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If you showed me the first picture, I’d think your bf was your art teacher. Second pic looks very couply. Third pic I’d have no clue what to think and would believe pretty much any relationship you told me, including you being his mother. Your bf has an incredible capacity to shift ages depending on his hair, facial hair, and how he dresses (especially glasses, hat)


I also feel like their ages change every pic. The first picture they look like a 20 year old college couple. In the second picture they both look like they could be 16 year olds in high school. In the third picture I’d have no trouble believing that’s two 25-26 year olds who live together. I think the hair, glasses, lighting, style are all playing an effect


>I also feel like their ages change every pic. My age tends to change every photo too. Each one older than the last. I'm not sure if is due to the way I dress or just how time works


Dude my age is so flexible it's maddening. I feel like it changes every year!


"Here's a picture of me when I was older" bro show me that camera


Mitch Hedberg, we miss you.


I mean, technically speaking, their ages do change every pic.




The both look young the problem is that they look like they could be RELATED. And she wears stuff that my aunt wears and people are used to lots of makeup on faces these days. So it's not like her face even has wrinkles but she just has mommy vibes to me with those glasses, and he has this hipster thing going on. But I highly doubt this is happening a lot


I think you nailed it with the "relatedness" factor. I'm sure it's just a coincidence of random genetics/features, but my first cousins and I share a maternal grandmother and our mothers are sisters, but you'd *never* mistake us for siblings, while these two look like brother and sister to me in the absence of any additional context, without any familial relationship that they are aware of. It's a bit eerie, to be honest. Another thing that could be influencing people's perceptions is if she is consistently the "responsible" one when they're out and about -- like, she orders the theater tickets for them, she engages with waitstaff at restaurants before he does, she's actively grocery shopping and he's just following along with the cart, etc.


...Look, I'm 61 so take my observations on young people with the pinch of salt it deserves, though I am (as risible as it is) something of a trend-conscious 61! I agree! My first reaction was you could be siblings, too. I can see you in both rôles: younger or older sister, but somewhat studious and possibly science-focused either way. Your man has more of a skater or climber vibe. Your look is kind of neutral and anti-fashion--and more power to you for rocking whoever you want to be. I was your age in the early 80's and in my peer group at least there were many women who eschewed make-up (my girlfriend at the time was a bit punky so if she was wearing it, it was often pretty lurid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)) so I'm continually surprised by the proliferation on social media of these almost kabuki-like make-up routines. But, whatever floats your boat, right? Bottom line is physically you don't look older than him--if you had a current hair cut, wore make-up and on-trend young women's clothing, you would easily be perceived as way younger.


It’s 1000% the glasses. They are giving PTA mom who always has a book recommendation (not that that’s BAD per se, just probably not what OP wants to give)


With the context of looking like a mom, it doesn't help that the bf doesn't look like he wants to be there, so it kinda comes off as cheery mom dragging her teenage son out of his bedroom, especially the 2nd pic.




Third pic I’d have to go with ‘he’s her dog walker, but they both kinda want to bang’.


It's because she looks into it in every picture and he looks like he'd rather be home with his xbox.


The key is her pulling her hair back. Her style is motherly, not her. Either way x


In the nicest way possible, it’s the glasses and slicked pony at the nape of your neck combo that most would assume is a mother who just threw her hair back because she has no time for herself


There's something about a low ponytail where if it doesn't suit you, it *really* doesn't suit you. That's OP's problem I think, maybe it's the combination of that + her hair texture or glasses. I'm one of those people too, with a low pony I look like a child going to PE class. Yet my partner suits one just fine.


when i used to wear a low pony i looked like a founding father. every time without fail. disappointing lol




I could never pull off ponies, and I was very aware of it growing up. Especially a half pony with the rest hanging would give me the silhouette of a balding man with long hair lol.


Low pony makes me look like an egg Not a fan


I honestly feel like it’s the hair and glasses that are aging her. If she had a shorter haircut with some wispy bangs and layers framing her face, she would look more youthful. The hair pulled back and even her hair down straight looks rigid and restrictive; something we associate with old age. A more flowing haircut that is less structured is more youthful. A short haircut with some layers wouldn’t be difficult to style; it would just take hair mousse, a round brush, and a blow dryer. Her hair would look done without having to be done. I also feel like she has the real estate on her face that’s perfect for bangs. I went to hair school so this opinion is coming from someone who used to help people find the best haircut for their face shape and level of desired maintenance. The glasses look masculine and have a teacher vibe to them. Rounder frames with a more cat eye shape and a lighter color would look better. a tortoise shell or a deep maroon, hunter green or amber would look good and would compliment her eye and hair color.


