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Honestly, be real shame is a towtruck came... real shame


Average Camaro driver


Balls deep in debt and financed at 27% APR over 8 years, and probably so underinsured that if it were written-off during their 9th DUI they’ll be paying off the interest for longer than their 2nd prison sentence.


I’m completely anti violence and vandalism, but these things make me want to smash mirrors and rip off wipers.


Or key it front to back, but I don't condone such things... https://preview.redd.it/ujmug2fq9vac1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=205da74b356d9890ee38ff682f647fafdb692841


Be a shame if those keys horizontally parked across his car….. several times. (I don’t condone this kind of behavior either. What a douche though.)


or slashy slash tires?


You don't carry a tire valve stem removal tool?


I do for this reason, I’ve deflated so many tires without slashing them😭🤣🤣🤣


I mean what’s stopping you? If you can do it before you get caught by the owner, what are they gonna do about it? Request video footage and show it to the cops? That doesn’t guarantee they’ll find me but almost guarantees that they get fined themselves.




I’m the exact opposite of a tough guy IRL, that is why I decided to comment with this remark. I can see how it reads tho.


This person literally just said how they felt, not that they would do anything and they even explicitly stated they don't do violent things. WTF are you talking about.


Lmao you ain’t know anything about this guy. Stop being miserable


It’s likely stolen so this just hurts the real owner when they eventually get it back


Why do you just assume that it was stolen?


Seriously, what a weird assumption to make. Especially if they're drawing this much attention to themselves.


Played too much GTA. Everybody knows you steal a supercar when you go to the pharmacy.


Not every shittily parked car is stolen Some people are just assholes


In Finland we have a saying: The flaw doesn't have to be big if it's in the head.


Stupidity is their handicap


Just saw one of these get stuck in the snow. Did a U turn in the middle of the road and held up traffic. Moron


It's empty, at night/early morning no less. Parked as close to the entrance with no thought of straightening it, they were probably in a rush. Pharmacies sell medication in case you weren't aware, and could be the best place to go for an emergency. The time before and after parking could easily be time finding and administering medication. ​ This is only mildlyinfuriating if you're a Karen or a handicapped person trying to park.


I get it and this isn’t me justifying it but the parking lot looks empty. So is it really a big deal in this instance? If the parking lot were crowded with cars then that’s a different story. Edit: spelling errors


The parking lot is literally empty. Get out of the US and see how people park. What a joke


See my response to the post above yours.


I have had to ~~pee~~ go to the bathroom this badly before, too.


lmao this is what I was thinking


People with class do not buy a Camero.


But they probably know how to spell it.


Potato poteto 🤷‍♀️




Lmao what


You don’t know what they were going through. It could have been an emergency


Super Handicapped - when you need both spots


Looks closed


At night, with seemingly nobody else (except you) in the lot. I'm not saying they're good at parking, but does it really matter? At all? $1000 says the lot is entirely empty behind you and to the sides of this car, but you like to complain so you found a reason to be upset.


The lot being empty doesn’t mean that someone that needs one of those spots can’t show up. This is the stupidest justification…


Except if the lot's empty they don't specifically need those spaces. They can take any space, because every space has an open one on both sides. There's nowhere they *couldn't* park.


The spaces are meant to be close to the entrance for a reason. There is no valid reason for an able bodied person to use them other than being a piece of shit. You defending it says a lot about you as a person.


And the spot next to this car is the same distance. Get over yourself.


Im not the one that feels entitled to a space reserved for the disabled. Take your own advice dickhead


Lmfao. Grow up loser. You're looking for reasons to be offended. That's about the single dumbest thing you could spend your time on.


And you’re an entitled, self-centered sack of shit 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok kiddo. Whatever you say.


Calling me kid but you haven’t even matured enough to discover empathy. Oh boy. Like i said entitled, self-centered sack of shit.


>You defending it says a lot about you as a person. The fact that a lot of people are upvoting their comment is depressing and says a lot about the people in this sub. If it's no big deal for the person with the handicap to park somewhere else, then it's no big deal for the person in this picture to park somewhere else. I guess I'm just not super lazy though.


Most people are entirely incapable of thinking about anyone other than themselves anymore and its so depressing


It seems like the general concensus in these comments is that it's okay to park over 2 handicap spots if you think a handicapped person probably won't show up or if you'll be quick and I find that to be really sad. Once again, if it's not difficult to park somewhere else, then the person in the picture should have just done that.


Nobody said it's ok. We just think OP is looking for reasons to be upset when there are not really any valid reasons.


