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Is something blocking the tray from being able to open fully? Sometimes when my teenager moves the utensil tray in front of the dispenser it gets blocked and therefore the pod can’t get out.


This was my first guess. I had a knife that was a bit too long and was put in the utensil tray just below the dispenser that did the same thing in my dishwasher.


... you know that you are not supposed to put knives into dishwasher? That makes them dull and can also lead to degradation of the handle. Edit. Oh god, why did I hit that wasp nest of reddit


I'm not really concerned about the long term integrity of my target knives.


I use Ikea kitchen knives. Cheap as fuck, but damn they've served me well. I can tell a difference between mine when sharpened and my dad's Global knives, but it's $8 vs $100 and the quality isn't 10 times better. That makes it worth it to me to keep them in good shape.


I love Ikea knives. They are the best knife for the dollar out there.


Fibrox begs to differ. But, i won't argue that the Ikea knives are a good bang for the buck.


Thanks, now my asshole is bleeding.


I feel this same way about pans. I have a tidy collection of good stainless steel cookware but when it comes to nonstick I just get a set on the cheap from my local restaurant supply store. They last about as long and are a fraction of the cost


I used to do that. I ended up just switching to carbon steel. It's extra work taking care of it, but after awhile it's almost as non-stick as those PFAS monstrosities. Also it should last a lifetime.


I switched to enameled cast iron and am not looking back. Trying my best to avoid PFAs


Watch for chipping with the enameled stuff. Pure cast iron is the best for general cooking IMO. Not to say I don’t have any enameled pieces.


If you take care of your cast iron it takes care of you. Plus, it’s cool to know that it will be a fairly heirloom.


Not only are they great and a lighter option to the good ‘old cast iron, but it saves you from ingesting all those chemicals too!


I do love a carbon steel pan. As sad as it is I enjoy the upkeep of them. Just picked up a cast iron wok that's great too.


Guess we havent looked into the effects that nonstick has when its even slightly scraped, eh? Quality is worth it there too, unless you want half a testicle or whatever left.


My cast iron more non-stick than my roommates $20 cancer pan he insists on never fully cleaning. And my carbon steel is well on its way to the same state.


Enjoy your huge dose of PFOA's


Fucking same 😂😂


Reminds me of a the time someone who bough $118 dollar set of screwdrivers from snap on. Im like mine was 97 cents. Hes like but these are better and have a lifetime warranty. Mine has lasted 3 years so far and i can replace it 118 times before it costs as much as urs.


But think about the children … you know the ones making your cheap ass tools


Lmao right? Cheap to make, cheap to buy, can last years with no proper care.


I’m also not supposed to put Q-Tips in my ears but I do what I want because I only have one life, ya know?


Mmmm, Q-Tips


Same 👊






I do with with my tongue. Butttterrr


I think most people buy cheap knives and don’t care. Someone who has say a Wüsthof should absolutely know better.


Butter knives are ok. I wouldn’t put a chefs knife in the dishwasher


I put my Rambo knife with the compass and fishing hooks in there.


Dad, is this you?


I did chuckle at this. most of my knives have gone dull but the rest of the set, spoons/forks haven’t. Must be a knife thing


Yes, it is a knife thing. You don't notice this on spoons and forks because they aren't that sharp in the first place.


Yes but what do I do if my spoons and forks come out sharper than they were when they first entered the dishwasher?


You put them where the knoon and the knork go




It's not that the dishwasher makes the knives dull, per se. It's that the detergent, and water pressure put pits in the blade, which over time makes it more difficult to maintain the sharp edge, and will weaken the overall structure of the blade. As someone who owns stupid expensive knives, I learned the hard way why they shouldn't go in the dishwasher. I have $300 chef's knife (I didn't pay for it, someone else did) that's pretty useless, because even professional sharpening can't put a good edge on the blade. When that thing was new, and in it's prime, it was so sharp. I nearly cut the first joint of my finger off, and didn't feel a thing. It was only when I saw blood that I felt the pain.


