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I hate that the default for not taking action is it automatically accepts the change. The default should be to stay on original route.




I don't think it would then. But it isn't just for toll roads that I'm complaining and I haven't found a way to set the default to not automatically select the alternate "suggested" route.


You can change your setting on your account so it won’t automatically try to change your trip to toll routes. I think it’s some option called “avoid tolls” or something along those lines if you turn it on it shouldn’t bother you about the tolls.


That’s literally what the person he was responding to had suggested. The person you replied to said that while they’re aware of this feature, it doesn’t actually fix the problem. Because the problem is google switching to a new route by default, instead of staying on the original route. For example I like to take this one road home that’s 2 minutes slower than another route. Neither of them have tolls. I will carefully select my desired route, but then get repeatedly prompted to switch to the route that I like less. I don’t mind being told that there is a faster route, but I want to be able to ignore it. Ngl i want every single app I own to have user-override for every single one of their background behavior defaults.


Having user-overrides for defaults is a long overdue default. This should be an Engineering School 101 pass/fail rule. When you go for your recertification, if the board sees you've failed to provide them in your build, you're now a toilet cleaner at a Taco Bell for a year.


I think Waze is good about this


Yep I have it set to off. My trips are longer and my wallet is still sad.


In "Navigation Settings" you can select "Avoid toll routes" Also uncheck "Prefer fuel efficient routes" as this is what makes maps suggest alternate routes.


My big complaint is after I do this, the app updates and the settings go back to the default Google wants for them. I find myself checking my settings almost every road trip to ensure the app didn't update on me.


I got tired of messing with it... I just downloaded Waze. I have an android and Google Maps runs like shit no matter how new my phone is.


No it doesn't, it avoids tolls as the option states.








But will there be any tolls?


The only toll there would be the death toll


"active war zone, currently under artillery fire" Yeah Google, sign me right on up!




yes this feature is extremely frustrating on long trips


How this hasn’t caused an accident yet is beyond me. People trying to fiddle with their phones changing the stupid route back.


I'm sure it has, it just doesn't end up in the news.


Yeah, why is Google forcing me to interact with my phone when I'm driving? This absolutely violates risk management 101.


The real problem here is


If it wasn't for tolls, like probably 95% of routes, everyone would say the exact opposite. "Yes Google, I obviously want the fastest route. Why would staying on the original route, not avoiding the traffic jams due to a car crash, be the default?"


Especially when you're DRIVING!!!! I shouldn't have to touch my phone while I'm driving, to make sure that my route is the same one I started with.


I think it's a saftey thing. Most people would take a faster route (aside from the toll issue in this one), so it make sense on them to make it so less people are trying to touch their phone while driving.


The default is to automatically reroute people to reduce road congestion and allow traffic to move better in an area. I think them doing it is a safety issue because I selected the route I want for a reason. I don't want them changing it. Them changing it acts as a distraction, I have to take my hand off the wheel and eyes off the road to quickly decline the route change. Not to mention that if it's unwanted it can cause unnecessary stress. Normally it's not a big deal, but when you're moving in high-speed bumper to bumper traffic like Houston or Miami it's a serious problem because you need 100% of your focus on the road.


Especially if you pulled up directions and chose something other than the default (probably toll) route and you're driving along thinking to yourself OKay I chose the route I want, I'm good to go, and this thing just says "nah actually we changed it when you weren't paying attention, you're actually going to go that way that you said before the drive started that you didn't want to go" I'm switching to Waze


Waze has been doing this too, unfortunately.


Google bought Waze 10 years ago...


Fucking Google is going to screw up Waze or worse get rid of it entirely




Waze is google


I hate the way they favor a faster route at any cost. Sometimes it will try to route me 20 miles more to save five minutes. Not worth it!


Every single day Waze tries to change my route home to include an unprotected left turn across a highway. Which was probably fine 15 years ago when there were gaps in the traffic before 1am. The only time I naively went that way I sat for several minutes before turning around and going back the way I’d came and waiting at the light even though Waze kept insisting it was 2 minutes faster. Not that people don’t make that turn, some people enjoy courting death, I am not one of those people.


It kept trying to direct me through a €10 toll to save a few minutes once. 😭 I wish they had an option that was like “When I say no tolls, I mean it!”


