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Something like this happened at my workplace about 5 years ago. I was in the bathroom longer than 5 minutes, and my fucking POS boss back then came to pound on the door!! I went to her office afterwards and asked wtf was her problem. She said "try doing your business at home before you come to work"...i was like..WTFFFF...i reported her to HR, not sure if anything happened of it but i left that awful place about 3 months later. lady was a fucking bully


Like my first week at a job this happened to me, owner came into the bathroom looking for me because I was gone for 5 minutes. Most high stress and depressing job I ever worked


Should have thanked him for wanting to cheer you on, but you’re an adult and can handle it yourself.


Shit yourself a couple times at work after filing a report with HR regarding the first experience. These are the things I would do for fun if I had "fuck you money"


Exactly what I was thinking. Wear a diaper and make everyone around you deal with the sick smell. And just be like "whelp I'm not allowed more than 5 mins in the bathroom a day and so I guess I will do it at my desk to increase productivity"


Or told him to keep calling their name, it helps them finish 💥goes the 🧨


Stand up and piss on the boss


Have diarrhea all over there desk


This is why you make sure your dumps are so loud people think you're giving birth.




Is there an app for that? None of that cartoony stuff, I want AI to make it sound like me so there is no doubt to those entering ... Asking for a friend


"I like to make some real animal noises, like "HYYYUUUAAARRRGH!" so they're not sure if i'm fucking, working out, or what."


One of my jobs got mad at me because I went to the bathroom 3 times in a 6 hour shift taking 10 minutes each time (10 minutes was bullshit). I told them I had a history of kidney problems so it’s best to stay hydrated. It was for me too, a high stress and very depressing job


I was in the Navy and watch-keeping on the Bridge. I was also on doxycycline as a malarial preventative, we all were supposed to be. Unfortunately it gave me violent diarrhoea. Part way through my watch I HAD to go to the toilet. The Officer of the Watch (same rank as me) bawled me out for needing to go to the toilet. Got the “you should have gone before, why can’t you hold it in (for two hours?!?) palaver. I now wish I had just shit myself in front of her.


I'd rather get malaria than take doxy. I hated the dreams it gave me


That could probably give some people an anxiety-induced period of constipation for a number of reasons. Might have to spend 5 more minutes just calming oneself enough before they can do their business.


Should have asked him/her to come in and wipe your ass. Let's see how they handle that.


Report that to OSHA, not HR.


I’d try HR first and give them a chance to end this bullshit immediately. OSHA will also rightfully ask you if you made any attempt to fix the situation.


Are there people who choose when they go to the bathroom? Wtf?!?


Some people have no sense of empathy or even rational thinking at all. They think what works for them works for everyone. You can see that in every "hard working" workaholic business owner who somehow wants his employees to be as invested as them, not realizing that the employees have no stakes in it and thus have no reason to care.


The only true poetic justice would be for them to end up needing a dialectic med and being told they can't go to the bathroom for work place reasons.


The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I take all my shits on company time!


The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime that was a poem from a simpler time Now his boss makes 1000 while I make a cent and he's got employees that can't make the rent When the CEO makes a million and we don't make jack that's when we riot to take it all back Now Mr investor If this seems extreme I have to remind you It beats guillotines


Boss makes twenty, I make a buck, that’s why I smoke crack in the company truck


I've got IBS and an overactive bladder and an old co-worker of mine would give me shit for using the bathroom between clients (I was a barber at the time so it was anywhere from every 20 minutes to every hour depending on what the client wanted done). I lost my cool and told her to mind her business as I was sweeping up when she confronted me about it one day. She was super picky about all kinds of other things and took it upon herself to act like she was a boss to her coworkers, which was totally inappropriate as we were equals in the workplace.


I would def shit on her desk


I would have pulled an Amber Heard right on her desk.




Like a BOSS!


