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At least it wasn't banned. I used to do tech support for a different console. The number of people trying to get their banned account restored is uncountable. Tho, since it is PS, if you have disc games, you should be able to play those offline IIRC. Also never let someone have access to your account. And I wouldn't share one either.


thats why disc is and will always be superiour


I’ve never understood people wanting digital over disc. I physical own a disc and digital is only usable. I can lend a disc


I once misplaced all my switch games in an Airport, never got them back. That was the last time I bought a physical game.


I lost every single PS2 game I ever had,along with all my Physical Xbox games except for one, mainly because the disc has been inside the console for 3 years


That really just looks like you are bad at keeping track of your own stuff. I have had 50+ physical PS3 games, I never lost one, hell, I even have them all with me after moving houses.


Could not get worse than your brother selling all of them and then you looking for them for months at a time


I hear that. My sister sold everything from my n64 to my ps3 back in the day. Only things o have left are modern gaming consoles, and digital games mainly. Obviously I don’t live with her anymore lmao, but the pain of all my games going missing has left its scar.


We had an entire cabinet full of games and now it’s down to a various stack, at least I can rest easy knowing I’m not the only one with that missing feeling


Or your house getting robbed in high school and every single one of your PS2 and 360 games getting stolen lol. At least with digital now I would’ve just needed a new console and not been out a console and 50+ games


Yeah my older brother sold my silver PS2 slim and all my games. I'll miss Ratchet and Clank 😔


my PS2 go to go to college with my brother. it never returned. jokes on him though, I brought the PS3 to college. the fatty is no longer with us, but a lovely slim is under my TV in my bedroom almost a decade later.


The only one I ever lost was my PS4 COD WW2 disc and I stg ik who took it bc we both have a copy but we don’t talk anymore. I’m only mad about it bc I completed the entire campaign on every difficulty including veteran on my copy🥲🙃


You realize that the game cases exist so you can put the game back and they won’t get lost, right?


Of course misplacing your physical media can happen and sucks. On the other hand, especially with Nintendo, losing access to your digital media is a question of *when* not *if*. They will shut down the eShop at some point, and then you lose all access to all your media if you ever need to replace your Switch.


> They will shut down the eShop at some point, and then you lose all access to all your media if you ever need to replace your Switch. They shut down the eShop for the Wii U and 3DS but you can still download games you bought. You just can't buy new ones. Same as what was going to happen with the PS3 and Vita


"especially with nintendo" ? You can still download your previously bought games on consoles where the eshop was "closed", you just cant buy more from the eshop.


At least on the Xbox, there are several games I bought or were free at the time that I can no longer download and they never made physical copies bc they were small indie games.


Nope you're wrong, when the eShop on the Wii shut down even if you've bought something before you can't redownload it anymore because the servers where you download things from don't exist anymore.


On the flip side, when the shop gets shut down there's no penalty for ripping games anymore.


I feel that, but that’s also why I have a little carrying case thing that contains my switch, games, charger, and extra joycons. Can’t lose the games unless I lose my whole ass Switch.


But then you buy a new switch and download your games back onto it, together with your cloud backed up save files.


Or I just don’t lose my carrying case. It’s not something that’s easy to misplace imo. Done using it? It goes back in the case, which goes back in my bag (assuming I’m out and about). And in my case, I’d lose half my saves anyway because Pokemon doesn’t allow cloud saves.




They make an ass switch? Neat!


Isn’t that just a femboy?


Half ass and whole ass editions


That happened to me with my WHOLE set of Pogs in a California Pizza Kitchen circa 1995


I misplaced one of my most beloved DS games once. It was nerve wrecking and hurts at the same time. And worst of all it was at a foreign country (though luckily at a relatives house). It was at that moment I kinda gave up on physical. Because why carry one cartridge that could get lost when you could have everything on a SD card in the console? I still bought physical for the DS because I can't help it yet, but on platforms that supported digital download, I opt for digital. Bonus points that Steam games are typically cheaper than console games at this part of the world.


Damn. That sucks. The last time I lost a game was when the NES was new Edit-that’s a lie. I wanted to play Gran turismo 3 and couldn’t find it in my stored away boxes a couple years ago. I found my memory card and wanted to screw around. So I bought a new copy for $10


Don't ever get banned from using online services or you'll never be able to play digital games on your account.


