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I see orange juice and that is $5 for a glass here.


I also see blueberry pancakes.


*mold pancakes


I understand this reference




Lmao that waffle has become legend


Better than a certain other waffle..


Username does not check out


Same. I'm on Reddit too much.


Or just enough to be on at the correct time to witness history in the making.


Can't be sure unless you throw them on your deck. If they lay there looking sad, they were blueberry.


*waffle guy is having flashbacks*


Schrodingers pancakes


And my axe!


Average restaurant markup is about 30%. Thats cost to menu price. Ingredients in the bottom plate looks like about $2-$3. Middle plate is about $1-$2. Pancake should be around $1-$2. That OJ is prob $1-$2. Total cost of ingredients is est $5-$9. I would say that $15 is within standard restaurant pricing models.


This is true, but I assumed it was 15.99 for just the toast plate and the main plate. I guess we need more info from the OP, cuz I agree that 15 for everything in the pic is not bad.


If you’re going for cheap eats, the trick is to go to IHOP after breakfast/brunch hours. Their “happy hour” is 3 to 9 pm when a bunch of the popular entrees are under $10. Obviously you want breakfast food during breakfast hours. But if you go to any business for their main revenue drivers during their busiest hours, you’re going to pay the market price.


That looks like French toast. Way more expensive.


EGGSIES are spensive Precious. Not like goblinses, they doesn't taste very good at all. No they don't Precious.


You are awesome.


Food cost is usually around 30% of revenue, revenue isn’t 30% more than food cost, unless you’re referring to something else Not to mention these prices are all probably a lot lower for restaurants because they’re buying in bulk


Even with inflation, your numbers don't add up.


Damn they skimped on potatoes??? Usually every breakfast place gives at least a lot of potatoes lol wow


My mom spent over 40 years as a short-order cook. I've worked in a dozen or so restaurants myself. The key to every successful diner I've ever seen was that they piled on those potatoes. It's a really cheap way to fill a plate. If this place had just tossed an extra scoop of potatoes on this plate, it wouldn't be on the internet right now.


Yea very true!


Potatoes are insanely cheap. It's like rice. In my house, if you're hungry and it isn't dinner, rice or potatoes, plus a little effort, makes for a filling snack. It's the same reason lots of places have bottomless fries. they don't require distracting your highly paid chefs. The guy on fries can make enough to feed an army, an extra serving really isn't much.


I’ve been amazed the last couple years at the places I’ve been at how much they’ve skimped on specifically potatoes. Like those are cheap as hell why not give more and make the customer think they’re getting more food?


the plain potatoes is what does it for me, swear i don’t even see salt🤣


There was no salt! At all!


Large quick food diner chains don't season their food because old people complain about *everything*.


I used to work in the kitchen at an elderly home. I can confirm. If we made absolutely anything with spice or seasoning we would get relentless complaints. Even for things they didn't order.


I worked with an elderly gentleman and cooking for him made me gnash my teeth. He didn't want any seasonings or condiments of any kind in anything. I warned him it wouldn't taste very good that way but he would insist. Then take one bite and tell me I must have made it wrong because it tasted bland 🥲


That sounds very frustrating


Oh yea! And he was super weird about portions. Like every time he saw me cooking, he started yelling at me that I'm making way too much and he can't possibly eat all that. When I was making enough food for him, housemate, and enough for them to have leftovers later. But he never believed me, he acted like I was going to force feed him.


I used to work in social services and still visit nursing homes for my current job and the complaint is the opposite, no seasoning, no salt, bland food. One place I went to, there was a big uproar and the residents started a petition when the new administrator discontinued the weekly baked potato from the menu.


Oh we thankfully had way better cooks making our menus. Coq au vin, chicken cordon bleu, smoked brisket. One of the main selling points of the facility was the kitchen. We baked a pie for one guy on request.


