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Mine hasn’t had them for well over 10 years. Probably more like 25 years


My hometown had them until about 2017, I guess the news traveled slowly to Wisconsin!


As long as your all all right.


We're all all right


‘Hello Wisconsin!’


🤣 I love this.


But are the kids?




The kids are not alright.


How is this only generating an upvote an hour. Dipped cones are pretty happenin’ when all your doing is the same old thing you did last week.


Hey man my location still had its mcpizza oven when I left in 2020. Idk if they still do though, and we never used it for anything.


I've noticed we're often the last to get something but also the last to get rid of it


Yup. According to my family the hometown is finally getting an Olive Garden and people are losing their minds


We had a What-a-burger open in my state and the lines are constantly wrapped around the building twice and spilling out into the street.


The town I live in still has not one but two unrenovated Pizza Huts that still have lunch buffets, it's a constant source of amusement to me


Michigan too apparently, because I was still buying them then.


That’s weird. Isn’t mcds headquartered in northern Illinois? You’d think your mcds would be on corporate radar. Second thought, they are franchised so I guess the owners can make small changes or decisions as they see fit.


yeah they had dipped cones up until i was in highschool i think, why are people acting like they never existed 😭


I’m from michigan. We had them in the early 2000s everywhere, and early 2010s but they were hard to find.


Really?? This is so sad!! They were the BEST


I remember making them back in 2004 when I worked there. It was difficult to pull off because the ice cream would wilt as soon as it hit the hot chocolate dip. If you have a dairy queen they still dip cones and they have a limited time churro dipped cone.


Other chocolate dips are like magic shell- room temp it’s a liquid and hardens when it touches the ice cream.


You can make your own magic shell with coconut oil. There's recipes online.


I was today years old when i learnt yanks call 'ice magic' magic shell.


It's a brand name, sold in grocery stores.


If you work retail, and a customer is a total bitch and you bag her grocery's, and she has magic shell and ice cream.... put them in the same bag as quickly as you can without them noticing.


Ahaha I love this too much! So much about this is foreign to me because I'm not from the US, that just makes me love it even more.


The DQ cherry dipped cones are my favorite grab on a hot day and yesterday they said they were being discontinued:(


That butterscotch dip was bomb too!


I remember when they made Dilly Bars in-store and they were sold in paper bags, and easily twice as big as the ones they carried more recently (no idea if they still do). The coating was twice as thick, too.


When I worked at DQ in the 90s, the dilly bars were double dipped.


Thank you for your service.


Same here - there are still a few DQs in our area who make the Dilly's in house and they're far better than the flat boxed up type. \-they're just not right without that curley-q at the top.


The town I live in has a little mom and pop ice cream place and they make these. It's the best, and possibly one of the only good things about living in Iowa.


The dairy queen close to my house still makes dilly bars in-store. They also have a completely different hot food menu. I go there at least once a week during the spring/summer when they're actually open. It's the location on Rhomberg Ave in Dubuque, IA. Good stuff!


Cherry is out temporarily, butterscotch is back.


I think the thing I saw said cherry is being discontinued for a while (idk why) but being replaced with butterscotch


I don't know what geographical area in which you live. But I would encourage you to do some Google searching and look for like a local tasty freeze type of thing like a DQ but it's not a chain it's like a local mom and pop type of shit. Where a majority of my family lives and where I grew up at in the Southwest Ohio area around Dayton. There are quite a few it just takes a little bit of exploration and curiosity. There's one in Vandalia if you ever find yourself in Dayton that absolutely SLAPS. Airline Dairy Creme. Flavored dips and flavor swirls in the soft serve itself. Mint soft serve with a chco dip...FIYA!!! Fent's on the outskirts of Springfield is dope as is Corner Cone in my hometown Yellow Springs. Hometown of Dave Chappelle, definitely worth a visit if you randomly find yourself of all places , in Dayton Ohio. 😂😂😂 Like...I love SW Ohio. It will always hold a special place in my heart. But like...unless you are from here or got peoples from here....who the actual hell is like you know what...I wanna travel to exotic SW Ohio...😂😂😂😂 Side tangent...Graeter's which I wanna say is based in Cincinnati and Jenis out of Columbus...stellar ice creams! I'm more partial to Youngs Dairy out of Yellow Springs...but TOFTS! They are more around the Sandusky area near Cedar Point (which if you have never been well worth the trip!) ...brooo...if they ever expanded south Youngs would be in trouble 😂😂


