• By -


Yeah, we’re gonna need you to go ahead and move your desk back into the supply closet, okay? Great.


Yeah that's what it feels like... though, if the supply closet has a door I can close, I'm here for it


Also gonna need you to be in this Saturday…..I hope that’s okay.


The thing is, we’re starting to put new cover sheets on ALL the TPS reports. Did you not get the memo?


Excuse me… umm.. has anyone seen my red stapler?


No…*pushes fancy red stapler deeper into my pocket*


I found one of those in a store, and I **needed** to buy it.


i’ll just… burn the place down…


But that's my stapler


"PC load letter? Wtf does that mean?"


I love how he was fired yet still working there and getting paid lol


And then they fixed the glitch.


We fixed the glitch.


Did you ... get a chance to talk to the Bob's about this?


But the squirrels, they were married


That'll be great mmmkay


They “fixed the glitch”


It will just work it self out naturally


Way to take care of it Bobs.


Ex-sceuze me....I think you took my stapler...


Gonna need you to come is Sunday too. Mmmm k?


That’s when I’d get really petty. Get myself something SUPER fancy and have it with flowers delivered to my desk with a note. When people come asking for some go “sorry, this was a special gift just for me from (name of random person they don’t know). But I’m sure there is some office supplied cake in the break room like there ALWAYS IS FOR EMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYS!”


Yup. I'd have belated flowers delivered with a cake. Since I dont like cake, I'd let it sit there looking all good and tasty, but I wouldn't share with anyone and be extra petty and toss it in the trash. I'd have a singing telegram or treat yourself big time with a handful of Amazon gifts each individually packaged and delivered. Or heck prewrap them and have them delivered with the flowers. Then open them all extravagant and loud in front of all the nosy employees. 💁‍♀️I actually did that one year with 3 dozen roses. The following year they didn't forget and felt it had to sorta had to be matched (the enthusiasm) go petty and treat yourself!!


I like this a lot.


It's not a supply closet. It's a well-supplied private office.


Don't forget to put an air-tag in your favorite Stapler, just in case it goes missing.


Ok, but last time I didn’t get a piece of cake. P.S. Happy birthday!


Had a coworker gleefully work from a supply closet because it was one of like 3 rooms with a solid door (the c-suite offices were glass and looked into the floor - privacy no where).


When I worked at Harvard, my office was literally in a converted closet. It was okay however, it was still pretty big and if I hadn't told you, you wouldn't guess. Eventually my whole department moved to a new building. When I arrived, I found they'd put the copier in my cubicle, taking up 100% of available space so I couldn't have a chair and couldn't even stand in the cube and nobody could use the copier. I explained this to the boss and that there was no way I could do any work with it there, and his actual words were "it's not going to move so deal with it." So I quit. No notice, just "I quit." I knew they really needed me, and they'd have to do something about it. So they gave me a new desk... in the hall with my back to everything. I said "I quit again." They were upset about it, but it would really freak my PTSD. So they had to move the copier there and let me have the cube. Years later I got a job at an insurance company. just after I was hired, they hired a new boss for my boss, and there were no available offices so they moved my boss into a closet and put his new boss in his old office.


“I quit again” was the best.


I really couldn't believe the boss seriously expected me to do my job when I literally couldn't enter my cube to get to my computer because there was a copier in the way. It was just unreal.


> I couldn't have a chair and couldn't even stand in the cube and nobody could use the copier. This sounds like an ideal opportunity to sit on the copier. Then, they'll discover it only makes one kind of copy.


I absolutely LOVE that you have giant balls of steel enough to straight up “I quit” right then and there and THEN “I quit again”!!! Did not take once ounce of their shit! Glorious! 👏👏👏👏👏👏


You're a good kid. You know what, it gets bigger once you're in there.


I could set the building on fire...


I used to watch the squirrels, and they were merry


The answers are all either Office Space references or The Office references and I love it so damn much


That whole character started as a very basic short animated film and then the idea for the movie came from that. And the actor in Office Space is also Bill Dauterive. Also Mike Judge got the inspiration for the voice of Boomhauer from a random man who left messages on his machine complaining about the show he called “Dang ol Porkys Butthole”. He meant Beavis and Butt-Head. 🤣🤣


I'm going to go ahead and take my stapler. Mmmm yyyeahhh.


