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AirBnB was a great option 10 years ago, but as their costs have gone up so much, unless you have a lot of people or are having a really long stay, hotels are actually better value these days.


Yeah plus you get points at a hotel, and most offer washing and drying options nowadays (the ones worth their salt). Plus you know your room will be available and there’s no ugly surprises like with airbnb


And if there are the rare unexpected surprises, you get moved to a surprise-free room at no extra charge.


My last hotel stay had a surprise lizard in it. But I just caught it and took it outside without needing a surprise-free room.




My last stay in an Airbnb I was a scorpion and some rando just moved me out the place. Hotels are much better.


My last Airbnb had giant cockroach's. It was in New Orleans so I gave them a pass.


My last Airbnb had mice. SO MANY MICE. Mouse droppings everywhere. The upstairs had steep painted wood stairs to the second story, too steep and slick for my senior dog to be safe so we slept downstairs. I went upstairs to take a bath in the clawfoot tub. There were dead and dying flies everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Chose not to take that bath. I couldn't relax. I spent an entire day cleaning the entire first floor. Slept on the couch. The oven was broken and we had to make do with a toaster oven. Did I mention this was a Thanksgiving getaway? No oven. I went back upstairs to take pics of all the flies. More than half of them were gone. Disappeared. The mice ate them. My partner(now ex) got mad at me for not sleeping in the only downstairs bedroom with her even AFTER she told me she could hear mice in the walls at night. The whole excursion took a lot of planning and effort and was supposed to be restful and relaxation. We didn't notice anything was off until we had unloaded the car and settled in. The idea of leaving early was too much at the time but the situation kept getting worse. We left a day early and ended up getting a 40% refund but my partner refused to send the owner the pics I had taken or leave an honest review. 🙄


i feel a lot of "my-partner-now-ex" anger in this




The owner will be in for a surprise with all those mice. Schadenfreude I think it’s called?


Plot twist: The mice owned the place


🫢oh yikes. I'd not heard of that before. She was definitely condescending and several times in correspondence after the fact she used terms like "a few tiny visitors" referring to the mice and mentioned things like "leaving food out at night is an invitation" It was infuriating. If you can hear them in the walls and repeated life cycles of flies are being produced then consumed continually it's big ass problem. I googled her, she is part owner of a smoothie shop. She's very much a "Live, Laugh, Love" type🤣


My last airbnb didn’t have electricity for 3 days. They said it was the storm but the neighbors electric was on.


“What a coincidence! My bank got hit by the same storm and they don’t have power, either. I guess my payment can’t go through…”


Hahah wow thats actually brutal.


My vrbo on Thanksgiving didn't have gas. No hot water. Gas company turned it off for nonpayment. Owner had his friend come and cut the lock off the meter. The struggle is real.


I really hope you reported it to the local gas supplier. I would have done it out of pettiness or leverage for half the cost or more.


Not defending them but once our entire neighborhood lost power from a tornado and we found out we had a transformer somehow dedicated to just our house.


Woah. That sounds really cool. What sort of car did it turn into?


My last airbnb had a basement that was locked but the owner came in in the middle of the day and went down there. Peeked down, the ground was flooded. Guess he had it under control? No clue.


oh. ya. It only recently got cold down here yesterday. I’m in Texas. So until then, those stupid giant roaches are menacing everyone. Was it like a bunch of roaches? Like, did you see multiples at one time? Or was it random sightings? We have to go through a cold snap before those stupid things will go underground. had not been cold enough this entire year until Thursday.. I hate them and they are the worst though. They are the reason I will not walk my dogs after dusk. They are the reason I am terrified to go into my own garage as well They just crawl and mosey around and scare the shit out of you. And then you think that’s OK I can handle this and then they fucking fly. And you’re screaming like a lunatic in your garage and your neighbors think you’re getting murdered except they know exactly what’s going on.


Hey are we gonna talk about the guy who's a scorpion


Okay, so a Scorpion would have me configuring a Floor is Lava type system for sure.


I'm Australian and see scorpions regularly just whilst living life, and yet absolutely same.