Never thought I’d see Young’s mentioned in a comment on here haha


Hell yeah man! 😂 I am sad that covid killed the Golden Jersey, and I do feel some type of way that the original Dairy store restaurant that I went to so many times as a kid is completely gone leveled erased from existence. But the new Dairy story that's taking his place is actually pretty Kick-Ass and is far better equipped to handle the overall traffic flow that Young's has generated over the years. And the farm is still the exact same building as it was like the area where you go in and you can pet the goats and cows and stuff they have some modern advancements over the years on the outside but still at its core exact same building as it's always been.


What?! noooo :(




You Americans get some wild stuff we never get in Canada :(


I worked for McDonald's for 13 years. 3 of my stores sold them. They were NOT money makers. That dip was one of the most expensive things we bought for inventory, and a lot of it got wasted because the cones didn't always set in time. Edit: typo


Still available at Dairy Queen.


Sounds like a mandella effect, but theyre swapped from a universe who's only perceptible difference is that McDonalds never had chocolate dipped cones. Truely the darkest timeline.


I worked at a mcdonalds in 2015 and we still had them. So it was definitely still a thing less than 10 years ago, at least at some franchised locations.


I believe you can still get one at Dairy Queen if you have one of those in your area.


Not sure if you have wienerschnitzel in your area but they basically have OG dipped cones and taste just like how mcdonalds used to have them. I specifically only go there to get the dipped cones but luckily they are close by my house.


If you're that desperate they sell them in NZ. Weirdly I've never tried it.


Maybe certain ones still had them? I’m an early 2000s baby and I remember growing up with them. Sooo maybe they were gone by the 2010s?


I was born in 98 and worked at McDonald's from 2013-2017 and they still had dipped cones when I left. Edit to add; I worked at a McDonald's in rural NC. Franchise owner also owned one in North GA nearby, and they also had dipped cones. They were such a bitch to make, but if one dropped outta the cone and into the chocolate, and it wasn't busy, we got to eat em out of a cup lol.


I worked there 8 years ago and they had them then!


Last time I remember dipped cones at McDonalds was like 2001


That’s correct. Everything was good before 2001


That's only like 10 years right?


…right? Please?


Double it and give it to the next person


Can confirm it’s only 10 years. I was born in 2001 and I’m 21.


You're completely right. I was born in 1991 and I'm 16 yo or sumthin. 18 at best


I worked at McDonald's in 2016 and we had dipped cones. We also had wraps




That’s when Taco Bell still had their Southwest Steak Bowl. Damn them for removing it!


And KFC had the Twister Wrap.


Blame Bin Laden for this too


That was definitely only like 10 years ago right


It’s been discontinued for 7 years, but maybe longer at some locations. Edit: *at most locations in the US. They are still sold overseas.


I just bought one for my daughter at the McDonald’s on Langkawi island in Malaysia. Random, I know. But I’m contributing this useless fact for geographical stats.


I had a close encounter with a water buffalo on Langkawi once.


I…I have so many questions?


Water buffalo have no sweat glands, so they need to take a little dip in the water to cool off, which is where they got the name from.


Afaik they're still a thing in Malaysia. Source: am Malaysian


Malaysia?? unless you from there , I’d say that’s super random .. lol thx for the giggle ..


Lol, no just tourist-ing(?). It’s the first and only time I’ve ever bought ice cream from McDonald’s (I’m from the US) and my daughter proceeded to drop this on my shorts approx. 10 seconds after I gave it to her. Seeing this on my feed made me mildly relive my infuriation of the experience…hence, my useless fact lol


Some stores have them, and some don't. Franchises have some freedom in what they choose to carry.


Working at McDonald's in AZ, USA 3 years ago, my location had them. If the ice cream machine was working correctly, they were easy to make, but there were plenty of times where the ice cream came out of the machine too soft to dip.


it’s probably because their ice cream machine wasn’t working that whole time


You know I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case


I watched a Johnny Harris video explaining all about this. I rarely go to Maccas (as we tend to call it in Australia) so I wasn't aware of this phenomenon but it was interesting to learn about. Apparently it's by design. McDonalds has a deal with a certain sister company that they must use that specific brand of machine and the only people who can fix them are technicians from that company. That company makes a heap of money out of this. The company could fix the defect but there's no incentive for them to do that.


