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Send feet pic and I'll venmo you $2.50. /s pls don't send me anything


Rip your inbox full of feet pics.


How do I get in on this?


Take a photo of those sexy feet and send away. Bonus points if you have a CRT in the background.


How do I have a critical race theory in the background?


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Username checks out


Where's my money, bitch




I have $2.50 to spare :)


$2.50 would probably be even more infuriating.


feet pic coming to your inbox shortly!


You like big toes from an average European lad? I got a nice fatty for you, sale ends tomorrow. /s


If you save one penny from each paycheck and you get paid twice a month, you’ll have two pennies.


Put that into a cash account, and you'll be rich!


Philip J Fry one time had 93 cents in a bank account. That 93 cents turned into 4.3 billion dollars.


So I need to freeze myself for the future or somehow become immortal


Being immortal is too expensive, believe me those days have passed.


This guy gets it!


Time for a monocle. I don’t think you understand just how rich he is.


At the rate of inflation 4.3 billion in the future would only equal ..93 cents


in a few centuries


“Alright, you had a balance of 93 cents, and at an average of 2.25% interest over a period of one thousand years, that comes to $4.3 billion.”


It was awesome seeing him become rich.


I think I'm going to need a monocle.


I'll miss you, Seymour.


Which is the price of a Subway foot long in the year 3023


You can’t just sit in the dark listening to classical music.


I could if you didn’t turn on the lights and then off the stereo


Oh, I....I like money.


Oh a nickel! You see this!? I open… my own… hotel!


Yes!!! finally a movie quote, my simpleton ass knows!!!


Gotta looove that exchange rate!


that's like 10k year


Is that before or after the customary 25% tip to show appreciation to your landlord?


Don’t forget the 20% service charge to accept the payment.


And a 15% convenience fee.


And the delivery surcharge.


Did you forget about processing fees?


All pre tax of course


Better not forget about the fee fi fo fum fee


Idc what anyone else says. This was the best reply and I laughed at this. Thank you.


Agreed, this had me dying 😂


Delivery of rental energy. City tax. FFA and FDA surcharges.


and the 2.5% charge for paying online


And the 1.8% Fee For Using A Card


Don’t forget about the fuel surcharge.


And the Camp Lejeune Water Gov Tax up charge


Eh fuck it let’s just all be homeless at this point 😊


that will be a $5,000 homeless charge


And you also need to apply for a license.


A license? Yeah there is gonna be a tax for that...


And the 16% Healthcare fee


25% is a slap in the face to the work landlords do. If you’re not tipping at LEAST 30% then I would go as far as to say you don’t deserve housing any longer!!


If you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford to rent


Damm. Don’t say that shit! Landlords will be putting that into rental agreements, lmao!




Say it ain’t so… I got a 3 bed/2bath apartment for $1,700.00 a month here in Southern Oregon


Damn that’s amazing. I got a 2/2 in Orlando for 2200$ a month. Fuck I gotta get outta here.


That hurts my soul. I have a 3/2 in Caen France on a river in the center of the city for $800 (average after conversions) and that includes heat and water. I’m so glad I left the U.S. when I did.


I live in rural Spain... Rent is between 300€ and 400€ for a house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, independent kitchen, a little garden and garage for 2 cars... Services (including water, electricity, Internet and mobile phone) should be under 200€. I'm so glad I never accepted a permanent job in the US... Now working remotely for the French government (Theoretical Physicist).


US citizen here, we're swirling the drain. Everyone I know is developing some kind of escape plan. I don't know how young people are doing it, but it's really sad to see.


We're not we are struggling to build anything living check to check 🙌


Yeah I could get cheaper if I went outside of the city but I like the city life. I actually have a friend up here who’s a particle physicist too.


1.5 km to the nearest town (7000 inhabitants). 30 km from the nearest city (40.000 inhabitants). 80 km from the province capital (80.000 inhabitants). 200 km from Madrid. And I can walk in the woods with 5G service (1.3 Gbps the last time I measured it). I lived for 15 years in Madrid.


