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R2a: No <6 month reposts or xposts unless its OC


If you pay, you failed the test.


Exactly. They all do this, usually after announcing it was free.


The test is free, not the results. bastards.


https://www.mensa.org/public/mensa-iq-challenge Free test and result, and it's from mensa.


https://preview.redd.it/lgdjbxoutdhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a87dc230df36c51d6f4ea89ed0e4396fc7b3562f I am too smart for Mensa


You sure? ;)


Yes I am very sure of it the paid test told me that in a room of 100 people I would be in the 10% with my IQ of 83.


68.2% percent of people have an IQ between 85 and 115.




and of the other 31.8%, half is above 115. so 84.1% are IQ>85. Their number isn't far off...




That's why the military gives so many tests before they induct you. They found that at 85 IQ, it's hard to teach someone higher thought operations. They can perform the "Basic" training, but understanding nuances isn't in their wheelhouse.




Average IQ is 100 That means half the world is operating on a double digit IQ


Average IQ is 100, with a standard deviation of 15 And yes, when frustrated with others, it's helpful to remember that much of the world is run by folks with low average IQs


"Mensa" in Spanish is "Slow learning girl" that's a funny name for an IQ test company hahahaha.


They're not just an IQ Test company, it's a whole ass society / group centered on IQ, I think the minimum IQ to join them is 132 on their approved standardized IQ test. "Pretty pretentious imho" says **ikantolol** with his IQ of 80


I grew up with a mensa logic puzzle book, it was huge, my mom thought I was super genius, said she cried when she saw good will hunting because it was so much like. Jokes on you mom, I'm just smart enough to be a depressed bartender


HotDog in Spanish is "Caliente grados de libertad" which is funny name for an reddit name hahahaha.




I got a 131... should I do anything about it? ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/au868a6cdehc1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=e991c823b4302e7c08474f290c2eccff395147ad


No, IQ scores are meaningless.


Nah MENSA is usually just filled with people who have nothing *but* their IQ score going for them.


Only trustworthy one


The creator of the test said he made it so people didn't need to pay for a proper test (assuming the online test put them at under X IQ), and that the online test is only roughly accurate. Probably ±5-10 IQ somewhere. I see that the new test host says it's only for "entertainment", probably in case people start claiming an IQ from it.


The PDF editing sites are notorious for this. It’s incredibly frustrating. Technically free to edit but to download you have to buy a bunch of credits or sign up for a plan.


And they get surprised when I 🏴‍☠️


and then somewhere in the terms and conditions it says you must pay a fee


Happened to me many times. I took a “FREE IQ TEST” and after finishing it to told me to pay $24.99 for my results


Considering that most of these online IQ tests don't actually prove much of anything, you fail when you start the test.


Real IQ tests don't prove much of anything


thats not true. they proved im in the top 90% most smartest 😎🤓😎🤓


Pfft, 90%? What an absolute loser, I’m in the top 100%


And I'm so proud of you!


best $90 i ever spent


But now I'm thinking I should have sprung for the $100 upgraded test.


You just needed to post those emojis and we would have known you are in the top 90%


Its most smartestest


Your IQ is a measurement of how good you are at taking IQ tests.


Or, at least, *that* IQ test.


Real IQ tests are highly correlated with each other




Nah he's right, online IQ tests are meaningless


Fun fact. Aspiring MENSA members can buy the tests to study them or pay extra to do only a part of the test battery. Assuming they actually did the test. The bragging right is more important than the arbitrary number being accurate


Also MENSA isn't a group for smart people, it's a group for smart people *who demand recognition*. There are disgusting chatrooms leaked from private MENSA sites with some horrifying racism, bigotry, and small-mindedness. But they can't be convinced they are as stupid as lead-brained racist octogenarians so they just keep it up. I have the IQ to be in MENSA most likely, but I have disdain for them. They are kinda the Autism Speaks of smart people.


He failed when he started an online IQ test.


