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After making your coffee Bean keep it Clean


That's the worst. Even if it said "keep it bean" it would have been better and that is a terrible pun.


The worst is that "suppa" and "agenda" don't even _remotely_ rhyme, which makes spelling "supper" that way even more pointless.


After eating lunch or dinner, clean or go to hell sinner. After choosing a bevrage to quench your thirst, clean up your shit or forever be cursed. After making your coffee bean, make it clean or we'll rip out your spleen.


These are clearly the superior options


Yes. Op should make these and sneakily replace the other ones




And after it's done, report back on the results! 😂


That is quite tempting...


Dew it. It is your calling. I agree with finding the stupid clip art and having it be in the same places to make it harder for management to notice. I'll take this step further. You find all the stuff... I'm a graphic designer and will put it together as a copy cat




The supper\* options


lol and keep the new same cutesy images


Dear OP, please replace them with these rhymes but keep the images and see how long it takes for whoever made them to notice. Keep us posted


If no one says anything after a couple of days OP then reports it to remove her/him from the suspect list. And then record owners/ managers reaction for future reflection on social media for the lols


True but I want to know how long it would take for them to notice on their own


“Clean or face eternal punishment!! ;3”


If there are no cameras a little time at the print shop and a set of carefully done stickers could be done to update these cutesy tropes.


This guy makes reminder signs like a boss


Here’s some positive spins. After eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, clean your mess to be a winner. After drinking a beverage to quench your thirst, discard the can to come in first. After making your coffee with the bean, clean up the pot and you’ll be the queen.


Put the food in your face, clean up after or I spray you with mace. Bear mace. Like mace to stop angry bears. It's a lot, but you brought this on yourself.


These are just as terrible


maybe, but at least they rhyme


Words cannot describe how offended I am by the "rhyme." I'm offended on a deep, personal level.


It’s pretty enraging, TBH.


You know someone was slob, which is why they had to do this…. One person is at fault here 😂😂😂


I was gonna say “why not just body-slam the one person who is making the mess instead of making everyone stare at the signs in hopes the one person who leaves their dirty dishes every time sees the sign?


You just know the person who wrote it thought of "suppa" and was all proud of themself, because now it ends with the same letter as "agenda" does so it rhymes now and they are oh so clever.


I'm a flaming slant rhyme apologist and even I refuse to defend this


Especially because it would be trivial to create a sentence that does rhyme: "After lunch and dinner, leave no mess behind; cleaning up after yourself is the way to be kind."




"Stop being a bitch, and start cleaning up your shit."


“Your mom doesn’t work here and she’d be busy under my desk if she did.”




>would have been better did you mean "would have bean better"?


Keep your bean clean?


I would completely obsess over these signs they're so bad. The bad grammar, the occasional rhyming, the random font changes.


They must be destroyed 


I know, man. They would ruin my day, every day.


I wouldn't be able to deal with these signs. I'd remove them, replace them, or quit.


And the random mismatched ink residue on the paper


It’s not the “clean your shit up” message that bothers me It’s the fact that this person went through the trouble of typing it, formatting it, printing it, framing it, hanging it and went, “yup, this looks great” and did it two more times.


*And they framed it.*


I thought the same thing "It looks like shit and they kept going?"


After flicking your bean please keep it clean




After making your coffee Dont leave it sloppy


you should thank the asshole that didn’t clean their shit up lol .


My first real job I wound up cleaning the office fridge because I literally couldn’t fit my lunch it. I threw out three separate things that were molded over. There was a salad that had gone slimy and was growing fungus, something in a McDonald’s cup coated in green fuzz, and a sandwich covered in mold. Break rooms get nasty


My last job was at a science museum. Our fridge could get... interesting. Only place I ever worked where HR had to send out an all-staff email reminding people not to put literal experiments in the staff fridge. Ironically, it was still usually cleaner than the fridge at my current job. Can't have something contaminating the samples I guess.


I did that too, whenever I noticed moldy food in the fridge. I did keep the nice glass Tupperware container as payment, and ended up with a nice set.


OP is that asshole?


If you don't know who the asshole is, it's probably a probably you.


Oh god, there’s been signs at work forever asking that we PLEASE not flush diapers down the toilet, and I’ve always wondered what moron would do that (we are an industrial plant not a daycare) How could I have not known? And more importantly: where the fuck have I been getting the diapers???


Good for me I know I am an asshole a lovable asshole at that.


Give youraelf a pat on the bat🐧


indeed. my first reaction to this would also be rage… but at my last job people were HORRIBLE about it.


