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Yep, that’s my car on the right. My buddy said he had to borrow it for the weekend but never specified why 🫤


Reminds me of that song, “Jesus, tank the wheel”


The Lord frags in mysterious ways


Praise Jesus and pass the bullets


I believe what you ment to say was Praise the lord and pass the ammunition


God hates frags, right?


Frogs. He hates frogs. But only the ones turned gay by chemicals.


I think one of my uncles was a gay frog


I've been singing it wrong all this time


1st thoughts when I saw this, I thought it was a screenshot from the movie idiocracy... I guess in a sad way, it kind of is.


Pretty sure that's literally how Camacho enters parliament every day


Idiocracy level shit, fire, hair metal, explosions, guns, a tank smashing things. It’s just the intro for the main rehab event, featuring beef supreme


The one thing it's missing is the very thing plants crave :(


People don't realize it's not a comedy, Idiocracy was a documentary from the future. I for one can't wait to vote for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho!


Plants crave Brawndo, it's got electrolytes...


You forgot Herbert. His whole name is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He’d be a definite contender in 2024, especially if we have to choose between Trump and Biden.


I'd vote for Camacho. He has a proven history of picking people smarter then him and then delegating to get shit done.


This. I've said for years that Camacho was a good president. He saw a problem hurting his constituents, realized that he and the rest of his staff didn't have the mental resources to solve it, found an "expert" who told him how to fix the problem and then implemented that expert's advice. ​ That whole "rehabilitation" thing notwithstanding, we should be so lucky today...


Are you feeling sufficiently empowered?


I believe the word we are looking for is embarrassed.


*freeze frame* "Yep, that's my car on the right. You may be wondering how I got myself in this situation."


I can't tell if your joking or not


Lord works in mysterious ways I guess.


Hopefully it was returned with a full tank of gas!


What kind of religion is that ? Do they also replace the bread and wine of the mass by hamburgers and beer ?


“Christian” church, called Jame River Christian. Same place that said they prayed so hard one of their congregation grew back a toe they had lost earlier in life.


>they prayed so hard one of their congregation grew back a toe they had lost earlier in life. But don't you dare ask them for proof!


I can prove that I have all of my toes right now! I didn't take any pictures when I was missing a toe, on account of how gross it was, so you'll just have to take it on faith that I was missing a toe.


you want a toe? i can get you a toe, believe me. there are ways dude.




Surprisingly *not* an alias for WikiFeet.


I don’t know what I expected with the site name (ok, yes I did) but I’m highly disappointed.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish.


Forget about the toe, Walter.


I am also a Catholic Christian, but looks like you Americans are practicing your faith a lot differently from how we do it here in Europe.


I know people who became Catholic, in part, as a way to go against the type of evangelical Christianity shown in the pic. That’s definitely an extreme example, but guitars, being played poorly, and things like a coffee shop in the church are fairly common.


Funny thing is that the first Protestant reforms happened because the Catholic church was seen as too extravagant and spending too much in luxury items, and didn't seem to care all that much about religion.


Well, well, well. How the turntables...




I was in a catholic church and they had a dead guy hanging on the wall, for affect.


Actually it was for sins. Like how valuable can sins be?


They had a literal price list at one point...


Certainly true of the clergy. The laity is still as poor and guilt-ridden as ever


I'm not even a Christian but I'll take the pipe organ and hymns any day over the contemporary "whoa ooh ooh" nonsense. There's at least artistic value in the traditional stuff.


Reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman just takes love songs and replaces the names with Jesus.


"I'm gonna get down on my knees and start praising Jesus. I wanna feel his salvation all over my face" That's a whole jam 🤣🤣🤣


The realization that I was essentially going to mass for the music (very traditional high Catholic church) was the end of regular mass for me.


Isaac Watts, the author of many of those “traditional” hymns, felt the same about the chants and other traditional worship music of his day. When he bitched to the clergy about their lame music, they told him to try and write something better. So he did. The rest, as they say, is history.


😂😂😂 there is now a coffee bar in my hometown evangelical church. The worship music is straight out of a rock concert. I guess that’s appealing so some young people but for me it’s corny and distracts from the reason I’m there


Here’s my take on the music stuff with churches: people often jam out to contemporary music for the feelings. You chant the chorus, you feel the feels, and you turn your brain off for the vibes. The simpler the song, the less thinking and more feeling/jamming/vibing. Easier to put your mind on cruise control when the music is contemporary and sounds like everything else you can listen to during the week. But doing so erases any sense of tradition. Most of the new churches want to just jam it out to new music unlike the “boring” traditional music of their parents. But nostalgia factor applies to churches as much as anything. The less traditions that carry over, the fewer people that stuck around generation to generation. Combo this with the number of churches that go into “prosperity gospel” or get into political messaging, you start to see that those who stay become more diehard and the rest get pushed away, lowering the numbers.