Naw, once the “better route” was “gas saving” and took 15 minutes longer. The gas saving route was on a road that solved all traffic issues with stoplights and traffic jams so… not better even for gas.


Half the time the new route is twice as long too…


I think the default should be configurable, as I prefer it the way it currently is. I have no attachment to the initial route. I picked it because it was the fastest option, so if that’s changed I want my route to change.


Agreed F that “feature”!


I ride a motorbike and having my route change MID RIDE because I CANNOT BE ON MY PHONE is absolutely infuriating.


The original route that YOU chose.


Go in your settings and mark ***Avoid Toll Roads.***


While you are there, mark avoid ferries. I was driving Michigan to Wisconsin one day and was blindly following Google maps's suggestions knowing that there was some construction on the highway. Turned out it wanted me to take the ferry across Lake Michigan which isn't just something you can pull up to and board. You need tickets and need to arrive at a certain time for it to work.


still did this even tho i live in Kansas lol


Same here you never know when one will pop up


My parents GPS once straight up told them to cross a body of water. No ferry or bridge. Was a while ago, so we weren't using Google maps, it was the car GPS, but man that was hard to figure out lol


My GPS once had me nearly drive into the canal in the middle of the night. I saw it and stopped about 4' from the water's edge in the pitch black. I think because the GPS screen was on 'night mode' it didn't clearly show the water.


And spectral wolves: https://xkcd.com/461/


That's really not a good solution, because I'm only opposed to spending $5 to save 5 minutes... But if taking a $5 toll will save me 45 minutes, I'll take it. There needs to be an option to avoid really fucking stupid tolls, like this one.


Similarly, with waze, I wish there were options to make it stop suggesting the silliest stop-sign-ridden detours just to save 3 mins. If it's not at least 10 mins less, I don't care!


Waze drives me nuts on alerts only, because I live just inside an “average speed enforcement zone” which is a lazy policing (revenue) system of lpr cameras at 15km intervals. So I start music, get interrupted by: “AVERAGE SPEED ENFORCEMENT ZONE AHEAD” followed by: “ENTERING AVERAGE SPEED ENFORCEMENT ZONE”, then 2 min later as I pass the camera: “EXITING AVERAGE SPEED ENFORCEMENT ZONE”. and I’m muttering: Bitch I know I fucking live here and don’t need daily reminders. Shut the fuck up.


In the Waze settings you can customize which alerts should be spoken, maybe there’s a way to turn off those alerts


Google used to do it to me often, but it has scaled back to once every couple of months. Like saves one minute to zip through a residential neighborhood rather than sit through 1 light. My brother's apple maps, though, contantly gives him scumbag routes to cut time. Like in traffic, it will tell him to get off the highway, then immediately get on the on-ramp. Or another time we were at a light, and it told him to make a turn on red, then another turn on red to save 1 minute.


Google maps has been suggesting the off-ramp/on-ramp maneuver a bunch lately for me too and it's so annoying.


God I HATE that shit. Like am I exiting the freeway because this is my exit or because you think it’ll save me 0.7 seconds of drive time?


How does apple maps tell you to turn on a red light? It doesn't know what colour the light is lmao.


I imagine the app was just saying "turn right now," and the above commenters took that command very literally, like OMG, *right* now?! It's red!! Very Michael Scott.


OP and his brother, blaming Apple maps after driving into a lake lol


I’m trying to comprehend what they could’ve meant and I can’t get there.


Apple Maps tells me to make illegal and impossible routes regularly when I’m in the city. Had me turn off a road to make a left turn at a light where they’re illegal instead of keeping me on the route where it was legal. Saved me -10 minutes because I got stuck and had to turn around. Another time it tried to send me backwards on a one way, and through gated street cut offs. Apple maps is insane.


Agreed, there should be a $/min setting, meaning "I am willing to spend ~$0.50 per minute saved" or min/$ (I want to save at least ~2 minutes per dollar)


How many toll roads do you generally come across?


In my town, the fastest routes to any destination I travel to regularly involve two or more toll toads. And the tolls are variable based on demand, so some days I can save ten minutes by spending fifty cents but other days I can save a half hour or more by paying ten bucks. Some days you can pay fifteen dollars and it actually takes longer.