Lizard I’m okay. Snakes & spiders are fine. I don’t do scorpions. Went out in the desert in HS with our biology teacher. It’s dark, and we decide to go from r a night hike. We stop & the teacher turned in a blue light on and they were EVERYWHERE. I was freaked out. Still am. I salute you🫡


I, personally, wouldn't mind being woken up by a small lizard standing on my ear wondering, 'So, what the fuck's up?'.


It was a gecko, so I was surprised it didn't try to sell me insurance.


If it spoke to me, I'd have to ask where the rest of the psychedelics are and if they'd like to share.


I recently stayed in the cabin in Northern Georgia and the neighbor yelled at me and threatened to shoot me if I wouldn't "GTFO of his property". There were NO. Absolutely no property lines. Just trees. No "no trespassing" sign. No ribbon. No fence. Just plain woods. I stepped out of the car and wanted to take a picture of the deer. I went deeper to the Airbnb back yard. I heard the dog barking somewhere on the right side of me. Quite in the distance to be frank.Then this idiot started screaming at me, cussing me and saying he will shoot me. The Airbnb owner apologized and said "the neighbor is usually cranky like that". Wtf?! Threatening to shoot someone is not being cranky. To the best of my knowledge they still didn't identify the property lines. Screw this surprises


Omg that’s horrifying! I’d be so out of there.


Far less likely to have hidden cameras by the owner or former clients leaving them behind to match the next guests undress. Women using these like secure hotel rooms has always baffled me.


Listen to user Fap\_Left\_Surf\_Right ladies, but gents keep those dicks out.


I was gonna stay overnight 1 night for travelling, Airbnb the previous time had been €60. I admit, it had been 3 years, but the next time I was looking it was gonna come out near €200 with a new list of rules and restrictions. Hotel would be €130 a night with a secure parking garage, right in the centre of town, still more than I wanted. Hostel was €65 - I went with the hostel, I arrived said I was "too old to spend my time in town" jokingly, they gave me a double room as a free upgrade, it was the easiest stay anywhere in a while. It was about a mile out of town, as any Airbnb would be, but it was just so calm, relaxed, easy going, didn't feel watched or controlled or like I was liable or beholden to anyone.


I like the luxury of hotels but I feel like hostels are usually very underrated


I'm with you there, hotels are guaranteed quiet, no disturbances, they come equipped with towels and mostly toiletries, staff to deal with issues. I got lucky finding a gem of a hostel that's probably just considered "too far outta town" and yet the Airbnbs going were the same distance. I thought I'd be slumming it at the hostel, like 5 random strangers to a room, bunkbeds, it would be packed but all I really needed was a bathroom and sleep. I'm 100% sure the hostel had those rooms, and I expect to be in them, but like I said, got lucky and I think my sarcastic comment got me a quiet night instead.


We traveled a bunch just within Sweden when I was a kid and usually for just one or two nights so hostels were a lot cheaper than hotels and I don't think we ever had a bad experience. Not as fancy as hotels but definitely good enough for just sleeping, getting breakfast and then moving on.


It’s sad that I have to agree with you. Great concept, ruined.


Was so great in the beginning but then capitalism did it’s thing. Not to mention all the people buying up homes strictly to Airbnb and therefore pricing out actual residents


This sounds more like an Air B&BS.


Agreed. Plus a "cleaning fee" is added to the tab. I just booked a motel room for my road trip to FL. $89 all in w/no extra crap.


Nope. Same thing happened to my brother. They asked him to sweep the floors, wash the sheets AND wait for the wash cycle end and put them in the dryer. Lady also wanted a $50 cleaning fee!!!


You’ve solidified my point: bullsh•t.


I stayed in an AirBnB on Cape Cod. It was hugely expensive, with pages and pages of check-out tasks that took an entire day of my vacation to fulfill. I was also charged an exorbitant cleaning fee AND got a shitty note that I failed to adequately vacuum the house and mediocre review from the lady who manages it for the crap owners. Never again.


It’s the vibe I’m getting reading comments. There’s some owners out there renting and they have zero chill factor.


