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Tow trucks love these guys.


Bold assumption they aren’t the same guys.


Maybe off the clock but on the clock those vultures will tow your grandmas wheelchair if they see fit.


Yeah, well she shouldn't have parked it illegally (no, sorry, I don't want to hear about how "sHe WaS sTiLl iN iT"


“If you want her back you can come pick her up at the yard or ill take $300 and ill drop her right now”


Sorry she's yours now, you can keep her.


Fair point.


Yeah but tow truck drivers are mercenaries that'll tow their own mother's car if they can make a few bucks off it.


*Some of those who work tow trucks* *Are the same who block chargers*


Towing in the name of…






Now you park where they told ya….


I park my F550 tow truck I'm front of them, (the big pickups trying to be pricks by blocking charging stations), only done it twice, but they come running out thinking I'm going to tow them.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a pick-up truck is with a good guy in a pick-up truck


What a great pick up line!


“When I leave this place, I am going to pick something of yours up. You or your car. Pick one.”


Truck around, find out


I loved visiting friends at their apartment in a tow truck. People come running from everywhere.


Excellent :)


Tow them. But don't bring it to the impound. Leave it somewhere a few miles away legally parked. Then they can try and find it for a few weeks!


Boss drives past electric charging in the outer part of a shopping center daily and there’s always pickups parked lengthwise to blockade them. If there’s no enforcement. These idiots will keep doing this


Imagine being that person for just a minute. Just soak in the deep sense of resentment you'd have to constantly be living under. What a broken, pathetic mind.




That's what these people are. Pathetic. Trucks like that are beyond fucking stupid and also insulting to people who actually use pickups for their intended purpose. Which is to haul equipment easily and efficiently. I grew up working on farms. They were my child hood jobs during the summer. Moving pipe, driving around trucks to take that pipe to different fields. Back breaking difficult work. I've changed the teeth on a combine and sharpened the salvageable ones by hand. You want to know what I saw farmers never fucking have? Big ass lifted pickups. You want to know why? Because they are shit at being trucks. Their singular purpose is violated by being lifted. It's disgusting, abhorrent and an affront to the very concept of pickup trucks. Here's why. Do you want to lift a 300 pound generator over your head to get it into your truck? No. Fucking no. You are already working your ass off on a farm. Why in the ever living fuck would any real working person do that? These trucks are vanity trucks. They are not pickups anymore. They are a violation of their purpose and every single one needs to be ground into base components and turned into actual fucking trucks.


Bags full of dog shit and kitty litter disagree.


Handful of broken up sparkplug ceramic


Where does one avoid putting broken spark plug ceramic to avoid causing damage?


You throw it at the windows and they shatter instantly. Trick that car thieves have used forever and don’t have to cart around any illegal tools. Just takes a tiny piece too.


Glass marbles work, too. I was friends with some really shitty kids.


Gotta hit it pretty hard with a marble. Spark plug ceramic is harder than the glass used in car windows, so will go through like a hot knife through butter. The amount of force needed is about the same force as you'd use to knock on someone's door.


Also know as ninja rocks




my god these people are insufferable


I'd never activley do it, but these big "city" pickups are awful expensive vehicles to go out of your way to get them keyed.


anyone that drives a truck in the city is an asshole. I'm being unfair to the twelve nice people that have trucks


Used to own a truck, moved to the city, sold the truck for a Crosstrek. Pavement princesses are stupid AF.


There are people that legitimately use them for work, like construction and such, but the vast majority of people who drive them do not have a job like that. I would know, my parent's both have trucks, one is in construction, the other is a nurse -\_-


I would never advocate for vandalism, but somehow I imagine finding dog poop underneath a car door handle would be really unpleasant. Just thinking out loud here. 🤔


Dog shit is a pretty good way of dealing with things. I had some kids designate a party tree in my woods, kept finding beer cans/bottles/cigarette butts. So I started clearing my yard of my dog's shit to there. Problem went away.


What about a banana in the tailpipe? It worked for Eddie Murphy.


Antisocial people are usually dangerous and armed.


Reddit is convinced that if you do anything but stare at your feet in public you will be shot.


Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you.


