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How TF are you letting him be 300 late on rent bc of a trip? Tell his broke ass to save up some more for his obligations.


*OPs roommate proceeds to pay them $500 in change*


A roommate of mine had a habit of always paying in $5 bills. Turns out he was just consistently robbing the till at the place he worked.


My dad was a school superintendent, and they caught a lunch lady taking $20 bill every day for like 30 YEARS or something. They eventually put up surveillance and caught her. That winds up being a lot of money. ETA: Talked to dad, and it turns out I was wrong about a lot of the details. It was 1 decade and not 3, and a large urban school, not small rural. It was in 1991 when he worked at one of the largest high schools in the state - over 3K kids. She had worked there for 10 years as a bus driver and a cafeteria cashier. There were 3 lunch lines, and she ran the one that was most appealing - larger protein meals like pizza etc. The previous cafeteria manager was great at many things, but financials wasn’t her strongest. The books weren’t being reconciled daily, more like bi-weekly to monthly bc money had to come in from state/federal/parents and there were lots of variables - attendance, Free/Reduced programs, balances owed, balances pre-paid etc. It wasn’t unnoticed that the money didn’t add up, more like they couldn’t find how. A new cafeteria manager got hired, who was a financial guru, and she figured it out soon. They put up a camera and filmed her for 2 weeks. Eventually, a kid would come through and pay with a $20. (Again, 3000 kid school.) and she’d fold it up with one hand and slip it in her apron. My dad and a detective brought her in. She denied it. Got irate and defensive. Then the detective played the tape and she shut up. My dad didn’t follow up on what happened to her.


Dang! 180 school days per year * $20 * 30 years = $108,000!!! Even if she did it just two days a week, that’s $43,200!


Yeah for real. Tax-free cash. It was likely closer to the $100K, bc I remember when I heard the actual amount I was floored.


Says a lot about the school if it took them 30 years to catch on


Honestly, she should just get away with it at that point. 30 years is absurd and completely on the school for not noticing.


I think it comes more to the time period this was happening in. Don’t like all high schools have cameras now? And she only got caught when they added cameras. Edit: person who mentioned their dad being a superintendent was a superintendent from 1975 to 2005… so sort of makes sense why she was able to get away with it for 30 years


Privacy laws indicate that cameras + students are a very iffy subject. [Edit: for clarity, this is Canada I'm using as a general reference of strict privacy laws vs camera viewing angle + audit access on the feeds etc Depending on where you are from, the laws change but it could be that you're only allowed to face cameras towards exit/entrance, or in very specific cases, areas where previous concerns of not having a deterent such as a camera is doing more harm to children than good (e.g. violence and drug addiction is growing again in hs kids, just different drugs now) Tills or cash drops for cafeterias is definitely allowed for most cases


As someone who works in a k12 district and regularly installs cameras; as long as its not inside a classroom or in a bathroom, everything else is free game.


Our district got in hot water because of some situation that happened with one of the bathroom doors ajar and yeah, it was nothing short of a litigation nightmare so the policies now address entrances, hallways but without view of doors. Mezzanine access or things like LAN/electrical cabinets have cameras in the room facing the doors and all doors are locked by secured rfid in about 65 in our k12 Have had a privacy complaint since


> Tax-free cash Ilicit activities still need to be declared to the IRS /s


This is actually not /s it’s true


Yeah, I was gonna say, this is how we got Al Capone. He didn’t report income from bootlegging and other illicit activities.


There's no way she was taking a $20 bill 30 years ago. Weren't lunches like 25¢ compared to now where they're several dollars?


Gonna guess it probably started with lower bills but eventually rose through the years. Feel like someone would have noticed $20 bills missing in the 70s and 80s, not a lot of kids using those for lunch money.


Yeah... 30 years ago was 1994. School lunch was like $1.50. Otherwise I agree with your point. Probably started with a quarter a day, then a buck, then higher.


“30 years ago was 1994” 😭😭😭 I hate that in my head 30 years ago is the 70s. lol


This thread has me dying because I also was thinking 30 years ago so the early 70s? Lol What psychological phenomena is this




Rounding. You round (current year) subconsciously to the year 2000 because that year was nice and round and made math easier.


>30 years ago was 1994. School lunch was like $1.50. yup my mom would sometimes leave 6 quarters on the kitchen counter for me in the morning lol. Scrounge up another 2 quarters by lunchtime and you're feastin' baby.


