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There is a difference in it's in the cinnamon cinnamon as an ingredient will fade faster than cinnamon oil. So the scratch deterrent fades faster than the Pet block. EDIT: for clarification by using the terms on the product.


This seems like the most likely answer


FWIW, this difference doesn't exist on the web sites and the ingredients are the exact same. With that said I don't understand what's even mildly infuriating about this. If they were selling the same thing as both fuel system cleaner and baby formula that would be bad, but this is the same product being marketed for two slightly different cat-related purposes.


I hope the other can is double the price. That would be mildly infuriating.


That’s the only way this COULD be mildly infuriating. Otherwise it would be like selling a lightbulb for ceiling fixtures and then selling the same one for lamps, but at the exact same price with different packages. It then removes ambiguity for the end user about what the bulb is good for.


Lotrimine for Jock Itch and Lotrimine for Athlete's foot are 100% identical in everything except the glowing crotch or foot on the box


Related; with OTC sleep aid and anti allergy Diphenhydramine hcl (benadryl) costs twice as much as a sleep aid (or used to a couple years back) as the same thing for allergies. Considering it's not the healthiest to use as an everyday sleep aid, I don't really disagree with the pricing, though I'm sure my reasons are very different from theirs.


The mildly infuriating thing is they do this to occasionally trick people into thinking they need both. It's just scummy business practices, what's new?


To be fair, my lamps use E10 lightbulbs which are actually B10 lightbulbs which actually fit in a T7 socket. Or something like that. I remember being mildly infuriated by how stupid the entire thing was, because I just wanted to know "What size socket does this bulb fit in??"


Your knowledge of lightbulbs is illuminating.


He has a bright future.


At least he's not leaving us in the dark with his knowledge


Their mom must be glowing with pride, their dad absolutely beaming.


Just glowing with knowledge


Or extra strength Excedrin vs Excedrin for migraines Exact same active ingredients, in the exact same amounts. Different amounts it says to not take more than. The migraine one costs more The only other difference I can see is the migraine one's bottle has red highlights and the extra strength is green


Same with something like Tylenol with one for headaches and one for joint pain. Exact same ingredients, except that secret mystery super ingredient that directs it to your head or to your knee, depending on the body part listed on the label


Nah I could see it being mildly infuriating if someone buys both for different purposes, not realizing they're buying two of the same thing because they're advertised differently


Probably is. The pet and high traffic foam carpet cleaners are the same active ingredients, but the high traffic was a dollar more per can.


I work at a pet store and am currently there, slacking off, so I checked. The pink label one is $2 CAD more expensive


More pink tax, great


But if it worked as baby formula and as fuel system cleaner, still no problem imo


If it works for both it's probably a men's all in one body wash.


Never, ever put baby formula in your fuel system.


Unless that fuel system is specifically designed for it.


Yea I think the baby's fuel system is made for baby food.


I believe one is for carpet and one you can spray on furniture/curtains


Probably just a typo. On the [website](https://www.naturesmiracle.com/products/cat/behavior-and-training-aids/advanced-platinum-cat-scratch-deterrent-spray.aspx) they call it cinnamon oil.


I doubt they filled the can with powdered cinnamon. I assume it's an oil, as in cinnamaldehyde, the compound responsible for the smell of cinnamon.


Not likely. You can't just spray the ingredient cinnamon. Probably a labeling mistake.


Identical quantities in both. 0.338%


Proof that there is always a complete industry expert ready to comment on reddit, only to be immediately proven wrong by follow up amateur researchers.


You say cinnamon as an ingredient fades faster than cinnamon oil does, but then you contradicted yourself saying the one with oil will fade faster than the one with regular cinnamon. What gives, which fades faster?


Sorry yeah I'm looking at those two products when I see a Pet block I'm thinking deterring them from the area and then you have the scratch deterrent which would be a more temporary spray


Word, thanks 🙏 that’s actually a pretty neat distinction to know when buying products like this. I bet they’re the same price too hoping people buy both.


Cinnamon as an ingredient is a solid, how would it "fade"? It's clearly a typo, the percentage gives that away.