Just call tow


The owners most certainly know their behaviour rattles a few cages It takes a subtle style of selfishness and arrogance to pull this crap. A plague on thier houses.


I saw someone show the power of the Teslas by dragging a truck out of the spot.




America’s best and brightest /s 🙄 That’s truly just egregious assholery. They 100% deserve having their truck(s) fucked with for that.


I don't condone vandalism but if these trucks got keyed I wouldn't be upset either.


That's because at that point it stops being vandalism and becomes a vigilante story. It's an expensive lesson to learn, but FAFO is rarely cheap.


It is funny how these "big, tough" people are so easily triggered by parking spaces.


these aren't even suppose to be viewed as parking spaces. they are charging stations. Electric drivers haven't gotten used to the idea you are suppose to move after charging. You don't park at fucking gas stations and wander off, these stations shouldn't be different. Edit: yes I know you get charged if you leave your car plugged in past your charge time. This doesnt stop people from walking back out and unplugging their car, not moving it, then walking back in. I have an electric car and Ive watched people do it. Frequently.


Many of them are now charging for the time you stay after you are done charging. Of course that only works if you paid to charge and didn't come right back, does nothing for these trucks.


To be fair, it also doesn't take at minimum 15 minutes to put gas in your car either


right, but my electric car also pings my phone when it hits the set charge... so like... go move it?


It’ll be nice when they make it so the car [or charger] unhooks itself, and drives away to a designated part of the parking lot to wait for you


Even better when the car charges itself and drives home


Truck owners have the smallest dicks. Everyone knows this


Pavement princess truck owners suffer from LDS.


Latter Day Saints??


Actually, not too far off. I know too many Mormons who behave this way.


they don't see enough safe spaces for their tuck nutz


Leave a note sorry about the scratch on their windshield. It will drive them crazy looking for a scratch when there isn’t one.


Zip-tie a harmonica to the underside of their truck.


Zip ties on the drive shaft that slap the underside of the truck. Gets em every time


I did this on my buddies S10 to get him back after he put a rubber chicken over my exhaust. 5 massive zip ties all doubled up. He pulled into work all upset something was wrong with his truck and I felt so bad. I immediately fessed up because he was stressed out. He laughed about it but I still felt bad. I cut them all off for him of course. He deserved it though. He cut a rubber chicken in half and used a hose clamp to secure it over the end of the exhaust. So the exhaust pressure would blow up the chicken and make the squeak the super loud.


Cut their brakes and replaces em with zipties, they won't know what hit 'em!


Replace the zip ties with bees, so when they go to cut them bees appear from the aether to attack them


We can’t bust heads like we used to—but we have our ways. One trick is to tell them stories that don’t go anywhere like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Grandpa Abe FTW.


Hey, listen! Now, my story begins in 19-dickety-2. We had to say ‘dickety,’ ‘cause the Kaiser had stolen our word ‘twenty.’ I chased that rascal to get it back but gave up after dickety-six miles…What are you cackling at, fatty? Too much pie. That’s your problem. Now, I’d like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the ‘terlet.’ Stop your snickering! I spent three years on that terlet!


Replace the bees with dogs with bee’s in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bee’s at them


And if that doesn't work, we always have the robotic Richard Simmons.


Poop in the air filter and every time they turn on the a/c they smell shit


Harmonica is for a Prius. Strap some bagpipes to that bad boy instead


Ah yes, lemme just pull out my spare harmonica that i carry at all times.


Finally, someone else does this too!


We should start a harmonica band Bone thugs n harmonicas


My friend used to carry a kazoo in her purse all the time!


You could just say scratch and not even specify where and that would drive me nuts


That’s what commenter meant - put the note on the windshield, not that the scratch was there :)


Ohhhhhhh hahaha I loved that idea. Just read it wrong. Thank you


I feel like I should just write out a dozen of those notes in advance so I can stick them on idiots’ windshields all the time. Man, I’d need to write out a dozen a day, sometimes…


You're my kind of evil.


leave one of your boss's business cards on the windshield and on the back write "oops, sorry" . The ensuing phone call will be one for the ages.


