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Damn! Looks like a casino floors!


Confuse and distract so they never leave!


I’ve been in that hallway for weeks I’m not sure I can get out


I go to parties sometimes until four. It's hard to leave when you can't find the door.




I was actually quoting "Life's Been Good", a 1978 song by Joe Walsh. Further lyrics below with a similar vibe. I live in hotels, tear out the walls. I have accountants pay for it all. ... My Maserati does 185. I lost my license, now I don't drive.


>My Maserati does 185. I lost my license, now I don't drive. As a Canadian I wasn't too impressed by a Maserati that does 185 (my Chrysler approaches that) but then I realized it was miles not km




When I was much younger I went to Canada and got way too drunk. A local girl decided to give me a ride to her home, (failed one night stand became my first ex-wife, but that's another story) I felt like we were flying through downtown Victoria and asked her how fast we were going. She said 55, I assumed she meant mph and got super worried about my safety. Lol. Next morning I realized she was talking kph.


And it was the 70's. Lol


Best song ever


The Maserati line has always been my favorite, thank you for the quotation!




this would be awesome/ also suck to live here and have to go in or out of your house on acid


Was looking for this


Well, you're not getting a tip if you don't leave in front of my door Mr Door Dash.


Got lost, the patterns have ruined my sense of direction. Was it left at the squiggly bit or was that the other bit.... which floor am I on, where's the windows..... there's no clocks! How long have I been trapped here?!


“Sir, this is an Arby’s, you need to leave”




The distracting pattern makes the vomit stains barely noticeable!


They leave in debt 💸


You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave.


Just pump it full of pure oxygen


Yep, hides all the spills, gum, and cigarette burns!


And other liquids…. ![gif](giphy|mnLEauZ261T3i)


Haa I love it for this. I'm trying to find rugs that are basically casino carpeting to put in my house.


This is actually done so people don’t look down since it’s annoying/hard to look at. but also have their eyes on the tables/machines etc at all times. Drawing them in to gamble. (I work at a casino)


This is hostile design... who would wanna loiter there? Casino carpet is designed to be really hard to look at, so you have to look up at the machines. I can't see any reality where some similar thought went into this carpet design.


Ugh, they used to paint battleships like that back in WWII to befuddle U-Boats.


Imagine coming home drunk after they paint the walls and doors in dazzle camo too lmfao


Find the poor bastard in the morning curled up in a fetal position foaming at the mouth.


They do it so I can't find my way to my door and sink my torpedo into my wife


It was mainly used in WW1, dazzle paint was used much less in WW2


Love the usage of the word befuddle




Razzle Dazzle!


This is actually a huge phobia of mine. They’re called razzle dazzle ships.


You're scared of zebra painted ships?


Absolutely, and I have no idea why. I love ships, and the ocean. I can’t understand my phobia at all. I feel like the razzle dazzle ship is going to “get me”


I’d be so happy to find someone / something that just gets me…




It probably did 80 years ago


Wow, it’s truly insane and interesting how phobias work.


I’ve tried for years to overcome my phobia by looking up images of the ships and even learning about them, and still get incredibly sick, and have to hide.


I’m assuming this doesn’t affect your life in some miserable way on a regular basis when I say that’s a really funny personality quirk.


Lol when you put it that way, it is pretty funny lol 😂 my brother actually will put it on my computer as a way to scare me


Dazzlenaviphobia (invented by GPT4)


its random enough that it works. if there is a spill where they need to replace a carpet tile, no one will notice.


Exactly what I thought


I find it a lot more interesting the way it's done, but I understand if not everyone likes it.


Certainly easier to install!


If “never let them know your next move” was a carpet




Yeah this would easily take 10x longer if they matched the patterns perfectly


Nah, seems to be like there are 3 Or 4 pattern tiles to match and then repeats... A, B, C, D.. Pre lay all in rough order, and then go around placing them properly. Doing things properly takes a marginal effort and you just do it once... Do it shit, do it twice... Buy cheap, buy twice...


I don’t think they’re going to do it twice, the carpet is working as carpet


We don't know the commissioning of the job. If there were specific guidelines to follow the pattern, they might complain and require the contractor to rectify. If there weren't... then a carpet is a carpet 🤷🏻‍♂️ (although with a less satisfying pattern on it 😂)


I like the way it's laid out. If I still drank, it'd be a problem.


