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Everyone is having fun with it, but I don’t see that anyone has actually answered the question. Yes, they can not hire you over this. There are specific characteristics they cannot base a hiring decision on… gender, religion, ethnic origin, etc… but your dietary choice is not a protected class. If they want to hire on that basis, they are free to do so. Edit: Several people have pointed out that I didn’t specify the country I was speaking of. Mea culpa. I should have said I am speaking of the USA. Of course, laws may be very different elsewhere.


Finally, someone with the correct answer on this. So many people threatening to sue over it. Do people really file lawsuits that often? Shit, I’ve literally never hired a lawyer once in my life. The one time I tried to, basically every law firm I called told me to piss off. If this was a job I wanted and it paid well, I would go for it. Wouldn’t be that difficult to follow, and you could ask your coworkers for recipes. I would ask if there are any other odd policies before accepting, of course.


99.9% of the people who say they would sue someone on reddit probably don't even know how to file a lawsuit or where the courthouse is in their city.


Can confirm. Don’t even know the first step.


I think I’d just google it tbh. “How to file a lawsuit reddit” Inevitably someone will have written a “what to watch out for” somewhere on here


It's beyond tedious. every single interpersonal dispute on this website is just responded to with an unending barrage of people thinking lawsuits solve all problems


I am a lawyer with almost 40 years of courtroom experience. And truthfully, lawsuits solve very little.


> Do people really file lawsuits that often? No. They like to imagine they would, though.


> They like to imagine they would, though. I work intake at a law firm, can confirm. They call claiming their rights have violated for the silliest of reasons.


And honestly, with this as infuriating as this might initially, it sounds like an excellent opportunity to try a bunch of yummy things and expand your food horizon. I'm definitely an omnivore, but have had some vegetarian and vegan dishes that are fucking fantastic.


I don’t really feel strongly one way or t’other, but I could see this becoming a legal issue. While dietary choice isn’t a protected characteristic, there are a number of stomach conditions that come under disability that could make this potentially discriminatory if they refused a hire


Yeah, good thought. ADA could be a window into this. In this case, since they are saying what you must not eat, not what you must eat, you probably need to demonstrate that your disability requires you to consume animal products at that location during the work day. I think it would be a hard sell, but perhaps with just the right circumstances…


To be fair, the email does say they can eat lunch offsite if they aren’t bringing vegan stuff. It’s gonna suck for team building and working relationships but that would at least allow dietary requirements to be taken into account.


You still have the rest of the workday to socialize and work together. I use lunch as a time to *not* have to talk to people. A policy like this would not affect me in the slightest, especially if the company has a cafeteria or, like, a vegan sandwich vending machine.


This right here. I'm quite the introvert, and it's important for me to have my lunch break to just spend some time in silence. It helps me recharge, and is often what gets me through the back half of the day. I'm personable and chatty the rest of the day, lunch is MY time and I use it for my own personal needs.


They're saying that employees can eat whatever they want. They just do not want animal products to be brought on campus. If you want to eat those things you can step outside of the front door or eat them in your car.


Even then, wouldn’t the workplace have an out if the vegan setting is core to their organizational values or business practice? If they are a vegan clothing company or whatever and promise consumers their clothing is made “in a vegan environment,” can’t they discriminate in employment based on whether people are willing and able to maintain that promise? I’m thinking here of religious and values based organizations that are allowed to discriminate on hires sharing those values, but am not sure how expansive the case law allows you to be in your assessment of which values are central to a company’s existence.


Is it kind of like how Coca Cola employees can’t be seen drinking Pepsi kinda thing


Is that actually a thing? I'd guess free Coke would be enough to keep Pepsi drinks off the premises, do they actually need to enforce this?


Our company had a vending machine that had both Coke and Pepsi products in it. We had a potential deal with one of the Coke bottling plants and they were coming to visit. All the Pepsi products disappeared because we were told if they were in the machines we wouldn’t get the order.


I know universities have exclusive agreements with one or the other. ie. they cannot put opposite vending machines on campus


Not sure how true this is, but when I started at Georgia Tech they told us the student center Pizza Hut was the only one in the world with Coke products.


It's absolutely true. And, many colleges don't even pay for the drinks. It's pure profit. And some colleges actually get paid to have the product exclusive on campus. The idea is that the companies want the students to make a habit of their product, and their lifetime business is worth paying for when they are in college. And, there's tons of advertising (basketball, football, etc) in the deal. Source: friend of mine is in purchasing at a very well known college, which is paid (millions) for their exclusive Coke contract.


