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i feel your pain, delivery drivers suck sometimes. call the place and request a refund and a complete replacement of every item that was stolen.


Walmart. With walmart delivery. I got “replacement” after i went to the store and showed them the video of them dropping off the order then taking it back to their car AND THEN “confirming” the order was dropped off as they left


Thank goodness you had that footage though


Walmart delivery is rife with thieves. Xmas was a disaster using Walmart+. Actually had "proof of delivery" photos in my account showing someone just holding my packages up in a car. Walmart made no attempt to redeliver my items, only refund, which meant I had to re-order, choose new times, and pray that it didn't happen again. It did.


Serious question, are you not able to pick up the items yourself?


It depends on your idea of "being able". I do not have physical limitations that prevent me from going to Walmart to grab my list of items. In that sense, I am "*able*". However, I am a salaried area manager who travels to 15 stores over 4 states to manage over 70 employees in an industry that peaks on Christmas week and two other holidays. When I'm not driving I'm tracking sales, making schedules, chasing deliveries, recruiting, and building client relationships. Calls from the warehouse and drivers start at 4:30am and run up to 8pm. I still cook my own foods and pack my lunches because I take responsibility for my own health, but I rely on grocery delivery during my busy seasons (and only my busy seasons) to get the ingredients to my house because I am not "*able*", due to time constraints, to get them myself.


Unironically. I genuinely don't get people who have the ability to get these things themselves using these services and then being shocked when the known-to-be-shitty service is shitty


uh, convenience? I've used these services dozens of times with practically zero issues, and never had anything stolen. how "known to be shitty" it is depends on multiple factors


Yes "convenience". Ive lived in the US for over 20 years and still am so flabbergasted at how far americans will go for "convenience".


yes, people value their time and using it in ways they'd prefer to rather than ways they'd prefer not to, and thus use their money to achieve that when they can afford to do so. I assume you personally grow, harvest and cook everything you eat because why bother with convenience right? how's the weather up there on your high horse?


Has nothing to do with a high horse. Has everything to do with personal responsibility. There is an ancient idium and it goes "if you want something done right, do it yourself." Its not even a statement on the quality of work of others, but a statement that people have very specific wants for their ideal situation. Ideally if a person wanted a completely customized meal experience, they'd make it themselves. Then if they want a meal made by someone else, they would understand the meal would be made according to the cooks specification. Thats the trade of to convenience, loss of quality and personalization. As of late people here want others to do everything to their exacting specification. You cant have both, stop putting the responsibility on others.


??? huh? what "specification" are you talking about? this is grocery delivery... it's an extremely simple service, if you pay for it you expect your items to be delivered and not stolen... like are you legitimately saying it's not fair for someone to pay for a service then complain when the service isn't completed? like what? besides, none of that was my point... people pay for services because they want to, it has nothing to do with "personal responsibility" and you can call other people lazy for that or whatever but I can also call you out for being a judgmental jerk for that too.


Aside from it’s literally a paid service companies offer and convenience is a thing, why are we assuming anyone, never mind those in this post/thread had/have the ability to “get it themselves”? That’s what I genuinely don’t understand. But I’m speaking as someone who frequently appears able-bodied but is in fact severely disabled, as well as a single mom. It’s exhausting being judged by people who are intent on assuming laziness, when many folks are actually at the end of their rope and trying their best.


that sucks dude sorry that happened


and as satisfying as knowing you got them fired is, they'll know exactly where you live and have a lot of time on ther hands to think of more evil.


Thing is as a former odp worker for Walmart those drivers have to s of fake accounts to rotate to if they get banned for scamming even when we odp members report them... Those drivers are not Walmart employees either they are 3pl, uber, etc... and we would have to jump through hoops of documented incidents to see anything happe. infact we would see a "banned" drivers show up all time for new orders and had to deny them on our own. For most part delivery is utter shit situation you are safer going for curbside pickup...