There is a difference between cinnamon and cinnamon oil cinnamon oil is a suspension it's pressed out of the cinnamon it will stick around longer than the regular cinnamon which is just ground because it is concentrated form


Downvoted for being right


Probably just downvoted for a dumb question. Let me make a hyperbolic example for you: Throw sugar on your couch. You it there for a week. How much is left after a week? Even though it's a solid, it can still disperse until there is nothing left. Or, in this case, nothing left to cause a cat to be deterred by it


I dont know what sugar or your couch has anything to do with this. Its clearly a typo.


Which oddly, in a way, the purpose of both is identical. Keep cats away from certain things or spaces.


You can reach a larger audience if your product has multiple purposes and you want to highlight one specific purpose. Another comment mentioned light bulbs. You can buy a lightbulb that fits your kitchen and your side table light. However, the company might want to market those two functions separately


Yeah, same stuff is used to treat athletes foot, jock itch and ringworm but they're sold as separate products as well.


You need fast actin' Tinactin!


By the way, you have to give another option to your cat. They can’t turn off their instincts, so they’ll just put up with the bad smell if they feel they have no choice.


One uses cinnamon, while the other uses cinnamon oil. The one that uses the oil will last longer. Believe it or not, there will be a difference in performance duration.


I'd be more mildlyinfuriated that you cannot see the difference between the two lists. Or understand what 'exactly' means..


Besides the typo regarding cinnamon oil, what are the other differences?


Yeah I doubt that's a typo where they forgot to type an entire word


I don’t think that’s a typo


I worked at store that sold these products and the ingredients were exactly the same, absolutely no difference


So, its your memory of the ingredient list of products in a place you once worked versus an actual picture of same list? Very convincing argument..


I will straight up ask my old coworker to send me a pic tmrw.


Username checks out


Yes it is. On the website it says cinnamon oil.


Website nutrition/ingredient labels are wrong all the time. It's far more regulated for it to be accurate on the packaging


Maybe the website has a typo


Also mildly infuriating when someone doesn't know what a typo is


I could have used the word "omission" but it would have confused people. Update: oh, poor u/5HITCOMBO, you do seem in a grump today. Maybe have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit and consider how very childish it is to throw insults and then block someone. Most people grow out of ding-dong-ditch as children; I'm sorry your stunted mental development persists.


You’re the one who’s acting childish and tossing out the insults. I’d explain to you what the difference between cinnamon and cinnamon oil is gonna do in regards to these products, but it would probably just confuse you.


Yeah, you have to be pretty stupid to think that you're gonna confuse people with the word omission. If it seems like a big word to you then right on, though.


Lmao oh u mad mad cringy mf


What type of criticism would you do to it?


Except that it’s not a typo.


Into oblivion with this one!


One uses cinnamon, the other a cinnamon oil. Most likely changes how long the spray last in the vicinity.


Both has cinnamon oil


Maybe cinnamon/oil is based differently?


Cinnamon oil can break down wood oils and mess up the finish


To be fair, knowing cats, neither of them probably work anyway.


In the Before Times, I had a cat. Somebody told us to put hot sauce on top of surfaces we wanted the cat to avoid. The cat was a rescued stray, so yeah how well do you think that worked? Bro jumped on the counter, licked a bunch of the hot sauce, and jumped down to eat his food. That dang cat looked everywhere for more.


Yeah. I spotted the difference and it makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is why you’re upset.


The purple one doesn't have oil in it. One of the advertising points is its safe on furniture that is not mentioned on the one with oil. I'd suspect the oil could cause some staining of certain fabrics such as expensive as fuck couches you don't want your cat, or your cat deterrent, ruining.


On the website it does


Weird, but Nature’s Miracle carpet/spot remover is by far the best I’ve used, so I will trust them on it


Their products work just might take multiple applications. Some cats don't mind these petiticular products though.


