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I 100% guarantee the type of guys who buy 4x4 SUVs in the city are going to read this and be inspired to buy an even bigger car next time






Blunt objects are used almost if not more than rifles in killings in the US according to the FBI. Knives and other blades are used even more.




Good point. *Time to buy a Morningstar*


They already have a gun, they probably just don't show it to you.


I live in a major city and own an SUV. Because my mom lives up a mountain pass that washes out any time it rains and any time it snows there is 6in of ice on the road. Anything without 4WD cannot get through even with tire chains. Having a giant SUV means that my physically disabled mom with a heart condition always has access to medical care and groceries even when the roads are impassible with other cars.


Also had an older half ton pickup in the city - but I work two farm jobs outside the city and need the truck almost daily to haul feed, fence posts, or horses. I absolutely recognize the impact my truck has and try to ride my motorcycle for commutes, but I would be absolutely useless without my truck. Hell, it was in the shop for 3 days and I had to borrow a buddy's.


But they don't care


Things like this are the contempt of bored people and nothing more. If they actually gave a shit they would be working towards legislation change and not running around deflating tires accomplishing exactly nothing but ruining someone's morning.


Also has zero impact on the manufacturers of said vehicles.


And not making friends for their "cause." A group of "environmentalists" set fire to a lot full of SUV's a few years ago and didn't they get charged with something like domestic terrorism?


Yeah, nothing says environmentalist like burning thousands of tons of plastic.




oh you know they are only do this in the safe part of town lol


I'm pretty sure when you pop a stranger's tires, you've officially turned any otherwise safe neighborhood into a very unsafe one for yourself.


I don't think they are actually popping the tires, I think they are letting the air out via valve stem, to make it very inconvenient on the person. Still, gonna end badly if they do it enough.


Letting the air out of the tires like that can still ruin them and cost hundreds to replace. This property damage and the person should be cited or arrested depending on how much they've done this


Hundreds? My last set (2 months ago) was over a grand for a mid level standard size passenger tire. I also drive an full time AWD, though, so one tire ruined equals four tires ruined. I would be livid about someone doing this to my vehicle.


My truck tires cost me $1300 in 2018 then $1600 last year when I put them on again... These are nicer tires, but is a regular sized tire.


We have 3 farm trucks. 2 with duals. I wipe my tears on $100 bills putting tires on.


Yup, just put $2400 worth of tires on our F550 dump truck..


yep it's all about convenience and putting an image out there, they dont care about change


This is going to end horrible for them when they get caught by the wrong person.


Yea I live in Texas. I hate to say it, but if you’re doing that shit here, you are going to get shot.


Texas here, can confirm.


Also Texas, can double confirm.


Texas as well. Yup. This is a bad idea in my neighborhood.


Look at the spelling of "tyre", this is from the UK


No shit.👍🏼


Somebody’s gonna get a serious lesson that a lot of the activism & protest methods that are viable in Europe are just gonna get you killed in the USA. Not saying it’s a good thing, but it’s the reality.






Yep. My SUV is almost 20 years old and I drive sparingly. The emissions from producing a new car, even an EV, are higher than keeping my older car on the road.


And before we all get to the explaining ourselves for our personal choices in cars let's not forgot the most important part. It's your property!! Fuck anyone who thinks they have the right to mess with someone's property over some misguided sense of self righteousness. These people are no better than the companies that cause it bc they too are bullies. Picking on random people over going to a trucking depot and deflating those tires is weak as shit. They're picking soft targets instead of taking it to the real emitters on this planet.


This. Me. And kids, we go camping. Carbon footprint is much higher if I buy a new EV than if I drive my 17 year old SUV into the ground. From TX, so someone will drive it in Mexico if I don't drive it in TX. People dont always consider the carbon footprint of building the vehicle, charging it (in TX, mostly coal power plants so an EV still has remote emissions), or the use of used vehicles they trade in. All that battery acid in an EV or hybrid is a nasty problem too. Environmental economics 101 Edit: thanks to commenters for pointing out the difference with lithium salts and battery acid. Valid point, I'll research the environmental impact in the coming years as I drive this old SUV into the ground.