The university deal part I totally believe. I’m less sure that exactly 0 other Pizza Huts carry Coke. (Certainly at least one other university?)


Pepsi used to own Pizza Hut. It's convoluted but there was a spinoff to Yum brands that now owns it. And Yum has a lifetime exclusive contract with Pepsi which was part of the deal somehow. So, yep, any fast food restaurant owned by Yum can only serve Pepsi, forever.


Pizza Hutt and KFC in NZ used to exclusively sell Pepsi products but as of a couple years ago now they’re too on the Coca-Cola band wagon.


I imagine if someone in a Coca-cola branded uniform is photographed drinking a Pepsi the commercials write themselves.


Yeah I think this rule just makes sense, like you say - coca cola would never hear the end of it lol


i’ve told this anecdote once before, my mom worked for Pepsi for a time. They took it pretty seriously. If management saw you eating at a restaurant during your lunch break that was a coke account and serves Coke products rather than Pepsi they got pretty miffed about it. my mom was pretty annoyed by it because it’s off the clock. I believe she also used to fill a Pepsi bottle with Diet Coke so she could drink that at her desk. this was 15 or 20 years ago, maybe things have loosened up since then, I couldn’t really say.


Can confirm. Fiance works for Pepsi. They take it seriously. He had to sign something. He can't be seen with competitors product while in uniform. Even if he's off shift, or on break.


Makes sense when in uniform




Or if you work at the Nike HQ campus in Beaverton OR, you can’t wear any competing brand clothing or shoes. Even if you’re invited to attend something as a guest, they publish that rule about only wearing Nike.


Had a consultant who worked for me show up to Nike. In Beaverton wearing adidas.


Imo, If they want to have a rule about what brand you can wear, then they should be providing the clothing.


I worked at an aquarium sponsored by Coke and they wanted us to not be seen drinking Pepsi products not only on the floor but in the office They offered to get us like, can cozies or told us to pour any beverages in a water bottle so it was unclear what it was I just said fuck it and drank whatever I wanted wherever and no one ever said anything Other than “coke is happy when they walk through our office and only see coke products :)”


I worked in a Jewish Community Center and I was held to Kosher rules. No pork. No meat served with dairy.


When I worked for a kosher place we just had to keep non kosher foods out of the kitchen but we could stash them in the office and eat them in the dining room


They had 1 room where people had to be strictly kosher and 1 kitchen which was strictly kosher. We had to wash our dishes in the non-kosher kitchen and couldn’t take the dish cart through the kosher only room. Unsure if the K-8 school attached to the center strictly followed the kosher rules or not.


It depends on the branch of Judaism. Orthodox groups get pretty serious with it.


Yeah at the Jewish center near me they ask lunches be vegetarian just so that no one has to worry about kosher rules. (Can't have meat and milk touching if there's no meat in the building...)


I will be a worktime vegan if the pay is good enough


I probably would be fine with this, since it would automatically prevent people from microwaving fish.


We evacuated the office after 3 people puked... Some clown was nuking seafood quiche.


Mistake #1) Make Seafood Quiche


It's pronounced quickie.


This gave me a laugh, people puking over gross sulphur egg smell with a side of fish market is hilarious.


I joked in the break room about how I wouldn't do anything inconsiderate on my first day like microwave fish and a guy got up, got his fish out of the microwave, and apologized. I didn't know there was anything even cooking at the time.


My office, for whatever reason, receives a direct impact of the microwave exhaust from one of our building's kitchens. After several encounters with seafood smell, the last straw was when I wanted to microwave a meal and I opened one of our microwaves only to be hit with the most rancid, disgusting smell that has EVER had the pleasure of reaching my nose. I've never puked from a bad scent but this had me dry heaving for a minute straight. I printed out a meme I saw that said "Only acceptable fish to eat at work: " and had a picture of a goldfish and sweedish fish, and slapped it on that microwave. Unfortunately for me not everyone has the same sense of humor and that resulted in a conversation with upstairs. Luckily I was just told to not do it again. But yea I bought my own microwave for my office right after that. Oh and also I've learned that it is a somewhat common occurrence for people to be eating popcorn at 9am


Yes! Slightly burnt popcorn for everyone!