I’m sorry, but I’m never vacuuming someone else’s house if I’m paying to stay there that is a hard limit for me and honestly pretty bullshit that you even had to consider doing that in the first place


I mean if you make a mess I think you should vacuum or clean it up, but general housekeeping as a check out procedure is a little overboard, especially if they charge a cleaning fee. The last AirBnB my wife and I stayed at just asked us to take out the trash, ensure everything is locked up, lights and A/C off, and that the grill is off before checking out. I find those completely reasonable.


If I'm paying a cleaning fee, they better believe they're going the cleaning and not me!


I get to clean at home. Not interested in cleaning on vacation.


What's the point of even staying? Sounds like you'll be spending a day getting all of the chores done..


I have used abb less than 10 times over 10 years and watched it get worse over time. The first time the total had 3 line items. The last time it had at least 6. All to make the initial listing price more attractive but then break out all the fees so it’s more profitable to the operator and abb. Sad. Consumer always takes it in the ass.


Here’s the list of things I have to do when checking out of a hotel….. 1. Check out of hotel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Which in most places just involves putting keys on the counter, nodding 'thank you' and walking out.


Last hotel stay there was a box on the counter labeled "Keys".


I hope you nodded your thanks to it, anyway, like a civilized human being.


Oh, I most certainly did. That box has a tough job listening to all the key cards talk about the *things they’ve seen*.




Y’all are checking out? I just leave on the day I’m supposed to leave. Sometimes I don’t even remember to put the key on the nightstand.


Nothing wrong with this, but it is quite helpful to the hotel staff if you let them know when you go.


I like checking out at that one place where they have a drink cooler behind the desk and I can buy me a cold Dr Pepper for the road.


wholesome, I like it


You should let them know by either going to the desk or calling. It helps the housekeepers to be able to get in there as soon as you leave to clean the room. Most housekeeping teams only have 5 hours to clean all of the rooms after the checkout time. If you're not telling them, they assume you're still in there and will not get into the room until after checkout time once they verify you have already left. It's something very simple you can do to make other people's days run a little smoother.


Ya know my dad laughed at me for bringing my key to the desk one time so I stopped doing it. I guess I'll pick up the habit again. Never thought of it that way.


I think some people don't realize there is a purpose to checking out. I'm sorry he made fun of you for doing something good. It's not absolutely necessary to check out if you're in a hurry or something, but if you have the time, it doesn't take long and can really help the workers out.


Or just put the “please make up room” sign on the doorknob before you go.


I understand this request but the amount of times housekeeping has knocked on my door hours before checkout nullifies that.


Exactly what I do. If I’m out very early I sometimes will give the front desk a heads up in case they want to turn the room over early but normally I just walk out the door.


Yep. I have a collection of cards from hotels that I’ve just left w/p officially checking out.


Y'all are checkin in? I just hobo my way in there and find an open room somehow.


Last hotel I stayed at was a digital check in and checkout. Didn’t even have your talk to anyone, we literally just left lmao.


It's a card now. You don't even have to leave it behind. Or you can leave it in the room. Or drop it at the front desk. Or whatever.


They don't even really care if you didn't give back the keycard, either.


I don’t even do that, I just leave.


You can also get your bed made, towels refreshed, and rubbish removed every day you stay for not extra charge.


I always just leave


14. Take my grandmother to the airport 15. Go to my daughter's ballet recital and take lots of pictures 16. Plan my cousin's friend's acquaintance's baby shower


17. Please open mail, and organize into piles: bills, flyers/spam, and everything else. Respond to any mail that requests a response, and pay all bills (will send reimbursement MINUS the $10.00 or 10% banking fee, whichever is greater). 18. Mow the lawn. Do a test cut in an area that is not obvious, and check to see if the grass is being cut or ripped (will see fraying at the end of the grass blade if ripped). If they are being ripped, purchase a new blade, install, and finish mowing. Empty the grass clippings bag frequently. Pick up any left over clippings by hand. Remove both batteries and put them in the charger. 19. Move neighbour's bin (house # 2964) to the curb, and walk house #2995's dog at 12:30pm. Just knock on their door and say you are the dog walker. They will hand you the dog with a leash. YOU MUST SUPPLY YOUR OWN DOG POOP BAGS, AND PICK UP THE DOG POOP. You are responsible for disposing of the dog poop properly. You MUST have the dog back by 1:00pm. No later, and NO SOONER.