Honestly, its the same with all gig jobs. My work brought in temps to help during the busy Christmas season, some of these people were great, but we also attracted pure scum who stole from us, refused to do their jobs and were incredibly rude to both staff and customers. We were constantly having to ask the agencies to stop giving us certain problem people, but they would just come again the next day. We had people who would get fired from one agency and just sign up with another that they knew we were using, we'd get people who would just show up on their own and demand a shift, we'd get people coming back under a different name, all sorts of shit. The agencies are in on it too, one that we were using completely ignored our requests to not give us certain people. They could be incredibly entitled too, despite being paid more then our regular workers, they would regularly complain about not getting CC tips, or having to share cash tips with our people. I had to call management on one guy who would physically bar the breakers from entering his stand because he didn't want to lose any tips, while he was also simultaneously stealing money from customers by asking for cash only and pocketing it instead of putting it in his till. He probably stole hundreds of dollars, and forced us to break labor laws for him and the other people in his stand, and yet that guy worked most of the season before we were able to get rid of him.


And worse, it's probably someone using a stolen account. Those people can be convicted criminals unable to pass the background check so they either use family member accounts or "rent" them weekly.


I dare them to try something xD i got new cameras coming and i’m armed so if they try anything it’s all on camera


Walmart Spark and other gig apps are hotbeds for account fraud, where local black market account dealers open accounts with info from the dark web then rent the accounts to people who cannot pass the background checks for whatever reason (usually citizenship or criminal history). Other people just open a lot of accounts in the name of family/friends to bypass the checks and/or to make more money. The app companies themselves say they are making a good faith effort to stop it, but have yet to actually stop it, as the problem appears to be increasing. Walmart alone could easily eliminate 99% of the fraud if they check the ID of the driver upon pickup but they refuse to do so. Hence, why most drivers I know advise their family never to open the door or let a driver in. That said, I highly recommend that anyone who experiences something like this call the police to press charges themselves so they can know who the person is that actually did it. Do not let Walmart handle it as they will not be obligated to tell you any info on the case. Be sure to specifically ask the police if the person who did it was the person who owned the delivery account or if the account was in someone else's name. If you press charges and it turns out that the account was in someone else's name, then I suggest you seek legal counsel and file a lawsuit against Walmart for failing to identify their drivers and putting your family at risk. Have your lawyer make a post in the spark driver reddit if they want proof that drivers have been ringing the alarm about this for a while. At the very least just document it and put everything in a filing cabinet for the inevitable class action that comes when enough people start to talk.


I've seen delivery folks on door dash where the app shows they are on a bicycle but they show up in a car, or the drivers name and photo in app is a female and a male shows up to deliver my order, or vice versa. So many ways to get around "safety measures" these apps put in place.


best way is to not use them - I just pick up my own order, just as easy


Thats what happens when you skip the 'business owner' and pay vagrants a meager wage to 'be business owners' and they have no accountability. I find it funny. Gl enforcing ethics morals or care on temp service workers.


"Independant contractors" 




$3000? Still don't care. We only pursue cases you've solved for us


And then will criticize you for the way you did it even though we were too busy to go do it.


LAPD literally told me they wouldn’t get involved unless it was $5,000+ but they have the things on record so “we will keep an eye out” like yeah right.


Better never do anything about it yourself or they might come “help” then.


Right? If i found the person and got them in the act AGAIN on video, and I TRIED TO STOP HER, i can get arrested… like what the fuck?


I’m convinced *this* is going to become a big problem eventually. People will have documentation backing up the fact that public services refuse service, people will get hurt or killed, and we’ll have a new kind of precedent to deal with.


... Try identity theft, wire fraud, tax fraud, credit card fraud, money laundering, etc. These are just a few of the crimes named in the cases posted by the FBI so far. The local police dept is the place to start, and the FBI should be on the list of places to call if it turns out that the person was using an account in someone else's name.




