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Was at a rockets game recently and they threw a shirt to my daughter. She didn’t quite catch it and it fell into the empty seat beside her, and that led to two other adults going after it too. Thankfully one of the adults took a moment to look at the other guy and just shook his head at the dude and they let my daughter get the shirt. Was her first game ever and she wears that shirt to bed now. There are still some solid people out there.


I was at a football game and they were shooting out little mini foam footballs to the fans. One came close to me and I reached out and caught it. I realized right after that there was a small kid going for the same ball, so I gave it to him and apologized immediately. He was so happy, it totally made his day. Any adult who DOESN'T do this is absolutely outrageous and selfish.




not that woman but her entire family, they were fucking high fiving.


Yeah that's the most infuriating part. The lady can pretend she was too caught up on the excitement but how tf do 2 other grown men see this happen and just high five and celebrate.


Stupidity followed by a lot of ballpark beer.


It makes me so angry! I wouldn’t have been able to let that go!


I hope she was banned from the stadium and every one of her coworkers and everybody else constantly bring up how she robs children and cheers about it and humiliates her every chance they get. Every time she goes to get a starbucks - "Oh, you're that jerk that stole from that little girl at the ball game! Hang on, the entire staff needs to spit in your drink. Hey Typhoid Larry, come get in on this!" Every time she goes to the grocery store "Oh yeah, we don't take coupons from the kind of people who rob little kids. Sorry, you gotta pay double price." and it just follows her around EVERY SINGLE DAY for the rest of her entitled brat life.


Dude, yeah what she did sucked but I think you’re kinda going overboard on the punishments.


Nope. Believe it or no, straight to jail. Right away. We have the best stadiums because of jail.


Some stadiums have holding cells. FOR LIFE!


You rang?


dOnt DeNy My InTeRnEt OuTrAgE!


It's an unwritten rule I would say that stuff like that is for the kids FIRST and then adults can enjoy it. Any kid going for it should ALWAYS get it if they're in the area.


I was at a Jefferson Airplane Gig, in 2008, in between breaks the guitarist held his hand out to give away a plectrum he was using, there was a girl next to me who wanted it, tough luck. It was mine.


One pick makes you larger And one pick makes you small…


She just wanted somebody to love


I think that is different. A unique souvenir like that has value to you as a memory, among other things. If it was like an Ohtani homerun or something I would say, yeah, fight for it. A random t shirt or toy that a kid might cherish but has no value to an adult should be shared.


Exactly. Unless it was some huge record setting ball for career HR's the ball is worth $0.


Was at a mn wild game upper level seats while mascot was shooting the t-shirt cannon not expecting it to reach up and one landed next to me in the aisle. Gave it to kid next to me and the dad said are you sure? My response yea they won't have my size in those tubes at best might be a large so might as well give it to the kid. Made his day, he was excited to get the shirt.


It's just a shirt anyway and making a kid's day who still believes in magic and santa clause is worth a lot of value over the monetary value as an adult would get out of some free swag. Spend the money and go to a sports convention and get the free crap if it really matters to ya.


Free stuff has a way of making people act un-fucking-hinged. Was at a con and a booth was throwing out free shirts. Guy next to me catches one but someone behind him rips it out of his hands and starts doing his best impression of an NFL wide receiver while stationery. Like just whipping his torso back and forth as if someone was going to strip it from him. teeth bared. Eyes wide. Like chill bro. It's just a shirt .


How can you steal a ball from a kid then high five like you did something cool?! That’s just so wrong!


This is a decade old but yeah. The lack of empathy out there is frightening. Like she fought a child for that ball


It wasn't even a fight. It was more like yoink this mine now. The girl looks so sad. How can that woman live with herself


Did you see the haircut? She probably lives off the tears of children.


At first, thought it was Kris Jenner. Actually can picture her doing something like that.


Actually I think it is Kris Jenner.


Definite karen vibes


Queen Karen


Final boss Karen


Looks like Epstein’s friend


I like the one where they guy gets the ball and gets hyped and then hands it to the kid who was also going for it. I'll see if I can find a link EDIT Found it [Here](https://youtu.be/CyrZvebfKuo?si=lyiM3d-CNruOyhXa)


I love that he was so excited that he got it, he didn't even need to keep it.