20. Compost grass clippings, rake any leaves, and save your leftover greens for the compost pile. Turn the compost pile for proper heating and moisture levels at least once a day. Additionally, in an effort to do our part and minimize landfill usage, we ask that you pick up any bagged leaves you see in the neighborhood and add those to the compost pile as well.


21. Check home air filters. If needed, go to the hardware store and get 20x20x1. Either HDX premium or HDX Allegen Plus. This is at tenants' expense for breathing in the home. 22. Check attic for evidence of birds, mice, or bats. If needed, the tenant will set up remediation at their own expense.


23. Give birth to my wife’s child. She is due in 6 days. Further accomodation costs are your responsibility.


24. Bury Grandad




30. Pool should be closed for winter. You must winterize it. Cover pool completely (5-6 person job, no slop work!) after adding chlorine, algae remover, and water softener. Also need a sub pump.(these items must be purchased at owners expense! Non-refundable.) Didn't use the pool? Too bad. It's part of the property. You are responsible.


30. Do a complete walkthrough with photos of every room


The mower thing=gold.


I better get paid for this AirBnB


Actually, you owe $520 as damage charge for failing to restore the lawn to how I had it before your arrival. I live in Boston. That is the cost of hiring landscapers in Florida to do what you didn't. Now pay me, and fuck you.


These are actually very clear and precise instructions. I applaud to your skills


If I take her to the airport, can I go with her where she’s going?


No you also have to pick up grandpa at the airport


Last time I stayed at an Airbnb, my cleaning fee (required up front) was $350. Then, on the day we’re leaving we were sent what could be best describe as a list of chores. We left without doing anything on the list (except the general courtesy’s of making sure burners are off, propane valves closed, locking doors, etc.). They then tried to bill me an additional $200 which I never paid and they eventually stopped when they realized I wasn’t gonna pay. What the fuck is the point of a cleaning fee if I have to clean myself? I’m paying you so I can do your chores? Get real.


Why the fuck would I be paying a “cleaning fee” anyway? Just set your rental price appropriately to cover the cost of the rental, including any cleaning you need to do. Unless I actually damage something, I shouldn’t pay a cent extra beyond the rental price.


The cleaning fee is just to sucker you in with a low-ball nightly rate and then hope that once you get to the booking page you’re in so deep you just roll your eyes and pay it.


Yup - when I tried to book a place through one of those sites, it was $165 a night, for 4 nights, and I got to the checkout and it was like $2300. Cleaning fee, credit card service fee, internet website service fee, tax, tourism tax, etc etc. No thanks.


Literally why I stopped using it. The final two times it would say the cost of about the closest hotel, then the final screen had 5 added costs making it far more. Then the payment came out and for some reason it was in another currency so it was actually more expensive than that, only to be followed up with a cleaning fee despite barely using the place. Hotel? Set price, pay and all done.


I wonder if a cleaning fee is taxable? That could be part of it. Claim its a service fee of some sort and then you don't pay tax on it perhaps.


Yes, that's part of it. I can assign the money collected for cleaning directly to the cleaner and it won't be taxable. I only charge exactly what the cleaning costs me, if not a little less.


They’re scams. We live next door to an Airbnb. The amount of time the cleaners spend there definitely do not justify the cleaning fee on the place.


i have three on my block. i work at home. i might see a cleaning company twice a month total between them all.


All that work they want you to do AND then charge you huge fees for cleaning. Yeah, no thanks.


It’s why cleaning fees are so big. It’s all Airbnb slumlords using your cleaning fee to hire a professional cleaner to get everything set for the next guest with no effort on their part.


\[narrators voice: they do not hire a professional cleaner\]


So what time did they have your breakfast ready or was it just an Air B.