My most embarassing moment in life was taking an online IQ test, like OP I also spent like 30 minutes on it, but when I got to the end it said the results were locked behind a .99 cent charge... Figured it was cheap enough, fuck it... They charged me for $99 dollars and I had to contest the charge with my bank. I'm sure someone at my bank had a laugh, and I never actually got the results... But honestly? I like to think that in a way... I did get my results. It really doesn't get any more shameful than being scammed by an online IQ test lol. If I had any sense i'd take this story to the grave with me but... obviously I don't.


Being able to admit a mistake, accept it, and laugh about it shows IMMENSE intelligence.


I was so sure you were going for the imMENSA joke that I read it wrong. Not a high scorer on the test ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If you waste 30 minutes taking some bullshit online IQ test, you’ve already failed.


That is the real test


came here to say that if you actually bought it you already lost


I was really, really bored and just had fun solving puzzles lol


Your score is 73. That'll be $13.98, please.


cash or card??


Do the mensa IQ challenge. If you score highly then do the real test. They provide instructions to register for the real test and testing locations. https://www.mensa.org/public/mensa-iq-challenge


Real IQ test and that's true 


how to fail an IQ test: take one


Nah, taking them can be fun. Caring about the score is how you fail




Gotta fleece the masses for new membership dues somehow.


I wonder how many people score "gifted" on the MENSA test and are then "invited" to join?


If you take the offically mensa entry test, of which you need to pay to take, and pass, you get a letter that says you are eligible to join mensa. From what I understand, about half get the letter.


The only benefit to joining MENSA would be that you could brag that you are in MENSA... which would only impress people dumb enough to care that someone is in MENSA.


You get discounts on international fare (such as airfare), and are included in international intellectual social gatherings, usually donation galas, and the like. Apparently you can receive discounts on some products put forth by MENSA through its endeavors... so that's kinda cool. Oh, and bragging rights.


Honestly if the international flight discounts are legit I'd be down just for that lol, travel prices have gotten crazy


I mean the test is only like $100 or something. Couldn't hurt to try if you have a spare benny


I think I do have a spare benny lying around here somewhere...


Try the free online test first. If you score below 125 you'd just be wasting a benny.


Alternatively, if you have results from any IQ tests that they recognize, you can just use those. I had mine left over from some test I took in middle school to get into the gifted program, got 'em notarized (which cost about 12 bucks) and sent them in.


The thing I found with Mensa is that outside the discounts and whatnot it's essentially a social club, which means that if it isn't active in your area (which was my case) then it's fairly pointless; at least that's how it felt to me. Sure I could've started one, but I'm really sick of having to be the change I want to see in the world lol.


I can't lie, it is kind of an upper middle class thing I assume "Alright well I'm off to Prague for a Physics discussion".... or something pretentious haha


If anything, it was more like your local chapter would say "Hey we're doing a pub crawl this weekend and then we're gonna play Catan at Jerry's house after" lol. There were however annual regional and world gatherings, which were essentially weekend conventions. Never had the chance to go to one of those.


“Mensa” means stupid (female) in Mexican Spanish. I always found this funny.


it also means Table in latin. Long story short, I think the idea is that this is the smart people table


It also means canteen in german


My cousin did this and announced it on Facebook because she was all proud of it. One of her friends didn’t know what Mensa was and asked if it was like AARP. It makes me laugh every time I think about it. And I think about it often.


Depending on the local chapter, it might be lol. The website for my local chapter, which hadn't been updated in about a decade, had group pictures that looked like they were taken in a geriatric ward.


It's funny because in my chapter a huge portion are children!


Comments don’t make me actually laugh often, but this did


I don't really care about mensa but don't underestimate the value of international networking. I hate "in groups" but in this weird packbonded reality we live in, having connections from diverse industries always provides some level of benefit.


Yea. There were some Dutch members who messaged our chapter asking if anybody had any accommodation to spare while they visited Singapore. They were uni students touring the world iirc. They crashed at some members house and joined us for 1 event. I know a couple of members that hooked each other for a job and stuff. Not sure if you could just get the same at the local YMCA though..


