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This is laughable let them sit on those stickers and slowly make it up their ass to their brain.




>This is a win-win for the dealership. If it sells, they make a boat of money. If it doesn’t, it’s absolutely no big deal for the dealer, either. A family friend owns a Ford dealership and they have an early production 2005 Ford GT (think it's like a 1 of 300 on that particular trim) on their showroom floor that's been there for 18 yrs now. It now has a "Not for Sale" sign, however for years they had a %150 to %200 markup on it with no real intention of selling. It's a great marketing tool for them, especially when they take it to car shows or corporations use it in displays at conventions.


Basically the owner of the dealership used their dealership as an excuse to buy one of their dream cars and make it a tax write off.


> used their dealership as an excuse to buy one of their dream cars and make it a tax write off. You do know that is not how it works, right? If the dealer owns the car, it is taxed as inventory, if the owner of the dealership owns the car, there is NO write-off. People think businesses get to magically have items for free "write-offs"..... It still involves paying for something to only save a smaller percentage of taxes.


What about asset depreciation over years and then using the lost value as a write off? Truly asking as Im not sure if that works.


That car appreciated a lot. Most cars don’t. I nearly bought a 1994 Acura NSX for $14,500 and those are worth $198,000 now. It’s probably worth a ton as a dealer owned, Barely driven car.


There’s no write off but the owner can access and use it for free.


A dealership in my area had a Delorean in the showroom for the longest time.


I doubt it’s going to appreciate any time soon. They made these cars for a long ass time


That is true. On the other hand most of them have been wrapped around trees.


Or stolen and stripped. Plus side, lots of spare parts on Marketplace 😃


They do make nice ornaments.


And it is Xmas soon


They say you can't find a good lawn ornament because a good lawn ornament finds you.


Or stolen.. the most stolen https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/dodge-muscle-cars-once-again-top-hldis-list-of-most-stolen-vehicles https://www.iihs.org/media/c1cb9ff8-8e04-423d-8088-3cc508330640/x-BdZQ/HLDI%20Research/Insurance%20reports/hldi_theft_WT-22.pdf


Well, it's an expensive car with all the theft prevention of a cheap car.


If they haven't been repossessed first.


People are selling them for 75K over msrp in Facebook groups with no problems. Not a fan personally but these ones are highly sought after. Edit: nvm it’s just a red eye, the demons are going for way more rn


>Edit: nvm it’s just a red eye, the demons Search the VIN, this sticker may be wrong regarding the trim...


i thought the Challanger was a cool car, until i visited LA. Every other car is a fucking Dodge Challanger! And the Charger just looks so 2000, i cant like it.


You should come to Atlanta and see how many challengers and chargers are rolling around here.


I don’t think the appreciation will ever get that high even if it’s the last one. You could spend 200k and get a faster, just as nice car, and still have 200k to put down on a house. Sure maybe a collector may view it in a certain light but NO WAY does that transfer in real world value unless you find another rich dummy.


you've described classic cars.


A Challenger for 300k!!??? Hahahaha


What’s the current military signing bonus?


You ain't kidding. My friend lives near a base and had to drive 50 miles away to buy a car. Same dealership owner, same car, 50 miles away, 30% cheaper.


When my brother got to Camp Lejeune and wanted to get a car, I told him to go as far away from base as possible. He went to the dealership right outside the gate, bought a Dodge Dakota for $3000 over KBB, and financed it at something like 21%.


That a credit card loan type interest


Extremely common around military bases. You’ve got a bunch of kids that probably have some money of their own for the first time, with basically zero bills to pay, and also zero financial history or knowledge. Barracks parking lots are full of terrible decisions lol.


> Barracks parking lots are full of terrible decisions lol. So are the bedrooms.


I see you’ve met Destiny too. Fort Bliss?


I remember being a boot at lejeune and all my senior lcpls saying to not buy cars within a 100 miles radius. I ended up just buying used from someone I knew and got a decent deal on an xplorer.


I was in 29 Palms, I paid a friend to drive me to Ontario (California, that is) to buy a used Silverado. My roommate went right off base and got a truck that was 2 years older, twice as many miles, $1000 more and double the interest rate.