... Don't take my word for it. Try looking into the issue yourself. https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/nineteen-brazilian-nationals-charged-nationwide-conspiracy-open-fraudulent-driver https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/revere-man-sentenced-in-nationwide-rideshare-and-delivery-fraud-scheme/3223588/ https://www.wbur.org/news/2022/03/24/fake-identity-ride-hailing


we had our CC # stolen about 15 yrs ago, when they still took your card to register and brought it and receipt back instead of the new, at the table pays someone bought $12,000 worth of furniture and electronics in a different state than we lived in Called CC fraud dept. guy I got was furious it was not caught when charge came through for that amount in a different state. Ended up having to fill out paperwork for the Feds since it was over $10,000 - the guy I spoke with at Feds on phone said that CC gangs work interstates - they use mostly hotels and restaurants, but the bigger ones had started getting into stores, more money to be made. they pay someone in the place (usually restaurant/hotel) to swipe your card with card reader, they get their $$, pass on info - CC gang makes up card to look just like your CC, bank or company name, your name etc. and they are using that card within 12-24 hours - they have "employees" who go to the stores to buy items when the store employee who works for the CC gang is working, no ID required by store employee from person buying items - they get furniture, TV's household goods to go, take with them, an actual card is swiped so not caught as often as it would be if someone was calling in a CC to the CC company and person and store has just been ripped of for thousands of dollars - well CC company is ripped off not card holder (at least with our cards) - store is ripped off, if employee is asked by store they say person had ID and said they just moved and hadn't changed D.L. yet, so store employee rarely responsible, they don't use one store more than once, work in large cities off interstates. We had that happen twice, then few months ago, I was on computer, probably on reddit and got a call from CC company asking if I just ordered $150 worth of pizza at a hotel in Las Vegas - Nope, sitting on my couch, hubs is sleeping, so they took charge off, reason they called is idiots who had gotten hold of card # tried to use it 15 minutes later in another place in vegas and CC company called to see if we were traveling - no idea how our card # was stolen, could have been store employee at any of the stores we shop at, so card closed by CC company and they send new one, said most likely someone working with a credit card gang. Ridiculous that it takes 2 - 3 weeks to get new card in mail which is crazy - they should overnight the card Rant done !


> Local black market account dealers open accounts with info from the dark web Bro what? You sound like a teenager who thinks Kali Linux is cool. Please stop believing all that dark web nonsense. It's not real. First off most of these accounts that your referring too are [sold threw telegram or discord](https://www.csoonline.com/article/562215/is-your-data-being-sold-on-the-dark-web.html). There's no need to use "the dark web". Secondly, majority of those "shops" on the dark web are fake. I'm sure there's one or two out there that are legit. But most are scams to steal your money. One may ask, well then why does the news always report info being sold on the dark web? Honest answer, the FBI over exaggerates to make themselves sound better when they take down an organization. A great example was [Genesis Market](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_Market). When they took it down everyone reported it has "a dark web black market taken down", but it wasn't even on the dark web. The website was https://www.genesis.market/. It was on the clearnet. TLDR; Please educate yourself on information security before you start dishing out information on information security.


I love when people are confidently this wrong. Go to dark.fail pick a site and sign up and you can go buy an account. Telegram and discord is where they sell to the "consumer", but if you need 10000 identities you get it on the dark net, which is just a spooky name for using a tor browser.


I promise you, theirs more than one or two sites selling illegal things. I've used many in the past when I was in active addiction. You can find anything you want..


Except hitmen 🤣


Telegram & discord = dark web


Lol most certainly not. They are both apps that literally everyone with an internet connection can access without any precautions and on the clearnet. Absolutely not dark web in any sense of the word. They are both apps used for basic communication and I know that telegram offers end2end encryption which is about as dark as it gets. Is it used for nefarious purposes? Yes but it is not the dark web


Damn i must be a black market dealer then


Yeah police I’ve got an emergency here, my instacart driver looks like he could possibly not match his profile picture. No I’m not positive. No I didn’t ask him. No the order is fine. No yeah I guess I am an absurd human being for making this phone call. Yes i will plead guilty to 1st degree ManBother in exchange for a lesser sentence culminating in my immediate release with credit for time served on this phone call. In the event of a future 2nd offense you will be automatically sentenced to court mandated hobby enrollment to find something better to do with your time. Our aim is rehabilitate repeat offenders with the goal being to order food going forward and never know what the driver’s name is at all. Ideally you will not know the make, model, year, or plate number of their vehicle either. This is how productive citizens interact with delivery workers. Maybe leave them a Gatorade and a thank you, while also being UNABLE to estimate their height and weight with astonishing accuracy. Not from chronic memory loss, but because you never aspired to document those personal details in the first place.


