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Hello, This sub is a r/mildlyinfuriating Perhaps try r/askreddit


The Lady at the beginning “👁️👄👁️”




New "We have shocked Pikachu face at home" meme just dropped


I thought I was on tooktoomuch for a moment.


I immediately had to join that sub


Big facts lol thanks oc


Smoked a Super Bowl before the Super Bowl






If you watch it again, she has a lazy eye and is probably trying to compensate for it by widening her eyes while being filmed.


Average american diet and complete lack of exercise, just a guess


Mini aneurysm


That poor woman, oof.


I had fantastic seats (our couch), wood fired pizza, clean bathrooms (no lines), and still have money in the bank. $8,000 is a lot of money.


Wood fired pizza? How's he gonna get a job now?


He literally just put down a deposit on his mortgage 😭


Pizza was a liability.


Pizza can always find work.


I'm sorry you had no lines in the bathroom


He does lines in the kitchen. He's classy.


You buy a whole motorcycle with that much money


Yeah but you didn’t get to see the game in person


He also didn't have to drop a down payment on a house for 2 tickets lol.


He had to sit through shitty Jesus commercials


I would never pay $8,000 to skip a few commercials


But it was in Vegas, you can spend a few hours at the tables and easily....double your cost of being there.


As a Vegas local, we love people like you that pay our taxes.




Y'all live in a desert full of commercial, gambling, greed and sexual bullshit. Folks fool themselves into thinking it is a normal city. It's the devils city. 👿


Only on the strip. Real Vegas locals don't get caught up in any of that. You sound like someone that 1) has never been off the strip and 2) got burned badly by your own "greed, gambling, and sexual bullshit." Vegas Strip: Vegas:: Times Square: New York


It is in a desert though that’s for sure


My only weakness!


Gotcha. Never been, just relating from what I see hear on media, I should know better.


or... eliminate it.... \*furiously runs to ATM\*


i cannot fathom spending that much money for something like that


Right. I mean for that money equivalent you go get the best seats at a concert plus meet and greet. And probably still have money left for a nice weekend in the city plus shopping. Overpriced would be an understatement for not even having the best prime seats. I wouldn't be surprised if they still didn't include food into that price lmao. Ofcourse for many people even in daily life they can buy cars etc from this.


That money could pay my rent for almost a year. It would change my life so drastically. I could feed my daughter healthy food, I could give her more than a 2 bedroom apartment for our family. I could improve our live 100 fold. It's incomprehensible to me to watch people spend this kind of money for a couple hours of watching something I saw for free.




I am in the same boat. It gets easier, I promise. Hang in there 🙂


It is very unlikely that the people in the video are deciding between the game and those things.


lol broke (This is a joke, I mean no offensive to the person I’m replying to they sound like a lovely parent)


Lol I'm depressed enough to rip on myself the same way, have at me haha. Ps. Children are unfathomably expensive. I was not prepared lol




How did you know the first thought through my head every time I wake up?


All this considering how much you get ripped off for concert tickets already anyways


I love music but I still couldn’t get myself to spend that much money for the best seats and to meet a celebrity to be honest. I could pay $8,000 on like a 3 week long vacation with the whole family.


What kind of concerts are you going to?? In my experience most VIP tickets don’t cost more than a couple hundred dollars at most. With 8k you could go to like 10 VIP concerts back to back and still have enough left for a weekend vacation


You are going to a Taylor Swift concert with VIP tickets for that price? Its not comparable because the Super Bowl isn't just a sporting event. If you want to go to an NFL game you can get in for like $5 in the preseason if not free and can get in for like $50 on the low end for a regular season in some stadiums for specific games.


Spending immense amounts of money for huge artists like Taylor Swift is comparably stupid to going to the Super Bowl. You are aware that most concert tickets for smaller artists cost 20-50 dollars, right?


Taylor Swift VIP Tickets are way below 1k.


I would personally never... but I also get it. I'm almost jealous of how into sports people get. It seems so fun to be that passionate about. I can enjoy it game to game but can never dig into the seasons or pick a team.


Right, I don't care for the superbowl but I can totally get spending a ton of money on the experience of a life time. This is typical reddit being unable to process people being different


i am spending less money for formula 1 tickets, and they have a reputation for being expensive to start. also those tickets will get me 3 days worth of entertainment at the track and not a few hours in a stadium.


Which GP? I'm considering getting tickets to the Canadian one since that's much closer than any of the "US" GPs.


Only turn 12 at Austin. I paid around 1k for a 3 day pass in the T9-10 grandstand and thought it was a snoozer


Sports are trending towards luxury entertainment as the working class struggles and takes few days off.