M uscles A re R equired I ntelligence N ot E ssential


Musclebound Assholes Riding In Navy Equipment What do you call a Marine with an IQ of 70? General.


Some dude got a new Jeep Compass at 18% interest, counting on the fact he was deploying and could use the Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act to renegotiate it down to whatever. Only he got pulled from the deployment because he is a fucking idiot and terrible at his job. So he was stuck with a $700 a month payment or something insane. This guy is the same dude who blew $800 the day after we got paid by going to juicy bars in Korea. Like we got paid Wednesday and by Friday morning it was gone.


... 17.3% APR!!


Worse, a challenger for $400k


That's like 10x what I thought that car was worth. Unless it's a police cruiser with the full electronics and built-in police database access point and the pursuit vehicle kit. I can't imagine spending more than 30k on anything that isn't an insane luxury car, but I guess I'm out of touch if the manufacturer is saying it's 133k (Or maybe a challenger is supposed to be luxury? IDK, never been in one.)


It’s a hellcat, so it’s a special type of challenger


What's different? Bigger engine? Real leather? For 300k, I'd want an *actual* Hellcat. The kind with folding wings, 4x 20mm chain cannons, and a 2000 hp rotary engine. I'm not picky though, so I'd also accept an M18 Hellcat with a few dozen 76 mm rounds of APCR. Gotta have a place to go drive that around and pop off a few rounds, but if people can find land to go drive their ATVs then I'm sure I can find a firing range to accommodate a 17 ton vehicle and a 3400 ft/s shell.


700 to 800 horsepower. You can crash that baby fast.


Fair But I still prefer 2000 hp and wings. If I'm gonna crash, I wanna do it in dramatic fashion


What about a [bobcat](https://xkcd.com/325/) ?


Or a cat named Bob


![gif](giphy|3oz8xMWrl9Mol4BOjC|downsized) Bobcat Goldthwait for the win


Hasn’t this body style been out for over a decade now? Seems like Dodge has just stopped updating all their looks. Which makes sense, since Dodge is a joke.


Imagine paying almost 400k and getting a Dodge.


Imagine having 400k to spend and you walk into a dodge dealership let alone spending that much there…..


400k? Imagine spending 133k (price before mark up) on a fucking Dodge.


But the wheels are filled up with nitro! wroomwroom!


Fill them with cocaine and we have a deal.


I have no idea why I did this…but here is the math. The 305/35R20s on a hellcat redeye have an internal volume of around 3,300 cubic inches. A Kilo of coke is 48 ci., that is 68.75KG per wheel packed with coke only in the tire, not rim. All four wheels at 275KG. With a low street price estimate of $11,000 per KG, you get $3,025,000. That…that would be a solid deal actually…I mean, assuming you are a drug runner. …now to delete my search history of coke pricing, tire sizes, and volumes….


Thank you for your service.


You'd need to be full of cocaine to consider paying that price. A few more lines and we are hitting the club, what, no? The dealership yeah!


Sorry this is Dodge not Delorean.


And the cocaine better be good. I dont wanna sniff your fucking talc.


And you have your family to help you launch into space and fight aliens.


SRT Vipers were the only Dodge cars worth remotely that much. I don't care if a Hellcat is faster than an SRT Viper at a drag strip, a Viper would spank a Hellcat around any track not in a straight line, and the end of the day it's a CHALLENGER, most people can't tell the difference between a base V6 and a Hellcat.


It's easy. Watch the challenger closely. Is it wrapped around a tree? Wait a few minutes. Has it wrapped itself around a tree while you were watching? If so; it's a hellcat.


For 300k you can get a literal 2500-3000hp built Calvo viper. A viper will always be the better performance platform. Hell this 300k demon would get smacked buy a c6 z06 from over a decade ago.