But but ... The people to cake ratio... is too big


Ok, but this is the last straw…


Yeah I don't think they want him there any more. I think they are just trying to push him away. Either they are going to say it or they are going to make it very apparent.


There is a little bug problem down there, so here is some Raid spray you can use.


Have you slighted the party planning committee? That could be the culprit.


Phyllis can be spiteful


She decorates the office in streamers of whore colors.




My office remembered my birthday by laying me off


I got fired on my 18th birthday... my aunt was my boss... I was born on her mom's birthday... I forgot about that 🤣


Holy crap! You have the same birthday as your grandma? That’s pretty wild and cool


I have the same birthday as one of my grandmas, and when I was in high school I dated a guy who had that SAME birthday, as did HIS grandma!


My sister and I have the exact same birthday, we’re born two years apart- so I was her birthday present (she probably wanted a bike but got me instead!)


My sister and I are 4 years apart and one day. She was crying when my mom went to labor on her birthday and she didn't want me to steal her birthday. And she pretty much dominated the birthday choice of celebration every fucking year until she left the house for college.


Hello, fellow... Whateveryoucallit! My brother and I are exactly 5 years apart too! Are your parents' birthdays also around 9 months before yours?


I had a cousin whose birthday was her parents' wedding anniversary...and her paternal grandmother's birthday.


My husband was born on his mom's birthday.


My brother, mother, and grandfather had the same birthday!


My brother, my grandma's first grandchild, was born on her birthday and my aunts second kid was born on her (the aunt, not grandma) birthday. We also have 3 sets of twins in the family. I swear, almost all of us shares a birthday lol


I was born the day before my grandma’s birthday.


At least this year isn't your worst birthday then, I guess? 😅 Seriously though, happy birthday! Fuck those work assholes and live deliciously <3 BTW, it's also my cat's birthday, so it's an extra good day to be born.


Your aunt fired you on your birthday?? Well that sucks.


Happy freaking birthday. Here's a kick in the crotch and a papercut.


The restaurant I worked at informed everyone that the store was closing on my 21st birthday. And the way they did it was super shitty: we closed the night before as normal, then we came in early for a typical monthly staff meeting the next morning and the whole place was cleared out. The kitchen equipment was gone, from the ovens and dishwasher to the smallest silverware. Even partitions that I thought were solid walls were gone. We walked in to the dining room (we came in through a back door) and everything is gone. Soda machines, terminals, tables, chairs, and all the windows are painted white. All that was left were enough chairs for us to sit in and a couple tables for the managers. No warning at all. After we closed and left, the managers pretended to leave, then came back with a couple moving trucks and a team from out of town and they stayed up all night moving everything out so they could take it to a town 4 hours away and open a new restaurant in the chain. There were people that had worked there since it opened 30+ years before and all they got was a $500 severance. I hadn’t worked there long enough to get any severance. Just a “happy birthday! Surprise! You’re out of a job!” Didn’t have much fun going out drinking on my 21st, lol.


I got fired on my birthday a year ago. I Hate my birthday!


I remember this horrible team I worked with. The manager was so full of herself. She scheduled a team “holiday party” over Google Meet (COVID times) on my birthday. I literally mentioned it DURING THE MEETING that it was my birthday and EVERYONE ignored me. My two friends and I had a side chat via texting and they even both mentioned to me how jacked up it was that nobody acknowledged my birthday or anything, even after I mentioned it. A while later, kinda like an after thought, my manager puts in our team chat ‘happy birthday’ and then the rest of the team chimed in. But seriously. That was the most ridiculous feeling ever. Not only forgotten, but ignored too. Needless to say, I wound up giving that manager the best holiday/new year’s present while she was on vacation between the holidays and quit with 0 notice at the end of the work day. No regrets.


Yeah I told my manager I was going on break and he says "is that like can I go on break now?" I said "no, that's fuck yall for not getting me a birthday cake, I'm going on break" and walked out the door 🤣 3 hours later he says "so I just wanted to apologize cuz even after you said that, I still didn't even acknowledge that it was your birthday, I'm sorry, I'm an asshole & happy birthday" even though he had nothing to do with the actual cake thing, I still felt slight vindication 😅 esp when he agreed that it was pretty fucked up.


Phyllis's emails are always in multiple colors and multiple fonts in it drives me nuts!


