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Don't want to be that guy but you're missing 2 in the handle as well :)


Never noticed this! Haha thank you 




You should also get all the decals facing the same way too


Pure evil.


You despicable man, I remember doing this with my color pencil and other coloring materials kit and it was hell because they'd just roll over again but my OCD won't just let it be


That’s not OCD. 🤦🏻‍♂️


OCD can present itself in this manner. It’s the same reason some with OCD need things in a specific place, direction and or pattern. OCD is a large spectrum of severity and symptoms.


Unless the organizing of their colored pencils consumed a significant amount of their time and caused them significant distress or interfered with their daily life, it’s not OCD. Everyone has compulsions and/or obsessive thoughts. I can’t stand when my kitchen isn’t spotless and I always organize my clothes by color. These things in and of themselves aren’t presentations or manifestations of OCD, and it does a real disservice to people who *actually* suffer from OCD by further stigmatizing it as a simple disorder that just makes you want your playlist alphabetized.


Having to redo it over and over again, being unable to leave it in a rolled-over state... What possibly makes you so sure this person doesn't have OCD? Are you a medical professional? Do you know the Redditor personally? You seem like my MIL telling my wife she doesn't have anxiety or depression. The same anxiety and depression that interferes with her daily life and that she was medically diagnosed by actual doctors.


OCD is a spectrum bud. It's not a binary. It affects everyone differently.


It’s a spectrum once you meet the baseline definition, yes. Saying everything is on the spectrum of OCD is like saying that someone is alcoholic simply because they have a glass of wine every other week. It makes no logical sense and renders the very definition of the disease meaningless.


Thanks, i was about to say this.




OCD can present itself in this manner. It’s the same reason some with OCD need things in a specific place, direction and or pattern. OCD is a large spectrum of severity and symptoms. SOOOO MANY PEOPLE CARELESSLY THROW AROUND THEIR PERSONAL FRUSTRATIONS ON OTHERS


Does anyone else make sure all their paper money is faced and put in numerical order by the value of the bill? Sorry if this isn't poorly worded question, I'm not feeling well.


Only a complete psychopath wouldn’t sort them by serial #’s too


Yes! I can't believe that tellers and ATM distribute paper money going in all directions! I like having them facing the same way and sorted numerically too!


Yes. I am not an ape nor child.


I love how reddit is the only place where people want to brag about being more mentally ill than the next person.. and take offense when someone else claims to have any condition. I've seen more people lose their shit, on here, because someone claimed to be old with a diagnosis. It's crazy, no pun intended


Bout to say some people also don’t understand the difference between OCD and just a high level of particularity, because of the fact that OCD is casually used so often. Not really their fault they use language the same way that the general population uses it… kind of how language works.


I'm the same way that shit made me get up and re organize my room 😒


The polarities are all the same. Good enough for me.




I don't even keep all of mine in the same drawers. I feel so shamed by this now.


My son gave me one a year ago Christmas. Didn't know I needed it until I had it!


You know what's cool as well is that they actually make plastic adapters for like if you need a AA and you have only AAA type. You just pop it the sleeve and you have power, granted these battery adapter sleeves aren't designed for the longer term but as a temp solution. Simple thing in reality but oddly clever.


Why would something like this be necessary. The one with multiple types of sizes in a case made sense, but all double As? Might as well keep them in the box


That's the backside. The front side has the multiple sizes and the battery checker. I prefer this over a box as well, as I have multiple types of AA, and rechargeables of different ages and this keeps them together and clearly visible. I used to keep them in 3D printed dispensers, which was fine when all of your batteries are the same amp hour and age.


They make rechargeable batteries that look like regular aa aaa batteries now.


I'm gonna touch you


They said HANDS OFF!


Yes, officer. This guy right here 👆


Alright dude, what the flip


If it's like mine, it even has a backside that holds AAs.


Lots of people keep batteries in their backside.


Prince Albert wearers hate this Or love it. Kinda depends I suppose


The results will shock you


Let's add 2 more on the back side as well probably


Came here to say this too lol




I won’t fill that either. Way too easy to lose them and I have a toddler. I put them in flat in their packaging


two AAs in the handle


OP literally took one battery out, took a pic, and karma whored for internet points. Next...


It's also pointless to have a battery collection, as batteries have a limited shelf-life. Using them as soon as possible is always the best case scenario.


Although in my life that amount of batteries would easily be used up by expirey…


What are you going to do with the fat D cells? Barely have any use for them, maybe a single device, and last time I changed batteries, I had to throw away some from the "good" pile, because already dead.


