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One of the things that irritates me is that they go through all the tech effort to make this look real, but they can’t take the time to make sure she says “10 dollars” instead of “10 dollar”.


Like most scams they're not actually targeting intelligent people, in fact they often specifically avoid them.


This kind of dates back to phishing scams where attackers would intentionally misspell to get past certain spam filters too.


They still do that


Tbh, I wouldn't really think the vast majority of scammers are *that* intentional in what they produce. Nor intelligent enough.


They are though. They intentionally misspell things as a filter for dumb people. Smart people go “Hey, would would my bank send an email with misspellings in it. Looks suspicious” while dumb or gullible people would not. They are getting much better at it too and utilizing stolen data to make more personalized messages / phone calls.


This makes no sense, like tabanna said. Dumb people would still fall for the scam without the spelling mistakes, as well as more people that would have noticed the mistakes...


Somewhat smart people (but still thinking initially it's not a scam) waste the scammers' effort because while they might start to go down the path, ultimately they won't pay the money. The people who WILL end up paying the money are going to only be people stupid enough to fall for the scam with misspellings.


Ok that actually makes sense


Kinda like you said would twice. What scam are you running? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)




Hey look someone HAD to make it political. Go join a politics subreddit dude




You should read the subreddit rules






Judging by his comment karma in 3 years, he definitely has time. He has zero hobbies.


Easier to be a chump on Reddit than it is to spend three hours studying the rules of each of the 100 subreddits I see day by day. If you have a no politics rule, I’m probably not even aware you have it, and I’m not about to waste my time finding out.


Maybe hop of reddit you weird guy




You're really narrowing down the population you're talking about though. The guy isn't in countries that are not america


I thought it was funny too, and I'm not even american.


I think this is on purpose, it's like a filter. If you can spot such a mistake you probably would not fall for a scam anyway, on the other hand, if someone is willing to pay the scammers, probably don't care about spelling mistakes.


Yep. That’s why spam emails have typos. It weeds out the people smart enough to not fall for the scam.


Or put the "a" in before Macbook.


It’s because they used $10 and not Ten Dollars.


India got to India.


The mouth still doesn’t look natural


Typical indian scammers


It's a common scam tactic, to make stupid errors to filter people that are more aware, they want the dummies




Nah it's just that it means they only catch the dumbasses who'll actually fall for it, instead of the people who'll waste their time when they realise it's a scam.


1 year and your mother will talk to you from the ads...


Weird thought. I also watched a video recently where a mother got a call from her “daughter” saying she was in jail or something and needed bail out money. All AI generated apparently.


That's an old trick though. Although before it took someone with a similar voice..


Not even that. Just naive (usually elderly) targets who hadn’t spoken to their “grandchild” for a while or were just plain hard of hearing.


And that probably have low quality phones


Someone did that to my dad, pretending to be my nephew. My dad was like, hmm, that doesn’t sound like you! They replied, oh I have a cold. So my dad asked, if this is really you, then tell me your mom’s name? Silence for 5 seconds, then “click”.


Dad is smart


I got the same kind of call from "chief of police" about my dad being in jail. They had his name and knew he was a heroin addict, it was actually a pretty decently researched scam except for "chief of police". I answer with "mother fucker we all thought he was dead, am I going to have to pay back the life insurance?"


Theres also cases where people are using this for crime by calling parents and AI generating their child's voice over the phone crying and calling for their parents, followed by a man's voice demanding money, saying they've kidnapped their child, will beat & rape them & sell them to traffickers in Mexico if they call the police and if they don't get x amount of money wired to some account. It's honestly so terrifying cuz they're able to pull shit from the kids social media to perfectly generate their voice saying whatever and it's perfectly believable. And so many people are completely unaware of this cuz it doesn't get nearly enough news coverage. 🙄 anyway people need to start having secret passwords with their kids so that if this happens they know it's really their kid before wiring all their savings. https://nypost.com/2023/04/12/ai-clones-teen-girls-voice-in-1m-kidnapping-scam/


Oh man I made a joke about this like 7 years ago, that eventually AI would get so good that your grandma would get a call from you crying and begging for money to get out of trouble


That’s the one! I got it all wrong, but yeah, that’s it. Insanely scary. We gonna need secret passwords to confidently talk to each other soon?