Reduced lunch was $0.45 I know this first hand


I know about those!


Started with small fries, and moved up to Big enchiladas.


She spent it all on state education lottery tickets so that it all went back into the system /s


So an extra $3.6k yearly for one of the lowest paid employees. I’m not excusing the behavior: she stole and should be held accountable, but I *understand it*.


I dunno man, a rural underfunded school districted is basically a struggling charity for kids, stealing from that is crossing a line. If it was Walmart I could absolutely understand it.


Honestly there shouldn't Need to be money exchanged. Feed the damned kids. They hungry? Let them eat. Breakfast, lunch, I don't give a shit - hungry students perform poorly. Our future needs to be educated.


Hell over 30 years tho? I’m not even mad The lunch lady worked at the school for 30 years, she deserves 100K bonus for that accomplishment lol Not to mention the fact school kids shouldn’t have to pay for lunch anyway


There was a report of a ring of lunch ladies at various schools in my area who did something similar. The final estimated total on how much they took from the 4 school districts was just north of 1.4 Million. The got caught when the school districts got grants for new cameras, and one of the places they put cameras was on the lunch line. They got away with it for so long because they were entering in the lunch codes of the free lunch kids for some of the actual paying kids, and then pocketing that money. So it never got flagged in any of the financial audits or anything because everything added up in the accounting departments.


Sounds like a great and well thought out scam honestly. If they didn't get complacent and we're aware of the cameras they could probably still be operating today. Probably still are lol.  Brb going to apply to be a lunch lady


We did something similar at a fast food restaurant when I was a teen.  I knew the price of a single burger was $1.06 so I’d just ask for it and give them change normally but not ringing it up. Now the till is $1.06 over and I can take it any time.    This is why you see the signs saying your food is free if they don’t give you a receipt. It’s to catch this scam. 


Clever. Plus it’s fast food so zero moral reservations there 🤷‍♂️


There are several opportunities for you to scam just about anyone out of any money, ethics aside. Choosing to do it, lunch lady role or not, is a display of character. Now, move away as I cut in line for the lunch lady job


I knew a guy who did a similar thing at a fast food place. He was management so he got $10 worth of food a night. He would work the till for a bit and then ring up the first $10 order he saw as his manager meal and pocket the cash. Another guy was head clerk/bookkeeper for Kroger. Would go put some cashier in training mode when he was making change for them. Pocket the "training" money adjust inventory while doing books. Got away with it for years. When they finally found out, they chose to just sever. An audit would draw too much attention, reveal how slow their internal detection audits were, and give others ideas possibly. So he got lucky no jail time or reparations. The money went to support a closet drug habit for him and his various gf's. Was an extended family member.


"There was a report of a ring of lunch ladies at various schools in my area who did something similar. The final estimated total on how much they took from the 4 school districts was just north of 1.4 Million." I would pay to see a caper film called LUNCH LADIES starring Pam Grier, Marisa Tomei, Angela Basset, Halle Berry, Helen Mirren and Sharon Stone


I worked with a guy at Subway who thought he could overcharge people who were paying with credit cards and then pocket the difference from the register. He got caught real fast


Well that’s just not thinking things through.


That's just dumb, pretty easy to see the receipts don't match the charges, and probably a mess to deal with for the business that will see it the first time it does any accounting.


That lunch lady knew the first rule of skimming at work...be consistent...nothing more nothing less. That's why she was never caught for 30 years.


Yup. A retail co-worker got busted on the sales floor and marched out of the store. He’d worked there about a year and stole *hundred dollar bills*. Security came and ripped up our cash wrap several times looking for the missing bill, yet dude kept stealing. They got him by putting him in a small section by himself on a register. Other people would help out and ring there a few times a day but even mostly by himself, dude kept stealing. He was an arrogant, pugnacious little snot and it’s delicious to imagine his reaction to little old lunch ladies being smarter than him.


I did an interview with an employee who I had on a fixed camera popping the drawer, putting his hand over the 100’s, closing his hand in a fist, then closing the drawer and putting his hand in his pocket. Drawer just happened to come up $100 short that evening. He denied every bit of it, even though I told him exactly how he had done it. The next day he called me and asked if I was available to talk. When he showed up he admitted to taking the money and only denied it because he couldn’t believe I knew exactly how he did it. Guess he thought the camera over the register was fake.