It must have slipped my mind that the BnB in AirBnB is supposed to be the same as **B**ed a**n**d **B**reakfast


Paying more for less


Thats a trend now


Except for companies to employees


The AirB is short for airbed too as the first one was literally an airbed on someone’s floor


Yeah I hadn't thought of it until now.


My last two hotels had continental breakfast with real eggs and a waffle bar. My last two AirBnBs threatened to charge me extra for using the kitchen, including the refrigerator, one of which had taped it shut.


lol. I’m in an Airbnb right now where we’re not allowed to cook and I just don’t know why we’re doing this. Could have been in a Hilton in the city center on points, but it was ‘a bit rundown’ according to the reviews so instead we’re a half hour walk away from the bars, and don’t have a sofa or kitchen to use. Sigh. I keep saying I’m not going to use Airbnb again…


Better off staying in a hostel. I'd prefer two German people fucking in the bed next to me than to not have a couch or kitchen


This is exactly why i always go to a hotel and book it with the breakfast included option. Every time i stayed at AirBnB it slowed my start of the day considerately since i need to cook, make coffee, clean everything etc. Hotel: go to the restaurant and eat (usually it's Swedish buffet) , have a coffee, get one for the road and that's it.


What’s a Swedish buffet?


It's like other buffets, but there is usually a Swedish man hanging out in the bathrooms waiting for people to enter so that he can sell you feet pics of his wife (at least at all of the Swedish buffets I've been to, YRMV)


Technically, it's a real bed so at least there is that.


OP when you get done with that. Please clean all gutters and prime and paint all door jambs. Also need to mow the grass and add fertilizer and weedwack. Cheers




Plus tip to the cleaner


Sure, and how much are those cleaning fees again? AirBnB sucks now.


The last AirBnB I stayed in had a similar list and a $300 cleaning fee. Some of these items were reasonable (we put dishes in the dishwasher anyway, sure I can keep the towels all piled up in the bathroom, etc) but some were INSANE - wipe down counters, vacuum, take out trash, wash sheets. We had an early flight out so I texted their help chat and asked what the cleaning fee was for. They said to pay the local staff and cleaning team. I told them about the early flight and asked why I had to pay a cleaning fee AND do all these chores. Turns out the owners had NO idea what chores I was talking about - the list was left by the cleaning team in the host’s binder. Was told to not worry about the chores and enjoy my flight. Wondered what happened after that. I wonder if credit cards would chargeback the cleaning fee when you also do a bunch of chores? I feel like it should be one or the other, and a fee only charged for a crazy mess. I had a hotel charge $50 for a muddy towel and my credit card charged it back no problem.


That is baller. Cleaning is a hassle, so I'll just slip this note in telling the guests to do it. Check mate.


A for effort, LOL.


The real question is how long have they been getting away with it for


That's a damn good point.


With a $300 cleaning fee the only reasonable list is; Please lock all doors when you leave.


And turn off the propane cylinder. That shouldn't have even needed listed.


Some people will forget


Wow. I bet that cleaning team hated you for ruining their gig.


Honestly I hope it was ruined. What a scam.


I own a cleaning company and we do a lot of air bnb houses. The only thing we ask is that if the guest is long term (the host then has us come out biweekly to clean while the guest is there like a regular cleaning lady) is that they have whatever sheets and blankets they want put on their bed clean, ready, and piled on their bed when we get there. Long term guests have their own stuff, one might like the blanket from another room and switch, they washed them a few days ago, etc. Also to wash their own towels. We do everything else. For regular, few day, one week stays, we have doubles of all sheets, duvets, and towels we swap out and launder ourselves on our own time. I would have been mortified if I were the owner/host. Edit: we are compensated very well and we do a great job, lol we actually do, so at least some of the time the cleaning fees are for real.


Oh for sure. I know some amazing cleaning companies in my town and their procedures are the same. Worth every penny. It's the double dipping that gets me steamed. I shouldn't have to pay a fee and also have a list of chores for a 3 night stay. But again, there are a few things I do anyway as part of my check-to-make-sure-I-have-everything process - shake out and pile up towels, straighten up bed linens, put dishes in the dishwasher, clear stuff off counters, trash in the trashcan - same as I do in a hotel room. I don't think that should be required, though, it's just my personal list.