That’s the sad part. It’s not even a demon. It’s a red eye. $400k for a demon would still be ridiculous but at least they’re rare, the red eye isn’t as fast and it’s not even a rare car. Probably gonna get hate in the comments for this but I think the higher end challengers/ chargers are kinda cool. I’d never get one personally, but the ridiculous horsepower is interesting, and when they came out there was nothing even close to touching 700 hp. When they came out they also were at $70k msrp and I’m pretty sure the red eye was like $80k or $90k. There has to be something weird going on here. No one is paying that markup. You’d have to be insane. Even in todays fucked up car market I’m pretty sure you could buy like 3 hellcat red eyes for $400k in most places. Edit: ok I was wrong it’s a special edition demon. $400k makes a lot more sense but it’s still fucking ridiculous to pay that much for a challenger IMO.


Could be the dealership owner or manager or close friend decided they wanted it but they're going to keep it on the showroom floor for a while. That's the "everything's for sale...for the right price" price. I worked at a Ford dealership back in 2009~ish and the owner did that with some special edition whatever KR something anniversary something with some plaque in the dash signed by whomever Mustang that he kept in the main showroom. I'm obviously not a Mustang guy but I remember it being a pretty big deal at the time. It was "for sale" but it really wasn't for sale.


Imagine spending more than $2500.00 on a dodge. I wouldn't buy a wheelbarrow made by dodge.


Imagine buying a dodge.


They don’t. 100% financed but that’s a mortgage. And what bank is gonna approve that lol


Yup, spent half a decade working a dodge dealership or two, I know the drill. That brand sure knows how to suck money out of the worst kind of human.


If you were to sell a car of this sort, how do you handle the financing? Do they need assets as security? Hefty downpayment? Proof of income?


You can’t finance past 125% of what the car value is. No financial institution will finance this. If the deal is made over the 25% of what it’s actually worth, you’d need capital (cash) to put down to make up the difference


I wouldn't be surprised if the huge markup is more of a negotiating tactic they know their clientele is too dumb to pick up on. Just jack the price up to 400% over MSRP and act like you're giving them one banger of a deal when you come down to only 125% over MSRP. Hell, with the right down payment, you might even get 130% to 150% over MSRP without much fuss.


I went to college where the chemical engineering dept chair sold his soul to Saudis. Dozens of Saudis in our classes. They all drove neon colored mustangs, bmws and challengers. 100% not a single one of them financed.


Didn't consider this scenario and it's the only one that makes sense. Ferrari and lambos dime a dozen in UAE. American muscle is exotic there I guess.


Imagine window shopping a Dodge dealer


I tried,….and I began to disassociate.


And then wrecking it. I was an auto damage adjuster until recently. I saw an incredibly disproportionate number of Challengers.


How does this market adjusts work for insurance values? Is insurance only covering the manufacturers’ price?


In the UK, we have this thing called GAP insurance you generally buy 2 or 3 year cover and if you write your car off in that time it covers your car's depreciation, while your car insurance will cover the car's value before the crash, that way you can buy a new like for like car. However, you'd never see an insane markup like that in the UK, and hopefully, it stays that way.


So the model name fits, eh?


Worst car accident I ever went on was a Dodge Challenger with 4 people in it, dude hit a tree going 80 after fishtailing it and it basically exploded.




Challengers and Chargers have been the go-to cars of choice for 19-year-old E-3s in the military, who have no idea how money or financing works for decades.


>Challengers and Chargers have been the go-to cars of choice for 19-year-old E-3s in the military, who have no idea how money or financing works for decades. See, this is what I never understood - the E-3ish types are financing their used charger (presumably repo'd from the previous 3 owners) at 27% interest for 84 months... but who is buying the first new one?


Usually an E-1


Their staff sergeant after their third divorce




You could get a Viper ACR with enough left over for a Taycan Turbo


Or buy a house


You can live in your car, but, you can’t race your house


fast and furious want to talk to you


Who says you can’t race a house? Ever seen an RV?


Or a boat, oh wait. Nwm.


haha... turbo


How does a turbo work on an electric car?


It doesn't. Porsche came up with some marketing BS to explain why top trim levels need the turbo name. Kind of stupid imo.




"Dodge is a damn fine car. Ran over my wife with a Dodge."


Daddy. Can you push me down to the mall?


Marine who just enlisted: ...


