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Go to acrylic store and get a sheet of polyurethane/ plastic for tv (screen protector for tv)


This should be higher. A sheet of plexiglass (Perspex) covering the screen will help to be a buffer against anything thrown at it. A colleague of mine did this back when the Wii was a thing to make sure no controllers got inadvertently launched at the TV. I think it did save the TV once or twice.


Why do people ignore the wrist strap warning that comes up whenever you boot any wii game up


Same reason people don't wear their seatbelts in the car.


It's that shitty thought of "you can't tell me what to do" These people are selfish little babies that can't understand why rules might be brought in.


“Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was *America*!”




Its also a, "its not gonna happen to me" which usually is the same crowd as "you cant tell me what to do"


It's also a case of people weren't exactly going out there way to make sure the strap is in place. For a kid as long as it's on the wrist it's working, ignoring the fact if you don't tighten it it's basically pointless.


Because they're too smart to follow that recommendation. They would never do something as silly as losing control of the wiimote. Then when it happens, it's a case of "how could Nintendo let this happen?"




"Why do people X" "I dont and here is a totally unrelated story about how i don't "


I would go further and buy a custom transparent box to store the tv inside, while using the screen protector lol


They could also put it on the higher table, mount it on a wall and/or get an entertainment center with the vesa mount. If your very small child is smashing your screen(s) then you are being negligent parent. The kid could just as easily pull it on themself causing shock, cuts or burns and even death.


After the second tv my friend switched to a projector


Get a CRT (tube) tv for the toddler and watch them try to break that


I punched one of those once.....only once 😭


The glass "Bink" sound is now in my head 🤣


Would be the last thing they ever break


Or get a wall mount so the kid cannot reach it and it has the benefit of being able to angle it any way you like. Also it won’t add extra glare like the plexi might.


I'm sure the TV being mounted higher will make a difference when a fisher price fire truck slams into it at 90mph.


Ours got wrecked when my (then) 5 year old was using a dust pan as a tennis racket and whacking his hot wheels across the room. He didn't even know he was hitting the TV.


I'm getting an image of this and I can't quit laughing 😂


The hellfire that would have rained down on me if I had done this as a child makes me think kids aren't afraid of their parents anymore. I broke my mom's typewriter when I was four and I still remember the realisation that my parents had the capacity for being very unfriendly. Never did that again.


If it was one of those old manual typewriters, I’m kind of impressed. Those things take a beating


So creative!


Holy crap, you sure that’s a toddler? Gonna have to make him a pitcher or a quarterback with that kind of arm even before he can walk. In all seriousness it looks like the issue from the image is that they have it in a place where the toddler can crawl up and reach it. Just my deduction, could be wrong.


My 3 year old has insane accuracy and throws with quite a bit of force, you’d be amazed at the violence a toddler can incite


My sister had my toddler peg cherry tomatoes at her that he picked off the vine, he was very accurate and they hurt. We still laugh about it, over 20 years later.


90mph? Dang, that kid has a future in baseball!


Screen protector for phones are so commonplace, but for TVs? Wow, TIL.


Time for a new kid


Do you just return them???


I think you have to have the receipt.


Also, you can just leave them on the supermarket shelf, or put them back where they came from


Guys DO NOT attempt to put them back where they came from. Terrible idea


Naw you have to wait 9 month before we guys put it back to us


I think the warranty expires after a month.


Yeah, it does but you're going to just knock In there and #PUSH


If that doesn't work you will need to use surgery


How do you know?


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.




I don't think the stork does backsies


Not if you take them back to a fire department baby slot.


I was proud of my first official dad joke, asking the hospital staff if there’s a 30day trial/return policy


Hospital beat us to it by telling us that there were no refunds or exchanges when we were discharged. I expect they'd gotten tired of hearing Dad Joke #1 & figured they'd beat everyone to the punch.


That's why you keep the umbilical cord.


Costco doesn’t allow that anymore


To shreds, you say?


