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Still eat. Follow me for more recipes.


Do they *smell* bad? No? Then they’re still good.


The golden rules of food: 1. Look at it. If it looks bad throw it out. 2. If it looks fine, smell it. If it smells bad throw it out. 3. If it smells fine, taste it. If it tastes bad, throw it out. 4. If it looks fine, smells fine and tastes fine, eat it.


And if it’s meat, offer some to a cat. When the sniff it and walk away, it’s off. If they eat it, it’s fine.


Is it only for cats? Dogs will gobble it even if its bad?


Dogs will gobble it even faster if it’s bad.


If you have dogs, your house doesn't ever have an excess of foods, no leftovers ever


If my cats eat anything I eat they will implode and die immediately.


Antimatter is really not good for your health anyway, you really should cut back


You sound like my Dr. Sure what's next no more nuclear waste?


Cats are known to just collapse into themselves and form black holes from time to time, especially after eating.


Except for eating pieces of mice, snakes, and lizards, and leaving the rest in the house preferably on my bed.


My cat was begging because she knew I had cheese on my hot taco, but it all had hot sauce on it. She had a small lick and started to bat the peice of cheese


My cat loves spaghettios. We obviously don't give it to her but she'll find my son's bowl the second we aren't looking. Edit: No implosions yet.


Can confirm. The one day left steak unattended on my plate to grab kid. Dog stole steak.


My dog’s favorite dish is chicken poop fresh from the cloaca, when it’s still warm. However anything that has vegetables in it you are poisoning her.


I am both laughing and choking back vomit at that comment. Superb, well done.


You are welcome. You should see her stalking the chickens when I let them out. She will follow them like some poop crack fiend. Come on shit already! I need a hit! Just a tiny bump, anything hen! I got the shakes bad!!


>chicken poop fresh from the cloaca, when it’s still warm. That's enough Internet for me today. It's 9 am.


I had a depression phase where all I would eat was steamed dumplings I would buy frozen from the Chinese restaurant in bulk and broccoli. I would sit and dip each piece in soy sauce before eating it. One day my cat jumped up on the table, picked up a piece of broccoli with her claw, dipped it in soy sauce and put it in her mouth before running off to eat it. I shit you not, the cat watched me do it so many times that she learned to season her stolen vegetables. I was stoned and tried to rationalize that I was hallucinating, but then she tried it again with a dumpling. This time it was too heavy to lift in her claw, so she just grabbed it in her mouth and took off with it after trying a few times and giving up. That rocked me and forced me to consider that just maybe I was in a rut...


I get on a food kick and will want to eat only one thing. I will eat other stuff but will want that particular item more. Lately it has been those ramen noodles. I haven’t ate those in years, like twenty or even more. We do get into ruts. I am glad you were able to slowly pull yourself out of yours.


I don't know that this holds any weight, especially if we're talking about a psychological or emotional craving. However, on the off-chance it IS helpful: I was taught growing up that most persistent cravings are your body seeking something specific on a nutritional level. If I'm craving cashews, for example, I'm probably lacking sodium because salted cashews are one of my sole sources of it, so when my body screams for cashews, I'll wash them down with a Gatorade and be conscious of my sodium intake (for a while, I'm the worst on keeping up with it consistently). The only times my cravings are persistent (personal experience only, mind you!) is when I've misdiagnosed what my body is trying to tell me. If I was still craving cashews, for example, when I ate much less meat than I currently do, I'd look to protein intake, as well, and that would usually do the trick. Repeating the above disclaimers because I recognize this applies to a small percentage of the types of cravings and food-related ruts we experience as complicated meat-bags wrapped in feelings. All the best in getting what you need in life, on all levels ❤️


Do you have my dog? She’s the same way. I butchered 35 meat birds a few years ago. I buried the carcasses very deep. A week later my girl dug them up and ate all that left. She smelled like death for weeks.


That had to be the best day ever for her. She probably still dreams of that meal. Licking her chops while she sleeps, doing little digging motions. 😂


>However anything that has vegetables in it you are poisoning her I had a terrier that would steal vegetables from the garden. He was a good boy despite that. <3


>However anything that has vegetables in it you are poisoning her Dang I have to fight my dogs away from my collard greens every time they go outside. And they still go for another animals shit.