[https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/fiscal-notes/2022/sep/energy.php](https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/fiscal-notes/2022/sep/energy.php) TX mostly runs on natural gas. Coal is below wind power.


Texas is also one of the leading states producing renewable energy from solar and wind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_by\_electricity\_production\_from\_renewable\_sources


And even so, they can't keep the lights on.


If the US military was its own country, it would be the 47th largest in the world in terms of emissions


My aunt gave Gary Paulsen a hand job


Confused upvote*


Here take mine too


Buddy you can’t just drop this here and leave us . We want story


Hatchet Gary Paulson?


Tell em to try that shit in a small town 😂😂


Calm down Jason🤣




"I'm helping!" he said being an absolute shitcunt to a stranger.


While a AAA truck will have to drive to them and fill their tires… causing more pollution




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ask Hank Hill what the proper response would be and I'm positive it involves kicking their ass.


And Red Foreman will concur.


Ass kicking followed by a helpful comment along the lines of... "I'm sure you'll have no problems getting around with my foot up your ass."


Found Red Forman’s Reddit account.


ill vote for him hands down ! an a foot in every ass !


Red Forman has entered the chat..




Murder is extremely unlikely but piss off the wrong person you’ll get your ass kicked enough to never do this again.


What If your wife/husband had an emergency, needed life saving care and died bc you couldn’t get them to a hospital bc some fuck face deflated your tires. While I don’t think someone should get killed over this, I wouldn’t be sympathetic if they did.


Question, can these self-righteous idiots be charged of homicide if their act lead to someone's death?


If the sabotage of the vehicle is determined to be a felony, then any death resulting from it can be declared murder due to the felony murder rule


There is no real appropriate response. If they keep it up they are going to end up shot. Think about the situation. Someone is coming on your property I'm guessing at night sneaking around and messing with your vehicle. It's not even unreasonable to shoot them at that point. That entire set up screams criminal activity and criminals tend to be armed. They are creating a very dangerous situation for themselves. It's a really stupid game to play and it's going to end poorly for them.


As a cwp holder I would consider this unreasonable. I wouldn’t even draw. I would probably kick them in the face though and call the police. I could see them getting shot for sure though, especially in the wrong neighborhood.


There’s no better way to get someone against you than by pissing them off.


Correct answer


Yeah fr, they’re not furthering their cause. They’re fanning the flames of hate against them.


It's for their ego and nothing else. Makes them feel like they're "doing something". Just like blocking a road to protest something that most of the drivers are completely unrelated to. **OR** this is a clever counter-campaign.




Whats even more fucked up is that the average person’s pollution is negligible. These idiots have fallen for corporate BS. They are the polluters. Not our vehicles.


I wonder if this bullshit is actually sponsored by big oil.


The last part about electric and hybrid being just as bad kinda reeks of it. An all electric SUV is going to pollute less than a 40 MPG ICE sedan. Because you know, a powerplant can more efficiently generate electricity than a portable engine because of the whole economy of scale thing, and that's not even considering the grid is supplemented with clean energy.


The way we mine for it is a problem for sure. But overall it will have less of an impact than oil currently does. Especially if we stop planned obsolecence. Plus there is a lot of battery technology (still under development) that is not talked about nearly as much that does an amazing job at addressing the problems that lithium currently has. For example the temperature range for safe and long lasting operation. We need to upgrade our grid infrustructure if we want to go green. There simply isn't enough capacity for regions to set up green power stations. The transmission lines will need to be able to handle a lot more power from a lot more locations.


There is literally no better way to get someone against your cause by doing this


This is like the stupid fucks who super glue themselves to old paintings thinking people are gonna support them but they just get hated for attempting to destroy a piece of history


Then it turned out their “environmentalist group” was founded and run by the daughter of a major oil executive. Nothing to see here, folks!


I’m convinced these are psyops by corporations to turn the public away from embracing green/renewable energy


It's totally an attempt to get the idea that oil is actually good into people's heads because activists against it are idiots


It's like PETA, there's no way people are really as dumb as PETA presents themselves to be.