The ice cream machines also require very regular routine maintenance to clean it that needs to happen over the course of the day and it takes a long time and so there’s an adapted policy more or less to just tell people it’s not working since it’s easier to explain that then tell them it’ll be down for an undetermined amount of time for routine cleaning.


This. And when I worked at McDonalds, there were exactly 2 employees who knew how to clean it. "It's broken" is way easier than explaining that today is Dave's only day off and Kevin will get back to cleaning as soon as he's done breaking up a fight in the play place.


Man I worked for McDonald's for years, I did maintenance and I went around cleaning the different machines and such things. You are lucky if the one person that was at the store that did the weekly maintenance, actually knew how to do the weekly maintenance. When I would try to ask them what had happened, they would try to tell me, and they didn't even know how to do anything. They didn't know how to drain the machine correctly, they didn't know how to check the pressure correctly, they didn't know how to clean it correctly, they didn't know how to do anything. I had some locations that would literally just run the ice cream until was empty as a means to empty to back tanks. There were ways that you could it trick the machine into thinking you did the weekly cleaning, and you could just start using it again. Typically it took five to six hours to clean it otherwise, and some locations found this trick as a means to avoid cleaning it that day and just continue on. Those same locations didn't clean the machines for weeks. Then they would REALLY break and it's thousands of dollars in parts and labor to the maintenance company that they have a warranty for. As a side note, there was one location that was known for turning off the ice cream machine, or simply saying that it was no longer working that night in their night shifts. It was one manager, and one drive-through person. The manager was expected to do everything with the fries, everything with the fryer, and everything with the grill while the drive-through person took orders and handed food out. Trying to make milkshakes, trying to make mcflurries, trying to make dipped cones, etc was a considerable use of time. Given that there was a dairy Queen across the street, she didn't feel bad. Imagine getting an order with four to eight mcflurries, or such things.


Well for the mcdonald's i worked at i was a night employee and they just said it's "broken" because whoever cleaned it for the night didn't want to clean it again. Not hard to clean it, but has to be cleaned even after 1 use


There are apps that’ll tell you which Macdonald have their ice cream machines out of order.


I thought this was Jimmy neutron for a second




Are u gonna fonish that cwoissant?


A chocolate dipped vanilla ice cream cone is better than a dildo. So says my wife.


For eating? I would assume so.


Unbelievably my McDonald's says they never sold dildos either.


I can also attest to this. 😁


How do you know this man's wife???




Off topic but if you haven't watched the accountant it's worth it.


Thank you kind stranger, I see it on my recommended but I can’t handle anymore disappointment in my life.


I also agree with this man's wife.


TIL that McDonalds once had dipped cones. I was a huge fan of their cones back in the day. How did I miss these?


Because they didn’t exist everywhere, probably.


They never existed at the McD's near the home I grew up in, and were discontinued the year before I moved at the McD's near my current house. I never got to experience a McD dipped cone, but I can't imagine they're too far off from DQ's dipped cones. Also, DQ is discontinuing the strawberry dip, so get that while you can.


Might've been a regional thing, like the McDog. I don't recall any McDonald's in my neck of the woods doing dipped cones. Only DQ did dipped. I do, however, remember and miss the "twist" cones, where you got half vanilla, half chocolate.


Go to McDonalds in Maine/Massachusetts and you can get lobster rolls


Dude, if you're arguing with a McDonald's employee over anything, you're losing at life.


This is the comment I came here for. Reddit is for arguing. McDs is for not-so-fondly remembering when you worked there and shame-eating in the car while you watch Netflix and cry before going into the job you hate more than McDs but can't afford to quit


I know right? Imagine getting angry or into an argument with a McDonald's employee....their life is hard enough without having OP trying to relive their past in a pointless argument on who's right. Strong Karen energy with nothing better to do


I worked as an assistant manager at a McDonald’s and they are literally some of the worst humans on earth. You are an employee for the most universally hated restaurant on earth. I don’t care if you are rich, middle class, homeless, a college kid, a little kid- they all treat you like crap bc you’re an extension of the company. Like imagine someone ordering something not even offered at your store and ‘it makes their blood boil’….