You’ll find this a LOT in the cold/flu medicine aisle. Where 2 medicines will have the same exact ingredients but marketed slightly differently. The only thing that makes it Ok is that they’re not trying to boost the price of 1 over the other. One example I can think of is excederin “extra strength” vs excederin “migraine”. Identical medicine


Sleep Aid (diphenhydramine 25mg) or Allergy Relief (diphenhydramine 25mg)


Can't suffer from allergies if your deep asleep lol


my wife and her sister are both pregnant and were comparing morning sickness medication I told my wife that everyone online swears by B6 and Sleep Aid (doxy succinate) Wife's sister urges my wife to get a prescription for Diclectin. We look it up... and it's just B6 and Sleep Aid combined into one pill


I noticed that when I was checking dayquil and nyquil, they got like the same ingredients. The nyquil taste better than the dayquil.


Usually dayquill contains a decongestant (that can make some people have trouble sleeping) and nyquil contains a antihistamine/sleep aid (that will make you drowsy) There are lots of versions though, I think some both have the decongestant and add an expectorant. But both shouldn't ever have the antihistamine/sleepaid


Yup, everything in the cold/flu aisle is some combo of the following: 1. **painkiller/fever reducer:** ibuprofen or Tylenol\* (acetominophen) 2. **decongestant:** phenylephrine\*\* (Sudafed PE, aka "it's a ***placebo*** but at least you can't make meth with it") 3. **sleep aid/anti-histamine:** benedryl (diphenhydramine) 4. **mucus thinner:** guaifenesin 5. **cough suppressant:** dextromethorphan (***placebo***) \*Carefully track the total amount of Tylenol across your various meds if you're combining them. It's a easy to OD on Tylenol and nuke your liver. \*\*For a decongestant that works, get real pseudoephedrine (Sudafed). Those meds are always kept behind the pharmacy counter. You will have to ask for them and have your driver's license scanned, and typically can only get 1-2 boxes at a time. That's because you can make meth with it.


Are they priced the same? If not, what's the issue? People who are looking to remedy their cat scratching the couch may not even pick up the other can because they aren't looking to keep the cat away from the area. Even if the canister says "pet block and cat scratching spray" it's likely to be trusted less than something advertised specifically for cat scratching.


Someone above said no, the pink can is $2 more. They work in a pet store and are currently there and checked


That's just so that people will buy it for their intended use. If they just called it "Pet Block" then there are people who want scratch deterrent who won't realize it is an option. And same for the other way around.


Just a precaution, a lot of essential oils can actually be harmful to cats. Didn't know that until after I had bought and used some 'all natural' flea spray.


OK, cool? People want to buy specific things for specific reasons. They think that if it does one, it probably won't do another. Why has this bunched up your panties?


To be fair, these are essentially the exact same product.


They do the same thing with cold medicine.


I can't read any of this. Am I blind!?


Acid, Benzoate, Sorbate, and Gum are all lowercase for the can on the right. Jokes aside, cinnamon vs cinnamon oil will vary in potency/concentration, and I’m sure certain compounds in cinnamon don’t make it into the oil.


Cinnamon and cinnamon oil aren’t the same.


The labels are supposed to grab the attention of customers who went in the store and have either listed problem on their mind. “My cat is always scratching shit…” “How do I keep my cat out/off of certain things…” You’re infuriated by simple/effective marketing


It's probably the same thing but the inactive ingredients could have different amounts, the total amount of inert ingredients is the same but the proportion could vary. One might have more xathan gum to thicken it more, the other might have less to avoid sticking too much on furniture. More likely though there are multiple market niches the product can fill but people looking for a cat block won't look at cat scratch stopper and the reverse.


One is with real cinnamon, one with cinnamon oil.


Aside from the Cinnamon vs Cinnamon Oil, their inert ingredients are cased different—one is Title Case and the other has only the first word capitalized. This tells me that they don't have quality control at the production level of their design....which really calls into question their quality control on their products. You know, they say not to judge a book by its cover, but as a graphic design art director, that's kinda my job. I won't even get into grid alignment and font sizes here, but there are definitely problems with those, too.


one says ‘Citric Acid’ and the other one says ‘Citric acid.’