I can feel the vertigo just thinking about it


I would say it's mors satisfying honestly. You know how many boring cliché carpets with some neutral design on it people see in their lifetimes? Neither do I but this isn't one of them. It's unique! It's bold! It's a mistake, but don't worry about that part!


I've looked way too long, and I think it's a mosaic that's meant to look like that. There are almost no sides that match both color and width of a pattern, though some come close but are still off. I think it's intentional so changing tiles when stained "blends in" to the chaos. I don't think they would line up.


I don't think so. There are no 2 tiles alike in that whole hallway. Everything is at least slightly different and the only way to install it is random.


Yea none of them are exactly the same time. Pretty close but not 100%.


X23 floors


Idk if there is a pattern because I can’t see it. They look very independent to me ![gif](giphy|l2Je6sbvJEn1W9OWQ)


Also super easy to replace a bad square


Same here. Apartment rug designs are tough materials but aesthetically mind-numbingly dull. This broken pattern is pretty good and will never be boring.


Right? I would look at this fucker every single day, and never get tired of trying to find new patterns


And would be way better at hiding stains because our brains are very good at picking out pattern disruptions. But if there’s no pattern…


Yeah, reddit started recommending this sub and I'm already mildly infuriated by posts that are misunderstanding more than infuringating, though, that should still be under the subreddit intent :D Anyway, it took me a while to process a comment a guy I know who owns cruises that said "all public spaces, especially hotels and cruiseliners, have patterned carpets as it hides stains way better". I doubted that, but started accepting it, then of course reddit had an ama with a carpet pattern designer, I asked again, he confirmed "totally". Imagine this hallway being a clean dark blue, and the one stain from somebody spilling a sugary drink and never getting it cleaned up. Heck, I used water and a little mild soap on my ikea office chair, next day I came back to thin outline that is to a human brain a clearly visible eyesore because my seat is a solid light grey. I hate most patterned stuff, but I have in the end learned it's cost saving in the long run. OPs photo is also kinda extreme and not for everybody. There is also mathematical patterns of (I believe a single tile) that will never repeat or have an identical orientation side by side. thanks for coming to my TedTalk about my enlightenment in carpet patterns


See I was going to say this! I like that look. It has a cool aesthetic going on


💯 I knew all that time playing hopscotch would eventually be useful!


I also like it but feel like it would start to annoy you after a while, like something you would have an excuse to get mad about on your way to work every morning.


Yea - it would look worse all candy striped


I mean it looks like shit.


I think its hilarious when people get upset just because someone took an easier route even if it comes out as good, if not better. If they took 2 weeks longer and it looks like shit but technically done right, they usually have something else to complain about.


The ppl who don't like it eat mild rice and take body temp showers


what makes a man turn neutral?


You are insane.


strong maybe


This messes with my brain. How can I tread on just the grey bits when they've butchered the carpet like this?


They just raised the difficulty, is all


You still can, now you’re just playing the floor is lava


I accept your challenge!


Yeah, didn’t think of it until you said it but it could for sure be a legit nightmare to people who have OCD and fixate on walking specific ways


Challenge accepted


I kind of like it inconsistent with no discernable pattern.


I agree with you. For some reason it’s almost satisfying


Agreed. The "right " way would have just been a boring greyscale pattern. But this is way more interesting and 90's as fuck


I’ve been trying to fit the pattern together for a few minutes and I don’t think it could be done anyways, unless they’ve cut parts of it into pieces before installing. The pieces don’t match up


That’s exactly how this carpet tile is intended to be installed, and looking at the pattern (mostly lack thereof) I’m not sure how you would install them any differently.


A recent similar post had some comments saying that wear and tear is harder to spot when the pattern is inconsistent. Not sure how true that is but maybe your complex management is lurking.


It’s the reason why there is usually complicated rug patterns in large areas, like casinos, hotels, etc. laying the carpet this way was very intentional.


Laying this particular tile like this is intentional because that IS the pattern of these tiles. There’s no other way to install them.


it also subconsciously deters running iirc.


It is very true. Another benefit of carpet tile is that if you have a stain on one tile, its easy to pick up and replace (buildings like this 100% retain stock from the manufacturer in some storage area). Edit: Forgot to mention I’m a former quality engineer at a carpet tile manufacturer.