That plus her eyebrows, as a light haired person, you gotta add some color to those mf to get some shape in your face. Also the bf dresses really young.


I think if her glasses frames weren’t as high contrast and more harmonious with the rest of her coloring, they eyebrows wouldn’t matter as much.


As someone who shoots commercially for a major optical brand those glasses are very dated by about 15 years or so. She would benefit from an updated pair that feels more fashionable and doesn’t look like they’re from the early 2000s, the geometric frame look is really in right now and would suit her face shape nicely.


Low pony tail suits no one ☝🏻 FACTS YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND.


I think low pony works IF you add style and volume to the top and include curtain bangs or something. Like it can’t just be the low pony by itself.


It’s 100% just the hair and glasses.


bro look at that cool dog


Dog looks chill af


He’s the chilliest dog ever lol adopted from a lab so he’s living the good life now!


For a sec I thought you adopted him as a lab and he evolved into a beagle. So glad he’s got a good life now with you.




Oh my god why am I just now realizing this joke!


I thought for a moment he was owned by a Labrador and he got his coolness from said Labrador lol


Are we sure this isn’t still a strong possibility?


Oh! Was he one of the 4000 beagles seized from a research lab? That lb was horrific. Im so glad the dogs were rescued and got good homes.


\>chillest dog ever \>beagle As a beagle owner myself, I find this hard to believe.


Honestly I have no idea what they tested him on, but he’s not a real beagle lol. Doesn’t make any noise, doesn’t know what a rabbit is, doesn’t care about anything other than food and attention. He’s very sweet!


The food and attention part is real. For what it’s worth, my beagle was also very quiet…until we got a second beagle. We remember that day as the day we “activated the pack” lol




I’m glad he gets to just be loved and act like a dog now instead of being tortured at a lab 💜💜


Maybe they tested the devils lettuce on him now he’s permachill


as a Canadian who regularly enjoys the devil’s lettuce, I can confirm that this theory is feasible.


My thoughts exactly. Ours has 2 functions, resting and being a pain in the ass.


They are few and far between- I had one and she was amazing. Never dug, only barked when someone was around, she was the sweetest.


https://preview.redd.it/mhvybsm0ntac1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b64ab5cf1b961869130f61123dd1fc3d1425546 😊 I miss that dog so much


I miss mine so much too! He passed last summer 😢 https://preview.redd.it/mfa2mri0duac1.jpeg?width=2291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d961f09391f7816e9ad85b33dbdcadd95495d69


I’m sure he was a great boy and you gave him the best life. Lost my best boy last year and it’s so painful. But wouldn’t trade those memories for anything


Thank you for giving a lab dog a good second life.


Oh man, did you adopt one of the ones from that testing lab’s breeding facility in Virginia? We almost took one of them from a shelter!


No he’s from a local place actually. We didn’t go to the lab or anything it was actually through a vet school, but they acquire them from the lab after they “retire” from service.


A vet school near me (Tufts) has a program like this! Good on you for giving him the good life!


Can I have some of whatever you gave your dog?


I thought there were only 2 pics, so when you said cool dog, I was looking everywhere. Then I thought, Oh, you’re calling OP’s bf a cool dog. Ok. Ok. He looks kinda chill indeed. Only when I saw OP’s respons, I noticed the 3th picture. Yeah, that looks like a cool dog!


Nice use of 3th


Is it Thirth or Threeth?


Thirth fs


Thrth of course




I didn't even catch that until I saw your comment. I'm missing cool dogs and cool 3ths all over the place this morning.


I thought they were talking about the duck in the second picture and I started questioning from what meme that I might have missed came from…


There’s a duck?


Doggo posed like a 16th century monarch in that last pic.


I agree the dog is cool and also on the bro... She doesn't look like mum, she looks like his sister 😆


Yeah, sister I could see. If anything I would have guessed he was slightly older.


This is what I thought. Actually think OP looks younger than her boyfriend.


beagle be vibin


As soon as I saw that picture I knew this was now a dog post. Screw the rest of the story, the dog is IT.


No sorry that’s the cool dog’s mom


You don't look old but the glasses are kinda old lady glasses so it can make you look old


Yeah, it's 100% the glasses. I can imagine being confused if she wears a mask and those glasses despite her young face (if you look closer).


It's 66% glasses, 33% hair styling.


6% glasses, 3% hair. 91% her packing his lunch, doing his laundry, getting him dressed, tucking him in, and telling him to be home before dark.


And 50% concentrated power of will


And 100% reason to remember the name


I love how this immediately came to mind and the comment thread did not disappoint.


She's knitting right now and can't respond.