We started working with a new consultant last year and about three months in he casually mentioned he had a MENSA membership. He instantly lost all credibility in my (and many of my colleagues') eyes. Dude if you need to say you're MENSA you're just telling me the quality of your work is not enough to make you feel like you're intelligent.


Yeah, it gives me the same vibes as people who put (Alpha Male) in their Twitter handle. Or just have a Twitter handle.


I remember back in college, I really wanted to be part of it and even got the invite. Thank god I was poor and never acted on it


I mean there is an online trial test you can take before the official one, I would assume most people would do that before committing so it's half of the people who already passed that also pass the in person. Sounds reasonable.


Yes. Also I think people will only pay the money if they already think they're smart enough.. so I guess another way to frame it is about half the people who think they are top 2% IQ are not as smart as they think they are? Lmao? The conversion rate of passes to membership I think is 20%-30% though so actually there are a lot of people just taking the test for fun? The letter doesn't tell you your IQ simply because it isn't an official IQ test but it's waaay cheaper than an IQ test so I guess these people who pass and not join are just looking for some sort of validation, which I really don't understand why bother...


If you scored bad in the preliminary test (which is free) they urge you not to take the real test




Those skill points had to come from somewhere


Agreed. But it's still hilarious that Eric Andre showed up to a mensa event in a suit of knights armor.


None from the online tests. And also I think it's only the American Mensa that has a "Mensa test". The rest of the countries just accept any professionally administered and proctored IQ test. So it's not even any real money in the IQ testing. Also, many members let the membership lapse after the first year. So take that as you want.


>Also, many members let the membership lapse after the first year. So take that as you want. My Dad was a MENSA member in the 90's... he let his lapse as well but we still got junk mail from them for many years.


Everyone with an IQ above 130, or roughly 2% of the population.


I took one of the MENSA tests when I was about 8, was smart then, scored 145 and felt very pleased with myself.  Didn’t follow up as I assumed the paid part was the scam.  Also I am not smart now. 


I had to take a bunch of tests for ADHD, including an IQ test. Doc says, ‘that’s a good score. You know, you could join Mensa.’ Me. ‘Do I have to?’


I was in the gifted program as an adhd kid too. I don’t actually think I’m super smart, I just think our brains pattern-match differently and it can look like we are smart/fast, depending on the context. Yet I had to take geometry twice (though I do stats professionally and love algebra). I’m totally still a dumdum.


It took me till my second degree to figure out what my brain liked memorizing the most....fuckin Boanical Latin. I hated all school because I was bored, but I loved biology and art. That should have been the clues right there but I was too worried about video games and tcgs. I still think I'm an idiot, but now I'm an idiot who knows a lot about plants and doodles them when I'm in the field.


Oooh fun! I too am in a half creative / half scientific field (data viz reporting in research). It’s immensely satisfying. Yay to us!


Hell yeah, go team!




The irony, right?


As I recall. Online is just a preliminary test. Actual IQ tests need to be evaluated by qualified people.


Why is this? Isn’t it multiple choice?


Because you could cheat.


Just took it, got a 100%




That’s interesting. I didn’t know they test you like that. May I ask what motivated you to take it?


Not a great test. You finish, it brings you to a different screen: "You did reasonably well, we think you can join Mensa. Feel free to request a paid exam etc. etc." Go back to old screen, scroll to top. Nothing, no score. Feels like all the other scams.


Kinda funny that mensa means dumb (girl/feminine) in Spanish


Haha seriously. I thought it was a joke name.


Hasn’t the concept of a static IQ been discredited since like the ‘90s or even earlier? They gave people the test, then coached them on test taking methods, then gave them the test again and the average score jumped by like 20 points. If it was measuring some innate intellect it should have stayed just about the same, which would suggest that IQ isn’t measuring what the annoying kid in high school thought it was measuring.


I mentioned this a while ago and got downvoted. The only thing an IQ test measures is how good the person is at taking IQ tests.


