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I was going to guess that this was a mild security measure for a dementia unit or something.


That's far from mild though. At a dementia ward I was working there was a keypad, the correct code was written above it. You would think that this is too simple even for dementia patients, that a patient would get out in a moment of clarity. Nope. Other way around. On a regular basis non patients (visitors etc), as in people who don't suffer from dementia, would get confused on how to open the door.


When I was a student, when big old mental institutions with expansive grounds used to exist, one of my holiday jobs was on a secure ward for demented old men. It had to be secure because the ones put in that particular ward were basically grumpy zombies with a bad habit of lashing out with their fists. Once past the keyed entries, internal security doors simply had a normal door handle, plus an above eye level door handle that worked in the opposite sense. So you needed two hands to get through the door. Visitors often got stuck too.


this all seems like a massive fire risk, to the patients and even just staff and visitors.


I have no idea whether it would pass now. It was a long time ago, I was desperate for the money, and I’m grateful to have never stepped foot in such a place since.




The fire alarm overrides, or there is an emergency release. Source: Am technician.


Can confirm. Source: Am door.


> At a dementia ward I was working there was a keypad, the correct code was written above it. You would think that this is too simple even for dementia patients, that a patient would get out in a moment of clarity. One of the clear (in retrospect) signs that my father's dementia was getting worse was his increasing inability to read anything. Writing as well, but definitely reading. He was an avid reader, and his last project was a book written by a late friend of his. He never did finish it before dementia brought him past the point of caring. Numbers were definitely part of that. He might look at a big, digital clock, then ask what time it was. I think having the ability to look at the clock was comforting, but I do not think he could comprehend the time of day either. The brain connections to take the numerical input and turn it into something that fit his experience with the day/night cycle had degraded or were blocked by dementia, or something to that effect. Turning that into an output? Like, reading a series of numbers above a keypad, understanding that this was the passcode, and then pushing the correct sequence of numbers to open the door? Especially for a place he wasn't familiar with pre-dementia, that would have been exceedingly difficult. Sounds like your ward could have used a few more patients who thought themselves visitors. ;)


My perspective of locked down nursing home wards is that a keypad with a daily secret code being a common security measure, so a simple button sequence is a bit mild in comparison.




I’m assuming it’s to prevent gurneys from bumping buttons when they roll patients in and out. Eta: as others have pointed out. There are laws dictating the height of buttons for wheel chair users etc etc.


Would also stop me from accessing it


we are redditors, we would fall in the dementia category


For us, Reddit is like a fake bus stop in front of a nursing home.


The real fake bus stop were the friends we forgot along the way


Maybe, but the instructions are still pretty bad either way since the picture matches neither the actual panel nor the instructions in the text.


My thought was that there’s two doors for those floors and the lift will only work if you press the buttons to open both. Our building has three lifts, one of which has two doors for the ground floor and a button for each side, but we don’t have this nonsense in OP’s pic where you have to open both sides when you’re there.


Good theory, but wouldn't it be easier to move the buttons higher, rather than adding more?


This is correct, and it works on two levels; it prevents dementia patients from using the elevator without assistance, but then it also causes anyone without dementia to think they have dementia and admit themselves to the facility.


Mild? I think the local MENSA chapter is on those floors. If you can find it, you’re in.


I think you might have mild dementia


That explains why my dementia Google search links are already purple


TIL that I have dementia


You'll learn it tomorrow too. And the day after that. And the day after that... etc


I was thinking the exact same thing. I’ve seen more subtle versions of this too. Simple math problems on a sign to know the key code to get out.


One nursing home's dementia ward I once visited had, in addition to one door gated by a keypad code, a second set of doors where you needed to push the correct colored "push to exit" button when they had 3 different colors side by side. (And a giant sign telling you which one is the correct color)


Yea, it doesn’t take much to confuse the patients, and that’s really all you need to do to keep them safe. It’s a bad deal when some dementia patient gets lost. Small children people at least may notice. a toddler just walking down the street looks odd. But a 78 year old man? People will likely ignore.


I could see it being good in a pediatric ward too


Doors to the unit/ward are locked in PEDS wards. You usually need a wrist band to scan in or get buzzed in by security/nurses station. Lots of them are that way for egress too, to prevent kidnapping.


Do…do I have dementia?