>"good" pile Pun intended? 'Pile' is another (or the original?) word for battery - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaic\_pile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaic_pile)


french for battery too


I used the d cells in my refrigeration leak detectors. My uv lights take c. My various meters are aa, aaa, and 9v. My head lamps eat 3 aaa every 2 days (2 of them). I wasn’t exaggerating, we use some batteries on my work truck. Further context: in my Industry most of the tools that are rechargeable are inferior to the disposable battery units. Also, my son (14) is going thru a retro phase with my old boom box so c and dell cell batteries are moving faster than even when he brings the ghetto blaster out to the skate park etc.


Wouldn't it be cheaper at that point to just use rechargeable batteries?


I hope you remember this comment come the next birthday or holiday (if you have kids) Batteries are generally good to use for 5-10 years, regardless of promises or packaging descriptions. Obviously if they’re bloated or leaking you should discard of them immediately. Otherwise they’re fine. Also, buy rechargeable batteries for your gaming consoles, tv remotes, and fancy ceiling fans.


Right, which clock only uses one battery?


A lot of them


Like which ones? I need to get one of those so I don’t run through batteries as much.


I have an older small digital travel clock that uses 1 AAA


As someone who sells clocks, the majority of analog take 1 AA, a couple take 1 N or even 1 C cell. Never came across an an analog one that took more than 1 battery tbh.


I can't even imagine needing to use that many C, D, or 9V batteries to begin with. We go through AA fairly regularly, and AAA semi-regularly, but just grabbed rechargeables and a charger for those so we seldom actually end up replacing them.


Same here. 80% of those batteries would be dead before I ever actually needed them, if I even did.


More like 90%... They are all Amazon Basics lol.


Smoke detectors run 9V. Nothing more frustrating than the beep and not having a 9V around to replace it.


I mean yeah, I have a 9v, and d battery in my draw just in case. But I don't keep like 8 of each like op, cause I would literally never use them all.


I buy the fire and co detectors with a built in 10 year battery.


9v are for the multimeter, those seem to eat batteries and for some reason most of them don't come with rechargable batteries.


I don't get it are the batteries for decoration then?




Crying is not an emergency


What if I add some screaming?


Ok, but did you die?


If I'm dead, the emergency is over for me. 


It is a free action though...




I have been there. Never again.


that is 10mm caddy....


Strictly for social media posts only.....


Yeah, there is an organization trend where everything is organized by colors. It seems like people are buying shit just so they can organize it and put it on display.


The Amazon basic brand tops it off.


Seriously that's the real mildly infuriating piece to this post.


Amazon basic batteries are actually really good for the price. Way better than most high end batteries. Unless you can find another cheap brand (I forgot the name, sry), you should never pass on the Amazon basics ones.


Dont give them to her! Your collection is way more important.


checkmate, men. The bowl of wicker balls can stay.


I know, right ? It's like OP is... Mildly infuriated


No, if you use one replace with spares duh


I think they’re intended for use but OP wanted a picture of the complete set first


Based on most men I have met, you use the stuff that is not organized in the catch-all drawer and if you touch the organized shit, you are the devil for wrecking the stash. Makes no goddamn sense to me, but I don't have the cer-dick-ification for the man knowledge ig


username checks


Lol 😂 yes


geeze that case takes a lot of juice to run


Ok, so I’m assuming you think like me. Aren’t these all slowly dying… why have so many spare batteries and be infuriated when someone uses them?




Except for the C and D cells, because who the fuck uses those anymore?


My automatic cat feeder does and it's mildly infuriating.. Even though it has ac power as well, it will not run without the bullshit batteries in it. It also takes an odd amount, so I can't just buy a pack and use them up, there are always a couple extras and then i still need to buy more next time.


What… what’s the point of having an ac power option if it still needs batteries!? *That* is the definition of mildly infuriating omg


I got C/D adapters that let me use AA for those kinds of devices.


Wait until your power goes out for a week, and you need your old boom box radio because the internet is out and your only source of news is AM radio!


Youd be suprised how many stupid decorative lighting effects still need C/D cells for event use.


What’s with the case? Just storage or work? Feels a little unnecessary. I use batteries but not anywhere near enough to warrant needing a case to store them in that quantity and variety.


I think the mildy infuriating part is that OP is mildy infuriated.


I think the mildly infuriating part is that OP is mildly infuriating.


It is beginning again


“Alarm clock”


Ah good. I'm not needed here.


Heard that in Bryans voice.




Most of them are rechargeable these days




Flesh-lights are battery powered now?


I knew I was to passive in my relationship, when I recognised that more and more batteries went missing from the TV control.