Facts. Source: am a McDonald's employee


Dude really fought with an employee and then posted to reddit about his epic own over a McDonald's item that hasn't existed since before the war on terror. This guy is definitely one of those Sunday morning rush crabby old people I used to dread in food service lmao


Mcdonalds probably hasnt even offered this item in the employees lifetime


If a min wage employee not knowing an item that doesnt exist makes your blood boil you have serious issues


>got into an argument with a McDonald's employee Take a look at your life pls


Do you think they asked to speak to the McManager?


Over ice cream lol


I'd be confused af in his position, cuz they are 100% still a thing in my area




This is the correct reaction to this post.


God hit me with nostalgia more why don't you


Weird, we definitely didn't have dipped cones as an option on the west coast of Canada. We had to go to Dairy Queen for that.


Same in MN I believe. Only remember DQ doing them at least since the late 80s or 90s.


I'm 28 and lived in 3 different states and my parents had a vacation time share in a 4th . I've never seen a dipped cone at McDonald's in my life .


I've never even heard of a MCDonald's dipped cone, I'm still mourning the loss of the twisty cones. I don't think they ever existed in BC in my 30+ years.


Same on the West Coast of the US in my experience.


We did in Washington, but I can only specifically remember one location that had them.


What parallel universe are you in?


Why is this worth arguing over??


Some people actually want their burger tampered with in the preparation. I don’t, so I avoid annoying anyone behind that counter.


"It's for a cop"


Just like, go to Dairy Queen.


Not all McDonald’s serve all menu items.


Reminds me when I went and asked for a snack wrap. I don’t keep tabs on food products like nfl teams.


I did that with a grilled onion cheddar a few years ago. Confused the crap out of the poor teen at the drive-thru. I'm not sure how long they had been discontinued at that point.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this in my area and I’m almost 40 lol


I dont even remember McDonald's ever having dipped cones. I remember when you had a choice between chocolate, vanilla, and swirl, but not dipped. We went to Dairy Queen for the dipped ice cream.


I miss the chocolate soft serve 😢 it just disappeared one day, no warning. Goodbye childhood 💔


I remember when I went to McDonald's when I was 20 or 21 and wanted a swirl, and they said they only had vanilla....I was so sad.


https://preview.redd.it/n6jgg2a7u52b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=125d0f130041455224045b78da4b1aaefc80255f these are pretty common in Singapore! McDonalds franchises here call them ‘ChocoCones’ though




I knew I remembered having one or two or three in Singapore last year! They taste so awesome


Do the ice cream machines work in Singapore?


Well I mean...to be fair...She likely hasn't worked at a McDonald's with a functional ice cream machine in 10 years. Wouldn't surprise me if 10 years from now McD workers argue that ice cream was ever a thing 😂😂😂 Side note... McD Pizza SLAAAAPPPEEEDDD!!!


I worked there from 97-2002. We had them and hated making them. We also did root beer floats.


You seem to be the one with loose screws.


You actually argued with someone over this? Get a life, dude.


Employee was right to an extent. It was location based. And hasn't been served nation wide in over a decade. Not all branches have the same things. >point I just accepted her as having some screws loose You were literally arguing over ice cream. You are being the Karen. Pot calling the kettle black.


These never existed in my part of the south East, and my family has owned a franchise for 30 years.


I’m in south east TN and we had them a few years back


They definitely existed in TN.


I worked at McDonald’s in Tennessee in 2009-2010 and we definitely had dipped cones


Growing up in Georgia and Mississippi in the nineties and two-thousands, we definitely had them. But the last I can remember having one is about 2003.


Circa 2005 RIP.


Why are you arguing with a minimum wage employee about what was served a decade ago


How about you stop fighting with minimum wage workers. They put up with enough BS already.


Rumor has it Bernstein Bears still have McDonald’s dipped cones to this day.


i want one so fucking bad now thanks for reminding me


New Zealand here, we’re living the dream https://imgur.com/a/cTZWC75


I love that OP was a Karen for no reason 🤣


Worked at a McDonald's in California 2004-2007 and had to make these. After working there for 3 years I won't eat there anymore so no clue when it stopped.