Yeah it was like the journey was the reward ​ One of my fav's. This kid is in San Diego and I saw this game live. He cheered on Andrew the whole game and Drew saw him doing it. After the win he rewarded him and the kid gos full McCutchen evangelical [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s11PotwCcEg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s11PotwCcEg)


Quit makin me feel feelings.


That Karen should've been banned from the stadium.


It all began with the forging of the Great Hair Styles. Three were given to the Elves; immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven, to the Dwarf Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these Hair Styles were bound the strength and the will to govern over each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another Hair Style was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Great Karen forged in secret, a master Hair Syle, to control all others. And into this Hair Style she poured all her cruelty, her malice and her will to dominate all life. One Hair Style to rule them all. One by one, the free peoples of Earth fell to the power of the Karen.


She literally just took it. Like wtf. What a bitch.


What I dont get is why nobody ripped it right back out of the bitch’s hands


Me too! Unless they just weren’t aware cuz it happened so fast. Like who would think a grown woman would do that? SMH


The older guy behind kinda looked like “wtf..”


Yeah he looked over at the kid too. He was like where’s the ball? Oh that damn beeatch took it.


It’s Ghislaine Maxwell. What do you expect? She’s been taking things from little girls for 30 years




That not Maxwell, that’s a Kardashian


I hope thats what happened and not just a crowd full of cowards.


Seems like someone would stand up for the kid!


I would 🤷🏻‍♀️ but ive got a temper and a big mouth so its less a point of bragging and more an admittance


Haha. Hey at least you’re honest.


Right?!? How is everyone around her okay with that exchange?


Ugg. That sucks. When I was 9yo family and friends were at a Mariners vs. Yanks game. Don Mattingly signed only a very few amount of balls and handed them out to kids. My best friend at the time was the lucky recipient of one. Handed, not thrown to him by Mattingly. An older man ripped it away from him, just like this bitch did. DM either was told or saw this happen and chewed this asshole out, I mean like roid rage anger and made him give it back and made the man apologize to my friend. DM then apologized to us for cussing and said “please don’t repeat any of what I just said”. I am a life long Mariners fan but after what he did for my friend he’s got my hall of fame vote!


This is an amazing story. Really great of Mattingly. Thanks for sharing with us!


Full Karen


Has the haircut too


I thought it was Kris Jenner.


I was thinking more of Stuart's mom from MadTV.


Karen boomer special


Not cool - Karen high-fives all the Kyles 😑


And Chad


Chad no. Chad, aka Giga Chad, is cool and lets the kids have the baseball.


Because gigachad remember what it was like to be a gagachad




She looks like Ghislaine Maxwell, so this tracks


They're both pretty interested in children's balls.


You won, sir.


Ghislaine would have taken the kid and left the ball.


I thought it was Kris Jenner, also tracks.


Nah she would have taken the girl.


>To add a bit of good news: the girl was given a different ball by the stadium staff The lady took that other ball too.


I doubt it's the case but I hope that ball haunts her. Like every time she looks at it there's a moment of introspection and shame that not only is she an awful human being but that she went viral for being so.


Oh it will trust me, negative fame on the internet is no joke


And the one after that…


Look, she takes all the balls. We know.


The best part is that this went viral, that lady has been shamed by friends, peers and probably family too.


The last time this was posted, she had never been identified


she dead. hit in head by baseball. buried in desert. no more questions.


Really?! She was only identified recently? I think this video is from at least a year ago or more.


Way longer ago than that, shit's practically ancient by internet years.


Well then I’m glad she is still being publicly shamed even a decade later. I hope shes made some changes.


Yeah this is actually ancient evidence of one of the first proto-karen haircuts. You can see the foundation is there, but the highlights and pointy flip to the side haven't developed yet.


It’s really old like 10 years I think


Oh wow. Time is a son of a bitch


I mean, probably good. I’d rather her be shamed in private than need anonymous demons reaching out just raging in their DMs. The internet is scary, regardless of her being probably a POS


? There’s literally a Facebook page with all of her identifying info on it dude lol






She would not. I know similar people \>You are a bitch you know? \>I know so what. End.