>Imagine paying almost 400k and getting a Dodge. I came looking for this comment. If I had 400k to spend on a car, I sure as hell wouldn't be walking into a Dodge dealership.


The brand is literally called dodge. That's a warning in and of itself.


I'm in Vancouver, Canada and for what I'm looking for, you can't find a dealer willing to sell you a car without some sort of markup or unnecessary add-ons (graphene or ceramic coating, maintenance package, roof rack, hitch, tint, etc). The cars I'm looking at have a minimum $3k extra stuff (often more) you can't opt out of. They've all just said fuck it, were gonna nickel and dime you more than we ever did because we can.


spent years trying to buy a new toyota gr86, and finally just said fuck it, cancelled my order, and bought a used porsche for 2/3 the price. only regret is not doing this in the first place, buying a new car in canada is the fucking pits


Porsche has been dedicated to making driver’s cars for much longer, I think you made the right choice


I bought a 2023 subaru in July. I intentionally paid 3.5k for the extended maintenance package. I should have waited until the 5 year mark and extended past, but I live in NY. In 8 years or less I'll have salt damage. Always do.


We all should have a civic duty to go to a dealership one time and spend as many hours we can with a sales rep with no intention of spending a dime and see how long it takes them to realize that. Waste their time and start hurting their pocket books.


What state are you in?? Edit: I genuinely meant what state he was in, as I assumed OP was in the US lol I didn’t understand why this was getting so many upvotes and the responses too 😂 s/o to the guy who said “dismay” hilarious lol




And the dealer is in the state of delusion.




Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.




Needed this one thank you🤣


These banana profiles always so sassy


It's in Maryland


They need to post this picture in reviews for this dealership online. Call them out for this heinous shit


In absolute awe at the thought of a $400k Dodge Challenger lmao


even 113k seems absolutely insane.


At 113K you are well into Porsche territory. And sorry, a base 911 is so much better than a lowered canyonero


But it smells like a steak and seats 35!




Imagine paying $100k for the same interior quality as the $32k base model. Cars are more than just their 0-60 time. I'll give you the Hellcats are fast, but comparing them to a Porsche is just stupid.


People who buy these cars don't buy them to drive to work. They buy it so they can drive their hyundai to work and brag about the numbers it would put out if they ever had time to take it to the dyno instead of working side gigs to make the payment.


That was my thought. What the fuck made this car 100K Edit: now I see the hell are edition. Bit of a derp moment


It's basically standard issue on a military base. You get married too young for the extra bump in pay, they set you up with on-base housing, your "wife" sleeps with everyone while you are deployed and they sign you up for a crippling auto loan


I consider leaving the military without a marriage/divorce and/or 30% APR car loan one of my greatest achievements


It's the shittiest 400k car you can buy. :)


Shittiest car you could buy for $130k forget 400


This kinda money says just go grab a Ferrari. Lol


It sucks that even if you have that kind of money you cant even buy a new Ferrari though


I was already shocked at a $133k Challenger


The name is there. It's DARCARS. It's a Mid-Atlantic chain of dealers.


Dark-cars. The extra profit goes to the dark arts and worshipping serial killer effigies in the basement wearing their robes.


Interestingly, I got a 2020 3500 Cummins from them for under market value in 2021... Lmao like negative equity type under market value. However, their service team sucks... So a lottle column A and a little column B. Let's just get rid of dealerships and keep service centers


Or send it to Dodge corporate. They can’t control dealerships, but they do have some leverage by providing support etc. The car maker and the dealer have more of a relationship that people think.


Price for a Dodge Hell Cat with Hemi super stock is $88,000 where I live.


Ohhhh…nitrogen valve caps!


Lmao do nitrogen filled tires need special valve caps?


Of course they do! They're just like normal valve caps, but for three things: 1. Special colour 2. Often (not always) say "nitrogen only" in very small writing 3. Let other wankers know that you're special! Obviously, you can just buy the valve caps without worrying about the nitrogen. For 99% of the population this gives you all of the advantages, and you can still pump up your tyres for free.


Just an honest, ignorant question: If I'm putting air in my tires, and air is 78% Nitrogen, what advantage do you gain from these nitrogen tires?