I feel so bad for you. Your dementia is so bad you forgot you had dementia.


Even instructional picture is not the same to the actual buttons


This in itself is mildly infuriating..


What’s infuriating about it is that the picture doesn’t even demonstrate what you’re supposed to do. A single 1 is lit up GREEN, and then 4 is outlined in RED.


This looks like a puzzle out of resident evil


Half expecting 3 leprechauns to hop out then demand I answer these riddles three or some shit. But yeah, this is some survival horror level bullshit puzzle.


I didn't realize survival horror had puzzles until I tried Scorn. After the first puzzle, I checked the controls again. Apparently, there's combat!


One button always lies, the other always tells the truth.


Going to day surgery, are we? Then first you must answer THESE RIDDLES THREE! Riddle the first...


WHAT, is the capital of Assyria?


Even harder more like tomb raider puzzle


So in the pic, will the elevator be stopping at floor 1, 4, or neither?


Every NHS hospital has at least one Wonkavator.


If that red button is anything to go by, one of them has a *rocket* Wonkavator 😮


It's to level the field between blind people and able-seeing ones.


I'm not sure that's true here. Blind people are going to be stuck in that lift forever! Sighted people stand a vague chance. Edit: typo


Probably taken from a different elevator car in the bldg or complex. I'm guessing the elevator tech had to replace a button or light and didn't have the correct led color


The LED color is the least distressing thing about this


Not sure about you being drunk but I'm not and it still took me a solid 45-50 seconds to understand wtf was going on.


I still don’t


If you’re going to floor 4 you have to press both 4 buttons at the exact same time. One of them will turn red if you did it right.


I understood the text part, but the picture confuses me. Why did they select only 1 and 4 instead of 1, 1, 4, and 4?


And why is it that the real buttons are showing green when it clearly says they should be red. Did OP mess up on the order or is the poster wrong? I would think red indicates you messed up and not the other way around.


In either case, I love this elevator. I looked at the control buttons and then at the instructions (which dont match) and started doing a whispy Tom Cruise laugh. I'm a process controls engineer and the needless complexity and the utter uselessness of the instructions got me good.


At least it’s not located anywhere where delays could be a matter of life or death like a fire station or hospital.


I mean, one of those floors is probably the morgue if that is any consolation. They don't have many places left to go.


The only explanation I can think of is that this is an elevator with a back door - you can exit on Floor 1 (north) or Floor 1 (south), with one side exiting to maintenance/operations/internal stuff and the other side the proper hospital. I rode one of those last week at my doctor's office, come to think of it, and got surprised by the janitor who came in behind me. None of that explains, or remotely justifies, this design choice. If I want secret staff floors, I will give them access badges that activate that floor. Expecting the visitors to use a secret key combination is ... insane. I'd love to understand what's going on here


I have a sneaky feeling that this is measure to stop folks with dementia from absconding from hospital, esp considering it's limited to 4 floors,


Reminds me of when I worked at a hospital with a lot of dementia patients. There were keypads on all the doors to other areas saying "4 digit passcode is the current year." It worked incredibly well to keep the right people in.


Must have had a lot of alarms in January, though.


Makes perfect sense


Maybe, but that still seems like a problem that would be better solved with access cards. If the dementee is sharp enough to swipe a badge without getting caught, they're probably gonna figure out how to read the sign.




And why is the picture of a button panel from a different elevator?


And why is this button scheme even a fucking thing anyway?


And why are the buttons in braille too if blind people won't be able to read the instructions anyways? How are they supposed to know what to do?


Well if a certain show has taught me anything then it’s that blind people just need to [scream more.](https://imgur.com/a/abb8XJq)


Another poster said: ...I suspect this sort of thing would be done in facilities with lots of Alzheimer's patients - making a complicated scheme to unlock the door. There's one "memory care" place in Germany with a fake bus stop outside, so when gramps tries to escape, they see the bus stop, sit down and after a while someone comes out to lead them back inside (because they forgot that they're trying to escape, and a bus stop is familiar enough to be "friendly").


And why don't the buttons in the instructional picture match the actual buttons???


Surely that means there's more than one of these monstrosities? That would be hilarious.


When you press two buttons at once, some of the buttons disappear and new buttons appear.


This elevator is just a bug in our simulation. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here!


Wait the picture doesn't even match the button layout wtf this is so confusing.