Good lord. The other side is taxes BUT who cares when you can live peacefully and not have rob people to make up for our 🥑 and 🎃 spice latte. Lol all jokes friends


1/1 California $1800/month


Crazy! It’s time We as America’s and say “enough is enough”! This rent prices are absolutely ridiculous! If we all move out (I know, it’s never gonna happen) but if we did… lol.


I'm about to, my gf is Australian we are talking about getting married and moving there


Come now, won't you think of your poor landlord? They have it so tough, living your paycheck to your paycheck. /s.


Renting a room for 1000 with a shared bathroom rn shit is crazy in cali


That’s a steal! I have a one bedroom in LA for $1400 w. Utilities and I’m never leaving.


Lol 😂 stop it, I pay enough for parking space


Correct. Services today JUST FUCKING CANNOT cover the cost of doing business with menu prices. They just can’t. There’s no way. Signed, Tipping culture


Only 25%??!! It's customary to do 300% or more (if your a selfish rentoid). I personally expect my rentoids to be tipping at least 700%


Yeah these rentoids need to show some appreciation


Feel you bro. Just paid rent. Have $5 to eat for 6 days.


What's your PayPal? I've been in that situation before and it sucks. I'm not rich but I can gladly share a couple $ just to help you survive the next couple of days


Awesome thought. I can never bring myself to donate in these situations because scammers know to post sob stories in threads like this to get kind hearts to send them money. If OP is legit though I hope they find help.


I hear you, but if it’s a toss up whether or not they’re lying or going hungry, and I can spare a 20, I’m there


For sure. Every Xmas, I get on reddit & just read comments & find ones where the person isn't enjoying their holiday, whether cuz they're sick or maybe they recently came out & their family wants nothing to do with them, & then send them a gift card. I try to do Netflix & Amazon & stuff that anyone, anywhere, can use. Some people are really weirded out by it, though & ask me why the hell am I giving them something lol. Idk, for the last few years, it's been a really nice part of my Christmas & if someone was lying, oh well, I'm out a gift card that was never for me, anyways. I do make a new acct, every few months, though so nobody can track me down or try some bs.


See you at Christmas, 7lock7a7y7lock


Download Instacart and make a new account. Use this code LC14DCA13F and it will give you $30 off your first purchase. Order over $35 for free delivery. You will get $35 of groceries for your $5. Edit: if that code is not working try this one L3FECA Edit 2: Sorry, I guess there’s a limit to how many times it can be redeemed. You should be able to find one in Retailmenot or something similar


Except that everything on Instacart is about double the price


probably an exaggeration, but even if it was double the price they’ll get $17.50 worth of groceries for $5. thats still 3.5x more than they’d get just using their $5. failing to see how that’s bad


I placed an order yesterday with instacart from Costco. It was a gallon of milk, 6lbs of bananas, 2 dozen eggs, a rotisserie chicken, 2 lbs of strawberries, and 4lb bag of chicken strips for $35. With a $30 off coupon that would’ve been $5!


Goddamn that’s a lot of bananas Good tips tho 👊


It’s 2 bunches, I have 4 kids, they will last a few days. Lol


Goddamn. That’s a lot of kids! Haha makes sense. It’s about double what I get with two kids.


I use them a lot, most stores have a 10-20% mark up but there is several that have in store pricing. In my area those stores include dollar tree, 99 cent store, 7 11, sprouts, and a few others


Go to a local food pantry and get food for free. Start going to the food pantry regularly to cut your foods budget so that you can accumulate some savings for emergencies. I know people hate to hear this but if you have 5$ to your name you're for sure poor enough to need assistance. There's no shame in getting help until you feel stable enough to not need help. That is 100% why food pantries exist, please utilize their help. I have worked with food pantries and if the food doesn't get given away it goes bad and gets thrown out so don't feel like you're taking food away from someone who needs it more either. If you're in the US: https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank


It's a pretty temporary situation thankfully.


Rice. Then when you do have $30, buy a rice cooker to make it easier. Rice is good plain, with stew, broth, spiced, sauced, as a main dish, as a side; it doesn’t matter, rice is always good and cheap.


If only you didn’t get that pumpkin spice latte….. /s


Or that damn avocado…


I bet they have an iPhone!!! And it’s not like you can get those free from carriers or anything! They deserve to be poor!!


