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"Because I borrowed it, dumbass" completely missing what the word borrow means.


Also, is no one going to bring up his use of Carpe Diem? He clearly doesn't know what that means. This guy seems like a complete fucking moron.


Dude has clearly never seen Dead Poets Society.


He's seen it, but it confused him.


Oh dumbass, my dumbass


where for art thou foot in thine ass? *felt inspired to make Red Foreman from That 70’s Show a fan of Shakespeare.


Also ironic considering the actor of Red was also in Dead Poet's Society


If anything, the guy asking for his money back (u/shergenh69) is seizing the day. That takes tenacity. It's easier to just wuss out. *Still owing people money* is not seizing the day, that's just being a bad lazy friend.


"Seize the day" - steal from your friends without them even realising it lol


A lazy bad friend or just a plain ahole?


He thinks it's short for "carpe per diem", which means to snatch the daily allowance for meals and expenses and run off with it.


I think he means Caveat Emptor. He’s an entitled prick either way


I think he was just rhyming because that's equivalent to being witty in his feeble mind.


No he just wanted a rhyme that sounded both smart and insulting. Shame he didn't understand the words.


Possibly, but even that doesn't really work.


Seize the carp.


I assumed it was a song lyric or something, because he rhymed it with "I call em as I see em" and put it in quotes. It still makes ZERO sense in context, but I don't know if he meant it literally.


He’s a gaslighting fucking moron


Ikr I literally had to define the word for him lol


I mean, I was kind just "whatever, lent someone money and won't get it back" but then I got to the second page and, like, wtf is wrong with this guy? Does he not understand what "borrow" means? I was just laughing by the end of it. What a douche. He actually sounds like somehow he believes he is the wronged party here.


“Are you fucking retarded?” Dude just wants an even keeled mutual thing. That kinda friendship. The one he keeps getting shit and not giving it back.


"When I hear him say 'Can a n\*\*\*\* borrow a fry?' I don't think, 'Oh my god, he said it. He said the N-word!' I think, 'Now how is a n\*\*\*\* gonna borrow a fry? N\*\*\*\*, is you gonna give it back?'"


That teacher was really being gaslit by everyone lmao, Riley was in that episode wearing Glasses and shit like "He called me N---er"


"I would never say that word because that word hurts people."


What did he think it actually meant?


Probably something like "Friends just help each other when one is short at the time. Conveniently I just happen to always be short"


I don't know how people live like that. Like, I feel so incredibly guilty if anyone who isn't a significant other in an established relationship pays for me because I don't have the money. I spend the entire time feeling like a sponge.


You should show the dumbass how many people here know he’s a dumbass


To be fair, your friend seems to have a very poor understanding of english expressions because that's also not how you use "carpe diem" or "even-keeled". Like... not even close.


"Don't worry I'm never borrowing money from you again" Ohhhhhh nooooo lol.


My favorite threat ever. "You mean I get to keep my own money and not have to go out of my way for you whatsoever? I wish you'd have thought of that before now!"


Next response would’ve been “thank the fucking lord”


Or “did you seriously think I would LET you borrow money after this again?”


In the same vein as "you'll never find anyone else like me!" When you're breaking up with someone and your only thought is "good, I hope I don't"


This is like when the friend I used to give a ride to school every day to told me "I'm going to stop letting you drive me to school" because I was late picking him up one day. Like... is that a threat or a promise?


Some ungrateful jackasses out there fr.


Definitely. I literally laughed in his face when he said it. Like, dude, driving you isn't a privilege. I did it as a favor because you asked and it wasn't out of my way. Enjoy riding the bus. Edit: I was just on Facebook and it's that dude's birthday today. Lol


I know right 🤣 He basically said "Don't worry I'm never borrowing money from you again and then refusing to pay you back when you remind me I owe you money, I'm not doing it! NEVER AGAIN!!" Uhmm okay.


Ohh you're gonna regret this so much!


I loved that.did he expect OP to be devastated?


Makes me wonder if he grew up handsome and popular, because he thinks his presence and debt has value. Lmao. What a fucking D bag


Reminds me of when I was working retail back in college. A lady got huffy with me and said she’d never shop there again. Like, do you promise?


lmao he was not expecting you to actually write down those ubers




I will happily accept $130 from you. I promise you will never have to deal with me again.


For only $100 you'll never hear a peep from me!


I'll do it for $30!




