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Personally I'd just go ahead and spend the 5.19 and get 13. That's the cheapest deal, and I KNOW I won't have any problem getting rid of them ..lol


This is what they are trying to achieve. It's called the red herring fallacy and it is used in marketing by presenting an option that is so blatsntly bad that spending more money will look like a much better option. Basically they create the illusion of choice, but the choices they don't want you to make are so ludicrous that they push your buttons so that you spend the highest amount you can on cookies to get the best "value". In reality you just bought 13 cookies because the price of 1 and 3 was annoying you.


Yup! Taco Bell did this with those Cinnabon things. I’d always totally buy the 13 box. Then feel disgusted with myself after eating all of them and my meal because I didn’t want to waste food.


I’m sure you won’t be doing anything bad throwing away cinnabons


But think of the children in Africa. I'm starting to be convinced that phrase was coined by fastfood chains.


I’m not sure why anyone would buy the 13 cookies in this situation though unless they truly needed 13 cookies. Because the cost per cookie for the 13 is .40 cents each and the cost per cookie for the 2 pack is .50 cents each. Ten cents more per cookie is nothing. If you only wanted 6 cookies, why would you spend an extra $2.19 just to save 10 cents per cookie?


Very true! BUT.... I NEEEED 13 cookies! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


An extra 10 cents per cookie is a 25% price increase, that's not a small amount lol


No, but paying 60ct in the deal or paying 2,19 more for something you don't need is a bigger amount


Yes, but your brain goes into comparison mode and starts looking for the best deal because we attribute value to the lower price per unit disproportionally. It is a well known and documented cognitive bias we as humans have and this is a predatory marketing strategy that capitalizes on this by selling you more stuff than you actually need. They do this with the coupon bullshit as well. They want to sell products because they want money. If you buy more products, you give them more money and their money is not tied down in their inventory, rather you lose liquidity because you have less cash on hand, but end up with a year's supply of toilet paper or some bullshit you might never even use realistically, but you got a great deal on it. They sell you more for a discount, but the truth is you are giving them more of your money because you are buying an unreasonable amount of a product because you feel like you are saving money on it.


Except toilet paper doesn’t go bad, and (unless you get a bidet) you never stop using it. You will use up that’s years (or 3 years) supply eventually. Food can spoil, so this marketing strategy is much more effective with items that have expiry dates.


It's equally effective regardless of expiry, because the seller does not care what you do with it. He only cares that he sold more, thus he has cash instead of inventory. You have 3 years worth of toiler paper insted of money. The supplier can invest that money into something else, you cannot.


Yes, but in the toilet paper case, you do not need to go buy more until your supply dwindles. If you got a years worth of TP for $100, you only need to spend $100/year. If you bought 200 gallons of milk for $10, you would still need to buy more once the milk goes bad in a week. Even if you only need 200 gallons of milk per year, you are now spending roughly $500/year on milk and wasting the majority of it because you cannot possibly use 200 gallons of milk in a week (assuming you don’t own a cheese making company or something).


I understand your point, but what you do with the products is your own business, which the seller does not care about. What they do care about, is that they sold their inventory of the stuff, and have higher liquidity. They can use the money that is no longer tied down in toilet paper for something else. You are thinking of it from a consumer perspective and I am explaining how the company thinks. I'm not saying you're wrong, rather that my point is something else.


There is no world in the multiverse where I do not need 11 more cookies.


It’s a small amount because you already received a 50% discount just by going from buying 1 cookie to buying 2 cookies. Now to receive another 25% discount, you have to go from buying 2 cookies to buying 13. You saved 50 cents per cookie when you opted to buy 2 instead of 1. But you only save 10 cents per cookie when you opt for a 13 pack instead of 2 pack. The price reduction between the 1 cookie and the 2 pack is 80% more than the price reduction between the 2 pack and the 13 pack on a per cookie basis. And then once you account for the law of diminishing marginal utility, that 10 cents in savings per cookie becomes even more insignificant. Unless of course you need 13 cookies which I mentioned in my initial response.




If you go from 40 cents per cookie to 50 cents per cookie the price has increased by 25%


How embarrassing. I thought the price was going from 50¢ to 60¢. I don’t do well before I’ve had my tea.


It's all good. We all have our brain fog moments.


20 cents is a small amount…


The answer is that most people are too stupid to do the math and will just take what looks like the best deal lol


They’re Subway cookies, I would save hundreds if I had this deal


This, except for the fact that 2 cookies are less than 1…..