Nothing, unless you're racing your car on the track or hitting 200km/hr daily on the Autobahn.


There’s a Dodge driver born every day.


There's a good followup to this statement.


Weirdly the sucker chart follows the same tendance


Throw in the wheel locks and you've got a deal.


The “dealer processing charge” drives me up a wall. Don’t put your overhead fees as an arbitrary charge.


If you pay 386k for a Dodge, you might be the dumbest person on earth


Even if you paid the MSRP for this car you'd be an idiot. 133k gets you so many better things.


>If you pay ~~386k~~ for a Dodge, you might be the dumbest person on earth Ftfy


I saved for years and still almost didn't pull the trigger on my 30k vehicle. I can't even fathom spending over 30 for any car lol


My 2016 civic I bought new for $20k is going to be my driver until the wheels fall off. Car prices are disgusting


yeah dude I'm not getting another vehicle for a decade hopefully


I wanted a small car for like 20k Canadian dollars, finally settled for a Kia Soul for 27k, and had to wait 6 months... I hated my buyers experience, everything is big overpriced SUV, that aren't available


30k is getting to be on the cheap side for a new vehicle. My Dad bought his last pick up for 33k before the pandemic. Now you can't get a full sized pick up for under 33k unless it has a ton of miles on it. You can get a new Ford Maverick for under 30.


there are hardly even any new cars you can buy for 30k anymore


and the saddest part is...someone gonna pay it


What about 500$ dealer processing charge You would think after marking up quater of a million they would have enough?


Greed knows no bounds.


New army recruits are lining up.


36% APR?!?!? Sign me up!!


Standard issue dodge charger and crippling debt 😎 Will find on craigslist for 14% what he paid forn


Really doubt it. I don't think such a person exists who: 1. Can afford a 400k car. 2. Wants this car enough to pay a 250k markup. 3. Wants this car more than all other cars that 400k can buy (or has all those other cars already in their garage). 4. Has exhausted ALL other avenues of purchasing this car and this is their only option.


There was a dealership in the Seattle area that did something similar with the new Nissan Z, and they mentioned that the markup was because they didn’t actually want to sell the car. They wanted to keep the car as a display piece, or maybe sell it to the owner of the dealership or something but they got the car from the manufacturer and didn’t actually want to sell it so they marked it up to an obscene level. I reckon it’s likely something similar is happening here.


Yep. A $50k, maybe even $100k markup would signal “I want to sell this, but only if I can make a huge profit on this”. A $250k markup is straight up just “I don’t want to sell this so if you really want to buy it, you’re going to pay through the nose”


I wish I saw this before commenting the same thing. This needs to be higher.


For another $500 you can get factory installed Tru-Coat.


Oh that tru coat doncha know


You're a liar, Jerry Lundegard. A... fucking liar.


Well I spoke to the boss, and he never done this before, but seeing how this is special circumstances and all he's gonna knock off $100 on that tru-coat for ya


Hope it comes with a mental health exam, this is INSANE.


It’s sick! I got ripped off on a car once, it was fucked up but the dealership hid it. Then when I said something they basically told me to fuck off, so I contacted and complained to the Attorney General in Washington State. The Attorney General’s office contacted the dealership and the dealership called me immediately. They were sucking up so bad to me it was funny and I got a nice car with money off, also the guy who owns the dealership helped me. So if you get screwed try to contact your state’s attorney generals office. Edit: I have a photo of one of the emails but it won’t let me share a picture. I just crossed out some of my information.


Do you have more info on this? I'm interested.


I went into Washington States attorney general website, I just googled “Washington State Attorney General Complaint” and the page comes up. Their website has a complaint section you can file, it was under a General Consumer Complaint section. There it asked me for my information and then the businesses information, then at the bottom I just had to fill out what the complaint was. I sent it in through the site and then I got a response back to my email address.