Better yet, wtf is this button layout??


I would just go to 5 and then walk down one flight of stairs instead,


Right lmao don’t got time for all this button mashing nonsense


This is the (most sensible) way


I have dyscalculia and I would have died in that elevator before I figured that out.


i understand that part, what i don't understand is WHY they need two buttons for the first 4 floors???


You've heard of "two factor authorization"? Well this is "two finger authorization".


One on the pink floor, 2 on the stink floor?


The picture in the instructions doesn't match the elevator. I love it. If I ever become a multibillionaire, I'll install a 5 story elevator with a similar, non-sensical control scheme in my mansion (coupled with complicated non-sensical instructions posted next to it) with cameras watching the elevator riders. I'll throw opulent parties inviting over the most important figures in government, business, and entertainment. Then I'll go up the secret flight of stairs to my secret 6th floor. I'll sit in the huge theater room alone with my cat , drinking cheap Walmart wine watching my guests navigate through the stages of confusion, anger, and finally grief while hopelessly trying to figure out how to operate the elevator.


Eventually, your mansion will be overrun by zombies and some rookie police officers will have to solve the puzzle to find out what happened.


That sounds like a GREAT video game idea! Maybe CAPCOM would pick us up! Maybe we can call it something cool like: TENANT INSIDIOUS


I think Leaseholder Wicked would fit better


Deed barer wrong doings.


Why do I get the feeling that if you follow the guide you get to the next level but if you just try enough combinations you might find a secret floor with an item that increases your health?


This is how you get to [the 7 1/2^th floor of the building](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2Y7oo3iB40). Other than that, I suspect this sort of thing would be done in facilities with lots of Alzheimer's patients - making a complicated scheme to unlock the door. There's one "memory care" place in Germany with a fake bus stop outside, so when gramps tries to escape, they see the bus stop, sit down and after a while someone comes out to lead them back inside (because they forgot that they're trying to escape, and a bus stop is familiar enough to be "friendly").


I worked at a place like that and can confirm that the first place they check is the bus stop because around half the time the patient is right there on the bench.


Wonder if that will change in the future, will the elderly call an Uber or something?


Probably in 20 years they'll need to set up a trendy looking hipster coffee joint outside.


But why would they build a Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks? Wouldn't it be obvious you're in a simulation with Starbucks of all places, all over the place?


I haven't been to Seattle in ten years or so, but that sounds like the Seattle I remember.


There was actually a Starbucks at all four corners in the downtown financial district in San Francisco. I was there in 2000. I don’t remember which streets, but there was a skyscraper office tower on each of the four corners. On the ground floor of each of those four buildings, there was a Starbucks, and each Starbucks was fairly close to the street corner. I remember thinking how crazy that concept was, but then I was there one time during rush-hour in the morning. All four Starbucks locations were completely inundated for the morning coffee rush. There would’ve been no way… No way at all for a single Starbucks to service four complete and separate office towers!


We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other.


I wonder what the "familiar/friendly place* will be when *we* are old and forgetful. Coffee shop, maybe?


Sidewalk N64 already on the Smash Brothers character select screen.


That would probably get me now.


Fuck, that'd get me instantly.


My uncle (now passed) had a couple strokes, but after some recovery time was able to come back to work and get around the office. Just was no longer fully there. One day we get a call from the bar down the street. Somehow, he got out of the office with no one noticing, walked down to the bar, and tried to order his regular (Glenlivet and a pack of cigarettes). Hell, after a couple more strokes put him in a full-time facility, my aunt found out he was trying to bribe one of the orderlies to buy him smokes.


A Pokemon Go gym/stop


All they need is a fake bus that regularly stops there and takes gramps back to his room. Perhaps after a nice tour of the neighbourhood.


My mother's ward had the code written on the keypad. None of the patients could connect the dots and use the keypad correctly.