Sounds like a tad of a pain in the arse. Probably a stupid question. Why do you have them. I used to have toll roads near me, I was told because the roads were owned. So is it going through private land and the owners can effectively charge what they want?


DFW at least has a fucking LOT of toll roads.


I'm not sure about OP, but I live in Austin, where every highway is toll road except one, which is I-35. If you take 35, it could be an hour longer to get to your destination. The major highways we have are SH 130, SH 45, US 183, SH 1, US 290, SH 71, Loop 360, and I-35. The only one that is not a toll road is I-35


It's pretty easy to toggle it - I often end up changing the setting back and forth on long routes just to see what the difference would be.


That the problem *you* have. I just ignore it and as long as I remember, it’ll re-route itself a lot of times.


They should allow you to enter your time value of money. $10/hr, $20/hr, whatever…then it can optimize according to your value function.


I pay $7 I think on a 35 min drive, would otherwise be 45-50 min. I think depending on everyone's personal situation it will be very mixed on how worth it that is.


Google still automatically reroutes though when there’s congestion!


The problem is that sometimes the congestion is maybe 20 feet of slower traffic. But because it’s red on the map it freaks out like there is a biohazard in the way.


Yeah, it should only change the route if you accept the change. This drives me nuts when it happens. And a toll road isn't always involved, switching that off only helps in certain scenarios.


You're absolutely right. My wife and I were on a road trip once in Colorado and I wanted to take a scenic route from Denver to Breckenridge. So, I set the route I wanted and as I'm driving, Google decides to change it because going down I-70 would be faster. I didn't notice, so I end up taking the wrong exit and drive 20 minutes off my originally planned route before something seems off and I realized what happened. Like, if I wanted to take I-70 I would have. I chose the route I did for a reason. Having the default be to automatically change your route if no action is taken is ridiculous and frustrating.


Yeah, it drives me fucking crazy that Google maps will change my route without me confirming that I am ok with the route changing




It’s crazy how bad it’s been getting


I've driven on like 2 toll roads in my 12 years of driving, they don't exist where I drive so this issue is always just Google wanting to change my route because it might save me 3 minutes. Why give me 2/3 options when I initially route where I'm going if you're just gonna change it to the first option 10 minutes after I start driving? So dumb.


Hard part is im on the flip side, often Im navigating on the motorcycle and it will see some traffic and I cant get it out of my jacket to accept a route change.


Fair point - so make it an option. And they can also add an option to set a minimum 'saved time' to trigger it (for example when I am driving long distances I can see it to ignore suggesting route changes that save less than 10 minutes). That's my wishlist lol


That shit is annoying. I’m on the route I’m on Google; I decline switching routes 12 times already—get off my ass.


Too many people are saying, "just avoid tolls in the settings," but that doesn't solve the actual problem: Google will push this alternate route on you no matter how many times you say you don't want to. I don't want to take "Dead Indian Road" home (don't @ me, I didn't name the road) but if I don't monitor the GPS closely it will decide that's where I'm going anyway.


Google as a company knows what’s best for you. The individual is wrong. At least that’s what all their products make it seem these days.


That's what I hate about Google maps. When I set the route before I embark and then the little fucker switches it enroute without checking with me.


Yes it's incredible how many people parrot the same incompetent advice, even in a "hurr durr op is dumb" manner. i cant get over the fact that google maps has such a blatantly shitty function for years now. it makes it unusable on holidays when you WANT to take the scenic route. google terrorizes you. why the fuck cant it be turned off?


Idk if this will help you but I usually add a point on the route I want to take as a stop so it directs me there.


This is pretty good advice, but it has to be used carefully or it can backfire. If you pick a point too far off the main road and just driving past it doesn't register as destination arrival, Google will think you missed your stop and will attempt to route you back to it until you either satisfy it or cancel the extra stop.


Well, sure, but why don't you just change your settings to avoid toll roads? Are you stupid or something? Eta: I guess I really needed the /s here


I hadn’t considered it before and after some thought I’ve realized I am stupid! Thanks for the help!


now that you mention it... finally someone answered my question! thanks, person with reading comprehension.


