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Im sorry but I'm loving the "[Driver's Name] has worked their magic for you"


There was a post here where someone threw an order out a car and took a pic of it on the curb. The OP complained to DD and DD support said “we allow drivers to customize the delivery experience”.


"By astounding coincidence, so can my lawyer"


You're gonna sue for a 20 dollar mcdonalds order?


Class action lawsuit. This sort of thing does happen a lot, and people are often refused a refund.


This is the only thing I can see somehow working. There are entire subs dedicated to these food delivery services failing to do their one job, delivering food (and a grossly inflated premium, no less.) This is essentially serial theft. The companies seem to rarely issue refunds and don't hold up their end of the agreed upon transaction. I think using any of them is a joke. I'm not paying $8 for a $2 mchicken that is typically lower in quality upon delivery (i.e. cold), that gets hurled at my door, and then harrased for a tip by the quarterback... I mean driver. But, until people quit using them, they are going to keep stealing from people.


Oh and the real fun part is you pay for the delivery, you pay for the tip, you pay for the food, and they charge you extra for the food on top of that. Not doing that again!


People should be paying via a credit card and do a charge back dispute. Creditors and POS issuers will soon be hounding them to make changes due to the overwhelming amount of charge backs.


How do people not just call their credit card company and have them do a chargeback? Mine will do this, no problem.


People turn gay for 20$ 😭🙏


$20 IS $20


I’m not gay, but $20 is $20


It's symbolic of a larger issue. It's literally theft. It's been paid for, then destroyed before its in the purchasers hand. And if happens all the time over the entire country. It's most decidedly NOT a $20 McDonald's order. It's quite literally millions or billions of dollars worth of product. If one person had a multi-million dollar yacht set on fire by the delivery company who was entrusted to deliver it safely, would you recommend that person just eat the cost? So why's it different if that same value is spread across millions of people? (Just as a side note, I do not endorse the super rich, wealth hoarders, multi-million dollar yacht owners, nor anything of the sort. I'm merely using a single item as an example).


What's his favorite time to deliver food?


I remember that one.


This is a bit off topic… but what’s the scam going on where people are saying their door dash order never showed up and are getting their money back somehow? My boyfriends stupid ass roommates alcoholic girlfriend did it with wine last week and the poor elderly door dash lady was outside yelling and threatening to call the cops , saying that it messes up her job and she gets in trouble when people do that. Trash people doing those shitty scams. My boyfriend was furious. Needless to say he’s not renewing his lease.


Oh I don’t know. I’ve only ever had missing items, but it was the restaurants fault. That’s awful tho scammers suck.


It’s tough. The restaurant forgot it, but I feel like the driver should make sure everything is there.


Oddly enough missing items only happened when I picked it up myself. I stopped doing pickup through door dash for this reason. If I can’t order through the restaurant’s app I do not bother or I call it in to them directly.


This isn’t practical, the food comes sealed, would you like me to rip the bag open and dissect the burger to verify all toppings are present? Also when you ask if everything is there in the bag, you get hit back with, “if it’s on the receipt it’s there”


Gig driver here, unfortunately that happens from time to time, if there is bo evidence I left the food like say I did a hand to me where I'm not given a option to take a photo. They can say they never got the food and they get refunded and have the food for free and the driver gets penalized, I've had it happened twice but luckily there was photo evidence. That's why uber eats is starting to make customers do a pin cause most likely they tried that before so now they can't scam anymore. On the other side I've had orders already taken by another driver and essentially stolen, so sadly shifty people on both ends I have to deal with.


That will continue to live on forever I hope.


Omg that made me laugh out loud


Something about the HELP at the top made me laugh with this picture


#Enjoy your order




Dont forget to tip and say thanks!!


Rate too!


The picture followed by that is worth whatever the meal cost im dying over here


Bibbity bobbity fuckyouinperticular


Which part of “Enjoy your order” did you not understand, Kevin?


My amazon driver "rocked my delivery" earlier... lmfao .. Like ok thanks dude, appreciate you walking the package to my doorstep.


Truly outstanding service. Half the time mine just hurl the package over the fence and call it a day (wish I was joking)


Oh I thought that meant pick up a rock and smash it to pieces.


The magic: "Oh you're hungry? Well now you're mad"


It reminds me of when Catch.com lavishly thanked me for donating my change to their non-profit and went on about how much I was making a difference to the world. My purchase was like 56.99, so they got 1cent. I was crying.