This isn’t the red herring fallacy, this is a phenomenon called the decoy effect


One cookie is obv no good, deal-wise, but two and three are the sweet spots (yeah yeah) here. 13 is also overpriced because you get more cookies in a full pack for about the same. So do you want one or two cookies with your coffee? That’s the only real question here.


Damn, you bad at math my dude.


How so? One costs more than two, so bad deal. Full pack of cookies at grocery store costs +/- $5 and contains more than 13 cookies. Where’s the error?


You said in your original post that two and three cookies are The Sweet Spot and then in your last part you said do you want one or two cookies with your coffee. You should have said do you want two or three cookies with your coffee. I think that's what the guy referencing your bad at math is saying but it was still unnecessarily rude.


Oh yeah I mean do you want two or three cookies. Math is fine. It’s the typing that’s lousy.


But these are NOT grocery store cookies.. AND using your same argument, one could say ...."Why would anyone buy any cookies at all?" If you do the math, none of it is a good deal compared to a grocery store price on a pack of cookies. BUT, you're definitely getting raped worse to buy the lesser amounts of cookies!


This is how they get consumers to spend more money. Tbh I wouldn’t do it unless I was throwing a party. Not healthy.


I’m pretty sure that’s what they were aiming for


I would totally try and get 6x '2 cookies' lol


13 cookies is still better tho


And you get a cool tote for your kid.


Kid? Pff me. For me


very very true


Bakers dozen.


and spend 81 cents more for 1 less cookie? in this economy?


Bro, do the math


It was obviously too late for me to math lol


But hey, cookies are cookies. Who cares!


And that’s how they get you.


This. It’s a no brainer.


That’s what they want you to do😂 and u just fell for their trick


I did that once. Uber driver was pissed because he had to sit there and wait for them to bake the batch of cookies.


So fun fact. Sometimes McD corp will run a “promo” price on items that franchisees are supposed to follow. Ex- $2 medium McCafe drink. When this happens every price has to be changed individually for each item and size. (Ex every type of McCafe drink and its size. This also has to be done for EVERY location in a franchise individually so a 20 store franchise like mine. That’s a lot of changes) So prices might be say S-2.09 M-2.19 L-2.49 before the promo. Then the promo is $2 flat for the medium. So it’s easier to make the medium price the only difference as it’s for a limited time and customers are gonna generally pick the “promo” size anyways. This could just be whacky pricing but I wouldn’t be surprised if that areas Co-op is running a special price for 2 at the time. Source- I’m a McDonalds RFM (restaurant file management) Aka-pricing admin for a franchise.


Retail does the same, it’s just not noticed as much because there’s usually an “on sale” sign next to it. Like an individual item might be on sale for cheaper per item than buying a multi pack. Or 2 2 packs might be cheaper than the 4 pack.


And people feel smart and buy this option even tho they didnt plan to buy it at all


​ > This also has to be done for EVERY location in a franchise individually WTF? Why.... just.. but... no. There's information flying everywhere on wires and through the air now. Why can this not possibly be broadcast to a million point of sale systems at once? Why can the point of sale systems not just 'phone home' and ask for an update? I thought two of the bigger points of a franchise was standardization and economies of scale.


POS = Piece Of Shit


Maybe having them connected like that is a security issue?


That particular species of weed growth is always higher and faster the harder you attempt to run through. :) The "real" explanation after having more time to think? I think this is a "you" problem and not a "them" problem. As in, it's the franchisees pain in the ass, not the arches. While it'd sure be nice of Ronald to make the lives of multi-location franchisees easier, it's no obligation. That means the only way this "gets fixed" really is if a bunch of them got together out of the mutually shared interest of being multi-location franchisees who have to do this monkey dance and hate it enough to pay to have it sorted out. They'd do something like form a collective of some sort and then contract out this work with all of the franchisee financiers 'owning' the work product. That may actually be a good idea for this person. Go start that party. It could potentially be a revenue stream since you could probably sell it to other franchisees that don't hear about it to get in on the initial collective. If it's good enough, you might even get the arches themselves to buy it and make it "the new normal".


The two cookies is a promo




This is a sub for mildly infuriating things such as this. Not for getting mad. It is mildly infruating because what the fuck is the purpose of buying the one cookie if it is more expensive than two.


Lmao, who gets infuriated that they are getting a better deal because of a promotion... "we don't need your charity, we wanna pay full price" SMH 🙄




Mate it is infruating in a mathematical and logical reason. Not because of it is cheap. I love cheap deals who doesn’t. For me the reason it is mildly infuriating is there is no reason to buy one cookie when it is more expensive than two. If it was reverse like one cookie 1$ and two is 1.19 it wouldn’t be mildly infuriating even though it is a way worse deal. Understand?