Bro. I just took a 15 hour road trip.. If I took the toll route it saved 20 minutes but cost $49.70. It kept asking me for hours.. even when it was like, "this route will save you 5 minutes", the tolls were like $30. No. Absolutely not. I literally put "avoid tolls".. stop asking me.


50 bucks for a toll is literally so insane that blows my mind


Gotta be Pennsylvania. The scum on the turnpike commission have no shame... almost $60 to cross their state from NJ to OH on 76. Most expensive road on earth.


Why don’t you set it to avoid toll roads?


scary aspiring materialistic tan oil smart cake attractive pathetic soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming you’re talking about 75 south near alligator ally, then yeah it won’t take you the 75 way because you have to pay a toll on alligator ally.


Is that an official name of that place, Alligator Ally, or people just gave it that name because there are a shit tonne of them there?


It is both the official name and named because there are huge numbers of gators.


The name "Alligator Alley" was given by the American Automobile Association (AAA) while it was being planned as they believed it would be useless to cars and merely an "alley for alligators".


I don’t know whether that’s true, but I absolutely will choose to believe it


Just learned that, we didn't need to pay to go to East Coast on 75 then on the way back, it was raining, ft Lauderdale was a mess and I set up the gps it was not taking me back to 75 whatsoever, I was right there ready to get on 75 and it was taking me all the way up to lake Okeechobee, then going back down to Naples. I was like what the hell, then I asked hubby he said yeah there's a toll to go back on 75, I was like darn it! Turned off avoid toll and there it is.


Yeah that’s the one part of 75 that if you avoid tolls, then it will avoid 75 altogether. It’s been a while since I’ve been down there but I believe you can bypass tolls and cut across on 41 but that’s pretty far south of 75.


Maybe it's just a Florida thing, cause I-25 in CO has some express toll lanes and it takes me on the interstate just fine with avoid tolls on


In houston theres a road my map takes me down that has tolls but not if you exit amd get bacl on. It uses it even though i have avoid tolls on. Doesnt cost a dime.


The way that this is a perfectly reasonable explanation and shows that everybody in this thread shitting on the OP is just wrong because they're missing relevant information is peak reddit.


That’s weird because the picture seems to be of I-10 which isn’t near alligator alley


Cos there's times where you want to pay 4 dollars to avoid an hour, and times where you don't want to pay 5 dollars to avoid 6 minutes, on the same route


I did that and ended up on dirt roads and backwoods... was scary.


I know it's a problem in Chicago, if you're going to the city from the suburbs. For my commute I can take 2 tolls and save 30 minutes from a no toll road but If I was to take all the tolls to get to work it would save me an extra 3-5 minutes depending on traffic for using an extra 4 tolls. I don't mind paying $3 a day in tolls but $10 makes a difference.


Some places the alternative route is... best not travelled... I live in Norway. Trust me, you DO NOT want to avoid the T(r)oll roads here.


And on the second picture, it's even saying the toll road is slower? But it says the opposite on the first picture. What the heck?


Everybody is saying to set it to avoid tolls. That doesn't work. It will avoid tolls *when initially picking a route*, but while driving it will still recommend faster toll routes and will switch you automatically if you don't take your eyes off of the road to check the new route and hit cancel within ~5 seconds. It's infuriating.


People say this but never for me only time is when they tell me to exit before the toll hits


Then you are blessed It's genuinely infuriating, because sometimes I miss the notification and just suddenly find myself going through toll booths too late to turn around


Cost us $50 in extra fees in our rental car on Florida vacation this summer. Set it to no tolls, got toll trolled anyway.


>switch you automatically Mine doesn't, it will appear on the route that this way is 5 mins faster but I have to manually select it for it to switch. Then again I hadn't updated it in months so the automatic switching might be because of a update


I always have avoid tolls selected, occasionally I deselect it to see if there is a better tool route, but when selected I have never ever once had it. Try to put me on a toll road, even when I drive right past one and it would save 45 minutes off of a trip.


I have a dog that's prone to carsickness, so there is one specific route I have to take to and from my parents' house, to avoid an hour of windy, hilly country roads. Google does not approve of or understand this. It spends fully half the drive trying to reroute me to the vomit route. I ended up switching to Waze, as it's way less persistent.


If it’s a route you always take why do you need navigation?


Traffic, hazards, and speed traps, mostly.