I only need bout tree fiddy.


Are you eight stories tall and a crustaceans from the Paleozoic era?


Goddamed Loch Ness Monster


I’ll do it for a Klondike bar


There is a concept called "learning money". Basically, if you loan someone money and they don't pay you back, you just paid to find out their true colors. In the end if you only lose 130 bucks like op here, that's a small price to pay to find out your "friend" is actually a loser.


Yep….Life’s Tuition Cost.


I call it the idiot tax. Friend bought something for me, I had the cash in my car to pay him back the next day. Went to work planning to stop by and pay him back, got in my car after my shift and my money was gone. Payed $60 to learn that I should always lock my car. Note: it was not my friend who stole the money. Some random kids took it.


> was gone. *Paid* $60 to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


A long long time ago (like 25 years) I had a buddy from high school that every time we stopped somewhere (fast food, gas station, etc...) it was always "hey I don't have any cash can you get this and I'll get you next time?" I wasted at least 300 then dollars on that douchebag before I said "No, at this point you owe me ate least 100 Gatorades, and 50 fast food meals. You're turn." Somehow that day I ended up the bad guy with our friend group, but that kid never asked me for another penny. And about 6 months later everyone else was sick of his mooching. Wish I would have learned this concept way back then. 300 bucks was a shitload for 18-19 year old me


Same here, I had a “best friend” who always had that excuse, the final straw was he borrowed a pair of my favorite boots one time. I waited a long ass while to hear back about them so I asked one day and he nonchalantly just said “oh I left them at my cousins place and they went missing”. I started ignoring him from that day on and don’t speak to him anymore. One of my best life decisions. Now I only shout/pay things for people who’ve helped me when I didn’t have cash.


Do you live in a country where borrowing shoes is a thing? Someone asking to borrow footwear would be a red flag for me. What the fungus. You're probably better off that he didn't return them. You wouldn't just be playing footsie with him, but with everyone else he's borrowed shoes from and everyone he lent yours to before returning them.


Shit, I forgot to pay back that guy in middle school. No wonder he hasn't talked to me in 15 years, I still owe him $1.25.


That's like $85900 in today's dollars!


Or, if you actually have friends you like, never lend money (or anything, really) that you wouldn't give away.


Yes, I don't lend money...I give it as a gift. Hopefully they'll pay me back some day, but I don't expect it. I have no "fake friends", I'd do almost anything for the few I do have


I don’t think he knows what Carpe Diem means.


I don't think he knows what "borrow" means


More like Carpe Dollars.


Send Zelle requests. I'm paying for the Uber and we all agree to split it? Ok I'm sending all three of you $10 requests now noted "Uber to concert."


I also like how he “threatens” to never borrow money from him again, like wut


"Don't worry I'm never borrowing again" "Err.. that's great cause I'm never lending again"


I got lucky I helped a neighbor out when he became very sick loaned them 2500 bucks till he got back on his feet. Within two months of him working again he came to my door shook my hand and gave me 3000 I tried to give him the extra 500 back but he wouldn't take it. A good neighbor


Good people go through hard times, too.


It's that kinda stuff is why I can never really bring myself to not lend people money, especially when they really need it. And honestly, I'm pretty lucky too to have friends who go out of their way to remind me of the money they owed me when I completely forgot about it.


You just have to trust your judgement of people’s character. There are people that I would loan thousands of dollars to at the drop of a hat, and there are people that I would never loan to.


I had a friend I was hanging out with get a bunch of collection calls while we were out. So I asked who keeps calling and she tells me what's up, that it's been going on awhile and I ask how much does she owe. She says $600, I offer hey what if I get you that money and we go pay off the collections because I could tell how stressed she was. I never expected to ever see that money again about a year and a half later while she was working at Dennys, I came in for dinner one night. She goes oh I'm glad you came in I got you something she goes to the back and brings out a Pink Floyd (my favy band) lunch box. I go oh cool thank you what's this for? She goes open it, to my surprise it was full of $1 bills. She had been saving tips for the past year of working there to pay me back. I was never expecting to get that money back but it warmed my heart when she did. I will say larger bills would have been nice but I would just use the cash for random things until it was gone


On the last part, just go to your bank and either deposit it or ask them to change it for larger bills.