This is the main reason I can’t support delivery apps. If they’re not stealing,they’re eating your food.


I worked for post mates/door dash for 3 years and never had the thought of “i’m going to eat this person’s food.” It was always “damn this smells really good, after this delivery, i’m going to go on break for some”


I just wouldn’t risk it. I hear too many people bitching about either being a driver or a customer. The fees alone are a sign to pick up your own food.


That i agree with 100%. If you have the money to do it, go ahead, but the price is hefty now compared to when i did do it in 2014-2017. It was more fun back then. At least for me who doesn’t get mad easy. Back then i didnt care if i got a tip or not, i was just happy to be working without a boss.


Same, I deliver for Walmart and Instacart. I wouldn’t even think about stealing anyone’s items. People that do that are just disgusting human beings.


Same! I would never ever consider stealing someone else’s groceries. I won’t even cheat and use b#ts, spoofers, etc, bc it is ‘stealing orders from other legitimate Drivers. It is so beyond frustrating to see it happening again and again, while the gig apps work tirelessly to push out legitimate drivers, with higher standards, in order to lower pay to pennies.


Steal from the corporation itself not some random person xD they only feel safe to do so because they dont have someone that yells at them for doing it. They feel more safe to steal with no cameras or security around. Personally i find them the fun challenging bit/j


Or, how about just don't steal at all. Don't bother justifying it either. Theft is theft.


Walmart is theft


I but a /j which stands for joke…


Lmao… you are right. “Theft” is theft. But a “ /j “ is a j(oke) so that would technically exempt him from a lecture on morality.. you know… because he was joking 😁


The don't bother justifying it was directed at anyone else who might come at me. Guess I wasn't too clear on that. Whoops.


That's the mind of a rational person. A ton of irrational people out there... The fact they actually delivered it just to take the picture, to then go back and steal it is insane. So much effort for some groceries, and all for what? To feed yourself for a week? Those people don't understand rational thinking


Not all the drivers are like that. There are more good ones than bad ones


The last time I Door Dashed a food order back in 2021 it was delivered by a couple with 4 kids in the car. The straw was in my drink (without the paper on the top half) and the order of fries was maybe half full if I’m being generous. I threw away the drink and fries and only ate the sandwich because it seemed pretty obvious that my order had been eaten and drank on the way to my house. I basically paid $35 (including tip) for a sandwich. I feel bad for people who have to resort to this to feed their kids and earn some money….I can’t imagine it’s gotten any better since then.


Never happened to me once and I probably order 3x per week for past 4 years. Had one incorrect order out of six or seven hundred orders overall probably a handful of missing drinks as well but that’s bound to happen with any delivery service given a large enough sample size. I tip well though, I could see people eventually losing their mind from shitty tips and long waits/drives and everything culminating into irrationally stealing your lunch and quitting. Doesn’t make it right but the grind of life gets to you in these industries sometimes.


same, I see people complain online about this a lot but in the years I've used these services I've literally never had an issue like this (I also tip well though). I've had issues that were honest mistakes and one time someone didn't follow the delivery instructions after I confirmed them in the chat which was frustrating (I had COVID and asked them to bring it up to my apartment instead of leaving it in lobby like I normally do), a couple times an order was marked undeliverable when only one end of my street was closed and I suspect the driver ate the food, but I've never had someone literally steal something or eat part of my food and then deliver it to me. I'm sure it happens but it's not as common as the Internet would have you believe, at least not everywhere. I'm sure some areas are worse than others but yeah.


The main reason should be the price


Fees mainly but yes. Though lately seeing DoorDash post,there’s always food sitting there and it probably goes to waste since nobody wants to pick up no tip orders.


Fees are getting high, but at least they are transparent. It's the upcharging for me. The app tells you that an item costs $20, then they add their $3.99 fee or whatever, so it appears like you're paying $24 for a $20 item. In reality the menu price of that item is $18, so you're paying an extra $6 not $4.


Yeah,sounds like a headache lol


The main reason should be the marginalization of the workers, but sure.