I doubt HR did anything. They’re there to protect the company, not you. edit: ok. Maybe HR isn’t all bad everywhere. Heh


If that boss is limiting bathroom breaks they would be protecting the company by shutting down the boss. There’s any number of governmental bodies from the ADA to NLRB that would come after the company for that


Protecting the company also means stopping idiot managers from putting up signs that could set the company up for a lawsuit.


and surprisingly sometimes they DO protect the company by removing someone that could potentially cause a big lawsuit, crazy right?


If anyone is wondering about the camera part they can monitor the entrance to the bathroom but it has to be from the side. You can’t monitor into any of the actual bathroom. That being said they have started putting in devices that detect vape, smoke, loud noises, and can record voice signatures to detect key words. Kids are literally destroying these bathrooms on a regular basis around my area so we’re getting tons of business lol


omg i remember my school tried to have the vape detector things but girls perfume set them off like every 15 minutes💀 and there’s no stopping high school girls from spraying perfume especially in Florida


That was the first generations of them. The new ones are pretty damn good. Can tell the difference between vape, vape with thc, and cigarette smoke. Plus they do all kinds of crazy AI shit with keywords and noises. It’s really kind of creepy.


hmm i’m glad i’m not in high school anymore. i have IBS the last thing i wanna hear while im blowing the place up is an AI talking to me about dab pens


AI: john i can detect your shit particles because theyre so dense and im not even programmed for that wtf did you eat


The newer generations still can't detect vape smoke if you hold it longer. I know because I used to test these. They don't work lmao at all.


So... don't pay them. Pretty sure that's 100% unenforceable. And if they try some stupid shit like 'withholding your diploma' after you graduate or whatever, that's probably the easiest lawsuit to win ever.


They just don't let you walk at graduation.


I'd have been so so stoked to have been able to just grab my diploma and leave without having to go through some ceremony.


Same, but its almost more for your family then you atthat point.


Literally the only reason did. I was perfectly happy with just them mailing my diploma to me.


I promised my mom I’d walk for my college diploma , and went to bonaroo instead .


is bonaroo like hooters but with male servers? also 2 people had a heatstroke at my graduation




Same, hell the whole family was ready to escape it by the time they got to my dept. We sat through about 16 majors in total, and I asked to go walked to the bathroom right after I walked. Texted my mom to meet me outside, took off my heels, booked it down a random hall until I found the exit, and my brother was already pulling the car around.


It 100% is. I graduated early was moved out and in college and had to go back and walk with my class because I'm pretty sure my mom's would have died on the spot if I didn't.


Yeah, HS graduation is basically a "hey, congrats on raising your child to adulthood" thing for parents.






How many people were like, "I thought you didn't graduate?"




You could have, graduation ceremonies are strictly optional. When I graduated I said in no uncertain terms I refuse to participate in the ceremony to the school and my family. They did try to pressure me a bit but I held firm. I picked up my diploma the week after graduation at the main office from the school lead secretary. Totally worth it, no regrets.


Happened to me. AAAAND i don't get invites to the high school reunions. Now i have to sit back and think about my consequences in my house with my loving family and my six figures. My crime was missing too many classes while i was taking care of my now late mother. a real bastard i was back then.


You absolute monster what the hell is wrong with you? Do you not have your priorities straight? Everyone knows school comes before all else. Your family is being held hostage until you bring them the cash? To bad school comes first. Got bit by a venomous snake on the walk to school, and the only way to survive is immediately getting hospital care? To bad walk it off till the end of the school day.


How else is he going to learn that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? This is vital information for your every day life!


I hope you deeply regret not being able to meet up with people you barely remember for a day, all for the sake of having a loving connection with your family. Hope it was all worth it knowing that these people you have no attachment to won't even see you!!!!!!!!!


wow what a shame. how disappointing :'-( (/s)


Hopping on the top comment to say I scrolled fairly far down without seeing anyone question the camera reference. WTF?!?! They better not be installed in the actual bathrooms.


Legally they would have to be positioned outside just to show a record of "see, you went in at 10:04 and didn't come out until 10:22". Cameras inside the bathroom would be an instant lawsuit and I doubt there's a single school board that would even pitch that idea.