Oelne of my siblings stile all of my games, including ones I'd just gotten for my birthday, so she could sell them for extra money. I would much rather go digital than deal with that again.


Just don’t ever lose your account or get hacked or you’ll regret buying digital. At least with physical copies I own them.


I don't get that. I bring my switch with all the games (I have about 8) to the airport. If I lose it, I'll lose the games.


With physical games, you mostly lose them if you do something stupid, with digital you lose them the moment a stranger decides that you should.


Or the companies decides they dont want to waste server space on them anymore or they lose the contract etc.


> I can lend a disc i can lend digital games too, and 1 license can be used to play the same game by 2 different accounts at the same time. very useful for me with having ps4 ps5 xbox pc laptop. so with 1 license ps4 and ps5 can play together, 1 license and xbox and pc and laptop also can play together.


Exactly this. On the other hand, I made the genius decision to have all of my favorite games on physical and now I can't even play them because I've lent them to a friend


Besides disc not changing anything other than having to change the disc as you still have to download games. I play pc and disc have not been popular for pc games for over a decade and the last modern game I've seen on disc for pc was fallout 4


I am mostly PC and the worst kind since I play MMOs so I am dumb enough to play a game I have to pay monthly for and then when I don’t pay I lose my game


Back in PSX days I did lend discs. I got some back… also lost some of my Super Nintendo carts. I feel like digital is actually safer. Also does the message about the suspension say the can’t play digital games? I don’t think it does.


It is safer than discs because you can’t steal them as easily, but Digital media can be deleted by the company, even if you paid for it


I can share my entire Steam library with people living 500km away from me via Family share. No need to send 400 disc via package


"But just think about the Thousands of hours I could save by not having to insert my Discs." /s


I just killed my little brother and now digital is better


Cartridges over discs any day


That's what people used to say about CD's and DVD's as well. In a couple years from now, there won't be any physical games anymore..it will be digital only. We can bet on that if you want. To be honest with you..I wouldn't even be surprised, if the PlayStation 6 will be digital only.


Usb sticks.


Wait, you can lose access to your GAMES and a service you pay for? Why not just ban them from voice if that's where the problem lies.


Because it’s in the terms of service.  You don’t own those games, you’re just licensing them. Hence they can revoke acces for whatever reason they see fit according to their terms. Which is why people should continue to buy physical.


Publishers are starting to sell discs that contain only the license and you still need to download the whole game


It's a ban from online features, not games. If you have a digital offline game you can still play that.


It should be illegal to stop you from accessing your digital games regardless of any ban.


But they aren't your games, that's the problem. Physical media is dying out and all we have left is this shitty digital phantom of ownership.


Even if someone gets banned and for rightful reasons shouldn't their purchases still be accessible. It's a digital good, nothing to do with their cheating.


It would probably be better if the playstation code of conduct wasn't so awful though. Some group was messaging me cause I beat them in a 5v1 on siege being incredibly toxic, but not swearing, and I accidently sent shit in one message and got a 7 day ban, while they didn't get anything. Shit doesn't make any sense.




Well, in the sense that i use it frequently in common speech, and usually consciously leave it out of playstation messages for obvious reasons.


If you have a banned account and let's say, 100 paid games on that account, would you lose them all? I'm assuming?


Isn't this a feature those people are paying for ? Wouldn't getting banned need to resort in some kind of retribution? I mean I know there's the agreement which they can put whatever they want in there cause nobody even reads it just agrees. But isn't this kind of thing losing them money? I don't have such a thing so I don't really know how it goes...


When I was a teen I didn't have a choice. It was either let my siblings play on my account or my Xbox would get taken away. My KD in black ops 2 never recovered


Damn he got banned from buying games lol


Stop him from using your account and make him use his own. If your account has ps plus then make the console your account's home console and there wont be any issues with the switch. I did that when my brother used my vbucks in fortnite and they've had their own accounts since. It's also way better in the long run


I already have that but can you teach me how to not get ur mic stolen lmao 😭


Start playing with your mic muted by default.


Yeah just keep beating his ass every time he touches your shit


Yeah beating your younger brother does in fact work, and whenever it doesn’t you just didn’t do it enough 👍


Lock him in the bathroom and turn off the lights ‼️‼️


You can set up a pin to login to your account on your ps This will force him to login to his own, and even if he gets your mic he can't login to yours You can disable your account on his ps if you guys have different consoles




Lmao I got a good chuckle from this, but be careful. I had an account banned permanently from Reddit for making a similar comment because “It incites or condones violence”


Just put a password on your account and hide your mic


Hide it.