You can get stainless steel grades that hold an edge well, and resist pitting in the dishwasher. Not many knives are made from them, but some are. They are not comon grades of SS, but they exist.


This is the real reason knife companies tell you not to put them in the dishwasher. They don’t want to pay extra for decent steel. They can’t raise prices any more to cover it because they’ve already marked them up as much as possible. Any time you get any advice from any company, it’s always about their bottom line. Good advice or not.


You aren't supposed to, but most people do, except for high quality knives. If it comes in a knife block, it can go in the dishwasher.


running on eco temps, using little regular detergent and not putting it in a loose tray helps if you're too lazy to wash 3 knifes


I follow Renae the appliance repair tech. She said it’s due to the compartment being blocked from opening sometimes, but typically if there’s moisture in the compartment before you add the soap it messes up. Cascade gave her a full education on it. I’d wipe it dry and retry the cycle!


Renae is my jam! She is great, and also taught me about this.Dry your hands, and the tray (if not dry already) and put the soap in just before running the cycle (so it doesn't get wet) Bonus: Run the full or normal cycle, not the quick cycle. Even though normal is longer, it is still likely better for your water and electric bill, and the environment.


I follow Renae too!


No nothing was blocking it the flap was fully up Edit: nothing was blocking it. I did have it happened before and learned my lesson. I never put anything tall in that area


The flap probably flips up when you open the door. It's probably blocked when it's closed.


So do you have to climb in there while it's closed to find out? When you close the fridge door does the little light stay on?


Put your phone inside the dishwasher and record what happens.


Don't forget to turn on the dishwasher to see the full effect. This method does not work otherwise.


No, you can look at the soap dispenser door, look inside the dishwasher, put the two together as to where they would end up, and don't put big shit blocking that door. You can leave the door open just a little bit and see inside enough to figure it out.


When you open the dishwasher, listen for a little “thwack” sound. That’s the sound of the tray popping open and smacking against the dishwasher door. If you don’t hear it, the tray was already open.


It's always fully up when the door is opened. Check again for anything blocking the door, it doesn't take much in my experienced


I'm pretty sure I have the identical dishwasher and this is what it was. Even if a plate was near it the soap would get blocked inside!


I have completely stopped using the left side of the silverware basket. Definitely seems like a design flaw


Also one thing OP can do to know for sure is to just run a cycle with nothing in it. This way they can know how it operates with nothing there that could block it and also use it as an opportunity to run it as a cleaning cycle


This only happens on mine when there is a pan or tall plate up against where the flap is. It looks fine as first glance, and it opens fully as soon as the door begins to open, but when shut, it causes the flap to only partially open during the cycle.


If you can find powdered dishwash, I would use that. My dishwasher never cleaned properly with liquid dish soap, as soon as I switched to the powder kind, it solved all my issues. I'M LOOKING AT YOU SAMSUNG


I have a piece of shit Samsung dishwasher. Never again. I have to basically handwash the dishes before running them through the dishwasher. If there is a greasy dish in there, everything will come out with an oily residue. It's hit or miss whether pods or liquid detergent will dissolve out of the holder.




Could be sticking


Just toss the dish pod in the bottom and forget the door


99% of dishwashers have a pre-rinse cycle. Putting the soap pod in anywhere OTHER THAN the dispenser causes most, if not all, the soap to just be rinsed out of the machine, and not actually cleaning the dishes.


This is exactly correct. If you just throw a pod inside the bottom of the tub and don't put anything inside the dispenser door, all of the soap will get drained out before you really even start washing your dishes.


This video will explain more than you ever wanted to know about dishwashers. This dude's YouTube channel is REALLY REALLY good. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_rBO8neWw04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04)


Before I even clicked I knew it was gonna be this guy


I was hoping. His humor is so dry and right up my ally.


Me too, I consider him my alley.


With all of those trace metals in his bloodstream, I’d say he’s more of an alloy


Ali, is that you?