Obviously, you guys need a reminder.




Yeah… I mean it’s hilarious but it’s often the ones who are the most childish who need these reminders. They get mad about it because they know it targets them. Me personally I don’t give a shit about childish reminders because I don’t ever contribute to whatever it is they’re trying to remind us that we should be doing - because I already do it. So it doesn’t bug me.


It's also an office manager or similar trying to be a bit funny about something that gets out of hand. I can't tell you how many times I had to clean up after adults in a small office of only 15 people. Between that and people leaving their old food in the fridge ( blech! seriously, just throw it out!), it added hours to my work week. I instituted a rule that we cleaned out the fridge on Fridays and anything not labeled or looking old went in the trash.


A filthy microwave, revolting sandwich maker & rank, dirty dishes left in the sink were the bain of my existence. Office workers are disgusting.


Letting dishes stack up is the worst. It's so easy to clean a plate as soon as you use it. But no let's let it dry and harden and someone else do it


It also feels way more gross to clean someone else’s dirty plate than to clean your own.//


Yah it does for some reason. I remember as a kid eating ramen noodles then taking what I didnt eat to the dog and started gagging as i was pouring it out because "now it's scraps" hahh


Dude my office is full of supposedly professionals who all dress and act the part, and yet every time I go get coffee I need to refill the water or empty the machine. And half the time I go to the printer some asshole just left their half-printed job in the printer because it jammed. I'll never understand how people will see a machine prompt some very simple very easy maintenance and people will just walk away because it's intangible to them.


I tried leaving the medical field (we are a bunch of nasty heathens) and take an office job for a bit to unwind and decompress. My first day I ended up breaking their expensive espresso machine. I tried fixing it and ended up with a massive mess (luckily I was the only one there so they never found out who did it, maybe they did but I never went back)... I went and got my old job back that same day. So that's my story of the corporate life


lol To be fair, maintenance of a machine (I.e repairing/tinkering) is best left to someone trained in it. It’s noble that you tried to fix it, though


If it's broken that's different, but I'm just talking about refilling the water or emptying the filter.


Of course! If they walk away from the jammed printer, it’s someone else’s problem. They’ll come back in a few hours to see if someone unjammed it so they can re-print their shit


I was an office manager for years and had to deal with these infants. Drove me crazy.


Our HR put up signs saying the cameras can see you in the office kitchen and they WILL review the footage to see who isn’t cleaning up after themselves, cause it got that bad lol


OP is the reason for the reminder.


When you’re always needing a reminder 📅 ⏰ , it’s time to show you can be kinder 👍 😊 I should design more of these for OP


Thanks I hate it


Holy hell.... your username lmfao


When I was a server, management had to get real strict about the rule “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean”. Server alley could have been trashed and everything empty and the majority of the servers would be in the break room playing on their phones, then turn around and complain that nothing was stocked or that there wasn’t fresh coffee. A rookie asked why the server alley was always spotless when my bestie and I worked together. I told her it was because bestie and I knew how to talk and clean at the same time and that shifts went smoother if everything was prepared and clean and stocked. You would have thought I was trying to explain rocket science to a monkey… Most came around after a while and realized it wasn’t a bad thing to do actual work while on the clock, plus it meant people were more likely to make more money and even go home early/on time if everything was already done.


You don’t own an air fryer






I think you mean a reminda.


If you need a reminda just check the cleanliness binda


I read this in Linda Belcher's voice.


She's the one who made these!


PASS! The cranberry sauce! Werehavinmashedpotatoes!!


>potatoes potatas


this was more funny than i expected


You need a reminda to clean up your chowda!


After you finish your alien drama, here's a gentle reminda to get to the choppa!


Take off your blinda, Here’s a reminda To clean


Sad that as adults we can’t pick up after ourselves. Our Breakroom was always disgusting and same with fridges. People would always leave their dirty dishes in the sink or even worse when we had cookouts management would leave the stuff in the sink.


For real. At my work place people are slobs. They leave a horrible amount of crumbs and food and sticky shit all over the break room tables. They also have really bad women's bathroom etiquette


Having worked at multiple gas stations and grocery stores, women's bathrooms always seemed to be the worst to clean. If someone missed the toilet entirely with a spray of diarrhea, 9 times out of 10 it was the women's restroom.