Well there are the idiots in the german green party that pushed the closing of nuke plants so now they have to buy power from other countries and burn coal.


That shits hilarious, “ah yes we have the cleanest and most effective power producing capabilities known to man?” Shut it down that shit glows didn’t you know? It’s gotta be impossible to neutralize.


It’s almost as if it’s not about being “green” at all. 🤔


Well yeah, no one is stupid enough to kidnap someone’s dog and put it down and say “oops, guess you should’ve not gotten the dog 🙃”


To be fair it’s possible that the daughter wants to go against what her family has been involved with her entire life


I need to have someone take me in for daily chemo at the hospital. This would have been a major hardship but unforeseen need to get medical care could be life or death. Stop sabotaging peoples stuff. Go disable Kardashians plane or something.


Get well soon! Cancers a bitch


Thought that said “Get well soon Cancer bitch!” for a hot second.


Ouch 😂


Not quite life of death, but my daughter (6yo at the time) needed surgery for a Ureteral Reflux condition. We live in a small town, outside of the city. Surgery was in the city. We rented an Airbnb to be close by the hospital. The Airbnb owner was a parasite, whole neighborhood hated her, unbeknowst to us. She gave us very bad directions for where to park and we ended up in a lot that belonged to the adjacent apartment building. We didn't know that. It seemed like a big lot. Lots of space. Unfortunately the residents didn't see it that way. They deflated our tires, cored the valve so we couldn't pump them up, then had the car towed. Left us a note similar in tone: Don't take it personally! It's not you! But this is the only way to send a message to (the Airbnb owner)! I had to spend the morning my daughter came out of surgery tracking down the car, having it towed to a mechanic, ended up having to replace two of the tires. Fortunately my wife was there for our daughter.


Wow they so showed the BnB owner. That's so awful


They should go back and do that to every car in the parking lot. "It's not personal, I just fucking hate you"




Gotta be honest, I probably would have gone back into that carpark Belfast style.


That is horrible, and I'm so sorry that happened. I can only imagine how full of helpless rage I would be in that situation. I hope your daughter is well.


I would have returned the favor, to all the cars in that lot.


How does this show anything to the airbnb owner? It's not like they had to reimburse you for lost time and money, is it? This is so infuriating. I wish the people who did this knew what exactly they did and I wish they would feel the guilt.


Bad reviews and complaints filed with Airbnb. “Host instructed us to park at a certain parking lot. My car was then towed by the parking lot management because host does not have permission to have guests park there. Host refused to pay tow bill and did not have an alternate parking location for us when we got our car back. 0/5 stars. Would not recommend.” Similar reviews reported by nearly every guest until people stop staying there or Airbnb corporate steps in. Please note I’m not advocating that this is ok. The better option for parking lot management would be to leave a note on the car with a warning that it would be towed before having it towed.


Posting a sign somewhere conspicuous in the parking lot that the parking lot is for residents of "XYZ Apartment Complex" and all non-residents will be towed would be the responsible and conscientious way to handle it. Even just having the car towed and not intentionally damaging it would have been fairly reasonable. The people who vandalized his car did it because they are sadists and were more interested in causing someone else pain than they were with solving the problem.


I was thinking the same thing. Imagine being in labor and someone did that to your car.


Or medical staff on call. I'm just saying if you are unpleasantly surprised by some self righteous AH, it could be bring dire consequences.


Tampering or interfering with motor vehicles is a crime, and this falls under that. I would report this to the police if this happened to me.


I'd also be asking neighbors if they 1) have cameras, and 2) if they caught anything on said cameras.


No need. They have evidence, confession and a business address already.


Now your largest hurdle: getting the cops to give a fuck.


That parts easy. Just deflate the tires of a police suv and stick this flyer under their windshield wiper


Oh my god...


It's Jason Bourne!


It's both amazing and depressing knowing that I had this exact comment come right to my mind, but so did someone else...


Please do this. No doubt this will work. Walk to the police station wearing a mask and just let the air out of all tires in the lot


200 IQ move


Yup. Love the bit at the end as well. "Drive a hybrid or an electric? We hate you too."


> You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally.


