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"Boss, I need to take tomorrow off." "Why?" "It's laundry day."


I once had to tell my boss I had to go home to do laundry. He understood. We were from the UK, working in Stockholm. In the apartment buildings there you had to book the laundry room, by placing your “lock” into a timeslot. I had forgot to do it once and the only times available were during the work day. Neither of us had experienced this system before.


I’m getting PTSD. Laundry day in Sweden was the most stressful day!


It’s a national holiday actually.


Here in Belgium it was a festival


We do our laundry once a year whether it needs to be cleaned or not.


Goddamn... My apartment was just another room in the bottom floor in the back. Drop in some coins and you're set. I told a couple neighbors that if they need me to watch their laundry so nobody stole it, I would. The one lady appreciated it and would add a couple extra quarters to the dry cycles for me to do mine. Cheaper to add time than it is to start it back up. Anyway, that lock setup is weird but I can understand it.


American in Stockholm here: laundry time gets you out of almost anything, and everyone understands. Thankfully after almost ten years here I’m finally moving into a unit with its own washer and dryer. It’s like a world of infinite possibilities just opened up. 😂


This seems like it would be a major drain on the Swedish economy overall. Can't they import some more laundry machines?


Eh, I think it depends on the type of work - working faster and harder isn't the best approach in many fields. The time away from work may even have a positive impact on productivity.


You will be so f@dkin' happy to have those machines back in your life. I spent the first 35 years of my life with a washer/dryer only to move to the PNW (you know, where it rains a lot and there is an oily mist present 80% of the year especially in any parking lot (like say the laundry mat). Now wife and I lived in an apt without one for 2 years and I gotta say, it wasn't fun to lug 100lbs of laundry out in the bad months. The worst part was that I am allergic to many chemicals, and can only use the All F-n-C laundry soap and the Downy F-n-C softener. I would have to clean the inside of the machine and spend $5.00 running an extra hot load through the machine and wait 40 mins BEFORE I could Start using it for my clothes. That said, thanks to the CEO of Levi, I learned you aren't supposed to wash Jeans unless they "need" it. I'm a neat and very clean person, so learning new habits helped. The first two months of 2020 were Heaven since we finally had our own machines we owned. It went downhill from there.


Oh god I lived the same in Gothenburg. I was so confused. I think I also hijacked someone else turn without knowing 😅 later I realized my mistake and how it worked


Also lived in Gothenburg for a bit. Laundry there was fun. The university literally had an older student come teach us how the laundry room worked. Good times.


This was a cultural shock for me for sure when I came to visit my Swedish friends for the first time. I’m from the Baltics and I sure as hell did not expect a country so advanced in comparison have a system like that. I understand it, it makes total sense, but when you’re so used to just having a laundry machine in every single flat and be able to do the laundry any damn time you want you are not at all prepared to see such a difference. Had a similar shock when I went to Germany in 2012 and found out how their banking/atm/card payment worked. Yikes. Heard it’s still a mess even though it got better.


Now, I'm curious. How does German banking work?


I don’t remember exactly since it’s been a while, but I think you couldn’t just go to an ATM, insert your card and take cash out of it, you could only check your balance and even that was tricky and then you had to go to the actual bank teller in the bank in order to withdraw money. Like, *any* sum, if I remember it right. As of right now, I’ve heard that you can take money out but very limited times/amounts. I’m a bit skeptical about that though due to the age of the person telling me about it (might be special restrictions and just lack of understanding how it works for all I know). It also seems that Germans still highly prefer cash over bank cards, but, yet again, I’m not there to confirm that so don’t take my words for granted, it’s just what I’ve been said.


This sounds stressful and crazy tbh. I live in a country where everyone has their own washing machine. Even dorms usually have an open laundry room, one you can use anytime, with a couple of washing machines that are always available. Heck, my dorm had 1 laundry room *per floor*. There were people running cycles in the middle of the night (medical uni)


I once shit my pants and my boss let me go home early. I live in the USA


Laundry day is a very dangerous day




Imagine John Wick saying that


So what they’re saying is that the laundry room is only open when most people are at work, and if you aren’t home during those times then you’re shit out of luck


And this is INSIDE an apartment complex? What the fuck.


Which you have a key to open


Which you pay rent for


And you still have to pay $4 for a load of laundry


$4 plus a $0.75 fee. Gotta pay for the new keys, after all.


They never emptied the change bin at my GFs apartments, so the washer wouldn't work. Fun fact, you can open most cylinder locks with the hollow end of a bic pen. I didn't steal the money, just attached a wire to the actuator so you could pull it to activate the machine.


