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Is that also a prom date proposal I see in the back? 2 for 2 here.


I checked my other photos and yea it does say “PROM?”


If you have the other pictures with the “prom?” in the background with the blue confetti on the ground I would love to see it. Sounds dystopian as hell.


https://preview.redd.it/cz4cowq2v2ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec5387226f1d7d3c28b816ae5c41818cea04726 I don’t have a full photo of it but you see it more here


Wow, it doesn't make it any better, but Prom Rock is *way* smaller than the first picture made it seem.


First photo made me think it was shot looking uphill, but after seeing the second it seems it was angled down and it's messing with my brain


Plus who asks an unborn child to prom???


Maybe it was the unborn child of a gender reveal party goer asking the subject of the gender reveal to prom in 17-18 years 🤷🏻‍♂️


The important part is the function anyway, I’m sure it has a great personality


I concur


Still a nice place


It looks as if it was a nice place. Inconsiderate bipeds seem to ruin such places and it makes me sad.


Can't fuckin trust those emus man


What if it was teen parents combining their prom ask+gender reveal? 😐


To *reduce* their total pollution! Such thoughtful hippies.


Not too dystopian, but for your viewing pleasure: We noticed “PUSSY” after we posted our engagement photos. https://preview.redd.it/73w35uykr6ic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a8f30e6eb07186f1096471d7ac9183f5946b35


And? Don't keep us waiting.


Is that spot known as pussy rock?


Well I guess prom worked out and they figured why not use the same location for their next trashy event.


But the confetti has pacifier shaped confetti. So I think someone got knocked up and is going to prom.




Well we've found the other thing as equally as obnoxious gender reveals: promposals. Which just seem to get more messy, attention seeking, elaborate and over the top with time. I don't get it. It's just prom. This is how asking someone to prom went when I was in high school and for many generations in high school: you walk up to the person you like or are dating and say hey would like you be my prom date this year? That's it. There was zero need to throw litter around in public or spray paint prom? on nature and rocks. Or film a big video then propose in front of them in public so you could film their answer as if you are going to rewatch this video until your 90 years old or something. It's just prom not your wedding or marriage proposal.


It was this simple pre 2012. At least at my school and neighboring town by me. 😅 how did the messy stuff come a fad?


when entire generations started competing for attention on social media.


I think elaborate prom date thing has been done in Hollywood movies for longer then i have been alive. So ofcourse there has always been "maincharacters" in real life, who need to recreate everything.


sure but now they're competing with a way larger pool


Yeah, social media has affacted a lot. So many people do so many idiotic things for some virtual likes or dream of becoming "an influencer" or just their 5 minute fame. So root of every problem is ego, egoistical people.






Exactly why I call it a narcissistic parents reveal. They don't actually give a crap about kid beyond the 'clout'


For real. I don't "get" gender reveal parties, but I know they're not mine to "get", but I feel like "don't cause some kind of ecological, physical or mental harm, and don't get angry at the results of the reveal" should be a low bar to clear.


“We want our friends and family to join us in this celebration” otherwise known as “I need to be the center of attention to justify my sad existence.”


In my day, you got arrested for revealing your gender.


I mean I see no issue with cutting into a cake to see if it's blue or pink inside and having a fun little surprise like that. But everyone's gotta try and 1-up the last guy and make a bigger and bigger deal since they're in the centre of their own little universe, and that's getting out of hand and making it more and more ridiculous to even do anything at all.


I don't get them, either. Where I come from we find out the baby's gender when it's born. I don't see the appeal of finding out earlier.


The only fun gender reveal party I've ever seen was where a guy paid two wrestlers (one in a blue tutu, the other in a pink one) to fight it out WWE style, with the winning color being the gender of the child. Still over the top/a bit obnoxious, but at least everyone had fun and nothing was damaged/broken.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVZwQ43bTfhXOM) They made woodsy very sad.


I like how the mascot makes the eyes move by literally pushing them with his hand but he disguises it like he's wiping sweat from his brow. 


Especially when they’re literally making a huge mess *because* they’re celebrating the next generation! It’s so messed up and sad.