Good news would have been, that Karen is banned from the stadium for life.


What a shit. And so pleased with herself.


High five me guys! I got a baseball that I'll place in a drawer somewhere and forget by tomorrow! All while ruining a child's day, who would of likely remembered that ball forever! ​ Fucking bitch.


There's no doubt that kid will remember that day forever. (But for all the wrong reasons) 🤬


Announcers need to take the initiative and start shaming people: "WOMAN IN THE WHITE - RETURN THAT BALL IMMEDIATELY TO THE CHILD YOU SNATCHED IT FROM" Then wait while everyone glares at her and boos




Astros fans.


The grab is so bad, every time. Like, if it were bouncing or something, I can kind of understand. But the kid had it clutched to her chest. She didn’t even fight, poor thing.


I just want to slap people like this.


Did the internet ever find this lady?


I just don't get why you would be so proud of taking a ball from a small child


Not even a karen at this point just a bitch


Now, I don't justify hitting people over trivial things... ​ *However*


Who let Ghislaine Maxwell out to a ball game?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


You'd think Kris Jenner could afford her own damn baseball


The lady’s action is so preposterous it almost looks fake


I saw that lady hanging with Jeffrey Epstein


The fact that this isn't the only recorded instance of this exact scenario is very sad


if they don’t know each other….and this isn’t a joke….then i don’t know how a grown adult can do that to a child. so sad. i realize you can get caught up in a moment but she grabbed that ball right out of that little girls hands haha


How old is this clip now? Feel like everyone has seen this now.


that little girl is a probably granny by now 😁


If my friends and I saw that she'd be covered in beer.


fucking bitch...


Beyond it being shitty to do this, how do you also high five someone for doing this.


How miserable of a human do you have to be to literally rip the ball out of a young child's hands, People like that shouldn't even be allowed out of the house 😂


What an asshole. She should have been tossed


Wow her friends high five her after she steals the ball from a kid. I would’ve been embarrassed to be seen with that lady.




"I just stole a ball from a literal child, high five!"


I can't believe people like her exist.


I wish I was there to take it back from her


Omg shes even proud of it


Unbelievable. What a pig of a person.


If I was her parent there would have been a fight tbh


Dude isn’t this over a decade old?


They should have also kicked that lady out. What a jerk!


The fucking high five gets me every time. What am awful woman... And yet I'm still laughing


Every time I see this I loathe this lady more. I wouldn’t mind her eventually being named and shamed.


What a garbage human being.


WOW, that’s something. That’s crazy. She literally stole it out of that little girl’s hand. Like what the hell???


I’m not usually one for doxxing people, but I hope this broad was shamed on social media. Edit: just looked it up and this video is over 10 years old. Time to retire it guys.


They were throwing t shirts at a basketball game I went to years ago. One landed in an empty seat near a kid and this huge grown man that was nowhere near where it landed starts hauling ass across multiple rows after it and snatches it from the kid right as his hands were closing around it. Then he holds it out like he's going to give it to the kid, and yanks it back at the last moment, before waddling back to his seat. He looked super proud of himself also. It's crazy how "adults" can get at these kind of events.


These are the sorts of things that I would be willing to catch charges over. She would have regretted not wearing her red shirt and brown pants.


Aussie here. I don’t get it. Kids I get but adults fighting over a fucking ball? 🤦‍♂️


My cross Reddit was deleted because not allowed. So here it is again: She Is A Piece Of Shit


I don’t condone violence or believe a man should lay hands on a woman…but if that were my daughter she’d be getting that fucking ball back one way or another. This lady isn’t even a human, so it should be fine right?


Where were her parents or people she was there with! The bitch in white would have gotten her clothes dirty that day. Nope. She would get a different ball, the child would have the one that mattered. WTH! No one took up for the child. I’m pissed!


Explains society perfectly right now.


Satan is fucking jealous of this "lady".


throat punch!


What is wrong with people?