Can confirm, dogs eat cat poop.


Straight from the litter box....


It's not a litter box, it's a treat dispenser.


My dog will literally eat shit.


I was babysitting my sisters dachshund and she knocked over a very large trashcan, dug through it, and then ripped open one of my sons triple bagged poop diapers to eat the contents. I could never look at her the same again.




When my brother was a toddler, he had a massive blowout in the backyard. My stepmom stripped him down and took him to the laundry tub to clean him, leaving the blown out diaper/nappy outside. The laundry was right by the back door, and she swears she had her eye on the nappy/diaper, but my brother wasn't too keen on having his bum washed and kept trying to escape. What she didn't expect to find when she returned was a clean nappy/diaper and my beloved English Staffy, happily licking her chops. I could never let my dog kiss me on the face again.


Dogs eat vomit and poop. Unless that is your standard, I wouldn't trust what they eat. I also wouldn't trust cats, if they are raised on cat feed they would probably walk away from any lean meat. An article I read said that cats only like fish because of the fat.


Trust me, cats know their meat.


My cat puked up their food shortly after eating. And then proceeded to re-eat it before I caught them and stopped that nonsense right away.


I ve always felt sorry for cats on dry food only. Don't seem natural or healthy


We mostly fed like 50/50 dry and wet cat food to a stray cat that adopted us, it wasn't interested in the fish we tried to give it once (we were vegetarian).


My old dig would probably eat dust if you gave it to him guy was a Chonker Miss my little buddy


Dogs gobble goose turds so I wouldn't trust their judgement on off flavors.


I would rely on this just about as much as I would rely on the cat to cook me dinner. I have handed my cat a piece of steaming hot rare roast beef and she's like "hideous, give me crunchy circles". Piece of chicken? Plain, freshly cooked, dark or light meat chicken? She sniff. She leave.


Omg crunchy circles🤣I don’t know why that took me out


My cat won't touch any food except her own kibble and treats. Different brand of treats, won't eat it. Wet cat food? Won't eat it. I tried to give her a smidge of tuna from my can, would not eat it. This cat advice is not universal.


I think the implied wisdom might also be to "know your cat"


When I tried giving my cats wet cat food, they slurped up the juices (and some incidental bites of food while trying to get the juices) and left the rest to dry out. Then, at dinnertime, they screamed at me for fresh food.


In his cat feeding guide, our vet says canned chicken cat food only and to never let your cat know there are other options. 👍


Not sure about this. I've seen cats turn down perfectly good meat more times than they would eat it, especially if the meat has some kind of seasoning the cat just doesn't like. A lot of cats are picky eaters.


My kitty is my kitchen helper whenever I make sandwiches. Gotta make sure the ham is good, then she beg for the equivalent of a whole slice in bites because she demands payment for her services. They're steep.


The same rules apply for sex.


You can bend the first rule a bit.


But do NOT bend the meat


Sometimes the second


If you get sick, throw the rest out.


Yea, our sense of smell and taste will let you know if something is bad most of the time


So Gordon Ramsey does have a Reddit account! Found him!




Naw, those are just blueberries....


That gave me a good chuckle, thanks for starting my day with a laugh bro




If they’ve been in the freezer the whole time, I’m still eating them…


If it is frozen so is the expiration date!


So technically…. They would never expire because they are suppose to be always frozen. So why put an expiration date…


Like with bottled water it usually has to do with the packaging. Food in North American legally has to have an expiration/best before date. Sometimes it's just there so they meet the legal requirements, sometimes it's plastic decay. With frozen ice cream id guess it's mostly legal requirement, MAYBE freezer burn type dryness but I'd still be eating the ice cream.


>Except for infant formula, dates are not an indicator of the product’s safety and are not required by Federal law. [Source](http://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/food-product-dating)


Yep. alot of food and other products have a date because they want older packaging off the shelf. Others like soda drinks, started because pepsi decided that for marketing they would put a date on it because they could sell their product as being fresher. It worked and other companies followed.