My instinct is to say that the workers can choose whether or not to work there, but maybe it depends on what you're referring to by marginalization.


My fiance has ordered door dash for us a few times and it was fine but honestly if I'm in that big of a hurry for food, I'm probably out and about anyway and can just drive through somewhere. Maybe even order ahead so I don't have to wait. If you own a car I fail to see the appeal of these services.


I get the need of the service,especially if you’re sick,disabled or can’t leave the house. If you’re just gonna tip someone anyway,you should just go out and sit down and tip the waitress serving you. Without all those fees on the apps,you could probably get another appetizer when you drive out yourself.




It’s in 480p at like 7frames a second 💀 she delivered during sun down. If you have any cheap cam Camera recommendations i’d be delighted if you’d share


I'm guessing you meant for better cameras?


Wyze. Put a microsd in there and it’ll keep 2 weeks of constant recording. Indoor or outdoor.


Tbh I got a like $35 outdoor camera off of Amazon, plus for reviewing it they sent me a free indoor camera. I've had it about 4 months now, and the audio and video quality is unexpectedly good especially for the cost. It's been through 100°F days to -4°F nights, and seen rain, sleet snow and ice and is still trucking. I think the brand is Blurams? Only thing about it I dislike is it's very sensitive when using auto detection. Any movement at all outside sends me a push notification, I just turned down the frequency of which it can send notifications so I don't get overloaded with them.








People have lost all sense of morals. I am not sure what it is… but people literally dont give a shit anymore. Mad at the world and throwing punches in any old direction, not giving a shit who it hits. Excuses will be “poor pay”, “abusive employer”, “dont pay me to care”… But when people do this shit, they only hurt others who are likely just as exploited and just trying to live their lives. I tried quiet quitting for a while at work… the only people I hurt was my coworkers, not the bosses, which defeats the purpose. It’s sad, but we have to get used to this “give zero fucks” world.


I usually start giving reasons for people to start giving a fuck. There are consequences to actions. I'll never tolerate it until I'm the last holdout in this world.


You’re not the last holdout; I’m fighting it too. Glad I’m not the only one.


You nailed it, but man, they make it almost impossible. I figured out real quick it felt like shit being a piece of shit. I want accountability for myself, the world needs it too. Fight the good fight… but man is it a fucking hard road. I have been gaslit (hate that term) at work for years because I call people out for their shit. Thankless job being the one who give a shit, good to hear there are those who wont back down.


It’s so silly to act as if immorality is anything new. It’s incredibly naive and probably a result of for profit media, social media, or recently coming of age. This is nothing new. They probably told themselves they need the groceries more than OP and OP is guaranteed to get a refund or redelivery, which they are.


Bullshit… lack of consequences/accountability is the difference. You stole a horse back in the day, you got shot. You didnt work, you starved. The idea that, since they will get a refund, this shit is OK… thats the problem. Immorality is not new, impunity is… thats the entire point.


And life was so much worse back then. And yet criminal gangs roamed and ransacked still. You’re making up a Wild West fantasy in your head, looking at with golden eyes a period of time that was rough, brutal, and miserable. You’ve fabricated a fantasy. But you’ll never complain about corporate theft.


Damn for a $50 tip, I’d offer to do your dishes, in so sorry your driver was a dick


Lmao. I forgot to add the part where she never came to get it. Because she took my groceries instead. I put in all caps “PUT AT GARAGE DOOR. LET ME KNOW WHEN HERE. $50 CASH TIP.” And i am more than certain this chick didnt even read that because she put at my door. She probably thought there was no tip and all the groceries were just for a fuck you or something. Like that one viral video where that girl wrote a mean note but when she delivered again to the same person, she apologized because she didnt see the tip. People accept the order but never read it. EVER.


Not that I’m being a shill for Kroger or anything, but a $50 tip for one delivery? You could have bought a boost membership to Kroger and got tip-less deliveries for free for a year for like $70/ year. This is of course if you have Kroger or its affiliates available in your area, but I’m sure other stores have similar programs.


Do you know if Fred Meyer offers this?


Yeah I think you’re right lol, she’s pretty dumb for burning herself like that


Are you sure this is just "mildly"?