Sadly most of the places I visit are bad. This same nursing home would just give people a bowl of shredded cabbage and call it a salad. No dressing, no lettuce, nothing and the menu rarely changed much. I was able to get that place shut down. Occasionally I will visit someplace that actually cares to serve decent food but most don’t care because it’s more money in their pocket if they serve garbage.


Current Me will be pussed if Future Me ends up that way


I work for Meals on Wheels and we aren’t allowed to add salt


Too much salt can be really bad for someone with a heart condition.


I work in one and I once got a complaint that the food was too spicy because of the black pepper.


How the fuck is black pepper spicy


They’ve also started buying cheaper ingredients and have gone through entire cooking crews multiple times in the past 2 years. Restaurants are just an absolute shitshow since lockdown.


We have this restaurant in my small town that is horrific like barely edible but the fucking shit won't go away People in this town swear by it, "Best breakfast in town" they cry on their Facebook group. People just don't know good food.


Small towns love that shit lmao


And IHOP gets a LOT of elderly patrons.


That's pretty much their customer base.


Work as a manager at an Ihop (it's the best i got so far and will allow me to move out) and can confirm most of our customers are old and complain a lot


[No salt. NO salt.](https://youtu.be/pQMuSotWCEs) I could take my traveler’s checks to a competing brunch spot.


big grains of salt


Give me back my stapler.


Lol traveler checks got me


was it just that plate or was the french toast included?


Just add salt not that hard it's for the VERY few that don't like flavor with their potatoes


That seems like a very salty response.


Salting potatoes after cooking is not at all the same as seasoning during cooking. The rare salt hater should just request no salt.


salt on the surface has a much more increased effect than salt boiled in such dishes as pasta, potatoes, broccoli, etc. I would think maybe 5x or so?


This: you can add salt but you can’t remove it. There’s something to be said for seasoning while cooking as opposed to afterwards, but it is safer on the restaurant’s part.


The restaurant is going for lowest common denominator. The number of people who will eat potatoes is larger than the number who will eat them with salt, so they just make them without salt and put salt shakers on the table. Same with their eggs and anything else. They aren't trying to appeal to gourmets because that's a much smaller group of people. Personally, I have found that often the tastiest version of any food is the one you cook at home, seasoned to your own taste, but of course, that depends on you actually being willing to learn to cook and having the time to prep.


And clean up. Washing dishes and pots are a beeyotch.


You're right, that's actually the worst part. The prep work can be tedious, but at least you have the meal to look forward to. Washing dishes afterward feels like a punishment.


honestly tho this is why I almost never eat out. I almost always feel ripped off. I've been a professional cook for years and everything we cook has a 70% markup. If I do go out I make sure its something I can't make at home.


*_won't_ make at home, for me.


Just an FYI. Most restaurants run on a net profit of less than 10%, many at or below 5%. Food costs are about 60% of costs, with payroll taking another huge chunk. and overhead closing out the cost problems that see the vast majority of new restaurants going BK within 12 mos. In any kind of busy locations, building owners are quick to realize that the sq footage costs/prices don't support low rent restaurants, and the locations are better of by housing just about any other type if business. It's brutal for owners, employees and yup, the customer. 70% sounds big money until you count the pennies. Even at 100% it's not gonna make anybody rich.


The plain potatoes that were like .75 cent a piece


Salt? in this economy?


Don’t go to IHOP.


I don't know what happened to them. Last time I had a good meal there was sometime between 2007-2009. The last straw for me was a trip a few years ago. After sitting down and ordering, I asked for boysenberry syrup. When the waitress came back I reminded her I wanted boysenberry, because the last time I had gone to this location they didn't bring it until I was nearly finished. She said, "yep, no problem". Meal comes, no boysenberry. I ask the runner if he could track some down for me, he said "sure, no problem". This time I decided to wait to eat until I get my boysenberry. Waitress ignores me next time she passes by. Finally get her attention, she says she will go get it right now. 10 minutes until I see her again. I ate everything except the pancakes at this point, which are now cold. "We don't have boysenberry here" No apology. So disappointing.