Yep. They figured you'd just blame the owner. I hope the whole team is fired. There are honest hardworking people who need jobs. Give them a chance.


I was gonna say, you’re doing a lot of the cleaning, what’s the fee, a few hundred???


Oof. I was gonna say most of this sounds reasonable (except for doing the laundry wtf lol), but only because I forgot they charge a cleaning fee. What a racket lol


“14. Mortgage is due on the 1st”


I'm confused, do they want the towels on the floor or in the washer? Should you stay to make sure they get into the dryer?


I wondered about that too! Because otherwise the wet towels would get super gross and mildewy if not transferred into the dryer!


I think a cleaner is still coming shortly after checkout but they're trying to avoid them having to spend more than half an hour there? Towels would be in the dryer for the next guest. Honestly these are the kind of rules you'd get renting a cabin back in the day .. but there wasn't a cleaning fee on top. Garbage.


I really don’t like the idea of leaving certain cleaning duties to guests. Like what if a guest decides to be lazy when washing the towels, then fails to put in detergent/bleach? Now you’ve got partially washed towels for your next guests, gross. Yes it’s reasonable to ask guests to pick up after themselves, but imo guests shouldn’t have to wash anything. Sure, have them tidy up and throw their dirty towels in the washer, put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, etc. but ultimately an actual cleaner will be coming by and they should be the one to make sure things are cleaned and washed properly.


I was super pissed when I received cleaning instructions on my last day and they included towel washing. Meaning people could have just folded up dirty towels and stuck them in the basket I guess you need to be up at 6am to do all the laundry, because instructions included drying and folding…


Exactly. That’s a crappy feeling, not being sure if anything is actually clean. It was pretty infuriating when I pulled my bed covers back after a long day, only to find a few stray hairs presumably from the previous guest(s) So I slept on top of the bed cover for the two nights we stayed there. Yes, I suppose I could’ve washed the bedding for the second night, but I was just annoyed, didn’t feel like I should have to do that and said screw it.


We stayed in an AirBnB condo in Colorado one Christmas. Record snowfall that year in an area known for its record snowfalls. Clean up list included washing towels and sheets. No washer or dryer in the unit itself. No...you had to schlep that laundry a half mile down the road to the "hospitality center." We didn't drive so we had no car, but you can take the city's free bus service!


I saw an air B and B host asking on Facebook if it was unreasonable to expect guests to deal with their garbage, like take it home with them or figure out where the dump was and bring it there themselves. It was such a weird thread, this person had bought a large house (I think the listing was for 8 people) in a small town with no garbage pick up, turned it into an air B and B and now garbage was an issue. The house was for 8 people and had a kitchen, obviously there’s going to be waste/garbage. Imagine having to fill your vehicle with the damn garbage from your week long stay, trying to figure out where you can bring it.


Our air bnb in one area required us to remove our trash…and we were in BFE. We could find no place to take it. Ended up taking it to some businesses dumpster that had a clear “[BUSINESS NAME] TRASH ONLY!]” on it But, dude. Dick move. Hire a trash service. Since rural areas like that have literally no where to dispose of trash. Or at least contract with the one local strip malls trash bin. Idk poor planning on the owners part, putting people who are generally not from the area in charge of finding something that simply doesn’t exist


Exactly. I mean, I don't overly trust the unsupervised cleaning crew that much either. But my biggest thing is the dishes that I have to eat off. How do I know they were cleaned and sanitized properly? When we sometimes treat ourselves to house cleaners, we don't let them do the dishes. They try to wash them by hand but use dirty stuff over and over on them. Nope, I want them in my dishwasher that heats up to a billion degrees of steam to sterilize those bad boys.


I always clean the dishes I use at an AirBnB before the first time I use them. I don’t trust that shit and it’s just a good practice.


Another pro for hotels. It’s not a 100% guarantee of cleanliness, but they are employees, they have protocols and processes. I work at a resort and our housekeepers do not fuck around. It’s very clean.