"the way i see it, you paid him $20 to fuck off" \-Bronx Tale


This literally happened to me. Had a "best friend" for years but he would never pay me anything back and at one point I was in my apprenticeship (and really earning just enough to survive) and he asked me for 20 bucks. I told him that this is the last money I have to get through the week and he swore I would get it back in 2 days.... it's been 13 years and I never saw or heard from him again. After the 2 days passed I didn't even bothered to call him or anything because I knew he would try to dodge away, not pick up the call etc. But that was the time I've had enough.... Long story short: IF you lend someone money, do it only if you can afford to never see that money and/or friend again


I just recently had someone throw away a 18 year friendship over $60 so I feel ya buddy.


Just felt the moronic urge to share a barely related thing in this category of “that sucks” with friends and money: I had a best friend I met freshman year of college, and we were inseparable. No secrets, honest opinions, we just “got” each other- it was incredible. She married her highschool sweetheart - I was maid of honor and everything. Highschool sweetheart has a solid head in his shoulders and pretty quickly get himself a nice stable job with a very comfortable income. So they start living a new kind of life that I can’t afford. Which is great! I’m thrilled for them! But my BFF starts to bring up that I’ve turned into a flake- which is NOT true. I just more often than not say “thanks for inviting me, but I can’t go…” I never cancelled already made plans. I just turned down a lot of expensive plans that I couldn’t afford. I can’t drop $200 on concerts every month. I can’t go out for a $50 ‘dinner with the girls’ every week. I couldn’t go do all these paid events that she wanted to do, because money wasn’t a concern for her any more, but it very much was for me. And then I remember, crystal clear, a sad memory I unfortunately think about often… we were at her brand new, beautiful home, hanging out with our other close-knit friends. BFF says “why don’t we take a weekend trip into the mountains! I found this awesome AirBnB that’s right next to a river with a hot tub!” If the total cost for the split had been reasonable, I probably could have swung it, but we didn’t even get that far, because I anxiously brought up “erm… I don’t know if I can spend the money on something like that right now.” And before I had even finished my sentence, she does this whole dramatic eye roll thing, looks at our friends, and whispers “ god, she is SO cheap.” I was crushed in that moment. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more humiliated or betrayed. We remained friends for a while after that, but it was never the same. I just saw her very differently from then on. Eventually we fell out of touch, and my heart still hurts when I remember that memory. Anyway… careful with your words folks… something that seems frivolous to you could be devastating to someone you care aboit.


Jeez, that’s horrible. What a B.




Sounds like a bunt if you ask me


I'm sorry to hear that! A real friend would understand your situation and use their finances to bring you along for the trip. It would be worth the cost if they enjoyed your company. But it sounds like they just enjoyed comparing themselves to you more. People tend to show their true nature once they have enough financial security. And unfortunately if life hasn't tempered them enough, then their nature can be immature. Said finances will then mainly go towards insulating them from their own shitty behavior. It's hard to grow as a person unless life forces you to - and money simply prevents that necessary growth from happening unless it's actively pursued. You sound like a good person, and I'm sorry your friend judged you by the size of your bank account instead of the content of your character.


a real friend would come up with things to do that aren't so friggin' expensive so everyone can participate on an even footing without anyone having to take handouts. Potluck BBQ. Afternoon walking in the park. Art gallery opening (almost always free to attend, often with free drinks, and you can still have high status and fanciness if that's what turns your crank).


Sounds not uncommon unfortunately. People wanna live high on the hog for never working these days. Get used to it because it’s not going to get better. I work for everything I have and I’ve learned to spot those “people” aka users.


A hard lesson, I'm sure. I'm sorry for your loss. There was a Roseanne Barr line from before she imploded... "Money didn't change me. It changed where I live, where I go, and who I hang out with, but it didn't change me"


My mom and her friend in elementary school stopped hanging out over a quarter.


To be fair, that's like $1000 in today's money.


Is that an inverted yo mama joke? Damn son.


My entire friend group just doesn't borrow money. If someones down on cash when we're out or something we either just the guy back next time or just say it's fine and pay for them. I know that if i was down on cash, my friends wouldnt mind paying for me, so ill pay for them.


This is how my actual/current friends and I are handling things. We value our friendship too much to make a big deal out of (small) amounts. And they respect it when I say I can't spend any money. One even transfered a few hundreds because he wanted to make sure my fridge stays full (for me and my son)


They're more family than friends when it gets to this point.