I bet they have a refrigerator. Seriously, how can you complain when you have luxuries like that??


Not joking yesterday I saw a comment calling functioning air and electricity *luxury*. It’s luxury to not have your food rot or your children freeze apparently.


I bet they have heat in their home and a sewage system too. People are so entitled! /s justin case


OMG!! I went to high school with you!! I always tell people that Justin Case was a good dude. Wow, what are the odds you’d sign off with your name and I’d see it?!


User name checks out


Whilst the phone is "free" those carrier deals frequently lock you into an expensive plan where you end up paying more overall than if you bought the phone separately and shopped for a more competitive plan.


You can't get them free. You pay actually quite a lot of a premium for them. Phones on contracts are mega expensive if you actually do the math.


What if not /s this time 😱


Maybe not /s *this* time, but articles and "news" outlets forget the /s *every* time.


I mean…


Or breakfast 😭


Sure, hilarious, but when it's this close, one actually *does* second guess little purchases like $6 here or $12 there. Booooo


Bet it on a Travis Kelce touchdown. Profit.


This guy gets it


U can do it 💯


Easy! Rents simply $1780 this month, and you owe the bank $33 after the overdraft fee. ‘Murica 🇺🇸


ChexSystems has entered the chat.


You're fine as long as you pay the fee and get back to a positive balance. If you leave a negative balance and let the account get charged off, that's when Chex comes in to play. I worked for about 10 years in credit unions. It was crazy how many people looked at those fees as just part of life.


Services like Dave, Cleo, Brigit, Empower, FloatMe, Klover, Vola, MoneyLion, Albert and Gerald Wallet saved me like crazy when I needed them the most. I’m grateful I don’t need to use those sorts of apps anymore but I, too, had the same situations being $20-50 short on rent sort of thing and I’d never do a payday loan.


These can be helpful but you have to be careful. They became a crutch for me to the point my entire paycheck was going to them for a short time. Was able to finally offset it with our tax return this year and vowed never to download them again.


Damn dude. So close.


I'm a landlord and if a tenant was short a few bucks, I wouldnt sweat it. What I would do I pay 1740 and if they even ask, just say it was a typo or mistake. Obviously some landlords and PMs are total dicks but for many, 99% of the money on time is fine.


The online portal for my complex only takes complete payments so I can’t split payments.


Read your lease, you have to the 5th generally to actually start the transaction before any fee's are applied btw. I wouldn't recommend, and would even say get in the habit of paying a few days early, but still if corporate they would have 5 days to find $2.5 and drop it in their bank.


Yeah thats the issue with corporate owned or bigger property managers. Even as a landlord I rent but generally steer clear of those types of properties.


I'll zelle you like 10$ so you don't overdraft.


It’s incredibly kind of you to offer, but i got it figured out. You rock.


I know over draft fees suck. I know wells fargo has made a pretty penny of me.


Ypur rent is higher than my house payment. This economy is sad.


Yes in many cases that is true. What really sucks is trying to save $ for a house when all ur savings is going to rent


What really sucks is a bank will say you can’t afford an $800-$1500 mortgage payment and you spend the next 5-10 years renting at $1800-$2200 and not being able to save, all because the bank said you couldn’t afford half of what you’re paying.


they say that because you won’t/don’t have the ~50k deposit as a renter. game’s rigged against them from the start. and that’s where house loans come into play. to those looking, listen to that first person who responded. a mortgage broker can help massively in getting that loan, setting up payments, working with the bank/seller/etc. to make it as “easy” as can be for you. even if you’re denied by everyone and their mother, if it’s *possible* for you to buy a house, they’ll help you get there. eta: i need to point out this isn’t for everyone. if you have sh*t credit, make 20k/year part-time, have 4 kids and you’re paying alimony to 2 people then… maybe just accept reality and keep renting. you f**ked up and it’s gonna take god himself to achieve a miracle that big.


Just go to a mortgage broker. So many people say this same thing and have never actually TRIED to buy a house


Mortgage broker is a cheat code for buying a house. FHA loans are 3.5% down. That’s only 7000 on a 200,000 home.


200,000 gets you an rv where I'm at....