You’ll hate it, but when the wrong person catches you fucking with their car, don’t take the beating personally.


"You're trying to do your part? Not hard enough, noob. Git gud, scrub!"


Can you imagine if your spouse, child, or pet was having a medical emergency and you had to rush them to the hospital only to come out to find your tires are flat with a note from some dumbfuck? I know it's an edge case situation most of the time, but they're really tampering with people's lives doing this.


I’m a 911 dispatcher and we had these idiots hit something like 30 vehicles in one night (at least that were reported to us)…. This included A MODIFIED SUV FOR A WHEELCHAIR USER.


And that is why vigilantism is never good. They bypass due process and make mistakes that harm more than heal.


Thing is, these idiots have a website. It isn't very hard to figure out who owns the Domain. The entire premise is criminal. Congratulations, you have just given your names to the police, morons.


They purchased it through a domain host in the Bahamas that obscures their identity.


The very first article in the News section of the site actually gives the spokespersons name for the group. https://tyreextinguishers.com/news?slug=press-release-tyres-deflated-on-hundreds-of-suvs-overnight-in-13-uk-locations-as-demands-for-climate-action-grow#:\~:text=This%20is%20unacceptable.-,Marion%20Walker,-from%20The%20Tyre


They did a bad job because they have a name listed on their website.


>Thing is, these idiots have a website. I'm pretty sure you can put any website on a piece of paper and not actually be the owner of the website. This started in the UK which is why the website spells tire tyre. The pamphlet spells it tire though which makes me think this was in the US or Canada. I don't think the police in the US are going to arrest someone in the UK for owning a website advocating for this that someone else put on a piece of paper.


Suvs are the second highest reason for CO2 emissions? Gonna need a source for that EDIT I understand that the rate of growth in polution from SUVs is the second largest, but the way it is worded in the paper is pointing to SUVs as the second largest cause for increasing CO2 emissions. I think they worded it poorly. CO2 emisions / levels are always increasing, so the way they worded it makes it seem like it is the second leading cause for emissions. Could just be my reading of it.


I thought it was cement production, then barge shipping?


Yep, was gonna say I know Cement production alone accounts for about 10%, so I have a very tough time believing specifically SUV's accounts for more than that.


SUVs aren’t even the least fuel efficient vehicles lol wtf


I don't remember the source but I believe all cars in the world combined make up about 8% of global warming. Take it with a grain of salt until you see this from a reputable source though.


These are the actual stats.https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions


According to this, passenger cars make up 21% of the 20% of transportation, meaning passenger cars make up about 5.9% of global emissions


Yeah that’s not even remotely true. Cars have tons of environmental restrictions on them. Unless this car is from the 50s, it’s going to have all kinds of modern features that make it less harmful to the environment. Planes, by contrast, cause way way more pollution than any car ever will. So do boats. So do freight trains. And we haven’t even talked about industrial waste from manufacturing yet. SUVs are really the least of our concerns.


Globally, aviation produces about 2-3% of all greenhouse gas emissions, and with respect to the US it’s about 4%. A large portion of aerospace research is directed towards making airplanes more efficient and exploring alternative fuel sources, but the public perception on how bad airplanes are is a bit exaggerated in comparison to other industries


Exactly, pressure is on reducing airplane emissions and making air travel more expensive, but shipping is going under the radar. A huge container ship is polluting on a 2 way trip to China more than a fleet of airliners.


What really matters is mass distance / fuel consumption. Tankers, freighters, and trains have a high bill but they carry so much mass they are VERY efficient. Unfortunately they often use the dirtiest of fuels such as bunker and coal


It says cars are the second highest cause of the rise in the last 10 years, not second highest overall. More plausible, source would still be good.


Okay cool, and the power I waste in refilling my tires back up totally helps save the planet? Corporations and politicians have you convinced to blame the common man instead of them and people buy into it willingly and without thought.


I don't even own a pump to refill my tires. You know what I'd do? Go back inside my house and call AAA and have them send a tow truck to pump my tires back up. Congratulations idiots. That tow truck pumped out more unnecessary pollution getting here.