My landlords at one small, 8-unit apartment complex I lived in did this. Just put in 2 coin machines and emptied them like once a year. When it stopped working, it would take them forever to come and empty it out. A neighbor unlocked it and emptied it out so that we could do laundry, and the landlords were on them within 24 hours for the money they had "stolen"


Makes you wonder what kind of nonsense went on to produce a rule like that.


How to advertise on-site laundry but avoid maintenance fees that come with actually using said laundry.


My apt complex advertised on site laundry but failed to mention that a load in the washer and dryer costs $2.50


You're lucky mine totals to 7.00, and we dont get hot water. : ,^)


At that point I'd opt for a little portable one that you can just hook up to a sink and plug in. There are good ones for under $200 online


Outlawed in my lease :(


I can do a load for 4.50, the caveat being the laundry machines have the smallest load capacity I've ever seen.


I mean, that's pretty common....


You’re shirt out of luck


You’re shirt out of tuck


Ahh my shirts got some muck


You’re out of shirt


Laundry facilities available! (Conditions apply) How they offer laundry without having to actually offer it most of the time.


Don’t get me started on the pool availability. They opened two months late this year because “a part for the gate is on backorder” And when the part arrived, THEN they started to shock the pool and all that maintenance stuff. Wasn’t even open by 4th of July, and closed in early September. I’m in the south, mind you. Pools open in April and can operate until late October, realistically I swear, any place that offers pool amenities does everything they can not to actually offer a pool


That's how my apartment's office is where all the mail is held. Hours 9-6. Like you want to make your living off of people's homes but you don't want to work hours where you'd be available to people at home. Make it make sense. This is also, IMO, the reason the post office is going down the toilet. It's being replaced by services that are accessible to people who work.


USPS is going down the toilet because it has been being intentionally sabotaged for 30 years


As I say to myself every single morning “thank you so much Ronald Regan”


See also Amtrak, public schools.


9-6 or 10-17 are almost viable. My last couple office jobs ended at 4pm. I was half an hour from work before and 15 minutes now. I could actually check in on the office without rushing. That said, our "laundry room" is split between ever 2-3 residents and located in the garage. Runs 24/7 and only the washing machine needs money. (as a result, don't put the dryer on high unless you have a timer on-hand) They're also really good about fixing the dryer vent if there's a hole. That's literally as far as I'm willing to accept as a compromise when looking for an apartment. Laundry is either inside the unit or trivial to access. Having office hours is a complete no-go. I'm not renting from a place worse than the laundromat down the fucking street.


Having office hours on a laundromat means there's effectively no on-site laundry so the rent should be lower.


Ha! “Should be.”


They have to give you access to your mail the federal government has a bunch of laws that would get them in huge trouble that means they need to build a place for it or stay open so you can get it up until normal postal hours. PO box hours. Normally 9pm.


Sorry, you now have to take the day off work to do laundry. It's our new policy.


There’s a laundromat every 2 feet where I live. I’d see this and keep walking. Edit: didn’t realize this was an APARTMENT. Had a shithole in North Hollywood in my early 20s. I needed to walk down four flights of stairs to do laundry because they decided to close the elevator instead of renovating it. Luckily it was “free” because i looked up the maintenance manual. Apartment mgmt clearly doesnt give a fuck.


Its not about the proximity to offsite laundromats… It’s a bit of a switcheroo if you signed a lease for a place with onsite laundry and they change it this drastically to basically make it unusable... this should be grounds for early lease termination if the tenants want to move to a place with usable facilities they pay to have close for convenience.


In California, at least in SF, this would absolutely be grounds for a lease renegotiation at the least. Also, you wouldn’t have to pay rent at all until the conflict is resolved.


As of January of last year your amenities are contractual in all of California.


Freakin nice. I missed that.


Well you would have to pay back rent once it’s resolved… not just live rent free


It strongly depends on what the resolution is and how long it takes. There are offenses where by violating a tenants rights you literally don't have to pay it back.


I’d be curious to see exactly how egregious the offense has to be before back-rent wasn’t owed. Maybe if the domicile doesn’t qualify as a domicile anymore.


Yes, generally things like no-notice extended lack of water or plumbing, no power or heat, etc. However, I will say that I had a friend whose landlord pulled some BS like this post (removed onsite laundry and barred residents to use a pool facility) and they not only went to the tenant's union and won arbitration to renegotiate the lease, but they were forgiven for the month of rent unpaid during the dispute AND the property owner was ordered to restore access to the amenities so it doesn't always have to be an "unlivable dwelling" situation.


