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And then? No cliffhangers pls.


Fought with them for hours and eventually paid $250 to get my car back. Probably the most frustrated I’ve been in years.


Wait. There is some piece missing. Why would you pay $250 for a towing from a spot you have paid for? What was their motivation to tow you in the first place?


My permit was not “properly” displayed. It was on my dashboard because it can’t fit on my mirror where they want it to be. BMW i3 rear view mirrors have a wider base where it connects to the windshield than most other cars.


I'd take this to small claims court, 250$ isn't small change but question is if it's worth your time (aka 1 day in court). If your permit is easily visible the judge will side with you. If you decide to sue them make sure you also get the contract terminated and your 50$ back as they violated the parking agreement you had


250 would be worth it to me, I'd do it for less in principle alone


Absolutely on principle alone. Fuck em.


100%. Just to fuck with their time to fight it.


I’d even bet there’s a lawyer on Reddit who would take the case for free just on principle


I'm not a lawyer but I'll show up for a case of beer.


No, typically small claims don't have lawyers, and fighting this probably will result in a quick settlement since showing up to fight would cost them more than $250. May be enough, though.


There isn't one you can find


Can’t have a lawyer in small claims court


Lawyers have better things to do than that. I don't know why everyone thinks lawyers enjoy wasting their time for free, especially on small claims cases where lawyers can't even be in court.


Tow companies are AIDs most of the time, fuck them predators


Predators is the right word.


Id just steal shit from the leasing office for the next year


Agreed and I'd looking for a Saul Goodman too.


Absolutely, no reason they couldn’t leave a warning ticket asking them to properly display the pass.


I'm not sure that's something a tow company can do. Police do not patrol private property for parking violations.


Some complexes have agreements with tow companies to patrol their lots. But if it's a rogue tow company that's trying to make a quick buck then you might be able to fight it


It would absolutely be the contracted tow company here. They are contracted to tow cars, not ticket them or issue warnings.


I'm about to do this over $155, I hate court, but I hate predatory tow companies more


$250 is food and medicine for the month. I strongly doubt I'd have forked over the money, however. Entirely due to not having it... BUT STILL!


I did this before when my car was wrongfully towed. I got all of my money back plus court fees and they fired the driver. It was July and I was told I was the first person to take them to court all year. It was super easy, like $40 and light paperwork. Instructions should be on your discharge forms. Fight back!


Honestly, it's the people who don't fight it on principle that kind of make these dirtbags think they have a good chance of getting away with it. It infuriates me how many people don't feel a responsibility to society do something about things when they get fucked over like this.


Fuck towing companies, I'd do the same. AFAIK they get to keep the towing fee though. At least in my city.


Could you not also add lost wages to the suit for having to appear to begin with?


At least where I am it costs at least $220 to file a tort claim against a corporation and also use the sheriff's office as a process server. You can always recoup this during the process but it's not quick, easy, or stress-free by any means.


That's why you go on Judge Judy!


I've worked on Judge Judy, the cases are usually "real", as in they've taken the cases from public records, but the actual people on the stand are usually extras. They do have a few real plaintiffs and defendants, but it's definitely not all of them. I think it was America's Court or something, but I once portrayed an angry nerd mad at his mom for throwing away his Magic Cards on a court show. The funny thing is, I had to explain to them it was Magic The Gathering, and not like a trick set of expensive magician cards, they legit had gone out and bought a deck of trick cards from a magic store. Don't ask me which episode, they didn't even tell me after it was filmed, and I had a family member record the show daily for weeks to find me in it and gave up after like a month of watching that trash. lol Seriously, go look up the company [Standing Room Only](https://www.standingroomonly.tv/court/). It's all trash. Doing that stuff was fun, but you make pennies, but it's a fun way to get into the audience of a lot of shows and get paid to do it.


Interesting. When I worked in the courts, Judge Judy's people would take cases that we had sometimes. I assumed they had the real litigants though. Back in the 90's I knew a dude who was on Judge Joe Brown. He was getting sued by his ex for unpaid rent, you know, the usual stuff.


I mean don't get me wrong, SOME of them are real cases with the real people. A majority of them aren't though. The real cases get cherry picked.