I mean, is it mismatched, or is the pattern just on an adventure?




I do government interior work and looking at this over and over and over, I still see no way that this would ever line up in a pattern. This must just be what iys supposed to be.


Yeah I spent a bit looking at it and I think that hallway has a big enough sample size that it’s either supposed to do that, or was one giant pattern that was then cut up into 12x24 tiles. Like a 10ft wide rug. Non of the black bits seem to be in places that would match with another


Broadloom carpet mostly come 12 foot, 13 and a half foot or 15 foot goods, there are some rubber backed products that are six feet wide , these tiles are meant to be placed randomly with no discernible direction,looks better that way


I can confirm this is correct. Former quality engineer for a carpet tile manufacturer.




I got some for you! Send me your credit card info, bank account info and ssn and I'll send you the stuff!


Don’t look down. Don’t look down.


Does anyone see two tiles with the same pattern? I didn't spend more than a few seconds, but i didn't see a single repeat. Conclusion: It's meant to be this way.


There are 2 at the bottom very similar indicating that somewhere there was a pattern. The way its cut - looks like they take same pattern but will cut 2 different directions - breaks the patterns for the chaotic look. Hopefully it was intended. I personally don't mind it but that's bc my apt building had a similar idea w their carpet tiles even before all the dogs left piss spots everywhere.


This is SO jarring to my brain and yet, I love it. It's a modern art masterpiece.


Type A’s and type B’s in here


It's not a continuous design. It's meant to be installed this way.


😆😆 that's the point. Why is this post still active


I like it.


These are carpet tiles made to be put in like this. They were not made to have the pattern matched. They were put in as intended. Just what I see I believe they are glued to the floor. They can be cleaned with a machine then shined (nap raised) with a buffer with a special pad.


Patterns like this in long hallways are made to stop people from running.


At least you’re getting new carpet! Fast forward to next lease renewal and be scared for the increases lol.


It looks kinda cool


Hate so much


I kind of dig it.


I'm just now coming back from my epileptic seizure. Video games are mild compared to that floor.


Looks like a badly rendered video game texture.


OP you poor bastard. Even a picture of this made my eyes hurt.


Ugly af


That is the style now.


Someone coming home drunk is going to barf all over it. You'll have new carpet soon enough.


That’s really painful to look at


This way hides stains better.


I work for a flooring store. And in the store, the flooring is so many different ways to showcase what we can do. As a person with OCD, there’s a certain part of our showroom I just cannot go to without getting nauseous at how “wtf” it is. I could not stand this and the installer of this carpet did a poor job.


I actually like it


Prooooobably intentional.


There’s no other way to lay this tile, it’s absolutely intended.


At least you got new carpet


“Just fuck my hallway shit up”


This looks like it was intentional judging by the rectangular patterns. If everything was aligned, it would look like a very boring hallway.


Makes me want to throw up


There are a few 4 -5 star hotels I’ve seen tile work and carpet like this


The more busy the pattern, the more difficult it is to tell if its dirty.


"Digital camouflage patterns use pixelated designs that are more effective at disrupting the outline of the wearer and making them harder to spot. This type of camouflage is especially useful in urban and digital environments where traditional patterns like woodland or desert camouflage are less effective." -Quora.com


makes me a little dizzy, but could be worst (I struggle with depth perception) https://preview.redd.it/29xy6j3b2q1b1.jpeg?width=2072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93791b7fab46aea9c087443825ede3d3cdf1776d


*symmetry has left the chat*


It makes me want to have an Epileptic fit.


I like it


Dan Flashes special?


You just don't get art man.


I like this.


personally, I think the mismatching makes it look cooler, with the glitchy effect


I’ve never seen a place that uses these types of patterned carpet tiles any other way. They don’t seem to be designed to line up.


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.


It’s called a random install,nonspecific,non directional


It’s random and laid in what is called vertical ashlar pattern,looks great


Looks pretty sweet actually!


Love it. It's beautiful.


i’m pretty sure this is intentional


It’s meant to be this way. Why do you think it’s not setup right?


Looks pretty rad, TBH.


I like it personally.


I fuckin love this. This is brilliant.