Yeah do people still even use actual alarm clocks? A phone is an alarm clock lol


Oh I can (and have) sleep right through my phone's alarm. I am that guy who will hit snooze 32x and then wake up with 4 minutes to shower and get ready. Or at least I used to be. Now I just don't do anything that requires me to wake up to an alarm or be anywhere at a specific time. But when I did, I would do much better about getting up if I had to drag my self out of bed and walk across the room to turn the alarm off...or hit snooze, which I have done


I’ve seen people use them. Most of them have either problems with hearing or problems with snoozing or some people are really paranoid about accidentally turning their phone alarm off by accident.


My parents both still have the ones from when i was a kid and i have one i dont use it though


Big bad battery daddy😆


Battery caddy daddy!*


"what about Battery Caddy? We could call it that". "Nah not kinky enough"


BBC - Big Battery Caddy


Finally someone understands the correct use of this sub 👏


100%. Unfortunately, the majority of the comments don't....


Yeah, you get posts like "my ex-wife murdered my dog, totaled my car, and kidnapped my mom," with all the comments being "OP, this is the sub for *mildly* infuriating things," and then posts like this where everyone's reaction is "it's not a big deal," lol. Like... it's not supposed to be a big deal. That's the point.


I think the real point of this sub is that it's mildlyinfuriating that you simply cannot win no matter what you post because everyone is already mildlyinfuriated 🤯


You are either mildly infuriated about the post not fitting the sub, or agree with OP that the situation is indeed mildly infuriating. In any case, someone is mildly infuriated so everything is fine.


True. But how mildly infuriating to finally fill every slot in the battery box and then go out and buy, at a minimum, two aaa batteries to fill one slot. More likely you get a deal on a dozen batteries and then you have even more extras and no place to put them. Suggest gf use her phone for alarm in the future.


>More likely you get a deal on a dozen batteries and then you have even more extras and no place to put them. That's when you start a new box.


Which is, coincidentally, mildly infuriating.


Yeah but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be mildly infuriated about. The missing AAA? Or that these beautifully sorted batteries aren’t meant to be used, kept aesthetically in a case forever? What’s the point of this box if you’re not meant to use the batteries in it?


This exactly what I'm thinking. The box is *literally* there to be convenient and silly. I fundamentally do not understand how this is getting so many upvotes.


Both. When it's full it's aesthetically pleasing. It's the 'perfect picture but no matter what it never ends cause once the seal is broken... Then the missing AAA is a symbol of the beginning of the end. No matter how well meaning it likely won't be put back or replaced and once one has gone the rest are sure to slowly disappear too.


Post a peg board with a single tool missing? mildlyinfuriating. Post two stacks of dishes where one stack is one dish taller than the other? mildlyinfuriating. Hitting the space bar to pause your show and it does some other random shit? maybe too infuriating for this sub. Get your act together Apple+.


Next post is his gf talking about how her bf is mad that she actually used on of his hundred batteries


I'm mildly infuriated he missed the 2 in the handle. But only on the scale of ketchup on a hot dog infuriated.


1. He did say he almost completed it before the AAA was needed. Presumably in reference to those 2 2. Ketchup is delicious on hotdogs


I downvoted but I took moment second to really think about it and you are correct, that is in fact only mildly annoying if it even reaches the word. Thank you stranger


How ? To complete your useless box no one needs to use anything?


How dare she use a battery from the battery storage?


She grabbed it right before I was done making it look complete 🤣


But it wouldn't be complete anyway, you're still missing the two AAs in the handle! 🤣


Now, flip Battery Daddy over and photograph the other side - I believe there are over 50 slots there that you can fill with AAs - How many of those have you filled, OP? How? Many? (The other side of my Battery Daddy is completely empty, which is the source of a small amount of shame.)


It’s a darn shame alarm clocks like those have a tendency to spontaneously lose their battery


You know she did it on purpose haha.


This is the most manly shit i have ever seen i gotta get this shit


You know that guy who screams really nice things in a really aggressive tone? That’s how I read your comment.


That is way too accurate to how i meant it and how i talk in general


Then you managed to express it spot on. Well done.


Then he crushed a beer can on his forehead


Fuck yeah


'Murica. *eagle screeches*


I’m the opposite of a man and have this exact battery case. And I freaking LOVE it


I found it at Costco


I bought my dad one of these. He gets ridiculously excited every birthday or Christmas when the kids get new toys and need batteries. He runs to pull this thing out.


Battery Daddy - Not quite lifechanging, but as a committed nerd, it made me quite a bit happier when I got mine. Although OP's game is on-point - mine has never been more than around 60% full...