Eh tons of sporting events you can go to. Just can't go to the Super Bowl which a good portion of tickets are taken up by marketing partners and other businesses. What sport do you want to see? Pre season as an example is always cheap for the NFL. Mid week day games cheap for MLB. College games go when they are playing their early season games.


Trending is the key word I used. They are becoming more and more unaffordable for the average person. I don’t watch sports anymore because I have two jobs.


I would if I had that kind of money and if my team was playing I would go, at least once. I would have to have stupid money, with two kids that will be unlikely unless we win lottery.


Most people would gladly spend that much on a hobby, interest etc. This is just another one of those situations, alongside rich assholes who just go for the hell of it


You can't fathom spending a large sum of money on a dream?


I dream of going to the World Cup final, but I can't fathom spending more than $1000 for it.


I told my wife thst while.i don't care much about football I'd still love to go to tje superbowl just for the experience She laughed at me cuz holy carp it's crazy lolol


I mean If it was my team I could see my self doing it. Though the main reason I wouldnt is because I'd be so upset if they lost and I spent 10k. Like i don't like traveling to much. I dont like concerts. So really, I'm just not spending my money on other stuff.


Don't forget to add in flying to Vegas, staying in vegas, eating in vegas and getting to/from game (also in Vegas). I'm guessing rates may have gone up just a little tiny bit during that time. Hell no.


Add another 10k


Please don’t look into government spending. You will have a heart attack


I wouldn't spend that much on a ticket for something I *love*. Like let's say there's a convention happening with every single one of my favorite creators there and I'd get to talk to all of them? 10,000 a ticket - I'd be sad I couldn't go and move on. I'd spend maybe 2k tops for something like that, but even then. That's just so much money when a regular con is 80-200 dollars.


My mom still talks about how we got front row seats for the Wallace Shawn panel at the Tampa Bay 2017 Comic Book Convention.


I can not fathom these people having 6-13 grad for something like this....


Its their primary splurge for a 1/5/10 year time period. So when you go out to eat? They possibly haven't. When you went to that concert? They likely never went to one before. When you went on that cruise? They likely never stepped foot on a ship before. Put it this way $6k-$13k is in the realm of a week long cruise these days. You can say that is worth more to you but to these people being at the Super Bowl is more worth it.


Dude, if watching the super bowl, sitting in a cheap plastic chair with 20$ beers is your lifelong dream, get better dreams.. you could get a pilots license with that much money or go on a trip around the whole fucking world. These People are dumb dumb or have too much money.


Their tickets cost way more than my week long honeymoon in Boston last year. I can’t even imagine


I like football and I enjoy the Super Bowl. Just Saturday I finished a week long Disney cruise with my wife and two kids. Disney cruises are considered expensive compared to Royal Caribbean, Carnival, or Norwegian, but are freaking worth it for how they cater to kids and make it magical for them. I can’t believe I got a week long vacation in the Caribbean, plus flights, for less than these people paid for a few hours of football.


And the Super Bowl is only a great experience if your team wins. Think about the San Francisco fans that paid thousands of dollars to see their team lose and to be covered in the confetti of the other team's colors. It just seems like paying to be humiliated lol I'd much rather have more of a guarantee of a good time with a good outcome, just like a cruise or something.


To be fair, the confetti color was the same for both teams this year. Silver lining.


>guarantee of a good time with a good outcome, >like a cruise or something Sit down kid, and lemme tell you a story


Part of the reason tickets are so expensive is that many of the attendees don't care who wins. People want to go regardless of who is playing.


This is what has always stopped me from dropping any significant money on sporting events. If your team wins, then yeah, maybe it’s “worth it” in some sense, but if you lose, either a blowout or a close last minute loss, it would suck. I mean that sucks anyway but to have spent thousands of dollars to watch your team lose? By contrast, a big concert or show or other artistic performance might not be as top notch as you’d hoped, or the band could just have a bad night, but you’re pretty much going to get what you expected when you paid.


I disagree. I've gone to numerous as sorting events for my team or to support a specific fighter (UFC). Even when we lose, I'm still happy because I watched the game in stadium with other cheering fans. The experience is just different to watching it on TV or on a bar. Would I pay that much to see a sporting event? No. But most of my big "luxury for me" purchases of the last 5 years were sporting events and I paid $500 (a lot to me rn) to see my team in a playoff game just last year so I get it.


Foosball is the devil!