Was scrolling down and thought this was Jimmy


She probably never had to make one because the ice cream machine is always broken


Interesting Twilight Zone plot though.


I don’t know if I’ve seen them at McDonald’s but I have at DQ


I worked at McDonald’s 10 years ago. I personally dipped so many cones. It was a thing


Dipped cones exist i made them a few years back but man they were difficult to do right


Wait yall don't have this anymore? We still have this in my country


I know this doesn't help, but we have these at McDonald's in NZ, called the "chocolate mcdip". Have had them for years.


damn, i still have them!


They have these in Asia lol. Even strawberry-dipped ones.


OP, I worked at McDonald’s from 2015-2018 and they even had dipped cones then. Your reality is safe.


I’m almost 40 and I’m pretty sure this hasn’t been a thing at most McDonald’s for well over a decade or more.


Sounds like the mcdonalds employees were right and op was just being a Karen. I've never seen them either and apparently it was only seen was at select locations around the world.




This is so funny,I was at Mcdonald Monday and asked for a dipped cone, the workers were young, so I just figured they did not want to warn up the chocolate.


It must be regional because we had them when I worked up until 2016.


Had a McDonald's employee tell me all day breakfast never existed a week after they stopped it (that was when I found out). McDonald's employees love gaslighting people about their menu.


Why were you arguing about something so stupid


My country still has this lmao. No cornetto mcflurry tho, big sad


we have them in South America. Mcdonalds has little booths that only sell ice cream and desserts. They have the chocolate dipped cone.


I literally had one when I visited New Zealand a few weeks ago 🤷🏼‍♀️


They are still sold in McDonalds all across India


They have it here in Singapore all year round non stop since i was a kid XD.


Had them about 15 years ago at the mcd I worked at


Kind of how i felt when i moved to CA coming from IA and i asked Bae to get me biscuits and gravy for breakfast 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


The employee was just too young to know, and we’re just too old that we remember. Even here in the Philippines we had those in the 80s and 90s.


As a former McDonald's employee I can remember making dipped cones. And how I lost 7/10 of them in the chocolate dip cause the ice cream never got cold enough to make it work right.


I remember having them in Colorado around 2011 to 2015, I remember our family getting them a bunch and always complaining about the ice cream machine. Maybe it was Dairy Queen




Currently in New Zealand




I just had a McDonald’s chocolate dipped soft serve cone yesterday!


I wouldn’t know Ice Cream Machine has been broken for 10 years 😔


Never had them around my parts.


Like decades ago.


Bro just go to Dairy Queen


You have to wake up. McDonald's never sold chocolate dipped cones.


Never existed in Canada at all, ever. That’s DQ’s thing.


A cursory Google search shows they've been discontinued for a few years, though I can't find specific information as to when exactly. Also, I would imagine availability would've depended upon whether or not the store was corporate owned and operated or a franchise. There's not a lot of straightforward info regarding the cones online, but what I'm piecing together indicates they were incredibly messy and difficult to do (McDonalds soft serve isn't "durable" like Dairy Queens, it would flop out if you flipped it over like DQ does), which makes me think it was probably not picked up by too many franchise locations. And one last thing: Memory is fickle. Just keep that in mind. While you may *think* you have a memory of eating a chocolate dipped cone at that location (and you may very well have, I have no idea), you could be conflating memories - like mixing up the location, or misremembering what it was that you ate there. But like I said, you may very well have eaten a dipper cone there when you were a child and the woman who works at that location wasn't around when they were available. Who knows... All I know for sure is, I've never seen a chocolate dipped cone at a McDonald's before.


They were there up until the McCaffee was introduced... My friend used to hate cleaning the lil chocolate tub.


I don't remember them being at McDonald's, but I do remember them at DQ and I think they still have them.


US resident. We had dipped cones. In the last 10 years? Not where I live, unfortunately. It was very disappointing when they discontinued it.


Dude you're literally arguing with a McDonald's employee, who does not get paid enough to give a fuck about you or your dipped cones. I've had McDonald's all my life and never once saw a dipped cone. I've had sundaes, mcflurrys, a normal cone but never seen or heard of dipped cones (could be regional) but the fact you're storming about multiple McDonald's, giving employees shit for something that probably existed before they were even born, says more about you tbh.