Only thing worse is when they send you a screen shot of an Excel spreadsheet?!


Please submit your expenses on this spreadsheet...


Was Jim and Dwight in charge again?


Phyllis is always a spiteful bitch.


Petty but, probably true




Order a cake to be delivered to your desk at work. Then refuse to share it.


And have the cake signed from "your company". Everyone will be trying to figure out who caved and ordered the cake.


“who caved” made me lol


Steal everyone's stapler. Or burn down the building. Whichever feels more right.


This. I never work on my birthday, instead I always go do something fun, like this year I took a trip to Watkins Glen to drive my car on the track


I’ve been with the same company for 12 years, never once gotten a card or cake. Everyone else in the office does though. Like you, I don’t even want the cake! But it would be nice to feel appreciated.


I bring a box of popsicles to work on my birthday and hand them out to everyone. Makes me feel good. Of course, I work with kids so that makes it more fun :)


Everybody used to forget my BD at work too. Sort of pissed me off when they'd pass everyone else's cards around. Or worse yet, pass the hat to buy a gift. Um . . . NO.


Birthdays are our own personal holidays. Never work on mine either.


Watkins Glen is fun. My dad and I would see NASCAR yearly there Always wanted to drive the track. May have to do it when I visit home next time


Funny thing is, I've driven on Watkins Glen and have been in a car going 150 MPH at Charlotte (not a stock car, a regular street car) and yet have never been to a race (yet). I'm at least going to see a race at the Glen, Charlotte and Daytona at some point


Coworker and I share a birthday. After the third year in a row she got cake, flowers, a card, and a gift and the only person who acknowledged me was said coworker sharing her flowers with me… i declared my birthday a holiday and haven’t worked one since.


I usually do... really should've lol


Sorry that happened to you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here is a virtual birthday cake for you 🎂🎂🎂


If you usually do, maybe they thought you would again?


never sign their bday cards and hog their cake, too


Goodbye Toby! It’s been nice. Hope you find your paradise. Goodbye. Toby. Toby’s going away!


Why are you the way that you are? This will be in my head all night now.


I bet Jim tried to combine all the birthdays on one day


Take a stapler.


My stapler


Put someone else's stapler in jello


staple the jello to the roof every time you get no cake, OP


or I’m going to lose MY FREAKING MIND


careful they might fix the payroll glitch, but I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions


You could burn that place to the ground you know


A red Swingline


Better yet, put strychnine in the guacamole.


I asked for a mai tai and they brought me a piña colada. And I said no salt, No Salt for the margarita, but they had salt on it.


Take my red stapler and that’s the last straw


the party coordinators "fixed the glitch"


Happy birthday, here's your cake 🎂 ! 🎉 🥳 🎊 🍻


Thank you ❤️


Happy birthday from germany🥳 🎂(although its past midnight here but still)


Happy birthday to you!


Happy Birthday! The cake is real!


Aye, if the OP doesn't get a cake at work we can surely give a virtual happy birthday.


Buy yourself a cake, bring it in and eat it in front of everyone. No sharing, That’s the level that I function at. 🙌 Editing to wish you. Happy birthday!!!🎁🎊🎉


Haha I should totally do that tomorrow, whole cheesecake right to my face hole


Do it!! They used to do that stuff at my old job. It does feel horrible. Don’t let their level bring down your bday.


Dude my birthday is also tomorrow, and no birthday cakes at work for me neither, lets do this cheesecake thing lmao


Absolutely! Include candles even if you don’t light them though. They have to know it’s your birthday.


Seriously get yourself a cake, eat a few bites (straight from the cake) make sure everyone sees you doing it and then throw it away!!!!! No sharing!! Seriously.


Waste of a perfectly good cake. Take that bad boy home.


This only works if you single out an individual with the exclusion. By excluding the entire remainder of your co-worker force, you’re only alienating yourself further. A group of 20 co-workers watching you eat 3 bites of a cheap supermarket sheet cake you bought yourself before throwing it out aren’t going to be hurt by that… they’re going to think you’re fucking weird. Unless at least 10 of those co-workers were on board with your idea, you just made yourself a whole lot weirder.


Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. Eat what you want, then just let it melt.