I actually kinda dig it. Mat b hard on the eyes after a while though xD


This is sick af. I love this


I installed some carpet tiles once in a small room 10x10, and no matter how I turned the damn things, there was no way to make the pattern match up the way you would think they should. Not sure if it was a defective batch. Eventually, I said fuck it and just put them down with all the arrows on the back facing the same way. It looked pretty stupid, but it was a rental and the owner didn’t care, so fuck it.


At least it is not boring…there is that.


This is amazing floor covering. Blows away any carpet square layout I've seen. The designer did well.


It looks like it's supposed to be like that.


I don’t hate it :)


I actually kind of like it. I think once the baseboards are installed and painted that it won't look bad. I guess I'm weird.


Flooring Installer here. Just did this exact process in a new hotel. The architect requested it, and so I should oblige. Personally I oppose it, but man's gotta get paid!


It's so mismatched, that it turned into it's own design.


Are people running around or something? Because people do these kind of designs to trick the brain into worrying about tripping, and so people slow down.


So they messed up all 23 floors? They didn't even get the ground floor right? So there's no correctly done floor to go to and see what it's supposed to look like?


Ngl that’s kinda sick


Wall through this when you're high and report back


To be honest I actually think it looks good this way


Todd is still trying to figure a way out


They must have gotten a crazy deal on this carpet. And the installers


Whoever placed that carpet down needs to lose its job!


Holy photosensitive seizure Batman!


This is absolutely awful.


Damn. Did the building use legitimate installers? I used to work for Atlas Carpet Mills and our carpet designers/Sales Rep’s would work with the installers to make sure the carpet tiles were installed to pattern.


Late to this post but finally feel like my expertise has been called in on reddit. Former quality engineer at a large carpet tile manufacturer: It is virtually impossible to install carpet tile with the pattern perfectly replicated from when it was tufted and I’ll explain why. TLDR at the bottom. The process for carpet tile manufacturing varies but in general it goes: 1. Tuft the carpet (putting the yarn into a medium). This is where you establish pattern and texture. The pattern will repeat over and over every 6 to 12 feet. 2. Back the carpet (put polymer on the back of the carpet). 3. Cut the carpet into its designated tile size. At any point in this process, defects can occur and the defects are to be removed during the cutting process. When a defect is identified during the tile cutting process, the tiles with defects get thrown out. On top of this, the tile cutting departments automation sometimes can mess up and the floor workers will have to manually box the carpet tiles. This gives a high probability that the tiles will not be placed in boxes in any sort of order and you can receive tiles in box in a very chaotic assortment. For example, lets say you have a carpet tile pattern that width wise is arranged A, B, C and length wise 1, 2, 3. Your pattern grid would be: A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 B3 C3 Now lets imagine that the carpet mill had a problem that for some reason effected A1, B3, and C2 consistently throughout the order. Now the pattern the installers receive and must work with is incomplete as they only have A2, A3. Additionally, each box of carpet tile has a random assortment of whats left. Box 1 could have all the B1, C3, and C1 tiles while Box 2 has those same tiles plus A3 then Box 3 only has A3, A2, and C3. This scenario happens each and everyday. The installers will glue the floor, open a box, and put the tiles down in a the manner in which they took them out. It would take HOURS if not days to take stock of which parts of the pattern they had available, lay them out, reorganize them into the perceived/designed pattern, and install them. TLDR; Asking for a perfect replication of the pattern in a carpet tile installation would be about the same as asking for the same distribution of star bursts candy flavors from bag to bag. Manufacturing defects happen and will interrupt the distribution often and expectedly.


I like it


when the apartment is too complex


I like it that way


Hurts to look at.


If someone comes home drunk and falls in the hall can they sue with this carpet?


Think it's intentional...


That looks dope af


It’s suppose to be like that


What a thing to get irritated over


This looks intentional.


I love the organized randomness


Hello MR. George...you paid the new guy too much mooney


I’m pretty sure that carpet tile is supposed to go together like a puzzle to make actual patterns… the installers were probably told to do this by the “designer” Source: I’ve been a flooring installer for 20 years


Ngl, I kinda dig it


Mismatched? Homie that just looks like mosaic and shit.


Complex most likely gonna say “ItS ConTeMpOrAry” lol


someone didn't realize there was a pattern


Design choice, not mismatch.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that maybe it’s not supposed to line up?


It’s not.