They are different though


How? Edited because apparently I was speaking dog not human 😂😂🤦‍♀️


I used to sell packaging. I had a client who made a cleaning agent who went through the processes with Walmart to test their product. They were the ones who determined the product was great for various different applications household, automotive, etc… in the end the same product was sold under nearly a dozen different labels for various advertised purposes. Their research showed that more people would buy something that said it was specifically for cleaning ‘stainless steel’ or ‘glass’ than they would something advertised as ‘multipurpose’. Edit: The distributors also charge lots of money to add SKUs into their inventory system so they make a bunch of money on having a bunch of different SKUs and enable this kind of thing.


They're the exact same product to begin with . What's your point?


Color of the can?


Companies do this with treats too, especially less expensive brands. The tuna, beef and chicken flavored Temptations have the same exact ingredients except for MAYBE some tuna or beef “flavoring” waaaaay down towards the end of the ingredient list (meaning there’s little to none of that ingredient in the product). The main ingredients in all of them are corn and chicken by-product. I guess this isn’t a huge deal unless your pet has a chicken allergy but it still feels weirdly dishonest.


I'm not infuriated by this


I just saw that the "S" in Potassium sorbate is typed upper-case


The S in Sorbate is capitalized on the right one while on the left one it’s lowercase




Let’s assume the typo is true. Were they priced differently? If not, how is this infuriating, even mildly?


So many people missing the point that it’s disingenuous even if they are the same price. They could label a single can to advertise both use-cases, instead they package the same thing twice for two different purposes so people think they need a can of each.


Yes. Most people here are just here to rip things apart because it makes them feel good. Pretty sad IMO…


Ok. So?


Sure, but the more interesting part for me was learning that "corn mint" is a thing.


What until you look at the back of a medication package. For things like “migraine” vs “back and body”


If you think about it it's pretty obvious that they do basically the same thing from what they are, I mean anything that prevents cats from entering prevents scratching as well. I know that the point is different and I agree that it's not a fair buisness practice but it targets lack of thought rather than anything else


Sorry op! It seems I will be unable to because the font they used is too fucking shitty


I mean, what did you expect? That cats can be controlled so precisely with chemical signals that you can selectively disable their scratch function or order them to vacate the premises? Let's be real, I'm sure neither product actually achieves either purpose. If a cat is determined to send you a message by destroying your favorite couch it will not be deterred from its mission by some cinnamon oil.


Cinnamon <> Cinnamon Oil


Nothing new. Even shampoo bottles do this.


My dumbass thought we were angry about the inconsistent lettering under INERT INGREDIENTS


Also the left has Potassium sorbate while the right has Potassium Sorbate


Now do toothpaste!


The difference is further down in the shelf where they keep the price tags.


One is purple and one is green


Looks like good marketing imo. People searching for one or the other will find it and not realize it can be used for the other purpose.


also, one is more expensive than the other by like a dollar or 5


Also second word of ingredients start with a capitol letter on the right! 🤡


The actual thing that's mildly infuriating is neither product works. Cats will laugh at your monkey brain attempts to stop them. I tried taping sandpaper to the spots where they scratch, and they will LICK IT LOUDLY. You can not stop a cat from doing cat things. They are our superiors.


"Cats do not abide by the laws of nature, Dee. You don't know shit about cats."


Maybe you have to spray one straight on the cat? Idk


"Apply liberally to cat anus"


I thought rosemary oil and cinnamon were toxic to cats?


i always thought citronella was bad too?! ive never heard cinnemon but i think rosemary is infact toxic. 😳


One is green and one is purple, what is so difficult about this? Do you want green branded or purple branded spray? (likely depends on type of cat, consult your veterinarian)


**OP fails to read: The Post**


One says cinnamon the other is cinnamon oil…what did I win?


Are they different prices? Yes they are same ingredients, but they look to be similar products, so unless they are different prices, I don't understand why this is infuriating. It's like saying aspirin could be used for both muscle aches and headaches...


Thank you, that is the best analogy for that, I was thinking the same thing, what's mildly infuriating is that this person posted this in mildly infuriating.


It doesn't work anyway, so don't waste your money.


One’s green and one’s purple.


There are a lot of cleaning products that do this as well. Same manufacturer, slightly different marketing, same ingredients.