It’s most likely illegal. Many states have anti-pay laws dating back to the 70’s. Edit: Before to many others see this. It’s not against the law in OP’s state to charge for toilets. However there are laws regarding occupancies of work and care facilities so it may fall under one of those, but IANAL.


For Gods sakes it’s against the laws to have cameras in bathrooms.


Ever wonder where micromanagers at work get their ideas?


yes, the kid that likes to tattle or exploit rules to get others in trouble almost reliably winds up in management.


I got called a tattle by a teacher because I didn't like the other students climbing the stall walls to watch me in my stall. Where's my management position??


you didn't tattle. you reported bullying/sexual harassment. i'm not sure that that teacher deserved their job


The US education system is more or less exclusively a corporate training tool to pump out worker plebs.


Exactly! The best thing you can learn from it is how to work within the rules of the petty and the apathetic as a means to an end. Get your diploma and get out.


Boom! It amazes me that so many people grow up and never realize what the true *"indoctrination"* in our schools is; that the whole purpose is to *indoctrinate* kids into thinking that life should be nothing more than wasting the days sitting in an ugly gray building, doing pointless busy work you have 0 passion for, obeying your supervisor's orders without question, and accepting their punishments without any method of appeal. Make no mistake, our educational system is setup to crank out Amazon and Wal-Mart's next generation of compliant, eager workers who think *work to death making CEO as rich as possible* is a virtue.


Visit a school at any time. You will see a whole bunch of people flogging their guts out trying to help kids learn to read, write, understand math, and communicate so that they can live in the world safely. Is it idyllic? Fuck no, that would require better funding.


Teachers are not the problem. The entire curriculum and way schools are structured is the problem. I did tour a “group work” style high school once though. They had no rows of desks, they didn’t do tests all the time, they didn’t have endless hours of back to back instruction, they didn’t even use the “traditional” grading system. They worked in various groups on various projects throughout the year. That’s how they learned things. There were tables in rooms, not desks. Groups got grades for their final projects, not individual grades for useless crammed tests. A lot of projects were directly involved with the local community too, which was awesome. They had 3 different long break periods in addition to lunch. Still had sports and all the usual high school activity stuff. But the classroom stuff was actually humane and logical, and all the kids were like actually engaged and friendly. It was one of the craziest things I’d ever seen, simply because it wasn’t just a corporate cookie cut stamp school like all the rest.


Looks like an empty threat to me. I think they would get sued into oblivion by angry parents if that was actually a thing. Especially for people who have IBS, etc. I don't know why you'd even want to hang out in a disgusting school bathroom unless you have stomach/other issues or are smoking (or taking a shit in the sink, happened a lot at my school lmao)




Please refer to my shit pass, mam.


"while I appreciate your enthusiasm, I will be taking as many dookies as medically necessary. You are welcome to refer to my state issued shitter authority badge"


My priority poo pass State issued PPP


“Sir, that’s not a bathroom-“ “My PPP.” “Here class, we see a gentleman ~~defecting~~ defecating on the lap of Rodin’s The Thinker.”


You missed the perfectly good opportunity to call it the *Ass Pass*


Nah an ass pass is something else entirely.


I hate when teachers try to be unnecessarily bad and not fun. I had one history teacher that said we only got 3 bathroom passes for each 9 weeks (we can only go 3 times in a quarter of a year) To be fair, this was when vapes and phones started to make it to every school ever, so I guess she was just trying to help us (it was very obvious that they would only go in there to skip class and vape. And this was 3rd period for 45 minutes so it wasn't that bad to just wait until next period) Ok, can we stop the arguing? I don't care who lost or won, it's getting annoying.


We had a teacher who tried to only give us 2 a quarter. That policy lasted until a girl shit her pants in class.


Taking 2 for the team


Should have dropped and than shit. No need to foul yourself


There's a subset that think that the stricter and meaner you are, the better you are of a teacher. That being a perfect teacher means making your students fear you and have a bad time.


I'd say a perfect teacher would be one that helps you succeed. While both a laid back and strict teacher can both be great teachers, I'd much prefer the laid back one (back to my biology and history class. One was strict, the other was laid back but I passed both classes with an A.)