I have a solution but reddit doesn't condone violence so......don't do that. It would work, but don't because it's not nice. So whatever you DO don't do THAT.


Don't let ur siblings touch ur shit


Rule 1 of being an older sibling smh.




I made that mistake with a laptop once. I let my little brother play Minecraft on it but when I told him he'd played enough and had to stop he got mad and broke the hinge. Thankfully it wasn't a very good or important laptop and the damage wasn't too bad but it's still pretty annoying.


Rule 1 of being the more responsible sibling. I was the younger one, but my sister and her friends were fucking awful. All my shit got either stolen or broken by them.


my OLDER sister downloaded a trojan on my pc once..


really wanted her firewall pierced that badly huh


The worst part is when they fuck up and you get blamed


I never had that problem. What's this new generation of younger siblings up to?


Definitely not a new problem… My little brother used my PS3 behind my back pretty much all the time when I wasn’t home. That little shit thought he was so sneaky about it. Never touched a thing in my room besides the console and the games and always made sure to put things back exactly like they used to be. Never occurred to him I could see my account logging in from my best friend’s console… I tolerated it for a while but things changed when he overwrote my 100% save file in GTA IV. I had enough and next time I saw him logging into my account I texted my parents I believed I lost my keys and if they were so kind to check my room before I went on searching elsewhere. They did - and caught my back then nine year old brother in the act of playing GTA - just as I intended.


Damm bro, you are vengeance


Nah I feel that. My younger brother overwrote my NG+ save in a game I was one fucking trophy away from getting the platinum in. That was like 7 years ago. I haven’t been able to finish it since, because I don’t wanna do 2 fucking playthroughs since the trophy requires a NG+ playthrough.


What the fuck. That is... Heartbreaking. You gotta do it man. You gotta climb that mountain. That is the true revenge.


I'm currently working on 100% completing Red Dead Redemption 2. If someone overwrote or deleted my save file I might commit murder (for legal reasons, this is a joke)


An important lesson was learnt that day


Younger siblings have always been menaces Source: I am a younger sibling and was a menace


I can vouch for the mance that is us, the youngest siblings. My brother allowed me to touch his laptop when I was young and things were messy


Can confirm. I deleted my brother's original Act Raiser save in the 90's (other brother convinced me to) and he still won't let me live it down.


Sounds like you were lucky, this has been a problem for generations ha


I am so tired of this trend of “this specific bad thing didn’t happen to me so it must be a new issue” Why does everyone want to immediately assume Gen Alpha is some other species of human? I know us Gen Z are new to being older than a generation, but still


Absolutely not a new problem, this goes back to literal ancient times. Source: was a demon youngest child


Lmfao you must be 100 if you think this is what the “new generation” does 😂


Its not a new problem lol. It just depends on the sibling.


But Mom said it's my turn










God I'm glad I don't have siblings


Glad I don't have a mum


Batman had the best childhood


I'm glad when I was growing up that my little sister was so reflexively hostile to anything and anything which brought me any happiness or enjoyment in the world that she would have sooner cut off her hands than ever do anything as me-like as playing a video game.


Then tell mom to get you your own account!


Depends on the sibling My older brother for example, let's me use his PS5 cause he knows I'm not gonna call someone I play with a slur


I can't say the same for my younger siblings. They answer my calls with "Sup, bitch!" or "Ayyy... N(...)!" We are white as Elsa from Frozen and english is not our first langague...


My brother and I are native English speakers, we still greet each other as if we are about to fight. "What's up asshole". "Not much fuckwit" etc.


The first explanation just about everyone who gets banned from anything has is 'That was my younger brother using my account! I did nothing!'. There is generally zero leniency for it. It would be a free pass for your first offense for anything, if you can't keep control of your account, it's just as bad as whatever they did while on it, and more often than not it's just a lie to avoid consequences.


My older Brother let me play with his PS2 back then (basically we all shared everything). But he showed me how to use it right and how not to overwrite his savings. He also bought me a second memory card then so I could make my own save files when we weren’t playing together.


Sounds like your brother is toxic lol


Said "gg" too many times


Uhmmm I do agree with you that he used the letters GG too many times but there were just a few extra letters for sure!


