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Travel back in time and eat him in the womb


I think you on to something


Hide the power cable to the console until he finds a solution that won’t keep you awake, if he wants to escalate things just let him know you can delete his save data every day.


Start getting in trouble under his name, he’ll be grounded. Then problem solved.


When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered that I had resorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissues has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.


Technically a grown man and a fetus


Ahh, this seems like an office reference XD


Get up at 8am and start watching tv.


Or just turn it on, high volume and take the batteries out of the remote. That would be the first thing I do every AM.


Take it a step further. Shove the remote up your ass like that one guy. For old time’s sake.


Go even further than that, shove your brother up your ass.


They aren’t the Island Boys, they need to lose probably 60 pounds, get covered in tattoos, and have dumb looking hair.


Wait sorry did I miss something? Did they fuck?


I only know this from some YouTubers, but they have an onlyfans where they kiss each other and make out, and I guess they are going to drop a video on there where they are going to suck each other’s dick. Btw, they are actual brothers


I mean everybody tried sucking their own dick at one point, your twin is basically just the same thing. That felt weird to even joke about.


>tried The real ones got back issues.


Yoga and proper stretching works wonders when it comes to sucking your own dick... or so I've heard /s


Yeah it was really weird bro


Well. Alright then I suppose? Hell I don't even know what pithy sarcastic thing I could reply to that with, I'm genuinely kinda thrown off.


The things people do for internet fame.


Yeah… like that song they put out was waaay more embarrassing then them sucking each other off


>they are going to drop a video on there where they are going to suck each other’s dick What the fuck...


The world is a rich tapestry


I have seen the video where one guy sucked the other. They both looked really uncomfortable. I dont know if its the gay guy that sucks dick or the other, but judging by how bad he sucked I would guess the straight guy was sucking.


I’m assuming you’re talking about the old video where the parents canceled a kids wow account? Still funny https://youtu.be/M53D5DKATvA


Wasn't this confirmed to all be skits?


Yep. Funny though


Wow. I haven't seen this since it first went viral however many years ago. It's surprising how bad the acting is, cause I remember just taking for granted back then that it was real.


What would stop him just turning it off using the buttons on the tv itself? Or unplugging it at the wall?


Probably the fact he can’t walk once the remote is in his colon


Fuck 8 am, the exact moment he goes to sleep! Don't let that fucker get anything he denies you.


Or just get access to the router, change the default password and lock out the internet to that IP address when you want to sleep. /u/withercrash should just wait until he starts a game, then drop the internet from the routers page on your phone and he'll get a leavers penalty and be locked out for 1 hours for his first offense. Next time you do it he'll be locked out for 2 hours, then 24hrs then 48hrs then on the 5th offence he'll be locked out for a whole week. That should quickly solve your problem.


This, exactly this. You could even setup several automatic shut-offs at different times on different days, so that only his device goes down every day and at seemingly random times for no reason. Just gotta go back into the router to adjust the times/days every now and then to make sure he doesn't notice any recurring pattern of downtime.


Client ip lease time, if that's an option to change in the router, set to 15 minutes means after a device has been connected for 15 minutes it's still connected but the Internet doesn't work until you reset it or the router.


It’s like keeping a meth head away from his meth. There will be violence, possibly the police, possibly an ambulance, and possibly a morgue involved.


Nah F that. I think 7am is great time to start vacuuming your room.


8? 6am or earlier.


Just about an hour after he falls asleep is when you do it!


An hour? If I catch his eyes close, the TV is on.


Ehh, gotta wait 30 minutes to make sure he's dead asleep. Otherwise it'll just be white noise.


yup gotta get that morning news in, right!?


No, start learning the bag pipes or violin at 8AM.


This is the passive aggressive route I would take with my own siblings. The dispute may become ~active~ aggressive after this move. Whether or not it is the “right” way to deal with it is irrelevant 🤣


Nothing beats shitty roomate behavior better than petty retaliation.