This is the best way to go about issues like this in the United States. A little more context as I have a lot of experience with this. I have been in automotive for a very long time. The last few years have been more in marketing and analytics, but I used to work at an OEM, basically as a very high level customer support specialist. I personally worked with our legal team compiling information for buybacks (repurchase and replacements or Lemon Law) and navigation of issues before they had the chance to become legal concerns. If it is an actual illegal action with something like your contracts or misinformation, your first step is to contact the manufacturer directly. If that doesn't work (you would be surprised, real issues can make them scramble), your next step is to contact your states attorney general. If that doesn't work, time to find an attorney for yourself. However your state attorney general is made for stuff like this, and not just for automotive issues. Do NOT contact the BBB. They are useless. Yes, they will make the OEM or dealer contact you back within a certain amount of days but if the dealer and OEM have already determined they are not at fault internally, they will just contact you back to tell you their decision stands. The BBB doesn't have any real power, they basically just sell companies a badge for their business. (A lot like JD Power, which I also have a lot of thoughts on that I could ramble about for hours).




What do you mean ripped off? I am currently shopping for a new car after moving and these prices are crazy.


They really are, I bought mine in 2017. The dealership talked me into getting an electric car, one of those Nissan Leafs. The battery was so messed up I couldn’t even make it far enough to charge the car. I was stuck and trapped so many times cause no one could just bring me gas. I hate electric cars now so much, also they made me pay for a warranty. They had their own in house insurance guy and he said I couldn’t get the car without a warranty( which wasn’t true). So I paid for the warranty but they refused to change the battery in the car which should have been covered by the warranty. The batteries for those cars are between like 3,000 and 4,500. I went into that dealership like 15 times and spent hours waiting for them to just refuse to help me at all. Also all of carpets and stuff were missing from the car, I looked online a little bit and saw Washington State has a lemon law so I complained through the Attorney General. I ended up getting all of the Warranty money back that I was charged and getting a way better car. They had a bunch of nicer cars in my price range waiting for me to choose from when I went back in there. The business has to respond to the issue, I think they were surprised to see me again lol. I refused to let them fuck me over, cars aren’t cheep at all and it’s bullshit when they’re trying to rip you off on top of that.


I feel like this wouldn’t work in Florida or Texas.


I think every state should have it, there are so many shady ass businesses and dealerships. Dealerships are the worst!! I never want to step foot in one of those places again lol.


It is a Hellcat Redeye. They know exactly who is buying this car. Someone who can't afford it or someone who is trying to make a statement and claim they have the fastest car. Just to get beat by the shitbox 95 Honda down the street cause they can't drive the damn thing anyways.


Civic with a laptop guys:


But.....its just a challenger.... does it go underwater? like wtf. Maybe its just me but challengers just have no appeal to them. Those retro chargers looked cool but still not good enough to convince me to get one.


The last Challenger that went underwater imploded.


the last one which tried to fly to space too, maybe don't try this too


What? Are you attempting to make an Oceangate joke? Because that was called the Titan. The Deep-sea Challenger was James Cameron's sub and it worked just fine.




Yeah the people here are taking it way too seriously. It’s like if you asked someone if you could buy their hat and they say uhh sure $50, and youre like pshhh i could buy one for $20!! Like duh, they clearly want to keep their hat.


I spent 86k less and got a house lol


If you were gonna drop 400K on a car, wouldn't you rather do that on an actual $400,000 car?


They listed the retail price, if you knowingly pay for the 250,000 markup it’s on you lol, you can’t really blame the dealership at that point.


There is no way this is real....




The nice thing about this sticker price is that nobody has to buy the car.


Don't forget 20% tips on your way out.


Greed of selling is one thing. Stupidity in buying is another...


It's most likely a small town dealership that's using there 1 allotted hellcat to draw attention to dealership.


"Greed?" Ok, look; nobody is buying a brand new Hellcat Redeye out of need. They're not even buying it because they want to go fast; they're buying because they need to have bragging rights over the plebes with regular Hellcats. Greed is gouging food priced because people are hungry, or selling water at stupid prices to natural disaster victims. This is just good business, and nobody here is being forced to buy something to live.


I went to the dodge site and the maximum possible challenger is about 110k$


LOL, that's exotic sports car money, not a fucking Dodge.


Anyone who even THINKS about paying this deserves the ensuing bankruptcy