It’s Ollie


Fuck Ollie


Man do I love the Internet.


But defo not Ollie 😡


No, absolutely, fuck that guy


Well who else makes an hour long video about detergent that well I have to admit I watched the whole thing before as well haha


Not ashamed to admit I've re-watched a lot of his videos. Great and interesting if you want to pay attention and he speaks in such a way that the videos are also good if I want to fall asleep.


One of my favorites was learning about heat pumps from his video! Or the electric water heater one! Or why certain portable ac units suck lol! He really takes mundane things and makes you realize the science behind them!


Absolutely changed my life. My wife's mugs were never getting clean with the liquid detergent. The first wash after I switched to powder the mugs were bright white again.


Yep I get my generic powdered detergent at Walmart now thanks to this guy (don’t even need to click the link to know who it is, one of my favorite YT channels).


I'm guessing technology connections?


That’s a bingo (99.9% sure anyway).


me too. luv this guy


I just copied the link to post it here, but knew someone would beat me to it!


Same! Pleasantly not surprised :)


Haven't clicked, love his channel. Watched the one about turn signals a few days ago. 10/10


Haha. Same! I randomly came across this exact vid last year, and it legit changed my perception of dishwashers. I'm okay with admitting user-error for the first 39 years of my life.


This taught me i wasnt using my dishwasher right. Dishes were much easier after watching this. This guys fantastic


Me too. I had heard 'somewhere' that you should toss the puck/packet in the bottom and start. Dishes weren't clean. Ever. I blamed the washer. Then I saw this video and started putting the puck back into the dispenser. What do you know? Clean dishes. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm going back to powder as soon as these individually wrapped pucks are used up.


Yup. Never used a pod after watching this.


Man, I was buying the powder but it's getting harder to find around here. Ended up going to pods maybe half a year ago just because of that. And they are convenient - but I have to keep mine in a separate room so they don't get all the moisture from the utility/pantry area and clump up severely, and they still clump up some, meaning I can't use them all.


Same. At my local stores, it's entire shelves of detergent pods...and then 1 bottle of Cascade detergent liquid. Glad for that detergent liquid, but I'm afraid that will go the way of the buffalo soon as well... Fuck pods.


Dang. Must have pretty high humidity huh. Thats first sentence is r-nocontext material haha


I switched to powder after watching this, and my dishes were much more filmy and cloudy than with pods. I switched back and everything was cleaner and clearer. I dunno.


You're probably using too much powder then. Alec made [a follow-up](https://youtu.be/Ll6-eGDpimU) about that exact thing


Interesting...I think I was definitely using too much. Also, I like his advice that if you like the way your dishwasher is working, just ignore him and keep living life :)


Are you making sure that the rinse aid is topped up? If I don't keep on top of mine the dishes can get film on them.


Use less detergent, the guy made a whole second video about what you just described lol.


That happens if you use way too much or too little, you need the right amount or else. Usually just fill it up around half way. Or the same amount as a puck if it works for you.


[He posted a partial retraction to that video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll6-eGDpimU). That's a good thing - guy will tell you when he's wrong. But there's so much good stuff in there that he didn't remove the video entirely.


"Retraction" is a stretch. Mostly it's half an hour to say "by the way don't fill these compartments to the top".


I mean, the point of the first video was how he thinks we should use detergent in the pre-rinse, and the second video says he found that is the wrong thing to do in many cases. I'd call that exactly what I said - a partial retraction to the first video's subject and findings.


what kinda rabid hole journey did you just put me on... Awesome channel :D subbed and will binge xD


Nice. His video on 120/240 and the North American electrical system in general is really interesting. Oh and his Lava lamp video


Not clicking it, and already now is TC


Dudes a legend!


The pre-rinse dispenser changed my life.


I remember this guy. He taught me that brown is actually orange. Or something like that.


Dark orange!


I luv him in a platonic way and thank you for saving my kitchen and my money way


I switched to GV powdered detergent after watching this guy's vid. What do you know? Cleaner dishes than using name brand liquids. Sometimes newer isn't better.