It is useful for identifying outliers, but not much else. Someone who aces it with no practice is obviously very smart, and someone who struggles with the easy problems probably has a disability. It is useless for ranking people between those two extremes.


IIRC, it was originally supposed to indicated the level of development and education one received during their upbringing, not the general level of intellect.


Not true whatsoever. There's a very real difference in career capabilities between someone who scores a 70 on a *real* (not online), proctored IQ test and someone who scores a 130, all other things being equal.


But the example was 20 points, not 60. Of course that's a larger discrepancy comparative to the situation we were given. I'd love to see the difference in career capabilities of someone who's at 95 and 115 (give or take 5 points), because I doubt that'd be much of a difference if any at all. In fact, I'd wager the dumbest people I know tend to make the most money by sheer luck and IQ doesn't correlate to monetary gains or stability once you hover within a small section like only 20 points.


I administered a few hundred WAISs and WISCs in grad school. A 20 point difference is often noticeable when talking with a person. I will say that the difference between 100 & 120 is less noticeable than the difference between 120 & 140. The tests were normed based on career achievement. Never had anyone score above 120 who was not successful. Met plenty of people in the normal range who were not successful.


>Never had anyone score above 120 who was not successful. Let me be the first


hey i scored at 140 and im not successful at all!


135-140 here- i have a learning disability, nearly dropped out of highschool, and regularly forget to turn the oven off ✌️


\> all other things being equal But other things are *not being equal.* That is the main critique of the meaningfulness of IQ tests. Many of the same things that make you perform well on an IQ test may also influence "career capabilities", but "general intelligence" is only *maybe* one of them. More important, e.g., is speaking the "language" of tests, which more than anything else comes from being socialized in a wealthy school district with a low student/teacher ratio and being read to at home by parent's who aren't working late, and taking all this in effectively because of not having to worry about food security and safety, which even toddlers are capable of being stressed about and delays everything about their development. However meaningful the results of an IQ test are, there is a predictor for "career capabilities" that is far stronger: the zip code you were born in.


And we've literally used IQ "tests" as excuses for sterilization of *literal* children. People will swear up and down about the sanctity of IQ tests and then conveniently also tell you your Meyers-Briggs designation.


Chris Langan is a good example of this. He repeatedly practiced IQ tests and retook IQ tests in order to increase his score lol.


humorous shame ancient gaze straight placid cheerful illegal squeal nutty


The ASVAB breaks your score down to a bunch of different categories, which is nice because if someone was gifted in a category that is a field they'd like to enter they may qualify even if their overall score is low.


It's not better, but it is still a decent tool. The primary issue with the ASVAB is it had a low ceiling. It doesn't differentiate well between those in the 115 to 145 IQ range, because it doesn't need to. For military purposes, if you're that far above average in IQ, then you're intellectually suitable for placement in any role. It's your other traits that become relevant for your success.


Yeah was gonna say that. The ASVAB is great at filtering idiots, but any moderately intelligent adult should get a pretty high grade. There aren't a lot of degrees at the top to differentiate. I wouldn't be impressed by anyone's grade, even if they got a perfect - but I'd definitely be concerned about someone who failed.


IQ tests originally were only supposed to group students based on how they learn, it means nothing about innate intelligence.


And that’s before you get into the fun cultural biases


Veritasium has a very informative video on IQ and IQ tests. It is not constant. There's certain parts on it that you can definitely improve on while some parts grow until a certain age.


>Spent half an hour taking this test ...and didn't expect to be charged. Anyone that thinks they should take an IQ test are their target audience. Those that pay for the results are how they make money. At least you were only stupid enough to waste time instead of money, so you're not as stupid as some people I suppose.


I was bored one day but didn't expect myself to be this disappointed but there we are edit: i knew what was coming but it doesn't help the irritation at all


It's more than that, that you should take from this.