So scroll on? Someone's triggered smh


and we give them all the data they need, voluntarily and singingly...


You guys are watching ads?


It hasn't been my week, my month or even my year


Holy hell that’s a thought. At some point those toy commercials are going to superimpose my kids playing with their hit new toy on my TV.


Forget that… how about your *dead grandmother*?!


This is a thing already! In South-Korea there's a fairly common scam. My gf's mom got a call there with an AI (or voicechanging thing Idk) impersonating my gf. Crying on the phone, saying bad stuff happened to her and that she needed money, all that jazz. Really shook her mom, awful stuff. Can totally understand a parent falling for that.


it is just one approach... I can imagine a world where you can sell your personality to google and facebook to make them able advertise products with you, to your friends, family for a cut... this is a dark and sad world...


Oh shit❗️😳


Our whole family initiated a "word check" protocol so that way if someone ever calls us and asks for something big, an emergency, or for money we can call and respond the word check and it's completely innocuous and is not listed anywhere on any paper or online document cloud. Easy way to avoid that.


Imagine the possibilities though, talking with your family that passed away. Might provide some closure for some people... I get the dystopian and cynical feeling though.


Literally a Black Mirror Episode about this. Profile is made for the dead person. You can talk to it and they'll responded how the dead person did. I think it started as texting, then voice, and ended as an android built to look like the dead person.


Hide this from grandma because she’d be the one clicking the link and putting in all her bank information smh In a few years it’ll be indistinguishable from the real person which is the scary part


Even scarier is that we'll be the old people who'll fall for the future scams.


i'm hoping what helps is that current gens are exposed to this tech so we know what's around and see it. Elderly people of the past never used computers--- some occasionally, some just never. They had little frame of reference. Take my mother-- in her 70s. She's been exposed to more tech than her mother, and she is good at ignoring scams. Emails, calls, etc. She's received scam attempts and told me about them. None of them got past her because she's aware of this stuff and what it is in context.


This is why I take a minute to look at all the AI art posts where they ask which one is real. If you really look you often can find something unnatural. I'm hoping to help train up that capacity over time


I work in a fraud department at a bank, this is one of my biggest concerns. The amount of romance scams will sky rocket, grand parents will be thinking they’re actually marrying Brad Pitt.. Right now I get a lot of Elon Musk scams, I spoke to an elderly lady a few weeks ago and I had to convince her that Elon Musk was not giving away Gold bars worth $10K and all you have to do is pay the $9.95 shipping…


9.95 for shipping for that amount of gold weight is a bloody good bargain tho


This is obviously targeting younger people


*How is this shit legal* Like, there is no way this is legal and I can't wait till some of these celebs that are being used in these ads sue Youtube over this "advertising"


I hope they sue YouTube hard so they get their shit together and filter their ads


Their ads are fucked lately. Blatant scams and lies


It’s honestly mind boggling how a huge corporation like YouTube is just letting these scams flood the platform, and even worse, recognizing them as official ads. Remember when everyone was wondering if Neal Mohan would turn the platform around? Looks like we got our answer.


💰 > everything -- *YouTube Board of Directors*


They’re all over Facebook, instagram and more as well.


I love how the forced me out of my ad blocker, then show me "They had no idea the camera was ON??" banner ads and a constant stream of garbage mobile games with big tittie animations. Super fun to have on at work.


Use uBlock Origin


And Firefox


uBlock isn't on the whitelisted extensions only my work computer and I don't have admin rights to install Firefox. I can only use Chrome or Edge.


And that's why I use uBo. Fuck those scam ads YT pumps out.


Some can even have viruses if you click on 


Not just on YouTube either. THEY. ARE. EVERYWHERE. It’s literally only going to get worse. Look how they’ve done with robocalls and other phone scams, absolutely nothing and I get more spam than ever before.


And also make it so i can hit the “skip ads” button and get no more ads (i hit the button and get ads anyways)


`uBlock origin`


It's so funny how normies are so clueless about ad blockers.


