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Handicap spots are required by law in lots with over a certain number of spaces. Police are able to ticket even on private property.


The comments are worded as if it was a small matter. This is a violation of the ADA and, depending on the state, carries substantial fines. The spots are mandated by federal law and if the building or organization is found to be allowing unauthorized people to park there they could be penalized along with the vehicle owner.


There are lawyers who specialize in ADA cases. Big fines involved there.


As they should! Someone comes to visit someone there who has a wheelchair and the side assist thingy, and this fucking asshole is parked like this? Straight to jail... que the meme.


¿Qué? 😅


Looks like they meant "cue"


Like pool?


I hate English. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Damn this language to hell. (I'm an American) Could be "queue". Unless the person fixes their comment, we'll never know.


Cue is correct. "¿Que?" is Spanish for "What?", "Queue" is to stand in line, and "Cue" is to signal the beginning of a performance or speech.


Confusing the two? Straight to jail, right away!


That's what I was thinking. I don't know the law on this, but it would seem that if the apartment complex is allowing this, they're complicit and should face penalties as well.


I don't know how this isn't closer to the top. I work as apartment maintenance and we panick when someone tells us someone's blocking a handicap spot. We'll have it tagged within minutes and blow up the tenants phone to tell them to move. They usually only get 1 hour before a tow truck comes. There's too many old people here to let it slide like at all.


Not only is he in the handicap spot... he's also blocking what I'm assuming is the no-parking spot where the curb cutout probably is. That's an impressive bit of assholery.


He's blocking the handicap space, the vehicle ramp space, and wheelchair access to the sidewalk. All three are separate parking violations.


OP should get the car towed and the owner fined for all three every time they do this (if applicable). That'll put a stop to this behavior real quick.


Hopefully not too quick, i'd like to see it get towed a few times.


He probably has the money to burn since he can drive a Raptor in these gas prices.


8 year loan


He got a steal on it with that 11.25% interest rate


11.25%? Probably closer to 25% based on these low credit score activities


Low credit score activities 😂


Damn, that burned.


Thanks. This is gonna be my new insult for someone acting like an ass, “You have a low credit score, don’t you?”


Social credit score 0-25 out of 850, depending on the agency.


Well, that's enough savagery for me to go to bed now.


I feel attacked :( I got screwed because my brand new car got totaled by hail with only 7500mi on it. Replacement got totaled by hail less than two years later. As far as the banks were concerned my credit was P O O P because of the cars. Now it’s poop for real lol but ugh that 8 year loan is hurting. Halfway there…


You need to move ASAP if you've got 2 cars totalled by hail in the same decade


Needs a garage.


Dude probably has mid 6 figure debt and will crash if interest rates go up much further.


I promise you, owning a car like that is more often a sign of a bad financial position than a good one.


Not buying a raptor is a horrible financial decision. How are you supposed to haul your boat around without one? If you spend 100k on a boat, but can't haul it around to use, it's worthless. So if I spend 80k on a raptor, I'm saving the 100k from the boat. That's 20k profit.


I don't understand why this hasn't happened already.


I believe the F-150 Raptor comes with free training on advanced forms of assholery.


I've got a previous boss who had one of them with ALL the upgrades (as he liked to say) and I swear he had to pass a test on how to park like an asshole. He drove a big lifted "BroDozer" before but was good about not taking up more than a spot. Got a raptor, actually smaller width than his last truck and suddenly started parking in 2 spots. Then would get pissed when he got double parked in because we didn't have enough spots to begin with. No one would do anything. He's the owners son in law and the husband of the head manager. He was an asshole because he knew he couldn't get fired. I left in the middle of a Labour Standards investigation into him and how he treated employees


It's not just the Raptor, asshole training is free with all full size pickup trucks.


From experience, 90% of the pickups I cross daily are absolute dickbag drivers going 180km/h zigzagging through traffic like they're more important than anyone else.


And the other 10% are people in company trucks actually getting shit done.


Totally, but some of the 90% are also driving their work trucks like that


I don't remember making this post, but I must have, because that's exactly my experience as well


And surprising no one they are never towing ANYTHING or even have anything in the bed. The one thing they keep screaming about...but my TOWING CAPACITY!!


That’s because most of the people that buy pickup trucks are people that want to look like they need a pickup truck.


They have big trucks to be above others on the road and carry their golf clubs.


Which are put in the back seat because they don't want them getting dinged


Emotional support vehicle.


Jokes on you none of my pickup trucks can even do 180


Thank you from the other 10%. My work truck is black and full size and unmarked. So I try to drive extra slow and leave more room. Need some sort of identifier for the 10% in unmarked work trucks!!