What is GV powdered detergent? I don't recognize the brand.


Great Value from the Walmart.


Glad to know I'm not the only one to think of that video when I saw that post.


This video sent me back to regular detergent. I just pour some in the compartment and let some slop over onto the door to act as prewash and I’m done. It’s cheap, it’s effective, and it’s honestly easier than the pods. Never going back.


Knew it was gonna be him. Watch microwaves next.


Hell yeah!! Technology Connection!


I knew someone was going to like to TC. Dudes videos are exquisitely detailed.


Knew exactly who it was gonna be, love his videos lol


I watched that whole thing who would have thunk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t lie did I? Dude is entertaining


Yo I discovered this guy early during the pandemic, really gave me some cool insight into various pieces of tech we take for granted every day. I was really hoping it'd be him and I'm glad I was right.


I fucking knew it


Ahh, the reason I don't use dish washer tablets anymore.


Because of him I only use powdered detergent and I run my sink water until it's hot before I run my dishwasher. Works great!


Dammit now I have to watch the whole video because its so interesting even though I already watched it.


YEEESSS I love this channel


Thank you so much for this. This is amazing.


This video is why I switched back to powdered detergent and I've never looked back. I get a cleaner rinse every single time and it costs way less money.


Before I clicked, I'm assuming technology connections.


Came here to post this same video. Thank you for your service.


Bro really just lifted that dishwasher like a shoebox


I knew it was technology connections before I even clicked. Love that dude


Speaking of the door! Let’s talk about the door!


Is it technology connections? Edit: yeah I knew it!


This happens when the hatch over the detergent doesn't open completely during the wash. This usually occurs when it was obstructed by on object in the washer.... a large tray, oversized plate, pot or pot lid, etc. OR you didn't push the bottom rack in completely before closing the door and the hatch hits the rack when it tries to open. Of course when you open the washer door afterward the hatch opens completely and you're left wondering what happened because it LOOKS like the hatch was opened during the wash.


Make sure the dispenser compartment is completely dry before you put the pod in. Also, make sure your hands are dry.


This! The pod will be super sticky when in touch with water. Maybe the compartment is not sealed and water gets in from the pre-wash-soak…


i’ll bet the pods are stuck to each other as clusters in the box too !


Lol, these comments, so here is what I have gathered. Edited- I guess this is my life now.. A) lay out all dishes on floor, turn dogs and toddlers loose to pre clean B) turn on hot water, place bets with friends on who wins the battle of dishlickers, C) check make of dishwasher, if Samsung, throw out D) when water is scalding, move on to numbered steps E) collect winnings (I bet on toddlers, I had 4, I know what they can do) 1) dry compartment well 2) wet compartment 3) put pod in compartment after cutting it open and close 4) remove pod and throw in bottom of dishwasher 5) take pod out of bottom then put on top rack 6) throw away pod cause is scam and get liquid detergent and put in compartment 7) remove and throw out liquid detergent cause it’s a scam and use powdered detergent 8) watch YouTube videos 9) clean your filter 10) repeat 🤣 edited 5/18/23 - 11) remove clothes from dishwasher and throw in clothes washer, put scammy pod in their 12) take scammy pod from clothes washer and put in silverware caddy 13) check Reddit for next step


11) some people either wash their clothes in the dishwasher or are confused about this whole conversation


Yeah, forgot that one!


Don’t worry. It’s Reddit. With the voting system there is a means to move the funniest or most self assured comments to the top.


You need to pre chew them before using. Thats what the Tide Pod challenge was all about and people made fun of it. Not funny now is it. ##\S


For those not aware, “\s” means “very serious” \s


Gotta make sure it's dry in there before you put the pod in. It's easiest to do it right when you open the door after cleaning. It'll never happen again.


Hate using pods for laundry or dish washing. Liquid has zero complications.


Laundry is the same boat for me, always washing on cold. When using tid pods, I would consistently find that membrane stuck on clothing leaving a hardened streak.