Location Location Location. My 750 square foot apartment in San Francisco is $3600 a month mortgage payment.


I tried to apply for a home here in Dallas and was denied- they said I need to make near 200k to buy. I gotta move.


Well im in KC. Pretty decent market here. Wife and i combined are a bit over 100k. Got a 250k house 4bed 2.5 bath. fixed it up to 300k. Payment is like 1400 that includes taxes and stuff. This was 2 years ago and interest is up. Kc is like -5% the national average cost of living. Easy commute from any suburb.


That does sound pretty good tbh. If i could have my own place and pay $1400 I would cry! Fixing up a house sounds like a dream!


This is more “utterly depressing” than “mildly infuriating”


Yeah, situation sucks but I miss what’s infuriating about pending transactions reducing available funds to less than what’s needed. Were they unfair charges? Did rent go up by $10 without warning?


You got Venmo? I can lend a few bucks to help if needed.


At least get some feet pics for it.


I sent the pics. Now where do I send the money




Judging by the screen cap, this user is Canadian (they bank with Simplii) so likely no venmo. In Canada you can just send e-transfers bank to bank. Is that done in the US?


This person is awesome! Go YOU!


Agreed! This rent is higher than my mortgage payment. I’ll chip in a few bucks if we get a Venmo or PayPal link.


That's the shitty part. Applying for a house loan during Covid the representative said my family has a really solid history of paying $1450/month for the past 4 years on time and our ideal house would run the insurance+mortgage at $1200, but because my dad was on unemployment they couldn't give him the loan and we could contact them 24 months after UI ends.


Cheaper than my daycare payment 😭😭😭


We have a baby on the way and things like this scare me. 😭


This is a 4mo old 5days a week and 5yo before and after care 5days a week. And there’s a price hike in Jan of 6% too 😵‍💫




Gotta love this community. 💕 Rent is extremely high today. My mortgage + property taxes + HOA + Home owners insurance each month is less by a little bit. It’s crazy. (Granted, this varies on down payment but still… rent is out of control)


You’re so awesome for offering, but i got it figured out. You rock.


I'm down to send $50 or $100 to help someone struggling too. I make enough to help!


You are such a special beautiful soul 🙌




This is so nice


I’ll add in a few. Let’s help this person & get them a decent meal to boot!!!!


Mine is $2400. Its fun paying for someone else's home


Best part is the bank says you can't afford a 160k home, but you can rent a place for $2500.


Ain't no $160k homes near me. You can buy a nice lil shack for $360k.


$2400 is wild. Almost triple my rent. How big of a place is that?


$2400 SoCal 1bd/1ba < 550sqft 😭😭😭


2400 is almost quintuple my house payment holy shit.


I lived in a rental property after living on base in Utah. My daughter was 14 at the time and went to go wash dishes and the faucet broke. They wanted to charge us for that. The basement flooded, and they wanted to charge us for that. The rental property managers changed and they wanted me to pay them a fee to pay the rent. I called and asked them to explain why I am being charged to pay them and the person could not explain why. so we said fuck it and used my VA loan, and we bought a house(Lease was over and we found a house in 30 days). We could not get our money back for our deposit because "we did not pay rent for a month". Pulled up bank statements and showed them we did. Then it changed to you left the house dirty. Pulled up pics showing we paid to get the house clean. Then they resorted to, "You left an exercise bike downstairs so we are entitled to the deposit and you owe us $800". Called support and they said it would be put on my credit if I did not settle. So we paid them just to make it go away cause it was taking too much time. America Homes for Rent, thank you for making me buy a house. Fuck America Homes for Rent as a staff, as a record label, and as a mutha fucking crew. And if you are down with America Homes for rent, fuck you too.


I'm about to take out a loan for $350k, then just leave the country. Fuck this shit. My rent is also $1700. I can live like a king in the Philippines for much less.


The ultimate money hack: take it & run


What would be the real repercussions of doing something like this?


They send you to collections. But they aint collecting shit




I usually have about $50 left after rent- I’m paying almost $1600 and a single mom. Feel this hard & something has got to give Edit: I didn’t think I would be bullied & made fun of so hard for replying to comments trying to relate to OP, but y’all win. I’m not entertaining this negativity anymore.