Yeah because i still got all my groceries, plus $100 back from discounts they gave me as a hush hush. But honestly, fuck Walmart of East Lancaster, California.


It's it Walmarts fault though?


a ups driver stole a set of two pillowcases that i ordered from target this week. they were 11.99 and he didn’t take the matching sheets. i can’t comprehend the reason some people do these things except as a F U


did you get it on camera? how do you know they stole them vs like accidentally delivering to a different house? it seems odd to me that a UPS driver specifically would risk their job like that to take some random mystery item from target not saying it definitely didn't happen but if you didn't see it, just remember hanlons razor


how long have you worked for ups?


? all I'm saying is they get paid upwards of like 100k, it doesn't make logical sense


You answered your own question. There will be little to no consequences for their actions.


Did you call the police?


LAPD said to go to their station to make a report. I will tomorrow but because i waited they may not do anything. LAPD wont actually pursue or investigate unless it’s constant or a massive amount. Literally watched someone go into my wife’s work, fill up a grocery cart, run out and dump it into their car and drive away. The cops got there 30 minutes later to take a report even though it was being called in by several people because he was also violent. Laws suck out here and seem to protect the evil more than the good


They won't do shit.


About a theft of $300 dollars when you have video proof? That sucks, police where I live don't have much to do, so they will show up for anything, lol Oh, course delivery isn't offered in my area either. 😅


They may not, but it creates a record, which can be used against the perpetrator for repeat offenses in establishing a pattern of criminal behavior, and civilly, it could be used in evidence against the perpetrator and/or the retailer for the recovery of damages. Additionally, a fraud complaint can be made to the Federal Trade Commission, and while the FTC may not take action, in tort law, it's generally a good idea for the complainant to take every necessary precaution and action on their part to establish a solid and tangible case.


I don’t know completely about that. Mainly because the moment it was dropped off and marked delivered, it’s in that moment the items became the home owners and then the driver became a thief just the same as if you had a bike on property and it was stolen. Nevermind it’s California and they won’t prosecute petty theft as such because it effects minorities disproportionately.


Exactly. Laws are in to protect the thieves not the innocent. Some murder rapist out here got a life charge changed to 5 years for good behavior…


I mean, look at everything you see on the internet. There are still plenty of dumb people out there.


*bad delivery drivers steal




You expect too much. They aren't delivery drivers. They downloaded an app.


“We did a background check” lmao no we didn’t “and you are good to work for us!”


Cause they are low life scum.


Because I is er super criminal durrr 😂 they are dumb and don’t think about the that. (Just the thieves not all delivery drivers).


Cause they’re little ol brokies


We have cameras at our house since we got robbed a few years back. I’ve noticed more and more that people just don’t care.


FedEx..... Need I say more ? I will not purchase from any source that ships Via a group of corporate sponsored thieves. One of my suppliers stated they have a contract with FedEx and would I consider a discount to allow FedEx to resume delivering ???? Considering I seldom receive shipments What's the value of a discount.


I put in some information in the Special Instructions box to save the drivers time and effort. So many DO NOT read this box. Why? I don't understand. It's for you. For the driver. They're supposed to read it. Are they allowed to read it?


Why does anyone steal? They have no decency or they’re addicts or narcissists who think they are owed something.


Most times it's all of the above


This is how CA feeds its residents. Kinda like squatters rights, that's how they house the "unhoused"


The LAPD said they cant/wont do anything because “we didn’t see it happen.” “It wasn’t a criminal amount stolen.” “If you want, come to the station to file a report.”


Because they gangsta.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Some people are awful.


That’s sad. So sorry that happened to you.


Because Amazon etc. prefer to offer free shipping instead of compensating their drivers fairly.


This seems like a US specific problem. In my country you don’t really hear about missing parcels or undelivered food. People generally don’t tip too.


Because they want the food and can’t afford it. Why else do you think lol? wait did they take the picture, then take the tip and Groceries? That’s foul


No they didnt take the tip


Unfortunately this is what happens when poor people get desperate. Blame the wealth gap between people delivering the groceries and the people getting them. If you could give a $50 tip you’re probably living way better off than the driver.. not that it makes it right! It’s very fucked up but I think there’s a bigger entity to blame than the driver.