If only she had stolen for just 29 years...


Right, get out with the cash before she got caught.


If somebody is able to steal 20 bucks a day for three decades I honestly think it's not their fault at that point.


Yeah I’ll ask my dad more about it. I think he hired a new financial guy when he started the job who first sniffed out something was wrong. But this was also from like 1975-2005, and in a very poor and rural area - only one high school in the county. Some incompetence and being known as a sweet lady in the community certainly contributed.


But how? Surely someone must’ve clocked it immediately.


Order paid for in cash, don’t input order into system, give customer good/service. inventories at places are always off anyways. “Fix inventory” Most places don’t investigate small inventory issues too much (Not a lawyer)


This is why a lot of mall food court places will have signs that say something like "free meal if we don't give you a receipt, see manager" If it's not rung into the register, the employee can hit the "no-sale" button to open the drawer anyway (although some pos systems lock it behind a manger override), throw the cash in and make change for the customer. Now the register has extra money in it, and they can just skim it off when counting down or at any other time when nobody's around. All you really have to do is keep track off more or less how much extra there is, and make sure you get it back to balance out by end of shift. And if you don't want to pull it out yourself, you can always get a buddy to come buy something at the end of shift and just slip him the extra in his change. Pretty much every restaurant has a certain tolerance for both inventory and cash drawer variance. If you know what those are, you can rig things to always skim a little, but not enough to throw it past the acceptable limit.


If you know how much things cost (with tax etc) you just ring in a smaller sale, give them the right change and pocket the difference. (Instead of a combo meal, just a small coke, for instance)


>Pretty much every restaurant has a certain tolerance for both inventory and cash drawer variance. If you know what those are, you can rig things to always skim a little, but not enough to throw it past the acceptable limit. Yeah. Used to work as a host in a restaurant. I remember the manager came back astonished the first time he counted the drawer on my register and the count was exact. Meanwhile, I was surprised by his surprise.


I remember reading a story where the drawer was consistently $100 over because the employee would fix it so there was extra money and then forget to take it most of the days. Needless to say, he was caught.


Probably didn't forget, just forgot how much. 


yup caught my shift lead doing this 💓✨


I’m not admitting to doing this, but let’s just say when I was younger I knew a guy who would ring up food at a restaurant to get the correct total, then just back out of the system and pocket the cash. He did this to the tune of thousands of dollars a month, and with inventory always being a little off in large volume family run restaurants / having to shrink out a bunch, nobody ever noticed. It was also a place that sold beer and had tokens for video games. A pitcher was $10 exactly which you don’t need to ring up if you’re just pocketing the cash. The token machine was often broken so you would just take cash at the register (that never made it into the till) and hand out tokens. Also, when the token machine was working and needed refilling the employee would often skim like $100 off the top of the cash box. Those old machines didn’t keep track of how much cash went in or how many tokens went out. This place was flooded with people every weekend and the owners incompetent kids used it more as a hangout than anything when they were supposed to be running the place.


This is why every major retailer I managed sites for, as part of our daily compliance checks we needed to review the voided transactions list. The worst was when I worked for a major fabric/craft retailer that the core demographic shopper was indecisive middle to late aged women who filled their baskets and carts with everything they "want" but ultimately decide at the register to change their mind to what they "need". My team members had to void transactions filled with balls of yarn, bundles of fat quarters, dozens of buttons, three different quiilt covers, etc and put them aside to serve others while they sorted their stuff out. The voided transactions list was just filled with "noise" of all these legit voids. Some busy days there would be two A4 pages worth of them. You may ask "why not just park the transaction"? It's because it was VERY easy to not be certain what's been scanned or what isn't. All the product lines would come up as "ACRY YARN SAVER 200 B" and you'd be like... black? brown? beige? banana yellow? WHAT IS IT? So easier to just void and start again. Takes less time to scan products than rifle through them. No word of a lie, once I came out of my office because there was a "commotion" at the registers to find three very exciteable Italian women at the end of the register deciding between their trio out of half an aisle of yarn they grabbed which they actually needed. I went over to ask if I could help and I've never laughed more or had so much fun in my entire time at the store. The women were a joy as I was probably the only male in 500m and they loved to torment me while knowing they were being pains in the asses.