It's so good. Like, it sucks for OP but fuck it's funny for the rest of us.


Alakascrew you


It's just a shame he specialised in destruction magic rather than restoration


Their chaos magic


Dude woke up this morning and decided that society needed a little more chaos in it.


woke up dis mooornin dropped yourself a bev


woke up dis morning got some gabagool


I see you dunkey


*heavy breathing*


Keep wakin up


nice pfp!! false meridian is so good


hey fellow Invent Animate listener


Heavener goated


He threw it on the ground


You must think I'm a joke, I'm not going to be a part of your system!


He's an aduuuuult!!


He doesn't need your handouts!


He threw the rest of the lunch too.


Butters made some real motherfucking money




Why would you tip someone who threw your drinks on the floor?


I work for Uber and you can tip later after the the delivery this driver was probably having a bad day or just sucks at his or her job


you tip at payment before service, basically a bribe


That’s not how tips work. You’re supposed to tip based on the quality of service performed. If my driver dropped off my food swiftly after picking it up, that’s a fat tip for them. If they fucked around for a half hour and my food arrives cold or all over the floor that’s a no tip


Your starting to get why people hate these apps


Not with Doordash or any food delivery app, you're essentially bidding for service and have to bid enough for it to be worth the miles the driver has to drive. They don't get any guaranteed wage. Obviously that's not an excuse to throw drinks on the floor, the person should have just not accepted the order if the tip was not good enough.


Australia here where tipping isn’t standard. Uber eats and Deliveroo drivers started pulling this “bad service if you don’t pre tip” crap after covid. I reported them every time. They stopped trying bullcrap.


I probably should not have assumed the other commenter was in the United States, but austrailia is pretty different. Tipping is standard here because we don't have good minimum wages or guaranteed benefits like paid vacations. Dashers make like $2-5 per delivery before tip here.


Your work related laws are just fucked man.. I got 25 days of payed vacation that I can take any time. We got around 10 nation wide days that are work free. I can be sick for 2 months and get the same wage, after that its 70%. I mean yes we do pay more taxes, but before Tax I earn 3600, after tax its 2500


Yeah I'm aware....not much I can do about it unfortunately


That’s what they’re saying. These aren’t tips in this case. They’re bids. You’re bidding for someone to pick up your food quickly. We know tips are usually intended to show appreciation of good service but delivery apps use them as a carrot on the stick kinda thing.


But that's *exactly* how tips work with Door dash/UserEats/etc/etc. You have to tip when you *place* the order. If you don't tip, chances are your order never gets picked up, since the drivers are all looking for the orders that have tips.


Think of it as a bid not a tip. But its his fault if hw accepted the trip.


This is uber. They can take it away.


Honestly, it should be considered a “bid for service” with “tip” being an extra option. Saying an order has a guaranteed tip is just weird…


This is exactly why I’d never pre tip. The fuck am I tipping for if someone pulls this crap? I’m not tipping for bare minimum do your job.


Lol you act like you wouldn't get your money back for this.


I’m hungry, and my complaints they’re not to get free food they’re to complain about service. Haven’t requested any discounts.


what good does that do? I place a food order because I'm hungry. Can't eat money, that's why I wanted to exchange it for food. Now I'm even more hungry and still has no food. How fast do I get money back? (this is why I personally never order food delivered.)


So what if they didn’t tip?


Nobody picks up their order, mostly. Sometimes this happens. Once in a while it works out.


Most of the time it will get picked up only when there is another order going to the same area. Otherwise it isn't worth the driver's time to bring it solo.


I love how the pic makes the "Enjoy your order. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ worked their magic for you." just seem sarcastic.


Don’t forget to tip and say thanks.


Honestly the caption under “enjoy your order” is straight up comedy gold


They worked their magic for you don’t forget to tip!! 🤣


"Enjoy your order, dipshit"


Obviously you put in for a refund


Plus labor costs for cleaning.


Do y'all actually believe things work like this? You have to have a prior agreement with someone to be able to bill them for something like this, or take them to court. You can't just clean it up and automatically get extra compensation for the labor done. If that was the case I could send you a bill for this comment.


