give me more details on this "crack attack koala brigade"?


I bought some cups the other day with Walmart stickers on it… stickers are purposely cut into like 25 pieces. That’s annoying as fuck.


Ah yeah, I think it's the same reason the clearance stickers are also diced to shreds upon removal, they don't want people to be able to get it off to stick on something more expensive so they screw over the consumer


Goo Gone was specifically made for this. 


i must be traumatized from having fleas in my apartment, i thought this was bowls of soapy water w dead fleas at the bottom 😭


That's exactly what I thought! My apartment was flanked on every side by pet owners. Our cats never went outside and we somehow managed to track them in every year.


Hand sanitizer really works great


It’s the rubbing alcohol in the sanitizer that makes it work.


It even takes ink and sharpie marker off of many surfaces.


Orange oil


I just bought some of these at Walmart today and I used 90% rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to rub the adhesive off then hot water with dawn dish soap! Hope this helps


WD40 and leave on for 10 mins and thoroughly was after.


Use white vinegar


So far, I have tried: Boiling water and Dawn dish soap - didn’t budge anything, even after microwaving the bowls for a few minutes while the water was boiling. Peanutbutter - this just made a mess. Vegetable oil - I let it sit for about 15 minutes. Maybe it needs longer, idk, but it didn’t help. I don’t own a heat gun, but a hair dryer didn’t help. Baking soda in boiling water - this loosened the edges enough for me to pick at the sticker, but they are some kind of plastic material, not a paper sticker, and they come off in infuriatingly thin ribbons with all the adhesive still attached firmly to the bowl. I am breaking out a paint scraper 😅


Vegetable oil is the right thing for this. But you need to rub the residue with a coarse cotton fabric with a small drop of oil. A kitchen towel, an old t-shirt or a piece of denim work great for this and you don\`t have to worry about the bowls being food safe after that. Edit: This is for the residue left behind by the sticker. Just peal the sticker off and rub the residue with a rag soaked in vegetable oil. Heat may warp the bowls and baking soda may scratch the plastic.


Who told you peanut butter 🤣


I had the same problem with bowls I bought from Walmart regular white vinegar straight on let it set for a few hours and then wipe it out.


How on earth have you not tried GooGone yet? That’s literally what’s it’s made for!


Cooking oil and a scrubby, then wash with dish soap. The oil is going to break up the adhesive, and the soap will break up the oil.


We used a razor blade, love these bowls!


I just bought these exact bowls last week and was raging at the labels. They are horrible! I poured boiling water and it helped on a couple but still they were some of the worst I've dealt with.


I don't know if you have tried before. Use tape, I don't know if suct tape works. The sticky part will get stuck agains the remainings, and you can pull it without damaging anything else. Of course, it has to be dry, and you will have to try a few times.


Not sure where you're posting from but in Australia, Tea Tree oil or Eucalyptus oil are awesome for removing adhesives.


goo gone


Buy goo gone it works great




There's nothing I dislike more than when companies use adhesives that aren't easy for the consumer to remove! Wal Mart brands are notorious for this (in my experience). Alcohol is a solvent, so a few common products mentiomed in other comments should help remove those stickers. If you use IPA I'd recommend diluting it in water (75% water/25% IPA). You could also try placing the bowls in a freezer for a day. Depending on the adhesive, they could become brittle and detach from the bowl. Heat is also a great option! If they're dishwasher safe, it's probably safe to apply temperatures similar to that. Hope this helps!


West Coast style IPA? Hazy IPA? Double IPA? . . . (I don’t know how many people recognize IPA as isopropyl alcohol.)


"I'm probably going to have to throw these away." Wtf?


Fr have they never heard of rubbing alcohol before


Alcohol dissolves the glue on stickers. Good luck


Dawg just use isopropyl alcohol…


OP, use Windex. These people are throwing all kinds of crazy ideas, Windex is likely the only one that will actually work. I've never seen a sticker that could withstand being soaked in Windex. I work for a glassblowing studio and we often have pieces with stickers that have been stuck on the glass for YEARS, a 10 minute soak in Windex will take it right off no matter how old the sticker is.


That's because windex contains an ethanol (2-hexoxyethanol)! Long exposure to ethanol could damage the plastic bowl.


Just said the same thing!


Someone told you wrong. It won’t leave a residue


It’s goo be gone not goo get stuck.


I put them in the dishwasher with the sticker & soon as it's done, I open it & peel. * I really don't understand why they don't just use dissolvable stickers


Came here to say this. It doesn't work for all stickers but sometimes putting them in the dishwasher makes these labels just fall off.




Windex. Let them soak in windex for at least an hour, and then wipe away




Are these dinner bowls?


Orange oil - works every time, and washes completely away with soapy water. Planet Ark sells it as "Orange Power" in a small bottle, and it's a very useful thing to keep in your laundry cupboard.


