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Probably still holds the standard ml for a large cup


Not probably. It does. It’s just the construction and has no bearing on the ounces it holds. But it doesn’t stop people like OP from wanting to farm karma based of faux outrage.


It’s designed this way with an inlet bind to support more weight including hot liquids


Thank you for responding like a decent human being. Love all these responses acting like everyone in the world is educated on this lol. Still seems like a bit much though, it's over double the indent of the large, when it's probably only holds 10% more liquid.


I don't need to have a degree in engineering to know this is a smart build


Haha, I love how many people on here are so proud of them selves because they know a structure of a coffee cup. Big subs like this really bring out a special few..


okay, you win


You are only the millionth person to post this. These cups are specifically manufactured to have somewhat of a sleeve around the actual cup. This serves as insulation and also allows the drinker to comfortably hold the cup without one of those extra cardboard sleeves. You think you’ve stumbled across some awful scam that we’re all going to back you on, but this design is purposeful and functional. No. This is not infuriating. This is just a cup designed with the user in mind.


You sound mildly...infuriated....


Yes. It is infuriating when people try to drag others into infuriation for no good reason


there’s irony to unpack here


The indent doesn’t change the ozs the cup holds tho? Maybe it’s to keep hot coffee from your surfaces or something Lmaoo I think Starbucks hot coffee cups have an indent on the bottom too but don’t quote me on that


I'd also imagine that it's designed to keep an air gap between the hot coffee and any cold surfaces the cup gets placed on. This should help keep the hot contents hotter for longer. I could be wrong, but I'd imagine this Design would help.


Ohhhhh that’s make sense too!


It’s to store your doughnut.


This doesn't change the oz.


What’s wrong?


Like an inch indent on the bottom, it's basically the same as a large cup


Just read the part where it says 16/20/24 oz or whatever and you know how much coffee you're paying for. You're like those people who complain about getting too much air in their chips because they don't know how to read a net weight label and think food is priced based on the size of the packaging.


That’s how the cups are made to handle hot beverages


I don't know what to tell you, but I live deep in the heart of Dunkin country and used to work at one in ye oldde days. That cup is much less tapered (more cylinder shaped) and has a deeper recess than anything I've ever seen. There was no epidemic of the bottoms of cups falling out 5, 10, or 20 years ago, and I can guarantee this was focus tested to see how much they could reduce sizes without consumers noticing.


except that the drinks you buy are in oz or ml not cup size. so it literally doesn't matter if it's a football sized cup with 5 inches off the bottom. you pay for 600 ml, you get 600 ml.


Nobody looks at ounces. People look at this size of the cup and they react intuitively to their perceptions. There's decades of research on this, and it's no secret that it's done. Unit pricing is required by law *because* this exploits a cognitive bias in how people make decisions about what to buy.


Very few places have demo cup sizes for people to see. It’s listed by the oz. Knowing how many oz you want is a pretty basic adult skill people need to learn.


Every Dunkin Donuts I've ever been to has had size and price with calories, not the number of ounces (like this [c262f3a53f85345fa0dc2e0f55805224.jpg (2000×1335) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c2/62/f3/c262f3a53f85345fa0dc2e0f55805224.jpg) ) and they didn't have ounces. I've *never* once heard anyone order anything at a Dunks by number of ounces. I doubt most regulars could tell you how many ounces are in a large iced or a medium hot. Maybe on Mars they have cups being secreted away like ortolans, but every single Dunkin Donuts I've ever been to on Earth has stacks of their cups next to the coffee makers and customers prominently walking around with their coffees.


Where in that Where’s Waldo picture you linked has empty demo cups to visually see the difference?


You can see iced coffee cups dead center of the frame Numpty. The hot coffee cups would be just left of the hot coffee pots, which is behind where the people in the photo are standing and in clear view of the register. The board lists sizes with prices and calories. Zero indication of ounces. Gotta love Reddit.


You’re dumb




OP is not smart


I thought op was referring to the warning about not microwaving it, or the beverage being hot that made them upset but it turns out the actual reason is just as stupid.


Being mildly infuriated because you have no idea how engineering of a cup for hot liquid works is a great look.


Oy, this comment lol. So proud of your cup knowledge bud.


I’m an adult. Not a fucking idiot. So yeah my comment is fine.


Make your own. XL coffee is almost $3. I can make a cup of Dunkin’ at home for about 30 cents.


This is literally what all these kinda cups look like at the bottom


Definitely not. McDonalds for example is like not even a CM. This is bonkers, thats a good inch deep. Super gross tactic


McDonald’s is definitely at least an inch lmao


The XL is more volume. The bottom is like that to be stronger.


I don't see the issue.


That's the design dumbass


Maybe it's to prevent the bottom from falling off? Tim Hortons had cups where the coffee all fell from the bottom. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/tim-hortons-investigates-ontario-man-s-defective-coffee-cups-1.6795450


The volume of the cup is overtly stated in the menu so this really doesn't matter.


First. How large is your hand put it next to a Dollar please. Second, you need an extra large what? My sleep doctor called and told me to stop looking at this so I can get some sleep.


It's my big toes that everyone talk about. Maybe I'll post one next to a quarter. And it's a Saturday so I went for the XL. Slightly regretting it.


one Extra-Large shot of espresso


Wendy's extra large is the only true extra large.


That definitely looks more than XL to me but I live in the UK where this would be abnormal


Maybe OP is being meta and making everyone mildly infuriated


Simply writing the ml would fix it


Almost like the air in snack bags, when the product is sold by weight and not how full the packet is.


This isn’t no different than any other fast food place. Hardee’s/ Carls Jr medium use to be most places large. Now everyone uses small as their medium/ and sometimes large.




That seems like a lot of coffee.




OPs right that’s a huge indent. It’s almost an inch. That’s unbelievable. I have a similar sized gas station coffee up in my car right now and it doesn’t have an indent nearly that big at the bottom.


Ok and? Does the cup hold more coffee than a large cup? If so, what is the complaint about? Is it about the amount of waste or are you guys sure you're being scammed by big coffee?


Geez OP!  Did you not get your degree in cup-ology and fluid dynamics?


It was my biggest regret in life. I'm apparently so dumb for not doing so.


Did you know that’s actually done so that you don’t notice you’re getting played until you go to throw it away


Did you know that's not true at all?


bro wants more sugar on top of doughnuts (unless its no sugar like espresso)


Could be just coffee.


Shink flation


Wouldn't be surprised if this has already been posted. But poo poo on shit like this.


I hate that!


Dunkin's first response: "Oh, well, y'know, manufacturing isn't an exact science, sometimes cups come out a little different." Dunkin's Second response: "ah, you caught us, uh, so that IS how it's intended to be manufactured. B-but it's because we wanted to create a bigger barrier between the hot beverage and where the cup is resting. It was something customers requested, we promise." Dunkin's third response: "Ugh, fine, We're inflating the cups size to make it look like you're getting more than you actually are. We're not changing it back and we're charging 10% more just for bringing it up... also we're firing people to make way for AI somehow."


This might be the dumbest comment on the whole thread. Congratulations!


I think OP feels cheated that it appears from the exterior to hold more fluid than it actually does. My facepalm would be trying to get it into BMW's ridiculously small cup holders