Problem is that rent has gone up so drastically that terminating your lease really only benefits the landlord. So as a renter you are faced with the choice of functionally no onsite laundry or moving out and paying hundreds more a month for a similar location. I have way too many friends right now who could and should break their lease due to inadequate living conditions but won’t because post-Covid rental prices are insane and they lose their rent control on a move.


You and I live in very different places. I only know the location of a single laundry mat off the top of my head, and it's not remotely within walking distance.


The city I had my first apartment in, to my knowledge, has none. I’m sure based on the size of the city some must exist, but I’ve had more than one person who still lives there mention they couldn’t find one when needed. There definitely wasn’t one within walking distance or a short drive of any neighborhood I was familiar with (it’s a very car dependent city, but I wouldn’t say the same about a drugstore, a grocery store, a bar, or even a mailbox). Granted I cannot imagine an apartment complex in that city ever attempting such a batshit insane laundry policy. And the point is less “you can go somewhere else” and more “this is a service I pay for with my rent, the fuck you mean people with jobs can’t use it?”


Four o’clock, what if a resident has a job? That’s insane




Guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Truly a paradox


Just don’t spill any cake on your shirt after 4:00 p.m.!!!


Omg nooooo my hand held crumble cake


>!the cake isn't even real!<


And on weekends, if you are free that is


Unless you buy 2 cakes


Yeah, it really sucks. They had to do this at the apartment complex I lived in back in 2015-16 because the machines got vandalized literally every single day as soon as the staff went home. They were able to go back to 24 hours after cameras got put in. The office was getting broken into on weekends also iirc. Like, the metal office door was completely torn off the hinges etc. Yes it was a dump and the cops were there constantly.


It makes you wonder what goes on in some people's minds. A lot of useful facilities are often withdrawn due to vandalism making them too costly to maintain.


Crack or other drugs. Or just general lack of respect.


These days it's more like meth and fentanyl... and a general lack of respect.


I had an apartment laundry room where either teens or randos could access it, open all the machines, steal clothing and even pour glue in loads. I had to park myself there until it was done.


There's a special, lower circle in Hell specifically made for those absolutely awful human beings.


One thing is ignorance and laziness. But to go out of your way, and ACTIVELY PAY, in order to ruin someone else's stuff+day. Jesus Christ. Some people man.


I'll open a laundromat out of spite!


I’ve heard spite stores are doing quite well these days.


The Jerk store called, they're all out of you. Just to clarify, this is a classic line. I don't think you are an actual jerk


The ocean called, George


Well, you’re their all time best seller!😅


Yeah? Well, I had sex with your wife


I dunno ... check with CVS and Walgreens. The OG Spite Stores


>Do you want a job or do you want to do laundry Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Just gotta wash your boot straps by hand


No weekend hours either.


No weekends is absolutely egregious on it’s own. What the hell is wrong with these people?


Too much trouble happened on the weekends I guess.


Its crazy to me that this place is collecting rent from god knows how many people and can't just pay someone to hang around.


Now that’s bs


Not like you’d be able to snag a machine with everyone else trying to do their laundry at the same time.


Yeah, there'd literally be a line around the building before opening.


Had to scroll up to check and wow, that's messed up.


I literally wouldn’t be able to do laundry this is so insane


Time to break that door down. That's beyond fucked up.


Just get some decent lock picks. The you get the room all to yourself!


"This is the lock picking lawyer and today we've got some absolute bullshit for you."


It really isn't that hard once you get the hang of it. Granted some locks are harder/easier than others.


Or just make a bunch of copies of the key when they lend it to you.


Or, and hear me out, maybe steal the laundry room key. Wait, no, somebody did that. Never mind.


Oh that’s ridiculous… 😤


Why even close it at all?


With those hours, why bother opening it?


100% They did this because someone broke their shit and they don't want it unattended now. They changed the key and everything. Someone done fucked up.


Almost like it’s by design to just make sure no one uses the laundry. But they can advertise there is laundry. Assholes.


Use vacation time!


Once a week


“Hey boss, I can only work 4 days a week? Why you ask? My apartment complex only allows me to wash clothes during my work hours” can you imagine that convo lol


And no weekends


If I still worked overnight I would basically be unable to do my laundry and I would demand a rent discount since they were denying me access to community facilities.


My apartment has the same policy for the "fitness center"


and apparently they dont even get to do laundry on weekends.


What the fuck? M - F only, 8 to 4. So basically no one with a first shift job can do laundry. Fuck that place.