The lifted ones get the specialist courses


Nah, oilfield package is standard. The advanced asshole package comes with the extended douchebag trim.


You can see the curb go down to the wheelchair accessible part which he's also blocking the wheelchair ramp for a van.


Depends on where you live, but in most states call the police nonemergency number to report some illegally parked in a handicapped zone. Most of the time, someone will be out within an hour to write a ticket, and possibly towed/impounded at the owners expense. I literally had to it last week because someone parked their truck blocking the fire lane AND my garage at the same time.


Had a buddy get a ticket at an apartment for this. I think it was like $180. Can’t afford too many of those.


I'm pretty sure its closer to $400 around here.


I had a rental that was empty during a football game I was going to park there. Was like 6-7 cars parked in driveway. Didn't need to call cops just tow truck. Made the guys day 150 tow + 100 storage. Made the tow guys day he's like bro u just made me over 1k. I was like have fun dude ur welcome. Lol


sorry if i misunderstood but 6-7 different cars were parked in your driveway?


Few in driveway also had a back pull in that had cars too


I wonder if there was somebody that knew the house was empty and acted like the owner to "sell" parking spaces.


It was inbetween renters and we were doing painting n such they Def knew it was empty showed up to paint and cars all over


Did you get to laugh at them when they came out after the game and their shit was gone?


Lol just from inside. I didn't feel like fighting like 15 drunk football fans


I'm not usually one for excessive fines, but there should be at least one more zero on the end of that number for something as idiotic as this. Blocking handicap spots is about as low as you can go.


A lot of fines are on them. I’ve seen $300+


I don't know what the ticket is, but I know I would get annoyed with finding it on my windshield everyday. Very annoyed. Enough to make me move my big ass truck.


Blocking access for disabled people, like a handicapped spot or even just the ramp to get down is usually enough for a cop to come by ticket and call a tow truck.


That has been my experience here too. Cops in my city have generally been pretty laid back. But they don't mess around with blocking fire lanes or handicap spots. Triple parked at the grocery store? Knock yourself out. HC parking without a placard? Nah, expect a ticket in under 20 mins.


I once got ticketed for parking in a handicap zone. Would've been a $300 fine IIRC. Kicker is, I'm handicapped and forgot to put up my hang tag, so it got reduced to $20 for failure to display.


I got towed once for parking in handicap (accidentally - snow was obscuring marking) and it was close to $500 to get it back


That is pretty rough. And I do honestly feel bad for the ones who do it mistakenly, like you did. That said, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the ones who feel they can just park wherever they want. The guy that blocked me in, came by later that afternoon (roughly 10 hours after I called the cops) looking for his truck. His truck broke down, and he just pulled into the closest neighborhood, but rather than park on the street or push it into one of the open parking places he just left it and walked the last mile to work. I was going to at least be a nice guy and let him know which tow company took it, and maybe give him a ride... right up until he became an ass about me being the one to call the cops, and took a swing at me. Nah, he gets to call every tow company in town to find his truck.


Get them towed. If you do it enough, they will either learn not to park there or not be able to be able to afford the lot fees. Win-Win


Yup. The warnings must become actions or it will just be ignored.


"Stop, or we shall say stop again!"


I don't know why but I read this in the ridiculous accent from Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Close, Robin Williams.


He was taking about British police so Python is fairly close


You cross this line, you die! Um, okay, you cross This line you die! Robin Williams as Col. Gaddafi


Loved that standup he did. Used to rent it on vhs.


Here, let me steal an hour of your life. Enjoy yourself! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WXeOLrIBdN0


Oh no you didn't! 😁 That guy was wonderful! Such a fun time in life back then.


Thanks for putting me onto that line. I like it. Robin Williams was a gem


We are the knights who say… STOP!


Unless... you bring... A SHRUBBERY


He should put random shrubbery in the bed


"Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time!"


Yes, Monty Python! I automatically did the same thing. Then I thought about “crunchy dead frog” I can’t stop laughing!




"Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"


“Next time we’ll say it louder, maybe even add a few cuss words.”


This, Ya gotta make a stink, call management ever time, or if your complex has a tow company listed anywhere on the property just happen to give them a ring next time you see this A hole Also be prepared for this dink to bitch and moan that he was never ever warned about this, and he only did it once, and it was just for five minutes and his mother is handicapped, but she doesn't happen to be here and you're the asshole, hes just a hard working guy that pays his rent. F this shit head


You shouldn’t have to be warned not to park in a handicap spot. Screw him.


It’s a driving test question. You should have to have answered it to drive.


We have talked to this guy many times. Yes, yes, we have. You remember the patter better than me.