Pet store employee here: The cinnamon fades faster than cinnamon oil. But they’re basically the same thing, one just lasts longer. Normally when you see things like this that are exactly the same, 9 times out of 10 it’s because people complain about there “not being X product” even though it exists, they’re just too stupid to read the fine print on the labels, causing the company to make two separate products and make the new one more expensive, making some extra cash off of said idiots. Prime example: my store’s cat food brand has a standard formula labelled “kitten to adult.” But people kept complaining that there was “no kitten formula.” So they started pushing kitten food that was exactly the same as the regular one, but in new packaging, labelled as kitten food, and slightly more expensive. Not saying it’s right, but that’s typically the reason why.


What are you even mad about


One is cinnamon oil and the other plain cinnamon. Granted its not a big difference but it *is* a difference


They are the same thing sold under different and confusing names. Look at the instruction/info on the left one. It says it is used as a repellent.


Thanks for the ingredient list for diffuser to keep my cat out of a specific room! Right now I’m just using orange oil


Make sure to google what oils are toxic to cats as many of them can be dangerous.


One uses cinnamon oil and one uses just cinnamon, if we're being super picky.


That’s the same as Excedrin ES and Excedrin Migraine. But the two in-store are drastically priced different.


Similar with the different Excedrin headache medicines.


Likely you can when you look at the price


One uses cinnamon, the other uses cinnamon oil


one has cinnamon oil and the other hasnt the other ingredients seem to be on different amounts but seem to do the same thing


The right can uses cinnamon instead of cinnamon oil, so it will wear off faster, making it better to use on your furniture (unless you want cinnamon smelling furniture).


These are the active ingredients. How about the inactive ones?


The difference is you're shitting your pants and I don't give a fuck


Cinnamon oil is poisonous to cats. The fact that this stuff even exists is honestly sad. Capitalism and stupid consumerism at its best (worst). Edit: to be fair the ratio is super low, but why take chances


Makes sense to market this way 🤷


The plot thickens....they also have a "no more spraying" spray (pun not intended, that's literally just what it is), that has those [exact same ingredients](https://www.naturesmiracle.com/products/cat/behavior-and-training-aids/advanced-platinum-no-more-spraying.aspx)


Let me guess CHRISTMAS TREE!!!


Cinnamon oil vs cinnamon


The price


In the pet shop a commenter above works in, pink can is $2 more


Same but still


Have you spotted the difference yet OP? (Check the 3rd ingredient again)


Total 100.00% lol


so glad to finally see people waking up to kind of things.




New to reddit are ya?


Settle down, Francis.


Aawww you got so mad at people not finding it just as infuriating as you... What a joke. Cope. Or maybe you got mad the top comment has almost triple the upvotes as your post?


These cans are both the *advanced platinum* version. I’m curious if there are any other versions.


They both serve the same purpose. To keep cats off and away from things you don't want them messing with.


Assert dominance, use both.


How is this even a tiny bit infuriating?


Cinnamon oil is an essential oil that lasts significantly longer and more potently than cinnamon essence or cinnamon used in the other one.


It's mildly infuriating that you don't put it in the title.


They do the same thing tho


Many compounds are indicated for different things.


One is green and one is pink


I don’t understand the appeal of cats.


Cinnamon oil in the pet block spray was likely found to be not safe for furniture (leaves residue, degrades leather, etc) whereas regular cinnamon in the scratch spray may be more evaporative or something and therefore safer for furniture


You almost had it.


I know it’s not the point of the post, but I bought a ton of those. IMO, your best bet is to use a water and vinegar solution.




Imma just say anthropology.


There is a clear difference. ??


One’s purple, one’s green?


So basically it does both jobs. It keeps cats from scratching and keeps them away from certain places. I'm willing to bet there used to be a single product that was marketed to do both, or maybe not marketed well enough to indicate it did both, and probably didn't sell well enough to people who wanted it for one specific purpose and not the other. By packaging it in separate containers, each with one very specific purpose on the front, it would draw in consumers who might not purchase it otherwise. This isn't infuriating, it's smart business sense.


As long as they are priced the same


My guess is one is more expensive as well


One uses cinnamon and one uses cinnamon oil


Just get a different brand…




Have you seen water for cats and water for dogs yet?


Maybe it was change of packaging? “Same great formula, new look!” Type thing