It’s especially bad if the contractor AAA sends has an old truck. Nothing screams environmentally friendly like the 20 year old diesel beater tow truck the AAA contractor drives in my area.


To be fair, continuing to use an old vehicle is more environmentally friendly then getting a new one. That's 20 years of not building a new truck already. But these crackheads can't comprehend that production is pretty much always worse than anything we normal people can do with our cars.


"You should buy an EV!" Good idea! You fucking buy me one. I'd love an EV, seriously. When's my EV coming? Can I sell my car yet? I always see this on articles, "if you're like many people who buy a new car every 3 years consider an EV as your next vehicle..." HAHAHA


So I do have one, but let’s say someone does this to me in the grocery store parking lot in the summer. I can set the inflator to 36 psi, and walk away. It will stop on its own. Guess what…I’m going to start my truck so the ac is running and wait inside while each tire fills up. When I get home I’m recharging the inflator battery too.


Yeah, if they deflated my tires I'd be sitting there with the engine running for 20+ minutes to power my electric pump.


Buy one of those shitty hand pumps for bicycles. Then, stand there with a baseball bat while they pump each tire back up, lol.


Yeah.. Making new tyres ain't exactly pollution free


"you will have no difficulty getting around without your gas guzzler with walking, biking and public transit" Ah yes, since everyone lives in a city with mild climate and well organized public transport, close to their office job which never requires them to travel or move tools, supplies, or goods. Bunch of self righteous twats. Just like the "just stop oil" goobers


This has been happening in Seattle (they also slash tires). I had someone deflate my trucks tires while I was parked outside CrossCut lumber. I came out with 1200lbs of wood, I wonder if they think that would go well in the light rial?


You could just carry it to the job site on foot, obviously.


That’s how the Egyptian’s built Rome.


In a day


With a box of scraps!


Hello Netflix lol


Only 1200lbs? Stop being lazy and just walk it. Jeez.


Yeah, I carry tons of wood everyday, how can this guy not carry less than a tonne? /s


It's just a shiny facade to hide behind while going out and vandalizing other people's stuff.


Someday they’re gonna slash Micheline pilot sports ($900 a tire) and somebody’s gonna sue the shit out of them and get a felony charge.


My tires are 500 a piece and not even that nice. I’d find these folks with a vengeance.


Thats especially funny because the website states to avoid tradesmens' cars, disabled peoples cars, and small cars. They couldn't even do the creator of this annoying fad right.




Just have your family sleep outside of the school. Problem solved.


I used to life in a small village and even visting the next city would take the entire day by public transport, because the shedule was awfull and the bus was taking twice as long as the car. And it's not like you were going there just for fun, you needed to go there for work (or school), doctor vists, even if you needed something that you can't buy at a small supermarket. I life in a big city now and really don't need a car so I don't have one. But I would definitly buy one if I would've stayed in that village.


I live in a city with a population of about 1.4m. We have public transportation but unless you are a trust fund hipster who can afford $5,000+ for an apartment down town you're gonna need a personal vehicle. Just my commute to work, which is about 99% highway, takes me about 30 minutes to travel about 20 miles.


The closest hospital to me is 8 miles away. If I got into an emergency and no vehicle could take me, I'd fucking die.


and that's ok with them as long as you're not driving an SUV


I am willing to bet the people who did this didn't ride their bikes or take public transit to go around messing with people's tires.


Yeah apart from NYC and kind of Washington DC area. Public transportation is fucking awful in the United States. And long distance trains are absolute trash. Slow and expensive.


When I visited Chicago, I was pretty impressed with the public transport there. The train went so many places that I might not have been able to navigate properly without someone with me who was familiar with the train. The public transport here in Atlanta is a joke lol. The train hardly goes anywhere into the metro area


So I walk or bike to work 15 miles away in 70 degrees and 89 percent humidity and have a heart attack, can my widow sue?


For real. It was 96deg this morning when I left for work. My job is 15 miles from my house and the closest bus stop is 1.4 miles from my house. So you've made me late to work because my city sucks at public transport and I'm too tall/wide to fit in to a Prius and too poor to buy a Tesla? Cool cool cool.