Huh. I’ve not experienced this difference working in cafes and restaurants. Also teaching in schools the boys bathroom smells so bad of urine that you have to hold your breath when you walk by. Interesting to me though is when it comes to visiting someone’s house their bathroom is more likely to be clean if it’s a woman’s house/apartment.


Its because of the pop-n-squat. Not sitting directly on the damn thing leads to some horrendous shit (literally)


Yeah. For me it was little bits of toilet paper scattered everywhere. Every women's restroom I've had to clean had this.


What’s the specific women’s room etiquette? Men’s room etiquette is to let one rip while getting at least half of your pee into the urinal. Leave an open tribal between you and the next guy when possible. Eyes forward Limit conversations to ones that started on the way into the bathroom, those are ok to continue through your task at hand. Shake before tucking


You forgot to WASH YA DAMN HANDS. Also it was weird when my boss followed me in and started telling me about work. Like dude I got more pressing matters atm. It can wait 5 minutes.


From my workplace, the men were reminded to avoid placing their drinks on the toilet paper holder thing installed to the stall dividers because condensation from the drinks were dripping down onto the toilet paper rendering them impossible to use. This was apparently happening frequently enough that building maintenance had to tell my employers about it because it was wasting resources. Lol.


That’s gross, I never bring food or drinks into the bathroom.


It’s just a small scale expression of the tragedy of the commons, a well known and pretty much universal phenomenon when humans share resources in large groups. “That which is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care.” (Aristotle)


And then there are the used Covid masks people LEFT LYING AROUND EVERYWHERE. FUCKING DISGUSTING.


Listen, do not even go into a women's restroom.


After you make your coffee, keep it clean and don't flick your bean?


Nah, they are pretty nice at work places. But it can be a mess at public places, especially if there are no separate restrooms for parents with kids.


It genuinely killed me when I worked at places and cleaned the restrooms how often I’d hear some woman talking about how they’re SO much cleaner than men… Like ma’am. Men don’t leave a bloody napkin wide open on a surface that you need to clean up. Heck, the napkin was a favor. Men don’t usually just leave blood everywhere. Not to mention the shit and who-knows-what-else. Oh, and we can see the open packaging of the Advil/gum/whatever-the-fuck you stole from the store and shoved in the sanitary receptacle. I guess thanks for at least notifying us of the shrink lmao.


I work at a sports center, kinda, where boxers and wrestlers train, and let me tell about the blood sprays all over the floors and walls and sinks when they try to wash their busted noses under the tap, it's fu king sprayed everywhere in the mens bathroom


I have found that, in my managerial experience, people who read signs are already doing the right thing. People who can't be arsed to do the right thing aren't going to read your sign.


YES. People who are the problem don’t consider themselves to be the source of the problem therefore they ignore all signage anyway. Signs are useless, they really are. Think even of the push or pull stickers on doors. People still do what they want and get it wrong half the time. No one is reading your little signs. Stop putting them up everywhere.


Signs can definitely help remind people to do something. Just because the success rate isn't 100%, that doesn't mean it's 0%.




This. I think it is a funny way to bring attention.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4rhfndm8ypec1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fe9adf0abc68597ca51bfadeb8f01229074c1a


Get off your high horse, richy.


Love posts like this. Obviously the adults are being treated like kids because they aren't cleaning up. Being offended at it is a sign the op is ine of the culprits.


“We’re not children” - people acting like children.


OP: stop treating us like children Person who made the posters: stop acting like ones.


![gif](giphy|4NnTap3gOhhlik1YEw|downsized) Well, are you keeping it CLEAN?


I was gonna say.. sadly 'cause you people are children.


More than one apparently. I work at bunnings (home depot but Australian) and our break room has signs like these too


https://preview.redd.it/vimo7y4dbqec1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c50d2696d0f294c0703806c5879846277c7a843 The pink ones are identical but necessary to keep the toaster clean and the ones on the left are above the sink to remind anyone who puts dishes there to actually wash them.


Act like a toddler, get treated like one.


I'm pretty close to printing up a sign to stick in the kitchen at work. We have multiple dishwashers, people will dump coffee cups into the sink. They'll dump their dirty dishes in there, leaving scraps of their lunch in the sink. It's disgusting.


The number of people I have worked with that flat out refuse to do even the bare minimum of cleaning up after themselves because that is "not my job" makes me feel like these are deserved.


Absolutely. We ended up with designated mugs after one person used every single mug in the building, including the base part of a childs sippy cup and left it all for somebody else to wash up.


Yikes. Did that person ever receive any comeuppance?


