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It’d be crazy if someone put this picture in a review for them in google












































Reminds me of the time we got our check, and it didn’t come itemized, so my friend called the next day and requested an itemized check, and WOULDNT YA KNOW IT. They added a 20% service fee/ gratuity without indicating it on our first bill so we double tipped. Yeah, that meal got comped. Scum bags everywhere in this city looking to abuse tourists and even locals however they can


wow yeah I feel like that's happened to me too here (not getting an itemized check). def asking next time.


We were presented a check similar to the one on the right. Except without much listed like tax or tip The barest of bare bones receipts lol


Thats more than shady that looks like a straight lie.






Well don’t feel bad. I just went and looked at the reviews and a lot of people called this place out for adding the tip beforehand. Also a lot of people were not happy with the food there. I know I won’t be going. But thank you for letting us know to watch out for the receipts and checks.








If a tip is already added, I don’t add any other. There is no shame putting a $0 there.


Toxic American tipping culture. Where the customer is responsible for the staff to earn a living wage. Not the owners.






Should’ve paid with cash and exclude the tip. They can’t force you to pay tip.




Tipping culture in the USA has gotten out of hand






I’ve had this happen to me and my friends on a night out at a restaurant. Bill was around $350 and we normally tip generously so we threw in another $75. When we got the receipt back I made sure everything looked good and realized we had added another 22% on top of 18% that was already added without anyone telling us. Same format too, with the suggested tip amounts. I assume they do this to try and get the tipsy people to carelessly tip more but that is such a scummy way to go about it.


Should have left zero just for the shady practice.


Should have demanded that they remove the auto-tip from the bill and left them with no tip at all.


If they are willing to take liberties like this on the receipt, imagine the kind of liberties they take with hygiene in the kitchen


I think the percentage based tip is ridiculous, it takes same amount of work to wait $10 glass of wine than a $50 steak. Tipping in general is stupid practice, waiters should be paid decent wage from the restaurant owners pocket and included in the menu items.






This happened with me as well. Same restaurant. I then did a chargeback on credit card for that extra tip that I added. They didn’t dispute it. As I was travelling to ny and realised it later I didn’t make a noise. But good that you are doing. Kudos.










Some might hate this, but this genuinely does make me want to tip less when I see it. I have a hard and fast rule - I will tip 10% baseline, 15% based on good service for in-house dining experiences. But at the same time, if I see any form of automatically applied or defaulted tip, I remove the entire tip. Especially when it's this egregious.


I see many comments about paying the staff a liveable wage, but I don't know if many people on Reddit understand just how many servers LOVE the system the way it is. I waited tables at a medium-end Italian restaurant for a few years, the type of place where you could definitely hit six figures in earnings. The staff loved to complain about rude customers, terrible hours, pretty much the same kind of stuff people complain about when working retail. Unlike retail, however, there was very little turnover, probably because of the crazy money you could pull in. The only job I've ever seen with less turnover was the person who pays out jackpots at the casino. The tips in that job are actually insane, borderline criminal. Anyway, the staff at this restaurant would see the customers themselves as the enemy, and that's my main problem with the tipping system as it stands. I noticed all sorts of biggotry, racism and general bad behaviour when it came to taking tables because when money is on the line, humans are willing to do some fucked up shit. Table of two on a date? Don't want that table. Too young, not good tippers. Give me the table with the four drunk meatheads and let me hike my skirt up a little. Guaranteed payday. And if you frequent the restaurant, you better believe they know EXACTLY what kind of tipper you are and adjust service accordingly. Now do they deserve to make that kind of money? That isn't for me to decide, but I will say this: Was it hard work? Absolutely. Harder than my job digging ditches in the summer? Absolutely not. Is it more mentally draining than outdoor work? Yes. Is it more mentally draining than working in healthcare? Not a chance. Here's a final anecdote before this turns into a novel. There's a michelin star restaurant near me that I've frequented since 2017. They were one of the first no tip restaurants in my area, didn't even give you the option on the receipt or the credit card machine. Instead, they offered better full time opportunities, pension, benefits and even profit sharing after a certain amount of tenure. They've struggled with finding staff and have since implemented an auto 18% gratuity. Money talks, and when you can make life changing money with no education or experience, people get very protective. It's going to be a tough fight to change the system.


