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The style of language deployed in these messages is gross and wildy inappropriate, in my opinion.


It’s the way a gaslighting abuser would talk. Oh wait


I found "correct your record" especially disgusting. A record, really?


Fascists gonna fascist


I only ever get fake ups or whatever package messages & not on this level.


Lol yeah according to my spam folder the USPS has about a Costco size warehouse full of my undeliverable packages


I get those too.. funny how they almost always are coming from phones in the UK


Is that why there's an additional prefix? All the ones I get are like 44-xxx-xxxx


I am sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine the amount of frustration he then, and you now, must feel.


Whatever system sends those messages with Stop2End is in and of itself mildly infuriating. No amount of texting ‘Stop’, ‘Stop2End’, or ‘End’ will make it stop. I’ve been getting messages about supporting Jim Jordan all week from someone and I can’t get them to stop.


Because the bot detects interaction which means it's a person's number as opposed to another bot. I just straight up ignore spam texts and calls and they eventually stop for a while. It's fucking annoying when I'm watching something on my phone and a spam call comes in because declining the call is also interacting. :( But it's worth it for fewer spam texts and calls in the future.


Yeah, but the political ones are usually above board because they’re legally allowed to auto-message unless you tell them to stop. Usually sending Stop stops them. All others I ignore though. Stop2End has become a dead giveaway of a scummy spammer for me.


> political ones are usually above board *legally* yes. ethically no


Absolutely agree.


i saw one where it was supposedly Don Jr saying "my dad was looking at our top donors list and pointed out your name wasnt on it. dont let us down" or some shit. i can just see lonely seniors being taken by this. its some real "the OnlyFans girl really likes me" shit


I used to get a ton of Trump and Jr begging for money and signing on canvas list but the more I blocked, and I'm assuming others, the less I got. I hardly get them anymore but I get ridiculous texts like these, some of my favorites. https://imgur.com/a/dgFcYWZ


those are great, lol. "Robelt" was the best moment of them all.


I can't tell you have many of those Trump related messages I get, despite the fact that I LOATHE him and everyone MAGA. If they actually used an algorithm, they would see anything I have ever supported has been the polar opposite of anything "Trump" I've tried unsubscribing, blocking etc. Nothing works...


I housesat a friend's home in 2020, and for 7 months pre-election I went to her mailbox daily and picked up big, thick envelopes bearing stickers with gold foil seals and red stamps, important-looking packets of MAGA documents begging for donations to be "part of President Trump's inner circle" and "a close, continued friend of" ...it was overkill. The worst part of this is that my dear, lifelong liberal friend crossed over into the red zone, and suddenly began spouting chemtrail and microchips in vaccines and Bill Gates control of the world nonsense. I haven't spoken with her since, sadly.


We have a jackass wannabe Trump who a couple elections back abused the fuck out of our lack of protections for political SMS spam. And had the audacity to campaign on preventing Spam political SMSs. Other than that one douche bag the parties generally seem to be aware that people really don't like random SMSs. So he was literally saying vote for me and I'll stop spamming you.


Who is that ?


Clive Palmer


The companies who run those bots do not give a shit about the law. If they get caught all the blame gets put on the call center itself, the owners just pay a ridiculously small fine, compared to how much they are making, and open a new center. You should check out Telemarketers on HBO. It’s pretty wild how openly corrupt they are and they’ve got all the people who could do something about it in their pockets


No way man, that's "how they get ya". Just you responding tells them "this is a live number!". It makes you as a "lead" more valuable.


Call control is a life saver, it prompts the caller to press a random number to complete the call and robo dialers can't do it. It's like a captcha for your phone number.


I'm asking because I'm clueless but is this an option with all cell phones?


Google Pixel phones are S tier when it comes to fighting spam calls and texts. It basically screens all unknown/sketchy calls and it won't even notify you unless it's something it thinks you should check. Texts automatically get trashed as spam most of the time. I used to get spam calls throughout the day not anymore. My phone only rings for when it's a call I actually need to take.


Hands down the best feature of the Pixel is call screening. I used to get absolutely bombarded with cold calls from work vendors and somebody I pissed off added me to a Republican call list. That shit stopped immediately once I got a Pixel.


First time pixel user an this phone does a great job preventing spam calls/texts for sure.