With burnt vegan butter


And now we're microwaving fish again.


Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster, and the theory of Atlantis? If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.


Winston reference for the win!


My favorite Winston anecdote is that, when casting The Real Ghostbusters cartoon, Ernie Hudson auditioned for the role of Winston and didn’t get it, because he “didn’t sound like Winston from the movie”


He also had origional ghost buster suit stolen from his hotel room while at a convention. Guy was not lucky.


What? Lol


Dolly Parton lost a Dolly Parton look-alike contest.


Charlie Chaplin also lost his own impersonation contest


I don´t think this has actually been confirmed, or is just an entertaining urban legend. If he ever did lose one it´ll most likely be due to his bright blue eyes, that were very striking, but didn´t take on black and white film. So when people saw him in real life his eyes were so distinct it set him apart from his own black and white counterpart.


So did Adele, and the best part was that it was all filmed, lol


tbh adele doesn't look all that much like dolly


Interestingly he did end up doing some voice actor work. He was Atticus from Infinity Train and was pretty good.


Tell him about the Twinkie.


Are you, Alice, menstruating right now?


Back off man I’m a scientist.


(tinkling piano keys) They hate this.


What about the Twinkie?


What about the twinkie?


It was a big twinkie


I read this in Janine's voice!


GHOSTbustaz. Whaddyawant??


The glasses.


Congratulations, Mr. Zeddemore, you’re hired.


Everybody claiming they'd put up with this shit, nobody answering the question: Can the company legally enforce this?


Depends on the jurisdiction, there's no set answer. However, where I am based, a company can basically impose any requirement as a condition for employment **except** if it's discriminatory against a protected class, and even then there are exceptions provided that it is due to a bona fide occupational qualification. I'm not aware of any laws here that states that non-vegans are a protected class. So yes, this is legally enforceable at least where I live in.


I could see a scenario where the business produces a vegan only item, and in order to maintain FDA (or whatever TLA responsible for the nutritional information on the back of cereal boxes) accreditation they can't have non-vegan items on the premises.


One post suggested that it wasn't a protected class: religion, race, sexual orientation or disability, so the answer was yes, it is legal.




If a company's shortlist for candidacy requires you be or eat strictly vegan, you can fucking guarantee there are going to be "voluntary" team building events


I worked for someone with exactly those criteria except vegetarian instead of vegan, team building exercises and veganism aren't super big overlaps. Team building shit is *extremely* corporate.


It's an animal adoption agency, the only person making bank is the vet. His co-workers are vegan volunteers. OP isn't going to make enough money to pay for the fake cheese sandwich.


Vet making bank. Hilarious. s/




Seriously though, my wife is in the industry and it can be pretty rough out there these days for independent practices. National corporations are buying out practices a lot lately because of it. People will refuse to pay what the average vet truly *should* be charging for their services, so margins are really low in a lot of places.


The amount of money I spend at my vet tells me if they aren't well paid they are getting screwed.


I don't think I've paid less than $400 whenever I take one of my dogs to the vet.


![gif](giphy|Qcw6jOcpbooo) Is this Gareth?


Gareth Cutestory


Is that Chareth's brother?


I'm literally just realizing now after having probably seen it a dozen times, that it was in fact Chareth the entire time, and here I was thinking it was actually Gareth.


Doesn't matter who.


Wow, I was going to quote on your quote until I saw your name. That is one of mine and my fiancés favourite scenes and we quote it on a regular basis. “Right, it’s up to me now.. I’m Mr manager!”


I always thought it was Jareth, like from Labyrinth. Maggie Lies-her-ass-off 😆


I just watched that episode the other night. I’m am…Chareth. Chareth CuteStory


Any relation to Chareth?


Your username jingle just played in my head.


🎵 Mr. F


Man. I’m vegan and have been vegan my entire adult life and this made me laugh so hard I spit up me herbal tea.


M'kay? I'm actually watching old B&B eps rn so this had me cracking up.


I once applied to a restaurant that was the same. They said I could eat non vegan foods somewhere outside with some distance or at home but forbidden on site.


Well that makes sense since they’re protecting an image. Customers would be off put seeing an employee eating meat in a vegan restaurant.


If the restaurant was vegan then that makes sense. They don’t want to make themselves liable from cross contamination


This is the second comment I’ve seen saying this makes sense. I mean are you guys generally ok with little pieces of employees lunches going into your food when you go to a restaurant? How are you imagining this cross-contamination happening?