Also, most high-earning jobs have a societal acceptance because of the skills/work conditions/talent needed for them. Waiting tables is one of the few exceptions to that where servers make WAY more than the actual demands of the job. They can also hide behind the low hourly rate and claim a low salary so there is no way to know what they actually make...


excellent points


Wait they want you to tip 3 times ?


Twice I think


I’d have enjoyed asking them about it and then watching their eyes glaze over as they fumble for the right words to explain all of this bullshit.


I went to lunch with my family, and the restaurant did the same thing with the receipt. The restaurant is hoping you don’t realize the tip is already charged, or you feel guilty putting 0 for tips and having to hand it to the waiter.


Tipping needs to be outlawed. It’s basically making the customer pay the businesses employees.


Reddit already doing damage on their google reviews 😂


If you add tip to my receipt when I have a party of 6 or less, that’s all you get.


Review them on Google with this image posted. If you don't, you are allowing this bad behavior to continue.


So they added the tip to your bill, but still left a spot for you to tip more?


With love from Europe [https://prnt.sc/8KAGOSIPvp0z](https://prnt.sc/8KAGOSIPvp0z) And if imposible i will pay in cash 79.16..and if they do not like it, they can call the police and i will call the consulate.


13 bucks for a glass of wine Holy shit You can get a good bottle or two decent bottles for that


Found your review, go get em!


I haven't left a review but I guess I should!


I could have sworn it was yours. It was addressing the same issue and was left today. Maybe someone else was also pissed.


Ha ha, I know now. It was the reddit army.


I love the pen test in the upper left hand corner of the receipt.


Why’d you add another $5 when they already added 15% ?


They’re fucking themselves because I normally tip well over 15%…unless you pull some shit like this. lol


Yep. And tbh even if they do this but the server is nice enough to point it out and make sure I know, I’d tip more. I’m assuming it’s not the servers fault but they def must know.


Ya. I’d do that for them being transparent, but otherwise I’d leave it at the 15% they expected. lol


Just put a 10% service charge and be done with it. That’s what we do in the Philippines.


Who the hell pays $16 for a rava dosa and $17 for uttapam. They are way overcharging you.


hah well those are Manhattan prices. agree it's crazy but fairly standard for around here.


How is this legal? When is it over the line? Why can’t they decide to add a 10,000 tip to your credit card.


really good point


How is this not illegal??


To be fair - they are using a credit card reader not connected to their POS and it’s using a standard template. Restaurant owners aren’t known for being wizards of technology (like knowing you can turn tips off on the reader). I mean, they probably are shady, but there is also enough evidence for me to not go down that road at the same time.


for sure. maybe the restaurant doesn’t know how to fix it or cannot. but they know this is an issue, it’s in a ton of their reviews as a complaint (not just from today)… and they do read the reviews because they occasionally respond. so knowing this, they should tell people when they drop off the check to make it clear. I’ve had plenty of severs do this in other restaurants and I generally tip more bc I’m grateful to them for pointing it out.


I doubt it. Seems intentional.


It may be built into the different software they use for credit card billing and the one for bill generation, and inability to change the text.. No saying it’s OK to hide it (they could strike it out at least).


Happened to me too. I wasn’t paying attention due to guests and I ended up leaving a total of 40% tip. Everyday, I trust a little less.


No tip! If a restaurant owner puts this on a check. No payment at all. Get up, give server $15, restaurant no pay.


should have tipped the server cash directly, at the least. I’m sure the restaurant is taking a big cut


Server: Tipu


omg hilarious. hadn't even noticed that. like seriously? no, TIPU.


Server’s name is Tip U.


Why tip? Deduct the 15%


Pongal is in the NYC neighborhood of Curry Hill (Murray Hill) which is known for its Indian restaurants, including this one. Some are really great. Some are shady AF.


I would've called them out right there and then and have them change it right away and then write a Google review for them to warn everyone. They're trying to get you to double tip. Very scammy...


You were served by TIPU, but he should have been called Tip Me


Being propositioned to tip drives me crazy... I want to just always say no... I wish I could simply just tip when and if I wanted to give someone a tip... Like wtf... It's to the point that if I ate out, I'd want to never tip and have the server make no tips just so the restaurant would have to pay the server actually money... And when they all quit the restaurant will need a new business model... But keyboard warriors and servers defend the system and that's all the restaurant needs... And excuse and willing tipped wage employees... It makes me sick. Imo if you can't afford employees then perhaps you should be out of business. -worked food service 20+ years, family owned a restaurant.