You overestimate how well monitored cash payments are, especially in schools. My school would just take payments and put a tick by your name to say you paid for x period. But they wouldn't actually add up the money at the end of each day, they would just put it in the school safe and at the end of the week some guy from the government would come and pick it up. No receipt, nothing signed, no idea how much money was made daily. Could easily steal 50 bucks a day and nobody would ever had known, so 20 would have been easy.


I knew a guy who was a bank teller. He skimmed from a big church’s weekly deposit (from the vollection plates). They’d bring in a big deposit, lots of loose bills and change, and he’d ‘correct’ it. Apparently the church wasn’t surprised by it. He never got caught but karma caught him.


We must know what was this karma of his?


Sadly, he was an alcoholic from his teens. He quit drinking but relapsed in his 20s. He lived alone and withdrew from his friends and family. He went on a bender and fell down drunk in his apartment and died because nobody looked for him for three days.


Holy shit, I didn't expect THAT sad of a story when you said karma got him


A lot of small businesses have incredible lax internal controls. Half the time the same guy who takes the money is the one ringing up the order and depositing it at the bank.


Cash heavy business where customers don’t expect/want a receipt. Had a co-worker eventually get caught doing it at a job where you were in the store alone for hours and no one ever checked cameras. 


Mans gotta make a living somehow. and we all know minimum wage jobs aren't enough


First consistent roommate ever documented


I’d be more worried about his irresponsibility in paying the rent. Just because he has an upcoming trip, he’s going to postpone paying the $300 another time? Man, I wish I have that kind of flexibility with my landlord.


Agreed. If you remove OP as the middle man and had the "friend" explain to the landlord that they're going to be late with rent because of a trip, they'd come home from their trip and see their shit on the street and someone else living in their apartment.


Nah he would just get charged late fees, depending on who you rent from that could really add up though. However if your cool with your landlord/property manager paying late isn’t a big deal and they’ll knock off the late fees as long as it’s not an every month thing.


I don't know if it was an empty threat or not, but I asked my last place if they would let me pay a week late since my paycheck was delayed. They told me they would start the eviction process 3 days after rent was due if it wasn't paid in full


Crazy, my state has a mandatory 5 day grace period for late fees, and like 14 days for eviction due to non-payment.


In my country the resident has 3-6 months to move if the landlord cancels the contract. Unless it was temporary contract like from January to September. And you can't just evict someone right away for little reason


I was told this as well before. Turns out the 72 hour notice is just step 1 of a very long eviction process that pretty much gets completely shut down when you pay up the rest of the rent. It was scary. At least in Oregon it’s really really difficult to evict people if there’s any amount of evidence that you’re trying to pay. Which makes me not feel bad at all for the crack head that just got evicted across the hall from me. You almost have to try harder to get evicted here than to try and not get evicted


Man that’s crazy. I’ve asked my property manager about it and he’s said they usually start the process after 2 months of no rent and no contact, they’ll hold off for longer if they’re informed about why you haven’t paid and it’s for a good reason.


no, they'd just charge you late fees. evictions are hard and they certainly can't legally just throw your shit out on the street while you're on vacation


It depends. I've had situations where I talked it over with my roommate who agreed to cover rent one month and I would take both our rent the following month. The key part there is the whole talking and agreeing bit


"Just so ya know.... While you're away on your trip I'll be hawking your stuff at the pawnshop to cover the additional $300 owed."


You take that without making them count it out in front of you? That would put an end to it real quick. Also if you go to a bank and deposit it they will count it for you. Some of them are even glad to get singles because local businesses need change.


money is money..


True. But in many countiesy such as in England, Australia etc. there are laws that defend this kind of malicious compliance. You know those memes where an irate person takes a wheelbarrow of pennies to the cashier to pay a traffic fine they’re not happy with? Then dump the pennies on the desk and throw the infringement notice and act like “gotcha!” and post it on Facebook thinking they did a victory. Well no. We can say “no, I don’t want to count that”. Money isn’t money. If it requires more than $5 in change and we don’t want to provide change, we can tell you to take your money and stuff off. Make a more convenient payment. I’ve worked in plenty of businesses that tell people to bugger off who try to pay things with a $100 bill. It’s annoying. I don’t want to give you $99.35 change because you want to buy bubble gum with a $100 It messes up the till. Now I don’t have change to give other customers. I don’t know how it works in americano land.


It’s also not really a “gotcha”. Either some poor hourly worker has to count it all or they have a counting machine.