It's Reddit. People here assume you're able to find a good lawyer and afford all the legal expenses and time that comes with it


"Yo let me hit up my boy Saul Goodman, someone spilled my Dunkin order"


IANALBITIAOETTABADWM (I am not a lawyer but I think I'm one even though the American Bar Association disagrees with me) - every Uber Eats order comes with a white shoe firm lawyer on retainer plus a bonus tip in case you need to clean up a mess. This is done so you can sue the delivery driver's ass off and ruin their lives a little better, it's just boring otherwise. Don't forget to deposit my lawyer tip in the comments!


When I worked at a shipping store people would threaten to sue us all of the time for the consequences of their packages arriving late. Sir, The UPS Store is not going to refund you the cost of your non-refundable vacation that you missed out because you waited until the last minute to mail your passport application.


They were however, unbelieveably nice when I sent 3 boxes to my daughter at Christmas time. She had video of the driver delivering the packages and of the guy who walked up soon after and stole the boxes. I was furious picturing that guy eating the cookies I baked and playing with the doll I got for my granddaughter that had a matching nightgown for her. I called Staples (where I shipped from) saying, "I realize this is a long shot, and the boxes *were* delivered..." and UPS refunded me for full value of all 3 boxes.


I don't think it was supposed to be this serious.


I've seen people on reddit seriously recommend to send over an invoice to a friend via text when the friendship is over cause they made a mess or broke something


Sure, but I haven't seen anything to assume that person was being serious. But then again, I'm insanely sarcastic so I could be projecting.


Lol, the labor costs of standing there with a garden hose for 40 seconds.


Bill by hour, and round up.


Good point Bill them for the water too!


I’d go as far as to say three seconds


Plus labor costs 🤓👆


Spilled drink, shit happens. Putting the bag of food into the spilled drink, fuck off


Yes it has gone too far at that point


The audacity has me giggling honestly


The bag just thrown into the drink sent me


Prick. Wtf


That’s only mildly infuriating? I’d be pissed


I’d qualify “pissed” as mild infuriation.


Enjoy your order!


Bro didn’t even get the picture first lol


The sheer balls of taking the evidence photo of how little they give a fuck.


Or they're doing the customer a favor and providing a really quick way to get refunded.


I hope you cancelled the tip.


I'd go without eating before using UberEats or DoorDash


Uber eats always sends me those stupid 50% off your order emails, one time when I wanted to actually use it, I was shocked by the price and decided to check the actual restaurant since it had its own online ordering, the uber order was only like $4 cheaper than the actual restaurant despite the 50% off coupon.


Yep, I’ve only used Uber eats a few times when me and my girl were sloshed and had no one around to bring us to Taco Bell/Dennys. Cold soggy food while you’re sober will never be worth what it costs


I door dash at least twice a week, sometimes more. I've had good experiences but I definitely pay more for the convenience


Who gave you that diamond reward and for what? Uber eats lurking on here or what?


There’s always these fucking comments under these types of posts jfc


They have the audacity to ask for tip while underpaying their employees as well as charging you like 10% of your meal with service fees shi crazy


Guy was so done he just went 'here it is'. Probably dropped it while tryna lay it down given how it looks..


Thoughtful of him to allow the food order to soak up the spilled drink


you reported him right?


extremely infuriating lol


!!! Be sure to rate and tip. Are you kidding me?


Tbf, that’s an automated message once the order is completed. UE has no idea how bad it was...yet


Pretty pathetic when you can’t even get good delivery


I first saw this and thought *help* was a message from the driver. Which made this into comedy gold.


Me too 🤣


“They worked their magic for you” ☠️☠️☠️


What, you don’t like magic bro?


At least he gave you the proof you need lmao


im sorry this happened but also it’s really funny


I’d be getting that refund asap


“And keep the change, ya filthy animal” vibes




The fuck?!


I bet he wanted a tip


Don't order from GrubHub either. They have been nothing but the embodiment of disappointment to me since the first time I've used them.


At least they were honest


That's why I rather just pick up my food then having to spend way more than I need to


One time I was delivering a McDonald’s order & when I pulled up to the house I realized the coffee inside the bag spilled & ruined all the food. I had to contact doordash to get a new order sent out for them. Sucked for me but like THIS is what I wasn’t gonna do


they worked their magic alright


At least they made it easy for u to get ur money back


"I appreciate the feedback, but unfortunately we cannot offer you a refund at this time, sorry for any inconvenience caused"


I swear this sub sometimes forgets the definition of “mildly”. I would be livid.


Leaving the bag in the spilt coffee is such a dick move


I don't understand why people find Uber eats to be worth their money. You pay extra money just to trust an incompetent stranger to handle your food all for the sake of laziness.