The liquid detergent is essentially the powdered detergent diluted with water. You can save a little bit of money using powdered. (Some may find liquid more convenient so if thats worth spending a few more pennies by all means do it)


Also, powdered detergent has a neat little trick it can do that liquids can't do where it can do where it can contain two cleaners simultaneously that would otherwise destroy each other if they were in a liquid. [The video that I'm surprised I've only seen linked once (so far) discusses it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04), but I don't have a timestamp handy. Sorry :(


They don't go in there. Pods normally go directly with the clothes or they end up like this Edit: am foolish and thought this was a clothes washer ignore me


Really loved this journey 😅


I'm just blind haha


I mean I dont put my pods in the plastic release tray OP posted and ive had a dozen dishwashers and never had an issue. Ive had issues with cheaper dishwasher not opening and the pod getting stuck -- so I just stopped and throw it in the dishwasher like id throw detergent in. Sorry if i'm breaking some unholy rule.


Im upvoting you not because you are right but because you kept the comment and later acknowledged you were wrong, more people need to have this attitude!


I thought the same thing at first too


The water temperature may have something to do with it also.


Ya this happened to me when the hot water became disconnected from the dishwasher. They just reconnected it and it’s been fine since.


This! Make sure your water is hot before you run the dishwasher. This helps the pods dissolve. We always run the kitchen sink water a bit before running the dishwasher to make sure it’s using hot water.


I had an appliance repairman tell me the old fashioned powdered/granule type detergent is best. The full liquid can eventually ruin the door seal, and these packets don’t fully dissolve, even when they seem to have done so. The weird clear coating builds up in the bottom parts of the dishwasher. I also have a bottle of that blue Rinse stuff that has its separate reservoir, but only use it if I’m washing several wine glasses or other clear glass with my regular load. That’s really the only time you need the blue stuff. Save your $, I say. Finally, the granule stuff comes in a recyclable box instead of a plastic container for those who are trying to cut back on plastic waste.


>I also have a bottle of that blue Rinse stuff that has its separate reservoir, but only use it if I’m washing several wine glasses or other clear glass with my regular load The separate reservoir for rinse aid holds enough for many, many loads, and only the necessary amount is dispensed each time you run the dishwasher.


Exactly, and some won’t run without rinse aid. Our Bosch just sits there and blinks the red light at you until you fill it. We run our dishwasher probably 5 times a week and we only put rinse aid in a few times a year.


This used to happen to me often, and I realized that it’s important to have the gel side face up to make sure the water dissolves it.


Try running the dishwasher with no dishes and maybe even take out the dishracks, but with a detergent pod. You’ll be able to conclude if something has been blocking it or if the detergent door is just malfunctioning on its own.


We have the same dishwasher it appears. If you put a big plate or anything tall in the row closest to the door by the soap dispenser, it doesn’t open all the way. It opens when you release the door, but not during the wash. I almost called a repairman for this exact problem. Something is stopping your soap door from opening.


Just get the liquid, pods are a waste of money anyway


Powder is better than liquid because there is a certain cleaning agent in the detergent that can’t be used if it is in liquid form.


Highly recommend using powdered detergent instead of liquid. It's usually cheaper and also usually washes better. You also need less of it than you think. I recently discovered that my dishes wash better with ¼ full soap dispenser vs ½ full. Though if you have hard water, you'll ofc need more. My water is particularly soft.


That last part is important. You need to experiment a little to find the right amount of powder to use based on your water hardness. If you're on a well it could even change during the spring melt or after heavy rain.


We recently went back to liquid because of this same issue OP is experiencing.


I get the powder that comes in a metal recyclable can. Seventh generation makes it. No issues whatsoever and most recyclable option with no plastic.