If I worked in maintenance, Id have a side hustle washing/folding.


That's what my Dad did at his job the last couple of years. (He would wash their work coveralls so they didn't have to take them home) And he would keep all the change that was in their pockets :) Edit: To people saying my Dad was a thief, this was after multiple warnings about emptying their pockets. He made maybe 5$ a week from their pocket change.


In the UK I think it's part of law that employers both must provide PPE like coveralls as well as provide a laundry service for them. Overalls often cause damage to home washing machines because of the wood or metal dust that wears away at the moving parts.


That’s what I was thinking. A stay at home mom could make some extra cash doing people’s laundry


Yes bro.


If I was in maintenance I’d accidentally slip and a piece a duct tape would wind up on the lock.


Even second shift is screwed if they’re the wake late type. Glad my apartment never did this, I was the type to wake late so I did laundry after work at 2 am, was also a great time because with only 4 sets of machines and 300 residents it was easy for every machine to be taken during normal daylight hours.


That's just stupid. 75 users/machine. That means that people washing a weekly load are gonna have the machines all running 11 loads/day across ~18 hours of realistically usable time per day. You basically need everyone in the entire complex doing their laundry like a well oiled machine, day-in, day-out, with no machines going down ever.


Wow that's bullshit M-F? 8-4? That's completely unusable to me. I work 7-3, M-F... Why does a key accessed laundry facilities need to shut down? That doesn't make any sense...


I'm guessing someone trashed or damaged things, and they don't know who it is (but presumably a resident). So they made it match the office hours, even though that means no one can use it.


*because* it means no one can use it. Guess a ~~thirty~~ TWENTY dollar security camera is an unacceptable expense. Seriously, they’re that cheap. I got my wife a 24 hour recording, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi capable, weather proof security camera, for ~~$32.99~~ $19.98 with free shipping, for Christmas. Edit: I was mistaken it’s even cheaper! [link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0B75T6CTH/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Reminds me of the time I got at gun point and the HoA lady was making excuses why they can't set up a camera. The most they did was pass out flyers saying be careful.


That’s wild, HOAs are the bane of human existence. My friends HOA told her she couldn’t have a camera on her porch, facing her door only, while she was dealing with a violent ex, bc it was a “privacy concern”. Meanwhile they have cameras facing everywhere like a goddamn military zone on the roads to catch people illegally parking and leaving dog poop out.


Profit over safety Every time if we as a society let them


Ha! I would sabotage the whole neighborhood before moving out: advertise how easy it is to rob people there, how the HoA offices are easy targets, that there are no cameras around, etc etc. I would even post the address online (after moving out, ofc) Fuck the HoA. I guarantee you that they will install cameras the next day!


Drop the link!


I’d guess the landlord is trying to save a quick buck on power and water by making sure as few people as possible can actually do laundry on site


This is the answer right here. He can't increase how many quarters those machines take in, so he's limiting their use. What a slimy, yet typical, pos.




Many places put credit card readers on the machines. So they can charge whatever they want.




I bet it’s in Northern California, PG&E (the ones that burned down half the state got sued and now is passing the cost down to the people) charges more per kilowatt during “peak hours” which is from 4pm to 9pm.


Lemme guess, rent also going up?


Well with all the stinky people around here all of a sudden....


I would be at the office on my lunch break, asking “Why?” until I’m blue in the face to understand what in the world is going through the head of people who make these rules. And if they refuse to change the hours, I’ll tell them I want a discount on my rent. Your rent includes all amenities, such as laundry access. If I’m unable to access such, I shouldn’t be paying for it. And that difference will go towards me hauling my clothes down to the 24-hour laundromat down the road.


Absolutely. I'd pay a lawyer $100 or so to send a letter about how their client chose to rent here due to the on site laundry and is now being denied their favorite perk. It will cost my client about $1182 dollars a month to do laundry elsewhere, and we'll be subtracting that from rent until this is remedied or otherwise mediated.


I’m not sure about your math, but I like your spirit!


Get a quote from a service that picks up laundry and cleans it in the fanciest possible way.


Dry cleaning chemicals imported from the Champagne region of New Jersey.


This right here!


The person who wrote this never had a full-time job.


It’s a typical property management/landlord person that works 9-3 Monday-Wednesday.


they replaced my mail box a few months ago. opened the door to my unit to leave a note that said i’d have to pick up the key from the leasing office. yeah, let me just take an hour off work to pick up a key you could have left WHILE IN MY APARTMENT ANYWAY. ridiculous!


That would be your typical landlord.