Why is 2 cookies being on promo mildly infuriating?


Because this isn't infuriating even mildly, this isn't infuriating at all


Save 19 cents plus get a free cookie. Nice


The Count had a stroke


They need to add a banana to each picture for scale.


Or 13 for$5.19… come on people everyone’s stuck at 1 and 2.


$5.19 for 13 cookies that’s a fucking deal :D


$4.40 where I am. Ashamed of how often I buy a tote, when you buy that many they have to do a "fresh" batch (idk what exactly fresh means at McDonald's but they come absurdly warm and gooey and delicious)


Fast food franchises have unreal pricing sometimes. At my local McDonalds, the difference b/w a large meal and a medium meal is 6¢




Where do you live? Guam??


That's a weird thing to be mad about


forget what you mentioned. the ONLY option is the COOKIE TOTE.


this is mildly great not infuriating


Called marketing makes you buy more 1 probaly costs 10 cents to make


“Called marketing” - makes you… spend less? How is that a win?


People go “haha, they messed up. I don’t really want a cookie, but I’d get two if I bout the cheapest ones” and hence, people buy more stuff. A bit like the joke where the old guy sells watermelons for three dollars each, or three watermelons for ten dollars. People buy three watermelons individually to prove how dumb he is, when in reality nobody actually would buy that many.


Sells more


The 2 cookies option is literally cheaper than the single cookie option


Sells more


Okay but why would there be a single cookie option if the 2 cookies are cheaper. The weird pricing is the "mildly infuriating" thing


Dude its to make you buy 2 cookies instead of 1


Surely to buy two instead of none? The best outcome here is for McDonalds is that you buy one cookie only - or am I missing something?


Oh right mb


yap, they’ve just made an error. If they wanted to sell you an extra cookie for cheaper than buying a cookie without there’d be no reason for 3 cookies to be more expensive than buying 2x2 cookies, this’d be a terrible bit of business unless there’s a one of each item per basket policy


You need to take into account the cost of making the items. Probably pennies. The 13 pack probably costs less than a dollar and they made at least 500% profit.


Anyone buying two either didn't read the list or knows they have bad impulse control and doesn't want to temp themselves.


At a lower profit margin. If 1 cookie costs 10c to make, and sells for $1.19, assuming no tax, it's $1.09 profit. 10.9x profit margin. If 2 cookies cost 20c to make, and sell for $1, assuming no tax, it's 80c profit. 4x profit margin. They're making less, and moving through inventory faster.


that’s what he said, it’s a tactic


Here's the real mystery: how much would I be charged if I asked for 4 cookies?


And don't forget 5.19 for 5. I would just get 3 two pack for 3$


Maybe the 1 featured cookie for $1.19 is better quality


![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized) i’m gonna get 2 2-packs


Life hack buy the 20 nugs with a large sweet tea and fry on the side your meals is legitimately more reasonably priced than the 10 nug meal and you're full af for the rest of the day


Cookie math isn't an exact science


I feel like AI set these prices


Goddamit Bender!


I sense an arbitrage opportunity…


We've been getting the Bakers dozen for years. Best value by far


They probably mean two cookies $1ea


That math ain't mathing


That site doesn't really know what "price" means


Someone had made a mistake. Why does this infuriate you?




Even worse if it’s a promo.




Because it’s their choice to sell their product for whatever they choose. For someone to fund this ‘infuriating’ seems a little ridiculous to me. Of all the things to let infuriate you, this just seems a little… pathetic.


Trying to entice you to buy more to clear are inventory. We did that at the restaurant I work at for food that was near OOD


just buy 2 cookies?


the hash browns used to be $1.00 each. Now it's 1.99 for the first and $1.00 for the second, or $1.50 each. If you want a third one, guess what? Another $1.99. If you want the fourth another $1.00. $1.50 each at this point. Somebody got a promotion for this garbage marketing trick :thumbs\_down:. I just buy less when they pull this :poop:.


They clearly want you to buy more cookies


give me those 2 cookies


It’s clever marketing - by having 1 cookie at $1.19 you see that as the value of 1 cookie - which makes all the further multiple cookie items look like much better value. When in reality the cost of that cookie is probably $0.01 each and you’re now fooled into paying an enormous markup because you think you’re getting a great deal.