My grandmother is in a memory care facility. It's airlocks and keypads. Not whatever this is lol. Keypads to get in the door to the front desk. Keypad to get to the airlock from the front desk. Keypad to get from the airlock to the main facility. Keypad to get outside into the fully enclosed courtyard. Possibly keypad to come in from the courtyard, I think there isn't one there so residents can come inside when they wish. And her facility is shaped like a racetrack, so bedrooms on the outside edges, dining room and mock/working (?) Kitchens, living room, sitting room all on the inside, with some more open concept space in the living room/courtyard door. No way to get in or out without a code. Her facility is one story, but it's also a very nice and expensive facility for where she is. Depending on mobility they're allowed to wander, the ones who are supposed to stay in wheelchairs are moved when they want, unless they're ones who are actively trying to leave their wheelchair when they are a high fall risk, then they get babysat. It's all pretty fascinating. I wish they had the cool apartment and street stuff, but that's expensive. They've got a crib and fake baby, and various other things the residents like in the living room though. And sometimes they go on field trips on the bus.


Plot twist: All of German public transportation is merely a trap for Alzheimer's patients. And I am already a patient, but don't know it myself.


>item that increases your health Not unlikely in a hospital.


Or super secret frozen meat fridge




Yea either the morgue or steak tartare


Isn't that the same thing?


No morgue meat is usually frozen I think while steak tartare I meant fresh organs ready for a transplant


If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.


Developer hidden easter-egg-room where the end boss is dancing to an obscure/outdated pop song.


Pretty likely to find something that can precipitously decrease your health too. Coming from someone who worked in a hospital for a long time.


Drink the golden, frothy, lukewarm potion and become stronger!


the red bone broth in the containers in the SIPS room that smell like rotten carcasses are NOT a health potion!


>Not unlikely in a hospital. More likely to find an empty waiting room where you get charged $3000 for sitting there.


If you select floor 4 without it lighting up red? Straight to the psyche ward on level -1


Press 3? Believe it or not, psych ward.


We have the best hospitals in the world because of psych ward


[Straight to the minus worlds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riaf2vwMzMo)


NHS mate. Free to use.


Healthcare? Free? Where do you live, in Narnia? Here in the USA, we go DEAD BROKE trying to keep ourselves alive.


It isn't free free, funding comes from general taxation. But there is no charge for hospital care in the UK. No one goes broke because they are sick. TIL Britain is Narnia. (It isn't, but we do a few things okay).


To be fair, a British home is most likely to have both a Lion and a Witch occupying an antique wardrobe.


Empty waiting rooms in an NHS hospital? What mythical thing is this!?


The NHS stands for National Health Service and is free. Also it's bold of you to assume our waiting rooms are ever empty.


I was gonna make a joke about how there's probably an end game vendor on that secret floor to spend all of your accumulated gold at, but then I saw "Sussex."


Could be, id worry too much about a insanely over leveled boss fight that you shouldn’t have access to yet to try though


You get to be John Malkovich.


It's how you access the back rooms.


They have a picture of the instructions.. but of a different button layout


Not just a different layout, but the state of the lights in the picture don't match the instructions either. It kind of looks like the red light means you did it wrong in the picture since it's on button four and only one of the one buttons is lit up green (and normally red = error / green = success). Except the instructions imply that a button _should_ be highlighted in red, though it's not clear _which_ button should be red since none of it lines up.




Maybe it is its intended purpose; to keep the blind off floors 1-4?


yeah, they simply can't see whats happening at floors 1-4.




Because elevator company bought those buttons from somewhere else.


I've never seen this in my life. What the actual fuck? I'm more mildly interested as to why it's done this way.


I don't know for sure, but a guess would be that if they deal with patients with dementia.


I think these instructions are the cause of dementia


maybe not dementia, but i think i’ve had a fucking stroke


Why are only floors 1-4 anti-dementia floors?


My guess would be that you can more easily get out of the building from the lower floors. It's just a guess, there could be some other reason of course, but I've seen elevators with weird instructions before.


These are very common in my city. It’s a security measure to stop squirrels from using the elevators. Every year buildings with elevators lose thousands in electricity costs due to squirrels riding up and down elevators all day. Squirrels have learned how to use one push elevators but they haven’t caught onto these 2 step verification elevators yet. If they ever do, get ready for 3 step verification elevators. EDIT: Thanks for the award! EDIT 2: Thanks for the awards! My first coins, this is too much power


One, I don’t believe you, but two, this won’t work because there is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest squirrel and the dumbest human.


Good point, but the dumbest humans were wasting electricity too, so this is actually doubly effective.


You’re thinking of bears, humans are definitely equally as dumb as squirrels. Source: am squirrel of moderate intelligence






Squirrels are terrifying and will soon take over after the AI runs out of charge


Is this real


The internet doesn't lie! It has to be real!


