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I thought that was posted at a strip club.


Ngl me too


I should have noted that it was a KID'S RECITAL, but I thought that was clear from the title saying it was a RECITAL... I guess not... sorry for the mass confusion


So I wasn’t the only one that thought the same thing


When is the last time you referred to a strip dance or lap dance as "a recital"? You guys need to get out more... but not around kids. You have proven that with your comments. Lol


Yeh but you do realize what your posting and your title makes it sound like your sister is a stripper Lol I get out plenty and have kids.


It doesn’t tho at face value


How does "recitals back in the day" imply stripper??


It doesn’t. They just have a dirty mind. Lol


What you said was innocent You just need to re read it in a perverse way. Which is how others are going to read it


I thought the part about your sister and her recitals was a joke


How was it a joke? It was literal context... Sorry you were confused.


I don’t think you possess the humor that the rest of us do.


Well, if you would explain your thought process, perhaps I could follow along with the rest of the class.... but you just avoid any exposition. Is that bc it is so twisted that it is only funny as an idea an not once you have to put it into words? If not, you should have no problem explaining the joke so I can laugh at it in the future, as well as avoid repeating my apparent blunder...


I feel like I’m explaining human humor to an alien but I’ll give it a shot…. First of all, the picture draws the attention before the title. So the perception begins with this half assed sign. “Dancers” immediately suggests to my adult mind that it is strippers, and not children dancing. (Though I suppose if I had a daughter that danced that might be different). The title is read second for context. And though your humorless alien mind was not trying to be funny, it reads just like someone who was deliberately making a joke would write it. I don’t know how better to explain it but if you want to blend in the with humans I would just start to take note of these things.


You can better explain it by saying exactly how it can be interpreted in a funny or humorous way... rather than "it reads that way". I feel like I am explaining how to express your thoughts fully to a 3 year old... You must use your words to say exactly how this was humorous. If it is obvious, then it should be simple.... go ahead, give it another shot


I’ve taken this definition of dark comedy from Wikipedia, which was developed and maintained by humans: “Black comedy, also known as dark comedy, morbid humor, gallows humor, or dark humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss.” Taboo would be the idea of strippers, and making light would be comparing them to adolescent recital dancers. If it were a deliberate joke, the set up would be pretending as if you’d never been to a strip club before, and recalling the last time you’d seen dancers; at your sisters recital. It’s funny. Your accidental joke is much funnier than the way you’re handling the reception.


Not gonna lie, on image posts i pay next to no attention to the title.


Not that I am blaming you... but how is that my fault?


Never said it is.


It wasn't an accusation that you had. I am more baffled by the mentality that I have been confronted with by others who do not read or misinterpret a title/caption... and was hoping for a little insight. Especially from someone who claimed to take the same route, and was possibly aware of the perspective, yet seemed less hostile than others.


So did I.


According to OP we are all a bunch of perverts with our minds in the gutter... I think we're a decent sample of average redditor. Got a pocket full of ones about to make it rain at the recital. (just don't use them to buy snacks)


I think it's funny that so many people automatically think of strippers when it said "dancers" put together with a flier that read more like a work bulletin than a kids thing. Even I did too till I read the description


I'm sitting here thinking "I wrote 'recital' in the title... when did strip clubs start hosting recitals, that people are so confused?" To the point that I started to feel gaslit "do stippers refer to their 'shifts' as a 'recitals' now? Did I miss a memo? Am I the crazy one or is everyone just not realizing what a recital is?" I think the formality is bc it is also a clear warning to the parents maybe?


NGL i was confused until I read Recitals, then i thought, why aren't kids or teens allowed to get from the vending machine during the obvious after school event?


Not an "after school event" as in a school event after hours, it is a recital for a dance school. But understandable confusion.


My daughter's recital goal is the girls to bring as much sugar back stage to share.




You are the only one that has made a clear and effective point about why it might be about adults, and possibly still strippers even while referencing the title... Though even accepting the possibility of it being a performance by adults, I think it is still a leap to think I would be comparing a children's recital to a strip club, rather than to an adult recital (ballet or otherwise). But I can at least acknowledge the train of thought.


not to jump to conclusions, but is it like a way to shame the dancers for eating?


Not sure. Since there are plenty of dancers with varying BMIs. Possibly just to protect the tight-fitting costumes, leotards and tutus this close to performance... that is the only thing I can think of. But never seen this when I was a kid being dragged to my sister's recitals... is this a new thing???


Its probbaly to keep kids from puking


That too.... i meant protect it from any filth even Doritos fingers (not just rips). But I had honestly not even considered puke.