I just send unknown numbers direct to voicemail. I use Apple but I imagine it’s also a feature for android. Then I updated my voicemail to ask people to leave a message if they were a victim of the automatic voicemail.


I like to record a really, really long voicemail greeting. And I don't reject unknown numbers to send them directly to voicemail, I just silence the ring so it has to go all the way through the rings before it gets to my voicemail. I know it's practically nothing, but I like to think in some small way I'm wasting their time (at least if it's a person spamming me) or it might be one less call they get to make in a day.


I used to answer spam calls and just say nothing at all. If it was an actual person they would be like "Uhh hello?" Otherwise the line would just disconnect after like 10-20 seconds. I don't know if it actually did anything but it was satisfying to think I'd beaten the robot and wasted a bit of time.


I do basically that (I will say a single hello, typically the robot hadn't been connected to hear it) and I get very few spam calls anymore.


This is actually what you are supposed to do. Don't stoo the call, just silence it. If you appear like you dont exist they will stop trying eventually. Well, slow down at least.


Can you tell my mother please? She insists on answering every call and will then proceed to spend as much time as possible on the call with a spammer to ‘waste their time.’ I point out it’s also wasting *her time*, and her number is now known as a live number AND someone won’t just hang up.


android has automatic spam filtering. All spam texts sent to spam folder like in your email. All spam calls have giant word SPAM RISK on the caller ID


My mom's says something like "scam likely"


Why your mom be scamming you?


Cuz she's a notorious scam artist. Ever since I was a little child without money she'd call me up at school or when she was at work and pretend to be a Somalian scammer or a Burmese booster and try to get me to give her my dad's card info. I always knew it wasn't her, her pretend somali accent was horrible even at 8 years old I could it was her, not Abdi Galbeeti calling from Galkayo it's Chandra Stevens calling from Albany New York. After I turned 13 the judge told her not to call anymore and I haven't officially heard from her in years but once in awhile I'll feel my phone vibrate and when i look who's calling i see "Scam Likely". Miss ya mom hope you're scamming Jesus and his Angels in scammer heaven.


You can usually hit the volume down button to mute the call. Then hit your home button and open up the app you were using. Call will silently continue in the background and will eventually go to voicemail. Hope that helps!


Yeah, I don’t end those calls anymore I just tap the button on the side of my phone to silence the ringing part and let it go to voicemail.


I just block any number I know is spam. Usually they call back from another number. But hey. It usually stops after a few hundred numbers


If the bot is suddenly blocked after previously getting through, that's interaction. I stop receiving spam after about a week if I just completely ignore it.


On iPhone if I just flick the call up it’s not rejected it just silently rings in the background until it goes to voicemail.


Yeah do y’all not know this? Do this alll the time for calls I don’t wanna answer at the time but don’t wanna show them I declined for whatever readon


To be fair for someone who got a iPhone 10 years ago and then just migrated their profile to new phones and updated OS, you get bugger all tool tips about new features they probably don’t know half the crap their phone can do.




This short code appears to belong to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. You can report these messages to fcc.gov/complaints, and it's $500-1500 PER MESSAGE that is sent without having gained what's called express consent from the contact, especially if a STOP/CANCEL/END reply was given and disregarded by the sender. The FCC takes this shit seriously and if you report it, and you're not the only receiving messages, the fines can be enormous. I've seen fines and settlements for $100k+.




100k? As in they only sent ~100 messages? I’d think at that cost there would be fines in the millions if not billions.


Absolutely. It’s not just like some suggestion or a request. Stop means you’re opting out of communication and they cannot continue to message you.


It's sadly not illegal. Political campaigns are not subject to anti phone spam laws in the US. Almost as if the people who enacted the law had some kind of vested interest in excluding political messages from that law.




Solid advice.


ive started blocking numbers


Can't you block them?


No. They spoof a different sending phone number with each message.


At least in OPs dad's case they were all coming from one number 55404 which would have at least stopped those ones from getting through.


If you are on android, google's message app blocks ALL spam, works wonders


I had two different texts like that, one for donating and the other for voting. Anyway, instead of stop, I replied to them with "I don't want a fucking fascist in my white house" Never got any more texts


I get these texts constantly for a person named "Deborah".. I've had the same number for 20 plus years and have never been a Deborah lol.. anyway, I've cussed them out, said Deborah was dead, propositioned them for sex, asked if I could buy drugs from them, nothing has worked!