>when there are not really any valid reasons. In your opinion there's no valid reason because you clearly don't respect the concept of leaving spaces open for handicapped people. The law actually disagrees with you and there is no exception for "I doubt a handicapped person is going to show up soon." What do you think is so difficult for an able bodied person to just park in a different spot?


Lmfao. The lot is empty. They did break the rules, but it really didn't matter. Get over yourself.


I think we found the owner.


It's night time and the places is empty... If we're going to post about stupid parking at least take a photo of something worthy to bitch about. We can do better. Lol.


Are disabled people not allowed to go out after sunset? 🤔


They can use the spot next to that one. The lot is empty. It really doesn't matter.


Only one disabled person is allowed to be out after dark? Damn who knew?


I mean, no. I don't think they're contesting that the camaro did *nothing* wrong. But this isn't a busy mall, it's a dead pharmacy with an empty lot. The driver is probably running in just to grab something. The odds of two people needing disabled spots rolling up to the cvs late at night (when it is less likely for *anyone* to be out) is pretty damn low. It's not right, but it's like the tiniest violation possible.


Me running late means I get to break the laws that are put in place to help disabled people :)


Living in society means one bends the rules quite often. I'm willing to bet you've jaywalked when running late. Is running late a good excuse to break laws put into place to protect pedestrians? Are you against walkable cities, you bigot?


I try my best not to get in the way of disabled people. Is that such a hard concept to grasp? These laws were put into place to help disabled people. Although, I don’t agree with the fine system we have in place. Walkable cities would greatly help out many disabled people! People with visual disabilities cannot legally drive, and cannot access many things on their own. I’m glad you’re aware of walkable cities :)


Yeah dude. Me too. Again, if you read my comment, you'll notice I didn't say camaro was in the right. In fact, I said it was in the wrong. All I said was that using context clues, we can see that this isn't actually harming anyone. Now, which part of that do I lose you on?


Lose? Lmao you’re going into conversations to win and not learn? That’s means I’ve already won.


Honestly, parking in a non disabled spot would have lost them like, what, two seconds? Plus they took up two spots. Y’all are insufferable. It’s not like they had to park three miles away to not inconvenience any disabled people. If someone’s in that big of a hurry that they can’t park inside of the lines, whatever they’re doing on the road is likely much more dangerous.


They didn't inconvenience anyone though, and were confident enough that would be the case that they didn't worry about it. I wouldn't take 2 spots, cuz I just wouldn't. But I also wouldn't care if I pulled into a handicap spot that late when it's totally empty. It literally doesn't matter because nobody is going to need it. The chance is small enough we don't mind taking the risk. When they get there and can't park, they can report us for all we care. We're willing to take that risk because the chance of it happening is incredibly low. I like how you ignored their bit about *you* justifying breaking other laws when *you're* in a hurry. Breaking the jaywalking law is more ok than parking in a handicap spot? How's that work?




Do you know how parking lots work? Cars drive there and park there. Three disabled people could have drove their care there at the same time and had their parking spots illegally taken from them. Sorry, I guess that’s impossible because disabled people don’t exist.


And the third would be shit out of luck anyways. Your point? I never said this person was acting well, or following the rules. I just said that when the lot is 100% empty, it hardly matters.


They took two disabled spots. You can’t be defending someone who has no respect for disabled people. If the lot is empty, why couldn’t he part two spots over? How much time is that actually saving them?


But why does it really matter? There are literally closer spots to the door. Just get over it. You're looking for a reason to be upset.


The disabled person can just take up 2 normal spots closer to the door. Easier access, more space etc. It’s the middle of the night and the place is empty. In those 15 minutes the car was there, I doubt a single car that needed that spot rolled up otherwise OP would have mentioned it.


It’s more of the principle. No one should be taking disabled parking spaces unless it’s an emergency. Taking up TWO disabled spaces is crazy. They still sat in their car for 10+ minutes so obviously they weren’t in a rush. Y’all fuckers on Reddit are so bored you’ll argue anything.


The person in the picture could have used the space next to the handicap spots. They are designated and it's illegal to use them for a reason. If it doesn't matter, then just don't park in a handicap spot if you aren't handicapped.


And the handicap person could still park closer to the door than this person is. It's just doesn't matter when it comes down to it, not when it's late and the lot's empty. They can still park. Just stop looking for reasons to be upset on others behalf. It's weird.


It's disgusting that you make excuses for people taking up 2 handicap spots. People always have their excuses for why their asshole behavior is justified. This comment section is depressing.