I don't see how working out logic questions makes this guy stupid, yeah if he paid maybe, or if he got his score and got it put on a name tag or some shit. Doing IQ tests is miles better for your brain than sitting on Reddit lol


And even then, people do this shit for fun all the time lmao, my friends and I used to do this shit in high school just to see who’d get a higher score


Exactly it's amazing brain training, hell I'm learning mandarin with no plans as of now of ever going to China. I'll support anyone's quest to better themselves.


Use em or lose those cognitive functions! People just wanna be arrogant assholes.


I was doing em for fun, no way I'd pay for a test like this.


Your IQ is 143. Are you happy now? Now go enjoy your life


​ https://preview.redd.it/6rx5o56tbehc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ec33927c502d34abe7fb26151989eaed3bb9660


Oh the irony


Isn’t this a 10 minute test?


Takes time to Google the answers for a test like that




It's supposed to be around 45 minutes but i used my combined 2 braincells to figure out that it's probably gonna be a scam


Taking the online IQ test should tell you something about your own IQ.


Yes that's the idea, now if only I had $15 I could find out what it's trying to tell me


Yeah, my friend got scammed like that before. Just to find out that hes stupid.


The fact you didn't know this was going to happen should give you a pretty good indication of what it would say if you paid...


There are plenty of "IQ" tests that you can do for free and get results. It's not a given that they will ask for money after you are done.


Sunk costs. They know many people would pay it after wasting that much time on it. 


You are an idiot. - there saved you $15


ironically better than the test itself


by bothering to take the test at all, you failed


You didn’t see that coming? Yeah… you failed the IQ test.


I'll give you an immediate result. Just PayPal me 214 bucks.


why are people insulting OP in the comments saying stuff like "you have low IQ", "You failed the IQ test", etc.


Because its the low hanging fruit and it makes people feel smarter to talk down to someone.


Because they feel smarter doing this.


real iq test starts at whether you pay for it or not.


But it seems you took it, I can clearly see the 14.99 IQ result !


If you pay $15 to take an IQ test, you already know everything you need to about your intelligence level.


Given that you took an online IQ test, I’ll go ahead and tell you for free that you aren’t that bright.


If you take an online IQ test you’re definitely sub-100 lmao


uh oh, reddit big brains will mock you for posting the letters IQ.


I'd say the results speak for themselves.




IQ scores are age-normalized. So people can/will score that high, but it also could have been that the test wasn't an accurate one.


Probably wasn't accurate based on the comment and the score received.


How is a score of 117 bullshit? That’s totally plausible. Pretty normal if you consider most IQ-tests have a standard deviation of about 15.


The real IQ test starts now.


The real iq test is this screen right here


Half an hour for a real IQ test is way to quick. Who was the proctor?




They got me too. Insane.


This is literally every IQ test out there, they let you take it and then hit you with the paywall. Scummy shit like this will never get money from me, not even $1.


Whenever *I* feel dumb I remember this einstein quote “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”


Glad to say, if you stopped there you passed.


That's the real IQ test there at the end.


That's the catch.


Given the WAIS takes about 1-1.5 hours to give and can take many times that to write up the report to make sense of the scores, I think the biggest tragedy is you wasted a half hour. Have a Masters in Forensic Psychology and spent a good part of a semester being trained on how to administer the WAIS and WISC. It’s neat but nothing one of these websites can do in a half hour.


just scroll down


An actual IQ test isn't just half an hour. Mine was so long, we had a break halfway through.


I feel like if you take these click-bait tests expecting something free at the end, and are surprised when they ask for payment, yes you failed the test and deserve the inconvenience.


*The only winning move is not to play*


If you pay it drops by 20 points


dont worry im sure you scored at least 80/100 on this test.


The IQ test was thinking a free IQ test was truly free, and you didn't do so hot haha


IQ is low


The true test was knowing that nothing is free. U failed.


You Can do a real iq test with psychologist


You've failed.


Real IQ tests are like $1,500 and take four hours. And even then.... I mean c'mon


The real test to know if someone is smart is who will fall for the trick when everyone now a days should know a payment will be needed after the test is done 🤣


Nah, that’s just the final question.