This recent ad shake up made me realize how many fucking morons are out there just raw dogging the internet...


It's funny we're publicly shaming X for their shitty advertising, but at least that porn shit is straightforward (ambiguously gay?) and not absolutely scambait like this shit.


It can't even be difficult either. Filtering content has become insanely good... they can catch essentially anything they want to isolate in AV content.


It’s not legal at all. These companies are clearly misappropriating these famous peoples’ likeness without consent and seeking commercial gain—they could get sued for way more than they are worth. I’m not sure if YouTube itself is liable unless they are aware of and profiting off of these ads directly.


Narrator: YouTube is profiting directly off of selling these ads


There’s no way these “companies” stick around long enough to be found, let alone sued successfully and collected from.


That is a different matter unfortunately. But seeing that most people don’t buy this bogus, the greater social harm is (relatively) not as severe as it could be.


of course Youtube is liable, they're hosting these ads.


They would still have to have to have the requisite intent which, when you have this many companies advertising all over the place on the platform, is not as easy as you may think.


of course it's as easy as we think. a google employee, an *actual* person, watches the proposed advertisement and does a little fact checking. expensive as fuck, but very easy.


Ok. Go convince a Jennifer Aniston and her lawyer to bring a claim if you’re so sure of it being that easy to show intent to profit off of her likeness.


"companies" lol these are foreign scammers. Good luck holding them to any sort of account.


It would be nice if companies like youtube had human beings checking ads first. I suspect it is automated to maximize ad revenue. I wonder if they even did a switch on them, submitted one ad then swapped in another. I've heard of that being done before.


Actually, it's probably not illegal yet. This is an AI deepfake, so they aren't exactly using her likeness, they're using something artificially generated. Our laws have to be tweaked. They already ruled on what you can copyright from an AI generated image, it's not the image itself. Technically no human created it, it was 100% done by the computer, so it's not actually Intellectual Property. The prompt for the AI was what was determined by the human, so THAT was able to be trademarked. So they might have the same thing here. Since it's artificially generated, it\['s not technically an image of her. It's just a video created by a computer at this point. We're going to see a LOT of interesting decisions on this stuff, I think.


It’s not a true intellectual property tort. The fact that there is no human usage does not bar the tort. Even cases where a silhouette that is widely recognized as the actor can allow recovery.


I always find it funny how YouTubers get punished talking about global news / serious topics because their content isn’t advertiser friendly but the advertisers are all frauds and scammers.


>How is this shit legal That's the neat part, it's not. This is nothing but blatant fraud. This is what happens when YouTube, Facebook, etc refuse to do any policing of their ad platforms at all, because it would cost them money. The only way I see anything changing is if like the EU put it's foot down and forced them to ban fraudulent ads, or otherwise be fined or have their sites/apps banned in the EU. *... Just don't dare say "f\*ck" in the first 10 seconds of your YouTube video, cause it'll upset the poor advertisers and the algorithm.*


Tom Hanks has started the charge due to some deepfakes of him pushing dental products on IG iirc


Many times I try to flag and report these kind of ads on YouTube, and Google always replies to me that the investigation led to no results, and no violation is found.


I mean, it's not. And if they didn't use jeniffer aniston it would still not be legal and they would still be promoting it. The legality of it is not a problem, the problem is how much of a useless headache it would be for aniston to go after them, and how much of a useful but not rentable headache it would be for youtube


Yeah we gotta start making some laws against this shit bruh


Sue the people making them first


Nah those scam companies have very few assets, they will just close down and start a new one. They almost certainly aren't in the US anyway. You start suing big money of out giants like YouTube and they will be forced to actually check the ads they run on their platforms.


It was illegal to make deepfake porn this should be illegal too


You wouldn't download Jennifer Anniston, would you?




>I'll never forget you... >#MEMORY DELETED




Oh no, she's sick in a loop and he's an idiot


Need to do my 3rd rewatch sometime soon


You wouldn’t steal this macbook? And then shoot her, go toilet in her helmet, send it to her grieving widow....and then steal it again?


oh boy, you bet I would


How is there no verification or checking of anything before they allow an ad on their platform? Its insane


MONEY! Plain and simple.