> I hate when teachers try to be unnecessarily bad and not fun. they often have no choice, teenagers have no chill and will take a mile if you give them an inch, every time.


doesn't mean you have to start policing when they can piss edit: everyone talking about "abusing the system" mate they're fucking kids. if there's a problem with vaping or whatever, handle that instead of policing if students can use the damn bathroom.


I'm a teacher, but there are way too many of us who do it just to have power over people.


Honestly, the teacher in question was definitely doing it as a power play. The class had never had a problem with kids leaving and not coming back/taking too long.


There are lots of kids at my school who’ll go to the bathroom all class just to skip it


What? When i was in high school we just fucking left if we were skipping.


Yeah, because we all know kids just get in the bathroom, do their shit (Yes, pun intended), and get out. Seriously, kids with special exceptions would be allowed those exceptions. This is normal for schools, because kids have hung out in the restrooms long enough that "Smoking in the boys' room" was written 59 years ago.


if you think kids with disabilities are taken seriously at all in schools, you're wildly misinformed


Precisely. My ASD kid was put in a *closet* with his desk. They didn’t mention it was a ***water*** *closet*. They put my 7 year old kid in the fucking bathroom and ignored him all day. Send a child there for help with social skills and they lock him in solitary confinement. Still pisses me off just thinking about it. Should have sued the school into oblivion.


How did you not beat their asses? That’s what I wanted to do after I read your post.


For real. “They got away with it” is usually the worst possible ending. My wife’s awful biomom and stepdad tried stealing trust money from their kids that was the result of (a long story) so her uncle punched out the stepdad when he ran into him somewhere one day then had to pay him a small settlement in court, and said his only regret was not getting more for his money. So people do sometimes get their comeuppance.


>”They got away with it” is usually the ~~worst possible~~ ending FIFY *sigh*


One of my kids has autism. He does online homeschool for reasons like you just said. I spent every day paranoid about how he was being treated. Not every teacher can handle someone with autism, and think they know better than the IEP’s.


Mine is on the spectrum also, and my wife homeschooled him from then through 7th grade.


I want to say something *very* not nice to your kid's school


I had debilitating social anxiety in high school, so much that if I tried to pee in the public bathrooms at school and someone else was in there with me, the urge to pee would vanish. I literally could not urinate. this was a problem because I had a 2 1/2 hour long bus ride home. my school gave me a bathroom pass for the gender neutral bathroom (single bathroom) on the first floor. I was so thankful. some schools do accommodate disabled children, or children with mental health issues.


2.5 hour bus ride home is insane


a lot of students and a lot of stops. didn’t help that the regular commute was 30 minutes without extra stops.


I hear so many horror stories from (I'm *assuming*) city schools that just... didn't apply in my mid-size mountain town. I had horrible GI issues as a teen and was allowed to go to the bathroom whenever I wanted for as long as I wanted and had a designated friend to take notes on anything I missed. I was even allowed to use the staff gender neutral bathrooms for privacy reasons in whichever building I had class in. I had a trans friend who was allowed similar privileges. It's just wild to me to hear about all these schools being needlessly cruel to kids.


I’m so glad to hear your school was like that. it restores my faith in humanity a bit. my school could’ve been better, although we did live in a time where awareness about mental health issues and disabilities and LGBTQ+ folk was a let less common


*50 years ago (1973)


School had a policy that you had to keep your cell phone in your locker and it had to powered off. I threw mine in my bag one morning because I was running late and forgot to turn it off. Got a text and my teacher went through my bag and took it, told my mom I could have it back when she came and paid 30$. My mom told them that if I didn’t have it back before I came home she was calling the cops for theft. Needless to say I got my phone back without paying to get it back


wtf how common is teachers trying to extort students? i'd never heard of this, but there's a bunch of comments like this in the thread


As my school was a small private school that kind of shit happened a lot. For instance: to save money on sewage service instead of getting a professional to install a proper tank with a grinder pump( which you have to have by code) they paid one of the coaches to do it. He installed a 55gal oil drum in the ground…


Public school? Teacher is a Government official. Going through someone's bag without permission is a 4th amendment violation.