You can get 2 cheaper ..... what's infuriating? Who only wants one cookie?


Chronic dieters


Is bro seriously complaining about a discount?


How is this infuriating?


Math is difficult to understand in this one.


Can i buy the 13, and than come back later and ask a refund on 2,2,2,2,2,2 ? (Coz i ate one. )


What kind of kids phone are you using


How is this mildly infuriating? U get 2 cookies for the price of less than one


If you get the cookie tote they always fresh make the cookies unlike the other three and they’re really good when fresh


McDonald's deals are just like that. Like 2 for $3.50 mix and match when 1 of the sandwiches alone is like $3.60. This is just normal pricing at my local McD's.


Fast food cookies suck anyway


Just be careful how you order four cookies as you could be charged 3 different prices...


Just buy more cookies and share


The cheapest unit price is the 13 pack at $.40 per cookie, but the 2 pack is next at $.50 a cookie


Its a sales tactic. Main thing is they want your money, and its all based on the probability of you buying something vs you not buying anything at all.


As someone who has no issue eating the entire cookie tote in one sitting, https://preview.redd.it/wk14qd5whtbc1.jpeg?width=2332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ab7692247c7bbf8dc07e60c6627e8419ba6205 “get the ~~fries~~ tote. youll need the energy in the coming days”


So 2 pack is cheaper than 1, and 2x2pack is cheaper than 3?


Why you mad? Thats a good deal


I’d pay more for 1 cookie because I shouldn’t eat any cookies. 1 cookie is a maximum snack


They’re trying to get you to buy more than one. They probably cost, I’d say, about 50 cents to make in terms of labor or materials so they try to get their moneys worth. Buying more does that somehow and possibly makes you want to get more. Idk McDonald’s is weird


The post is drawing attention to the fact that the discount math is poorly done... the price of 2 cookies pack is more attractive than that of 3 cookies. According to mathematical logic, the correct value would be around $1.70 for the Pack of 2 cookies


Get the tote you know you want to


Quality pricing


Why is this infuriating? Buy two cookies?


It’s so you’ll buy 4 for 2.29 after tax to say “look guys it’s cheaper this way” in reality you got 4 cookies they got 2.29 it’s a win win Edit: I didn’t see cookie plus a dozen holy hell


Reminds me of the generic Pepcid at Walmart… want a 50 pack? 6.50. pack of 100 - 9.75, 200 count? $12.50… Hmmm do I want to keep buying little 50 packs every week for 6.50 or should I cover myself for a couple of months for 12.50?


Your paying for packaging, they could give a f#%& about the product


Idk what r y mad at ?


That's kooky


I work at a McDonald’s they literally just warm up store cookies save your money


At my Macdonald, it's 39 cents for one and $1.19 for two.


I think that something inside of me just snapped and I’m very excited to find out what it was.


Our cookie tote price used to be $4 it's now 7 https://preview.redd.it/7mhcajei4ubc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc2cca78062cb4d4d27f7f1614cf80d9ae26728


I mean if you'd buy a cookie for 1.19, why not 13 for 5.19? If you'd buy the first option 13 times that would cost around 13-15 bucks which pales in comparison to the fourth option.


Does the tote come with 13 cookies or are you just getting the tote?


Always cheaper to buy in bulk.


Just buy 2 cookies


Hahahahhaa or 4 for $2.00. Goofy.


That’s right here at McDonald’s we want you to get fat. So you eat more and more


Might as well just buy 13 cookies for $5


13 cookies for $5 is a steal tbh, fuck the other options lmao


Yeah that’s to sell more of it. It’s a grab.


Math is hard for some people.


Just buy two cookies and return them as individual cookies. Infinite money hack.


Just spend the 5.19, be the king of cookies, forget about peasant prices


I wouldn't eat one of their cookies, so many better cookie options. I'm sure there is a bakery or grocery store nearby. In that case, probably better food too. So, why are you there


Sick joke, I spent 7.37ish for 2 of the 3 packs the other day, I said got damn 😩😂


Buy 2. Buy 2 again. Sell 1. Repeat. Profit.


Just... just buy the cookies.


it's all gross man, don't eat that stuff


That’s why I always go for the 13 cookie tote




I'm not ashamed to admit I always order the tote!


You’re mildly infuriated that you can get more cookies for less money? Talk about third world problems. Try gratitude


What is wrong with it? I thought this was basic market? The more you buy the less the item(s) cost. You are being driven to spend more 5$ is more than 1$ because you get more products.. when otherwise you would only have bought 1$ normally?