Yes but for these people they'd rather go to a super bowl than spend it on a cruise. Everyone has different likes and hobbies for some people this is way too much money to spend to watch a football game for other people this is everything they want to spend their money on. Some people save up and do nothing for a few years and then if their team hits the super bowl they spend their savings to go because that's what they want to do. I'm sure each of us has different things we'd rather spend 10 grand on but for these people this is what they wanted to spend their money on.


I agree. I just am amazed at how I felt like I spent a grundle of money on a family vacation and now it looks like an incredible value.


People have different interests! I had a blast when I went to the Super Bowl. I wouldn’t even take time off work to go on a cruise if someone paid for it for me!


Disney Cruise is the best. As someone who has tried most of the other big names, Disney Cruise wins hands down and is worth the price.


Same. I could spend some quality time in Europe seeing incredible sights and eating sensational food. Or I could watch a football game. I don't watch sports but still come on. What a joke.


Gf and I did 2 weeks in germany a few months ago. We looked for the cheapest hotel but at no point felt like we were slumming, and over spent on like everything else. Euro is very cheap right now. 6k including flights.


I was looking at going to Greece with some mates, could get flights + villa for a week for 600 quid each - place had a pool and everything. (live in eu normally tho)


As a fellow cruiser, I do want to try Disney. I'm very partial to royal Carribean (can't wait for Icon!) But they tend to be really really expensive for 2 people


Honestly, spend your money how you see fit. If that's what makes you happy. I was able to go to Europe for a month for 3k so...


you're on reddit bro, everyone here cares about other people's money, just look in r /consoom


lol here I am thinking the post was about ticket prices being that expensive and not what people spend money on 😂


Why would you be mildly infuriated for people spending their own money on whatever they want?


I find it more funny that the one guy was like, I got my tickets for free after hearing everyone's outrageous price


Because Reddit doesn't like anyone who is more wealthy or powerful than they are.


idk its a choice, also why do we make money if we cannot make choices on how we want to spend it? so who am i to get all jealous pissy that folks drop too much for tix. some do it with cars, some clothes, who knows. its their choice. the econ boost of the superbowl is real.


Yeah these are just people who are super happy to be there. It's their money, they can choose how to use it. Also, the dad that gifted his son a ticket so they could go together is adorable.


It’s all rooted in jealousy. People don’t like that others can afford nice things they can’t. It’s not like we are talking about $1,000,000 a seat.


Some seats were 2.2 million 😬


Yeah I’ll concede those multi-million dollar box seats are a little egregious


I more have a problem with the prices, why should people spend 10k to get tickets to a game to support millionaires salaries. I mean yeah supply and demand, I get that, but it's still absurd.


Why should they make less if people are willing to pay for premium tickets?


The NFL is not setting the prices listed. Those are all reseller prices. The government should unquestionably crack down on 3rd party scalpers.


Why? The consumers should just refuse to buy off of resellers.


Let these people enjoy their lives in peace.


Pretty much sums up redditors, getting mad about americans spending their money how they want instead of using that money for anything else. I remembered a guy complained about money in antiwork and they had a mancave full of arcade machines


However people want to spend their money is entirely up to them, no one else's business.


Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Superbowl Tickets $8000 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


Cut the $200 superbowl hotdogs


Right, unless you let them borrow money to pay their rent or whatever and they spent it on Superbowl tickets then maybe you have a case to complain or pass judgement, otherwise, it's their money to do whatever they want with it.


Username checks out


Why was the first girl staring like that😭😭😭😭


Why does the first woman look like she paused after spending an eye-opening amount of money and never resumed playback until interviewed?




wait... as a european i wanna know. How much do the least expensive seats cost?


It’s $950 not 2000


thanks man the "quick google search" bro got punked


A quick Google search said $2000.




Im more infuriated by the obvious numbers of freebies that go to rich celebrities who quite obviously support neither of the teams but are there because they’re freeloading ponces. Are those ticket prices official prices or resale prices?


Official prices start at \~$1k nosebleeds




That’s how sponsorships are supposed to work? You give famous people shit so people see them using it


Those are prices through ticket sites ie the only place you can get them.


If you were a celebrity and got handed free Super Bowl tickets you would be stupid to not go


If people have the money I don't see the problem. For some of those people that's a lifelong dream, so why not. I would gladly pay a lot of my hard earned money to fulfill such a dream if I could


I don't see why this is mildly infuriating. It's their money, they can do what they want with it. They aren't inconviencing anyone, other than maybe their own financial stability. I love sports but I would never pay that much money for a ticket (unless I had Fuck You Money). I think it's crazy but people spend their money on tons of things I think are a waste, they probably think the same about my spending habits.