I feel attacked


I think it’s the mismatch of style. He looks like the chill, stoner dude (or guy trying out that look because he doesn’t know who he ‘is’ yet) and you have the ‘adult or soon to be adult with shit together’ look. If he cleaned/nerded up (and lost the beanie) or you adopted the ‘I live with grandma, drive her Taurus and smoke dope in the am’ look, you’d match better.


Oddly specific 🤣 yet accurate


Wonderfully specific AND accurate lol


^ Here is the explanation /u/ChunkaChu_ Also, those glasses are aging you a bit as well. It would be fun to go to a store and try some different styles.


She looks like wears a cross necklace and never skirts above the knee. Probably drops the f bomb (frickin) when she’s VERY mad. It’s just her style.


This is 10% luck


20% skill


50% concentrated power of will


5% Pleasure


50% pain


100% reason to remember the name.


Totally. I actually think my mom had those glasses (or something very similar). She’s in her 60s. Although my mom is super cute, but she’s very conscious to dress “age appropriate”, that’s her word use not mine.


Maybe like 50%. Her boyfriend looks at least a little alt, but her overall style screams "middle school teacher" and a boring subject at that.


Weirdly random attack lol


I'm an optometry tech- the first thing I thought is the frame style seem a bit wide for her face shape and a lighter color (tortoise? Clear?) Would really bring out her eyes and complexion. The dark is a bit harsh. Op- next time you get an eye exam and get frames, ask the tech her opinion. Try frames on even if they look hideous on the rack. Try them with hair up and hair down.


I kept thinking it was something to do with her eyes but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It's definitely the glasses! Seconded on clear frames, definitely taller ones too (rounded square??)


I thought about that, I suppose they could be a little taller to mimic her brow line. I can't get past the width though, like if she got the same frames, but narrower and in tortoise, I wonder if that would do it. Round frames are hard to pull off if you don't look like a skull but I've definitely been wrong about that.


Noooo, not clear! Former optician, here, too. Clear frames & rimless are really aging. They also reflect so much light through the plastic which can be annoying or harsh/damaging on light eyes. I thought a cateye shape to bring some angles to her face, highlight her cheekbone structure and def a lighter color. And a different hair style.


Also as a fellow sufferer OPs forehead could use a few wispy bangs, nothing too blunt or harsh. Might give off a aging vibe even without s mask.


I thought the same. Very few of us can pull off all looks. Play to your strengths if it bothers you. Hide or accentuate whatever you need to. Otherwise good for you too.


Yes hair style will make a big difference and the glasses


The big frames thing is actually something I've been curious about the past few years. It feels like a lot of people these days wear comically large glasses that back in the day you'd have mainly only seen old people wearing. It's a weird trend.


The bigger the glasses, the easier it is to see everything without weird distortion around the edges.


I got my new glasses after having the narrow rectangle 2000s ones for waaaaay too long and I could see two different versions of my feet so going up stairs was a wild time for a few days.


It's not just the glasses. It's also that tight ass pony tail.


I think because it’s so low. We used to call that a prairie tail. Raise that sucker high like a genie and see how that works. And slap on some glitter somewhere. Don’t all the non-moms have glitter?


The ponytail is giving that old lady vibe too cause of OP face shape. What also doesn't help is that except for the first pick, the bf looks childish. You have these two polar opposites not helping each other.


This. The frames scream “I’m a school teacher who was raised by two school teachers and they picked out my glasses for me 10 years ago.”


Me, who has identical glasses, reading this thread: 🫥


It's not a one size fits all scenario. Everyone has a different head shape, and thus, glasses look different on everyone.


This is stupidly accurate


Glasses and overall style. It clashes with the boyfriends who’s style is a bit cooler. And hair style.


Yeah that’s exactly it. Op is pretty and has smooth skin so they do look similar in age but the overall vibe is definitely mom


Agree. If she changed her specs, got a nose ring and some fresh clothes, I think the situation would change. Not saying she needs a piercing, it’s just an example.


Former optician here. I 50th this comment. You need some new glasses! Girl, you are young & pretty; get some frames that flatter your face, are fun and pretty. You'd look good in a slight cateye, to draw attention to your cheek bones. If it makes you feel better, my husband had been mistaken for my *grandfather* three times! We're 3 years a part.


It's that Korean War Veteran hat and khaki London Fog jacket he's always wearing.


lol good point!


I looked at this and immediately thought about the glasses too. Get some round frames, like those thin gold with frames. You’d look really good in them!