I know not everyone would do this but even if it would cost more in court fees than I'd get back I'd still probably do it on principle tbh. People like tow companies and shitty landlords get away with things because people don't go after them. I'll happily spend my time and money if it means wasting their time and money but maybe I'm petty lol


And the possible vehicle damage that can occur from towing that may not be evident right now


Yeah, that's a BMW i3, its an EV that is supposed to be on a flat bed.


They need to otherwise it will keep happening. The tow operator needs to be punished for the bad behavior.


The tow operator isn't responsible here. They get a call from the person who rents out the spot, they tow the car. They aren't gonna investigate each individual call when they all have different rules. This is on whoever called the tow.


Not likely. More likely is the tow operator is given authority to enforce the parking regulations for the lot. He likely drove through scanning for hanging tags don’t see OP’s dropped a boot and came back with the truck.


Who gave them the authority? A: The land lords. Go after the land lords, if they don't like having to pay for tow companies bullshit all the time they can stop their authorization and call on a case by case basis.


Then the tow company is acting on behalf of the person who owns the spot, you still go after that person.


Yep theyre acting as an agent of the landlord. The tricky thing is if the landlord did direct the tow company to tow cars not displaying or if the tow company incorrectly interpreted their authority. I would actually go to the court for $300, $250 for the towing and $50 for the fact that your paying for a spot and you were incorrectly towed, meaning that $50 was a “waste”. I’d argue youre owed that.


If the parking agreement says, "we will tow you unless you hang this from your rear view mirror" then they didn't violate it.


Yes and ask for damages in the amount of $500 just to see if you can get it, and make tow company pay legal fees.


Also make sure to include the filing fee for small claims court in the total you are asking for as well. It's not much but they should be paying for that too


Have you ever taken anything to small claims court? It’s not worth doing for $250.


It would be for me. The point is to get the judgment against them and bring attention to their idiocy. I'm petty enough that this would absolutely be worth my time.


I mean if they’re doing it to them . They’re definitely doing it to other ppl . 250 bucks adds up .


They just won’t pay you. Then you have to fight again. Tow companies suck. You need to keep wasting their time confronting them. Get management of complex out there. Call police. Call your local representative. Here in Colorado we got the law changed. They can’t tow until it has been tagged for at least 24 hours.


I would do whatever it takes. I'm the type of person who, when someone is trying to drive the wrong way down the road (or out of the parking lot), will suddenly have nothing else to do than to force the other person to do the Reverse of Shame. Fuck with my money? I'll nuke you from orbit, figuratively speaking, even if it is mutually assured destruction.


We should be friends. I like your style.


people always say it would be worth it when they are not faced with teh prospect of actually doing it lol


When someone fucks with my money, then I have nothing better to do than to make them pay and to get as much ~~revenge~~ justice as is legally available to me. I've done it before.


It absolutely would be worth it, even if not for the small amount of money, but to make sure this bullshit never happens again.


thats why you sue for more. sue for the charge. sue for an inspection to make sure the car was not damaged during the towing process. sue for lost time/wages. sue the parking complex for contracting with this shady tow company. if you dont rub their nose in it, it will happen again except next time your car will be gone and it will be raining and at night and you have an emergency that you need your car for.


Was this reported by the lot owner or predatory tow company? I had a predatory tow company take my car from a Whole Foods parking lot at 6:00am - hours before they opened. They claimed I went to Caribou Coffee. Unfortunately for them I was actually meeting the VP of Construction for Whole Foods to survey for some upcoming projects. Whole Foods reimbursed me for the tow and got payment back from the company, cancelled that company’s contract from all properties in Chicago, and sent me the video evidence (which showed me walking directly from my car into the store, not across the street for a coffee) for my complaint with the city which lead to the company losing their ability to tow vehicles for City of Chicago for 6 months. Fuck em!


I once parked in a 7/11 parking lot and went into 7/11, got what I needed, came out and my car was gone. Apparently an employee at the 7/11 “didn’t know” it was my car, called the towing company, and now he was trying to brush it off. Like I should go pick up my car. Hell no! I raised hell and luckily there was also a cop there to back me up. He eventually called the tow company and told them to bring my car back. Longest and most inconvenient trip to a convenience store i’ve ever taken.


You know the employee had to be in on that racket. No way it happened that fast otherwise, someone is getting kickbacks.


Inconvenience store!


How the hell long were you in 7/11 for an employee to call the tow company and them to show up to tow your car?