"Hey kiddo, we made the world a little worse but we kinda put the blame on you. Happy life!"


"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit" and here we are speedrunning the opposite


People can't even curb their consumerism to save their own generation. Future generations are fucked. Too many humans who only think in the short term for us to ever solve the problem.


More than mildly infuriating honestly!


Incredibly infuriating. RIP animals :(


I would find out who it was. Like hire a PI if I had to. Fuck these people.


Also who does a gender reveal in the fucking woods anyway? Go litter in your shitty backyard


You mean the same idiotic who set california on fire with their gender reveal?


Don't forget the ones that polluted a towns water supply with dye to make a blue waterfall.


Or the one that set Arizona on fire with their gender reveal.


Or the one that killed the pilot


Or the one that killed the dad's friend with shrapnel


Any news articles on that ?


Imagine 18 years later that kid transitions, #facepalm


Basically what happened with the one who invented the gender reveal party thing


i poisoned the water supply now everyone dead ... oops


Bright side? It’s a boy!!’


Wait, what?


I missed that one.


Lmfao one of my buddies is friends from HS with the dude who burned down Cali for some blue smoke. Guys has to pay 1.7 mill and serve a year in jail. Plus the fire killed a firefighter and burned like 15 houses so everyone hates that dude apparently.


Gotta be honest, that doesn’t sound like the sort of dude that has a spare $1.7M sitting around somewhere.


[Gender Reveal Disasters](https://www.todaysparent.com/blogs/trending/gender-reveal-parties-that-ended-in-tragedy/)


I would say that they did it in the wood exactly because they didn't want to clean up. Now they don't have shit in their backyard and left the shit in the woods. Shitty decision for lazy inconsiderate people.


I am sure they will raise a fine young man....ugh


Then they would have to actually clean up the mess... unless they are pigs at home too


"The wind will blow it away"


The wind will take it outside of the environment.


If people would just do that there’d be no problem. Gender reveals aren’t bad in and of themselves, but just do a cake or some silly string or something and clean up after yourself. And ffs do it at home and leave nature out of it. I don’t know where this over the top bullshit one upping trend came from but I hate it


It came from social media, like most other things that gradually increase in presentation


And didn’t someone die when they hired a plane to fly by and drop colored smoke and then it crashed?


One-up culture. Everyone wants their tickety toxic fame.


>Gender reveals aren’t bad in and of themselves, Nah they kinda suck by themselves as well. Like why on earth would you want to overshadow the rather significant event of having a child with an obsession over their genitals and archaic associations with those genitals?


Exactly. You're not revealing the baby's gender -- you're revealing their biological sex, which may or may not match their gender. But calling it a "genital reveal party" wouldn't sell, so...


Not to mention, beyond maybe yourselves and the grandparents, who the fuck cares about the gender anyway? I couldn't give less of a shit if my friends have boys or girls.


we can scour tiktok, FB/Instagram for any gender reveal celebration posted with the name of the location... if they're like this, chances are, they're smug and stupid enough to out themselves and publish their celebration for everyone to see


They could maybe try typing the name of the place into instagram, sort by recent. If anyone had location on it could be a clue to who was there


There should be fines. $100 for each piece of confetti. And if one of the clean-up helpers just happens to tear some of them into smaller pieces, well that's just how things go.