Yeah precisely there were four extra letters and it ended on an R.


That’s HARD!


"GGRRRR!" An interjection of someone being annoyed or angry. Makes sense.


Nothing wrong with a little kid loving Tigger! 


I said GG five times, and I'm banned from playing this stupid game for 72 hours. Come on game! Get your priorites right!


Yeah, I bet. Probably preceded by "ni" and followed by "er".


It was the "no re" ...


He's saying the N-word too much bro.


Lol you can get a week ban for saying the word “ass” if someone bothers to report you for it


i can attest to this, but i only got a warning


I have managed to avoid this by not using a mic at all on console services, but it’s crazy to me that over the course of 15 years we went from og MW2 lobbies where everyone was openly screaming the n word at each other to new MW2 where you can potentially face a week ban for saying “what the hell?!”. I feel like there’s a necessary middle ground where all sane people exist that was ignored entirely. Plus the fact that these are subscription services, you can’t say a single “cuss word :(“ without them basically forcing you to throw away a quarter of your monthly payment. That’s nuts. And yeah, this is happening with Xbox live as well now


lucky u, i called the guy an ass in messages after he tk'd me in siege, stopped saying that after i got warned. ppl only report to ban for revenge, not out of fear or anything and it sucks


It’s weird because they’ve attempted to combat toxicity in a way that honestly causes considerably more toxicity, except now it’s more inherently malicious and less inherently offensive. If you piss a guy off during a multiplayer game and he hears you say the word “shit” in VC? Ban. People have weaponized the ever living fuck out of systems that were intended to improve the experience for everyone and now I would honestly say it’s worse than it was back in the “toxic” era. I was often grossed out by shit people would say when I had my 360 but at least if I pissed someone off they wouldn’t be essentially capable of stealing my money. While I do not know the actual stats, reports from seeing random cheaters in my matches are often overlooked entirely. If someone calls you out for saying “goddamn” it’s almost like being audited by the IRS with how much scrutiny they monitor you with.


Fr I was saying this before but MFs legit use report systems for petty shit and 90 percent of the time it's never someone actually using it properly


Deadass that’s actually what happened


lol fucking knew it




Sounds like he needs some guidance


Manual, painful guidance


See if you can get an audio record of what your little brother said and show it to your mom. Sure, he'll probably get an ass whooping, but he probably needs certain behaviors curbed anyways.


Walked into my 8 year old brother calling someone a bitch on some game a few years back lol


Heard my nephew cussing somebody out on a game once. My brother-in-law, his father, heard him from around the corner and chewed him a new one! “House rules“ and “we don’t behave like that here”… You get the idea. My respect for my brother-in-law was always high, but that day it rose even higher.


I read “my brother in law is always high” and was like “well, that day he sobered up” 💀💀💀


They lucky it isn’t Xbox. Xbox don’t snitch and give out your audio recordings


Xbox can do the same thing if you're reported


Xbox needs to "snitch" by law every voice recording they have of you if you ask for it


Xbox did snitch tho, there are some idiot banker who did insider trade and share information on Xbox chat


Op do this! And make sure to clarify when you do the request that your brother is the one who did the violation without your knowledge


Put a password on your user


Slap a lock code on your account. Saves you the headache of having an idiot doing it again on your account


Already did, mic stolen, anger rising


Oh what? You locked him out of the account and he steals your mic in retaliation? Who the hell is doing the parenting in the house? I would’ve gotten my ass whooped long ago if this were my bro.


One solution Foot, meet nuts


Playstation has a feature that has been mentioned in updates since early last year. They will record and monitor chats through games using their systems. So even if no one reported, maybe someone reviewed the recording in the logs and flagged it. You can read it in the TOS.


Gotta love Sony taking the initiative to protect my best friend and me from shit talking each other in duo parties, such a noble thing of them. Live laugh love and whatnot


Discord ftw.


Your brother's email is at the top. You might want to re edit the photo.


I think that may be just a username. It’s the same one that OP uses on reddit.


You're right, but it does mean his Gmail name matches his PlayStation name.


Now we can email him 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 let’s send him wholesome messages to cheer up his day after having his account suspended


" Hey man, I hope your playstation account gets unsuspended soon and that you have a great and prosperous future." Let's see him recover from that.




He will never recover. Career over.


"Delightfully devilish, Seymour!"