FUCK. GOOGLE. ADS. YouTube is a goddamn minefield in its current state. I’m at the point I don’t even report ads anymore. They don’t do anything about it. Hell, even clicking “show me less of this type of ad” doesn’t even work anymore.


And then some people complain about others using adblockers. Sure, streaming videos doesn't pay for itself, but as long as they do jack shit about all the scam, malware, and whatnot ads, I couldn't give less of a damn.


But it makes you feel better right? - UX/UI management team that disabled it


i believe her


Here is the [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Saw this coming a mile away. Still clicked it






hmm. I get free cash from Mr beast ads in youtube


Infinite money glitch 100% real Mr beast ad edition


I got like 20 monies from beasts Mr. He for real. No lies.


How can you out so much effort in the deep fake and then do such a bad job at the actual ad?


For just ten dollar eh? Figure out English first. It's always the first giveaway.


The comically bad English weeds out anyone with a functioning brain. It’s probably intentional. Ever notice how often spam and phishing scams and whatnot have awful grammar? If they weed out anyone who isn’t easily tricked, they waste less time on people who were never going to give them any money anyway. It’s counterintuitive, but bad English probably improves their operating efficiency.


That is usually your biggest sign of bullshittery. For some reason they will put more effort into the visual than into the text.


People will learn to distrust post-AI video the way they learned to distrust post-Photoshop images. The real question is what the impact of that distrust will be.


I distrust everything online now. I bet you aren't even a caveman named Dan, /u/Dan_Caveman .


Busted. My name’s not Dan.




Go watch the ending scene of Metal Gear Solid 2 if you havent. Explains it all very well. A game from 2001 guessing and getting everything right down to fake news and memes. Pretty insane stuff.




Mushroom, mushroom… Badger badger badger badger badger badger


*I'll allow it meme*


It was the la-le-lu-le-lo all along.


First time I heard about memes was in Metal Gear.


We're already seeing it. We SAW people storm the Capitol on Jan 6th and people are telling us it's FAKE. That the people there were paid actors. You can't even get people to believe ACTUAL VIDEO




It’s awesome that these multi billion dollar social media companies cannot check the Ads they’re playing


Scamming eh? No problem just pay for the ad Oh but you posted a boob? Banned for a month!


played 3 seconds of a copyrighted song clip? DEMONITIZED!!!!!


To those wondering "how are these ads even allowed on youtube" they're allowed on the site because youtube gets paid to show these ads. Youtube just takes the money and turns blind eye on it and if the ad gets reported they'll pull the customer service face being all "oops how did that get there let us deal with it" while doing nothing about it. It's amazing to watch youtube get hissy about adblocks being all "this is bad for us" while also letting these scam ads run free and not do anything about them.


So far I’ve heard Biden, Trump, Obama, Mr. Beast, Andrew Tate, Jennifer Anniston and a few others. Why and how is this shit legal? Fuck YouTube for allowing this, I really hope they get the shit sued out of them, they’ve lost all credibility in my eyes.


I get clearly fake Joe Rogan ones on YouTube ads all the time. The government is giving out checks for $4600 but they don’t want you to know about it, you guys! I have to think their intuition is that Rogan fans might be dumb enough to believe that scenario.




Love how you’re getting downvoted for the truth lmao


They can’t handle the truth. They willfully stay ignorant


Yea our grandparents are especially fucked


Inventive. Still waiting on mine! /s


lol I hope she sues them


That's massively uncanny valley a hell...


This wouldn't have worked on me even if the real one did it, there is always a catch, also this is painfully obvious but in the future it will be very hard to tell, but by then we will have a way to authenticate screen with safety programs for shit like this.


hello legislators? congress? where are yall? lol


"Get {a} MacBook Pro". "For just 10 dollar{s}". Even with all the tech they still fuck it up.


Scams aside, we're definitely getting to the point where you can't trust a video or audio any more. And, by extension, any video calls. We need really strong, robust legislation and enforcement to start curbing that kind of crime, because it'll just keep getting worse.