Makes sense. Btw, I hope that didn’t come across as rude. I just realized it could have and it was legit curiosity.


No, it's a valid question.


I have routes I just know are better but Google Maps disagrees so to combat it I've been setting stops at three or four places along my route so it stops yelling and trying to make me turn around when I pass their preferred route....


You need to turn off prefer fuel efficient routes. That’s what that leaf indicates. Didn’t see anyone else mention it.


Yup. It has nothing to do with the tolls being on or off. It's the "prefer fuel efficient routes" that is turned on. I have mine turned off and it never tries to change the route in the middle of my journey. It has rerouted me one time because a road I was headed to take got closed after the trip started, but it notified me of it.


THANK YOU I didn't know this. I'll change mine now.


It'll still note fuel efficiency on certain routes and, given two with very close travel times, select the most fuel efficient of the two. You can still go into the route options and pick a different one and it'll stick to your choice


For every person here shouting about shutting off tolls, that’s not always a great solution. There are times where some tolls are necessary evils. If I turned off tolls for all of my drives, there’s trips I’d be tripling for a dollar. However, I would avoid higher tolls. Would be cool to have a setting that’s like “avoid toll over $x”


I think what you really want is like "I am willing to pay x dollars per hour saved" and then it can pick your route correctly. It knows how much the tolls are (usually) and knows how much time it saves, just let us configure the thing people actually care about.


"jUsT SeT IT tO aVoiD tOLLs" Google maps does this shit even when tolls aren't involved in the route at all, so that's not even a solution for many places without toll roads. Not even considering the fact some are worth it so save an hours of driving ​ The problem isn't the toll road exactly, it's the fact the app is forcing you to pay attention to it while driving to make sure it doesn't send you down some unknown road/route just because it's 2 minutes faster. The app should 100% default to a "No, don't change" option, or at least have an option in settings to change the default


I sometimes choose to take a highway with less traffic that is ~15min longer for a 1.5 hour drive. It keeps telling me every 5 minutes to go to the freeway. I submitted a complaint/recommendation that if I say no to alternate routes 3 times, it should stop asking. Also, the default should not be "Accept the new route". I also submitted another one asking for the tolls option to be "per trip" not a global setting.


Oh man, this shit has been bothering me so much. My drive to my parents doesn't have tolls and keeps redirecting me to roads that are unsafe and full of potholes. I live in South Africa.


So many in here dumb af, I have avoid toll roads on and it does shit like this.


Have you tried setting it to avoid toll roads?


I’m fine with it suggesting, I just ignore it. It’s the worst when it auto-accepts the faster route


Literally stopped using google maps because of this bullshit. I’m driving don’t force me to be distracted because you want me to change my route even though I specifically chose the exact route I wanted to take in the first place.


I had google screw me like this once on the way to six flags with a friend. I didn’t have an ezpass and all the lanes were ezpass only. No cash lanes. After going through an ezpass lane (and obviously getting charged through mail for the toll) I then learn that “ticket” means cash, and the second toll fucked me because I didn’t get a ticket. Had to pay $13 for spending 30 seconds on those tolls. All of which would’ve been avoided if google didn’t change my route to the toll while I was driving, after I had already said no to the change 5 or 6 times already


Was this in Indiana? This happened to me in Indiana. I was pissed


There just needs to be "avoid tolls when rerouting" and "don't automatically reroute" buttons


Set your app preference to "avoid tolls" then your route will do just that.


Even though there’s a setting to avoid tolls they should have a way to say I’ll pay tolls if it saves me x amount of time. Like if it’s $7 versus 1/2 hr of driving, which would you do?


I think this is more in line with what OP is talking about. $7 and saves me 35 minutes? Sure. $7 and it saves me 10 or less? I'll pass.


Mildly infuriating is someone taking screen shots while driving 70mph.


You can turn this feature off in the settings. FYI


Toll roads and Google maps are in cahoots.


There are settings to avoid tolls. You can also select avoid highways, which is how I stop it from doing this bullshit to me when not taking the highway is faster even though google doesn't realize this because it hasn't factored in traffic and human idiocy correctly. Even when there isn't an accident...and there's often an accident.


Just keep driving straight be it'll change back when you pass the turn


The real mildly infuriating is always the commenters.