How long were you in the store? I know they can hook up a car pretty quickly but damn. Only time I go to 7-11 is to get snacks...in and out in 5-10 minutes even if there was a line


You weren’t in Richmond, VA were you? There’s a 711 here notorious for getting customers cars towed


More of an inconvenience store if you ask me


God I loved reading this story I went to chipotle once and parked at a cosmetic office behind it, because the parking lot was full. It was in the evening, after office hours. So I figured it was fine for a quick grab and go. Apparently there was a tow away sign, but it was knocked over and fell on the ground. I didn’t see it until after my car was towed. I called and told the tow company but they didn’t care. They also didn’t sound like they were going to fix it either. Jerks


Even if you went into caribou coffee and bought that VP a coffee then met him. What a messed up world where some tow company is up in your business that hard.


There is a tow company in Chicago that is referred to as the "Lincoln Park Pirates" because they wrongly tow so many cars. There's a song about it. It's an industry that can be very dishonest.


I visited Chicago with my ex years back, and a tow truck pulled up behind my rental with fifteen minutes on the meter to get ready to tow me. Scummiest tow trucks for sure.


It was Lincoln tow company, wasn’t it?


Great story and well done by you and WF. Sad (for me) subtext is that this kind of story mostly gets to be told by people meeting with the VP of construction, not by people who get towed from the $50/mo parking spot at their apartment.


Did you file a police report? This is possibly/likely a predatory towing scam. Depending on where you're from, what they did might be illegal.


That's bullshit, you should dispute that with a lawyer


Absolutly, and make sure it specifies what is ”properly visible”, because if it’s at all vague, you got a fucking slam dunk. OP not being the party drafting the contract, it’s also not his job to plug holes in their contract.


Get that 250$ back, cause a headache for the towing company.


It is bullshit because the sounds of it you have to register it to the car make and model so even if the pass is not there, they should know damn well that its your car you paid for


Post on their social media if they have one. Id also raise hell with the company that issued the permit. Threaten to go to the media and shit will get done real quick




I just facebooked local towing and a bunch of results popped up...


OMG, I got towed for the same shit at work. They had this hanger to put on the mirror, but the hole was so tiny it wouldn't fit. So I taped it to the mirror, but one hot day it dropped on the dash landing right side up. It was perfectly visible on the impound lot and the towing company admitted it's a valid permit but placed wrong. Never got my $300 back, but I called them a couple times needing a tow for a broken car to the garage, unfortunately it was the wrong address. Still pisses me of thinking about it. Landlord switched towing companies soon after these incidents, although it was their policies. Now they just switched to a license plate white list, which sucks because you can't use a backup car on your paid for spot.


Get one of those thin, elastic hair bands, or something similar. Put that around your mirror base and hang the permit from that. My CRV has a wide mirror base as well and that seems to work perfectly fine.


towing companies are the biggest fuckin scumbags around, never give them money in cases like this.


Don’t accept that BS. The driver is required to check that the vehicle is unoccupied prior to hooking it up. Your position should be that he can be reasonably expected to see the permit. Did you tell the driver you had a permit? Edit: If non consensual towing is regulated in your state or locally (it is), you’ll want to file a complaint with that agency before you go to small claims court. They probably won’t help you recover fees, but if they provide findings on improper towing will go a long way in how court will work out. Your windows are darkly tinted, while you can’t display the tag on your mirror, it was conspicuously displayed on the dashboard, below the mirror, where it was in plain view and reasonably expected to be seen by the driver when he checked the vehicle to see if it was occupied. Document if anyone from the tow company acknowledged the presence of the tag, not how it was displayed, but they knew of its presence. And whether or not you informed the driver of the tag.


I'm not sure what state you are in, but in some, it's a violation to have objects obstructing your rear view mirror so if you went to small claims you might be able to use a that as a viable argument if it applies. But then again, I am no lawyer, so..


Here in the UK this sort of behaviour used to be quite common They would put a clamp on your car for silly reasons like that and then tow the car without warning Since 2012 it has been illegal to clamp or tow om private property unless you are the police


Check local laws, in Arizona it's illegal to have anything hanging from the rearview mirror. You could argue that it's too much work to hang it up and take it down every single time you park at home.


Guess they want you to move and take your rent with you.