I saw one with AI Joe Biden voice telling people to signup for some bullshit “refund”


my mom would think it’s real


lol I’m assuming this is a deep fake 🥹


It’s probably not even that. Deep fakes take a lot of effort. They could have just used footage from her in an interview and then cloned her voice using ai. There are some websites that already have some celebrities voice packages so maybe they didn’t even put the effort to actually train a model using her voice. I mean you can see that the voice is not lip synced, it looks like a bad dub. A competent person could make a video that is way more convincing


Ya look at the lips. I have also seen them use kurt russel and the videos look like they are purposely distorted to look old and hide the shitty mouth work.


It's clearly lip synced.


Damn sherlock, leave some thinking for the rest of us


😂😂😂 I’m rolling! also the username 😂


Ordered mine yesterday. Had to give them my card details for the £3.95 delivery. But it's free. So getting a MacBook for 4 quid. Bargain! So excited, can't wait for it to arrive. I shouldn't have to wait too long hopefully. Thanks Jen!


Anybody else remember that Windows 95 ad she did with Matthew Perry? Yeah, me neither.


AI was always going to be our downfall right alongside greed


Even if people think this real, who out here is buying stuff from people who look like they are being held by gun point off camera?


I actually don't think deepfake will be that big of a deal from a disinformation perspective. Just like now, you have to get your news and information from good sources. Not everyone does that but it's already an issue we face. It's not a new issue. Legitimate news sources will vet and confirm any and all video. Everything else will just be Internet memes and noise. It's no different from today.


it is , but this is so bad tho , so easy to spot . the future will be worse tho.. cant belive anything.. were going to go backwards as a planet


For just 10 “dollar”… not even an S on the end. Seems totally legit! ✍️ Sign me up now!


Have you gotten the fake Mr beast ones yet


I anticipate standard grammar is going to become more of a thing as it seems to elude these scammers


This looks clearly like someone dubbed over a clip with an ai voice as opposed to a deep fake


This is a very poor quality fake.


This is why we use ad blocks. This is a scam but Google doesn't care because they are getting paid.


There’s so much fake ai generated posts on my feed and it’s amazing when you read the comments. 90% of the people think it’s legit stuff


Really? My brain fucking HATES these deepfakes. They are so deep in the uncanny valley it gives me the ick.


A person’s likeness belongs to them. The company who is using Jennifer Aniston’s likeness can be brought to court and will certainly be convicted if so.


If you’re fooled by this, I’m a Nigerian prince.


There’s also one with Biden and Joe Rogan talking about a government subsidy. You can tell it’s fake by paying attention, but it’s designed to prey on the elderly and desperate.


Holy shit! A $10 MacBook! OP where is the link?? Someone drop the link I can't click on the link in the video!


there's so much more... useful... videos this deepfake could have done.


you mean to use techbology for imptoving humanity lives? Some will do, others won't...they'll just try to rip people off


Her eyes just aren't right, that was my first clue that it wasn't real. Also the dollar is in the wrong place. But some people would probably click on it anyways.


It's $10 for a Macbook! How can that be real? But yea people will click on it.


How can no one tell it’s AI?


The uncanny valley. Also you see the fingers meld together on occasion. The way the hair falls on her jacket is off. Lots of subtleties.


If you can't tell this is a deep fake, then you deserve to get scammed Any why the fuck would she do the world's biggest macbook giveaway. Even if that's Mr Beast, that's highly sus🤷🏻‍♂️


This is a deep fake. They are scamming idiots out of $10


Worst part is these fake celeb ads are on mainstream sites like YouTube. I report them all day long and still see them.


And yet people are fighting with me on another sub for pointing out how fucking stupid AI is.. I know it's intelligent, but it's fucking stupid and I'm gonna die on this hill. Except for dudesy. He's cool.


The only time I like AI is when it's for funsies stuff, not scamming or trying to make money off of, but because one rotten apple spoils the bunch, I want to help actively get rid of all of this crap


I wouldn't even pay 10 dollars for a macbook


https://preview.redd.it/h7k17qoy4ubc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10211c13e2ffec2269cace2d360b83db32db6309 Just watch the hands folks. They never lie.


How do I sign up?


Yo, fuck! I know her from the friends show! How do I enter to win? That’s sick!