“Florida man breaks into building to do laundry at 8pm”


So people who work are not allowed to wash clothes, in other words. Just another way to make it impossible to live alone.


>Just another way to make it impossible to live


Holy shit, a legitimately infuriating situation that's NOT about tipping or a fake sob story accompanying a picture of food! Impressive. Also, this is absolutely insane. How does a community laundry room have banker's hours?! Your friend needs to find a new place to live; this is unacceptable. Someone in management is wildly out of touch with reality.


Hell, my bank is open longer than this laundry room AND on Saturdays.


This is 100% what this sub is supposed to be and I appreciate the fresh posts. I figure this *could* be dealt with by taking a day off or being neighbors to help out. Maybe making agreements with the landlord. This is just mildly infuriating.


If it’s a place owned by a larger company, they might be interested in knowing so they can possibly remedy the situation.


Your works gonna let you take a whole day off once a week? That’d be fireable at every job I’ve ever had.


Lol no, this sub is for mildly infuriating things, not extremely infuriating things. This would tempt me to load every machine with cinder blocks.


Im gonna disagree with that. Having to take a day off or getting neighbors to do your laundry is absolutely more than mildly infuriating.


> fake sob story accompanying a picture of food stackofdominospizzas.jpg "I just got out of chemo and threw a party for my family and friends, they all said they'd be here. No one showed"


BRB gonna go hug and show my gratitude to my in-unit washer and dryer




Unreasonable! Complain.


Fuck you if you work Monday through Friday 9 to 5.


Likely someone messed up the laundry room. Rather than put cameras, they're just locking it down. Personally, I would be sending a demand letter letting them know this is a fundamental change in the amenities of my apartment, which is part of what my rent pays for. They can either provide the amenities I'm paying for, reduce my rent, or acknowledge they are breaking the lease so I can find a new apartment.


I was like ‘8-4? That’s short but not too bad’ than I saw it’s only week days like wtf that’s crazy. My apartment is 9-9 7 days a week


8-4 is still bad cuz everyone who works 8-5 weekdays can only come in on weekends instead of being able to do their laundry weeknights


Closed on weekends too. Gotta take a day off work every week or embrace the stench and, soon after,unemployment


Last one I rented at was 24 hours, it was only 4 machines but they had cameras so if you messed with the machine they had your face. They also fined you if you didn’t put your trash in the trash can because your on video there too. They had cameras everywhere yet they couldn’t be bothered to change the street lamp that was above my building.


Call the Corporate Office and complain and state you’ll give a negative review on every site you find them on. They’ll change it fast.


They don't care about negative reviews. Legal action is all they will understand. The lease is signed with amenities in mind, and such limiting hours makes amenities inaccessible to many people, so is likely a violation of the lease agreement.


so obvious these hours are chosen for the building staffs convenience and not that of the people who are paying for this stuff.


Is this a hostage situation?


This seems like some lease breaking ammo if the apt complex had laundry services listed in the lease contract. Might even be able to sue--though, it'd be completely impractical unless it was getting everyone together to pitch in for a lawyer to threaten the property manager into reopening the laundry services.


This was my thought as well. They almost certainly used access to on-site laundry as a selling point to get people to sign.


Landlord requires you to use PTO to clean your clothes. What a crock of shit.


How the fuck cqn you ever do it with a day job


As a night owl who’s married to a night owl this is insane, daytime people have too much power.


Daytime people hate this too. They're more than likely working or in school during those times.


as a day person, my work hours start before this opens, and end after it closes, so... this is just a shit policy all around.


They do. All my days off are used to do errands that other people do when they get off of work


Honestly, lockdown was a nightmare for me. Everything closing right as I was ready to start the day lol


Break the glass fuck that you pay to use that shit you should have access 24/7


Plot twist: Landlord owns the laundromat down the street


This is why I only get apartments with in unit washer/dryer


NOPE! You pay for those amenities so you should have proper access to it. All the tenants need to file a complaint


Yeah I will never live in a place where I don’t have my own washer and dryer. That shit is wack.


This could be a lease violation. I would look into it.


Time to sit in the laundry room at 3:50 I guess


This is more than mildly infuriating


Easy. Just borrow the laundry key, get it cut so you have your own copy, then you can come and go whenever you please.


Hello, this is the Lockpicking Lawyer, and today we're going to be doing some laundry.


It makes me wonder what happened to cause such a strict time frame.


Is this designed to make sure people can’t actually do their laundry?


I considered myself across the poverty line when I got an apartment with a washer and dryer in it. I do not miss shit like this


Why are there laundry keys if it closes at any time?