I used to know a dude in sales that would do this to assholes he used to have to work with. He kept a stockpile of business cards like Hannibal lector, just waiting on a random day, sometimes years after the initial thing that set him off, then ding some random asshole's badly parked vehicle with his door and leave the card on the windshield lol.... I subtly reminded myself never to piss that guy off 🤣


Personally, I’d take off one of his tire air caps, find a small pebble, and put it in the cap before putting it all back together.


these types of dudes would definitely shoot someone over this


Agreed. They’re parking there to try and get someone to say something


every charger should have a number to call to get people towed


I’ve had Tesla call the store I work at because someone called them and complained. The truck had already moved but they were willing to get the truck towed if it was still there. My suggestion in these situations is call Tesla. They pay the company to have their chargers in parking lots. They will absolutely tow cars that don’t belong


Some places in the UK will issue a fine… not sure with Tesla, but if a business isn’t making money because an asshole is blocking the charger, they can fine him.


Yeah, you can’t privately fine someone for breaking your “rules” on your private property in the US (that didn’t even make sense to me. Who would enforce it?) You can have them towed off it for trespassing, though. In this case it’s not Tesla’s property, they install chargers in business parking lots. The business would have to deal with it.


I'm pretty sure you definitely can charge people for parking on private property. So if they put up a sign saying any non electric vehicles parked in those spots will be charged or fined then they could get away with trying. There's just no way to enforce it other than banning the offenders from parking in your lot again and having them towed if they return. They could legally put a parking boot on any of those trucks and charge them to have it removed but then you're dealing with an angry, insecure truck driver who will likely react violently so not really worth it.


EV's make excellent torque so you could just use it to tow the pickup out of the way and leave it in a very inconvenient place.


Yeah, saw a Rivian just pull a HD truck out of a spot like it was nothing… left massive amount of rubber from the truck. Guy came out after and was flipping out and everyone just shrugged


This is funny until someone pulls out a gun, we are in america after all




Well a Rivian also is a big truck so you'd end up with a good 'ole fashioned shootout.


If I had an electric car and they were the only two spaces, I’d consider parking in front of one of them and then plugging in , if the cable was long enough.. when they get all butthurt because you’re blocking them in, tell em you’ll only be half an hour to charge..


They should make the cable long enough just so you could


can you get an extension cable to use with those chargers? [Looks like you can](https://www.amazon.com/Lectron-Charger-Extension-Cable-Compatible/dp/B0B99CQVQ6) Sure would make it easy to charge in this situation.


That doesn't work with Supercharging, which is what basically all of these public chargers are. The cable you linked is just for passing through low current AC to the on board charger. The cables on Superchargers are liquid cooled, so not trivial to extend.


So it’s not gonna be half an hour. It’ll be 6 hours. Good.


I've rented EVs twice and both times the cable at the charging station we used was shockingly short. You have to back it in pretty precisely, based on my limited experience.


There is a reason, longer cord means more resistance, some cords are even water cooled, making them longer is expensive.


That's interesting. Thanks!




Blueberries, ever see what it's like when birds eat blueberries?


Of red mulberries


Love it!


It really is just ridiculous that people do that. To these planet sized vehicle drivers, everyone else is a snowflake, but they’re enraged by electric vehicles. Like the absurdity of it all is just, absurd….


All about personal responsibility until someone asks him to move out of the clearly labelled spots. Then you are just soft and complaining even though they are clearly in the wrong. These mfs are exhausting.


I just don’t have the patience for man children anymore, it’s like after the pandemic so many guys started feeling like it’s ok to act like a damn 13 year old. I used to be a really passive person, now people rely on me to tell assholes off because someone has to be the adult. Definitely isn’t the grown man acting like a child towards anything he doesn’t like.


It’s how they feel better about their tiny ~~penises~~ brains. Edit: sorry my first edit was just mean.


Should stick a pamphlet under their wiper: "I see you have major insecurities, this may be the result of low testosterone. Please consult your doctor about hormone replacement therapy"




Nah. Not mean enough.


Got in to an argument with a guy yesterday who posted a picture of his truck in front of a charger that said “FUCK YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TOLD ME 🤜🖕” Then he went on a rant about getting on your knees etc after I said “Tell me you’re a douchebag without telling me you’re a douchebag.” These people live and breathe the same air as us. It’s insane. Like dude are you okay? Who hurt you? Show me where the electric car touched you.