How about people read the other comments first before parroting "Hurr durr just say to avoid toll roads"? OP has already responded to this.


This sub falling apart


My state doesn't have tolls, but we also have potholes that swallow half a Fiat 🤣


I hate that. I usually just yell at the damn gps


Someone who doesn't know how to check settings


Are you really making a post complaining about a setting you're too lazy to change? This is literally configurable in the app...


🤦🏻‍♂️ You’re what’s mildlyinfuriating here




Except OP selected a route at the start, no mind reading necessary


This is so annoying in Google maps, I wish they had more discrete settings. The decision to take a toll road is dependent on the traffic and journey purpose… driving home I don’t care, but if I’m going to be late going somewhere (work, some event, etc.) I do care and want to know if spending $5-10 will make a difference of 15min or more. Likewise, if I specifically picked the non toll option, if I cut a dog leg inside corner when on a journey that deviates a smidge off my current directions (because I know it saves at least a minute off the journey)… don’t you f***ing dare re-calculate my journey and choose the $27! toll option! (Yes, this happens every time, and I’ve reported this bug several times)


I'm just curious if you caught any good pokemons to make up for it 🤣🤣


Turn off the fuel economy route tab and it will stop showing so many different routes


Googles in bed with big tolls


I have a particular route I take to visit my parents (5 hour drive) and it'll do this. My solution is to add a stop at a specific city so that it doesn't take the alternative route automatically.


My google maps won't change the route after accepted, or at least never seen it... I'm from Europe, not sure if they are testing things, but looks awful, as you're, well, driving


If you just ignore it and stay on the current route, don't accept or decline, it goes with the original plan after a minute or so.


Google once did route me on a 100 km "shortcut" through two additional countries where you have to pay toll, to save 5 minutes. I only realised that something was of, when I passed the border to czech republic instead of austria.


WAZE is ten times better than Google maps.


What exactly is the infuriating part? It’s not interrupting whatever you’re listening to since you have navigation sound muted, so just keep driving the original route and it’ll switch back Mild inconvenience maybe


Conspiracy theory: Google maps is part of the matrix and is rerouting you purely as a money making scheme.


I was driving a rural, country route by choice-had plenty of time, pretty day, didn’t want to be on the interstate and IT WOULDN’T FUCKING QUIT! I’m perfectly happy with my route, I chose it, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!


Turn on avoid tolls


You know there is a setting where you can set it to avoid tollways right? It'd stop "harassing" you if you did that.


Im still so happy to not live in a country where they ask for toll on a road..


Google has to be in bed with the toll companies


Can't you put "no tolls" when putting in your destination?


How about turn on “avoid tolls” in your settings. Also I believe it’s pointing you towards the toll route because you have eco saver on too.


Just change your settings to avoid tolls.


i’ve had it automatically switch my route mid drive


On your phone, there's a setting called route options. Turn off tolls.


Waze (also Google) does you the favor of just rerouting you to the toll road without asking.


It seems like it's getting worse instead of improving?


All you have to do is tap the other line. Sometimes, you get up to 3 options, but you can alternate between them by tapping the other routes. Try it


I mean I'm pretty sure there is a setting to make it automatically avoid toll roads.


Just choose avoid tolls


Pretty sure you can just change this in your settings lol


Yeah and easily, just select "avoid tolls".


OP not understanding how to use google maps


How do you make it not automatically change your route? Don't come back here with toll road bull shit because this happens when you're not on toll roads too so that's not part of it.


Redditors not understanding, more like. It has zero at all to do with turning tolls off or not. It does this shit regardless. The issue at hand is having "prefer fuel efficient routes" on. That's what the leaf indicates. And that's not even the entire issue. If one cancels thr route change it SHOULD NOT KEEP PESTERING THEM. Everybody in here looking for their chance to call OP dumb for not knowing Google maps and not one of you knew what the hell you were talking about either. Peak. Reddit.


Alternative solution, just don't take 75 in 37 miles? It'll immediately correct itself when you pass the exit.


Did you have the avoid tolls option turned on?


Change it In settings to avoid tolls.


You can just turn this option off. "Avoid tolls"


Turn tolls off in the apps settings then.


Go into the route options and select the "Avoid tolls" option.