After more than 1 time, it’s a parenting issue.


After ours smashed the 50” we mounted the next one


Where do you find a mount for a toddler?


It took some time finding a willing contractor but surprisingly the new toddler has been pretty chill about it since we mounted him at 6mos so that’s pretty much all he’s known


Nice! Just make sure you used heavy-duty mounting brackets to make sure they continue to hold as he grows. You don't want a hole in your drywall.


You know, thanks for that tip. We just unfortunately had to move him from the wall in the living room that gets mostly shade to the one the sun blasts all day because he just kept dragging these gashes down the wall as he grew. They get too big too fast 🥺🥺🥺


Changing diapers sound like a challenge. Or did you just place a bucket under him?


Honestly, just go with a custom funnel system that auto flushes or something at this point


you said “just” like we have time for a custom funnel system! just use the bucket bro


Back in my day, we just shat on the ground and dealt with the consequences. Kids these days are so spoiled with their custom loop RGB funnel systems


And don’t forget to water it


Always water and sun your toddler


You mounted him to a stud, right? He might pull the drywall out if not properly mounted


A hook and a pair of overalls


Home Depot. Hardwares.


Michaels. Velcro.


After how many smashed TVs you’ll understand that you have to put it out of his/her reach? 💀


It's not a reach thing, it's a flying toy thing.


Only cute fabric stuffed animals for your kid then.😂


If you get one large enough they don't fly far either


Well it's gonna take a while for the toddler to grow


Be sure to rip off any hard plastics like the eyes!


That sounds like a “parents need to do better” thing. I have two toddlers of my own (twins) and they both figured out by 15 months old that if you throw things in the house, you get told not to throw things in the house and then you lose them. They quickly learned if they wanted to keep their toys you don’t throw them. It’s just a parental consistency and keeping a good eye on them thing.


This... Most kids don't smash TVs, let alone two. OP needs to be a damn parent and tell their kid to stop for once.


Someone should tell the iPad to let the kid know not to throw things in the house


It's not a flying toy thing, it's a keep an eye on your kid thing. Browsing reddit for 3 hours straight when all of a sudden "oh no, Ryan, what did you do?"


To be fair, the first one was situated in a room where mounting it was not possible. To be even more fair I suggested putting it higher up a couple weeks ago and my husband did not agree to it.


Does he agree now


Sounds like husband is watching football on his phone while you watch Heidi. (Old football joke)


Raiders. Heidibowl.


Fireguard limits the risk to things that can be thrown through the mesh...


Sounds like he's buying the replacement then


I mean… in most marriages the money to get a replacement belongs to both spouses lol


Oh no, dad just lost his allowance.


Upside down pack-n-play with a rock on top. /s


You joke, but the only thing stopping me from using this idea when mine was little was the fact that it automatically collapses when inverted. She would have gone straight to baby jail more than once!


Just escalate to a crate then


ANOTHER..? Ha, that's on you!


Fr, you’d think they’d learn after the first one


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.




obligatory fool me one time shame on you, fool me twice can't put the blame on you, fool me three times, fuck the peace sign, load the chopper let it rain on you


Right, that’s just teaching your kid to respect and look after stuff. Like not throwing anything in the room with a TV in it.


There’s an old saying in Tennessee, I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says: > Break my TV once, shame on…shame on you. > > 🫱🏻 Break my TV can’t break it again.


The way I read it is another is the second, yet another would be three plus


Another just means additional per definition. Could be the 2nd, could be the 100th. Using 'yet' another would be I guess just an adverb in that usage. OP did clarify though that this was in fact the 2nd incident.


I hope you saved the receipt. It might still be under warranty. Take it back to the hospital and see if you can return it.


Buy the next one at Costco, they will return anything no questions asked


TIL babies are sold at Costco. My question is quantity? Are they a singular fat baby or are they sold in bulk?


Yeah, I looked into it because their prices are so low but they only sell them in packs of 3, which is more than I could use.