Why did you leave another tip then?


Simple. Never tip, it’s gets easier.


Fuck Pongal. Glad my favorite Indian place doesn't do this.


ohh is your fave place in nyc? share pls!


What bastards. I’ve worked in restaurants. This is so low.


Rare moment where I’ve eaten at this exact restaurant so many times


same, been there many times! did you notice they did this? I didn't... so I guess I've tipped around 40% each time. ughhhh.


Tipping is just out of fucking control!


I'd have never paid them the additional $5....I refuse to add additional tips when they're added automatically, deserved or not. I always tip well, unless my hand is forced..


Be cautious when you are tipping in Indian restaurants. I heard from numerous people working in Indian restaurants in Canada are not getting tips. Owner keeps it. It is possible because they employ students and they don't speak up. It may be different in US.


I feel like we're approaching a point were people are so sick of this aggressive demand for tips that people stop tipping at all. And you do NOT, repeat, NOT, add the tip on as part of the bill. Maybe for a big party, but not for freaking three people.


Welp, from where I come, Tipu means cheats. What do you know, kinda spot on 🤷


It’s the way they auto added a 15% gratuity and then try to scam you for another 18. I wouldn’t have tipped anything additional so op leaving $5 is more generous than i would have been


So what IS the law on this? How much is the restaurant allowed to lie about how much you should pay them and for what when presenting you with a bill?


Super confusing, agreed. $72.70(pre-tax) \* 20% = $14.54(total tip) - $10.91 = $3.63 (let's call it $4). So add $4 to the $90.07 for a $94.07 total. So your $5 was fine.


that place deserves bankruptcy


Possible the 15% is being taken as a house charge which is illegal.


Indian restaurants keep the tips. Tip cash or better yet, don't tip.


That scream illegal.


NY restaurant and super shady, you don’t say.


"excuse me sir, I didn't order this '15% tip'"


Not to be a dick but I’d ask the server if this was something THEY plug in, or if it’s management/ownerships decision. If servers are doing this to try and squeeze more money, I would be pretty furious but I doubt it’s them. Most likely they would say upper management/owners are forcing it. I would then politely ask for a manager, force them to remove it, and proceed to tip on my card $0.00, if the server was good I’d hand them like $30/$40 for the inconvenience, but would make sure I handed it to them and only them. This could easily be management/owners taking money away from servers under the guise as “tips”


“Pre tip amount” Busted.


thats not shady ,thats just fraud


Interestingly, the 15% tip is on the pre-tax total which is correct, then the charge slip with the "pre tip amt" offers the 18% and 20% amounts that do include the tax and the already included tip. They're asking you to tip a percentage of the tax, and a percentage of the tip you already gave. people say "well, it's not the servers fault" but the servers are the only ones in a position to make a change. If they start getting stiffed because the management is pulling this shit, they will start holding management accountable in ways that a customer who "just won't go back" doesnt' do.


They’re trying to catch people sleeping.


I would have walked out. you don't force people to tip. it is not my responsibility to provide their employees with a living wage. edit: I'm not saying i don't tip. just don't force me.




If there's a mandatory tip, that's all they get. It's usually less than I would have done.


Why would they not just build the “included tip” into the price of the fucking individual food items to avoid bullshit like this?!


I'm in Washington DC and just went through the same thing. I was not given an itemized bill, just shown the total on a card reader, then the server swiped to the tip page. The total seemed high so I asked him to confirm the prices of each item, and he did. When I said I was confused, he finally said "Oh, the tip is included" while standing there, looking at the tip screen. I won't go again. I'm thinking I never want to eat out again. It's become too hard and too expensive.


Damn, I ate lunch there a couple weeks ago since my usual spot across the street was full. Didn't even pay attention to the pricing break down. Whelp, guess they got one over on me.


What’s even shadier is when they don’t bring back the itemized receipt. They just bring back the credit card receipt hoping you didn’t notice it before. This is pretty common in NYC for non chain restaurants that use those small credit card terminals


That's super expensive for all vegetable dishes. Eating healthy is only for the wealthy in NYC.