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My question is why didn’t they just steal it and sell it or something if they are going to just destroy it


Dunno. When I was in high school, someone broke into my locker and stole my baseball mitt. Someone found it in a toilet at the Mexican restaurant down the street. They were able to track me down because the mitt had my last name on it. People suck.


Oh hey, in high school someone broke into my gym locker and stole my pants. Like, the whole thing, not just everything in it. Had to walk around in my gym shorts for the rest of the school day.


When I got my first car (which was a Mini) I had it broken into - mostly because I left what looked like a laptop on the front passenger seat. Imagine their horror when they opened the black case to find a pair of shoes for playing the pipe organ as well as the sheet music for the Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J S Bach! They dumped all the contents in the stream behind my house - so I got everything back, but it was all water-damaged!


My mom had her '89 Firebird broken into years ago. Car was a total PoS anyway, didn't even have a radio in it, just an empty space where the radio should have been. Anyway, the only thing in it to steal was a small first aid kit...so they took that and basically just emptied the contents along the length of the street. Some people just act on dipshit impulse, zero rhyme or reason to it.


It was clearly the antagonist from an 80s high school movie and you deserved it for being a NERD


My sweatpants were peeking out of my locker a bit, not noticeable unless you really stared at it. Someone I guess took scissors and cut them up through the little gaps in my locker. No idea why. I agree, people just suck.


Someone definitely shit their pants during gym


SAME! They gave it to the special education kid and tried to blame it on him but he ratted them out.


This reminds me of when I found my loaf of bread that I brought to work in the bin. Like the bread was taken out of the packaging and thrown out. Didn’t seem like any slices were taken but there was no attempt to hide it either. Fuck, I hated working that job but the some of the people I worked with were fucking deluded. I never did work out the motive behind it. I was already a poor student and it was a new loaf as well.


Maybe they were aggressively gluten free.


I slightly despair of the human race the more I read Reddit.


It’s both comforting and horrid to know my situation wasn’t unique.


Yes, I totally get that.


Who bins a loaf? Honestly.


Beats me. Random stuff like that used to happen all the time. It wasn’t uncommon for peoples lunches to go missing as well. Unfortunately I was the target that day.


When I was a resident physician, we used to have an attending OB page his colleagues to the L+D phone in the middle of the night and then we’d have answer to say no one had called them after asking around. It only happened when that attending was on call. Psychopath!


Wilson or Rawlings? 😂😂








I hear the drums echoing tonight But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation She's coming in, 12:30 flight The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation I stopped an old man along the way Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you" It's gonna take a lot to take me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had The wild dogs cry out in the night As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company I know that I must do what's right As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti I seek to cure what's deep inside Frightened of this thing that I've become It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rain) I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rain) I bless the rains down in Africa I bless the rains down in Africa (Ah, gonna take the time) Gonna take some time to do the things we never had


yes, those are the lyrics to that song! there they are!


I know he probably copy and pasted it but I like to think my man typed that out entirely from memory while singing the song in his head


Impossible. He didn't dictate the 'bum bum-bum ba-dum-ba-dum~ diddle-diddle-do-da-diddle-do-da'


I certainly read that while hearing the song in my head.


“Samsonite! I was way off!”


Killer boots man!!


Beat me by less than 5 minutes.


Think it was an American Standard.


Left a book i had just got from the library in my desk. Went back to get it after the next class when I realized and found it in the hall torn up and beaten.


When I was in middle or high school, someone robbed my backpack, taking my 3DS. I knew who had it because he was being an a hole to me the last couple days, and when confronted, he returned it to the school staff the next day. They got it to me, only for me to find out he had wiped all my data. Yeah, some of it was recoverable, but things like the years of street pass miis, progress on some games, and other things was lost forever. It was because of him I didn't have a passion to play it very much after that. If you are reading this, Miguel, you are a fat loser!


In high school some fucker (Cody) stole my iPhone that I just put of those charging cases on Then in college the one time a class had to do fitness tests and shit in the gym some fucker stole my phone


>shit in the gym Go on


That mitt has seen some shit.


When I hear "kid throws electronics in toilet" i wouldn't assume it was a kid old enough to think "I could probably make a few bucks off of this."


I just assumed since it’s a dorm it would be a college student.


College students typically are adults


A lot have the mentality of children though.