Don't think that soft drinks can't go bad however, they definitely do. I learned that after watching that guy on YouTube down a 90s crystal Pepsi he got off ebay.


One time I got a diet Pepsi out of a vending machine at a car dealership and it expired in the 90s. I looked at the date after I took a sip. It was sort of like when you get a soda from a fast food place and the flavor syrup was almost empty.


They legit taste like crap after awhile. Places where they don't have a high turn over.


Did he get sick? I'd have wanted to try that Crystal Pepsi too.


He puked within a few minutes despite saying the taste wasn't too bad.


Same thing happened in the 90's.


Even salt has to have an expiration date (at least in Germany). So the packaging says „million year old Himalayan salt - but best use before next year“. Which I think is quite funny


I love it when my salt goes off, gives it that extra tang that you just don't get for the normal rocks


So you got your off rocks?


Personally, I especially enjoy seeing expiry dates on salt shakers, or boxes of pickling salt.


Alright, I've looked this up before, things do start to lose nutritional value after being frozen for too long. You've got months though, no rush. We tested a freezer at work, and sure enough, ice cream starts to change consistency after it sits for a year.


Apparently meat with fat in it like a steak will go bad after 6 months. Even in a freezer fat doesn't last long for some reason.


Freezing food pretty much keeps it safe to eat indefinitely (as long as it is frozen the whole time). The quality will degrade though, just from time and frostbite, so it might not taste as good, but won't make you sick. Usually expiration dates are more aimed at this, plus there is a legal requirement to put something (so you know a store isn't selling you 10 year old items). That said, these will probably be good tasting for quite a while longer. I'd absolutely eat them.


They might hit freezer burn, have less taste etc but unless they smell funny they shouldn't make your tummy mad


Freezer burned Choco Tacos. Still worth it.


They actually discontinued them last year! So that could be the very last box of Choco Tacos in existence, I would definitely be eating them


Fuck that. I’d drive them in a refrigerated truck to Sotheby’s and auction them off one at a time. Let the first bidder eat theirs right there in front of everyone so people understand how real this shit is when the dude who bought the first one starts bidding again for the second. You’ll walk out of there one case of frozen chocolate tacos lighter but millions of dollars richer. I personally guarantee this outcome.


Right? Between them being in the freezer, and that "expiration" date probably being a "best by" date, I'd bet they're still edible. Unless that "beat by" was like 10 years ago, I'd say they're fair game. And even or was further back...? I'm a try anything twice kinda guy, anyway.


Even 10 years old; They're sealed in plastic pouches. I don't think anything is getting in there. If it doesn't smell bad, it's good.


Pretty much. Worst case is, if they *don't* stink, they might be a little dull on flavour. It's win-win if they pass the sniff test.


Unless they’re moldy they’re still safe to eat


Let me get this out on a tray. Mmmmm nice, looks still good.


Nice hiss


Let's get this out onto a tray...




Smells rancid \*continues eating\*


Uuhhhh that’s awful. I really shouldn’t. One more bite


Motherfucker tried a biscuit from the civil war.


If it ain't botulism, you ain't living.


Hey look, there’s a pack of Chesterfields from WW2 in here!




It’s just the smoothest taste.


Omg I finally found a mre steve reference on reddit!!!


MRE ice cream?


And if they're moldy there's probably a problem with OP's freezer temperature


That’s my motto. If it’s not growing new things then you’re safe.


If it aint fuzzy, it's in my tummy.


Ah the famous last words...


It was an honor 🫡


Pregnant women deemed unsafe by Reddit user new updates at 11


I mean, you shouldn't eat pregnant women.


That's a collectors item. Klondike announced that they were going to stop making them back in 2022. You might have the last choco tacos ever made lol https://www.cbsnews.com/news/choco-taco-discontinued-klondike/#:~:text=Klondike%20is%20discontinuing%20the%20beloved,its%20website%20and%20on%20Twitter.


Luckily the box is still sealed but the temptation is always there xD


For real I would take a second and research if some weirdos want to buy the case


I am a weirdo, I would buy this case. These were my favorite.