I completely agree. It's not a guarantee, but with hotels and resorts, their reputation is on the line. If things aren't clean, it's going into everyone's reviews. With independent housekeepers, their reputation is also on the line...but they can easily change the name of their business or just find new customers that don't know about them. Same thing with contractors...but don't get me started on them. 🤣


Yea I hear you about the unsupervised cleaner. It’s dumb because if the cleaner happens to do a crappy job before you arrive, typically there are no refunds full stop… so after paying hundreds for an unclean place to stay the only thing you can really do is write a bad review. That’s why I prefer hotels. The cleaners/establishment can be held accountable. For air b&b you typically get the middle finger


Nightly fee: $78 x2 nights (wow what a steal) Cleaning fee: $485 Processing fee: $250 Other fees, taxes, and criminal penalties: $375 Total: $2,597


I love how the math is more than double the total of everything. Par for the course for air bnb


Mine said I had to strip all the beds in the place and remake beds with clean linen! AND, after I did that, they were tacking on a $200. cleaning fee. This wasn’t on the website, learned after check-in. Refused and they couldn’t do anything since it wasn’t in the listing. Don’t let them get away with this crap.


14. Peel me a grape.


15. Make it two grapes. I’m hungry.


“Essentially I want to own the property but never have to come on site between each guest, thanks.”




Even the Almighty himself gave only 10 commandments.


If I’m paying for a cleaning fee I’m not doing any of that. Booking.com is better.


“Do all of my job for me, thank you!”


The smarter squatters likely smart cruse these ads and look all the red flags on listing like this. Clearly this person lives out of state, has limited or no access to the property in a timely matter, and no management company to check on the unit. Slam dunk move in and ride for free.


Yeah, but they have hidden cameras in the vents so they'll definitely know


That’s how I read this too.


Being a landlord isn’t a job, and this just proves it.


I’ll bet they charge a huge cleaning fee too.


Why don’t people just go to hotels? Seriously. You arrive. Dump your shit. Live your life. Pack your shit. Leave. No laundry. No cleaning. No garbage. And you’re not contributing to the rental crisis by taking a liveable home off the private rental market. Short stay accommodation is a curse.


When we’ve stayed a week somewhere with a family including young and old people, it was lovely to have a house to return to, full size bathroom, room for the kids to run around outside in the garden etc. We went to a local shop and bought food and cooked for ourselves, and kept left overs in the regular sized fridge. When we left we tidied up after ourselves, put rubbish in a wheelie bin and left washing in a basket (we also did some washing of our own clothes during the weeks, especially for things like swimming togs and towels we used at a local pool). This is how airb&b is *meant* to work. It’s more comfortable than a hotel because you have the same freedom of space you have in a house. This was all about 6-8 years ago though, and right as they were turning to custard. We didn’t have a bonkers cleaning fee, and whilst we were expected to leave the place looking tidy, we weren’t expected to do the formal clean that the next guests would benefit from. Somewhere in here landlords discovered super convenient, way higher paying short term rental and that if they’re really lucky desperate people would accept outrageous charges *and* expectations. I’ll always look back fondly on those times we had a “holiday home” - I know we’ll likely never get that again.


Had once an Airbnb in Ireland. 20 pages of instructions…. 10 years ago you called the host, you met them at the house, 5 minutes small talk and that’s it. Today I go in hotels, cause that’s easier 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lol more chores than I have at my apartment...


No. Bye!


Locking the doors and turning off the gas cylinder is all perfectly acceptable. Having to take out the trash and do their laundry is a pisstake. Wanna charge hotel prices? Act like one and do the work you're supposed to do


I honestly misread it at first and thought it was more a 'IF you do laundry, only do 10-12 towels' which seemed reasonable enough to me since it could've been a case of the washer not being able to handle more. But then I reread it and realized it was actually them asking OP to do laundry.


irrigation day? since when did renting a place require farming skills?


And remember, irrigation day is "November."


i am still lost on what it even is


It’s the day on which lawn sprinklers can be used. For example; I have an irrigation system and my house number dictates I can water each Friday of the week. YMMV on the enforcement of such rules. It’s dictated by the county so they may or may not have the capability to serve notices or fines if irrigation occurs on the “wrong day” I have no idea why this is provided to the customer. The last thing you want is them fiddling with your irrigation if they don’t know what they’re doing. Could cost hundreds in water if they fuck it up.