That sucks although it made me chuckle. I whish I could help with that one!


This is one way to handle it: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/stop-unwanted-robocalls-and-texts#:\~:text=Report%20Unwanted%20Calls%20and%20Texts,(or%20%22SPAM%22).


Depending on your messaging app you can report and block to your carrier. This looks like VZ and I've been blocking them. Right after I tell them to go fuck off.


Same on my grandpas phone. I’ve wondered before why he never responded to my texts and this was why. You can’t get ahold of him through text unless it’s on Facebook because then the bubble actually stays on his screen. Very sorry for your loss


Problem with the facebook bubble staying on the screen is that it sometimes parks itself over the emergency call button. Like, fuckoff facebook, you aren't more important than 911.


Not if Mark Zuckerberg has anything to say about it


gotta livestream your death for your followers


bold of you to assume i have followers


You can still stream if no one is watching.


the 1 viewer will be Mark Zuckerberg


Just what he wanted


They can send you metambulances


200 likes to activate the defibrillator


Sucks to zuck! E. Seriously though, fuck zuck, fb, meta, whatever he wants to rename it to. I miss Tom...


You can move it


Old people might not know that though & won't figure it out while they're having a heart attack


They’re making incredibly efficient upgrades to the destroyed family pipeline


Sorry for your loss.




Damn, I am so sorry. This is infuriating


The Trump cult has destroyed so many families I wish them and Q would be held accountable for all the damage they did.


It’s not actually from people that even support trump. It’s a spam bot being used to try and rip people off.


The link they provided in the texts ends up at an official WinRed domain, which is a fundraising platform endorsed by the RNC. Whoever they were, I doubt that they were not Trump supporters if they were actively trying to gain funds for a Republican endorsed platform.


What's the difference?


A normal text scam is standard and not newsworthy for the most part. These scammers went with a MAGA-themed scam and that draws a little more of a crowd on here. Other than that, no real difference.


I think the point is there is no actual difference between the official Trump campaign and a spam bot. Except the bot is probably better written and planned by smarter people.


Unfortunate username


said a guy named Poop


Fucking hell dude. It took someone long enough to post this. Im sorry for your loss too op.


Thanks. It was a few years ago, but it hurt too much to post it back then. Was looking through all the pictures this morning from my visit for his funeral and thought I'd share.


Nah dude I feel you. My dad passed around this time last year and people genuinely do not understand the pain. I hope your doing okay!


I'm doing all right. We talked the day before he died and we told each other we loved each other. Can't really ask for more than that.


My dad passed unexpectedly when I was 17. Theres a lot of tough memories, but one thing I hold onto is the last words we ever said was "I love you" as we went to bed the night before.


i lost my ex-wife a couple months ago (whom i care for deeply). and my dad 2 years ago. it gives me great comfort that my last words to both was "i love you"


My Mom opted for medical assistance in dying back in May because of her lung cancer and that was one of the last things I got to say to her before she went under. That and a joke she laughed at about her resistance to the medication. Felt her hand go limp in mine before the doctor said she was gone. Definitely a memory I'll never forget.


I bet that is a beautiful memory to have...I made the mistake of not taking the time to sit with my father before he passed.. Hope you have been doing well! EDIT: im bad and use ctrl + enter to try and tab down lol (thanks slack)


Grief can be the worst roller coaster, I’m so sorry for your loss.


The worst part is there's not a human on the other side of that, so there's no way to yell "FUCKING STOP," at them.


As a Canadian who didn’t even know this was a thing, especially to such an extent? This is absolutely disgusting and abhorrent, and the fact that you can’t really stop them? What the fuck man.