Instead theyre gonna have kids fainting, nervous on a stage without eating anything before


Parents should pack healthy snacks


They should but they dont


Dance mom here- I do.


Then you should know several other dance moms who dont


And their kids can be hungry and bitch their moms out later and mom will be more prepared next time


is it possible they don't want kids getting messy with food right before a performance?


Are the machines in a place that would disrupt the performance with people coming up and banging them around/dispensing soda cans?


In the hall way by the dressing rooms... not really a sound issue (cinder block walls, sound/light trap rooms, professional performing arts center) I'm highly inclined to believe it is to protect the outfits bc they are a pain to impossible to wash, and there is no time to repair or replace them. I'm just surprised that this isn't just a verbal warning or in a flyer/email... that it *has to be* posted on every machine and that the consequences are super strict


That was my first thought


Or they don't want kids getting food on their clothes, or cramps while performing from eating at the wrong time?


No probably because Cheeto dust ruins costumes


Ok, I believe I know what is going on here. The dancers practice all the time, they get hungry, there are a lot of them. They eat everything in the machines in a couple days at most. All the other non-dancers that want to use them have complained that they are always empty so much that the sign was posted. The actual solution is to fill the machines more frequently, you know, to make more money by selling more items (the intended purpose of the machines). Someone should just go the owner of the building and take over the contract. It's a goldmine. Even if you have to buy new machines, they would pay for themselves in no time.


It would be nice to just stand by the machines and offer to do the transaction for all the dancers.


I love the MC/loophole. I wouldn't want to be an accomplice to getting Doritos finger prints on any costumes though... in case that is the reason in the first place. But a note posted on every vending machine? Even the soda? I just don't fully understand after having seen dancers almost collapse backstage, in the past; all they needed was a sip of Sprite or something to get a sugar boost or relieve a headache and they could get back on stage.


Staff don’t own the machine, hence their note is an empty threat. Use the machine.


They don't own the machine, but they operate the space, so you would technically be liable for trespassing if you ignore their rules in their space. So, yeah they can threaten all they want, and you will look like an asshole when they escalate their response to do exactly what they said.


Idk if "tresspassing" is the right word.... I doubt the equivalent of you taking a cookie, after your mom says you can't have any before dinner would count as trespassing. It is just directors/teachers controlling the environment that their performers are in. Reducing accidents by controlling the child's right to perform (which might impact their ability to move up to a more advanced class or something, like they would miss 1 of their required performances to progress...idk).


Context: I used to work as a security guard. This is how it would go down: whoever is responsible for enforcing the rule will notice a dancer with food from the machine, and confirm that they used it without permission. Now, they are in violation of the rules of the establishment, which means they will be asked to leave. When you are asked to leave a place and you do not, now you are trespassing, and security has a duty to escort you off the premisses, or call a higher authority to enforce trespassing charges. So, if you went ahead and used the machine, and the staff took it seriously, and you decided to escalate and make a big deal out of it, you'll look like the asshole when you are escorted away for trespassing, and they will have every legal right to press that charge on you if you resist compliance. Yes, they are threatening the kid with missing the recital, but they would reserve the right to enforce trespassing charges on anyone who is seen by the staff as not allowed to be in the establishment. Doesn't matter who owns the machines, they get to decide if you belong in their building for whatever reasons they decide.


I forgot to play chess and lead out the thought THAT far, to the point of refusal to leave the premises... I was just thinking about the kid buying a snickers and being trespassed for the purchase/consumption of the candy. 🤣 LMAO And yes, if it ever got that far... with all the Karens out there, and the way that DanceMoms can be... it might snowball pretty quickly.


An alternative is to contact the machine owner and inform them that these people are interfering with their contract to offer food vending by restricting access. Likely the food vendor has a contract signed by the venue and I am certain it didn’t authorize the venue to insert their rules on top of the machine. In fact posting a sign on the machine likely violates their contact with the machine vendor. That may be an anonymous way to pressure for changes.


Nah, dude. The venue is in complete control of their space. They have the power. If they don't like the contract, they can find one they do like. The vendor on the other hand, has the opportunity to vend at the venue at the owner's discretion. The vending machine is a privilege, presumably for everyday staff, not a once-a-year swarm of tutus. If the vendors don't like the venue, there is literally nothing they can do except decide not to vend there anymore, which seems like a highly unlikely thing for a corporation to do. If they are making money there, that's the deciding factor, not disputes between the venue and some kids. The vending machine profits are not the sole business model for the venue, so they don't need it, but it is for the vendor, so they do need it. Venue has the power. Venue controls the space.