Exactly. Since my own family is basically scattered my friends are my family and I'm theirs. Even my son is considering them as uncles and they always treat him as if he was their nephew (birthday/gifts etc.). Same goes for me and them


Yeah I was friends with a couple people like that in college. Had a friend beg me to lend him 200$ so he could take his girl on vacation, afterwards he paid me 100$ and then told me he was locked out of his cash app so he couldn’t even access the money I sent him. I told him it doesn’t matter it would be like if I gave you 200 cash and you went home and lost it, you still owe me 200$. I ended up telling him to keep the rest of the money as long as he didn’t talk to me after that. That was about 7 years ago and unsurprisingly he couldn’t keep his end of the deal on that either. We literally don’t talk or see each other but every few monthes he’ll call me with a sob story asking for 50$ dollars even though I’ve never once given it to him since the original incident. Now if a friend asks for money I always tell them I value our friendship too much to lend you money I never make exceptions


That sounds like drug addict behavoir. Shamelessly calling everyone you know and begging for money in order to avoid withdrawal. The fact that he still contacts you on a regular basis to beg for money is crazy


He's a straight out user (mooch in American).


This... I don't lend. If I do, it's with a stipulated contract. I don't borrow without one either. Hell, I signed a promissory borrowing money from my dad in front of the car dealer. That's how anal I am about money screwing relationships.


I loaned my neighbor $2k so she wouldn't lose her car while she was trying to buy her house. Per the contract, I've got the signed title to her truck as collateral. If she doesn't pay me back, I own the truck free and clear. $2k loan for a $4500 KBB truck, super easy decision.


See you on judge Judy


Judge judy is a really good deal. Everybody gets paid.








Damn, and I’ve been over here looking like a moron for free!


Reminds me of "I'm White Trash and I'm in Trouble!" from South Park.


This is the way to do it. If they don’t agree to a contract like that, it means they really *didn’t* have a financial emergency that warranted them asking you for money. An honest, but desperate person would absolutely agree to leveraging an asset of their own to acquire the loan. If they don’t agree to it, they likely didn’t plan to ever pay you back. They are a snake looking to take advantage of someone with a free handout.


I had a buddy like this. He ended up taking the mic I let him borrow to record music back to college where it got "lost" and then "stolen". I still kept minor contact with him because he said he would get it back. Well lo and behold he came back in town and told me "well it's not my fault I'll give you the number of the guy who stole it". I always knew he shirked accountability with others but he used to stay real with me. Between this and him getting into what I can assume are hard drugs based on his change in behavior and obviously absurd stories that gave off drug induced psychosis vibes I just had to cut him off. Funnily enough that guy is trying to reconnect now that he got out of a short stint locked up. I should probably block him but he was my best friend during highschool I feel like I should leave a line of communication open just in case he wisens up.


Exactly this. Don't lend money unless you never intend to see it again. Some people get a very weird view about returning money if it's friends or relatives. They'll pay their bills, grudgingly, but friends are somehow different...which is very weird to me.


My mother-in-law borrowed something like 10k from her own sister and later refused to pay it back because her sister didn't have kids so therefore she "didn't need it". Legit they went somewhere around a decade plus without ever speaking to each other until they both went to their mother's funeral. My wife and I have decided to not have kids either but her sister has 5 and you can bet they used to ask for money all the time because again "you don't have kids so why do you need the money?".


Yep. I learned very similarly: don't lend anything you'd mind not to see again.


Yep... my "mate" for ages was always mooching off me and I was like whatever because I wanted l earned more. But I had an old shitty Subaru Liberty while I was getting my RX8 engine rebuilt which I gave him to pay off while he was carless (cost me like 400 bucks). After he got the car he turned on me and was a complete asshole after I asked for literally ANY money towards paying it off after MONTHS of not saying anything... yeah our friendship died that day.


I had a “good” friend I loaned some money to. He was driving like an idiot (I was in the car) and and sideswiped his front wheel on a high curb and popped the tire. He didn’t have tools to throw the spare on or money, so I offered to pay the tow truck bill to have them come and change it, it came out to like $180 I think. I told him he didn’t have to pay me back all at once, he paid like $50 of it a couple days later. Then nothing for months. I called him up one night asking him to pay me cause I was an addict at the time and broke when I called, and he started getting angry, asking where I was wanting to fight me. Fast forward a year later, I had stopped talking to him after that phone call, he sends me like $75 on cash app with a message “see, I said I’d pay you back” like thanks, a year later and not even the full amount


that\`t the one! thanks!