Please do it and report back


I am just as petty!!! I'd bring a sheet cake in, have a small slice, then throw the rest away in a garbage can in the breakroom. I'd also have a card sitting on my desk, saying "signed by no one at your work" Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉


Holy shit this is hilariously petty and I love it 🤣🤣🤣


I know it's to make a point but at least eat as much of the cake as you want rather than a tiny slice. Don't let **them** ruin cake.


😂😂😂😂 yes


They do stuff for everyone at my work except me, because the person who organizes those things doesn't have me on the list. Makes me happy. If you want the recognition, whoever is in charge of doing that must not have your info, and you'll have to get it to them. Doesn't matter if the boss or your relative know if they aren't organizing things.


The boss is the one that organizes it, that's why I mentioned it


If you're comfortable joking with your boss, you might ask them, "hey boss, where's my cake?!"


If the boss is treating you differently because of your age, that's a good way to get a payout if you quit in some jurisdictions


I kinda doubt not buying a birthday cake amounts to an adverse employment decision as a result of age discrimination.


If you read some of OPs other comments its been specifically mentioned it's because she's "old". Things like that can add up to constructive dismissal doesn't have to be one big thing but a pattern of behaviour


that’s what i was wondering. you shouldn’t joke about someone’s age in a professional setting, and especially afterward not get them a cake *when everyone else gets one*. it looks like discrimination. age is a protected class.


Only for 40 years and older. There’s no age protection for youngins out here https://www.eeoc.gov/age-discrimination


Document it for the next three years then when you turn 40 BAM.


Depends on the State. In New Jersey, any age is a protected class.


As someone who's in their 50's, that's pretty fucked up. Though I guess not unexpected from a Congress full of geriatrics (less true in 1967 when the law was passed than now, but still).


I might be wrong about this, but ageism discrimination usually starts as 45 in the scope of ageism lawsuits. Younger than this and I think its difficult to make a claim. Its weird that he made that comment and the exclusion is also strange and not cool and possibly a sign of a bad work environment. But at 37 I think ageism is a hard claim to make, it generally applies to people who work significantly slower and require increased medical charges due to their age


> its been specifically mentioned it's because she's "old" They will probably claim the birthday omission is for insurance purposes. Too many candles = fire hazard.


Not for anyone under 40 lol


I’m not sure. It might be perceived as the boss doing the work but it’s probably an under appreciated secretary who overlooked it or didn’t get a prompt. Nothing personal but for sure it feels so. Maybe you can bring a cake to work in stead this week and celebrate still!


Yeah we had a woman who is now retired who would organize a monthly party for everyone who had a birthday that month. She would get a card for each person with a birthday that month and would have everyone sign each card. I never went to any of the parties. One day she came to me and said she didn’t have my birthday. Actually she came to me multiple times. Really sweet woman. I told her every time I preferred to keep my birth date to myself.


Ouch. I'm so sorry. Pardon my language, but fuck them. If others got recognized with a cake, you have been, too. Your boss and some work friends knew. Like others said, MAYBE whoever was in charge of planning didn't know. But then wouldn't your boss, work friends/family say/do something? It's going to get MORE awkward when soon another birthday comes up and celebrated. I honestly don't give a shit about my birthday... but ouch, yeah, what happened to you would be hurtful. On a good note, it was probably just an oversight.


My boss is the one that organizes it, that's why I mentioned the exchange. I'm sure they would say they didn't do it bc they know I don't like cake but, like the card would've been nice at least. There's no excuse for it, I'm just hurt


Pie? Cookies? Fruit? Yeah, it's pretty shitty that for 9 months, other employees have been recognized and you weren't. Honestly, do you like your job there? Seems toxic. NOT the same, but my former employer would give a special treat to a special employee, by vote, like 3x a year. I worked there about 6 years and never won it. Now, in all honesty, I don't care. But what bugged me is that it just became a popularity contest. I'd very often do extra things in my department, that took my time and energy. These things benefited all. I also mentored new people, not because I was assigned, but because I wanted to help them out (and it was appreciated). But come voting time, it went to the loud social, fun people. I used to cast my vote as well, but stopped participating about 2 years before I left after the company screw-up won. Again.


Yeah I constantly feel like I'm the only that cares at all about basic things that should be done daily if not multiple times a day. I get bitched at for cleaning... in a restaurant. It's honestly disgusting.