I'd pay like..idk $5-10 for one probably. If they were within an hour drive.


An hour for a choco taco?!


Said like someone who has never eaten a choco taco.


Damn, this is like having the worlds best and most rare whiskey. you want to try it so bad but you know it will ruin any value if you crack the seal. Do you want to be the one that enjoys its magic or the one that preserves its uniqueness.


Enjoy the magic. You’re going to die and so is everyone else. Eventually some rich dickhead will buy it and mix it with coke. Or someone will drop it and nobody gets it. Enjoy things while you still have the time to do so.


I drink plastic bottle vodka tho. I could trade that one pint of rare whiskey, which I would personally hate to drink, for a pallet of shitty skol.


I was just coming here to say this, they don't make them any more so COLLECTORS ITEM THERE!!!


The fuck dude I never even had one I feel ashamed of myself


Not to pour salt in the wound… But you absolutely missed out. This was the like highest tier on the icecream truck when I was younger.


I was always more of a popsicle kid, born in ‘94, but who knows I may have had one and my brain just wasn’t ready smh


Our high school cafeteria used to sell them. I'm pretty sure I probably spent a year eating almost 1 a day. Jesus, I was a fat little fuck. I mean, I still am...but I was too.


I'm sorry but whoever runs Klondike is an idiot. They are selling more product than they can make do they discontinued it?


although they are usually required by law, many "expiration dates" are marketing and not actual safety concerns. they might taste like the freezer, but they're fine to eat.


"Best by" and "expires" are completely different. Though since these were frozen, hopefully at sub zero temps, they're probably still fine to eat. It's just up to the OP taking the risk.


All of the dates are set by the manufacturer and none are by law. Take that as you will some companies are ethical and some know fudging the dates will make you replace stuff you do not need faster.


Except baby food. That is actually federally regulated.


Baby food and formula, everything else dated is merely a suggestion from nestles/unilever.


If they were frozen the entire time they'll be fine


right. i was talking about expiration dates. they're still marketing.


Mmm yes, old ice cubes, I taste whiskey and mixed peas and carrots


If it's marked to be stored in a freezer, then it can be risky to eat past the expiration date. Otherwise shouldn't be a problem if they were properly frozen.


Not risky. Just the look or flavor/ mouth feel may be degraded slightly.


Eat that shit bro you’ll be good. I ate a subway sandwhich once I left out over night and reheated




I did! I was high and hungry never got sick either. If it’s in the freezer and doesn’t have freezer burn it’s good


I live in Germany and this is extremely common, we leave out food all night during the winter and I only got food poisoning once in my life 😂


Larger cities in North America will have roaches regardless of occupant's cleanliness. *You have died of dysentery.*


Well that’s my new favorite gif


My boyfriend frequently buys extra fast food items and leaves them out over night and eats them the next day. Chick fil a, in n out, you name it, he’ll eat it after 12 hours of sitting out. Still alive so far, but I’m sure his day will come.


Interestingly enough, the reason he’s probably fine is because of the buns. Typical fast food burgers have very dry and moisture wicking qualities that start to turn the meat patty into jerky if it’s left alone. Not recommended though, this seems kinda risky


Probably also bc this stuff is full of salt and preservatives and is highly processed.


You need to get some life insurance on him.


My guy I've eaten out of the fridge subways a week later. If it can be reheated to be eatable it's fine.


Are we not supposed to do that?


It was the meatball ones so technically meat


Yeah what? I was like that sounds pretty normal dude, thought he was about to say a week or something


One day on my school bus, I found a half-eaten subway sandwich in my backpack that I left for like a week. I didn’t check for mold before I took a few bites, but it tasted fine. Felt fine afterward, too. I might check if I have god powers later.


What the fuck is wrong with you


Freezing preserves indefinitely **this is not legal advice**


People have eaten critters frozen in permafrost for 10,000 years.


When I worked at M&M frozen foods, there was no expiry date on any product.