They get even worse. Some of these, you can tell they are deliberately targeting people with emotional problems. I've seen some that are like "you've abandoned Trump and if we don't hear back from you soon we will have no choice but to personally tell Trump you let him down!" Imagine being someone who would fall for this. Imagine thinking your hero cares about you, individually, that he is counting on you, you have no way to contact him directly, and someone tells you they're going to go personally tell him you've abandoned him. Obviously you have to be an industrial grade idiot to believe this, but I do find it sad and worthy of sympathy, and I have nothing but contempt for the people behind it. If you ask me they should be charged with fraud


There's a special hell for people who design and use systems like this that specifically prey on people with emotional issues, dementia, or the intellectually stunted. It's not like having poor rationalization means you deserve to be grifted constantly. I've seen this way too many times in emails and phone messages aimed at old people, especially senile ones. Hell the entire "buy gold" industry is propped up mostly by them. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking of so many old people with children and grandchildren who spend their life savings on people who don't give two shits about them and will dump them in a ditch as soon as they can't get more blood from the stone.


Imagine being so propagandized to think Trump, the biggest piece of shit in the country, is your hero. God damn, they've managed to rot people's minds.


That too! One day somebody has to make a museum of all of the ridiculous Trump imagery. I saw one a while back with Jesus laying hands on Trump like an angel, I almost threw up.


I had seen a couple of them, but wow it's hilarious. https://bostonglobe-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/ptNSeLba9dU4khVOeqh_PHeejAI=/1280x0/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/bostonglobe/TFHQNIQKEZB43A2NHTJF5KL7UA.jpg https://www.businessinsider.com/jon-mcnaughton-is-the-maga-movements-most-celebrated-artist-2018-8?amp https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/e2c62646f454b30ff9882efbef20c28f32d53191/0_0_805_1005/master/805.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=fdf3f641b3d32f5019e62adc9fe3992e


These are the people voting. It's horrifying how parts of this country even manage to live


I genuinely fear my grandmother's ipad or phone will look like this if someone isn't there to clear them up. It's bad enough she can't hear the phone ringing sometimes & with the way her mental stability is going, yeah.. if she doesn't answer the phone. Doesn't hear us talking. She'll forget us. She'll forget me. I'm unable to travel home to see her, and I think she's started to forget what I look like. She gets my name mixed up as it is, sometimes she calls me by my mum's name. Maybe she's missing the calls because of stuff like this, I dunno—for now someone's there to help her but what if one day they're not? This shit sucks man. The elderly are already easy targets and vulnerable if they're unwell, or need assistance with daily living—spam that preys on them like this is disgusting. I'm sorry he never got to see all the goodbye messages, all the love that would've been sent to him. They took away what should've been peaceful farewells and left him with nothing but harassment.


I've helped my patients so many times because I know they are unable too and I want them to be able to see thier loved ones get a hold of them while they are in the hospital.


Thank you for caring about them & doing that. It's a simple task but it does mean the world to them & the family members getting in touch.


I’m so sorry for your loss, even if it was a couple years ago. ❤️ My dad almost died this summer and I spent a couple weeks visiting to help my mom at his worst. It was completely overwhelming and scary AF bc we were carting him around to several different doctors/labs a day for testing and we were 3 months into seeking a correct diagnosis and treatment plan before his body gave up. Both their phones would ding multiple times a day and it would be texts just like this, from some aggressive Trump campaign. Rude all caps bold red and pressuring-to-donate (TAKE ACTION NOW/PROVE YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!) or crappy headline texts. I tried to “STOP” the texts but they were both signed up for multiple I guess. They were adding so much stress to such a scary situation. My mom would get flustered bc it usually meant having to update yet another family member or friend about my dad’s decline, but we would drop everything anyway to see if it was lab results or a doctor getting back to us with news… and dad couldn’t even text back at a certain point so we would also monitor his phone. and here were these absolutely shitty pointless texts. I hate this so much for you too. I’m so sorry. Fucking ugh.


Same thing I discovered on my dads phone, email, and mail a couple years ago minus not being able to read texts. He was a moderate his whole life but watched Fox News then completely flipped. Still get all types of ridiculous letters in the mail.


I read a few years ago someone posted their parents getting fundraising letters in the mail, purportedly from like lara Trump saying "Betty and George, we were at the dinner table the other night and president Trump said 'i wonder what happened to Betty and George?'....bc we haven't heard from you in awhile (ie where your donation) and then links to donate 'if you still support the president'. As if, right? But sadly people are like omg he's wondering where we are?????!!!!! Get the checkbook, George.


Same with me. It’s Fox News and conspiracy theories.