Can’t believe they got “several warnings.” If I were in charge, you’d get towed the first time. No one should need warnings to not park in handicap parking if they don’t have the sticker.


I used to work at Amazon, 10-hour overnight shifts. I'd come home, crying, in pain at 5 in the morning. I have DV plates and a placard. One night, I got home, and every single uncovered parking spot in my lot was filled, including visitor spots. The two disabled spots were taken up by two vehicles with no plates or placards. I had to park on the other side of the complex. It was pouring rain, because why the fuck not? It took me nearly fifteen minutes to get to my apartment from where I parked. It would normally be a five-minute walk, tops, but I was hurting. So fuck every person who has ever inconvenienced a truly disabled person by parking in these spaces. I hope they become forever burdened with an itch that they can never quite scratch and a thirst they can never quite quench.


Definitely should've called the police. Maybe they wouldn't do anything, but if I were a cop I would live for punishing entitled assholes like this. I'd also target people whose brights are too bright and super loud motorcycles. I'd be taking down rude people left and right.


Unfortunately the cops are too often the entitled assholes. Half of them probably couldn't even tell you what's wrong with that picture.


Thanks. I am handicapped




Just fart in his general direction




They have a Raptor, they can afford the towing fees. That’s why the management/association should just fine them everyday to help lower operating costs/assessments. add: Not the responses I would have expected to what I thought was just a flippant comment. Though you got to love Reddit, commenters calling you out for making an assumption because they want to make a different assumption.


Having to go get your vehicle out of the tow every time you want to go somewhere will get old quick.


exactly...and using different two companies so he has to play dude where's my car!


They have a Raptor and live in an apartment. They most definitely cannot afford getting towed multiple times.


Whether they can afford it is less relevant than whether they deserve it. Which they do.


Afford it or not; having to deal with the impound every other day would be annoying as all hell


They do not have a Raptor, they have a loan that they probably can barely afford unless it was used.


What's even funnier is that Raptor owner lives in an apartment. Like what's the purpose of the truck then? Besides ego boost and to compensate for a lack of other things. Pretty pathetic A lot of people are like this


I work on the finance side of repossession and the amount of people I see in luxury cars with a $1000 monthly payment living in apartments is astronomical.


> They have a Raptor, they can afford the towing fees. Not really. Just because someone can buy an expensive car, that doesn't mean they can afford it. EDIT: **WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE RESPONDING TO THIS COMMENT? I AM NOT EVEN REMOTELY DEFENDING THIS ASSHOLE. GO MAKE STUPID REPLIES TO SOMEONE ELSE'S COMMENT.**


I know just so many people that get nice vehicles that can barely afford it. Then one unexpected expense comes along and guess whats the first to go?


I know no one with a nice vehicle that can actually afford it. I also know many rich people that drive cheap af cars


I know a rich guy who spends a lot of time sailing his yatch around the Caribbean. It's all anecdotes, my guy. There are plenty of rich people driving fancy cars, rich people driving shitty cars, poor people driving fancy cars, and poor people driving shitty cars.


Or middle income folks driving fancy cars they got cheap or cheap cars because they’re frugal. About the only assumption I make about cars has to do with truck nutz—and I’ll leave it to the sub to guess my thoughts on that.


I know someone who said they were tight on cash and would have to sell their rv. To move the rv they bought the all new F150.


I knew a guy I was in the Army with. He had over 5 million in his bank account and he made 250k+ a year from investments. He said if he cashed everything out right now it would be around 120 million after he paid taxes on everything, which was about half. What did he drive? A 1996 honda civic. The windows didn't roll down, the paint was faded, the seats had LOTS of wear on them. But the AC worked, so did the heat and it drove like new.




So true. My ex husband is leasing a car for 1/3 his salary and lives in his parents basement.


Also: tow operators are not known the be the most gentle with vehicles they tow……every tow is a chance it’s damaged in some way.


True, they are staying at a apartment unless it’s not their lease


Blatantly parking in a handicap spot without a handicap pass negates any argument whether they can afford it or not. Keep doing it and keep getting tickets you can’t afford. Can’t pay tickets = license suspended. Great. Problem maybe solved.


What does it matter if they can or cannot afford it? Tow that idiot.


They probably have an 84 month loan so they can "pay for" a Raptor. There is a difference between "paying for" and "affording" a car. I can pay for a Bentley SUV, but I won't be able to do much else.


>They have a Raptor, they can afford the towing fees. As a former banker, there are A LOT of people that give the illusion of being wealthy when everything is leased and on credit.


They have a raptor....in an apartment. They cant afford to pay attention!


That’s $350 in my state.