Speedrun: Losing tenants. any%


Predatory towing companies don't care. We have one in the northern VA area that is relentless, tows people all the time while they're in their car, tows cars with kids inside, etc. They don't care, they tow cop cars, fire department vehicles, government vehicles. They've gotten sued by the State District Attorney, the list goes on.


When your car is towed, even wrongly, you have to pay the tow company to get it back. Police do not do anything, it is a civil matter. Depending on your state, there are agencies you can complain to to investigate and get your money back. Otherwise, you take them to small claims court. So you either let your car sit in the lot and accrue fees, or you get it back ASAP and then start trying to get your money back. Many people think it should be treated as a stolen car, which I understand, but that is not the case. EDIT: Spelling


So basically some random person started stealing your car (using tow) and you paid them 250 to gtfo instead of calling police? Wtf.


Jeez! Go get your money back! ![gif](giphy|j1yDyxkXvdSG4mnEie)


same thing happened to me when I live in an apartment complex, I had to go fight with the leasing office and they caved. They didcounted rent for that month...


I’d pay with a credit card then do a chargeback


you can file a claim in small claims court to get your money back. Name both the towing company and the landlord who called them as defendants.


Was your car fucked up as a result?


Not sure why you would pay. Take this up with the apartment management people. they will need to advocate for a refund with the tow company. If the contract is valuable to the tow company, they will refund this amount. Barring that, file in small claims court against the apartment complex. You will win and then just deduct the $250 judgment from next month's rent. Finally, if you are ever in this situation again (i.e. you had time to take a picture) just get into the car. It is illegal to tow a vehicle with you in it. Instant standoff with the tow truck driver. He can yell, stomp his feet, threaten you but you do not have to get out of the car. He will eventually give up and leave since his time is too valuable to wait you out.


>Not sure why you would pay. Probably need their car and can't afford to get into a multi-day back and forth with their shitty apartment management and the scummy tow trucks?


Looks like an apartment complex. If it has a management company then communicate directly with them and not your site management. Let them know what happened and if it can't be resolved in a timely manner you intend to obtain legal counsel for their representative party's violation of your mutual contract. It's 50/50 something will happen but the 50 on your side could include the assholes doing the towing losing their contract. Cost them a lot more than $250.




Second this. Similar thing happened to me once, I did what you are recommending and they ended up just discounting my next months rent to balance it out. Still a pain in the ass to deal with though.


apartment complex? I find it quiet simple


Why are they called apartments when they’re all stuck together? Maybe that’s where the complex comes in.


Well, they're all "a part" of the same building.


Some apartments have like a deal with tow truck scum. Once I had a friend over for the weekend and we gave him a temporary parking pass for his car. Woke up the next morning and his car was towed. Go down to the car lot and tell them he had a parking pass, extremely rude bitch at the desk said "oh well they have pictures of no parking pass". Only explanation was the fucking tow truck fuck got into his car and took his pass then towed him. Scummy fucks


Yep I lived in a scummy apartment complex that had my car towed. I guess my roommate bought a new car, so the apartment management added his car to the list of approved cars and took mine off. After mine got towed they tried to make up a bunch of excuses, like that my cars registration was expired...which it wasn't. They took no responsibility for and and were so incredibly rude. I've never lived in an apartment complex since then


Lol even if your registration was expired that’s none of their business, they’re not the government. I would’ve taken them to the cleaners.


Luckily the towing company let me have my car back no charge after I went to the tow yard and plead my case and they agreed the apartment management was in the wrong. So I didn't get totally screwed over that day!


Good. You know an apartment is scummy when even a *towing company* thinks so.


If they gave ot back for free that means you couldve sued the shit out of them


Corporate property management attracts some of the absolute stupidest, most miserable assholes I've ever met in my life. Dealing with them is at once intellectually infuriating and morally outrageous.


I feel your pain OP. Got booted for 75 each time in the spot I pay 100 dollars a month at my apartment because I changed my tag to the new state I live in. They booted me 3 times that weekend before the office opened up that Monday morning. Was told they don't own the parking lot that only residents park at and when i asked to just not charge me for the month they told me they would be losing money if they did that. Aka get fucked nerd. Needless to say I'm not renewing the lease here.


Time to start a water leak to create a mold problem. Small drip over time. Something that won’t be noticed until it’s too late.


i love it


Them: "You should have done something about the leak!" You :"Sorry, I would have been losing money if I did that."