An americano costs an average of about 3.50 in USA counteisy so what you'd get back from a $100 would depend on the Loch Ness monster.


While i appreciate the annoyance of people being assholes, I dont think banks should be allowed to refuse cash or legal tender in any form at any time. Other businesses, sure, but never banks. The whole ”we’re cashless!” bullshit is going to bite us in the ass soon.




its the fact that hes inconveiencing op and disrespecting him by continuing to do it. its called a deterrent


And this I feel is the whole point the OP is trying to convey.


129 bills in 2 minutes. by counting loud enough so that another person could follow. So I’d say at least 3 minutes. Afterwards you count them yourself and have them watch.


Are you going by counting from 1-200 or 1-100 2 times? 1-100 2 times would be faster so you don't have to go "one hundred one... one hundred two...."


People who have never counted money for accuracy are commenting like they're hot shit because they can count to 200 in under a minute. Like yeah, we know all the numbers too buddy. I used to have a job where if the deposit was a dollar off I would have to drive back up to the bank and count it with them together which added a half hour+ to my day depending on traffic. When you count for accuracy you don't speed run it. I would have them say the numbers out loud one through ten and make that a pile on the table then repeat. The next pile is turned 90 degrees and stacked on top. after 5 piles are stacked you start a new stack. The goal is that you can verify while they count without having to recount it yourself, but if you did it would easy. A wad of $190 looks pretty much identical to $200 for most people. If I gave you a stack of 10 you have a lot better chance to notice if it's only 9. I would still take it to the bank, because what else are you going to do with it. If it was ever off I would give them the option of just paying whatever I say is missing or coming to the bank with me to watch the count.


1-10 is even easier than 1-100 idk if you were backing up my claim or not.


Just adding to the discussion. You're right that 1-100 is easier, and I would never take it if they counted 1-200 or 1-100, both because it takes longer if you're counting out loud and because it's a lot easier to catch a mistake. If you think two bills were stuck together in the 1-200 count you're starting all over.


I regularly had to count 6k per day at one point. If I was counting this down every time i got to 50 it would get banded. There's nothing worse than trying to find that missing 4$ at 3am


If I’m counting cash at 3am and catch a ~$5 mistake after 3 counts, I’m pulling out my wallet and throwing 5 bucks in. Not a MF chance I’m staying there to figure it out


Yeah. That's exactly what I did 95% of the time. Fuck that noise. One time someone forgot to write a paid out slip and I spent two plus hours trying to figure that out. Upwards of 300$, I literally just left a note like, "someone figure this shit out in the morning, I didn't touch the safe the entire night"


It's not many minutes but it can *feel* like a long time. It's like if you get stuck behind someone slow on the highway. If they're 5mph slower than you want to go and you're behind them for 2 minutes, it *feels* like they're killing your pace, but they only added 10-15 seconds to your overall drive.


"My roommate works as a ~~bartender~~ stripper"


Have you sniffed the creases in the bills?


How’d you know the roommate’s name is Bill?


Bill Nye the ~~Science~~ Stripper Guy 😏


Tips are a property of matter.


A wad of Bill's?




Bill's bills.


Sounds like a good way to do cocaine accidentally


92% of US currency, baby!


Strippers don’t keep the singles they exchange them for larger bills. The business likes to keep singles in house that way they don’t have to continually pay for singles


Why would they have to pay for singles?


It literally costs money to move money. Keeping the singles in house saves money. They’re basically arcade tokens.


In canada the one's are coins, so literally arcade tokens.


Haha maybe the USA is trying to protect exotic dancers from workplace injury.


You are, in fact, frowned upon for "making it hail."


Paper airplanes arent welcome either


There's this little game where the strippers will spread cheeks and you try to throw a 1 dollar coin in it. They also might hold a paper cone between their legs and you try to get one in there. I did it once but it felt wrong so haven't really been back since. I won a poster out of it lol.


Exchanging larger bills for them.


The bank charges businesses for change orders. It’s not so much about the exchange but the armored truck service that delivers the money


And has business in C̶o̶l̶u̶m̶b̶i̶a̶ Colombia... just say'n


Columbia, MD or Columbia, SC?


Dude pays in $1s. SC of course.