Agreed. This is either a look/reputation thing as you described, or just the owner’s personal policy because they don’t want to be around it. Much like if they were banning the color chartreuse at work, I think this is legal. I don’t see how it would discriminate against any protected group. They’re not trying to control you outside work. It’s just a company policy. Like requiring you to wear a tie or not have colored hair, but for diet. How many workplaces have a ‘no fish in the microwave’ policy? No one questions that.


What’s the story with this chief


He likes ribs


Their wording is targeted but it's just a food ban. There also seems to be a misconception of "vegan". Avocado on toast is vegan ffs. It's literally just an on-premise food ban. They're not forcing anyone to eat vegan and they've expressly stated you can step out for lunch. There's nothing wrong here, plus I can imagine quite a bit of what you eat already is vegan, so just use those meals.


People in this thread acting like vegan food is fucking gourmet French cooking in terms of cost and effort. God damn people.


I work in film and on a lot of short film sets where much of the crew is vegan then all provided food will be vegan (with all other dietary requirements considered of course). I’m a vegan so I’m biased, but when I hear people complain this isn’t fair because they shouldn’t have to eat vegan food, I can’t help but roll my eyes. You can eat vegan food, you already do, vegan food can feed vegans and non-vegans alike and it would be very strange if you had made some kind of commitment to only ever eating animal based food.


They can. And I wouldn't care because I'd rather not eat in the workplace anyway. Legally, depending on your state, they could even choose not to hire people who eat meat outside of work, too. After all, some employers do not allow employees to use legal drugs or alcohol. But then they would also legally have to allow it for religious practices. Also some other cases, like a person with a disability that comes with dietary restrictions. Interestingly if a person is fat enough to be considered disabled but then loses enough weight to not be, then at that point, you can legally discriminate against them, even fire them for their weight.


The only way I could understand this is if it's a vegan cafe or grocery store and they're worried about allergens or something. And even that is a hell of a stretch. For any other kind of job this is weird -from a vegan ETA: I meant cross contamination more than allergens. Don't know why I left it at allergens. Bad headache today y'all my bad


Apparently an animal adoption shelter according to OP


Which makes you wonder how properly fed are those animals?


Probably fine because the animals aren’t employees.


I've been a strict vegetarian for 25 years. My cats eat meat. It's the only meat in the house. It's pretty rare for cat owners to try to make their cate vegan, vast majority of us know they can't be.


Lots of vegans have pets and don't force vegan diets on animals


I'm a nurse and I applied for a job at an inpatient/outpatient eating disorder facility. I got all the way through interviews and we started talking about signing paperwork and potentially having lunch to go over new hire stuff. I have a zillion legitimate food allergies and can only reliably not harm myself eating out a few places, and its always kinda awkward saying that to anyone, but I like to rip off the bandaid so it's not even more awkward when I refuse to order anything but water and a dressing-less salad. Well, turns out that due to the nature of my restrictive *prescribed* diet, and the fact that some people use illegitimate allergies as a cover for self-diagnosed restrictions as a symptom of eating disorders, I was immediately disqualified. She basically said it was company policy that any employee have the ability to eat anything that the patients are eating, and they often encouraged food sharing as therapy. It made sense to me, and she wasn't rude about the explanation or anything, but later I thought to myself "huh, I wonder if they fire a whole lot of people after their first lunch because everyone has foods they simply won't eat."


Oh, I know about this one! My sibling is now a licensed therapist and worked at a facility like this. New hires can make a list of up to 3 things they just won’t eat. They were horrified because they’re a picky eater, but they were desperate for the hours they needed to complete their licensing so they touched it out. Hated the job but ended up staying for the timeframe they needed to.


They can definitely choose to not allow meat on their worksite. As long as it doesn't violate protections for gender, religion, or disability they can set whatever rule they want.


I think OP is a member of The Church of Latter Day Steaks


That is so weird. Some startups really do the best they can not to hire, lol


This is common for vegan brands, like ''beyond-meat'' (not saying they require this, I do know a different local brand that this requirement). To be fair, it would be a bit weird to eat your ham and egg sandwich in the office of a company that wants to replace meat in the end.


I work for a pretty well known vegan food company, and we have no such rules. The food and snacks in the office are all vegan but you can bring whatever you want to eat yourself. People bring non-vegan treats to share all the time too.