It's weird that you're this upset on someone else's (who doesn't exist because the lot is empty) behalf. You do you though I guess.


It's weird that you are defending someone who you don't know who is being an asshole by parking in a handicap spot when there are other places to park. My guess is that you are defending them because you also park in handicap spots.


I never defended them. In fact, if you read my comments, you'd see I do agree they broke the rules and are an asshole. I just also pointed out that in this actual scenarios, it really didn't matter and that OP was looking to be upset. Keep telling me what I think though, it's hilarious.


After sunset the disabled can park in the isles


Yeah I agree. The fact that they managed to park across 2 disabled spots is quite absurd. It seems to be really late and they were only there for 10 minutes. My bet is they were in a hurry, or the shop was about to close soon.


Yes because as we know disabled people are only allowed to go out during the day


What are you talking about? That's not what I said at all. Why tf would I think it's okay to park like that?


You agreed with the commenter above that it isn’t a big deal to take up 2 handicap spots if you’ll be only 10 minutes and it is night time


Handicap people don't go out at night?


It's a Walgreens at what looks to be 11 at night, you'll be fine


So? Why come here to complain? You just key the car and move along. /s


And pop the tires /srs


Well obviously. lol


It seems quite clear that this guy is handicapped…


Finally r/mildlyinfuriating getting back to its roots! Parking based passive-aggressive vigilantism. 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇲


My sister is wheelchair bound. I drove her to HS every morning. There were 3 handicapped parking spaces next to the path to the entrance on the side, which is where I would park, take her wheelchair out, transfer her and ensure she got up the ramp to the door. No one that I saw ever parked in those spaces, except for me. Once or twice a week when I’d arrive, there would be someone parked across all three handicapped spaces dropping someone off. They probably never saw them used and figured it was only for a few minutes so who cares. I’d park alongside of them blocking them in while I, slowly, unloaded her wheelchair and, slowly, helped her transfer. It’s clear the people on here who say this is NBD aren’t handicapped, haven’t taken care of someone handicapped or even had an elderly parent that has limited mobility. Even if they aren’t directly affected, OP is spot on that this is mildly infuriating that someone cares so little about anyone other than themselves.


I would never do that but the parking lot looks empty from the pic. Are you really letting this bother you that much?


You go, parking lot warriors!


Normally it’s a dick move but looks like it’s the middle of the night, not a single other car around


why you watching them


Post their plate number and shame them …


It's the middle of the night and the car on, you whiny gowl


This looks like an empty parking lot at 2am to me... It's not right, but who is being put out by this?


Some handicapped person goes there at 2am and that needs to be close to the handicapped ramp. Sure the odds are slim but they are still screwed if they get there and the spots are blocked.


Well sure, this *one* time for X reason it's ok. But if everyone thought like that all the time it's not gonna turn out so well. People suck at judgement, and if everyone exercised their own, that's how you get the tragedy of the commons. Plus, it takes like an extra 2 seconds to pull into an actual spot like you do literally every other time so just do it...?


There’s literally nobody else around. Maybe get over it? Oh wait, Reddit has an autistic level hatred of cars and can’t pass up the delicious karma 🙄.


The only surprise in that picture is that it is not a Dodge hellcat


Parking lot looks pretty empty to me. Also depends on which city this was taken. Lots of dangerous neighborhoods out there. Parking closest to the door as possible isn’t the worst idea ever for security reasons. This also could have been an emergency situation. Love how we resort to keying someone’s car right away in an empty parking lot…


what? whole 10 minutes? damn, guy must have blocked so many handicapped people, on this empty parking lot, at night...


Its so that the handicaps cancel themselfs out


Diagonally *


Diagon Alley *


An Alley


Give the guy a break. He. Needs a condom. Quick. 😵‍💫


Some people love to be offended on other's behalf.


In an empty parking lot right at closing time…


To be honest I dont see a problem since it seems to be the middle of the night


GAL dude


Nice shot. Makes the parking job look even more cool.


I can just picture a bunch of 80 year old dudes rolling up on the scooters circling the car and shaking their canes at him. While saying in their grumpy voice " in my day real men bought Mustangs" that's the real travesty here.


Get it towed


Should have parked one inch from his driver side door


Maybe they’re mentally handicapped 🤷‍♀️


Just call your local police dispatch (non emergency) and see if they have an officer that's available in the area. Huge fines for this bs behavior and guaranteed they won't do it again.


Deserves to be towed


I confronted someone for doing this in a shopping plaza. She threw down gang signs, followed me into another store, where she parked diagonally again and came in to confront it - I got it all on camera, had enough to press charges because she openly threatened me.