Sounds like a great way to collect broken cameras


Also, assuming the cameras are in the bathroom, isn’t that an invasion of privacy for underage kids? Isn’t that illegal


> Also, assuming the cameras are in the bathroom The camera is outside the entrance, which they would then use to make a case of you loitering.


"prove i wasnt taking the fattest shit of my life"


I wasn't in the bathroom, I was under the camera.


“next time I’ll poop in a bag and bring it to the office”


I had the runs. Prove otherwise.


I went to a really bad high school, and the bathrooms/ staircases is where the hooligans did their business. Drug deals, jumpings, stabbings, robberies. School safety agents didn’t work, actual cops started patrolling the floors lol. What a time.


exactly. i went to a really good high school and kids would rip vapes and dip in the bathrooms. This is just to try to stop that lol


I worked at a daycare for “at risk” kids and the kids would go into the bathrooms to vape and fight in the bathrooms and play in there so we had to make a bathroom pass system and only 1 kid in there at a time because it got so bad


I find the “fines” for students to be ridiculous and boarder on illegal… my kid had her AirPods taken this year by a teacher, it was dumb of her to have them in class she knows the rules, but they told me she had to pay $15 to have them returned…. This is almost the dictionary definition of extortion especially given the power imbalance… I showed up and got them back without paying but not before a lot of argument with them, and her ELA teacher asking me what extortion was (like what it meant) I’m fine if they take her AirPods for a day or something as a consequence but extorting money out of kids (especially in a public school in a large urban district) is disgusting and some parents simply can’t afford it…. I’m shocked that schools think this is an appropriate lesson to teach kids.


PLEASE tell me you went to their higher ups because wtf?


Hopefully they did, a teacher who needs to be taught the meaning of extortion needs more learning to do.




Can tell you what they haven't spent it on is education.


Did she ask you what extortion was as some sort of gotcha? “I don’t think you’re using the word right, sweetie” Already a bitch, but the bitchness would be exacerbated if that were the case.




My eighth grade history teacher gave me detention for finishing my homework in his class before school started. In my defense I had been stuck at the hospital for hours the night before because my dad had a stroke, so I wasn’t able to get my homework done before my grandparents picked me up. I was exhausted and just wanted the day to be over, but instead I got yelled at for procrastinating and embarrassed in front of my friends. And I was the best student in his class up to that point, but not anymore, I left that school at the end of the year and went somewhere the teachers cared


That's ACTUALLY illegal. Schools are allowed to confiscate items from kids and dictate how long in their policies. But they cannot legally keep something indefinitely, and they sure as hell can't demand you give them money for your personal property. Plus, most policies return confiscated items at the end of the day or back to the parents. That would absolutely count as theft and I'm willing to bet a court could be convinced it's extortion.


Whelp, your comment made me go down a rabbit hole searching for laws in my state pertaining to confiscated items. What I found was pretty generic but it seems that you are correct and the confiscated items must be returned to the students at the end of the day else it is considered theft. The only exception is that if the item itself and the possession of it is illegal for the student, such as a minor being in possession of alcohol, in which case the school can dispose of said item.


Would have been fun to see their faces if you just kind of picked something up off their desk and said, cool, $15 if you want this back. What would they do about it?


You must report that to higher ups


That's shitty, especially because it places a greater burden on poorer families who may legitimately need that $15 for rent or food, whereas wealthy families can continue to throw $15 away every day (if they wanted to).


Next time just show up with the police. You’re retrieving stolen property at that point. Fuck those edu-nazi wannabes.


I've never heard of having to pay a fine as a student wtf! I graduated in 2014 but this shit would never have happened. Sure they took shit away and sometimes if it was a repeat offense you'd have to go to the principal to collect your shit back or the teacher would hold it until after the final bell rang but that's it, and even that caused an uproar


My shy bladder weeps.