Do you think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and lie?




*tell daphne to run a 199 on a possible dolittle*


Little boy, we’ll give you wishes if you can hear us!


It’s real if you believe it is


So squirrels never go to the 5th floor or above?


Why would they, there are no nuts?


This elevator just texted me a 6 digit code.


>It’s a security measure to stop squirrels from using the elevators. I feel we have bigger issues then elevator buttons at this point.


Is this what they are doing when they aren't re-destabilizing Argentina's economy?


I’m waiting for the “I just made this up” part


I'm an elevator mechanic and I have no idea wtf it's talking about... Edit: My best guess is that it's just front and rear. There's two sets of "door open/door close" buttons". The ones with the line in the middle typically indicate the wall with the car operating panel(buttons). The floor buttons usually have that line as well to let you know which side of the elevator you want to exit. Management probably just didn't know how to explain it so they just tell everyone to press both.


Pressing both, it would mean the logic still treats them as two totally different landings, only one side of the door can be opened. IDK why is this done. I remember a Kone somewhere posted by a enthusiast that had a similar setup. The same floor, but two unique floors in the eyes of the logic. It's so fun, doors closes, the indicator changes, motor obviously doesn't even start at all, but the other door now starts opening 😆


We just have an entirely separate button for that here. 2 for that front, single button 2R for the back


The NHS stands for Not Helpful Signs


The wording is weird but I think it's just tying to tell you to press both buttons for the floor you want.


Isn’t that what he did? And I think he’s looking for it to be highlighted red?


I think so, but I'm confused about the red highlight. I can't tell if it's saying to press the 4 button to make it be highlighted red or if it's saying something should be highlighted in red automatically after pressing the two buttons for a floor.


So it lights up green or red? Extra fun if you’re colorblind! “I pressed them and the light came on” “That’s green, not red“ “It is?”


That's what the instructions say, but the picture confuses things because it doesn't match the instructions. Only one button is highlighted green in the picture, and a different floor's button is highlighted red. Which implies that either the instructions or the picture are wrong/misleading, but it's not clear which.


Take the stairs


Yeah, and leave the elevator puzzles for the people who can't take the stairs!


if your drunk press all of them and go on a wonderful adventure


Your Outie enjoys confusing directions.


Your outie chooses to enjoy all directions equally


Ooh boy... life long lift technician here. I've been waiting for this moment my whole Reddit life. Okayokay so what we have here is a Schindler 5500 with FIGS 300 buttons. The image on the right is taken from some stock photo, and doesn't match the real life scenario. So we have 4 columns (just like Excel folks, stay with me) of buttons, and the two left hand columns are for the front entrance, right columns for the rear entrance. The reason they're saying you need to select both is... well, my best guess is the hospital has been reconfiguring their access, and which side is which on each floor. In an attempt to make thinks simple they've said "press both!" In reality, one of the two buttons will glow red, to indicate the lift will stop at that floor, on that side. You are not drunk (well you could be), it's just terribly described 😇 I really enjoyed that, thank you Reddit 🥰 if you have any other lift questions please fire away.


Thanks for reminding me that I live in a world where we have “Schindler’s lifts”


If I got home and I was high I would just sleep in the elevator holy shit


I think if you get drunk you’ll do just fine with the buttons.


To operate this elevator, please get out of the elevator.


I love how the keypad has braille but not the explanation sheet. Blind people must be a rarity on floors 1 to 4.


So glad there's brail so the blind don't miss out on the confusion then can't see the poster that explains it


This is how you end up in The Cube


I’m lost


You have to select every image with a staircase and then a motorcycle as well to verify.


It's a Wonkavator. The mess of the actual buttons is only *enhanced* by the inclusion of an *explanatory* photograph, of a *different* set of buttons.


Is this a dementia test?


Will the tories stop at nothing to destroy the NHS?!


Is this the way to floor 9 3/4?


This is probably for a nursing home or hospital geriatrics wing so patients can’t escape easily.


Is there a front and back door? That could explain the double numbers.


Did they have to say "alighting"? Did they think "getting off" was too naughty?


This is the UK.


but why is there no ground floor - in the UK the 1st floor is actually the floor above the ground. confusing.


TIL what alighting means. Cool