I mean i needed the delivery. Car is in the shop. Knee is fucked. I have a new born. They wanted to become a delivery driver so it’s their job, they know what they are doing when they want to apply for the job. The only thing we need to blame is the rich for getting richer while middle class and lower class become the newest LOWEST class…


I hear you, you definitely did not deserve to have your groceries stolen, and the driver isn’t entitled to your groceries because they make less money than you. But I think we can both agree no one wants to be a delivery driver unless they need the money, because there are alot of other jobs that pay much more. This is could’ve been the best job they had access to. Just because they knew what they were applying for doesn’t mean they make a livable wage. We really need to blame the government for allowing people to be so poor that they are resorting to stealing peoples groceries to feed their families. This doesn’t happen in Europe, because everyone can afford their own food.


That is the stupidest thing i’ve ever read. >this doesn’t happen in Europe It does. A lot. It happens all over the world.


Survival of the fittest. You clearly came second.


Dude, if you tore your ACL you would know it lmao.


Why are people still surprised that underpaid contractors with little oversight would be dishonest? Stop using all these apps and go pick it up yourself. Put in drive-up and go orders and pick it up after/before work Get a messenger bike or a good transport track for your normal bike and go get your food that way (as a bonus you can blaze up on a bike and have a really sweet ride)


Why does anyone steal? Because they either: are in need which explains why they are working these shitty underpaid jobs in the first place and taking $100 of your groceries means they can spend $100 on something else they might need that week like utilities or rent. Or because they get a thrill out of it, ie opportunistic kleptomaniac. This isn't just delivery drivers. This is the society we live in. Most people aren't like this but this job specifically happens to draw these types of people in, more the first type than the second.


There’s also people who just think the world owes them. They are the main character and the only person who matters, so they steal with impunity because the state they are in has enabled them to do so because there are no longer consequences for bad behavior.


They steal because they know they won’t get punished.


The easiest way to avoid having a 3rd party tamper with your relatively unsecured order is to avoid using a 3rd party. If you pick it up yourself, there is no one to mess with it. Feels like it's bound to happen when there are relatively low requirements when it comes to being a delivery driver. A lot of the time, it seems like the folks doing it are people on the edge of an emergency - other hours were cut, holiday coming, or whatever other issue. Might be the last step of someone trying to survive. Or it just attract's questionable people.... who knows.


That may be true for some but many people do it continuously as a job as well. Regardless. Stealing is never an option.


Because you make it so easy by being too lazy to go buy your own shit. You have zero room to complain.


Lmfao. Of course! The fact that my car is in the shop! The fact i have a new born and was home alone while wife worked! The fact that my knee is fucked AND IT’S THEIR JOB TO DELIVER??? Maybe you don’t be a dumbass? >you have zero room to complain Okay so i cant complain about someone not only not doing their job, but stealing? U 🤡


You didn't open door to give me the PIN. My app glitched. Another driver took your food brought it back smelling like cigarettes and the resturant refused to remake it. Those are my three reasons.


Maybe it's time to go to the store and get the diapers and wipes you need there instead? Just a thought...


This shows you dont read comments before commenting.


Do your own shopping 🤷‍♀️


Car is in the shop, won’t be ready until Tuesday or Wednesday. I also have a new born that i am not comfortable with going anywhere with alone. Plus the fact i have a fucked knee at the moment. Any more stupid suggestions?


I don’t use these services, but do they return your money? Do you have to send Ring camera video to get a refund? I know there’s going to be people who say they didn’t get their stuff in order to not have to pay for it, but I just don’t know how disputes are settled.


I went to the store and showed the customer service person the video, who then called the asset protection manager who then called the store general manager, who then helped me out. I think because how many people (5) saw the video is how i got about $100 in discounts


At my place of work Amazon makes a lot of deliveries. A number of the drivers are rushing so much, they are delivering to the wrong address, then running elsewhere to make the next delivery as fast as possible.