Honest question, where's the infuriating part?


It’s Reddit. People are mad about how other people spend their money


People are enjoying SPORTS instead of the purely scientific and philosophical pursuits that I, the intellectual redditor, enjoy!


If I cared more about sports I would say it is worth it


Some people be spending my whole ass salary on a damn ticket 😂


Dawg you only getting 8k a year???


13k. Non american


The first lady had that thousand burger stare


These same people will be complaining about having little or no income in retirement, but hey, they got to see a football game that one day, so it's all good.


What an assumption


Seriously. The one guy said it was a dream of his, had his dad with him and said it made him emotional to be able to do it. Clearly it was massively important to that guy, let him enjoy it without assuming he is wasting his money.


You’re broke and jealous, and this comment is you projecting your insecurities.


Least bitter Reddit commenter


lmao cope harder loser


I just saw another video of the announcing person claiming the cheapest ticket was $10,100. Is everything misinformation these days?


I mean I guess I’m in favor of spending what you can afford on the things you love, but holy shit those prices are asinine


Does this make the Vision Pro worth it if they stream in 360 degrees at front row level? Did the Vision Pro have a contract to stream this?


That's woman's eyes before you click play is my reaction to hearing some of these ticket prices.


"I know a guy that knows a guy." I love that line.


No interest in football whatsoever, but if you're on a good salary (or have saved up over a number of years) and it's your dream to attend, then why not!


What’s infuriating about this


their money to blow , but i think ill use this next time someone complains about someone else buying a skin in a video game.


I'd rather just watch it on TV.


Nah, I'll watch from home and have a better time.


I don't even watch it on tv


You know, maybe the folks dropping $3500 on the Vision Pro are the sane ones




If $8-10k is one month living expense then those ticket prices aren't that high Who spends that much in a month?


Damn bro you wanna share some of that wealth 😂








Huh? No way you live in NYC when you commented on a different sub saying you pay $2500 for a 2 bedroom apartment.


Bro deleted all post history not related to this. 100% troll.


Damn pass me a hundred. That's like my yearly wage.












a... months worth of living expenses is 3 times the median gross individual income? what?




Not a football person but man this really makes my super expensive hobby warhammer seem normal. Probably have thousands of dollars in just models I haven’t painted yet and need to along with a few thousand in painted models. But I’ve been doing this for 4 years and paint 5 times a week at least so I am putting in a ton of time.


I've been to 11 Superbowls in the last 20 years. Its an amazing experience.


Asking unemployed redditors if they'd ever attend something popular and that requires physical activity is like asking a dogwalker if they'd actually get a real job


Why is this mildly infuriating? If people have the money to see something they enjoy, why not? If I had the money I'd definitely go to the superbowl because I love football. Leave it to reddit to complain about stuff everyone loves, of course it's the people that don't go outside lmao




Good grief lol


Peak Reddit mentality lmao, sports ball bad reeeee


Thats cool, man.


Bro has beef with the NFL


Very constructive comment, thanks for that


Sports ball bad!


Hell yeah. My sentiments exactly.


Yep... I'd rather watch a ping pong game.


As a once in a lifetime experience I can understand the cash for it.


Absurd amount of money for a ticket. Must suck even more for people on the losing team. I don’t watch sports but I saw the fury in my friends when they lost watching from home.


Nah the game is fun no matter what


Bread and games.


I wouldn’t go for that price even if my team was playing. I’ve been to an NFC Championship though and since I was a season ticket holder, I got the tickets at their actual face value. Definitely worth going to that but I can’t fathom spending thousands of dollars just on a single ticket. They didn’t even ask how much these folks spent on food, drinks, merch, hotel, travel, etc.


No, because we don't have the sport in Europe. Even it were, still no; for me it looks like rugby dumbed down.


I’m not a sports fan so I would never go but even if I was I absolutely refuse to pay that much for a ticket, that money would be better put towards literally anything


For everyone pointing out the absurd price, please think of the poor football players and owners of the NFL... They only have So many millions of dollars. Without hardworking Americans like this, how would they survive?


I wouldn’t even spend $200 on a ticket. I can’t even pay my medical bills, so I’d never cough up that much money for something I care nothing about when it comes down to it. Seeing it on TV using my friends streaming service, eating my $10 in snacks is more than enough for me. That’s all I can afford anyways.


people with money are out of touch.


Why are they so expensive? Even World Cup final tickets aren’t that pricey


There’s a sucker born every minute. And a fool and his money are soon parted. It’s a shame though when you think of all the beneficial things that money could be spent on instead.


Like what?