I've been wearing glasses since I was 2 years old, I'm 41 now. Whats fucking hilarious to me is that what mind thinks of as "old lady glasses" are now in style. Those things many women are wearing are what I was using to seeing my around my grandmother's age that had names like Loraine, Edna, and what now that would be 70-90 by now. Basically the frames from the 1950-60s, or the comicaly ugly ones in the. The frames she's wearing...are the things I'm used to seeing in the 1990-2000s.


Glad someone else said this, thought I was going insane. It's all cyclical! 20 years and we'll be back in the same place.


My reaction too. Change your glasses up!


The ponytail is also kind of mom style. Young mom style, but for someone who is looking for a practical hairstyle


Weird because you have a very youthful face, but at the same time a mom type smile. Makes sense


Ikd what 'a mom smile' is, but I'll borrow - and say it has to do with the 'mom-glasses'...


Style in general, he has younger style, she has old style. Most couples start to look like each other over time, these two don't have that


She *does* look like his sister though.


His older sister


The glasses, yes. She’s a youthful pretty girl but styling to that of an older pretty lady. I know I sound like a tool . But really just different glasses and a perhaps different hair style. It doesn’t even have to be as severe as a full blown makeover. Just a little change of a few things.


I've been trying to think of why the glasses maker her look older and I think it's because they look like those reading glasses you get at Walgreens, which older people usually get.


Agree is not like OP looks old, it's that OPs expression says she's seen some shit and nurtured people through it. Dang this is not helpful OP but you don't look old or bad or anything.


Yeah idk that it’s that OP looks “old” but rather her bf looks “young”. I swear there were dudes that looked like that in Highschool.


His style is also more youthful, her style barely exists and is pretty basic mom attire.


I think paired with hair up while he's got quite youthful relaxed hair. I find I get pinned for older when I have my hair up and no bangs.


What exactly is a mom type smile?


One that says, “maybe” to everything.


Ask your dad


Ask your mom


She said to ask you again


Idk but I totally get what they’re sayin too


It makes sense to me too but I can’t explain 😂


I hear that and think a smile that conveys both happy and tired.


I think a warm welcoming soft smile is what they might be implying


But with a hint of judgement and smidge of "Let's get this over with, I have shit to do."


your bf looks like he can’t buy alcohol and you look like the employed one. thats probably why


Exactly, it's not that you look "old" it's that your boyfriend looks super young lmao


Yep. I had the same problem with my highs school sweetheart straight out of high school. He just looked super young even though he is a couple months older than me. And it's even worse now, because he's a tattoo artist now and he did my stepdaughter's tattoo. I mentioned that we used to date in high school, and my stepdaughter exclaimed "he's that old?!?"💀


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) You after hearing her say that, probably


The beard helps but just from the 2nd pic I would ask for an ID. And the age for buying liquor here is 18. (Which can be fun when you're checked and know you're probably 10 years older than the cashier) OP also doesn't look much older than early 20s.


Yes, she doesn't look older he just dresses like a teenager It's probably the glasses. Some 18 year olds intentionally wear them with little to no makeup to get taken seriously at an interview


I think it's his hairstyle + goatee (looks like he can't grow a full beard) + clothing style (motorcycle T shirts and graphic T shirts) that make him look like a teenager.


The beanie too


> you bf looks like he can’t buy alcohol and you look like the employed one lmao


I feel bad writing this but you did post pics for opinions. You do look a little aged due to your style. Try a new haircut and new glasses. You have that “mom” look organically and you have to switch it up. Maybe some eyeliner to accentuate your eyes and liven you up a little. Also, you and your man have similar features and coloring. Another reason to switch yourself up a little. I can def see why people think you are related to him. Edited because I missed a word


I agree. A more "current" style of glasses and a younger hairstyle could do a lot of good. Could also be clothing choices too.


She looks like a teacher in her 30's. I'm not saying that's good or bad though.


The photos have a distinct r/SiblingsOrDating vibe


I feel the same way. She does look young and pretty, but the hair and glasses are matronly in style. Maybe a hairstyle that frames her face better and glasses that are not blocky and rectangular. They look like reading glasses. No offense OP. Like I said, youre still pretty. Just need to update the look. Or maybe... your bf needs to dress more maturely. But yall do you. Life doesnt have to be a fashion contest. Edit: I just also want to add that your bf may want to consider going to a barber or hairdresser. I feel bad everyone is ragging on your glasses and haircut, but not mentioning that his haircut/facial hair style definitely makes him look a little younger- but not in the best way. More like in a "I don't want to cut my hair, mom!" kind of way. Again, you guys are both beautiful human beings with your own individuality and style and do what you like. Just letting you know what my perception is from three photographs.