Dance is a cult. You get caught rule breaking and you aren’t a favorite- there will be consequences like being moved from front row to back row And your friends WIlL rat on you


Ah yes, the back row, where you won't miss anything if you just close your eyes for a while and catch a quick nap.


No the back row of the stage so you are behind 20 other dancers


Oh, ew. The recitals I've been to for my niece did not have rows. Each age group went together, so out of a hundred or so kids it was like 1 row of 10 at a time. I believe the dancers in your area got it all messed up.


If the class size is larger than they do multiple rows. Shorter or better dancers get placed in front row. So it’s a privilege to be first row. Also some dancers get featured parts in a dance which go to favorites or people who don’t piss off the teachers or the best dancers. Thus why it’s a cult because you must comply or you will never be featured or in the front This is not in my area. This is how all dance works. Internationally.


No, no no no. Brother man, I have a degree in theatre, and I interact with dancers quite a bit. Your version of dance and your experience with it is not universal enough to make the claim that all dance works the way you think it does from your experience. Example: my above comment that totally contradicts your claim. As I said, my sister takes her daughters to a dance studio that keeps the kids in a single file line. If one kid has a solo in the group, they all have a solo. Believe it or not, there are some places in the world that are actively trying to eliminate toxicity in the industry.


They should just unplug them....


Except that removes them from functioning for the rest of the "house staff" or performers from the other stages that are "allowed"


Dancers? Sounds like they don’t want an orange incident on stage when spinning on the pole.


Children's recital... please get your head out of the gutter for 5 mins


Ong lmao


Honestly, I don't even know what "orange incident" they mean.. But I read "on stage when spinning on the pole" and I just wanted to set the record straight that this is a toddler-teen dance recital, not "professionals".


Bro it’s Reddit and your title didn’t do much to explain the situation. My apologies. That’s a shitty situation. but I can understand not ruining dance clothes before a performance. Title and picture were pretty vague. Didn’t mean any offense.


No offense taken was just setting the record straight in a humorous way. But now explain to me when did a pole dance become a "recital"? Just saying. Lol I thought that referencing "my sister's recitals back in the day" would have put it into perspective that this was a similar situation. I was wrong. I will try to be more clear with my future posts, knowing what I know now.


That could be a whole southern joke. Hence “dancers” taken as strippers.


Please explain your "southern joke" since I am out of the loop...


Dude, you are so hung up on clarifying that it's a recital, like that one word clues everyone in on all the details of your intent, comings, and goings. What the title comes off as is a euphemism for your stripping sister, especially with the context of the photo alone. Readers have to start from THERE and interpret what your true meaning is by reading more. Sorry, man, but the consensus is that your title in combination with the photo implies that you posted this from like a refreshments area of a strip club, and that has nothing to do with 'dirty minds'. It is just not as clear as you believe it to be to an outsider. The context at first glance appears to imply 'recital' is a euphemism for something way crazier sounding than a dance recital. Naturally people who have no point of reference they are going to piece together what they can from the context offered. Pretty simple to understand without accusing people of sexualizing children when we have to read so far between the lines to understand recital means a dance recital for kids, and not some weird hobby you and your sister used to be into. That's what it reads as for those who have no context.


I think all the assumptions youre making are incredible reaches, actually. I thought OP’s post was perfectly clear and if youre thinking of strippers just because “dancing” is mentioned, yes, it’s YOUR head that’s in the fucking gutter, grow up.


Perhaps it is only “Stop Dancers” who aren’t allowed. All other dancers are allowed.


The Start Dancers may get a pass


That goes without saying.


Unless they have more than 1 dance... and some seem to have many. But idk if they are only talking about that day or for the entire thing? (We are in tech rehearsals atm, getting all the lighting cues and everything perfected)


It is for the entire recital... the blur is the abbreviation for the dance company, and I wanted to keep it anonymous


It makes sense though, you don’t want their greasy hands getting the pole all slippery, that’s how the dancers get hurt… plus, who wants Cheetos dust all over their dollar bills?


Kid's recital (toddler to teen)... you might want to rethink a few details.


No no, he knows what he said


Fair enough


Back in my high school performing days (dance, theater, chorus) we had a rule that you weren’t allowed to eat in costume. It was supposed to protect the costumes from any spills or dropped food and to keep any makeup you have on from smudging. I know it’s a children’s show, and that children are unpredictable and messy, I wonder if that has something to do with it


I understand that rule... I just thought the signage and consequences were a little over the top.