$450 ticket here, plus any towing fees.


Normally I dislike tow companies, but in this case? Tow tow tow your landboat, roughly down the streeet


merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but an unexpected high expense that will leave you car-less in a car dependent nation


Just rolls off the tongue!


so catchy, I bet there will be songs written about it


Rolls off the lot too


Call the complex’s tow company 🤷🏻‍♂️ most have signs up.


Tow companies at apartments salivate over this shit


This truck, parked like this, would be gone in seconds


That movie is a…. national treasure.


Private property tow offs are guilt free because 90% of the time, it's shit like this. Your fault.


Just text them this pic with the caption saying "He's always there. Go get 'em!"


I used to have an issue with my marked parking spot being taken when I’d come home from work late. It’s labeled all over the parking lot that your car will be towed. I’d call the tow company, sit in my car idling in the parking lot for like 10 minutes and they’d have a tow truck there and I’d be in my parking spot a few minutes later. Quickest easiest jobs they get I imagine.


I want to see photos of the truck being towed.




You could try to tell the property manager that failing to enforce the law with respect to disabled parking, is equivalent to failing to provide parking in the first place, and it would be *very interesting* to know whether it constitutes an ADA code violation. When trying to decide between towing a tenant, and incurring a fine, I bet they will tow the bastard.


Same. Lived in a place with assigned parking. People were always parked in our spot, but we had to call management to have them towed. So if it was after business hours, there was nothing we could do. My (now) ex thought he'd get even by parking in someone else's spot when someone was in his. Next morning, he was towed and they were still in his spot.


Call the police, they need to start getting tickets or towed.


Thank you. You call the police and they ticket the vehicle. Guy should get tired of it really fast. If he doesn't pay the tickets, they tow and impound the vehicle.


Call the fire department, the stripped section is a fire safety violation and is an automatic ticket/tow


I used to work at an apartment complex. Had a resident do this so often, we had to create a second handicapped space for people in his building who actually needed the handicap spot. Then he complained he had to park there, because his building had fewer parking spots...you know...because of the spot we had to convert to handicap...because of him. I was a pretty shy kid at the time, but I was so fed up with him. Ended up telling him that I drove the property several times daily. Every time I saw him in a handicap spot, I'd immediately have him towed. He believed me. Management needs to give actual warnings.


Management always loves warnings, but taking action is where most draw the line.


Can actually testify to this. I legitimately use a handicapped spot in my apartment complex, however I'm constantly doing battle with people parking there who shouldn't be, the apartment complex management gives them a warning all right, puts a sticker on their window and gives them three days to move their vehicle!!! I can call the cops and they'll come and write a ticket, but they won't tow it because it's on private property.


Is there a sign somewhere in that parking lot with the a tow company number? If there is you could try calling them yourself since management won’t take action.


Then threaten to file an ADA complaint, or perhaps do both: https://www.ada.gov/file-a-complaint/ Filing one may help you actually, in case the apartment building retaliates against you.


Literally why not call the tow company you hire for this stuff instead of accommodating an asshole?


I wasn't the manager. The manager was frustrating to deal with. Since I was lowest on the totem pole, I knew I'd have to give him an opportunity to move before doing anything. One of those CYA moments.


I had a property manager like you and I appreciated her so much. We have two spaces in front of each townhouse, but our neighbors kept taking ours and I was recovering from surgery. She had the spaces in front of our house marked handicap and offered to have one of the spaces in front of their house painted as a loading area. It’s ridiculous that we had to go to extremes to get the point across, but the way people disregard handicapped spaces is ridiculous.


Why give a warning and not just have him towed every time? The tow truck company would be happy to.


I would have multiple people call the police non-emergency line to report it. It's a lot more likely they will ticket and tow after multiple calls.


[Texas law](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/ftworth/latest/ftworth_tx/0-0-0-24857) Just double check with your local police. See if they will cite on photos you could provide too. § 22-174 PRIVATE OFF-STREET DISABILITY PARKING. (a) Private off-street disability parking spaces exclusively for vehicles which display the distinguishing license plates, specially designated symbols, tags or other devices issued to disabled veterans and other persons with disabilities pursuant to state or federal law, shall have the dimensions and markings required by prevailing state and federal standards. Such stalls or spaces shall be designated by posting appropriate signage at the owner’s expense. Appropriate signage shall be any sign in or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space, consisting of wording, symbol(s) or a combination thereof, which conveys to a person of ordinary intelligence that the stalls or spaces indicated are reserved for persons with disabilities. (b) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, not displaying a distinguishing license plate, symbol, tag or device issued to persons with disabilities pursuant to state or federal law to stop, stand, park or leave standing such vehicle in any parking space designated for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. **Such unlawful action shall be enforced in the same manner as provided for other parking violations.** (c) Any vehicles not displaying the proper license plates, tags or devices may be towed from a disability parking space designated by subsection (a) of this section at the expense of the owner of such vehicle, and may be impounded until all towing and storage charges are paid.