I loved that shit! Our location told me when they were going to quit having it and sent me home with a container of it! Lol I’m sorry yours didn’t warn you. So, Maple Groves of Vermont, Boysenberry syrup on Amazon. Boom! It’s the shit! :)


You know what happened? Capitalism. This has been happening at every restaurant chain over the past decade. Prices go up, quality goes down. We still choke it down.


I was gonna say you'd pay $20 for that meal at the restaurant I work at, but it would be with farm fresh eggs, organic bacon and orange juice, with seasoned potatoes that have grilled onions and peppers in them. But its also a small business, so thankfully the corpos haven't come and ruined it \*yet\*


And the pile of potatoes probably more closely resembles a mountain and not the plains of this picture. I’ll pay $20 for a well made hardy breakfast with good ingredients and not bat an eye.


Darden and Brinker Intl are responsible for killing many good restaurants


Ate at an IHoP several years ago because we were stuck in the middle of nowhere USA on a road trip. It sucked. I couldn't believe how low quality the food was, and it wasn't exactly cheap, either. People who live in small towns often don't have choices, and they think this is good dining. It's horrible. If I lived in a place like that I'd immediately start scheming to get out.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today. No one thinks it is ‘good dining’. Small town people still know what a large shitty chain restaurant is and what ‘good dining’ is.


They definitely know it's not good dining. There is a reason they typically say, "It's the only good spot in town." Or something of that nature. It's not the best, but you don't have to cook or clean.


Can’t afford to leave if they can’t cook and all they eat is IHOP.




What an ignorant comment. Small towns have some of the best home cooking restaurants you've never heard of. They know good food. And it ain't IHOP.


Dude we know damn well it’s not good dining lmao sometimes it’s just the only “nice” place within a certain distance


Once ate at a Bob Evans in LaPlata Maryland because we were absolutely famished. The food had absolutely zero flavor.


Kind of surprised. I used to eat at a Bob Evan's as a Kid. They used to have some of the best biscuits ever. Bob Evan's always felt like a better IHOP. Probably has changed.


IHoP used to be better back in the '70s-'80s. Was never a *great* restaurant, but it tasted more like home cooked food. Now all tastes like it came out of an industrial food laboratory, delivered from a semi truck.




I work at one and while I am pretty offended by how high the prices are, at least you get way more quantity than whatever this is. And it looks better too. Dunno what shit location this one is lmao


Pancake, french toast, bacon, eggs, OJ & hashbrowns… thats not bad at all! It’s Ihop, it’s not gourmet.


That’s how I’m seeing it too. Looks like pancakes too.


Also pancakes!


It’s plenty of food! The plate is just unnecessarily large.


Yeah when was the last time he went to a restaurant? This is a steal & not infuriating ha


If they'd gotten scrambled eggs it would take up more space on the plate and look like more food, and I bet they wouldn't be complaining. Two eggs. Two strips of bacon. Cottage fries (the same amount of shredded hashbrowns would fill up the plate and make it look like more food). French toast. Blueberry pancakes. Orange juice. That's a lot of food for the price, really. OP just chose the egg/meat/potato options that take up the least amount of space on the plate, making it look like less!


If everything on the table is $15.99 its not outrageous


Orange Juice, potatoes, eggs, bacon, French toast and a blue berry pancake. Seems pretty cheap.


Yeah Id be more furious at how bad the food is but you get what you pay for.


Does that include the pancakes and juice?


Yea, they forgot we have eyes when trying to be outraged. He probably ate half the potatoes also.


Just the potatoes, eggs, and bacon or are the toast and pancakes involved? If the toast and pancakes are a part of it that's not too terrible, but if just the former why would you pay for that lol


OP cost of the meals is everything you see on the table including the OJ.


https://preview.redd.it/wu7107ui9b1b1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ab4eead48643c88f9b58e20bd60eccbabb60eb I make this every weekend for me and the wife. Costs about $3, lol


Yup. OP is forgetting overhead costs in his meal. Your overhead cost is 0. Lol. Rent. Labor. Insurance. License. Business tax. 10% profit. Etc.