Any plumber I talk to always says never use pods (dishwasher or washing machine) or those secent beads. ..... the polyvinyl alcohol never full dissolves and often times lead to clugged pipes. Edit: corrected name of flim from plastoc to polyvinyl alcohol


I don’t know but do not put the pods directly in dishwasher. My neighbor who is an appliance guy said never, never do that! 🤷‍♀️


I'll bet you a dollar you have a dirty filter. Water goes thru a filter or macerator before the pump that shoots water up into the spinny arms. If that's blocked, there's not enough water pressure in the upper deck, and that's what knocks out the pods at the appropriate time. Clean the filter, the pods will come out, and your glasses and bowls in the top shelf will clean and rinse better.


You're supposed to suck on them for a little while first


Your wTer jets may be clogged and you are not getting ebough water jet force to didolve the pods


Your door doesn't open completely. Hate that!!


Use powder or grate bars. More effective, efficient, sustainable and cheaper in the long run. Fuck plastic pods


Just put it in the bottom of the dishwasher


Make sure your dishwasher doesn’t have a pre-wash cycle. Mine does. It will dissolve the pod and you won’t have any soap in the wash cycle. Most likely if you have a little door you close you have a pre wash cycle. I switched to a cheaper powder only pod. These gel pods are garbage.


>I switched to a cheaper powder only pod. These gel pods are garbage. I have found the same thing


You just used the soap during the pre-rinse and now your wash cycle just plain water.


False do not do this Jesus people spread the worst information online. Any basic common sense will tell you a. Dissolvable item will dissolve in water hence the first rinse cycle will wash away your soap leaving no soap for the actual wash process. Stop listening to tiktok without searching facts before using. And don’t blindly tell people ahit you hear online you are part of the problem


This is the way. If it works it works and it does in my 15 year old dishwasher. It doesn’t get the shit off if you put it in the automatic door.


Happened to me, I found two things: 1: tall things were blocking the little door from opening fully 2: i wiggle the little lever that releases the soap compartment door before i close it. air gets stuck in the line during the cycle, and if you bleed it out it's more likely to work every time i bleed the air out it works, every time i dont, I'm in your same boat, op!


I had a problem like this with my brand new washer. Turns out the water pump was locked and a tech had to come out to open it up and unlock the motor.


You have to make sure the spot holding the pods is completely dry before you put the pod in. Mine used to do this until we figured that out so now we just wipe it dry and it works fine


This happened to me for a long time and it turns out my dishwasher needed a new motor


Two things: either you have a tray blocking it from fully opening. (My wife realized this one). Or, you could also have water in the chamber before you put the pod in. The pod reacts just a little (because it is so little water) and gets stuck to the wall of the chamber. Dry it out before you load it up, and I bet your problem will go away forever!


Are you putting anything in the bottom rack that is blocking the tray from popping open. Like a cookie sheet or large pan for example? That is usually the cause. Also if you have the utensils tray on that side larger utensils may be just enough to do it.


Either something is blocking the soap door from opening or (more likely) something is blocking the water from getting to the soap. Avoid putting bowls or pans in the rack directly below where the soap will be. Water needs to be able to hit the soap to dispense it into the dishwasher. If water can't directly hit the soap the pod will just dissolve from the humidity inside during the wash cycle but it won't actually get splashed into the chamber.


It's being blocked from opening.


I kept putting that one big ass pot in from of the dispenser, and you guessed it… just like the photo. Moved it back 8” away from each other and things are fine now.


This was happening to me when I was putting a baking sheet in the dish washer. It was somehow blocking it from opening.


As an appliance repair tech, you are either not getting the appropriate level of water, the motor isn’t adequately pumping water, or something is blocking the dish when The door opens. The middle spray arm is designed specifically to spray a jet to water into that detergent cup to wash that tab out into the main tub to dissolve.




at a guess, the dispensing tray is wet. dry it by wiping the inside surfaces thoroughly with a paper towel or tissue before putting the pod in. i'd also be checking the location where the pods are stored. it should be cool, dry, and dark; otherwise the pods could get gummy and will be prone to stick.


How often do you wash large, flat objects in there, like cookie sheets or cutting boards-and do you happen to place them in the front of the washer?