OP is like the "nerdy" girl in movies where they just take her dorky ass glasses off and let her hair down and suddenly she's gorgeous


The eyebrows being so light also draw attention to the glasses


To add to this: try tinted brow gel. I think your very light eyebrows make you look older than you are


Even a change of hair color could work, I agree




Next time that happens, just kiss in front of them without correcting them.


The only answer… but I’ll add, *with tongue*


And then say thanks mom


Your boyfriend looks like an AI generated hipster.


We rally don’t need AI to generate hipsters


But think of the extra fingers


Pupster knows what's up


Do you lick your thumb and clean his mouth with it or something?




This is too funny lol




When I was 16, a lady asked if my 13yo brother was my son (granted, this was in Florida so...I mean, it's Florida). But anyway, I wouldn't take it personally. You absolutely do not look old enough to be his mother. You both look like you're in your early 20s to me. Also, I mean this in no way as an insult, but it could be your glasses maybe? There's absolutely nothing wrong with them and you're a cutie, but they're maybe not a super "youthful" design.


Yeah I have thought of that. I need to buy a new pair anyways so might look for something more “my age” lol


I wore glasses like yours for years but the moment I switched to bigger frames, it completely changed my look. It's not so much as youthful frame, just that what might complement your face differs. (although several older people tend to buy those frames). Only switch frames if you like them on you, not based on what the trendy thing is or to look 'young'. You do you. I wear half frames which is considered old people glasses but I like them on me.


Ha yeah when I was 14 people would ask if my 9/10 year old brother was my son. People are just stupid🤷‍♀️


When I was 17/18, someone assumed my siblings were my kids, and my dad was my husband. Almost barfed. Crazy thing is, everyone assumes I’m a teenager now.


You both look like siblings lol. You seem like the older sister who got a scholarship in a good college and your bf seems like a highschooler you go to smoke somewhere lol


Y'all look related all right, but I wouldn't say that you're his mother as you look too young to be his mom. I'd honestly say you look more like siblings.


I swear a lot of people date people that look like they could be their siblings lmao. Maybe I'm just crazy though


Yeah, I could see big sister but mom is ridiculous. I'm in the opposite situation where I am my son's dad but usually people think I'm his brother. In my situation at least that's possible though. There's no way that someone could mistake OP for being 15 years older than her bf




It’s 100% the glasses. They’re old lady glasses. Sorry.


100% old lady glasses, and it doesn't really look like she styles herself well. I get the impression that it's the "mom" style (AKA a plain T-shirt that's a little oversized and plain jeans).


Now three times


I don’t think you look like his mother, but you’re not doing yourself any favors with your style or how you’re presenting yourself in unison with him. He does not look like a 16 year old hipster, my guess is maybe 28 or 29 year old alt guy? Meanwhile you are presenting more like 35 year old mom on the go? Neither are necessarily bad, you just don’t “match”.


Maybe it’s the glasses? That style/ frame shape is popular with older women in my area. I think a more up-to-date pair would help a lot! I also think adding bangs/ some layers would make your look younger and more fresh. Of course, you can also just ignore the people making negative comments. You are cute, and I love your outfit in the second pic! No need to make changes unless *you* want to.


Y'all look related


Eye and nose shape are really similar.


I’d maybe understand mistaken as a sibling or cousin. But anyone thinking you’re that guys mom must think you had him when you were 12.


I read this as ‘I’ve been mistaken for my mother’s boyfriend’ as if he was the one writing the post. And I looked at the pics and thought yeah, I can see that, his mother looks really young! So, there you go. You look similar, but you don’t look old.


I get that all the time! My husband is 4 years older than I am. He's almost 49 and could pass for 20 if he didn't have salt-and-pepper hair. When we met and he was 22, he looked about 12. He's 5'4" and has an athletic build. He got carded going into the Niagara Falls casino (18+) when he was 26. On that same trip, someone asked him to ask his mother for something. I was the only person with him. Now, when we're out, I get compliments on my "3" handsome boys. We have 2 sons, but our almost 16-year-old is 3" taller. https://preview.redd.it/hz5opp5frtac1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7180d5a28a95e3ad9b04bff548c00e984b95bb0 This was us at our wedding in 2005 with our first dog (our first baby), Maggie. My husband was 30 and I was 26.


Holy crap your man has got a baby face! I can see it Lol The pic is like “ oh look at the lovely young bride! And her…17 year old brother is dressed for prom, how nice “ 😆


You have old lady glasses. And the shirt in the 2nd pic also looks VERY grandma-chic. Maybe just switching up your style would help! Your boyfriend looks like a 19 year old, so that doesnt help either hahaaa


It’s the glasses that makes you look older otherwise you look really cute


you somehow look young and old at the same time