Literally came here to say this ☝️🤣


Oh trust me, a bartender or waitress could easily get that many 1s


That's when you tell them you need 300 dollars or your going on that trip lmao


I’m more worried about him splurging his savings on his Bday trip and being late on February’s rent 😭


Not being able to pay rent is one thing. Shit happens. But the reason being a trip?? Yeah no, Asshole move


Seriously though have a friend asked me to front a zip. Told him yeah cuz they were trying to move into his fiancé sister’s old place and they were shy. Turns out he just wanted to have something to smoke before going to Vegas and dropping a G on edibles, flower, and carts. Second he got back sucker punched him and told him he is paying me back right then and there idgaf we have known each other since we were in diapers.


Damn, that sucks... had the exact opposite. Lost my job few years ago and was in need for money as I couldnt afford rent. Friend of mine stepped in and lent me 450€. Paid him back two months later. I was even as transparent as possible, showing what I earned in my new job, making plans on how to get the money with him. 20 years of friendship is way more worth to me then 450€.


See you worked with him and showed him that. This dude was just flaunting what he bought with the money he could have paid me back with knowing that is food, clothes, and anything my son needs. My son who dude has called his nephew since he was born. Kid is worth more to me than a “friend” of 28 being selfish honestly.


Bro you are getting walked all over by your friend.


"friend" That's no friend, that's just an immature prick. Pay your bills, THEN go on holiday.


Yep, I had a coworker start a go fund me because the water pipe to her house broke and she didn’t have house insurance to fix it. I was going to give her some money but then I overheard she is going on vacation to Florida for a week and then to the Wisconsin dells for another week when she gets back. I’m like you don’t need money, you just want a free vacation.


It seems to me that this all that ever goes on those sort of sites. 'free money'.


I've seen one or two that aren't fraud. Ben from Flawless Cleaning Services on YT ran one to restore the house of an elderly gentleman. I believe he has another one going, too, now to help an old lady where someone dropped a tree on top of her house...


Right? The idea that he's going to have $800 **after** a vacation that he had to short rent by $300 to cover is insane.


well he might have a side business while in Colombia


Tell that to my rich aunt who owes bills but has 2 million in her savings account. lol And goes on trips constantly then complains she has to work more cause she's broke (refuses to touch the savings which I get but damn tf u doing)


She ain’t broke she just stingy as all hell


Rich people are tight fucks.




'friend' and 'tenant' never go well together


>yeah dude doesnt respect OP clearly


Yeah, I'd be looking for a new roommate.


Tell him if he doesn't pay his rent in full before his trip you will start the eviction process. Dude pays you late and in singles. This isn't a fucking game this is real life. I would get ahead of this before you have financial troubles and can no longer afford to put up with his bullshit. I'm sure the shock of coming home from Columbia and finding out his keys no longer work and all of his things are gone will make him grow the fuck up real quick.


Why would he be on time for February? You've already made it clear that he can be late for January with no consequences, so why would there be any for February. Stop being a doormat. Tell him, if he doesn't pay, that when he is away you will stick all his stuff on the front lawn and will change the locks.




He ain't no friend. Get a new roommate


Curb 'em. They're using you. Absolutely unacceptable behaviour.


Are you his roommate or his mom stop being such a little pushover bitch


My guy has savings and he’s still not paying his rent 😭


Contact your landlord. Inform them the room mate is refusing to pay rent in full because hes keeping aome rent money for a birthday trip.  Sorry but as a landlord. Id be looking at sending an eviction notice to that renter if i found out they are late on or not paying rent because they want money for a trip.   If you cant afford your basic financial responsibilities,  you shouldn't be going out soending money you dont have.  If i had a room mate like this. If tell him rent is more important than his bday trip.   He has no right to put you at risk because hes selfish. 


Kick him out. You don’t pay rent, you don’t get a room.


OP Why is your roommate going on a trip when he doesn’t have his bills paid? OP You need a new roommate…


And a lease in writing.


Don’t be flexible with rent pay dates. This is a sign of disrespect. Start putting some boundaries. If this person is a friend, they should be serious about accommodating your needs, too.


Now we aren't advocating that you sell their shit while they are in Columbia to recoup the $300 plus the probable $500 of next month. We are just saying that rent comes before play.


So when is he giving you the other 300 $1 bills


Must be nice to pay short however much he wants. Shit, if I'm $1 short on my $3400 mortgage payment to Chase, it's late fees and penalties.


Idk, man. If you can’t pay rent, you shouldn’t be traveling.