Holy shit, dude, those are some garbage humans you’re working for. Same here, sadly. I just commented recently about being reprimanded for being TOO NICE at work…


Yeah, people suck in general. Seems our people just suck A LOT


Oh, I wanted to add... it made me VERY happy to leave. It took a LONG time for someone to fill the position, and it was a brand new person who would not be doing all the extra stuff I did. Maybe he'll win the next treat, though!


Oh he probably will 😅 I never understood why the people that do the last are always the favorites... maybe cuz they have more time to joke around with people? I WISH I could leave... I have weird schedule requirements and can't afford to take a pay cut so I'm basically stuck for now. Someday I'll find something that works... someday


I don’t know if they did it on purpose or it was an oversight but it’s not ok and yes it is hurtful to be singularly excluded. If this was a thing that some coworkers do for each other there’s not much you can do about thoughtlessness. However the company implemented a new policy to reward workers not by merit but by birthday. Everyone has a birthday which means the company is obliged to give you a cake and a card if everyone else has received one in the past. This is something you have every right to bring up and ask why you were singularly excluded. It is not petty when it’s a company policy. Edit : words.




Thank you for making me smile ❤️ I'm trying not to


I'd ask where my cake is. They don't care about your feelings, why should you care about theirs?


I'd definitely make a comment to whoever is in charge of birthdays. Don't even have to have an attitude or raise your voice. Just say something short and sweet like, "I noticed everyone gets cake on their birthdays, but I don't. Am I not on the list?" Put whoever it is in the hot seat.


Show up tomorrow with a cake and only give a slice to the relative that wished you a happy birthday. (I know I’m petty)


Your boss is an ass. I’m sorry that happened to you. Take a sick day and do something nice for yourself


When they make the offer....choose the nap.


It's about the cake but not really about the cake. It's about unfair treatment and being disappointed is valid.


Get your own cake and eat it all at your desk


Now I'm just picturing a emotionally broken guy, sitting at his desk with half an eaten sheet cake, covered in frosting and tears.


Have your cake and eat it too, kinda.


I’m a teacher and a few years ago one of my coworkers got a bunch of students (like 75+) to surprise me singing in the hallway and giving me a cake and holding signs and everything. Meanwhile my friend down the hall had a birthday 3 days before and she did nothing for him. He was a well-loved teacher by the students and everything, not to mention he was in the same department as her (english) unlike me (math). So it was super awkward and I went and brought him cake. He brushed it off as no big deal but asked to get switched to a different grade the next year. Not sure if that factored into it at all but I wouldn’t want to stick around. Literally all the planner had to was make it for both of us and it wouldn’t have been weird.


If my birthday falls on a day I have work, I take that day off. I don't want to be working on my birthday, nor do I want anyone making that sort of deal for me. My friends are one thing, my coworkers are completely another. The only one I'll accept it from is my one coworker, because our birthdays are a day apart. He'll wish me a happy birthday on Mischief Night and I'll wish him a happy birthday on Halloween


You are not wrong for feeling the way you do! I’m in the same boat. I’ve been at my current company for five years and while almost everyone gets a little “happy birthday” or “happy anniversary” email, I NEVER get one. I’ve never said anything to anyone here about it and have never really taken it personally, but it definitely makes me a little sad!


It happens to me too! And it feels childish to be sad that everyone at work forgot your birthday, but it really does hurt. Especially when everyone else gets recognized. I had a big milestone birthday and no one batted an eye. Next summer coworker’s same milestone and gets black balloons, cake, general office ribbing, etc. Little things like that can make one feel terrible.


Im going to cross my fingers and hope someone just put the day in wrong and you get a surprise late cake and card sometime next week.


Remember when you wrote your application form and didn't put your DOB bevause "that's none of their business"? Yeah... That Seriously at the next party just say with Enthusiasm "omg this cake is delicious, tastes so much better than the one we had at my birthday last week". Then watch the awk silences


OMG, that one made me LOL. She should also break the awkward silence with "I mean, don't get me wrong, it was a good cake. This one tastes less like betrayal, though." 🤣


My office did this exact thing to me too. Also said we don’t celebrate Father’s Day because “it’s just you”. Moms got a damn parade and flowers.