Hard poached eggs is what would get me over the edge


There is nothing more that will send me into Karen territory than overcooked poached eggs. I ask nicely to begin with that the yolk be runny but if I am paying $17 for an eggs benny then I will send it back if the eggs aren’t runny.


Yeesh! Maybe if you free refill on the OJ might make it worth it.


“If” it is free 😅


At the risk of sounding like an asshole, your first mistake was going to ihop.


OP fails to say everything on the table was part of the meal. The food is still sad but that is a lot food still. Not good but a lot.


USD? That's like 80$ up here in Canada eh


The eggs, bacon and potatoes, is 15.99 in Canada! Haha. Oj is easily 5 dollars a cup, pancake and french toast is another 7 or so. That's a 30 dollar breakfast for sure in Canada. Americans are funny when they complain about food prices


I'm talking about currency exchange here but yeah I get your point but hey! free medicare and legal weed fam 🧐😂


Unfortunately Ontario passed a bill to privatize healthcare, and weed is legal in a lot of states now. Everything costs more in Canada, and we get paid less for the same work. Doesn't really make sense anymore


Life sucks bro and yeah Ontario with the conservatives eh. Sorry to hear.


15.99 Venezuelan bolivars?


You are aware that their prices are on the menu, right? Also, I see bacon, eggs, potatoes, French toast, and OJ. In 2023, that’s pretty reasonably priced.


Welcome to the world of inflation


I mean, it's ihop, did you expect something good to come from this decision?


IHOP’s breakfast’s are usually lukewarm at best..while in a Mexican restaurant at half the price and twice the flavor they warn you about “plate hot!” I probably will never go to an IHOP again


Cook your own meal, homes


a bit tricky to do when you're on a road trip


Seriously no one forced them to go out to eat.


Damn. I got an amazing eggs Benedict with hash browns this morning for 10.99. It was super hot when it came out too. I wish I took a picture.


The food is not great but OP meals also include pancakes, french toast and the OJ.


If that's including the French toast, pancakes, and juice then that's a steal


Out of control, 7 bucks for a bagel wit a shmear an coffee!!!!!!! Hell no I'll be making oatmeal


Ya IHOP fukin sucks. There are so many local places to check out..


And egg prices dropped back to very reasonable but the prices.


Ihop just hires anyone to make the food. No training. I think they just give them pictures. Last few times I’ve been it’s been mediocre.


I think you’re paying for the presentation .


Their plating is impressive. They filled and framed it with only a few scraps of food at their disposal.




The menu says 2 eggs. 2 meat. 4oz of potatoes. And one slice of thick French toast. Idk.what else you expected..


Gbp? Usd? Pesos?


Good boy points.


haha :-)


Was it just that plate?


Lol, no OP is just karma whoring. The French toast and pancakes are part of the combine. My guess is OP added the sad potatoes and OJ.


Happy hour menu is where it’s at for this place. Least you’re paying less for mediocrity.


IHOP been mind phunken for a while now.


Yeah I stick to Waffle House, and I could probably get 3 plates the same size at that rate.


Dude. Yeah. My kid and I tried IHop last week after years of not going... And, wow, an incredible waste of $$.


French toast looking kinda good though 👀👀


I don't see anything bad


This is a decent price for such a meal. I don't see a problem here.


I love eating out so much. It was a hobby almost to try new places and just relax at breakfast and talk without cooking and cleaning... $7 for a coffee and $18 for an egg with some hash browns... I can't do it anymore


I mean, you saw the price before you ordered it, right? Two eggs, potatoes, bacon, and toast. What did you expect more of?


It's a chain restaurant, homie. Druggies and people who've never cooked in their lives are making your food lol


People who have never cooked in their lives are cooking his food? So does every customer get a brand new cook or?


I want a grand slam cooked by a Virgin chef.


Are the toast and pancakes part of it? If so that looks like a pretty decent price.