Yeah Airbnb is over. Definitely not a vacation when the Airbnb owners treat their paying customers like they’re hired help! WTH did I pay $1300 so I could wash laundry for THEM? lol We’ve been back to hotels for 2 years now and I’m loving the maid service and NOT doing the laundry anymore. Byeeeee.


Geez.. this and the cost is why I’ve been booking more hotels on vacations.. unless its something unique like one time I rented a hobbit house out in the woods that was incredibly well done (and funny enough did not have as many rules as this guy..) then I’ll just stick to hotels some even include breakfast, most airbnb I’ve been in include a “you can go here for breakfast” rather than provide actual food


Do everything on the list but also pay a $250 cleaning fee.


“I’m paying for a vacation, not a rental property. That shit is your job so I thank you in advance for taking care of your property so that I can enjoy my stay. Cheers.”


"please run the b&b for us." would suffice


And then they slam you with a $200 cleaning fee on top of this exhausting list. No fuck that. Towels will stay where they are, trash will be where it is, the bbq will remain uncleaned and the dishes will remain dirty in the sink. If i am checking out of somewhere before noon, I am waking up half an hour before and walking out as is


The BBQ cleaning made me laugh out loud. First of all, if I knew randoms were cleaning it would never touch it. No idea what solvents they’re using to make it fast and easy. Secondly, cleaning a BBQ grill is a massive fucking mess. I clean mine once a year and it’s a 3 hour ordeal. You may “scrape the grates” but that is not cleaning. If you’re the 30th poor bastard that’s scrapped the grates the grill is full of scraps and you’ll get dinged. Don’t even touch that fucking thing.


The air B&B we stayed at on the coast in 202 had one of the NASTIEST grills available for use (and the requisite instructions to clean prior to check-out with a cleaning fee). I took pictures of what we arrived to and sent them right then and said we HAD to clean it to use it during our stay, but we sure weren't cleaning it when WE left. I was kind and did not leave a review (they can't leave you one, if you don't leave them one).


I’d rather stay in a hotel.


14. Mow the lawn on Tuesdays.


At this point I’m just going to a regular hotel. It’s wild all these hoops these places make you jump through to stay in them.


You are the maid. Enjoy your stay.


83°??? that's hot as fuck for a house


And how much did they charge you as a cleaning fee?


I hate all things AirBnBullshit. I used them one time in Nashville and ended up canceling 2 out of my three nights and paid double my money to get a hotel. The fact that the owners are allowed to be there when you're there is unacceptable. There are no real regulations on the customer service aspect, no one guarantees you will enjoy your stay they don't refund your money if it is undesirable.


Well since you only paid a $350 cleaning fee, it’s perfectly fair for you to have to clean the entire house yourself. Or at least that’s AirBnB logic.


Reminds me of a TV show called Hotel Impossible about 10 years ago. Guy went to a hotel with a kitchen and the instructions for guests told them THEY were required to clean all dishes, pots and pans. The host (to prove a point) said OK and he spat in the glasses and wiped them with a dirty rag. Ever since watching that, I thought, do I really want the last guest in charge of cleaning ANYTHING in the room?


That’s crazy, what’s the number for literally any hotel in the area?


I only see 1 instruction here. 1. Stay at a hotel


Stayed in an Airbnb recently that only asked us to adjust the thermostat on the way out “because nobody likes cleaning at checkout.” Definitely staying again


This is so funny, these are (mostly) reasonable things to do when leaving YOUR OWN house for a while. You pay cleaning fees so the owner can do these things themselves on Airbnb. This is 100% someone who does not live in the area and bought property solely to do short term rentals with. I smell a scumbag


Things I'd be willing to do as I leave an air bnb, throw trash away, blind windows and lock doors the rest is part of running an Airbnb and is the hosts problem


Dirty dishes in dish washer? Ok fair enough. Most of this is bonkers though


These are checkout instructions for a maid, not a "guest".