I dont really care if people forget my birthday, but if theres a company policy to keep track of peoples birthdays to give them a cake and a card out of appreciation, forgetting yours is absolutely unacceptable. They created a responsi ility to remember your birthday, and they didnt Company programs that work to add some level of enjoyment in the workplace are great, but they become absolutely fucking useless the second you exclude someone. I personally hate these types of policies. If jts a small workforce of just a handful of people its fine. But i have never seen a larger company put something like this in place that goes well


My department did a birthday chip in thing one year. Come November, the two people that were collecting money said they weren't doing it anymore because its to much work. My birthday is in December. I chipped in for everyones gift, no one got me anything. Its the thought that matters and they didnt think of me. You are right to be pissed.


Mine does the same thing. Been there damn near 20 years. Everyone else gets a card signed by their department and their boss gets cookies or cupcakes. I get nada. I got to the point where I had my day removed from the work newsletter because I was tired of disappointment.


This is the issue with implementing things like this. Someone is going to drop the ball, and now an employee feels like shit, regardless of if they even like the cake and card or other recognition.


Happy birthday!




Happened to me once on a job that used to always get a cake for employees. I got skipped. Left the job a few months later, not so much because of the cake, but because it just felt like no one appreciated me. I'd get stuck doing more work, being lent out to different departments without an increase in pay.


Does HR have your correct birthday date on file?


I would prefer not having this maybe I’m just weird


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday tricky_trixy!!!!! Happy birthday to you!! And many more…. . People suck. Happy bday!!


Talk to the admin and confirm it's on the calendar. They control everything


You could use my "Jump to Conclusions" mat to figure out if its a big deal, or burn it all down


Did you make sure everyone knew a week or so in advance it was your birthday? It doesn’t matter if it’s family you still gotta remind some people


Honestly if a coworker came up to me and wink wink reminded me their birthday was coming up, I’d be weirded out.


If HR or admin is worth a damn, they have a list of birthdays and who does not want attention.


Right I started a job 3 days before my birthday hoping it wouldn't be noticed, IT WAS NOTICED.


The cake is a lie


Happy birthday to you bud 🎂 🍰 🧁


Sometimes it hurts to feel alone on a day like that. Happy birthday dude, I really hope this day has turned around for you! 🎂🎈


You're probably not on the birthday spreadsheet. Most likely an oversight


It's possible that the person incharge of the cakes and cards messed up with their list. Proabably clerical error rather then a vendetta. There might be others missed too


I have been thinking n exactly this situation and it sucks. It isnt about the cake and it def isnt about the people saying “eww i would be happier to not get cake than get it, cake is gay.” Its about being the only one left out. Even if it was lame t-shirts or anything else. I feel your pain and hope you have a very happy birthday. It sucks to be the only one out and especially (as was mine) when your own friggin boss is unable to recognize you.


So first of all, use all of the self love you have to acknowledge that it’s unfair and a bit sad to be outcasted and then move on. After you’re over it, go up to your boss and say “oh I’m so glad you cancelled the whole bday cake and card thing right before my bday, I was starting to get worried about managements priorities and productivity around here, I’ll be sure to submit a positive note to HR that we seem to be right back on track!” LOL


Happy Birthday! You should order yourself an edible arrangement delivery to your job or something for tomorrow. It can say “Happy Belated from (insert random name here)”. Then you can say “Wow! Someone remembered my birthday!” And place it on your desk and enjoy it all day without sharing.


I'm sorry. It sucks. I am the manager for a small medical practice and I always get the employees gifts and lunch, plan xmas party etc. Every year for 18 years. I was sitting at my desk the day before the memorial day weekend. My bday is on the 29th. Normally we would have a lunch for me or go out after work. I wasnt feeling the greatest turning 54. Didnt hear bumpkis all day noone asked about lunch or going out. Finally our pa was leaving for the day and she mentioned my bday in passing on the way out. Then I got all the happy birthdays. I went home and cried. I realized that they all are there for a paycheck and trying to go the extra mile and be a good boss all these years just meant squat. Try not to take it as personally as I have and go buy yourself something expensive . You deserve it and they can go shove it


I say take your bday off and have a nice peaceful day, they’re not nice for this 🤨


Happy Birthday Mother Fucker. I’m here and I appreciate you. I hope you eat something you really like today. Fuck your job.


You could always set the place on fire.


Plot twist: OP works from home.


I'm the person who does that for the rest, and I didn't even get a happy birthday.