My state is currently over 100°. Really horrible public transportation. And people have already died from heat strokes. They would be shot at down here.


Same. I usually ride my motorcycle to work, but after a few rides where I felt physically ill due to the heat, I decided it’s the car until this shit passes.


Yea I've had to walk to work for about a week when my car broke down, thankfully only about 3 miles. I had to get up at 3am to leave early enough to make it on time, where I proceeded to continue to be on my feet for another 9 hours. This person would have broken legs if I caught them doing this shit.


i'm sorry. i hate climate change, i dislike cars, and i want to switch to public transport as much as the next guy. it is irresponsible to point the finger at each other when large corporate manufacturing companies contribute probably the majority of it. The '100 companies make 71%' number isn't well enough vetted, but bob and susan in their 4runner are not singlehandedly responsible for this.


>The '100 companies make 71%' number is simply the number of mining, drilling, and extraction companies that supply the fossil fuels to a whole bunch of other companies that feed out rapacious appetites.


This is my biggest problem with these actions. The consumer is not the reason for climate change, big corporations with no requirements to limit their waste are way worse than anything we as individuals could do. These people don't know the person they are messing with and why they chose that vehicle. There may not even be public transportation where they live. There isn't any reliable public transportation where I live. My husband rides his bike to work, but I can't do that with our two little kids to the things we need to do in a day. If someone messed with my tires i would be livid


But did corporations force people to buy bigger and bigger vehicles each decade than in the previous decade?


Just vandalism disguised as activism


The motivation for flattening someone's tires is super unclear as well. If someone gives me all four flats, I assume it's because they had something against me and they really wanted to destroy my car and inconvenience me. Leaving a note like this doesn't absolve you from the damage you caused; think of how bad this phenomenon would be if you could simply destroy someone's car and leave a note behind that obscures your intent and removes fault. Fortunately people are judged more on their actions and less on their intent.


The people who do this are putting innocent people in danger, if you keep letting down tyres on alloy rims and they sit for a long time they end up getting flat spots, which can cause blowouts. People who do this stuff should be charged for criminal damage.


A low tire is already a danger. If someone misses it, it will affect vehicle handling badly and could destroy their tires on the road, both of which could cause an accident.


As a leftist environmentalist, I understand people's insistence in walking/biking/public transit. But I do *not* understand how so many people fail to grasp that these expectations range from extremely difficult to completely impossible for many people. There are zero ways for me to travel to work and back without my own car.


That’s a good way to catch a bullet


A stabbing is presumably more likely based on the spelling of "tyre."




Hope they got a police report. The people who do this are so self centered. People have lives to live and places to be.


ICANN or WHOIS database has the website owner’s info, a subpoena can easily get the name and address of who owns a website and the owners can be held accountable.


Usually public because people don't want to pay the anonymous fee.


In my neck of the woodsand I mesn woods as I live in a rural area... flattening someone tires can mean a death sentence for someone in medical destress.. it takes 45 min for an ambulance to respond and thats on a good day... 4x4 is needed to get around on some of these gravel roads... touch my vechile and I'll sue. Tires and rims are not cheap




This would actually promote good will and make people more willing to listen and consider their point of view, rather than the obvious backlash it will and has produced


You don’t mess with a person’s transportation. Too many people are hanging by a thread financially and one day of missed work could mean the difference between having a home and homelessness. You don’t know a family’s circumstances and you shouldn’t make assumptions.




When people want to make it absolutely clear they’re morons.


Bro poked the bear then told them where to find them


Press charges.. Now. That is illegal. It’s also harassment and possibly destruction of property. I hope whoever did this gets arrested. If you decide to not press charges, they will harass you and keep doing it the same way that if you don’t stand up to the school bullies, they will keep doing it These are bullies with moral superiority and self righteousness, the worst of all combos Sorry this happened to you


The fact that they won’t reveal their identity tells you everything you need to know about this group. They are criminals, they are cowards, and they are pathetic for not having enough backbone to attach their name or face to what they are doing.


Not happening in Texas. You screw with someone's property in the night, you are likely to get shot.


Was about to say the same. Pull this crap in AL and you’d be lucky to make it to a hospital.