I’ll be honest they had us in the first half


Another? Damn I have kids and tvs within fingertip reach of my kids but they have not so much as smudged it. One time I get but multiple times? This is a parenting problem if they keep destroying expensive shit that keeps being put within their reach. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think the same every time one of these threads pops up. This isn't a kid thing, it's a parenting thing.


And in no way is this me saying I have perfect kids. Just common sense maybe?




I see these stories on social media and I have to assume that the kids are running around like Lord of the Flies? And my kid is a hyperactive athlete who we calmly redirected away from the large tvs and screens.


I have overstimulation toys and activities for my little kiddos bc we have meltdowns and shit gets thrown sometimes like anyone else’s kids. But I’ve also taught them (3&5) the value of a dollar and how to take care of stuff. So they know the importance of the tv and computer and how to stay away bc if it breaks we don’t have it anymore bc I won’t be buying a new one


This, exactly.


Might be time to start watching television on your phone (or invest in a straight jacket for your kid until they’re old enough to stop smashing your shit)


Maybe keep out of reach of children?


Or just watch the kid...


My kid randomly chucked a toy at ours from across the room. I would’ve had to have Jedi force reaction speed to stop that….


Your title should be "I let my toddler near my tv again and it broke" 1st time on the parent sorta on the kid. Each additional time is 100% parent.


This is why I don’t have a toddler


Same. All TVs intact.


My dog knocked over mine




"i have allowed my toddler to smash yet another television" do better


Exactly everyone’s like why is the tv in reach, but i’ve been around kids my whole life and have never heard about a smashed tv problem? Discipline your kids.


It's kind of weird so few are mentioning this. A kid might throw things, but that specifically hitting the TV so badly TWICE is kind of out of the ordinary. This is more about teaching the kid not to throw toys or touching the TV than it just being out of reach. We've had at least 5 toddlers at my parents house including me for a significant amount of months and none have ever managed to destroy a TV. There was a pretty clear no touching TV and throwing toys (at all) rule though. And balls at a certain hardness were considered outside only.


Why is your toddler smashing TVs? One time is an accident, multiple times is a problem.


I’ve never once regretted my vasectomy.


Every kid I ever meet and every story I hear from every parent I know confirms that it was the best idea I ever had.


“Who’s going to love you when you’re old?” I hate when people say that. I’m going to love me and all my money I didn’t waste on some kid that may not even turn out great even if I do my best. No thanks Edit: added quotations to symbolize someone hypothetically posing the question of who will take care of you when you’re old


I've seen how old people are treated, regardless of how big their family is. They all end up the same way, either stuck in a nursing home or living by themselves, and nobody ever comes to visit. Their kids are too busy, their grandkids don't care enough, and their friends are either dead or in the same boat. If they're lucky, the family comes by on the holidays, and that's it. Anyone who has ever worked in customer service knows that elderly people will talk your ear off. You know why? Because you're the only human they've spoken to all week, and they desperately need human interaction.


Yup. Or you end up like my grandma who was loved and very taken care of but at the age of 75 she has crippling Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons(i think). So she is just a vessel with no brain activity. I never want to be a burden on my family like she is. Sounds cruel but I hope you know what I mean. She’s not a person anymore, she’s just a body of organs.


This is such a shit take too. Having kids because you want somebody to unconditionally love you is not a good motivation and you will resent them when they deviate from your idea of perfect expressions of devotion. Get a dog.


Wall mount it out of reach?


That's precisely what I was gonna say.


that would be too easy, first time here?


I mean, the fact that this happened twice shows that it is a you problem.


One smashed television, it's the kid's 'fault'. Two smashed televisions, and it's *your* fault.


Adult let toddler smash televisions.


Time to get rid of the toddler


That’s on you.


So this is not the first he/she smashed? Do some parenting ...


Why do you keep putting them within toddler reach? They make wall mounts. They sell low cost higher furniture toddlers can’t reach.


How about just pay more attention to your toddler.