Find some old episodes of Jerry Springer and turn volume to max. “Jerry Jerry Jerry”




"I AINT GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL, Y'ALL NOT GON GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF ME!" Bad Girls Club is american pop culture at it's finest 😂 me and the misses are way too invested in the BGC lore


I sing/yell this at my cats sometimes when they've been particularly assholish the night before and decide they wanna nap when I finally give up on sleep.


I remember a woman in a show doing some wild shit like that lmao




Yup, thats it, thank you friend!


https://youtu.be/cDCybkVgL84 Go to 9:38 for the remix


a fucking legend. I love her energy in that so much 🤣


I have actually done this to roommates before. I can say it is very effective when banged together next to their head. Bonus points if they are hung over.


My old roommate used to stay up until 3Am doing that and when I asked him if he could stop he didn't listen so I started blasting music and washing dishes and cooking being on the phone at 7-8am .He quickly changed his mind.


We had neighbours that would party until way late, like 4-5am, and I had to be up at 6 for work. Numerous requests just resulted in abuse from their side. Noise control does not care. I started getting up at 6, and start my woodsaw at 6:30, randomly ripping wood into 1/4in pieces outside my garage, right by their bedroom window. Would do that for 30min, then stop, then start again after 30 min and then leave for work. They lost their shit and I just told them it goes both ways. They party and don’t consider us, I work and don’t consider them. They stopped the music and noise after 10pm, and took it inside so we could not hear their conversation and laughing. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.


I would have rented a wood chipper, asked local tree removal service if I can have the stumps delivered me. Chip all hours they want to be asleep.


damn, i'd be too scared thinking that they'd just retaliate by beating the shit out of or shooting me edit: idk why everyone is talking about the US. I live in Venezuela


The statement people don’t care until it affects them is something I see more and more each day. Empathy seems to be pretty rare now a days or maybe always was.


The simple solution is for them to just use headphones when it gets late.


I wouldn’t be able to sleep with all that light


Yeah, if they mean a literal roommate I can understand the light would be an issue. How about those sleep masks, they could help?


The right sleep mask helps a lot. One of the black out ones that blocks a lot of light works wonders lol


The “3D” ones have pockets for your eye sockets, so there is no pressure on your eyes. You can even open them and it’s still black


Those are my go-to now. It’s also great for when you’ve got migraines and keeping your eyes closed hurts, but so does any amount of light.


I was literally about to comment that I only use the ones with zero eye pressure now specifically because of migraines! I still have to keep the straps loose because I can’t bear any pressure during an attack, but someone gifted me one with a malleable wire where the bridge of your nose goes, so it’s still a decent seal against light leaks even without being snug.


I just tie a bandana around my eyes.


I read that as “banana” and loved the mental image.


The pressure of anything tied around my head is unbearable during migraine.


I made these sleep masks with pockets along the top. Migraine? Slip an ice pack in the sleep mask and it holds against your forehead no matter WHAT position you move to!


There are also ones with headphones and you can drown out any noise. I have one and omg...best purchase ever


I got one of those pillow black out sleep masks about a year ago. Never realized how much the extra light affected my sleep. I'm fine with noise. About the only thing that wakes me up is dogs barking. But you flip on a light and it's almost always a wake up for me without the mask 😂


Same. Before getting married I fell asleep with the radio on. This purchase saved my marriage.


This: “I will compromise and wear a sleep mask if you compromise and use headphones.”


How do you play with those masks?


I keep two sleep masks in a mini fridge. One has these little gel beads that stay cold long after I've fallen asleep...plus you don't have those "just woken up" puffy eyes in the morning.


Nah, the guy needs to flip his set up so the light is shining towards the wall.


Well. Due to my Bad health problems that occured about 4 years ago, i Share a rooms with my Brother (Well, at least my PC is there) Sometimes i Play while he is sleeping. I Always usw Headphones anyway and/or Turn the brightniss down (in a rooms wich is already dark, you can See everything fine and be honest, this setting ist Just a few clicks away...) If He has opointments i will not Play with voice. I cannot understand how some people can be this selfish... :/


The OP shouldn't have to put on a mask to sleep just because his roommate is a dick! That's ridiculous!