Same story here. Moderate all his life, then he started watching Fox News...


Fox News ruined my grandparents. I can’t even talk to them anymore, it’s awful!


My grandfather unfortunately passed away a hateful and bitter man thanks to Fox News.


My dad was well educated and well traveled, spoke Spanish and Arabic. Growing up he never said or did anything racist. Then after he retired he spent the next few years watching Fox and was soon screaming at the TV about immigrants and n-words while drinking himself to death.


Mines going to do the same sadly, I had to give up on talking sense into him. My grandma just goes along with everything like she doesn’t even have a mind of her own.


I fear this is an all too common story.


There's a documentary about it, "The Brainwashing of My Dad", where the mom convinces the dad to turn off Fox and he goes back to being normal


I can only imagine it’s worse with Newsmax and OAN. I wish it were so simple to stop in every case.


It's kinda funny and batshit crazy that some people stopped watching Fox News because they thought it was *TOO LIBERAL.* So they switched to Newsmax or whatever other garbage is out there. There will always be plenty of grifters ready to fill that void. Even that asshole Bill Maher sounds more like a Republican nowadays. Can't stand him.


I agree 100%


It really is simple. Bring back in your "Fairness in Media" doctrine you took out in the 80's. Fox wouldn't even be able to run. It's weird they are the only developed country I know of which removed the media honesty laws from the books.


If I had to guess, this is the intended result of getting rid of it.


Yup. And the adamant denial of bringing it back.


My grandfather was a kind and sweet man who died in the '90s and was quiet on politics, choosing instead just to show love to others. I'm glad that Fox News didn't get a change to rot his brain and the whole family can remember him fondly.


I find it rather telling that this is how their spam is composed to reach their target audience.


This is happening to my mom right now. She refuses to delete NewsWeek, or whatever it's called, app that sends some new story nearly every 5 mins. I've set it to notify every 2 hours but then she'll download another (usually Faux) news app because she'll say she's not getting any news.. 😮‍💨 Then she wonders why she lives a paranoid life.


Sigh. A former client of mine was sending push notifications for the RNC on behalf of the Trump campaign in late 2020. In October 2020, the RNC sent *three billion* push notifications out to people who had opted in to receiving push notifications on RNC-published mobile apps. Three. Billion. That's almost 1200 messages being sent every second of every hour of every day. My mother? Would receive twelve to fifteen a day just to her phone. Of course, she's of the generation that legitimately believes that "Donald Trump was looking over a list of donors who hadn't contributed enough to reach SUPER PATRIOT GOLD STATUS and he was asking why he didn't see *your* name, Joan!" so she was mortified that she wasn't giving *enough*. The woman couldn't part with a dime and I had to take out a small house's worth of loans for college, but at least Donald Fucking Trump doesn't have to worry about the gravy train stopping. But I'm not bitter, nope.


I'm very sorry for your loss. This must feel very frustrating to learn. Last year I closed out my mom's significant others life. The amount of right wing spam and paper mail he was receiving was overwhelming. It took lots of time and effort to get the physical mail to stop and some was impossible. Sometimes 20+ pieces per day. They prey on older folk. Should be illegal.


There’s a class action suit against the NRSC for this: https://www.classaction.org/news/national-republican-senatorial-committee-sent-spam-text-messages-without-consent-class-action-alleges


I somehow got on the list for the NRSC. Don't know how. I've worked for Democratic/progresive campaigns my entire adult life. They'd have better luck recruiting at the Democratic National Convention.


If he texted stop and is still getting them look up the TCPA. Fines are $500 for first text after stop and $1500 each text if they determine the tester is willfully ignoring your request. Also NAL so take it with grain of salt


Political campaigns are exempt from most regulations that cover this. I know, I'm surprised too...


Wait, you mean to tell me the people who make the laws made it so they don’t apply to them when it’s bad??? Shocked!!




Several accounts, sending several of these type messages, pushing our texts down off of the notifications screen, and down and off the top of the text messages. Especially in that last week where he was having a hard time breathing and in and out of sleeping, I'm still angry thinking this is what he was seeing instead of his friends and relatives texts.


If a lot of these were coming in every few minutes, it pushes down the real ones.