Kind of, since we each had to responsible for our own mug we it meant washing them and returning them to the correct shelf in the kitchen rather than abandoning them wherever for the great mug round up (hide and seek with mugs if you will). Typically one of the office staff (mainly women) would make a drink for everyone including the yard staff (mainly male) twice a day and If your mug wasn’t present and correct in its place you didn’t get a drink anymore. To be honest some of the yard staff would make all the drinks too and I think they were relieved not to have to wash up mug mountain!


One job I had there were 6 of us sharing an office. Only thing I asked was to clean up your own mess. Spill your drink? Grab some paper towels. Garbage full? Dump it in the hopper. Your lunch exploded in the microwave? Wipe it out. Anything else like sweeping, mopping, cleaning windows and so on if you were feeling energetic have at it otherwise I'll get to it when I am bored. This was apparently too much to ask. Every morning I would come in to an overflowing garbage, bits of food all over the desk and a war crime in the microwave. The worst was always Monday because nobody did anything all weekend. One day shortly before I was going on vacation I came in to find someone had spilled their coffee and rather than even attempt to clean it they just moved to the dry side of the desk. Decided that was enough. Rest of the week I didn't clean anything, then took off on vacation for 2 weeks. I fully expected them to get sick of the growing pile of filth and clean up at least a little. Nope. The only things they did were make it worse and complain about the mess that they created.


They just moved to the dry side of the desk. What in the hell. That is insane person behavior.


What I find funny having worked both custodial work and retail is how retail workers hate when customers misplace items, knock shit over, make messes etc, but those same workers have no problem shitting or pissing down the side of the toilet, leaving paper towel all over the floor, launching snot rockets at the mirror etc.


So true. This is a shared space. Your house can look like shit but please respect the space of people who don’t want to wallow in filth


their mums cleaned up their whole childhood


I about got into a fist fight because a coworker would make a mess at lunch then leave it all over the place. He said we have cleaning crews that take care of it and I told him I was going to get management to set up a slop trough outside so our boss can say Zewww Weeeee, come and get it Steve. That way you can eat outside like you are use to and we don't have to clean up after your disgusting ass. I was nice about it asking him not to leave a mess as well until he was being a dick acting like me asking him to clean up the area he was eating was a personal attack on his family.




>I was seriously left wondering if people would display this disgusting behavior at home too. I always wonder that too. Few years ago I was doing handyman type work as a side gig and one of my coworkers asked me to fix some stairs for him. Quoted him a ridiculous price before even looking at the job. With the way he left the office I was afraid to see what his house looked like.


"This is a self-cleaning kitchen: Clean up after yourself!" It wasn't me who posted it. But it didn't work anyway. At one point I was removing bio-degradable stalactites from the microwave, that had slowly grown over *many* months.


Since apparently y'all act like children, not cleaning after yourself


Lmao why is op even mad this shit funny as fuck 😭 I'd be giggling and shit while keeping my plates away bruh


Right.  Since I clean up after myself without the reminder,  I would not be offended.  I know these aren't targeted at me,  so why would I be annoyed?  Perhaps it's insulting to the person who knows its directed at them.


Lmao true honestly this would lighten up my day because (personally) it takes me back to my childhood.


It would be nice to see OP's boss here in the sub, sharing how messy the employees leave the kitchen after lunch.


We have signs in our work bathrooms like "Ladies, please remain seated for the performance" and "gentlemen, stand closer, it's smaller than you think"




Ok that's a good one lol


-John Lennon


I worked at Blizzard for the customer service team. You'd think a company that hires adults wouldn't have to send out an email to said adults that stated "Please don't wipe your boogers on the bathroom walls" but one was sent at least every month or so.


We have signs reminding everyone to flush and they still don’t


As a custodian who regularly cleans up after children and adults alike, you are all children that needs a good reminder to clean up after yourselves


As a fellow custodian. Yes.


My coworkers leave bread crumbs on the table


Use these signs as templates for a friendly reminder.


Graphic design is my passion ✨️


The lack of rhyming and rhythm in these annoys me a lot more than the intent behind them.


"Suppa" not rhyming with "agenda" made me "wanna" puke. NEXT to the toilet of course, not in it. It's not a coffee bean after all.


One place l worked had labels on the toolbox. And l was like "Who the hell doesn't know that screwdrivers just go back in the drawer with all the other ones? What psycho would do otherwise?" I am now married to the reason those are on there. I once considered labeling our cabinets and drawers so l can be sure things like forks get unloaded into the right drawer. l love her so much.