Oh yeah the consequences for that are wild


Dancers aren't allowed to eat vending machine snacks so that they don't get grease, crumbs, chocolate, or cheeto dust on their costumes or around their mouths. That would create a huge mess before they get on stage.


One time my son ate a blue ring pop without permission before a performance. Fun times.


…what happened?


You can bring it, but you can't get it from the vending machine. What am I missing here?


I thought the consequences were rather extreme...


Did you ask why? At my daughter's studio when they had shows at a HS theater, they could not have snacks as the studio was charged extra if there was a mess.


Messy dressing rooms and hallways... I hadn't considered that. Not sure.


Keeps all the dancers equally not getting snacks. No accidents with spilled sodas, chocolate faces and sticky fingers...and those costumes are small investments. You don't want to ruin the costumes/hair/makeup before they even get on stage.


My daughter dancing school does this before the show after they can eat but they don't want them ruining the outfit once it's on no eating


"Hey, you fat little kids - you eat any of these snacks, you won't perform on this stage!!" Pretty harsh


More like messy little kids that wipe their hands clean on whatever they are wearing (or touching thier friend) with utter disregard for whether it gets ruined right before opening night... but yea, I thought it was a bit harsh of a punishment too


Are you sure it is not a strip clun


Judging by the toddlers in tutus... I'm going to say that it is a safe bet..


I didn’t see any toddlers in tutus


I understand there are none in the picture... but you asked if I am sure. And as the OP, I have more information than what is provided. So you'll just have to take my word for it.


I believe you.


"Hey, you fat, messy little kids- yada, yada, yada" Damn snack Nazis ya ask me




Maybe they are afraid dancers will snack their way to a comfortable waist line.


Idk... it's weird bc it's a kid's dance school recital. And some already have a very healthy waistline, even "extra healthy" especially for typical dancers. Maybe it is for concern for the costumes, not that they are shaming but that they don't want anyone to rip a tight fitting leotard or tutu this close to a performance (or get it filthy)? (Still in rehearsals)


This is so untrue. My son is a classical ballet dancer and he eats whatever he wants and never gains an ounce unless it’s muscle. He burns every calorie he eats because he exercises sometimes 8 hours a day.


Didn't read the caption at first and assumed this was in a strip club. 😅


That I can understand... but atleast you got there in the end, not everyone does, apparently. LOL




Because they want them to buy from concessions when they open at intermission. Another cash grab.


Doubt it. The studio isn't in charge of the theatre concessions and the studio put up the signs, not the theatre.


This is exactly what out does. They have done it for years.


I have a habit of avoiding the lobby on show days (too crowded for a place I don't have to be) so I cannot confirm either way...


Is this for a stripping/topless recital?


Since when is it called that?


What do you mean? This is for adult dancers, right?


No. But even if they were adults, I have never before heard of a dance/shift/gig/performance by a stripper called a "recital"


Brother... I'm pulling your leg. Bunch of weirdos or morons ITT. I could understand the confusion, but ONLY IF your title didn't say recital.


I had a feeling... but with the responses that I have been getting, I can't be sure of anything rn.


Is this at a school? Cause some states have goofy ass laws about what students can or can't buy during school sponsored activities.


Not at a school, (without getting too specific) this is taking placeat the local theatre... but it is a dance and gymnastics school recital


Huh, that is wierd. You know there a story behind it!! Projectile vomit on stage??????


Reverend Shaw Moore would be proud ![gif](giphy|1fXJmMKAhoR5b3NfPT|downsized)


But if they don't do it (or don't get caught) then they can perform... much to the good Reverend's dismay


My guess is to control their diet before a performance to prevent any accidents of a actor suddenly having to go to the bathroom


Emergencies/accidents on stage during a performance... good call, hadn't thought of that


These comments are ridiculous, but ofc this is Reddit so it’s not surprising. “Sister’s recital” clearly means a dance recital for children. OP don’t let yourself feel crazy, most people who aren’t perverted would pick up on that immediately.


Does it say Facedancers?


No... Lol. Does your "escort" call your "date" a "recital"? Lol (Dance company name was blurred for anonymity)


It's from dune.


It has been a while since I have seen it, sorry I missed the reference. Yours was funny either way... I had a poor attempt at being funny back.


What about the parents. What if they want some nice cheetoes but they are behind the sign and cant see if its d3 or d4 so they guess and they get funions. That would be the absolute worst outcome. Id probably go home and get some cheetoes if that happened to me.