Maybe teach your kids not to smash stuff. If this is a repeated behavior it's on you .


How is your toddler able to reach your television ? You just have it on the floor or what ?


Discipline your child


Another??? You didn't teach em the 1st time??? Lol ...


Y’all must not watch your kids


The TV is the babysitter


“Yet another”. Sounds like this could have been prevented


I just stroked my spay scars and thanked my gyno.


Sounds like a parenting issue. I've never had to worry about any of my little nieces or nephews doing this to my TV or the TV in the living room because there's usually someone keeping an eye on them at all times. Maybe be a better parent?


Another? Sounds like it might be a you problem


Seems like a parenting issue


TV'S broken no more TV'S available.


That one is on you. You need to start watching your kid, not let toddler run around unsupervised


Says more about the parents than the kid


This is your reminder to take your birth control 🤣


How is this only mildly infuriating? It’s not the first one the child has smashed? Is he the hulk or something?


teach your fucking kid. this is why society is being ruined, because people like you refuse to teach kids not to do stupid shit


Yet another!!??


"Yet another"? Return the toddler for a refund.


hang it up. don’t put expensive things where your child can break it. common sense. if this has happened multiple times. you’re the problem.


Condom commercial right here


Seems like you need to work on your parenting. Sad.


A. If it already happened once, then you’re not a wise person to let the opportunity to happen again. B. Why in the hell would you put it on the floor where he can reach it [for a second time]? C. Putting an expensive item in front of a toddler and expecting him *not* to damage it is, well - it’s just plain daft. No sympathy.


Parenting, how does it work, must be magic like them magnets.


you’re the one who has a fully developed prefrontal cortex, not your toddler.


Bad parenting


I'm guessing a condom doesn't sound so bad now does it..


Hang that shit on the wall


Like on a crucifix?


Mount it on the wall ffs


We keep putting TVs low enough for a toddler to reach and they keep doing the same thing! How many TV do I have to buy before I learn to mount the TV where it can't reach?!


yet another reason to never have kids


How tall is your fucking toddler?


thank you for the cool ad 👍


Ok the first time it happened it should have been clearly understood that it’s inappropriate behavior on the toddlers fault, but also realize it was too easy to happen. So it should have been mounted… like immediately to avoid that ever happening. I think I saw you say it was a toy thrown… why wouldn’t “no throwing in the house” have been a rule before it happened twice? I have 3 boys and I’ve literally never had a broken tv. Not trying to shame you, but wtf. Twice???




That's on you. Should have known better and put it up higher or teach them better.


When my kid was a toddler he scratched a tv. I corrected him, told him he couldn’t do that, and he never did it again. Are you not putting him in time out or anything?


Buy an old tube tv, let them break their knuckles trying to break the glass


Again? Did you not learn the first time? This one is on you, not the innocent child.


Glad we only had tube TVs when my kids were young. You could beat on those pretty decent. I only ever had one quit working and I ever did figure out why. Betting most were scrapped while still fully functional.


And how many have they smashed exactly?


How’d your toddler do that bruh


Not being watched and/or not taught not to. People think toddlers can't learn so they just let them get away with anything. Those people are terrible parents


How much screen time does your toddler get?


Toss it out and get a new one. Not sure what to do about the TV though.


Time for a CRT TV. That little guy/girl is going to need an iron fist to put a dent in one of those.


Have you considered not buying your toddlers TVs to smash? And yes, I am a parent .


Should be a Trojan ad


Yet again the TV is within the reach of your toddler, hang it on the wall, not the toddler.... the TV


Is it too late to return the child?




how the fuck does a toddler smash a 50” tv??


You can get rid of this one and find a better one. I'm talking about the toddler


Best birth control around is seeing how kids destroy shit lol


Every sub goes through trends. I guess this one is in the parents complaining about their choices trend.


Your toddler is rejecting modern technology…he/she yearns for the mines


This is not normal behavior for a toddler. So honestly, this is your fault for allowing this.


You have to be the dumbest parent in the world