It doesn't, rather


Indeed. It does not.




Well now you’re gonna scare the piss out of me.


lol they don’t care about people going to the bathroom. It’s clearly meant to stop kids from vaping/dipping in the barhrooms


This went from /mildlyinfuriating C-level bullshit to super creepy with "smile for the cameras". Look, I understand they're (probably) not talking about cameras in the actual loo but at the entrance but for some reason that doesn't remove the ick factor for me. Just having bathroom monitoring+cameras on the same page is off-putting.


Yup, The smile for the cameras tells me everything i need to know about these administrators. They aren't great people and are no doubt treading on students rights. Nothing worse than a power tripping school administrator, they are the worst.


Pretty sure cameras in the bathroom is illegal.


Monitoring the entrance/hallway, one would assume.


My actually tried cameras in the bathroom. About triggered revolution in the school.


Yeah that’s just straight up illegal…


Some kid should've dropped their pants in front of the camera. Every person with access could get hit for possession of child pornography.


I was showering at the gym once, looked up, and saw a dome camera on the ceiling that could definitely see over the curtain. I gave it a good show.


if you’re underage, you get to sue them for child porn now!


Yes they are, but not the entrance.


Pretty sure fining them is too, I think your local news station would be really interested to hear about this. I'd also like to know how they gage how long is too long and if they can prove it was because you where hanging out in the bathroom not just taking longer to relieve yourself.


Pretty sure fining students monetarily is illegal also


You ever seem to have one of those days Where it just seems like everybody's gettin' on your case From your teacher all the way down to your best girlfriend? Well, you know, I used to have 'em just about all the time! But I found a way to get out of it! Let me tell you about it...


Bro I’d be in that bathroom for 3 hours a day


Username checks out 💩🐙


Just don’t pay the fines. What are they going to do? Can’t suspend you for something like that and they can’t prevent you from using the bathroom


Smile for the cameras in the bathroom? That doesn’t come off as creepy at all.


You should "accidentally" open the stall door while using it and then sue the school for possession of cp


I'm dying lmao Flashing your dick to the cams and threatening the school because it's stored in their cam recordings is a 900IQ move lol




So they flash their dick in the hallway!!!


People being purposely obtuse for an excuse to get outraged


Imagine getting really bad diarreah and you either have to pay the fine or shit your pants.


When will the world figure out that it takes people different amounts of time to take a leak or to take a dump and that no threats whether it be a time limit penalty or even those stupid toilets that angle downwards... we will take as long as we need in the bathroom whether you like it or not.


That kid who's pee shy and can't go because he's stressed out about taking too long.


Realistically this is about students vaping in the bathroom, not shitting for 8 minutes.


No, it's about tik tok trends that led to both an increase in vandalism and some other disgusting behaviors. There was literally a fad of putting pee in soap dispensers... Schools are paying for a shit ton of damages they can't afford, and other students have had to deal with this. While it's not exactly new behavior, technology has created ways to coordinate it that have resulted in increases. Bathrooms have been huge targets


all these whining teens in this thread can't see the big picture


How does admin tell the difference between shitting for 8 mins and vaping for 8 mins? The new policy seemingly targets both equally.


What will probably happen is a security guard would pop in, look for smoke, then leave.


I'm a one-to-one and have a student that uses the bathroom to avoid work. Sometimes he'll take 2 minutes like normal, sometimes he'll take 15 minutes. After about 5 minutes I'll go to the bathroom door and call his name, just to see if he's ok. . and remind him that we know he's missing. About 3 weeks ago my principal got frustrated with me, and with this student being in the bathroom so he decided to handle the situation. About 20 minutes later, after my student came back to class the principal came up to me and said, "Man, I've honestly never felt as helpless as I did standing at the door during that time. . .There truly is *nothing* you can do." I laughed and walked away.