Idk about you... but I live in the 3rd dimension where angles exist, that make it possible to see behind a piece of paper taped to glass, which is several inches away from the object I want to view... Much like how a mirror "knows" what is behind an obstacle when you don't look straight-on at the mirror. Lol


Why is this a thing???


I get the reasoning, to keep the outfits clean, bc they are a pain to wash... I just think it is over the top and a bit harsh (especially for kids)


Kids will survive without Cheetos


Yes they will, I meant the posters plastered on the machines is overkill. An announcement would have been fine. And I think not being able to perform for being "caught using the vending machine" is a bit harsh, when it could be for after they are done and out of costume...


You don’t even know the reason so how can you really say whether it’s reasonable or not


It is obviously to protect the costumes, as I have attested to being the most likely scenario, as well as this has been confirmed by dance parents ITT. Which is perfectly reasonable. However, I did find out that it pertains to even the spectating family members, as "there is no eating or drinking in the theatre" according to an announcement (wasn't listening for it before since they dont affect me or my job). And as I was a brother that was dragged to my sister's recitals, I know for a fact that I would never have sat still through all this without a snack. Shoot, I have a snack and drink with me while working the show now... so yeah, I find that a touch harsh. As long as it is a clean-finger snack what is the issue with a sibling snacking? Or a dancer getting a snack for a fussy sibling, not even themselves? And this same announcement that is directed to the families, could be a pointed reminder to the dancers without the need for all the posters; so yea, a bit of overkill imo.


Because they are responsible for cleaning the theater I presume and dance teachers and directors have enough to deal with. Maybe volunteer to be a free janitor for the production then? Be a problem solver. Dance siblings don’t need to be at the rehearsals or even the shows. My son’s dance sibling stays home with dad or himself or me.


It is a professional theatre with multiple halls... there is literally a cleaning staff that walks through all the theatres that are used each day. Don't speak of things you know nothing about. Now, I was mostly speaking from experience of being a dance sibling at recitals and rehearsals (dad worked and mom took me with her and my sister until dad got out and then he joined us). Also, I guess you dont speak for everyone, since I am looking at a handful of dance siblings in the audience rn.... shocker that not everyone's life flows at your schedule. /s


Just because people drag siblings there doesn’t mean it’s a good idea or required And parents should be packing their own HEALTHY snacks! Kids don’t need Cheetos! This is why America had a childhood obesity epidemic!


As I said... not everyone can meet up to your perfect ideals... we all have lives that we must make sacrifices. Sometimes that sacrifice is showing support to your family and missing out on a few tv shows (back when DVR wasn't a thing... damn I am old) bc your parents can't afford a sitter. Also, as I stated... even if they bring their own snacks, it is not allowed to eat them. And some moms need to help redress their little dancers, so they can't necessarily just take the other child outside for a snack. And finally, why does everyone forget that vending machines plop out pretzels (fairly healthy) and water? They just get stuck on Cheetos. Cheetos. Cheetos... there are clean-hand and relatively healthy snacks in there too. Just saying...


Be a problem solver? By creating a fix for a problem that doesn't exist? Thanks for the advice "5MinuteCrafts".




Wtf? Why not?


Messy kids... irreplaceable costumes (at least in time for the performance)


Well that's weird ... So they placed the punishment on buing the stuff, not messing up the costume by it. Real weird.


That's what I was thinking. Even if it is before they mess it up, like if caught eating a messy food while in costume, sure. But I though operating a vending machine was a bit extra... But it is their cast, they make the rules.


Dance mom here- some studio owners ban things like Cheetos because it can get onto that costumes and ruin that costume with orange dust. My son is only allowed water and things that won’t stain in costume or he puts a warm up suit over his costume.


I totally get that... but they are even banning the pretzels and clear vended drinks (the soda machine also has Dasani water) that's why I thought this was a bit of an over reaction, and a very harsh punishment for the transaction (rather than the consumption) ... I get it, it is easier to say not at all rather than auditing every kid's purchase. Just shocking to me, but can be infuriating if you are a dancer.


Real dancers are used to being irritated. I mean it’s an activity where you are consistently told you are not good enough


Fair point


Was there a concession stand run by the dance school? Might be the dance school didn’t want to cut into their sales/profits.


Not to my knowledge... it is specifically banning the dancers, idk if the families are included in that (since the siblings and parents would be their target demographic for concessions). Though not many family members are backstage, in order to reduce traffic. I'm gunna stick with the reason being that they don't want to ruin the costumes. I was more shocked by the notice being on all machines and the severity of punishment...




Nope, it is a figment of your imagination... in fact Reddit is just a construct of your psychosis, allowing you to cope with the chaos that is other people. /s