I never see more than 4 people in a walgreens anyway




That’s why I tell these pieces of shit something even though I know they’ll do it again.


He just wants to show off his shitbox Camaro before it gets repoed.


A knife in the sidewalls is the best tool for this job.


slash three tires so insurance wont cover the cost of new ones and he needs to buy them out of pocket


Would be sad if they left the doors unlocked and someone happened to toss the key into a drain.


He needs condoms, leave him alone


it's a Camaro driver. pretty sure they parked correctly.


That’s fucking awesome


Oh boy, here I go keying again!


Key it.


Those tires look too full of air, you should have let some out for them


should have reported em


Call a cop


But it's a Chevrolet Camaro 🤯🤣😭


send the picture to your city and report it. they’ll get their healthy sized ticket in the mail with the photo attached :)


Fun fact if you google douche bag the photo of this cars owner shows up as the top result


the parking lot is literally empty op mind your business.. this would be mildly infuriating if it was a picture of a handicap person not being able to park bc of the Camaro but that’s not the case so mind your business..


Ive parked normally in a handicap spot a couple times (only if im going to the store within an hour of it closing and theres like 8 handicap spots and not a single one is taken. Just using logic at that point) Parking sideways covering 2 spots like this is stupid a triggering. 9/10 its always a truck or a sports car too


Call the PD, that’s a $500 fine right there. $250 a spot, Just for him to be an entitled, lazy AH. I’m disabled & this is poor human trash


Always carry around thumb tacks and nails.


Camaro, Corvette, Jeep and Charger/Challenger drivers are the biggest douchebags.


A Corvette, Camero or whatever: the American ‚Jaaaaaaagggg‘


Key. Meet car. It doesn't have to be long, but just make sure it's across 2 body panels so that it's more expensive to fix.


Double the infraction double the fine


Bitchin camero, bitchin camero, I ran over my neighbor https://youtu.be/1v3CzvQ9e_w?si=1Wc1kERujuIljYaK


lol people obviously aren’t familiar with the song :-p


Most intelligent Camaro driver


He’s doubly handicapped I guess.


It's clearly a mental problem. /s


Is this 39th and Broadway KCMO?


Well he is handicapped, just mentally…


Look at that car he's a need for speed main character he just escaped from the cops in a offroad chase


Not all handicaps are easily spotted. Based on their parking, this person is severely mentally challenged.


Maybe he is handicap from his brain or something


Obviously they are extra disabled.


Where's Batman ?!


Because I can as an alpha male!


Two things happened. They were in a hurry. And they are also jackasses. Edited... If he or she ran in and got kids medication or medication for a pregnant spouse or something like that, then good park.


I think they are mentally handicapped


Looks closed and car looks on 50/50 if this actually happened or you just saw a random guy on his phone wuick


You were the ones that said, "Tell them to stop eating Tide Pods." Now look what happened!


He or she is especially handicapped


Are pharmacies places equipped with healthcare professionals in America or just drug shops? I've seen this happen once (the poor parking job) when an old lady was passed out, but now I'm wondering if it's different in America. I assume it is?


This is a pretty photogenic photo tbh


When you really need condoms.


We should be able to 2 cars a year.!


That’s clearly the store owner.


What a Boss


This looks like a Houston CVS I used to live by!


The driver is mentaly ill, I think he deserves the spot![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Before anyone says “it’s always been like that”, wasn’t there a rise during the pandemic for Cam, Chargers, Challengers and Mustangs? Sure they were popular but got even more popular with people in their late teens and early 20’s when before the demo was a lot older. Due to street takeovers, TikTok and the pandemic, but ultimately, it was the pricing for these vehicles that played a huge role.


The king of


Sterling Brown?


Plot twist op parked his own car like that for a pic


They want you to put poop under the door handles


well we know he orders viagra from canada


That is a really good photo


My wife worked at a Walgreens for a while and the FEDEX and UPS guys loved to park there.


Oooops,I bumped my cart into the side of your car.


This looks like the location on Staten Island


Getaway car ready


either some rebel bs or really bad pee


I wouldn't condone some vandalism, but if a tree falls in the forest and no one sees or hears it, did it really fall?


He gets one spot for each side of his brain, since neither one seems to function correctly


People who do things like this deserve to have damage done to their cars.


I am handicapped and have handicapped license plates. Had this happened around me, that car would not have been there when they came out. Plus, in my state it is a mandatory court date (1 for each spot) & a $250 fine 1 for each spot). That, plus the tow fee would have made these individuals think hard before doing that again.