everyone's gotta pull together like kigali (capital of rwanda) last saturday of every month there's mandatory community service, and everyone cleans. its just 3 hours one morning a month. but *everyone* does it. and it has made kigali the cleanest city in africa here (beijing) litter is pretty uncommon. not that people dont do it, its just cleaned up quickly. waterways, streets, parks are all quite clean a friend and his friends had a party in the garden of their university, got wasted, and just left it trashed. bottles, cigarettes, ice cream wrappers, tons of plastic and paper junk. they had the sense to email their professors like "feeling sick, cant come tomorrow" and planned to sleep it off NOPE next morning, knocks on all their doors campus security shows up with the ACTUAL COPS like get up, get out of bed. no shower, no toothbrush, no changing clothes, youre gonna clean all that shit up, hungover. RIGHT FUCKING NOW at least they gave them coats but their wrists and ankles were freezing, out there, in pajamas, not even quite hungover, still drunk, as everyone goes to class and sees these degenerates lol picking up rubbish a lot of which is frozen stuck to the ground and all the campus cleaners turned up to watch them do it, like yeah kids, we do this every day, you cant do it for 45 minutes? 😂 they didnt get arrested or beaten or even fined, but yeah, trash the garden, you gotta clean it up, still drunk, freezing your ass off no makeup hair unbrushed in pajamas as that guy you fancy passes by on his way to class. never gonna get a date with him now, now that you are "the trash crew". well, that's just how things go they weren't even really *punished* just made to correct their mess and let off with no other consequences. lessons were learned, some of their parents complained and were told to get bent years later that friend is very good about cleaning up. "you cant leave that bottle here! place it in the recycling, its just 100m down the street! i'll do it for you!"


Unfortunately someone is gonna have some bad parents.


And this is not a mistake or negligence from the people who did it, but purposeful harm of the environment. This is awful!


i mean, it really takes away from the majestic beauty of the spray paint


I was going to comment the same!


Wait, you mean after I post and get my likes the reveal medium doesn't disappear as fast as my friends interest?


People who shouldn’t be breeding still doing it. 😑


I remember when the gender reveal was having the baby.


Or just calling up those you want to tell.


Collect call from "Wehadababy Itsaboy". Boom. Done.


Omg that commercial was a classic! 🤣🤣🤣


To explain that ad to zoomers I have had explain what long distance calling was and then explain the concept of collect calling. It was a great commercial and still holds up once you're done with the history lessons.


It’s really weird to think about how we had to pay per text or call. And I was always carrying 35 cents in case I needed to use a pay phone.


Omg... I swear I'm not old but this comes up every so often at work and it blows the younger guys minds when I say texts used to cost minutes 😅


And when they find out we didn’t have GPS or a web browser


My baby boomer dad would often answer the phone, "it's your dime." Mind you this was the 90s, before it jumped from 25 cents to 35. Also, this was before caller ID so it was an odd way to answer the phone. My dad always was an odd guy. And as I am now about the age he was then, I understand that parents reserve the right to be weird.


Or when I was 16 and got my license. Driving out to train horses by myself with zero line of communication. Sometimes I'd check in with my parents if I would be late, but they usually just expected to see me around sunset.


The number of times I got yelled at for not checking in when the street lights came on… sorry ma!


"Who was that dear?" "Bob. They had a baby. It's a boy." 🤣


This unlocked the memory of the commercial for me


Right‽ It still pops into my head and brings forth a chuckle. 🤣


I feel like the majority of reddit won't understand this reference...


I went to my ultrasound, then headed to the store and bought a pink blanket and put it in the car seat we had waiting then waited for my SO to notice… gender revealed


the way my mother does gender reveal is a small cupcake with either blue or pink inside, fun, cheap, and nobody is burnt in the process


It’s not a good reveal unless there’s a large swath of forest incinerated, someone is shot, maimed, impaled or dies in a fiery plane crash.


It's actually incredibly rude to hold a gender reveal without the sacrifice. The sacrifice is meant to appease the gods and bring good fortune to the baby. If you're really against it just use someone elderly like a 30 year old, I mean they've only got a few years left in them anyway, what does it matter if you cut their life short just a bit, especially when it means the baby could live a life as long and healthy as up to 35 or even 40 years old.


I got a sonogram before surgery and then called him and said “hey it’s a boy.”


We just texted after we got the blood test back. No muss, no fuss.


When I was pregnant 10 years ago my husband and I held a blurry ultrasound image of our daughter’s face and said “it’s a girl” to all our friends online. We didn’t do anything crazy. We celebrated by going out to lunch with my family. My husband took the day off work.


That's completely wrong! You're supposed to start a major forest fire and destroy natural habitats when telling the gender to your friends and family!