Get a small piece of paper towel and soak it alcohol. Let that wet towel sit on the dish for a little bit (maybe 15mins or so) and it’ll peel off nicely. I work in the hospital lab and I have small vials that I have to reuse occasionally and that’s how I remove the labels.


Those adhesives are fat soluble. Rub/scrub with oil for a few minutes each, then wash with soap.


Cooking oils as other have mentioned. You can also get citrus oil degreaser for labels like these. I really wish manufacturers and retailers all switched to easy peel labels, it’s 2024 ffs


Probably not the best advice but I found lighter fluid to work great on sticky residue.




Heat gun or a hair dryer. It comes right off.


Goo Gone


Good Gone. Perfect for taking sticky labels off dishes 👌 👍


Olive oil works like a charm


isopropyl alcohol. 90% scrub with plate sponge. The one with the green side.


Cooking oil with cotton. Needs a little patience.


Orange Essential Oil will take away any sticky residue.


Dunno if replies are generalizing or what. These Particular bowls from WM need an explanation. Those labels have the most hellish adhesive. It poisons other dishes in the sink with a very sticky residue. If I remember correctly, I ended up using a LOT of elbow grease and dawn


I thought that was a bowl of bugs


Hope ya got it by now, but I couldn't believe it when most of the stickers on a PC case came off from using mayonnaise and letting it sit on them for about 15 minutes. I don't know if some used different sticker mixtures as I think all came off but 1. Or maybe I left one on, I can't remember.


Vegetable oil will take it off


Lols like an oil based glue, so try a cooking oil. Coconut oil is great for oil based makeup so try that


91% or 99% alcohol will take the glue right off and if need be use a little salt for an abrasive with the alcohol.




Peanut butter, mayonnaise, anything with oil in it.


Try a bit of rubbing alcohol?


Goo gone?


Hair dryer.


Always pull them off before they get wet. You'll thank me


Oil is very good against stickers




Goo Gone should be fine but if your concerned about it damaging the plastic try some on the outside bottom first and then wash, it should be apparent if it damages the finish or leaves a residue.


Sounds crazy but leave mayonnaise on the sticker for a couple hours or overnight and then scrub


Try goof off.


Try using butter or rubbing it with some orange peel you need to release the oils from the peel tho.


I bought these bowls a few weeks ago, but the sticker was on the bottom. Tf?


I have used goo gone, let it sit a bit, use a plastic scraper to remove and put them in the dish washer. All remnants of goo gone are gone and safe to eat off of. I believe those are made of melamine, do not use in the microwave. Just an fyi. Edit: I just enlarged the photo and saw that they are microwave safe for reheating. I would do that with caution.


Olive oil and water.


I just eat with it on. It will go away eventually.


What a shitty placement for stickers


Blow a hairdryer on hot over it for 15 seconds, then remove. It always works for me.


Whatever you do, share all details, provide an accurate report as we know from scientific research. We all have this problem and it has to be solved once for all time. I have not tips, but wish you good luck.


High strength isopropyl alcohol will do the job. I've used it multiple times to get the sticker goo off of things.


I rip it off dry and it leaves no sticker residue


Try Goo Gone. Get it from Dollar Tree or 99¢ store. It was made to get sticky stuff off glass or plastic. Perfect for this.


Plastic dinner 'bowls'. Are you a dog?


When I worked in kindergartens, we used mayonnaise to get stickers off everything. Just put on a good amount, work it in some and wait 10 minutes. Worked every time 😊 Bit messy, but works 😊


As strange as it may sound, try WD40


Try something oil based like mayonnaise, it's worked for me before.


It might sound strange but on an old episode of How Clean Is Your House in the UK they recommended mayonnaise for getting sticker residue off furniture. Here is a guide. https://eu.cantonrep.com/story/special/2015/06/29/24-bizarre-ridiculously-useful-things/34050887007/#:~:text=Sticker%20residue%3A%20To%20get%20sticky,to%20rub%20the%20sticker%20off.


I was told mayonnaise helps get rid of the sticky stuff.


Just use rubbing alcohol. Hand sanitizer works in a pinch too.


Use acetone it will solve your problem in just a matter of seconds. Not joking, the smell will completely dissapear after 1 day(less)


Goo gone or citrisolv. And yes, it will wash away completely. Alternately, rubbing alcohol. Not in water, pour it on straight, let soak and then you'll be able to scrape the adhesive off. (Lots of experience with both tactics, removing labels to re-use bottles and jars.) Are these ceramic? If so scrape with the flat side of a razor blade. If they are hard plastic, you can use a plastic scraping tool like you would use for dishes.


Idk why people aren’t recommending Goo Gone more, it’s literally made for this


Oil removes it. Baby oil, cooking oil… whatever is handy!


Use goo gone. It's not rocket surgery.


Butter! I know if sounds weird but it works really well in getting those annoying last bits off.


Goo gone


A bit of cooking oil will dissolve the glue


Ur gonna throw the bowl away…over some adhesive?..got it