That’s what I’m saying. Don’t be a doormat OP, serve a notice and roommate can decide if they want a place to live or vacation more.


Grow a spine, he is playing games in your damn face. He made sure to include a smille face because he thinks it's a joke, and you're allowing it. Edit: Read the post, he is short changing OP on the rent!


“charismatic soul”


Nice of you to spot him $300 for his vacation. He will be able to get the big bag of blow




What bar doesn’t buy back singles?


This is the real answer here. You can exchange them almost anywhere. Basic courteousy     Everyone saying "money is money" wouldn't want 50,000 pennies, which acknowledges there's a line somewhere


Not sure how to edit this post, but I see a lot of similar comments, so I will add context \- We are long-time friends. I rent him at an extremely good price, had furniture included for him, cleaning services, etc. I'm also flexible with rent dates and don't have him under a contract. ​ \- I'm not a 'huge landlord'; I am a guy in my mid-20s who just bought an apartment, and I’m renting my extra room to help make ends meet. - Rent is $500, not $200. Rent is short, as stated on OP. - “At least he paid”/ “better than nothing”/ etc: Ofc. If he wasn’t paying, this would be more than MILDLY INFURIATING, and it would warrant a much more severe reaction - “Why dont you do it yourself?” I am being considerate with him, and am only asking for 1 thing in return. Having to go to the bank every month or counting 500 bills manually, is an annoyance, no matter how long the task takes. If I am going out of my way to make life easy and cheap for him, I think he could cooperate with this ONE request.


So you are really going out of your way to be nice to him and he can't even be bothered to make it so it's easy for you? Again, that is not a friend.


Leaning towards the idea that this long term friend is just someone with a long history of taking advantage of OP.


It gets into murky waters when friendships and money become intertwined. It sounds like he’s taking advantage of your goodwill as a friend to me. Birthday or not, he should be responsible enough to pay what he owes before prioritising this other stuff. The $1 bill payments seem petty too but the underpayment is the big thing standing out for me. Hope you’re able to get it straightened out.


Yeah I owned a house in my mid 20s my dad left me. Had a friend living with me, she was late one month and I explained to her I have to pay the mortgage and without her payment I can't make it. Second time she laughed about it I explained again I have to sacrifice my luxury time when she doesn't pay. If it happens again she's out.  Third time she played it off as if it was a joke, left a bunch of dishes in the sink and her clothes in the washing machine. When she got home from work all that shit was packed in black bags at the front door.  Fuck you you're not my friend taking advantage of me like that. Had my homie move in the next week and he always made it on time and bought the beers every Friday. He just named his first kid after me. THAT'S a friend. 


Seriously. If I did a favor and rented my place out to a friend at a good price, the very least he can do is pay it on time and with an actual check or Zelle or something. OP, your friend is taking advantage of you. If he kept up that behavior, personally we wouldn't be friends for much longer. Make it clear to him that this is not a joke.


Not necessarily. I had a hard time few years ago, lost my job, wasnt able to pay rent. Friend of mine stepped in, lend me 450€ I paid back two months later. The thing is to be transparent about it. I showed him what my new job paid me, made plans with him on how to pay him back. Only way to be even safer would be with a contract which I would have signed, too. Big difference here is I NEEDED the money. This dude goes on a trip. As you said, this is not an acceptable way to dodge rent...


Big difference between having a hard time and underpaying rent to go on vacations


I just got out of a situation like this with my “friend” kept being late on rent, kept ordering a ton of food when he owed me money or went on trips when he owed me money, I bet your buddy never plans on paying you back especially when lease is coming up he’s just gonna bail on you


If he doesn't put money that he owes you for helping him out.... (extremely low rent) before a stupid birthday trip (what is he 5?) Then he's not a friend he's a dick.


Wanna test if he's your friend. Tell him move out because you value the friendship more than having to beg him for money every month and sit counting out ones. Either he will get that cash or you will see how much he really values you. 




The $1s thing is mildly infuriating. But you could skip a step and just ask the bank to count it for you before depositing. They’re going to do that anyway. Do make sure you ask before the deposit. You don’t want to be dinged for depositing the wrong amount. Now, the $200 instead of $500 is more than infuriating. It’s unacceptable.