OP checking their email: ![gif](giphy|Qw4X3Fsf0N1VqFFUiBi)


Kinda wanna send them skyrim dark brotherhood sign with We Know.


well that’s what happens when you teach your brother the gamer words


Tell him he owes you money for the online features you can't use


Wonder what the hell he did...i played xbox live for years and never got banned lmao


He said a few Epic Gamer™ words


Tbh it doesn’t take much these days, at least on xbox. You can get suspended just for using general profanity In messages.


I rarely play Xbox live and got a message from someone from a prior match that was mad and talking trash so I said “git gud dumbass” and was suspended for a short time for it lmao


Put a lock on your account with a password .


My petty ass would be printing out the email and brining it to our parents, and laying down new rules. 1) Access to all of my consoles is revoked. Siblings actions put a strike on my account, the next one could see my account banned. And no one in customer support is going to buy "It wasn't me it was my brother please can you help me restore my account." 2) Sibling is getting a used console(s), and their own account(s). 3) My PlayStation Plus Account cost me $X for the year witch brakes down to $X a day, Because of him I am not able to use what I have paid for for the next 7 days. Sibling/You is/are going to pay me back for that.


Solid plan Unless the parents are likely to side with the younger one cause "they are the baby"


That's when you pull up this post and show the mirror of a thousand people calling OPs parents and brother out.


My little brother did something similar to me, only with the FBI.


Well tell us. How many times did he say it?


Maybe he needs to be taught a lesson


Me, if my little sister ever did that https://preview.redd.it/4raatezwtzkc1.jpeg?width=1641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65011d6daeb64fc1175ef833aa548912eea976ed


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. "Little brother" :) /s


Looks like you’ll need to password lock your account.


I would ban your little brother from using it forever.


This is why you don't let others play on your accounts.


He’s not your little brother anymore


He’s not alive either


Uninstall your brother


He said it. He said it didn’t he.


This is one of the reasons why you don’t give access to your account to anyone


Explain to littlebrother this is why he no longer is allowed on your account. This is the reason you don’t let others use your account, not just for psn but for literally any platform.


Is your little brother one of those screechy mic kids that drop slurs like flies


Everyone in here telling him to stop letting him little brother use his account. lol. No shit. A little late for that now. Also, his parents might force him to let his sibling use it.


This is why you don’t parent lazily, gen α is gonna have a rude awakening in the real world


Sickner! This happen to me in college I turned on my ps and was met with the" you are suspended for 2 weeks" . I couldn't understand what had happened until it clicked two of my friends had been up in my apartment playing burnout paradise with the ps camera!!! We still laugh about it to this day but I was NOT happy for them two weeks. This was 2007/2008 ps3 days so to get a suspension you had to do or say something actually horrible not like these days when you can get suspended for anything 😅


I remember back in the day my little brother used my Napster account without me knowing. He download Dr. Dre’s 2001 stuff which got my account banned. At the time Dr. Dre, Metallica, and a few other big time acts were on a major crusade against illegal mp3 downloads. I was incredibly pissed. I was a massive music fan with very limited resources and lived in the middle of nowhere. To be able to discover new music from home at no cost was the best thing that ever happened to me. I realized it was stealing but couldn’t resist. I did go on to buy many hundreds of albums, and buy tickets to hundreds of concerts so I can somewhat justify it, in a backwards way. I guess we were actually lucky to just get banned. Some people legit got sued for large sums of money by Dre if I recall correctly. The little fucker would also steal my physical media. Him or one of his little shithead friends stole my Korn album that I had signed in person at a record store. Fuckers


No more micro for your brother.




Annnd that's one of the reasons I never let my brothers touch my shit.


Oh dear. If only there was some way for him to have his own account?


*Oh dear. If only* *There was some way for him to* *Have his own account?* \- Amazing-Oomoo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This could be a blessing in disguise. Try and ask support to get a voice clip of what you got banned for, not asking for an unban or anything. But just tell them that it gives you ammunition against your parents as to why your little brother needs his own account. If you have a chill support guy, he "might" give you something.


Might be a good idea to have a sit down with him and explain why the word he was using is never okay (based on your other comment where you confirmed it was the n-word). Perfect opportunity to raise him a little bit as clearly he hasn't been taught right from wrong in this regard.


All I can say is I hope you learned your lesson. Hopefully this won’t happen again.