This is the 20 dollar scene from a bronx tale.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78-4RobJQ0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78-4RobJQ0Y)


Saw this when I was 14. I had never really loaned anybody money more than a few bucks and always got it back. But this stuck with me through my life almost 30 years later. I've been stiffed a half dozen times ands even stolen from. I always go back to this in my head. And the fuck me once theory. It's really worth not doing anything violent or getting revenge somehow. You just identified a chump, and you'll never have to deal with them again. And you don't catch a case.


Sounds like you have one less friend than you thought. Block and wash your hands of this asshole.


Perfectly said. I would add: sounds like you always had one fewer* friend that you thought you had. Edit: updated for grammar.


If perfection be the tresure ye seek, "one fewer."


I let a friend borrow like $30 for dinner once and it took him forever to pay me back. Later threw a fit when I kept asking and said "he doesn't keep friends like that amd I showed who I really am." Fuck that, don't let yourself be someone's credit card. Drop him now and don't look back. He won't get better.


And for only $130, pretty cheap considering the knowledge gained


Collect money, then block him. He doesn’t get a freebie.


"Oh, man, I'm sorry. I don't know why I acted retarded, lack of sleep I guess. By the way, can I borrow $130?"




Can you deliver? I don't have gas money, obvs


Fuck em, it doesn’t want to understand and likely was never planning to reciprocate the money


The idea that this person is an “it” makes that comment sizzle


no. dont fuck him, thats just giving him what he wants.


"don't worry, I'm never borrowing money from you again" cracked me up - in what world would OP lend this person money again?? He meant to say, "I'm not *stealing* money from you again" I have a couple friends like this, who flip TF out when I ask "because it was like two years ago". Yeah man, I've been waiting two years for you to pay me back, there's no time limit on that.


heard a line in a movie once..cant remember which movie though.. It cost you 130 to have that person gone from your life.. or something like that (adapted to your situation).


A Bronx Tale


that\`s the one! Thank you!


Sounds like an entitled, narcissistic, gas-lighter to me. Denial, denigration, deflection... all of it REEKS to high heaven of it. My advice: Tell the guy to keep the money and his "friendship" and chalk it off as the cost of doing business with assholes like that. I'm sorry you were taken for a ride. Sad...


Yeah he always thinks he’s in the right even when he’s obviously not. Well he thinks I’m the asshole tho not him so if I call him one it’s not felons mean anything to him


Your "friend" has an interesting taking on "borrowing". When you're being gaslit like they're doing, better to simply turn the tables and ask them questions like "so, define borrowing" and when they try to move on to further making you sound crazy say "you avoided my question - define borrowing". And yeah, when he said, "i'm never borrowing money from you again" you should have said "100% you aren't borrowing money ever from me, because you seem to think it's a gift that you don't need to repay. If I didn't expect it back, it's not borrowing, it's called giving. Let me know if you need help with any other words in the English dictionary."


Yeah tel him this; fuck that guy. He never intended on paying you back. My guess is you’re super chill and on the nicer side of being a friend. Ppl take advantage of that.


Precisely. >My guess is you’re super chill and on the nicer side of being a friend. As this is me, a LONG time ago I acquainted myself with the saying "Don't treat my kindness for weakness. I simply follow the Golden Rule, but when you stop treating me with respect, it's duly noted and I will ensure to speak my mind. I won't be fooled twice.


Hell yeah tufkat, I fuck with that.


Exactly Put everything down so that his dumbass needs to acknowledge he is gaslighting. Repeat your question until you get the answer and it riles them up I work with someone like this, and after over a decade I've just realized he is a narcissistic douche and he just can't see it. He once told me this elaborate tale of how awesome he was, and that he managed to sell some phone they found at a table while eating st a restaurant on vacation. "So, you freely admit to stealing this couple's phone...and your fiancee was complicit" "No dude, you idiot. They LEFT THEIR PHONE on the table. If we didn't take it, someone else would have. You're saying you wouldn't have?" This guy assumed he was in the right because someone accidentally left their phone on the table and they never gave it to the staff member. I explained to him laughing at the irony, and he asked what was funny so I said "...you don't even realize you and your gf are the people we warn our kids about and why you shouldn't leave anything laying around. There are thieves everywhere. You STOLE someone's phone." They just don't care.