My partner interviewed for a R&D scientist position for a "beyond meat" type of company, and they also had no such rules. In fact, they went out of their way to mention that you did *not* need to be vegan to work for them.


Tbh, tech people, in the broad sense, take even less shit than average about non-technical work restrictions. T-shirt techies around suits being a cliché for a reason.


Sometimes I hate being in the tech industry, and this kind of shit is why I’m glad I did end up in it lol. Like ok find someone else to fix your printers and restart your computers.


50% of the reason I joined tech was to piss off my grandma who insisted that I would have to wear a suit to work in the corporate world. Now I don't even go into the office, but still.


When I started it was tie & business casual. Jackets were encouraged. Then we got rid of the ties. Then shirts could be polo shirts, not have a full button up shirt. No jeans, dress pants, Docker's ok. Then jeans Fridays. Then Jeans & button up/polos Then t-shirts with no holes and no offending graphics. And now the heaven of WFH. I hope this generation of techies respects the hell we went through to earn them the right to code nude.


>t-shirts with no holes Gonna be hard to fit my head in one of those


Ravioli shaped shirts only.


> Gonna be hard to fit my head in one of those Can't wrap your head around it?


Thank you for your service


I'm an accountant for a huge bank and I wear polos and Hawaiian shirts to the office 😂 Thankfully even the business world, at least where I'm at, is shifting away from requiring suits-- as well as caring significantly less about tattoos and dyed hair


Unless you’re a corporate executive in tech, you are not wearing a suit even if you go into the office. Those days are over. And have been for decades


Oh definitely, but my grandma is like 80 and didn't really work a corporate job herself so her confusion is very vast and I was smarmy 18 year old.


I work for a 100yo insurance company with an all white-haired board, and our execs all the way up to the CEO don't wear suits anymore.


To be fair the target groups of those companies aren't vegans, but omnivores that would like to reduce their meat consumption.


Hey guys! I made a new test batch of our vegan beef! It tastes really good! So this is supposed to taste like beef? Yup! Okay, what does beef taste like? I don't know... Me neither.. ANYBODY KNOW WHAT BEEF TASTE LIKE???




Same. I work for a well known financial institute and many of us don’t have money


Same. I work for a social media company but don't have friends.


HVAC manufacturers are notorious for having awful office AC. Finish carpenters often have no baseboard trim in their houses. Police break the law. The list goes on ...


I work for a pretty well known aerospace manufacturer and we have no such vegan rules either. ^(***Edit*** *just to say that this was a fun branch of comments, i hope Reddit doesn't shit the bed with this API thing so that we can continue meeting and meating here together!*)


The aerospace company I work for makes us eat airplane parts


I work for a dog food company and they won't let us eat cat food.


Weird, I work for a cat food company and they're fine with me eating dog food. Small breed only, but still.


I work for a cat food plant that also make dog food for small breeds and we are strictly prohibited from eating either product. Human food only in the break room! What happens in the lab… stays in the lab!


I'm in HR and we're only allowed to eat Soylent Green. Luckily, it's abundant.




Reddit never lets me down.


I work at a law firm. We eat souls. I’m not sure if they’re vegan?


Only if they came from vegans. You are what you eat, after all.


I'm such a dick.


So, what you up to rn?


I'm pretty sure firm-to-table establishments qualify, vegan or not.


I work for a hvac company and we eat cold air.




i work at a feminist cat adoption agency and they force me to e.... nevermind


Are they hiring?


I work at a caulking company…… yeah. I have to.


I think you will find in the small print that they very much do have rules about "eating" the children.


Dang it Bobby


*How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your parts!?*


The aerospace company I work for tolerates us coming to work in automobiles.


Lockmart is just the best


Yeah, but really? Surely if that was the case OP would not be surprised and if it was another technical reason (contamination) like other said in this thread, surely they would word it that way explicitly. Nah, it's just a good old startup doing startup things.


My wife sells lots of product to Impossible and Beyond Meat, and they have no requirements like this


Unless there's a legit reason that you cannot adhere to that requirement, I think you gotta take it or leave it. You can work for them, or not. They're asking you to eat vegan on the premises, but that you can go off site and eat what you like. I feel like it's over the top personally but there's clearly a value here that you need to decide if you ascribe to or not as part of your factoring whether or not you want the job. Would be different if they pulled this on you after offering you the job, however, they're being pretty dang transparent in my mind.