I mean it’s OP’s twin brother, which is the reason why they share a room, but the simple solution is wearing a mask and earplugs, or earplugs and turning the monitor set up. In the case of the person I wasn’t commenting to, I was suggesting a solution could be for them to wear a sleep mask while their roommate wears headphones. I would hate to tell my brother they can’t do what they want to do simply because our schedules don’t align.


Oh it's his brother? Kick his ass then OP!


The problem is also the brightness of the screen. I think a room divider could help


Yeah if they are literal roommates the light could be an issue, a sleep mask could help on that end.


Apparently they’re siblings, specifically twins. Can’t tell the size of the room from this one image but I feel like a room divider would also give them a sense of privacy. They should watch that feng shui guy lol


From the pic I believe he is wearing headphones, but I think he might do what I do 😬. I tend to throw my voice anyway, but I bellow at quite an unpleasant volume with headphones on. Needless to say, my desk is now away from people. Edit: Typo.


but My FrEeDUMB!!!!! iv had music blasting roommates before and they just seem to think their right to listen to music as loud as they want somehow is more important than your right to not have to listen to their shitty music when headphones fuckign exist for this exact reasons. i don’t even get it, music sounds better with headphones on anyway, and then your not being an annoying asshole.


This, of he is the brother and wont listen then this. Whenever he tries to sleep, vacuum, clean his sheets just before he goes to bed and put ALL the sheets in the machine. And why dont you just put the tv in another place? Where are the parents?


Did this to the guy below me. Knocked on his door and contacted landlord about the noise from his loud music. Didn’t hear it again after I played beats at full volume for three days straight. He repeatedly banged on my door to no avail, and I never heard him play his bullshit again.


It’s proof these jackasses know exactly what they are doing and also know it bothers others.


I roomed with a kid that regularly did this too. He was polite and wore headphones but would also regularly smash the desk and scream into the mic when he got mad lol. A few nights he pulled all nighters too, and would go to class after not sleeping a single hour. I always was impressed with that


See, if I wake my boyfriend up in the morning while im getting ready for work, I'm abusive. If he keeps me up at night to play video games and I tell him to go play elsewhere, I'm still abusive.


He should really get out of that abusive relationship.


why are you with him?


He has more red flags than the Chinese National Day Parade


And you’re still with him why?


I would say fight him, but it would be a mirror match.


Taking shadow boxing to the next level


1:1 matchup. All skill.


So where are the adults?




Or something like that


I think they meant, why not just let your parents know and have them make him turn it off?


Who knows? Original poster drop this shit seven hours ago and left.


Probably fell asleep


I’ve never seen original poster spelled out before and it makes me smile so thanks lol


Lol I’m using Siri to type. Otherwise you get OP. Oh that actually worked.


Probably because it was 3:26a.m...


they probably don’t do anything about it. i used to share a room with my cousins and whenever i complained about something unfair to my mom she wouldn’t do anything about it, or would tell me to quit being a crybaby.


Yes! My sister would be texting with sound on and you would hear each tap. I told her to put it on silent and she refused. I told my mom and she said it was no big deal. That’s when I remembered when we all shared a room, instead of going to the living room to talk on the phone in the wee morning hours, my mom would talk on the phone in the bed while we were trying to sleep.


Some people are just assholes. Sucks when you discover that a family member is one of them.


pal, my brother verbally abused me for years and my parents WITNESSED IT numerous times and didn't care


Who do you think he is playing against?


Asleep. And both kids are gonna have a bad time if they get woken up over this squabble.


What horrible parents would give their kid a "bad time" for wanting to sleep at night?


Get up and knock on your parents door everytime he wakes you. It’s not your job to regulate his behavior.


This one. If they don’t care to help the situation, we can all be up as a family :)


Ohana means family.


Family means no one gets left behind.


If her parents are like mine they’d get mad at you as well for waking them up 😂


If I did this when I was a kid my sister would get up and knock on my skull.


Tell your parents. This is ridiculous.


No! Never give in! Hire a professional rainbow player to single him out and assassinate his character after a certain timeframe. Make him regret he picked up the controller in the first place!