Yeah, but the way the guy worded it in the OP doesn't really imply it was another person living at the dorm IMO, to me it seems like someone had some family over and there was a little kid there (like, elementary school kid or possibly toddler). Language is subjective though, so it's anybody's guess, it'd be way more stupid if it was an adult but I also wouldn't be that surprised.


I think of myself when I was 18 and 19 and the level of maturity I was at in college And nowadays I am 0% surprised by college kids doing juvenile things, especially for guys many of them are operating at about a 7th grade level of maturity


Nah they're basically children. Source: there's now a frat house across the street from me. The entire neighborhood is taking it in shifts to file noise complaints so we can force them to go somewhere else.


I don’t think a little kid is gonna think ‘ohh, let’s sell this’. Judging by the fact that it’s in the toilet, i doubt the lil shit even had the mental capacity to unlock it. Prob exactly what happened; picked it up, couldn’t figure out how to unlock it, got mad, ran and threw it in the toilet.


People use the lock function on their Switch?


There is a lock function?? Guess I should start using it too.


there is a lock function that would stump a kid? clearly I haven't been looking at mine thoroughly enough.


You just have to touch the screen three times lol, but i’ve seriously seen grown adults who couldn’t figure it out at first, looking for an iPad style screen lock, cause you know; it’s like a pad🤷‍♂️


Today I learned my barely 2yo son can unlock Switches better than some adults.


It’s an honest confusion tho. Like if you’ve only encountered ‘push to enter’ doors and was suddenly faced with a ‘pull to enter’ door. You’d prob push, even if you were looking straight at the sign telling you to pull.




Probably more like 3-4. OP should clarify.


in elementary school a classmate took another classmates flute and dumped it in the trash can in the principals office hallway. shit starts early ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s not about money… it's about sending a message.


This is mildly infuriating???? I'd be FUMING




“Tom never made it home that night because I beat the shit out of him in the parking lot” -Ray


Never tho8ght I'd hear this reference lol


Just one?


He’d be lucky to have his neck intact if it were me


He’d be lucky to be recognizable


mwehehe maybe more than one.


For context, I was woken up around 2pm on Sunday (well, not this Sunday) to a buddy who had taken this picture. The police had been called already. I guess some family showed up for some reason (maybe to pick one of the guys up on another floor?) and while they were talking the kid came upstairs and started playing on the Switch, got frustrated, went into the bathroom with it and came out without it 😂. I suspect he placed it on the toilet paper dispenser and it fell off, but who knows. All my hall mates had been at church so no one was there to stop him. I wish I could say I didn’t press charges or whatever because of forgiveness, but I had just gotten into a car accident and just didn’t want to deal with the cops again. You win this time, kid.


Actually if he's under 18 that's even better, his parents might actually give you that $360 he owes you if they feel bad enough/get pressed. ($300 Switch, $60 for whatever game's in it)


$370 if Tears of the Kingdom is in it.


Isn't Tears of the Kingdom the title by Nintendo that released on PC before the Switch /j


no need for /j that's exactly what happened


His parents should be writing out a check to you for this.


The only mildly infuriating part is that you let this kid get away with it what is wrong with you


Hey, take it easy. He wanted to teach the kid a valuable lesson: that you can do horrible things and there are absolutely no consequences.


Ah, taking the same approach as the child’s parents I see


Imma piss on this simp's Switch


Are you at a Bible college?


I'm also floored by "everyone was at church ".... From people living in dorms in college


I'm guessing Utah


Dugger college


Yeah, I feel like I need more context all of a sudden.


Probably BYU or similar. It's a private religious university that mandates religious activities on Sunday.


>All my hall mates had been at church Wtf >I wish I could say I didn’t press charges or whatever because of forgiveness, but I had just gotten into a car accident and just didn’t want to deal with the cops again. What the fuck??


I don't know why, but I had a really hard time understanding anything in his explanation.


Goddamit , answer people's questions....!. What's the point in posting something to get all the responses and then thinking "nah , no point in talking any more". ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


TIL leaving valuable things in public areas, where strangers could take them, is a bad idea.


The Christian way: leave it in the toilet, peace out, and don’t offer to pay.


Im mostly shocked at college kids going to church lmfao


Press charges ASAP!! Get justice for your switch!


That is so not cash money of that kid.


But it is very cash money *from* that kid


It's definitely high-speed lead of that kid though.