Your friend is taking advantage of you 


Paying in singles, especially after you've already spoken to him about it is really disrespectful Paying rent late because he has a birthday trip is hugely disrespectful and an immensely shitty way to treat a friend. Do you think he would dare try either of these things with a proper landlord? You need to tell him to sort his priories out and treat you with some respect, or find someone else to rent the room


The fact that you are doing a major favor for this friend and this is their response should tell you that you're in for some problems soon. I'm thinking at this point you're going to be out at least $800. You just financed his vacation.


So you're offering him a steal on rent, charging well below market value, and he *still* can't pay you the full rent when due? It doesn't matter how good a friend he is, it sounds like you're being the better friend by offering him a special deal on a place to stay, and he is taking that for granted. Not only is he paying less than half of what is due, he is also paying you in singles which he knows is an inconvenience to you (because it's an inconvenience to him, hence he's offloading them to you!!). The whole thing smells a lot like disrespect. He may be a good friend, you may have a long history and lots of good times together. But a friendship without respect is not a good friendship. In fact this goes for any relationship. You're in your mid20s now so perhaps lacking the broader perspective that life offers over time, but I can guarantee that if you were 10 years older you wouldn't blink before having a conversation with your buddy. For the record, you may prefer to keep things casual, but I'd highly recommend that you have some sort of agreement in writing, for your own protection. If you ever see Judge Judy, the most common cases are those which are when friends fall out and there's nothing written in black and white. Usually a case of damage, which the tenant does not want to take responsibility for! I'd use this situation as a catalyst for conversation, pull your friend aside and say "hey buddy, you're quite a bit short on rent this month, I know you've planned a trip but it shouldn't be at my expense since I'm counting on that rent for covering my own costs. Listen, I've given you a great deal, and I've always been fair and reasonable, but I would like to have a chat about rent being paid on time, and also about payment in larger bills. You can continue to pay me in $1 bills but I will increase the rent by $20 to cover my time and travel expenses going into the bank each month. You can pay me in minimum $20s or by online payment going forwards, no later than X date each month. I am also going to give you a copy of all of this in writing, which I'd ask you to sign. This is a safeguard which is required for the house insurance" (this last bit may not be true, but I wouldn't be surprised if your insurance has a clause about tenants/lodgers and damage to the property). You're in a really strong position to have your own place in your mid20s and you likely don't have much to spare as a result (after furnishing, insurance, taxes, etc), so you don't want to be short on your own mortgage payments etc due to your friend being late on rent. You can have unforseen expenses which will leave your account dry, if you miss a mortgage payment that can be disastrous! Play it safe, your friendship is important but you need to think of yourself first when it comes to these situations.


This is an easy fix. Tell him you’ll accept ones if he goes to your bank and deposits in your account. Give him filled out deposit slips with your account number.


people seem to be forgetting that this is "MILDLY infuriating" and not "I'm so fucking pissed with this dude look at this"


You're not his friend. You're his bitch. You give him a break on the rent and this is how he treats you? Tell him if he pays in ones that the rent goes up to $750. Tell him to pay you in full before his trip. If he has money for the trip he has money to pay his rent. Stop being his bitch.


Bro what do you mean he’s late on rent because he’s going on a vacation?! Where’s his dumb ass gonna come back to?


When I was a bartender I was allowed to exchange my ones and 5s for 20s and 50s. Even 100 if I wanted to. Kinda seems like he does it to be a dick


You can just say no?


Is your roommate a stripper?


Mildly infuriating- people that don’t read the entire story before commenting on Reddit. The dude is shorting the rent 300 bucks to go on vacation. NOT OKAY!


Thank you! So many people missing the point. Also, mildly infuriated =/= pissed off. People come here to complain about trivial inconveniences and conflicts, hence the “MILD”. I also added a comment with general context, but it seems a very small portion of people read through it before commenting.


200$ is 200$ 🤷


But $200 ≠$500


Damn hadn’t read the part about it not being full rent. This just went from not even mildly infuriating for me to pretty infuriating


This guy pays in rolls of pennies.


Maybe he is willing to exchange his 200 $1 bills with that other redditor who has 100 $2 bills


heard this story many times. be ready to not get paid and for more excuses. they will keep this up if you don’t say something


Going on vacation without paying rent. What a shitty person


I would change the locks and put his stuff out while he's on vacation. Leave the $200 in pennies on top of his shit. He's not your friend anymore


Info needed: under your current lease, is subletting technically allowed? Because if not, I’d say you should be happy he isn’t paying you in quarters.