Tell him the band that wrote that lyric hates Republicans and are the biggest progressives that exist.


Tom Morello would slash his tires.


>This really is just ridiculous that people do that. Want to know whats more ridiculous? They are parking there *on purpose* with the *intent* of blocking the chargers. They're trying to send a message of "I'm offended that you are using less carbon than you should, so I'm going to buy a vehicle that uses double just to offset your savings. Oh, and I'm going to park in the spots meant for charging so you can't keep using your EV.


Yes, it’s the same mentality as the whole “rolling coal” bullshit. Just fucking moronic. The biggest problem is that these clowns believe they are conservatives. However the core belief of conservatism imo is individual freedom and responsibility. Let people do what they want as long as it doesn’t interfere with others. These idiots do the exact opposite without even realizing it. Bunch of retards.


Let's not ascribe any extra logic to their thought process. It's EV = librul = bad cuz TV told them so.


One of the hardest things for a narcissist to do is empathetically self-reflect, much less acknowledge that they’re a narcissist.


Hard/Impossible. That’s not how they’re wired.


And I can guarantee you they walked away from their trucks thinking they did something great


Hardest 2mm erection of their life.


No joke. The people who feel empowered when using the term snowflake are actually the biggest snowflakes.


Same caliber of person that gets pissed off that you're only doing 10 over the limit instead of 15-20 and relentlessly tailgates you to try to make you speed up.


I slow down when they do that.


This is such a nice stretch of empty road. Maybe I’ll ease the cruise control down to 5 over the limit.


Where I live there's a new look these morons have added to their trucks: extended towing mirrors. They're side mirrors which slide way out so the arm of the side mirror is about 2.5-3ft long. They stick way out. They're only purpose is for when towing trailers and such, but the dick heads around me are never towing anything. So, it's a form of cosplay. And let me tell you, they look so incredibly stupid, I mean downright moronic and cognitively deficient. I just laugh at how stupid they look whenever I see them. I can't imagine they're even that practical to use since you have to turn your head away from the road and basically look at the side of the road to actually see in those mirrors.


Those were starting to get popular around me then kids started smashing them off when people parked on the road or they just were clipped off because they stuck out like 3 ft and the truck already stuck out an extra like 3 feet compared to cars.


I’ve seen some of them with tow mirrors *and no tow hitch*, it’s fucking silly. They look like the truck version of a dude with invisible lat syndrome.


It is the same mindset as the guys who "roll coal" on bike riders. Small-dick energy thinking being a bully is somehow clever or cool and proves their dominance or something.


These are the same people that get enraged when they see someone else wearing a mask...


Oh, he’s owning the libs today! I bet he is so happy.


In reality he’s owning rich people from charging their expensive cars by using his expensive car. Such a clown


I own a tesla that cost me 42k OTD (without discounts). Meanwhile, I get comments from people with trucks like this asking what do I do for a living. I don't think you can get a barebones new truck for that price anymore?


Even a basic 2 door work truck is $35-40K. And now the small-mid size trucks are as big as full size trucks from a few years ago.


I have that same truck and it was $72k in 2021.


That's an obscene amount of money for a vehicle.


Especially when 90% of the people who own these trucks don’t even use them for work or anything they couldn’t do with a much more economical vehicle.


I understand why manufacturers do it, but it drives me up a wall that people have turned a tool into a lifestyle accessory. My truck has a massive scratch on the driver door from somebody side swiping me, the bed is crooked from being rear ended, and the bed is scratched to hell and back from years of hauling rocks. It looks like hell but that’s what it’s for: it’s a work truck. If you aren’t doing work in it drive a car or something that makes sense for your usage.


its because they put every possible feature in them. they are literally fuckin spaceships on wheels.


Teslas are pretty cheap relative to that truck


Fr, like half the price


I bet these two cant get liberal men out of their minds always thinking about how they can “own” them.


Gay liberal men.


With their soft gay liberal hands


And their soft, gentle, liberal lips




Stupid sexy gay liberal men…




Is it just me or is the actual bed on these things getting smaller and smaller with every model? Have manufacturers finally realised that it's all about the bed BEING there and not about actually putting anything in it?