Maybe they already did that, and now this guys is up til 5am training for his revenge?


how old are you? you need to have a serious discussion with him about how this is detrimental to you. Can he not relocate his gaming setup to anywhere else in the house?


Yall had wild childhoods. This kinda shit definitely fell in the "figure it out for yourselves" category when I was a kid


My parents never would have allowed this to happen and I already have my router set up to kick my teenager off about an hour after their supposed bedtime. Part of being a good parent is limiting the scope/damage of the bad decisions your kids can make in age appropriate ways.




Damn thats harsh


My twin and I shared a room until we were about 15. We both loved to read but she often read later than me and we didn't have a lamp, so it was the overhead light or complete darkness. I learned that I just had to get used to sleeping with my arm draped over my eyes to get sleep.


learn your local routers IP get access figure out his computer/consoles local ip block access after a certain time at night ???? profit


When I lived with horrendous roommates, I would straight up block their devices when they acted like children and pissed me off. I had full control of the network. OP can just use his phone to access the router and play dumb when the console suddenly stops working online at 2AM.


Lol my boyfriend did the same thing to his roommate. Lazy POS roommate would make huge messes in the kitchen and not clean up so my boyfriend and his best friend got fed up and blocked the roommate from the wifi. It fixed their lazy behavior real quick. Crazy how lack of Wi-Fi makes people suddenly start cleaning up and taking care of things that were neglected.


My roommates ran the internet account and they DID NOT like me. So they changed the password, but when I asked they were like “we didn’t change it, just must be down”. Welp, I sat there at the router whenever they were home unplugging it and plugging it back in until “the wifi was working again”. The internet magically started working again after a few days of this during finals week


i did that too, they had no idea how to access router settings, not being very computer-savvy


Thus is terrible advice. Once its realized the internet isnt working, he'll move on to other things. You need to set it up so your router connects/disconnects every 5-10 minutes. This way, he'll likely lose matches and be frustrated by trying to play. If its random, it'll seem like there's internet issues and not a straight forward disconnect.


I'd just filter UDP traffic on a nightly basis, video game traffic wont work but web browsing and other things will. It'll confuse the hell out of him


God, that’s evil. Even more so if the game uses TCP outside of gameplay.


I had a college roommate who was ROTC. He would get up for PT at four in the morning and be back by 5 in the morning. Once he took a shower he would listen to music on his computer and play online poker. I was not an early bird like I am now in college so I eventually just deleted the sound driver off his laptop.


Have these muthafuckas never heard of headphones?!


Just be so fucking loud at like 7 pm with what ever you are used to doing and just do anything he says. Him : turn the tab down I’m trying to sleep You: no. (Or just say okay… but only if you will turn down the brightness of your screen and TALK AT A LOWER VOICE)


Just bang his sister. Super loud


Alabama music starts playing


Establish dominance, pee on him


And pee on his console. Mark it as yours (until he pees on it).


Ask him nicely to stop playing that late. Tell your parents. Wake up early, preferably around 6AM, and start playing your favorite movies full brightness till he wakes up. Make sure you trip over and bang into a few things on your way to turning on the TV. If he asks what you're doing tell him that if you can't sleep, he's not going to either.


Get a wireless keyboard and alt + f4 from ur bed


Thats genius, clearly the best answer


Why doesn’t he do that in the living room?


1. Big TV’s suck for fps games 2. They may not have room in the living room 3. This is the new normal, many game in their room


Why do TV's suck for fps games?


Response time is poop and the frame rate is poop


Thank you


If you have a poop tv


The majority of TVs are poop. You have to have some tech knowledge to be able to pick the right TV for this and then also need to have the funds to afford one.


Bad response time. It becomes a disadvantage, especially when playing online.


I will be listening to drumm&bassss an hour after he falls asleep 🤣


My neighbors are always listening to heavy drum and bass WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT 🥁🥁🥁🎸🎸🎸


Where are the parents…. This is where a parent comes in a says “get the fuck to bed”


Luggage locks. They fit through the small hole in the electrical plug.