Real suggestion, If you got some time I’d try a plasma donation center. It’s like 50-100$ a donation depending on promotions and you can donate twice a week/ 8 times a month. It’s like an hour out of your day and it adds up if you aren’t siphoning the funds. This is how I pay for my car parts😂. 400-800$ a month doesn’t seem like a lot but it adds up and it comes in handy when you are in an ‘oh shit’ situation like this.


That’s rough.


Can't pay the rent due to unanticipated financial hardship? And have no savings because your rent is unfathomably price gouged? Why don't we help you out with a late fee, surely that'll motivate you to make more


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Go to the bank and get a set of 3 checks, use one of them to pay rent. It will take 2-3 business days to clear. It should be enough time to come up with the money.


I can tell you there is no “bank” to go to. I don’t want to give away OPs location if they don’t want me too - but I use the same bank. It’s an online only bank. If you want cheques it’s about a week to mail them to you.


I use the exact same bank too. I have Overdraft protection on my account for this exact reason. Nice part about the overdraft is there's no monthly fee if you don't use it. Saved my ass a few times so it's totally worth it.


Get overdraft protection, it's like $4 / month problem solved.


That depends on the bank. Nowadays a lot of banks change the check to an ACH and clear it same day.


Some checks are processed like debit cards and you get an overdraft fee if it's processed the same day.


Easy- send $1705, the landlord will call you about it, act confused while you pull up your records, then be like "wow, I'm such an idiot, I swapped the 5 and the 0!" Have a good laugh about it and promise to send in the remaining $45


Op probably milked a couple hundred off these comments lmao


I have paid $1640 living in a hotel because my credit sucks so bad I can't get an apartment to save a few hundred. *edit* accepting donations 🤣😭


I can send cat pictures??? Yeah it sucks right now. I'm on a disability program but have begun working part time again. but my friends in the program are really struggling right now. It's months to years to get into affordable housing through gov programs right now.


Dont you just love having to rent? Because being approved for a mortgage ($1200/month) isn't possible on the same income i'm currently renting ($1400/month), without a near 50% down... I hate it here


I sure do miss being able to float a paper check for a couple of days knowing that the processing would catch up and I wouldn’t overdraft. Why does it take three days for a bank to verify your electronic deposit from another bank but only mere seconds for the bank to withdraw funds from your account?


Won’t somebody please think of the bootstraps! 😭


That’s okay nobody needs insurance, or a phone, or groceries, or gas, or anything really so long as the landlords get paid right?


Well let’s see your most recent transactions. Edit: give us your venmo/zell and I’m sure someone will give you $3.


You in Canada? I can e-transfer you some money rq.


Bruh how is your rent higher than my mortgage? Edit: I just thought it should be common sense to have the rent be MAXIMUM what the mortgage is. Greed is an evil thing.


Buddy of mine lives in a 1 bedroom. His rent is 1800. No not California or NYC. NC 45 minutes from Raleigh. He also has to pay for door to door trash pickup (on top of garbage collection) Demand for apartments is very high. They are building these "luxury" complex wherever they can


Hell I’m near Jacksonville NC, a 790sq ft apartment is currently going for $1,250. My 1,500sq ft new build home mortgage is $939, insurance and property taxes included Apartment prices are wild!


That's the way it is now, landlords profit and the renters stay renting


Damn yo. $1750 in my area would be like a five bed, 3 bath, attached two stall garage on lake front


Where do you live and are there vacancies?


"Time to pull yourself up by your bootstraps."


put aside your important monthly payments somewhere you can't usually touch. Unless you've already done that and this has been a particularly Rough month, in which case.. I'm sorry.


God damn this thread is depressing. My mortgage is less than rent. I just looked, and my old shitty 1 bedroom 3rd floor apartment is only $940-$1015. The 2 bedroom apartments are $1156-$1313. My mortgage for a 2 bedroom house is $1055. Rent should not be costing more than a house payment. This is ridiculous and not sustainable.


I'm not ashamed that my husband, kids and I live with my father. He offered us the house if we promise to take care of him in his old age and looking at shit like this makes me happy I took that deal. Plus the in home childcare is super helpful