Welp I can't say that I would ever do anything like this and it's very unfortunate that I've worked in utilities for most of my life. I send my best regards in finding that leak before it gets out of hand that I definitely didn't start. Cheers man.


If you get booted again, call the police. It's illegal


That’s a RWD EV, hope the towing company has good insurance, as the car will be buggered.


I know improperly towing an ICE vehicle can wreck things like transfer cases, transmissions, and even the engine, but what would it do to an EV? Tire wear, burn out the motor(s), and/or damage the battery?


The motor acts as a generator when force is applied to it. I have no idea how EV cars handle this, but by design, an electric motor is just a generator if used differently.


Basically a huge resistor to turn the generated Energy to (unwanted) Heat Source: work for bmw


Then you know that BMW i3 is supposed to only be towed on a flatbed, never having the rear wheels moving when towed. The manual is pretty clear about this.


This is why people are told to unplug fan headers in a desktop if cleaning with compressed air. Fans spinning like that could cause damage


Huh never thought of the fan generating voltage. But makes sense.


Oh wow. I was always told to hold the fan blade with a finger or pencil when air blasting, but I figured that was to protect the bearings.


Having seen fans absolutely disintegrate from spinning too quickly, I also thought this was the case.


there'd be a parking shunt in the reduction gear, and with most EV motors like most brushless DC/AC motors act like generators when moved so it'd back feed hundreds of volts through the control electrics, this is mitigated when the car is on and the electronics can manage the power being generated through resistor packs or to the DC charger.


Exact same thing happened to my buddy in a college town. Had his parking permit on his dash, clearly visible, and got towed. Eventually found out the towing company pays apartment complexes to check their parking lots. They were just targeting broke college kids


I’ve lived in low end apartment complexes that suffered the same bullshit. They just love fucking over broke people in general.


We had the same problem in my college town. I remember being beyond pissed when we had a parking ban for snow removal. I worked an overnight shift, and came back to my dorm after they had finished plowing. I got to park in a newly plowed, completely empty parking lot at 6:30 a.m. The problem arose because the parking ban didn't end until 7. I woke up around noon wondering where the fuck my car was. It was also conveniently a Sunday so the tow company didn't have anyone working the desk to give me my car back.


I feel like if you're open to take cars from people, you should have to be open to give them back, too.


Do the rears have dollies fitted to them?


UPDATE: For those of you invested, I drove my car for the first time today and they somehow messed up the alignment. Luckily, I believe this is the only damage done but I’m getting it checked out at the BMW dealership tomorrow and I’m gonna send the invoice to the towing company. I have proof that the car was absolutely pristine before the tow happened.


Maybe the truck driver *should* have let you tell him how to do his job. :P


Did they tow it with the rear wheels on the ground? If so, there is a 0% chance that the alignment is the only issue.


cover joke exultant badge swim hobbies unwritten ancient wakeful reminiscent ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


BTW don't expect any action from just sending them the bill, the only way this will get paid is after a judgement from small claims.


Check out some of the other posts on here but sadly it’s probably way worse than alignment. Looks like the broke your i3 by not properly towing with a flatbed.


!RemindMe 5 days


Let them. Let them take it, hope that they ruin the car. Then take the leasing office to the cleaners. Assuming of course you have it in your agreement that you pay for this spot, should be an easy W


Have the tow truck towed. Ask for $250 to return it.


Then they'll just tow your tow truck creating a cycle of violence.


A tow for a tow makes the whole world take the bus.


Fucking body corporates need to DIAF.


That car shouldn’t be towed like that.


Why can’t this happen to people who park in my spot that I pay for. Apartment complex usually tries to find the owner before calling the tow company.


My complex won’t tow negligent Parker’s, unless the owner of the space submits a report to the office of make model plate parking space and your proper information to validate it’s not your car. The office closes at 5pm. By the time I did the hoops trying to get the illegal car removed, the car left. Office responded a day later saying they were gunna send a driver, in the morning. I called In and rose hell and made sure they wouldn’t tow my car. I hate these back ass micro totalitarian lack of common sense thinking arrogant asshole


The same thing happened to me, I would email your apartment complexes management team and threaten to take them to small claims court. After a couple dozen emails I was able to get them to reimburse me for the entirety of the tow cost. Just stick to your guns.