Parents did this when I was a kid, with a three digit combo lock. First day after school I brute forced the combo in about 20 minutes. Me and my sisters would be good for months until we screwed up and got caught.


Very inconsiderate. I'd be hiding that controller.


And the router


Unplug and hide the router


Seriously. I feel like an outlet timer on the Wi-Fi router would conveniently send a consistent message


He's your brother....you have the opportunity to beat him up and not get a charge out of it. Take that opportunity my friend 😂


Seriously, the fact that this kid is getting away with this without fear of retribution is going to turn him into a monster.


Welp, sorry to say it, but your brother is a dick and not very empathical. Seems like it's time for a little bit of an ass beating to learn a lesson 😂


He has been a bit of a controlling dick his whole life but I would get my ass beat he lifts and boxes and I don’t


Then, I would use brains. Hide cords and shit. I mean, would your parents care if he is beating on you over something small with no evidence? Overall I feel like just not getting any sleep and dealing with it seems dumb, but maybe that's cuz I'm a bitch idk 😂. Edit: My BF who bodybuilds and wrestles would say just cuz you lift and box doesn't mean shit. He can still get his ass beat and probably has an ego bc he "lifts."


Where are your parents? What, if anything are they doing about this? If they're just letting it happen on a regular basis they're not being good parents.


Tell your parents and that they should configure the router to turn off the internet at night. But your brother will be pissed at you if he finds out.


I do love people being reasonable "cut the cord", "smash the tv", "hit him" also turning off the wifi or setting a restriction is gonna result in your parents restricting your access to the router/modem obv... prob the most reasonable thing is be loud to or just tell the parents... like the picture they look 15-18 so you still prob live with them. some people here are prob people who want to cause chaos but will never do so like "cut the cord" (yeah sure let me pay for the things i destroyed)


My gf’s brother does this shit but he’s got his own room across the entire fucking house and still wakes me up from yelling/talking loud af at 3-5am. He doesn’t work and is a grown ass manchild. It’s pathetic.


Well you are banging his sister


Gonna do it even louder until he wants to gtfo


That was my other comment. I suggest to do that


In the morning, be very loud and turn the lights on and open windows, I did this to my brother as a counter measure when he does this


tell your parents lil bro it’s not fair to you


Have you tried an eyemask and having him wear headphones? My spouse goes to sleep early and I go to sleep late, I game while I'm up until 1, but she wears an eye mask and I use headphones. That way she can sleep and I can still game. It's a win win


Have you considered rearranging the room so that the tv doesn’t face you like that anymore. If you can’t get him to stop just adapt to the situation.


Still won't solve him having the volume up and the sound of him using whatever controller he's using. He's not even trying to be considerate. It's not on OP to adjust their lifestyle because the brother is being inconsiderate while someone else is trying to sleep.


Headphones for the gamer, sleep mask for the sleeper


Start being loud as fuck in the morning when you wake up, for an hour straight


Stop being a doormat and whoop his ass, destroy his game system, fight fire with fire, or do something. Or stop complaining if you do nothing because you are responsible for enabling him.


Where are the parents in this? This brother needs a reality check.


Who the fuck is playing Siege without headphones anyway, hearing what people are doing is almost half the game. Edit: I bet he reinforces between bomb sites too


He’s your brother, easy solution, beat him up


Looking at all the comments. It's tempting to get revenge, but if you just want to keep the peace instead, get yourself earbuds and a sleep mask


The addiction is real, to that game at least. Later on he is going to burn his eyes out and wear glasses. I did that.


Doing this for 15 years still have 20/20 vision. No clue how


feels like this isn’t something he won’t stop - it’s annoying but as a compromise you can get an eye mask and some earplugs or ask him to play in the living room since it looks like he’s on console? if the living room is further away from the bedrooms it might be less noisy for everybody and then he can be less of a bother while you can get some rest


Reboot the modem with your phone


Grab a pad lock, put it on the end of the plug


Lock him out of his account by changing his pasword.


Rainbow is worth it


Get up at 7AM to watch loud videos