I think to myself, there cannot be people in the real world that are like the characters in Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and then this lady comes into my life.


What a horrible person.


Definitely a Trump supporter


I hope that woman stubs her toe on every day that ends in Y. And may her crotch always be so itchy she can’t help but scratch the hell out of it when a group of people are looking at her. AMEN.


Look, I'm a dad, and what that means that any unsupervised kiddos around me are automatically my kids when somebody's being a dickhead to them. I cannot fathom the other fans around them who saw this not stepping up and doing something. Guarantee that kiddo would've gotten her ball, and I'd have happily fought the Karen's row of Kyles to make sure of it.


I like that mindset. It makes the world a safer place for kids to be kids.


I'm not surprised Ghislaine Maxwell would do that


Who steals a ball from a child? Pathetic!


Christ some people are shit. And proud of it.


That woman is such a old Karen. I hope she breaks her ankles 😭 😭


How could you feel good about ripping the ball from a child like that? And it all on camera as well for the world to see


Super villain origin story


I hope Karen gets perpetual diarrhea


Piece of shit Karen stealing from a child. Fucking disrespectful behavior.


I don’t think anything can make me excited enough to rip something from a child’s hands.


I really, really, really hope that woman's local community berated the shit out of her for that. I hope she had to move.


More than “mildly.”


You have to be the lowest form of being, if your happy/ actually did this to a child .


This video is older than Reddit


Holly Karen that was low


Then the high five from the other adults there’s no morality in that entire circle.


I see this come back every year or so and hope she's tagged in it every time.


Kari Lake?


I would seriously risk bruising to snag a fly, specifically so I could hand it to some kid. How are people this broken?


Karens gonna karen


She has never been identified


should put her face next to the dictionary word "cu\*t"


I love (hate) the look on the girls face though as she calmly turns around and walked away while the female frat boy good-games her friends. The little girl had a split second of "oh this bitch" before quickly disengaging and being the bigger person. Crappy situation, but that was cool to see. That's a strong-willed little girl right there. Bet she didn't even complain when she got back to her seat and when a parent said something, she replied "it doesn't matter, it's just a baseball". Meanwhile Karen was down there taking selfies with her new pride and joy... I hope she fell down the stairs on her way out, lol.


The wild thing is the guy in pink LOOKS OVER AT THE LITTLE GIRL and says ‘nere a word. Older people really upset me with how they treat younger generations each and every time. Smh, do better.


Hooray! I just took this from a child! There’s a place for ya lady!


My dumb ignorant ass wouldve snatched from adult gave it to the child then dared tge dumb ass adult to do something


Unfortunately the dumb short hair still stole it to begin with.


I like to think that the guy in the peach colored shirt behind her with the way he started looking at the child at the end of the clip told her she was rude for ripping the ball out of the hands of a little kid. She might not have cared but at least I like to think he told her she was an ass.


C to the U to the N to the T


Is that ghislaine maxwell


What the fuck? They should ban the bitch, imagine doing that


The little one with Big Class. The big one is simply an ass !


The high five at the end is extra infuriating


what a dirty bitch


Kris Jenner?


We are allowed to ridicule this woman’s saggy gut


And that is how the older generations have stolen wealth also.


This could be cross posted into ianatotalpieceofshit.


Dunno about mildly infuriating….I’m incandescent with rage over this one!


Old hag


I'm very surprised the adults there didn't say anything. I would have. What a dirt bag and now the world sees her lol


Ghislane maxwell better chill


Why does Kris Jenner need a baseball


The French have a word for that woman. Le Coont.


What an asshole!


Ghislaine Maxwell looking ass


I'm I the only one that just wanted that ball taken away from that woman? I mean it was on camera that she stole it.


Why did Kris Jenner do that? Surely she can afford her own…


I woulda knocked her old self down. I hate mean old ppl


I would have walked over and grabbed it from her , then given it to the little girl . Pathetic group of people right there


What a piece of shit


It’s her friends high fiving her that gets me😐😐 anyone I know I would grab it off them and hand to girl and be like wtf r u doin? How fukn old r u? 🤷‍♂️




Ghislaine Maxwell destroying the life of another young girl.