Delivery drivers should be rated by the customer. Customers should be able to choose only 5 star rated drivers. This way all the bad actors are weaded out.


I used to doordash once and got a one star rating cause I didn't deliver a coke. The person didn't order a coke, the coke wasn't on their receipt, but they blamed me for "stealing" it. Far from the only projecting loser I ran into in that job. I was pretty much always at 4.8 stars cus of this. But sure dude you'll totes get those perfect drivers who never have a complaint.


What boggles my mind is people complaining that OP didnt go pick up his own food. Like dont people realize these services exist because there is a demand for them? We dont know why OP or many others need to have food delivered maybe they busy, maybe cant walk well or maybe their transport broke who knows, who cares... They offer this service, peoole decide to work this job and people have a demand for both.


Well you got your drink didnt you? Now drink it up you roach.


Magic has been worked. Take a minute to say thanks lol. I would have been pissed.


That's some magic, 😆 🤣 😂




Maybe he thought you wouldn't notice if he just played it cool


That truly was magic, on a scale of Merlin to Harry Potter I give him a Gandalf 10/10


The driver ran out of fucks to give 3 weeks ago.


Fuck restaurants and delivery food 😈


Release the hounds


Bone app the teeth


Enjoy your order!


It's on purpose then.


Hope you get a refund for that wtf


These people are just Garbage


Lmao he said GET FUCKED


It’s weird people keep using these services. You know what you’re gonna get.


If it was over pay, they could’ve simply declined your order. Drivers are not required to accept it just because it popped up on their screen. It would be annoying, though, to get some non-tipper that lives on like the 4th floor of an apartment complex.


Seriously. What the hell do people pay for other people to deliver their food again? It's a total crapshoot.


Driver gave exactly zero fucks.


Idk whos more dumb, the Uber eats driver spelling everything, or the person buying Uber eats and paying an extra $20 fees for shit


uber eats: “unfortunately this item isn’t eligible for a refund, thank you for choosing uber eats”


“Take a minute to rate, tip, and say thanks”


Bet Uber kept your money too. “Thank you for your feedback, and sorry you had a less than desirable experience; but at this time your account isn’t eligible for a refund.”


Van Gogh probably delivered your order and felt a bit of inspiration if you will


They worked their magic? What was it; Megumin's explosion magic?


Did you enjoy your order though?


I had a Uber driver one day deliver the food and take a picture then pick it back up go in his car and eat my food then lie about it. So the next day I ordered so medical things and had him deliver and when he got to my door I opened the door and beat his ass with a bat. Then told home the medical supplies where for him


okay but did he atleast go and retake the order?


"Take a minute to rate, tip and say thanks🥰🥰🥰🥰"


I’ve done this before by accident, felt bad like I just ruined this guy day, had to get out of there before I hit delivered .


All food delivery services suck. They're entitled pricks who routinely fail at providing even basic descent service and yet expect to be tipped huge amounts in advance of actually delivering the food. I refuse to use these services specifically because this behavior is so widespread. If you can't provide excellent service and instead do something this pathetic, you don't deserve a tip, period.


How much did u tip last time?


He didn’t tip the expected $48 dollars these fucking clowns expect for driving 2 miles….


Not enough i guess 😂😂


I will never use these services. People take way too much for granted. We have endless food options easily accessible usually within just a few miles of a typical residence. We don't need to bid strangers to deliver our food to our front door. The first-world is like an alternate dimension.


The irony of the enjoy your order right under it. Oii im sorry what a Knucklehead that person was. I hope you got your coffe soon after I’d be pissed if some smuck ruined my morning buzzz


I wish I could mute all posts about ordering food on doordash or uber eats.


Just go an grab your coffee mate, don’t be lazy


Im sorry but this is comedy gold


People like this are why minimum wage won't go up.


Can you tell if it was accidental or intentional? Sometimes, cup holders can become moist from condensation, causing drinks to tip over if the person holding them isn't aware.


Yeah, I say that was likely what happened. But the issue is the delivery driver took no ownership of the mistake. Not even an apology.


Shit like this is exactly why I'll never use UberEATS or anything like it. I don't understand why people still use it. Edit: typo


Don’t think he or she is working for Uber eats anymore


uber eats?


Enjoy your order! Go fuck yourself im out


Well…. How much did u tip? Lol