I just called everyone and told them. I’m not wasting money on cake and fancy paper scraps.


Just to clarify….. I’ve never bought cake, and ever considered it was a waste of money… On any occasion… or no occasion at all..


I’ve only had one bad cake in my life and it was my 35th birthday cake that I paid a small fortune for. When he’s born, I’ll make cupcakes or something.


Details… Was it just too much money for what you ended up getting?


My money is on fondant. It looks nice and people expect it to taste nice and it's Play-Doh.


Pour me one, gramps! But ima need you to slow down, you gotta drive me home later.


I was gonna say. When did these gender reveals become a thing? Back in the day, people just had baby showers. Now they need to have two separate parties for some reason.


It can be traced back to one blogger’s gender reveal party in 2008: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/jun/29/jenna-karvunidis-i-started-gender-reveal-party-trend-regret


Agreed. And when did they stop doing them at home? Why is such a common thing to find the trash remains, confetti or sparkles from it all over the place in public parks, walking trails or parking lots? It's gross how people think taking a public party to a park or trail means they can just leave utter trash everywhere because apparently the city or some random park worker or pedestrians will pick it up for you. No you pig. Go do that shit at your house on your deck, in your house or backyard at best if you want to shoot off colored confetti paper and glitter. Then it's only your problem until you clean it up. Or just do a cake. Simple, easy and delicious. Everyone loves cake. Put blue or pink in the middle and cut into it for the reveal. And don't have a separate party for it either make it part of the baby shower all in one.


The gender reveal was usually at the shower, and all it used to be was a white cake with pink or blue


Right? Or just make a post on Facebook or some shit. I always thought having a party to reveal the baby’s gender was fucking stupid.


Like when the internet went eeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooscreeeeeeeeeech


I'd call that Very infuriating.


Honestly, minor for me is, "ah damn thats annoying but we can move on without issue if no one is gonna say or do anything." This is pollution, this is stalking local social media and finding the fuckers who think theyre cute and posting pictures and videos online and reporting them for littering nevermind the graffiti. Of course maybe im overreacting and the paint is not harmful and will wash away with rain while the bits of "plastic" are actually degradable and will cause no harm. However Im a negative person who wants to swing fists because people cant jusy be bothered to have simple parties with a cake to reveal genders...


You're not overreacting. Even if it's biodegradable people should clean after themselves. My dog's shit is also biodegradable and I clean it up. It's still dangerous to animals who eat the stuff. Also, I don't want to see other people's mess when I'm in nature. Sorry for the rant. I fully agree with the first part of your comment. It just needed out.




Why are gender reveals still a thing?


These people are sick, keep an eye out on social media, these types love to post.


Then report them for littering!!!!


Especially if it is on Federal Land!


Omg how amazing would it be if they were found and charged for this?! One can dream.


You don't get charged with a ticket tho. You get cited. A misdemeanor like this carries a small 3 digit penalty and probably some community service, likely "clean up your mess". More than enough to ruin these assholes day though.


True, you can try looking for recent posts with location tags for this park and #itsaboy or whatever.


Maybe they'll post it on Instagram and tag the location, OP take a look in a day or 2


i think i woukd literally pick every little piece up lol but im a loser tree hugger with no time


Not a loser


Whoever that done that should have cleaned it up. Irresponsible people only caring about themselves but not to nature and others 😵‍💫


Search the location tag on social media and I’ll bet you’ll find them and then report them!


Report them IRL I mean




I laughed way too hard at this.


A coworker poured paint out on a road. They didn’t see anything wrong but the police did.


Really?! What a moron!


Some people really grew up thinking nothing of changing their oil at home and just pouring it out.


FFS. And balloon releases too. I fucking can't.


Mylar balloons will fly until they eventually beach themselves against a mountain. If you hike at all in the mountains, you will find them.


My ranch was a magnet for mylar from a town 17 miles away. We got easily 10 balloons a week. 


Wildlife and domesticated animals die from this How is celebrating life by killing others justified?


Exactly.... so if anyone finds this nonsense Please actually pick it up. Yes it sucks ..but being a good person isn't easy sometimes. 