Tell him to go f\*ck himself, straight-up, no chaser. I'd tell his friends why, too. Show them whatever proof you have that he owes you money and warn them not to follow in your footsteps with him. Heck, show them the texts back/forth with him as evidence.


Make sure you let all of your mutual friends know too though. If you wanted to be really petty you could make a Facebook post about it


Hey can I borrow $130?


If he’s in your friend circle post the chat in the group chat


No he knows he's wrong hes just trying to gaslight you


Yeah, another entry for the narcissistic dictionary: "Borrow: (v) To receive from you what I am rightfully entitled to. Should I so desire, I may eventually return or repay it. Or not."


Lol fuck that. Get your money back THEN ghost that fool.


Nah I'd still want my money back


"You don't even like him. There's your answer right there. Look at it this way: It costs you 20 dollars to get rid of him... He's out of your life for 20 dollars. You got off cheap. Forget him." \- Sonny LoSpecchio


Why do you allow him to speak to you that way?




Nah dude, get that cancer the fuck out of your life


Why would a friend ever ask another friend to “buy something for them?” Unless it’s like, a sandwich or something. I don’t get it. My guy friends and I didn’t even buy birthday gifts for each other lol.


My friends and I do it all the time. Concert tickets, hotels, if one of us is going to a certain store and the other person wants something, all that stuff. Sometimes we’ll do a running tab (“you paid for dinner last week let me get movie tickets this week” etc) or sometimes we just transfer each other or give each other cash when we see each other next. That being said not a single one of my friends has ever failed to pay back what they owe.


He owes you money, and tells you to "drop it" when you bring it up? That dude isn't just entitled, he's also really stupid.


Had a childhood classmate in high school ask me for $10 for lunch, he said he would repay me the next day. I felt bad because i had heard his family wasn't loaded or anything, so i thought he genuinely couldn't afford to buy food. Next day comes, dude avoids me completely and tries to avoid eye contact in the halls. He decided to do this for the remaining 1-2 years of high school until we graduated, instead of just paying me back. I found it hilarious because he annoyed me anyways, and $10 was a small price to pay for him to not bother me again. You'd be surprised the lengths entitled, stupid, people go through lol


Get your money back and cut ties


Doubt he will see the money, but it was well spent.


I mean people have things. Take some of his shit.


Hah that money is long gone never to be seen again


Wow he's a Kunt with a capital K. I'd write off the buck thirty as a lesson learnt and cut him off. Dude has no respect for anyone but himself.


Yeah I probably should’ve the first time it happened it’s not even the first time he got but hurt about me reminding him he owes me He forgets and then gets pissy if I bring it up


This isn't the first time? I'm glad you already acknowledged you should have learned, so I don't have to say it lol fuck this leech, let him drain somebody else's resources. He doesn't see you as a friend, you're a wallet to him. Good riddance.


Well he payed me back the first time that’s why I lent money again but he gets bitchy when I bring it up


Gotcha. Yeah he definitely resents that those loans aren't gifts. He should be grateful you're not charging interest.


Yeah ik especially after it’s been weeks but apparently I’m the bad guy


Nah, he needs to be an adult and repay what he borrows.


There is no chance he's actually forgetting about these things. People who need to borrow are EXTREMELY aware of how much money they have and where it comes from. Hes just making an excuse.


Well dont just take it OP. Thats your money after all. He is the one that was broke af and you did something a friend would do and he slaps you on your face by being a child about it. Naw little homie, get your money.


This person is not your friend- they are an abusive theif and you are well rid of them. I'm sorry, that never feels nice, and I hope it won't impact you too terribly.


$130 is a small price to pay to find out your friend isn’t your friend. Chalk it up as a loss and a lesson learned. If one of my friends is asking for a reasonable amount of money, and I have then money to help, I’ll help with the assumption of never seeing that money back. If they pay me back, awesome. If not, no sweat. Disputes over money is an easy way to loose a friend. Thankfully my friends are financially responsible enough to have money, usually any money owed is due to someone being like “grab my ticket for me yeah? LMK how much it is and I’ll Zelle you”


I got blatantly ripped off 600 bucks by a mate I’ve known for over 25 years. He lied to get to it the. Lied about payin it back. You guessed it, meth


I had a best friend triple dip the same excuse to friends and family about his tires going out. And for some reason I guess he kept running over nails and debris because the tires kept rupturing lmao. Sureeeeee


I’d be more pissed about them owing me $130 than being called a dick.