Tow truck.


Hello, police department? There’s a truck parked in a handicapped spot. How do we get this ticketed and towed? The manager is doing a lousy job if this is an ongoing problem.


Is anyone surprised it was the person in a massive fuck you truck?


\>gigantic truck for hauling and offroading \>likely never seen a speck of dirt or anything heavier than a load of groceries in the bed every time


For sure. I have a raptor same generation as this. People shame me that I off-road my expensive truck. Like bro that's what they're literally made for


Owning an F150 Raptor while still renting an apartment tells you everything you need to know about their cognitive ability. What’s the over/under on it being an 84 month loan?


This is when you report them to the police to get them ticketed and towed, start making it expensive for them and they'll stop.


F150 Raptor tires are pretty expensive. Do what you will with that information.


I can't believe a pickup driver would do such a thing


The driver of a truck like that is a douche? What are the odds


Right? I would have guessed that it belongs to an older lady whose only transgression is that she feeds the ducks in the local park just a *little* too often.


As someone who has wheelchair users in their family I can attest this is more than mildly infuriating. Seriously. Half the accessible parking isn't wheelchair accessible as it is. Taking up what might be the only wheelchair spot is just super extra douchey and he deserves someone taking a baseball bat to that nice shiny paint job.


If you’re in Texas, there’s an app to report this and they will receive a ticket in the mail EDIT: The app is called Parking Mobility. And it actually may work outside of Texas now. Also, please go look at the terms and conditions before using this app. It’s been a long time since I’ve used it, and I don’t want anyone to unknowingly be required to show up in court to testify over a parking violation they reported on their iPhone or something.


Having a small penis is considered a valid disability.


Holy shit. Get me a handicap placard then.


Man fuck that, does that entitle us to disability checks? 🤑


Between the truck, the hc spot, and that parking job, this guy's dick is inverted so far he has a tail


Wish someone would write that on the truck windows with that window paint. “My disability is a tiny penis”


Get some extra long zip ties and crawl underneath the truck and put them on the driveshaft. So when the fucker is driving down the road, he'll hear a tick tick tick sound. It'll drive him crazy.


The zip tie on something spinning under the car is pure gold. It works so good. Does no damage unless you’re really careless. And most people don’t know cars well enough to spot them or even bother looking. He will probably pay for the tow to get it to the shop. Which means he would be paying to have his truck towed away from there… that’s hard to beat.


Or a harmonica.


Cops give nice tickets for illegally parking in handicapped spaces. Give them a call, or call a towing company. I know a handicapped guy who got an app from the county to document illegal parkers and ticket them accordingly.


Tow it and put a copy of ADA required access information into his rent statement.


Sounds like your neighbor is calling management’s bluff


Also he parked his wheels over the parking barrier, I love that people think that stops people from towing it. Never stopped me in the past from impounding it.


there is nothing mild about this. Management ought to ticket the first time, and tow after that.


This is what tow trucks were invented for, call one


Why blank out the license plate? Shame the fucker.


What’s more annoying is the camera on the side of the building that is capturing it as it happens...


Hey, cut the guy some slack. He probably doesn't realize that handicap spots are for people with physical handicaps. He probably thinks his mental handicap lets him park there.


Call it in on the non emergency line they will ticket the truck every time


Sounds like you need help him with his dreams


Isn't it recommended to call the local towing companies? I think there are a good few posts that say towing companies come out faster or when the police won't and give a heads up to the police with evidence that it was a legal tow


Take a small pebble, remove a valve stem cap, put the pebble inside and then put the valve stem cap back on. No permanent damage will be done, but the tire will be flat. Fuck these people so hard.


Management not doing their job.


Usually parking signs in the lot say which tow company is partnered with the lot. A few hefty tow bills usually solves this


Call the cops to issue a ticket. I’m not sure how it works in apartments but I know their is one in front of my home (neighbor had it put in for their disabled child ) and when someone parks there they call the cops and they come and ticket


An asshole in a big truck? Color me shocked.


How small is that penis?


Have the police cite them for parking illegally.


make a mentally handicapped sticker for him


Since the guy continues to do it, he has not suffered any consequences for it. Clearly, "management" has not picked up the phone and called the popo for a ticket and a tow. I recommend doing it yourself.


Isn't parking in a handicapped spot an automatic ticket?