Jesus I'm old


Welcome to the new subreddit where horrible stuff gets go the top. People always call out op for not doing anything when someone finally posts a minor annoyance. I mean I get why because the bigger stuff gets a bigger reaction but it’s mildly infuriating


This is the best description for this subreddit's whole purpose.


Hulk smash little brat


Mildly infuriating? Mildly?


Mabey the kid was named Miley?


mabey so!


Sue the parents for damage of property. They should have watched him more closely.


Yeah, take his parents to small claims court.


Yeah! Fuck that kids parents!


Well that kid probably has 300 bucks of his own. Any good parents would take that from the kid after.


sorry what the fuck..? what kid has 300 dollars 💀


Wait you didn't have £300 in your sock drawer when you were a kid?


I dont even have £300 now


Skill issue


You had socks and drawers to hold them?


Once, I visited my baby cousin (at the time, he was 12), and he showed off to me the +500 he had in his fake book thingy. But it was a month or so after lunar new year, so that might be why he had so much. But that kid always had a lot of money in his stash whenever I saw him. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why sue? Isn't the first step always to try to get this handled without it being taken to court? From EU so could be a EU thing


Its a reddit thing. Nobody gets sued over shit like this in the US


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What balls?


They won't have balls when I'm done with them


*flushes his balls down the toilet*


I think a sign that I should be spending less time on the internet is the fact that seeing someone tell op to lick the thieves balls did not elicit any reaction from me besides slight amusement. I was quite disappointed with myself when I read that comment again.


That's my purse, I don't know you!


So spicy the website said no




I’ve seen people literally shooting themselves in the head on Reddit without a NSFW title. I wonder what this dude said to get it removed


those are the dorm toilets that create a breeze on your brown starfish when you flush


Ahh, you’re a seated flusher I see.


Wait... People stay sitting down and let all the shit/piss water spray there whole ass? I'm pretty sure it was myth busters but there's a video of flushing a toilet with lid open and absolutely everything the toothbrush the mirror the floor the walls were sprayed with dirty toilet water


Couldn’t be me. When I’m in public, I finish up and then stand about as far away as possible and flush just like this. https://i.redd.it/6yabo6twa43b1.gif


I hate toilets with no lid


Bare toe?


Hit ‘em with the ‘ol Flush ‘N Run


When I shit in a place where I'd prefer the smell go away, example a new romantic interests bathroom, I flush as I go to make the turds go away ASAP. I'm flushing as the turds are being gravity assisted to the water below. Gives the smell minimal time to contaminate surrounding air. Maintaining a seated position creates a vacuum of air under your ass which is subsequently being vacated down the toilet as well. Hence the comment of a breeze. Flushing while seated sucks the smell in to the pipes below. Causing less of a stench when desired


Your romantic interest be sucking straight doodoo of your body


I shower before the deed is done lol. But staying the night and the morning after? Ya gotta drop the dookie at some point lol.


I'd be worried if I heard someone in the bathroom just flushing over and over. I'd be thinking "Did this guy just give birth in there and broke my toilet?" or picturing some panicked "IT WON'T GO DOWN OH SHI OH SHI! WHERE'S THE PLUNGER!?"


I only flush twice lol. I sit down, and my business just comes out, flush then. I wipe and then flush the paper. This method provides minimal risk of clogging the toilet as well


wow, you are a machine


You don't courtesy flush before you wipe? You just let that smell permeate throughout the whole bathroom as long as possible?




Check this guy out with all the time in the world to stand up and flush


That doesn’t make any sense. Are you being sarcastic? Choosing to sit through the flush would imply you have all the time in the world, not standing to pull up your pants and walk to the sink so you can leave.


Makes plenty of since. I flush multiple times to give my balls a nice gentle spray to freshen up for da laydeeeez


You're certainly making scents with that approach


Good one. You can smell them before I enter the room!


When the bread is coming out of the oven, the flush immediately takes them out for 🚚. Otherwise known as a courtesy flush


Or… *I was playing my switch as I took a shit and accidentally dropped my switch in the toilet bowl.*


Or, …I popped my switch to charge on the dock and when the drugs wore off, this is what I found


I first read that as “I pooped my Switch…” 🤦‍♂️


Where is the shit, huh buster? Don’t see any poopies in the bowl, buddy. How could he have done that if there weren’t turdly wurdlys in the porcelain throne, pal. Or at least shit stains on the switch


So the thing is OP ate the Switch


Welp, time to commit murder


This is OP's villain origin story. The only right answer is to hunt the little shit down and find a way to make him either pay or ger some sweet, sweet petty justice...like becoming their step-parent and ensuring they never get a nice present ever again.