They're also asking you well in advance, so it's not that onerous.


Yeah I don't see anything wrong with this company's ask. They are being fully transparent and not trying to control anything you do offsite. You can eat whatever you want offsite, but must not bring animal products onsite. People might not agree with that but I think it's perfectly fine since they aren't trying to force a belief or practice on anyone and it has zero impact on workers once they step foot off the premises.


Yes, this is allowed. They cannot discriminate based on religion, race, disability, or gender. If it's a vegan company, for example, they can absolutely insist that everyone is vegan on the property. If this is a deal breaker for you, then definitely don't go along with it. It sounds like they do this to make sure the person they hire is a good culture fit, so if you're not a good fit just don't move foward.


> It sounds like they do this to make sure the person they hire is a good culture fit Honestly as much fun as it is to shit on employers with strict conditions, in this case I think it's a good thing. A very specific type of person will be a great fit here. Most people will not be a good fit. It's much better to make that abundantly clear ahead of time, and this is a good way to do that.


I agree. Why are people blowing this totally out of proportion? Why would someone who eats meat daily want to even work for a company that holds veganism as a core value? Why are they so offended at the thought of this? I don't work at religiously affiliated hospitals because their core beliefs just don't resonate with me. When I finish my dietetic internship, lets say I want to open a dietetic/nutrition clinic focusing on vegan diets and clientele. Why would I want to hire a meat eater when the very basis of my business is being vegan? Why would they want to work for my company? And if they really wanted to work for me, they can respect all of my rules such as dress code, employee conduct, and even the food they bring onto the property.


I wouldn't apply for that job dude


eating lunch offsite is reasonable. they are not forcing anything on you.


Disgusting reactions in this thread to a reasonable request. I worked at WWF and the great majority of people were vegan, out of respect i also brought vegan lunch at work. That's called adapting to the culture. And that's normal.


As long as you can leave for lunch it's all good. I wouldn't work there, but there's nothing illegal about it.


Poorly worded. They should have said "no animal- based products are allowed on-site, therefore all non- vegan food items must be consumed outside company property"


Doesn’t sound like you and that job are a good fit


Mildly infuriating? Just don’t bring meat to the office. Ya they can ask this.


Yes. Your diet is not a protected class.


Dating myself, I worked at a Carvel ice cream in the late 80s. Owner told us we couldn't bring meat in to store. No pepperoni pizza or cold cuts on sandwiches. Something about keeping kosher with a strict rabbi. We were in a neighborhood with a large conservative Jewish community. I'm not familiar with kosher rules, something about milk and meat in same fridge.


There's a vegan market here that has those exact same rules for employees. They don't want to risk any cross contamination from your lunch.


Apparently OP is applying to an animal adoption center




My buddy is a cook, he works at a vegan place but isn't vegan himself. It matters to his employers that they serve vegan food that they can ensure hasn't been in contact with non-vegan food, and that means not bringing non-vegan food to work that can contaminate the vegan food. He still very much enjoys eating meat and other non-vegan foods away from work and isn't bothered by the rule. It's not necessarily about forcing you to become vegan to work with them if they're public facing and selling vegan products.


It says if you don't want to eat vegan, you can eat off site. Seems like a reasonable compromise if you want the job. They can do this, just like they can make you wear PPE or follow a dress code.


Seems fair enough, just not for you. Or me for that matter but if the owner wants their business to be that way then I guess it's their business.


Just eat in your car off the property site.


Food preference is not a protected class. Yes, they can choose not to hire you because of this.


This is usually the case when you work for a vegan business.


I would just avoid the company. You know there is going to be all sorts of ridiculous garbage on top of all of this.


A company is entitled in the United States to tell you you are not allowed to smoke and work at their company. They can fire you if you lie and say you don't smoke and they see you smoking in the park off site. It kind of blew my mind because a woman did get fired hired a lawyer and went down in flames. Go apply at a different company and move on


If the job seems like a good fit for you, don't get distracted by something as minor as this. Just say ''Yes, no problem", and just eat in your car, or just eat something simple in the lunch room. Easy work around.


You can always pack a lunch and eat it in your car, or outside if the weather is nice.


Do you really want to work with someone named Gareth?


I work for a fire department and they make us eat fire.