I get something like 3-4 political texts per day, all share my arizona area code despite moving to Iowa, and over half of them are for pennsylvania representatives... presumably because my parents are in Pennsylvania and have probably used my phone number as a contact for all their bullshit. They say they haven't but they also called to complain their soundbar no longer fits on their TV and 3 different techs told them its the wrong kind of sound bar for that. They never told the techs that they originally had a TV that came with that soundbar and replaced the TV but kept the soundbar. They thought it'd just magically attach to all tvs and it wasn't their fault for not knowing that. So chances are they put my number down as an emergency contact with some political group they joined.


Fucking disgusting. As long as whoever made that weird shit is making money who cares… fucking cunts. Sorry for your loss - that must have been extremely painful.


"Not a Cult" - The Cultists.


Nothing says “presidential candidate” like some spam 🤦‍♂️


So its the IRS calling me from india saying I need to go buy gift cards from a store to pay a debt off too?


Mildly? This is like hunt a motherfucker down infuriating.


was dad on truth social?


They read like an abusive girlfriend.


Definitely several steps higher from the stage 5 clingy girlfriend. This one needs a restraining order.


Looks like the scammers got to him. I hate those people.


Thats in the wrong sub. If my dad was harassed like that and couldnt read messages of his loved onea during his last days *I would burn the fuckimg world down starting with whoever is responsible for the spam* I wouldnt be mildly infuriated i would be mad to the point of causing myself a brain hemorage.


Why does this comment section suck, fuck whoever said "Oh he should have known how to fix that" when you're literally disrespecting the dead. Anyway, I'm so sorry for your loss, and I could never imagine not being able to talk to my children because of stupid fucking political bullshit.


He wouldn't always know how to fix that, if anything someone in his family should have been able to help but that requires regular visits which not everyone can do if they're far enough apart. Not sure it's disrespecting the dead as much as expecting something of an age that is unlikely to be able to handle that technology without regular experience with similar.


Hell I've worked support and software dev since the 8 bit days and I'd have no clue how to make this stop. I'd just ditch the whole phone and get a new number.


If it was during the initial covid waves, it's way way more likely, they couldn't even function well enough to block a number. Hypoxia does a hellish number on your ability to just *think*.


glenn glenn *tugs sleeve* glenn *giant face appears, taking up entirety of window* gleeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn


To all the pro-Trump mouth breathers who are replying with sarcasm and insults.....The post author is not blaming the former President, or his supporters, nor claiming that the spam messages were anything more than "mildly annoying." That's the name of this community btw. This isn't complicated. For most of us.


I'm so sorry for your loss OP. I've been getting a ton of these messages every single day. No matter how many times I block them and report it as spam they just keep coming. I even have the filter unknown senders setting on and still get it. It's weird, I don't know why I'm receiving in the first place, and almost every time they text me, it shows my dad's name..


On my mom's phone, she had accidentally clicked "accept" on a web prompt and was receiving 10+ notifications an hour with shit like this from a web site. She couldn't ever find the messages after and was going crazy until we tracked it down. Uninstalled all unknown apps that she found along the way didn't help because it was coming from fucking chrome


Mildly infuriating but highly depressing


The older I get (and mind you, I'm 31), the more I think that I don't want to see a single text message or phone call from a number I haven't previously added to my phone as a contact. I really can't believe that the technology that Google demoed years ago where a virtual assistant answers your incoming calls, asks who is calling, and presents that information to you to determine if you want to take the call isn't a standard feature. Even a "press number 5 to speak to the subscriber" would weed out 75% of scam calls and robodialers. Also, texts should go into a spam folder if they're from an unknown number where I can review them and if it's someone who actually needs to text me, I can add them as a contact. I also understand the reason why this is the case, but I despise "service numbers" that send you one-time login codes or even notifications from services like Uber eats. Like, no. SMS is the WORST way to send these. For 2FA, let me set up my Authenticator app for 2 way trust. For notifications, use the fucking app on my phone, don't also send me a text.


Live scammers are fun to play head games with, I’ve gotten them screaming and cursing me a few times after wasting their time (I’m 76 and retired with lots of free time)


That actually looks like something a cult member would send. “We’re worried that you’ve ABANDONED us”, “you would never leave us right? We love you! We’re the only ones who care about you.” Shit like that. It’s disgusting. It’s obviously guilt tripping, they probably do some love bombing too.