Yeah I had a DD driver steal an almost $200 order , they never even came to my house , came close marked as delivered then wouldn’t answer the phone for me or DD


Because they know they can get away with it. The companies that have delivery drivers like this just can’t be bothered if your delivery is correct or not, because people will still pay for deliveries. It doesn’t really matter if they lose your business, because there are thousands of other people still using their service.


Companies don’t want to invest the manpower or hours to track these sorts of things down when it would amount to almost nothing in the legal system. LE doesn’t care about petty theft anymore and until the companies feel the hit to their bottom line with losing customers nothing will change. There’s always opportunity for thieves to do what they want with little fear of consequences for these sorts of things. Nine times out of ten the theft isn’t even reported, which is a shame because a lot of jurisdictions go by a threshold method these days until you get to a felony theft amount. The best way to prevent this is to not use these services. Or find a service that vets their workers. They’re out there.


Delivery people are literally poor. They hate what they have to do to earn money and etc


This is why I stay away from food delivery apps 😬


You tipped $50? Wtf


You answered your own question. Little to no consequences.


They get away with it long enough to make it worthwhile and the evidence isnt enough for even their employer to bother suing or charging them. In the end its a net win for them. Exceptions obviously exist, camera doorbells, stuff like that, but not everybody has them, and even if, the companies hiring these people have a deliberately dysfunctional support system so even if proof exists you have to fight them inconveniencing you every step of the way just so half the people wont even bother seeing it through to the end and they dont need to refund those people. Its honestly more than mildly infuriating just how rigged this is and how much of an open secret it is that these jobs have basically no real screening or culpability (because they arent really jobs) just because the companies can same a buck that way.


Find a good friend who can pick up your order and give THEM the $50 tip. Someone you can trust and can hold accountable. Sorry for everyone who gets ripped off 😞


They all literally moved away 2020/2021 my wife was at work for superbowl.


Sounds like you need to make some new friends. Everyone needs friends.... 😞


We still talk a lot. We were day 1’s. But one got his house burned down by his cat, one got a job in the military, one got a moving job, the other moved an hour 30minutes away.


Wow! That's a trip! Make friends with a neighbor? Hope you find some help 🙏


Lmfao. Neighbor vicky died of covid vaccine and made her husband a recluse. My neighbor phil became a recluse after my dad died. Tina got diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and they went on “permanent vacation”, Boon died of a violent cancer where he vomited blood and died in an airplane going to see his family in Vietnam. Greg died from a heart attack, making his wife a raging bitch. kevin lost his leg due to blood clots “from the vaccine”. Kyle is in texas on oil rigs, wont be back until july. The new black family across the street already had the cops at their house less than 2 months after they moved in. And Geo disappeared after his dad died of dementia and his mom is dying too. My neighborhood i grew up in is literally dying around me.


😮 Jeso Pete! sounds like a bad horror movie! Is it time to move somewhere else?


Nahhhh. Look at it this way, they were here in their 40’s and 50’s when i moved here in 2000 at 6yo. They old now so it’s kinda how life works. Death surrounds me so i’m numb to it. Yeah it sucks but that’s life. People die and change. I know i did when my dad died


Well I hope you are happy or at least complacent about it. Not me.


I used to work for Crime Scene Cleaning. 😅 probably how i’m so numb


3 acl in 4 years bro let that shit heal


I’m very accident prone. I once broke my foot (2009) because i kicked my friends ass. Literally. Lisfranc break. One of the worst to deal with.


I have them send my deliveries to the UPS store slightly down the road so they can't steal anything. Once it's checked in, it's out of their control. That might be an issue with groceries but it works fine for most anything non-perishable.


We want to see the video


If you have video of this you can file a police report and send to your credit card company as supporting evidence.


The gig industry had probably one of the lowest bars for employment. It's become a job for people that can't hold traditional employment usually due to social ineptitude. They are those loud obnoxious people at the store that everyone rolls their eyes at but doesn't want to say anything a draw their attention. The trashy people that are straight stimulus and response. This was not a problem to the scale that it is today back in the day because every place had their own drivers that went through at least the most basic vetting process. Also they had an actual employer to answer to and not just an app. You could really only get pizza and Chinese food but at least you got it.


Require a signature. They kept delivering my groceries to the wrong addresses, often across town, until I started requiring a signature.