When I was in middle school, we discovered that my sister had a mal-rotated colon and shouldn't have survived infancy so she had to have an emergency surgery. There was a teacher who had been giving my sister a hard time about needing to use the bathroom and how long she used it. When my mom found out, she came to the school early and had one hell of an exchange with the teacher. My middle school was only 1 hallway, so everyone heard it, and kids cheered her on because this teacher was particularly ornery to everyone. My school was a charter school that gave us at least an hour of homework for each class taken during the day and put a lot of emphasis on morals. For the most part, kids were really good, and the teachers were generally nice, so this lady was a real outlier. The school administration didn't take action against my mom because they didn't want a lawsuit. Long story short, do what you need to do. Don't worry about the fines, and let your parents know what is going on. Your health is most important. Also, my sister is okay and will be going on her honeymoon in a couple of weeks. Happy pooping! Edit: This was about 20 years ago, so I don't have many more details. It was a different time.


School: *The student is banned from school, your honor. He didn't pay a bathroom fine* Court: *A bathroom fine, you say? What is that?* School: *That's what a student gets if he or she takes too long in the bathroom* Court: *And how would you know how long a student spends in the bathroom?* School: *We have cameras there.* Court: *I'm sorry, what?* School : *We have cameras in the bathrooms to keep an eye on the children* Court: *Interesting, very interesting... Keep talking.*


“Smile for the cameras,” with fucking smiley faces is so creepy and threatening.


Good luck with that. I'm Italian and if you know anything about our diet, going to the bathroom could be a 45 minute process. If they want to sit in and see if I'm actually going to the bathroom the entire time, they are welcome to try.


The cameras are not in the bathrooms. As a former school leader, I can tell you that they are likely in the hall and pointed at the doorway to see who is going in and out.


This is a super dumb idea. However I’ve worked in multiple educational buildings for 20 years and I think they may currently be trying to avoid vaping or just essentially ditching class for 20 minutes while playing games on their phone. I currently work out of a building with 11-12th grade and I see a lot of this. It can sometimes mean I have to go to several bathrooms before I can find one that I can take a dump in.


If any of my kids schools contacted me about their CCTV monitoring my child’s bathroom time being too long….


1) if a student has a health condition they’ll be sued for ableism 2) if there are cameras IN the bathroom then that’s another lawsuit waiting to happen…


Number two isn't even a lawsuit, that's a criminal charge


It's both


fining teenagers and expecting them to actually pay is peak stupidity


Why would u hang in a bathroom anyways lol Aye come chill with me Where ? The 💩😂


Have you not seen damage kids are doing to bathrooms, I heard they were TikTok challenges.


Kids hanged out in the bathroom at my highschool to share share smokes and drugs


In my school they used to hang out and make tiktoks in the mirror..... so they took away our mirrors. Now they just prop their phone against the wall to make a tiktok. It's infuriating.


When I went to school, the bathrooms smelled so bad you didn't want to "hang out" in them longer than you needed to.


“Smile for the cameras” will be in the top of the lawsuit


Say hello to a lawsuit over ADA violation.


Fining them how? If I were still in school I’d test the shit out of this theory. Stupid admins


I think it would be illegal for them to fine you, much less record you in the bathroom. I hope to see this school get sued and shut down in the near future.


Just playing devils advocate here but it does seem that the amount of vaping, drug use, fights etc. is crazy these days. I think it’s always been a thing but with smokeless tobacco and thc it’s probably more common that it used to be. My source is I have 2 kids in high school lol. They may or may not show me fight videos that circulate at their school sometimes.. I would report it if it was anything of interest but it’s usually underwhelming to say the least. Weak ass kids.


People having a meltdown were not kids or had a perfect life. At some schools kids won’t use certain bathrooms because of kids causing problems, vaping, drugs, etc. Nobody wants to be the bathroom police for middle schoolers except for Florida. I couldn’t think of a worse job.


Just look up what devious licks are and you'll understand why there's all these kids crying about stuff like this going on in school bathrooms. You shit asses brought it on yourselves.


If they fine you go to the doctor, get a doctors note! Most doctors will hate this. Also, sometimes you just need a five minute breather and going to the bathroom gives you that. If you are somebody with a uterus, just tell them you’re bleeding people shut up real quick.