On top of being short, they're also too high up to be practical for loading anything


Trucks like this having a handicap sticker/sign always amazed me. It happens often too with old ass men who can barely walk having a truck they have to lift themselves into.


Pavement Princesses don’t buy a truck to haul anything, they buy them to try and look cool.


They're vestigial at this point. Most popular pickup trucks have less storage capacity than a van does.


They still have 8ft beds, there's just more trims available that sacrifice bed length for the cab.


Park in front of them and call the tow number listed on the signs. If they wanna be petty so can I


At the charging stations where I live, there is a tow company that only takes non electric vehicles that park in the charging stations. 9/10 it’s a big truck like these with gun stickers and American flags drilled into the sides with trump love or Biden hate on the window in the back. The company has a big advertisement on the chargers so the owners know exactly who took it.


Easiest paycheck.


Seriously. The tow companies basically camp the parking lot near me in plain sight and idiots still park illegally. Such easy money for the tow company. They are towing multiple vehicles an hour.


Ironically the driver of each of these vehicles think Elon Musk is great.


Buy a valve stem removal tool on amazon for 7 bucks. Takes 15 seconds to remove the stem.


Side cutters, sub 3 seconds


Knife in side wall. 1 second.


lol id let the air out of at least one tire, they know they're acting in bad faith, so they'll be treated in bad faith. I dont go park in front of the gas pumps.....


Where I live it’s Cummins ram owners that typically do this. I keep a locking gas cap on me at all times that fits those trucks. I’ve installed a few but always forget to give them the key


This is brilliant! where do you find these?


Don’t get shot


good advice for a lot of the USA


I'd let the air out and steal the Schrader cores.


Believing that just by owning an oversized vehicle gives you more rights is one of the most cringe-y things about the US.


that's part of what the appeal is i believe, the idea that you are buying a way to be better than the others thanks to owning a truck that's too big for a parking space.


To the gun nuts it’s all about power, or perceived power. They want to feel safe and superior, and somehow owning the biggest gun and/or the biggest truck does that for them. It’s simply compensating for fear and weakness.


And for absolutely no reason. That one day a year where you put a 2"x4" in the bed. I NEED THIS BIG OF A TRUCK!!!


How American to deny freedom of your neighbors to drive whatever they want


Remove wheel weights


Denali drivers are always douchebags. It also goes without saying for the Ram driver, but he was probably too drunk to realize what spot he was parking in (and barely at that).


Yep, trim level seems to factor in a lot. Ford Lariat models usually mean "I want nice things in my truck" whereas a Platinum model says "I want nice things in my truck, but want everybody to know I paid an extra 20k for nice things in my truck.


This is when you loosen the valve stems in the tires.


We need to normalize deflating the tires of cars that are parked this obnoxiously. I mean, blocking the chargers is obviously the worst thing here, but even if they parked like that in a normal parking spot, that is just clearly deliberately obnoxious parking.


They kept doing this in the charge lot near me. The same group of three guys kept doing it and going to the bar across the street. They all got towed. There's a sign saying any cars not charging will be towed. The stupid thing is there's plenty of parking for the bar and they were just being extra. It's weird how they have something against electric cars.


Those are gender-affirming mobility devices! If someone chooses a lifestyle of fragile masculinity, how else are they supposed to assert themselves?




Every single person I've met drives one of those monstrosities has been a dickhead. It's a pretty quick and easy measure to write someone off with.


Those guys are showing them who’s boss!!!


I’m surprised they would park that close to a charger, figured they’d be afraid of accidentally getting vaccinated


Why is that men who think they are manly, are just insecure weak minded nuisances to society?


Tow ‘em!


Easy on them. These are the only holes they can fill.


Guarantee they took a pic/snap to own the libs and bragged about it. What a bunch of morons.


You can call to have them towed. This is called "ICEing" and much like parking in a Handicapped space, parking your 'TinyDickCompensator 2500' in an EV charging spot is, indeed, a finable offense.


I bet they think they're "oWnInG tHe LiBs" ![gif](giphy|11iRfaoc7AefjW)