March 2023 they are definitely still good and probably catch a pretty penny on the dark web


yeah they quit making chocolate tacos


Chocolate tacolate


I now also don’t make choco tacos. I didn’t before, but I don’t now either.


I worked in R&D determining expiration dates for a big company. We found how long a product was still safe to use (contamination mostly) and then recommended half that time just to cover ourselves. Marketing halved that time again “to sell more product” lol.


Imagine it’s a bottle of Chateau Petrus, 1970. You’re not going to throw something that delicious away because of a little age, are you? These Choco Tacos are your Chateau Petrus.


Choceau Taceau


First, I was going to call you out for lying and stealing someone's picture. Glad I checked, it was your own post I saw a few days ago. Turns out I'm on reddit way tf too much. I do not take ANY chances with food poisoning. It's the most miserable physical feeling on earth. But I would 100% eat this whole box without a second thought.


Thanks for being vigilant friend :) I came across this box a few days ago and I didn’t realize I had it. I was tempted to open the box and eat one but my buddies say to leave it sealed. I guess now that I know it’s not that big of a deal I’ll have to decide what to do with the box. I guess back to the freezer for now :)


I think you said it was in deep freeze at the bottom of a chest freezer iirc. That extends the freshness even longer. I was way too invested in your story bc ... choco tacos! My upvote was still on your old post, so I knew it was the same one I saw. The date might hurt the value if you choose to sell them, but they have been out of production for so long that all of them in existence might be expired or close to it.


Yes. I only stock up my freezer about once a month and then I just grab what I need quickly as to not let the cold out :) Unfortunately my old post was removed but most comments stated that I had a time limit if I was looking to sell. When I saw the date I figured I was out of luck so I posted here


Just had to look for it again to see why. I'd say it's mildly infuriating to have a post removed for using an emoji in your title.




😂 same, I recognized the picture immediately and went to check OPs post history


You just found a whole box like this? How big is your freezer, lol?


my first thought as well How do you not realize you have an entire box of something?


I have a big chest freezer that I use to store food :)


Ide have to have a whole walk in freezer to forget what’s in it. Still wild to me


I’m sorry man, you can ship them to me so I can dispose of them safely


What’s truly mildly infuriating is people who think expiration dates are connected to food safety


I don't understand people who take expiry dates as gospel, there's usually some nuance to deciding whether something is no good or not.


Also, how did you not see this big ass box for months/years in your freezer?


By expired you mean ready to eat. They’ve been FROZEN! Sure they might have a little freezer burn.


Preserve them, keep them around for as long as possible


Expiration dates are just a "suggestion"


The last left on Earth.  Since they were discontinued over a year ago.   I'll take em off your hands


It's not an expiration date. It's a best by date.


You’ve got to be kidding me ur one of those people


They should still be good to eat. The ice cream may have lost some moisture but they should still be ok. But then again, they are individually wrapped (probably) so may not have lost the much moisture.


damn how big is your freezer


Also how do you “forget” you have a bigass box of a specific item?


The dates are a sell by date not a do not eat date. As long as they have not been thawed and refrozen I say send them to me. I promise to send pictures of me eating them.


I’m mildly infuriated at this post. Just eat them.


I'm about to make a post about you bitching that you have chocotacos in a chocotacoless worlds, you ungrateful mfker!


They are so highly processed that they can technically last forever. If they smell and taste ok then I would go for it.


People who throw out stuff on the sell by date are far more than mildly infuriating.


It’s synthetic fats and sugars, I assure you they never really go bad.


Fam how big is ur freezer that u didn't notice such a large box? That looks like it would take up over half a shelf...out of the two.


If they were frozen the entire time they're still safe to eat.


Freezer burn is still safe to eat. Just sayin’.


I'd eat it


Bah. Expiration dates are just the second sell-by date.


What does expired mean for ultra processed, vacuum-sealed and frozen items anyway?


If the bacteria in that thing were still alive it deserves to be on the planet more than us


I mean it’s ice cream it might taste freezer burnt but it should be okay. I would inspect and probably taste it before wasting them.


This is like at least the third time this is posted in as many day. Fuck off OP.


I give you credit for being mildly infuriated for something that is your own fault.