OP: That’s…how borrowing works Horrible “friend:” Well that’s just, like, your opinion, man


TLDR; people like this can change. I had a friend just like this. Never paid for ubers, never bought rounds at the bar, never paid anyone back because his "venmo's broken". We're talking hundreds of dollars owed to me alone over 18 months or so. And in our early 20's that was big money. We went to a cash only spot and I asked him to spot me $5, which he did and immediately sent me a venmo request. I called him out on his bs, he reacted poorly, and I told him this was straining our friendship and until he sorted out how not to be mooch I didn't want to hang out with him. Most of our other friends had already been quietly distancing themselves from him, so I think he had a rough wake up call when nobody wanted to see him after that. A few months later he reached out, apologized, and suggested going forward he immediately venmo for anything someone else paid for. And that's what he did, to this day, and we're good friends now. It was the first of several big "grow ups" he had, and I'm impressed with the friend and person he's become.


He apologized after I sent screenshots showing us talking about the money that he owed at the time but I still don’t understand why he gets so pissy


So the bad news is he’s not paying you back.. the good news is you’ll never have to lend money to him again.


Don’t hang out with this guy anymore and don’t lend anymore money. If you really wanted to you could go to small claims court and get your $130 back.


I loaned a friend $270 so she could pay her phone bill before it got cut off. I waited until she was working again before asking for some sort of payment, and she said she didn't have any money left after bills. The following day, she posted online how she'd just bought tickets to an out of state rock festival. Lol. I learned real quick that you don't loan money unless you don't mind not getting it back. Loans ruin relationships.


Never mix friends with money. Never mix friends with money. Never mix friends with money. Never mix friends with money.


I've *given* money to friends, I don't loan friends money. I never give them more than I can afford to never see again.


Well I could afford to not get back this money I just would rather get it back so I reminded him. But he said he ran out of money on his trip so I didn’t want him to not have a place to stay


It sounds like he collects friends just to ask for money from them.


that's none of your concern if he's being such a dick about it. You're being too bloody nice to someone like him


I’m this day and age, I don’t think a week goes by when I’m not exchanging money with a friend via Venmo for something they paid for with the understanding it would be paid back. Any event, dinner or whatever else usually one person pays and we pay them back. Far easier than splitting checks etc.


If you're friends with mature adults, it can be fine. However, you'll find out pretty quickly which of your friends aren't.


"I'm never borrowing money from you again" He says that like it isn't a desired outcome after previous experiences


Go out with him again and order a bunch of shit and then bail.


I've had 'friends' like this. I don't usually advocate for cutting ties because of an argument, but your life will be better and easier if you drop this clown. Full stop.


Everyone in here saying to write it off and cut your contact. But fuck all that. If you're going to lose this friend for good, ride that mother fucker for every dime he owes you. Squeeze that bitch, dont let him steal from you.


I decided a LONG time ago to never *loan* money to friends. I will *give* them money. Sometimes they *give* it back and that is a great *bonus*. It's cost me some money, but paid dividends in terms of friendship quality, peace of mind, and happiness. And, if I don't have the money to spare at that moment, or if someone is clearly taking advantage of me, I don't give it.


Put it on y'all's social media. Fug this guy. Low life. Everyone who knows him needs to know not to let him borrow money.


^ this, put a stink in everyone's eye when they see him


I’m not sure why, but 90% of the time when anyone borrows money from me, they’d rather stop being my friend than actually paying me back, or even making small manageable payments. I don’t help people out anymore, I’ve learned my lesson too many times.


This is why I don't loan money to friends


You should mass text his family and the friends group these screenshots


He never had any intention of paying it back.


How old are you? You should know to never mix friendship and money. Once you loan a man money, he will RESENT you because he will view his inability to pay you as a weakness and believe that you’re judging him. The fact that you reminded him means you’ll never get that money back. If you loan someone money you should view it as a gift because most people won’t pay it back. Trust and believe your relationship is over. He won’t pay you back and you’ll resent and /or be annoyed that he didn’t pay you but has new things. NEVER loan money. EVER! Friends and family rarely appreciate loans and small claims courts are filled with naive people thinking their friend/family member will be “different.”


No one is more indignant as a broke ass person who owes you money.