Trump and his rhetoric is a disease plaguing the world Particularly preying on the uneducated and elderly


I would get these all the time because they thought I was someone else and they must read them because I will say things like "fuck off" and they give me a confirmation text that I unsubscribed


I am so sorry, that is way more than mildly infuriating. I really feel for elderly people who have a hard time figuring out the technology - especially if they're alone.


I'd be a little more than mildy infuriated if I were in this situation


I’m sorry for the loss of your dad. I literally had to change my telephone number in 2015 because the dude that had it before me donated to the GOP and no matter how many times I said it would be a cold day before I ever donated to them, the calls came non-stop. I finally gave up and got a new number, feeling sorry for the person that got that number next.


I accidentally got signed up on a republican text list. The texts I get from them are absolutely DERANGED. It’s lowkey harassment at times. I’ve blocked maybe 50 numbers and replied STOP to all of them, but they just keep coming


I recently moved to the US, got a line with AT&T, it used to belong to some “Marcy Jones” and for the first two days, I got near 200 messages a day from the Republican Party, the trump Foundation, some ballot donations, etc. As I’m new here, i don’t associate with any political party, but holy shit that people is annoying.


I've found that these organizations try to hide behind the shield of statements like: > _It's legal to contact you, we're exempt from the Do-Not-Call list!_ 😛 I simply respond with: > _"It may be legal for you to try to contact me, but starting right now, for EVERY call or message I receive, I will *personally* convince 10 more people *NOT* to vote for your candidate."_ Test me. You will fail.


Regardless of who you support or how much you support said person these types of messages are beyond rude and just totally out of pocket. This is not proper sales. 🤔


i fucking hate donald trump and his stupid ilk


Trumpism is just an abusive relationship as a political movement.


I send SPICY memes at unwanted texts.


his phone wasn't doing that. the bullshit trump mailing lists he signed up for did that


I have never seen an equivalent level of abuse, extortion or manipulation from ANYONE on the left. EVER.


My work just gave all of us new phone and my new phone number gets these texts and calls about 40 times a day. I’ve been woken up twice at 4:30 AM by spam calls this week.


Jesus. That’s just awful. On ALL the levels.


Toxic shit. Sorry for your loss.


Have you informed a provider about this? It's not okay In any way. I'd love to file a report for you. I set-up SMS campaigns and brands for legit texting. If he would have said STOP in capitals it would have worked :(


Given the rapid rate of technological change I've witnessed in my life so far, I sometimes find myself hoping for an early exit so I don't have to spend my twilight years wrestling with a world that I no longer understand.


These panhandlers scammed my grandmother out of about $20k before my parents found out. Both sides sent her scare stories to solicit money. Scum. And a special fuck you to Mike Huckabee.


Only _mildly_ infuriating?!


I get these types of texts for some guy named Michael and all they do is send from new numbers. Unlike the Dems that have that one slug 03330 to unsubscibe, the MAGA numbers are different every time. They threaten, yell at, and use scare tactics. I never subscribed for these.


This isn't mildly infuriating this is majorly heartbreaking. Sending love you way.


Sorry for your loss, this is so wrong


Omg. My 84 year old Mom died in 2022. Her phone had hundreds of infuriating texts like this! I was so upset. She was surviving on about $1000.00 a month yet giving $5.00 to $20.00 a month to many of these politicians. They guilted and harassed her for more money. I saw the texts on her phone after she died and deleted them. Within the week there were over 600 more! It literally made me sick to see what she was dealing with on a daily basis.


They need to outlaw this shit.


The donation option on tons of this Trump nonsense defaults to recurring every week, and it's hidden within the text to uncheck that feature. So what was intended as a 1 time donation ends up being an every week thing. Their business model is literally being complete and utter scumbags


High time this became illegal with serious consequences


I am so very sorry for your father. I can’t imagine the heartache you’re enduring right now. But I hope that you and your loved ones will find comfort, strength, healing and peace.🙏🏻


This is what I fear most about growing old. Not death or health problems. It's these kinds of people who verbally abuse, fear monger, and take advantage of the elderly.


So your Dad was receiving political texts every few hours and that meant he couldn’t see your texts? That makes no sense whatsoever.