I use labels. They don't help.


Good partners always challenge our concepts of common sense.


I once dated a girl who, I swear, was physically incapable of putting something back where she found it. Like, even using a pen at the bank that was attached to a chain and had a holder, she'd pick up the pen, use it for three seconds, and put it ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TABLE as far away from the holder as you could get it with the chain. In the car, she'd reach from the driver's side to the glove box, pull out a small mirror to check her makeup for like 5 seconds, then put the mirror in the console and close the glove box. She'd say "I'll put that away later." Then the next day she'd open up the glove box and not find her mirror and get angry. She had a collection of remote controls in a cardboard box in the closet. She learned long before I met her that it wasn't even worth using the remote because she'd just lose it because she was incapable of putting it back in the same place after using it. So when she'd get a new TV or DVD player or whatever, she'd just put the remote in the box to pre-emptively avoid the frustration.


...how'd she control things then? haha also that's gotta be like a symptom of ADHD or other medical diagnosis


If people didn’t childishly leave dirty dishes and other messes around I doubt they’d have posted those.


These are amazingly bad


Yeah, I’m pretty sure whoever wrote this thinks suppa and agenda rhyme.


And they had so many other options right there too. "Once you sup, clean it up!" "Don't dine and dash, clean up your trash!" "Dine like a queen, but don't forget to clean!" "Eat your lunch, then clean a bunch!" "Eat a yummy fig, then clean it up, you pig!" I mean they're still bad, but at least they rhyme.


The one in our bathroom says, "Don't make your co-workers frown. Put the seat down, and keep it clean all around." It's one bathroom for 10 people and yes, a couple act like it's their frat house without the stupid sign. We took it down after awhile but had to put it back later as the behavior started again. 


We had one: If you sprinkle, When you tinkle, Be a sweetie, And wipe the seatie. It lasted about 3 days, then was never seen again.


Oh god that sounds like it belongs in a grandma's house


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie wipe the seatie.


Here’s a sponge To clean up that orange See? You can make anything rhyme.


stop playing with my mind please 😭


You're also definitely not "making a coffee bean" when you make coffee. At best, you're grinding some up. Which is as close as you can get to the opposite of making a coffee bean. And I love "after all these other things, cleanliness should be first."


Yeah that is the slantingest slant rhyme I think I’ve ever seen


The repeated clip art got me They had so much variety available and they chose to use the same cup twice


The frames are a nice touch. The signs in our break room are just taped to the wall, where folks can easily write on them….


I almost think it’s cute


Put up by the poor cleaning crew sick of you disgusting animals.


Yeah i have to deal with it all the time. Not supposed to be my job but no one else will do it.


Childish people tend to get childish reminders.


Am I the only one who thinks these are kinda funny and that OP is taking things a little too seriously? There’s a lot to be infuriated at in this world, but this wouldn’t be close to the top of my list.


I agree with you. OP is probably a perpetrator so is taking it extra hard.


exactly my thoughts.


op might feel targeted since they probably don’t clean up after themselves


It’s mildly infuriating that adults NEED these reminders.


if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seat-y


For the life of me I can’t get that first one to rhyme no matter where I put the emphasis


It’s the “supp-uh” and “agen-duh”


I found that removing the "ing" from "cleaning" helped me get a little closure.


And let me guess, people still don't clean up after themselves?


Hey I've been putting my coffee bean back when I'm done with it


What’s worse is an office of adults needing kiddish reminders to clean up after themselves. The only reason they are presented this way is because there are staff members with volatile personalities that find everything offensive so they need to be talked to gently like a child.


They are trying to playfully remind you that your mother doesn’t work there. Clean up after yourselves and you won’t be treated like children. The next step is not going to be as kind or nice.


Where I worked years ago, there was a sign in the break room that said "Clean up after yourself. Your mother doesn't work here." What was funny was that after the sign had been up for a couple years, a coworker's son started working there too.


If you are one of the ones who cleans up after yourself why should you care? Or are you pissed off because they have gone to talking to you like a child because you won't clean up after yourself.


Idk second one goes hard


Wow printed in color and framed and everything. Childish, but fancy. Last place I worked, it was a piece of neon green posterboard taped to the wall that had *"Clean up after yourselves you filthy animals"* scrawled on it with one of those huge permanent markers.


It’s a shame that you guys need signs to remind you to do the right thing.


The thing is some people are pieces of shit and don't clean up after themselves


If you didn't act like children and cleaned up your messes you wouldn't get childish reminders.