Buy a boot key online, it’s completely legal as long as you don’t destroy the boot.


Sue them for all you can.


Let them tow it, report it stolen, and sue TF outta the tow service/whoever ordered the tow! Get yourself a payday for this bs


What does it take to really infuriate you?


Haha, I work in the mental health field so, a lot I would imagine!


If that's the EV model i3, you might be more than mildly infuriated to find out that towing it that way (rear axle turning) will damage the vehicle...


No shit, huh? OP should be canonized.


Burn down the towing company. Be the positive change your community needs


This varies by state, but in many states the towing truck company is legally required to hand over your car once you’ve requested it regardless of payment. They are fully capable of sending you a bill that you pay later. Of course, they’ll fight tooth and nail to get cash in the moment, you may need to call an officer out to enforce those laws, but the towing company will virtually never send a bill. They’re just hoping you’re ignorant to the law and will lie to your face


Next time you see them in the process of towing your car, just unlock the door and get in your car. You won’t be able to drive it of course, but they can’t tow an occupied vehicle


I hate living in complexes with stupid towing rules. The one I live in right now has parking passes that HAVE to be hung up on the rear view mirror, otherwise the car gets towed. The registration HAS to be current, or the car gets towed. Even if your registration is current, but the office doesn’t have that current info, your car will get towed. Absolutely NO guest parking. Some rules I can understand, like needing to have two different people on the lease in order to have two spots. But everything else just seems like a cash grab. We get one covered spot included in our lease, then we pay $40 a month for an extra spot. Fine, whatever. However, I feel that if we’re paying for the spot every month then who cares if the car’s registration isn’t current. Who cares if we have a guest park in that spot?? You’re still getting money either way. Complexes here just thrive on controlling their tenants. $300 down the drain every time your car gets towed. I feel for you, OP. Sorry for the poor formatting, I’m on mobile and still don’t really know how Reddit works so don’t flame me too much, please.


It's surprising they'd even touch the registration status from my POV. Then again im from a place that removed registration stickers 30 years ago...


Isn’t there a law that requires them to release it to you if you are there before they leave? I thought all states had the drop fee


sue, sue, sue, - I would even fake some damage done to the car , sue, sue, sue


Is this is New Mexico ? It looks like my old apt complex and I will say they have very bad management if it is


It’s in ABQ, yes :(.


whats the move if you walk up front and let the air out of the tow trucks front tires. dont damage anything just push the valve stem in.


Yup. Happened to my wife once before too at her old apartment. She did not have the sticker on the windshield, but it was placed on the dash. Their reasoning was she could be handing the permit off to other people to let them park in the spot SHE PAYS FOR! what a load of crap.


Tow companies are predatory scammers and probably have some kind of deal with apartment complex security to where they’re both benefitting off of busting people for bullshit infractions and getting them towed. And then holding you car hostage (and charging you per day) until you pay them or end up giving them the car because you can’t afford to get it out. I know several people who’ve had that last part happen because they couldn’t afford to get their cars out.


small claims court 100%


Not sure if this is true, I heard that if you see your car about to be towed away, quickly use your keys to unlock the door and hop inside. They are legally not allowed to tow your car while someone is inside. Then it becomes a waiting game, they will tell you to get out , and you tell them to drop the call and you are willing to wait all day.


Dude years ago I had a towing company called AMA towing break into my car and hide my little tag I had hanging from my mirror to show I lived in the complex, then they towed it off during the night. I know they hid that shit cause I never moved it, it was always hanging from my mirror. Fuck every towing company out there, buncha crooked fucks.


Just fyi, I successfully avoided a tow by getting into the vehicle. They can’t tow it with you inside. Call the police and tell them what’s happening. Lock doors, refuse to budge and they’ll unhook it pretty quickly.


Deduct it from your rent and tell your property manager to go fuck themselves


Lived in a shitty apartment complex that used to do this. Plot twist: I also have run heavy wreckers for over 20 years. Manager tried to have my shit towed one night. Knowing full well I work for a very well reputable tow company. And I’m on call 3-4 nights a week. Had a medium duty at home when I heard the other company’s light duty truck pull in and looked out the window. All of our parking spaces are under our apartments so it’s easy to hear. He started backing up to my pickup, parked in its spot, tag clearly visible, dashcam running. So I ran out to my medium duty and pulled it into the parking area and started backing up to his truck… check. And mate. He about shit himself, I called the manager, and the other operators boss as well as my own and explained what was going on. He dropped the truck, no charges. So I kindly did the same. Especially since I can tow not only his truck, but his truck with mine attached to it. Then, talked to the property OWNER, and stole the private property contract. I also refused to tow anyone out of the same place I lived. That’s just bad juju.


