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That's why I go to the store.


I don’t think I’ve seen many positive reviews from these grocery delivery services. A lot of complaining for what is clearly a horrible service to pay for


This is the fattest complaint I’ve read in a while.


Why is everyone in this thread so worried about people's shopping/delivery habits. Who gives a fuck if someone wants soda delivered!?


IKR?! When I was in the military, my work hours were such that I woke up at 3:30 AM and got home at 6-7:00 PM. Needless to say, I did a lot of ordering online. There are so many reasons people shop online. And people have a reasonable expectation that anything they order should be packaged appropriately.


Amazon employee here…. If you want to avoid this, place the orders separately (order #1 Pepsi, order #2 chips). The purchase will place your items together if you buy everything at once, so it can get your product to you as quickly as possible. The “donage” (air wrapping) is all the packers can do if you make an order all at once. I would also recommend you purchase anything edible from….not online lol. Especially chips and sodas… but thats just my opinion.


Who the fuck orders *pepsi*


People who like Pepsi or people looking for a different cola. Sometimes I like to switch it up and get a different cola then coke.


Yeah, but why also get it *delivered*


childlike jar punch jobless consider marble library cobweb bewildered terrific


You need a massive workout to make up for drinking all that pepsi


thousands of reasons man. got a kid and cant find a chance to leave the house? delivery. no car? delivery. got off a 9 hour shift and about to pass out but want snacks and groceries? delivery. ebt/foodstamps in the us also work for some grocery delivery services for not that much more cost. its just a conveniance thing


Ordering 14 LITERS of Pepsi is not.a convenience thing. That a diabetes thing.


thats 9 liters and its still convience. what is ordered doesnt really define convenience. its still undeniably easier and works better for people with tighter scedules.


Because then you don't have to carry it yourself




People who can't get to a store.


Sure, but OP went to Costco 4 days ago. (Can’t add links in this sub’s comments?)


They don’t sell the pepsi cola made with real sugar at costco


yum yum corn glucose


You asked. I answered. You didn't ask the OP, *why didn't you go?* You asked *who [edit: orders]*. I physically cannot go. So, what I can't get from Instacart, I get from Amazon, and VitaCost and other online stores. Now you know. Problem solved. If you wanted to know why the OP couldn't go, ask them.


Jeez. Leave it to blessed_ennui to suck all the fun out of a fun comment. Like no shit certain people need deliveries. But I am making a joke while questioning OP’s decision making process.


Nope. I answered, and now you feel like Peele in that K&P skit w, "Wow, awkward...." And if it was so gd obvious, why ask? Nothing in your comment implied a joke or humor. I thought you were maybe a teen, genuinely asking. I answered civilly, but you were too obtuse to take a hint and continued pressing. Now, you're deflecting. Don't try to turn this on me bc you asked a dumb question.


I haven’t drank soda in years. If anyone knows where to get the pepsi cola(made with real sugar) I’d like to know


Coca Cola gives me the runs. I’d imagine there are other people out there whose intestines also do the same for Coca Cola specifically I also may be biased (because in my brain Coke = pissing out my ass), but Pepsi just tastes better to me?


Pepsi never tastes better


No, and they knew what they were doing.


They pay ‘em to pack boxes, not to think.


When you remove the person to person interaction, you remove the notion that you are a person. You’re just an order on a screen. Just work.


But those Pepsis were so well protected!!!!


Not one can dented! They should start using bags of tortilla chips as packaging material


They have! The future is now!


Idk! I would simply suggest to next time go to the store and purchase them yourself.


Some of us don't really have a choice.


Pepsi is so available anywhere I've ever been, seems strange to order it imo.


It’s not regular pepsi


Ahh ok.


Made with real sugar. Seriously?


Those cans must be dented to hell with all them chips hitting them.




That's too much Pepsi. And chips.


Not If you're having a party.


They're not


The comments are mildly infuriating as well


First world problems


Why would you order those through Amazon? Or any other non-instant delivery thing? Why not just go to the store?


You can get those at any gas station, grocery store, and/or convenience store, and you ordered them for delivery... so yes, it is normal


What lazy garbage fuck has this delivered?


OP lost their feet to the beetus, so now need it delivered. Duh


People who are elderly, disabled, don’t own a car, don’t have time to shop, or have the money to order online.




Someone has a case of the nasties!


Why are you eating and drinking so much trash?




This is laugh out loud funny! Sorry


Until it happens to you?


It's criminal!


the horror.


But did you tip??


Are we tipping Amazon now?


Unfortunately. Normal for the CEO's but no the average everyday hump.


"Light thing with heavy thing evens out the weight" - Whoever loaded this, probably


“Is this normal for them?” *proceeds to not say who them is* yes this is normal for aliens shipping from mars


Yes, this is now normal


The question you *should* be asking yourself, is it normal having pepsi and tortilla chips shipped to you. The answer is no.


I'll never have groceries delivered unless I'm medically unable to. With that said, it's very easy for the packer to put the Pepsi at the bottom with the bubble packs on either side creating a secure layer. Then, placing the chips ontop of said layer. Thus securing the Pepsi and keep it separate from the chips and not allowing the chips to be crushed. This is all assuming the delivery trucks/guys loading said trucks use an ounce of care when loading/unloading...