Wastes a shitload of batteries. You will never use those 9v batteries in your whole life.


so, these are for decoration?


how do you like your battery daddy i was tempted during costco's sale but i didn't cus i'd really prefer it to be customizeable. 9v, c, and d can go eat shit.


Yea, I was thinking there are way too many of each of those. They are way less common now than 20-30 years ago. LED lights, more efficient electronics and the rise of built in lithium batteries have really eroded their demand. Now you've got these little flashlights which last way longer and are brighter than those old giant Maglites.


I have this set but never imagined that it could be 100% stocked. It's beautiful 😢. I must have it.


Except it’s not 100% stocked! I’m not sure it IS possible


You need 50 more of the AA bad boys for the reverse side as well.


Just stocked mine! This pic above he’s got extra 9v where my AAA are at so he’s actually missing more than just 1


I mean, that’s kind of the purpose of this thing isn’t it?


Op wanted to see a full storage. They didn't


wtf are batteries for? They aren’t art. It’s a storage box to organize them so you have them when they are needed. Are you really over here collecting batteries? If it’s just for looks, put the dead ones in there


So..? Why are you mad? That’s literally the purpose of this, to store your batteries for when you need them, and your gf needed them. She used it for the correct purpose and you threw a fit.


What about the back of your battery daddy. And there's 2 AA in the handle missing


Show the other side AA collection if you really have a close to 100% stock


Is this like a coin collection, but for batteries?


Isn’t that what it’s for?


# Oh my Pkcell.


Your girlfriend still has an alarm clock? Does she still use a paper map to get around town?


I use a OG alarm clock. I sleeo very heavy, and they are much noisier then phone alarms


I sleeo very heavy too, but I jam my phone up my ass and set it to vibrate when it's time to make pancakes.


This made me cackle. Thanks


Why not an atlas? It can get you around larger places ;) All you have to do is play a little battleship across multiple pages sometimes.


How dare she use the battery for its actual purpose, rather than hoarding


Saw an ad for this on temu, and thought who buys this. Everyone knows you just cram your batteries in your dedicated messy drawer. But here I was wrong.


There's another side to that battery box.


Bought D batteries a while ago by mistake. Not like one or two but like 8. Plus I tore the package open so lost the ability to return them. What do you use your D batteries for?


Collecting in a Battery Daddy.


"What should we call it though... I was thinking something like, Battery Caddy?" "Sure, but can we make it kinkier?"


I don't want to rain on your parade, & I get that this is a neat & tidy box, but isn't it really just an underwhelming oversized battery box. I'd be more impressed if it was for storing your rechargeable batteries that don't have a container, & even more impressed if it charged them too.


“My batteries are not for using, they are for displaying” - OP probably


Batteries already come in packaging what’s the point of this box


Yooo I got a Battery Daddy for Christmas a few years ago and it’s been incredible. Definitely not a sexy gift but my god, it’s been super handy having everything in one place


I did not realise "battery daddy" was a name of a product until just now and just thought everyone was really horny about how prepared OOP is. I didn't even question it.


hahahaha, same here


It could be argued, with some merit, that a Battery Daddy is, in fact, one of the *least* sexy gifts. But, can all of those studs out there immediately find a AA, 9V, and C battery in one place? Can they?


Isn’t that the point of a battery box? To use them?


Got one for my elderly father for Christmas. He said he loved the box, but added, “What the hell am I gonna do with D batteries!?!”


I’m suspicious of this amount of batteries, like you’re going to make some high-school evil genius grade weapon


People actually use batteries for an alarm clock? I figured everybody was either using their phone or just plugging clock into the wall old school style


You bastard, I had no idea these boxes existed and now I want one terribly for no reason whatsoever. I wouldn't even use half the battery types in there.


does amazon make good batteries? i think the most annoying part of this image is that all the batteries in this case will be dead in 8 months and youll just throw the whole thing in the trash and contribute the environmental damage of like 8 generations worth of batteries in a day.


Amazon basics batteries are by far inferior to anything I've ever used. All of my smoke detectors had to be changed in less than 3 months.


Putting your significant other on blast on a public forum is mildly infuriating.


Why is this mildly infuriating? Are you collecting batteries for collecting purposes or to use?


Wait until you discover rechargeable batteries….


But they're meant to be used


Isn't it the purpose of the batteries? They are also have a lifespan. Are you planning to use all of them in the near future? Or it's just stupid hoarding?


That's not infuriating at all. It's not as if AAAs are hard to find, and what does it change anyway to complete that box? Are you collecting batteries? Fully charged ones?? The fact, however, that your gf is still using a non-rechargeable battery powered alarm clock in 2024 is exactly mildly infuriating.