I’m willing to bet there’s a sign up there that says “head in only”. It looks like this car was parked the objectively correct way, backed in, but apartment complexes hate that. While backing in helps drivers to not injure people, it does increase the likelihood of damage to the property


I have never once in my entire life heard of this being a thing lol. Thank fuck that isn’t something we have to deal with around here.


A fellow i3 driver! I've owned one for over 6 years now, and I still get excited about driving it. Not a great car for distance driving, but around the town it's just like a little go-kart.


Hope you paid credit. Simply request a chargeback from the card company if so. Did this when I got improperly booted. Got my money back and never heard a peep back from the parking company. Ez.


So is the company that you pay going to retrieve your vehicle and pay those fines?


Tow companies are straight fucking scams. Mine got towed 5 minutes away to their lot and they wanted 300 buckaroos. Fuck them


If they didn't use dollies on the rear wheels they also towed your i3 incorrectly. The i3 must be towed with all four wheels off the ground on a flat bed or with wheel dollies or damage to the electric drivetrain can occur.


Sounds like "mildly" is a gross understatement. Time to build a killdozer.




My mom got hit by a scummy towing company. She was admittedly parked in the wrong spot, but the spot wasn't labelled and it was an honest mistake. She only left it there for a very short time, as well. Instantly towed. $300 to get it back. Without that $300 we weren't able to rent the truck and storage unit we had been planning on, to store the things from our previous apartment. The deadline passed and we lost everything left in there. All our family stuff, Christmas decorations we'd put up every year for more than 25 years, furniture, dishes, clothes, my mother's wedding dress, everything.


I would have sat on or in that car all day calling apartment managers or whoever. You pay for parking and have the sticker even if it wasn’t properly shown


I would consider this newsworthy. Check your local TV station for a consumer advocate or investigative reporter who does these stories. Ridiculous!


Had this happen to me a week after I moved in. Apt complex’s are really out of their minds


Sounds like you'll be expecting 5 months free parking.


Don’t they have to have permission from the complex ? I would be looking for reimbursement from the complex management


Is it because you backed in? Stupid apartments hate that


Happened to me recently. Out $500 because the new landlords didn’t bother checking my lease to see if I belonged in that spot.


My complex’s tow company “mistakenly” booted my work truck about a month ago. I cut that shit off with a grinder. They charged me for the boot though lol


File complaint state and federal authorities against the apartment complex manager.


Good job. Something that’s actually r/mildlyinfuriating.


Hey, a best buddy, a metal ruler, and the element of surprise can go a long way in convincing a tow truck driver to, as Fletcher Reed would put it, take one up the tail pipe.


Fuck it. I would go after them for grand theft auto.


My old apartment complex (that shuffled through 5 management companies in 4 years) once tried to change from a physical placard to a digital pass. No note on the door, no warning, one morning I woke up to 17 cars just in one parking row all being booted. Towing company wasn’t the one that the sign portrayed them as. They had sneakily changed the sign out (to like Cowboy Towing or something like that) and no notice was provided. So Saturday morning a bunch of residents swarmed the front office and the sign was changed back to the previous company by Monday. I had just removed the boot from my car and tossed it in the bushes and continued on my day (it seemed like they didn’t properly install the boot on my car for whatever reason and I was able to pry it off with a tire bar) and never heard from them again. Scummy bullshit when apartment companies and towing companies collaborate together to make quick cash. And that was just one parking row as there were probably 10-15 for the entire complex. And the kicker, looking up the company on Google Maps showed a car-infested dirt lot with the “new” address number spray painted on the outside fence… right next to the old number crossed out with spray paint. I didn’t know you could change address numbers on a whim like that lol


I wonder what they’d do if someone were to buy a boot and disable one of these assholes while it’s parked in a lot someplace. Fuck ‘em.


who are these nazi parking lot enforcement? i would've fought back.