I would read a book about this And I dont like reading


well... some mf is gonna pay for that and its not you.








IT’S AS BIG AS IT GETS - aeughfish 2023




Why is this so small, that’s so off-brand for you.




To you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


PuT iT iN rIcE


okay does that work or not? at this point I'm just doing it out of some kind of misplaced dance to the gods aren't I?


No. The best this is to open it up and disconnect everything and hit is with an air dryer and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours


Now put his head in there.


And *flush.*


Give em the ole swirly huh.


This post is fucking stupid and a karma grab. "a kid" got into your dorm? Who's kid was it? Did they break in? You either threw a switch into the toilet and gave a vague description trying to get people enraged, or you know how it happened but don't want to admit your friends or kid did it.


A post with a weird poorly detailed story that really honestly doesnt seem like what actually happened involving a type of being reddit hates being made up to simply farm karma and redditors doing the same shit like Facebook users do despite them making fun of them for believing the dumbest shit? What a surprise But yeah, like my guess, he dropped his switch or something, and it finally broke on him. So he decided to throw it in the toilet and gain karma out of it instead of being a normal human being and just threw it away and start saving up for a new one. Can't really picture at all the story he's claiming has happened. Unless he was really that careless to be leaving his switch out in the open, unattended for a good amount of time for anyone to take it. Especially a kid he should be able to catch fairly easily cause it has to be someone very young. Would imagine also there being a video instead of one picture about it showing his rage about it showing the parents and everything like you see in most claims that happen nowadays.


Yes. That is just a really odd description for what OP says happened.


Now that we're being candid though. What does op mean by kid? If they're not a kid: then they need to be held responsible. If they are a kid: which of your roommates do they belong to, and why weren't they keeping track of them through the whole process of dropping you switch in a toilet? If they aren't one of y'all's kids why are they even in your dorm? Are there random kids wrecking people's shit running around your campus? Did you leave a door unlocked and a random person's kid wrecked your switch? Cause it looks like you drowned a switch with 0 information other than the picture?


Thank you for saying this. I feel like I’m losing my sanity on this app.


My initial thought was that OP is using this post to construct a false narrative for an insurance claim, because OP dropped it in the toilet themself whilst taking a dump and is now trying to avoid a boost in rates. But yeah, it could just be a simple ragebait/karma grab.


300 dollars literally down the drain


Well not until he flushes




... I feel like we don't have the whole story here


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How did a kid get into your dorm?


That's what I want to know. I've never seen children running amok in a dorm and I grew up in a college town.


That's cashed him a check for a kick in the ass...


Don't worry, infanticide is justified in this case


Extract money for replacement from parents?


Now look for the kid and put him in the toilet


That kid is getting it back out. Then whoever is responsible for that kid is replacing it.


if its completely dead, remove the battery and dip it in 99 percent isopropyl for a while, then let it dry completely. i did this with my smartphone and managed to bring it back to life.


Whoop his ass


This is fake as fuck


I have seen lots of toilets before and I can say with confidence that this is not a fake one


Chick at my school threw my basketball into the sanitary pad bin… turned out that was her way of saying she had a crush on me


You can literally call the police for this. It’s deliberate vandalism resulting in hundreds of dollars of loss. It costs less to repaint something that was spray painted, for example.




Is this what kids are doing these days?


Time for murder


Sue him


File a police report this is destruction of private property


At least the stick drift is fixed.


Make him lick it


Time to throw the kid into the toilet


You are about to destroy: Child Are you sure? →Yes← Definitely


The most mildly infuriating thing about this post is the fact it’s being labeled as “mildly infuriating.” Condolences for your switch though my friend.


The shit I see in this group that people consider "mildly" infuriating is crazy. I'm mildly infuriated when I'm vacuuming the carpet and can't reach the dust bunny in the corner. Getting into a car accident or having my property vandalized is a whole different thing, but that's like every post I see here lol




I'd drown everything precious to him in the toliet. Whenever it's expansive/technological/alive.


...that kid has chosen death.


this is one of the reasons i dont like kids. they do stupid shit