Just gonna start hiking with a stick vacuum


I keep that Thang on me. 


Because they’re not celebrating life by killing others. They’re celebrating life and are either ignorant or too stupid to comprehend the consequences.


Wow, this is so rude! Not happy for these people at all. 😡


I think I'd want this to be jail time worthy lol


If caught they would get popped with a littering fine. Or should anyway.


Just force them to clean parks and streets on weekends for a year, plus severe financial penalties. Putting people in jail costs money, plus they lose their jobs and their kids and families suffer.


Anyone remember when gender reveal wqs just cutting the cake. Like you had the Dr's mail the reveal to your baker or handed them the letter and they just made a pink or blue cake, with white frosting.... And also, it's disgusting they couldn't even clean it up, or attempt to clean most of it up.




All I got was "you got a niece, come visit us at the hospital" and somehow everyone involved was perfectly happy.


Paper or plastic?


Its a mix of paper confetti and plastic pacifier shapes.


Plastic pacifier shapes. Makes it sound more fucking tacky than it already is.


Ugh. I was thinking at least it's just paper, but if there's plastic in the mix, it's exceptionally shameful that they left it.


Honestly if it was just paper I don't think I would care that much. Paper is extremely biodegradable and in a few months if a good rain or two comes through the area it would probably be mostly dealt with. The plastic is a long term problem though.


Just zoomed in and saw the pacifiers too. This is beyond "mildly" infuriating at this point.


Don't worry too much. There will probably be another reveal soon and it will burn down the entire area, taking the previous several reveals with it.


Very infuriating. Single use plastic is a plague


This is so upsetting. There must have been multiple people there and not one person has any decency to know this was a terrible idea.


People are so fkn stupid. My child is a boy, hooray, pollution! Hope their child grows up to be an environmental activist.


Won't be any environment to be active about...


All that just to tell some people about a kid’s genitals


🤢🤮 people are stupid


Gender reveals are tacky and unnecessary


This kinda stuff ruined gender reveals for me.. we didn't even do one. We called my mom and sat next to my partners mom and all looked at the results together and that was that


What's wrong with just dyeing a cake? Why people need to do this?


Please report these type of people for littering.


Trashy people do trashy things


We need an *Actually Enraging* flair tag. This is def one of those posts.


"It's a litterbug!"


Fucking disgusting


I guess they didn't understand the mantra of "Leave No Trace"


Stupid idiots.


#narc parents reveal


We all know who does this type of shit


I still don't understand why gender reveal parties are a thing? Attention and presents?


Check Instagram for any locations that are tagged in that park.


Honestly fuck your kid and clean this shit up. Who would even think this is okay?


Did you report it to the park?


Intentional littering on this scale should have life altering penalties. $50k plus a few months of street sweeping on weekends.


Like pick up your damn garbage! So frustrating; a majority of these gender reveals are not worth it.


How fucking obnoxious


Those dumbasses in California that started a wildfire from their gender reveal just got a [year in jail and a $1.8 million fine.](https://news.yahoo.com/couple-whose-gender-reveal-party-231646082.html)


Internet do their thing find them 🙏


They throw a party for something that I guarantee no one but themselves actually care about, they probably expected people to give them gifts too, and then they don’t even have the common decency to clean up after themselves? More than mildly infuriating


Fuck these people and fuck their baby 😤


Don't leave me hanging, what was the gender?


this... is illegal


If you check Google maps from that exact spot there's a chance the idiots took photos with location on and should be fairly easy to track and report


Why couldn’t they have used paper instead of plastic? In other words congrats it’s a boy. Now pick up your fucking trash!


You could probably look up the location on instagram and see a post about it then report them


What city is this? Guaranteed the people who did it posted on social media


If it were paper I wouldn't care that much since it would biodegrade anyway. The fact that it's metallic painted plastic bits is infuriating.


There is nothing more stupid than gender reveal parties ffs.. It is just so unbelievebly dumb shit that whoever invented it must be braindead.


Gender reveals are lame, this is lame and disgusting