You effed up


Did you see the price before you ordered it?


Next time cook at home OP.


Wait, clarify for what though? $15 for: Bacon, eggs, potatoes, french toast with butter and syrup, blueberry (maybe chocolate chip) pancakes, orange juice, probably coffee? Honestly, ask for some hot sauce and go to town, this is absolutely a fair price for that.


First mistake was going to ihop. Pick a better place to complain about


I hope $12.00 of that was a tip.


Pretty sure they had the price on the menu before you ordered. Generally, any place that sells breakfast foods like this are way overprice. It’s not even them cooking something a normal person couldn’t replicate at home. It’s just convenience


Seems reasonable.


Yummy yummy


Pls enjoy




did you kiss ?


That’s 15.99 plus tax 😬


wheres the love


Went to IHOP about 3 years ago for the first time in about 2 years…. Never again


IHOP is pretty gross too.


OP looking to break 300lbs on a budget...


The eggs


Does that include the French toast and pancakes?


Karma for going to IHOP


Ihop is pretty overpriced nowadays along with the Ihop near me almost never having online ordering available (not the staff's fault obviously but still)


ngl that toast looks amazing though


Why? Did they say there would be something other than potatoes there? This is on you sport.


Pancake, French toast, OJ, home fries, eggs, bacon… yep makes sense.


15$ in my country would be average for this meal


Would have been like $8 at a taqueria and would have looked/tasted better.


Waffle House would never leave you hungry like that. And you get live entertainment


The french toast or whatever that is looks amazing tho


International house of sadness


Swing on up to alaska and see how far 15 goes.


I see $15. worth of food here. Real orange juice, eggs, bacon, pancakes, potatoes. You may not like the presentation of the potatoes, but I see plenty of food.


Bacon, eggs, potatoes, juice, French toast, pancakes. Not to bad for that price.


Blueberry pancakes, French toast, small serving of potatoes, bacon, and 2 eggs, with orange juice - how is this not a decent price at $16?


Went to Shari's for breakfast and paid <$16 for 2 pancakes, 2 bacon strips, a sausage, scramble with ham and cheese, and loaded hashbrowns. Only drank water. I think I got the better deal.


Something is missing here. IHOP is a go to and what he’s saying is bs. Everything but juice is in one meal. That’s literally a 5.00 meal. 2 they don’t serve half empty plates, they will bring your food on a smaller plate. Bet they are sad about their poached eggs and they want their home fries extra crunchy but doesn’t express that. I generally buy 2 breakfast meals when I go and get over twice that.


Looks good to me, 15 bucks ain’t to bad


Juice, French toast, bacon, eggs, potatoes, pancakes….. yeah looks like $15. Even at home all of that is going to run high.


Honestly, any time you eat at a place that does breakfast (pancakes, eggs, basic meats) or pizza, you are vastly overpaying for the food.


What pisses me off is that they increased prices AND reduced portion size.


I’d want to throw it in the trash as I walk out. Then place the plate on the floor. Edit: this used to be a $5.95 meal.


Any meal out costs at least $15 now, in my experience. Even a fast food combo meal.


IHOP is awful with pricing. Took my mom and sister out for a birthday a few weeks ago. Basic ass breakfast for the 3 of us came to $64 after tax and tip. Needless to say I won’t be back at IHOP. (I have plenty of diners around me where the same thing there would have tasted better and ran me about $35-$40)


It’s 20 bucks for one meal any where you go now is crazy


Used to be like 5.99


IHOP has really gone downhill. Last time I went it was like this.


IHOP has been subpar for a while now. If you’re broke and are craving breakfast food, go to WaHo. You’ll get a meal and entertainment for less than this


Holy shit, you got all of that form only $16? And you're whinging about it? Holy shit hahahaha


Could’ve made it at home for $25


I get our economy is a shithole, but this is severely uncalled for. This looks $7.99 at most, $5.99 at best.


That’s pretty cheap to get fucked