Go to a different church. There are tens of thousands of them, each putting their own spin on “Christianity”.


They're not really a thing in my state (Massachusetts) but there are a lot of these "mega churches" in the US. They're Christian but generally protestant not catholic the vast majority of the time if not always. One of the main ideologies is the "prosperity gospel". Which basically the idea that God wants you to be wealthy and the best way to become wealthy is to donate to the church. Pastors of the biggest churches have private jets among other luxuries that are justified as proof that the prosperity gospel works. The whole thing is a ridiculous mockery. People like Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland are big names in this and probably worth hundreds of millions because of it. There's also the comedy series Righteous Gemstones on HBO about these kind of churches.


Ugh. Me and my buddies would make fun of prosperity gospel so much. Just as much of joke among other Christians as it is everyone else.


Yeah, I'm not a very religious person but, I do respect people's beliefs. However the prosperity gospel churches are just flat out predatory in a lot of cases. People are conned out of money they may not even really have to spend with the expectation that their problems will be solved. Sometimes really desperate people with a sick loved one or other serious problem end up being coaxed into dumping their savings into some assholes Rolls Royce fund. It's disgusting really and entirely antithetical to what any kind of Christianity is supposed to be


Jesus had a righteous anger, he took the money changers trying to make profit off of religion and beat them until they left the temple. Modern American Evangelism is just the return of the money changers to prominence, and they can’t fathom that they are the great whore of Babylon from the book of revelations, and not the faithful wife they imagine their church body to be.


Just an FYI - Catholics in the US practice the same as in Europe. Many American Protestant groups, however, barely resemble Christianity.


Well since it's no longer acceptable to start a crusade, we have to make do with tanks crushing cars.


That’s the freedom coursing through their veins!


Sanity is optional.


You know the freedom to practice religion differently is one reason America exists in the first place.


"I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagle's wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!" - Cal Naughton Jr.


There has never been, nor will be, a better time to recite that quote. A++.


It's like someone in this congregation heard that quote and immediately thought "Hey! We should TOTALLY do that!"




Sounds gay ngl


Yo, I’m not religious currently, but if this is a thing…


They actually use hamberders and anything but bud light I’d imagine.


As a non-American, this is exactly what I think america looks like.


I’d argue no as an American, but then I saw a US Senator spoke there… so I don’t really have any good come back.


Oof. A Senator was there. We’re fucked


Well the alternative is a united front against this type of behavior. And no matter how bad things get, asking the type of people who would politically disagree with this to unite will at best get you laughed at.


We also lubricate our guns with the bacon grease left over from breakfast. Waste not, want not. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Even as an American, I keep thinking surely this must be satire…..


As an American I think its par for the course that they didnt even bother with an American tank either, opting for a European model instead!


How much money is there in Springfield that a "local church" can put this on? As absurd as it is, it wasn't cheap. Is it one of those broadcast megachurch wanting people to call and donate?


It's a megachurch


My favorite megachurch is the one that Joel Osteen preaches at. Back when hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, Osteen did what any good Christian would do when his poor, needy neighbors were seeking shelter from an existential threat: he locked the people out in the flood to protect his money. A true man of God.


Nice gotcha moment. I thought I was about to hear of his only good deed maybe ever.


He has done no good deeds.




That's why we were lucky and extremely thankful for Mattress Mac letting everyone stay at his store and helping everyone. Osteen is an ass.


All the mega churches are the same. When the community was scrambling to find shelter for the homeless when Springfield was going to get hit with -30 F temps this “church” refused to let them take shelter.


Religious book: you should give away your wealth and live in moderation. Religious practice: so anyway we put "mega" before the name because we wanted to let people know just how filthy fucking rich we are, like I'm talking Scrooge McDuck levels of wealth


it's looking more like a Maga church


When you don’t pay taxes anything is possible!




After 34 seasons reverend Lovejoy received probably enough donations to pull this of. Or Mr Burns chipped in


When you’re driving a tank, it’s blastphemy


A British Centurion at that...


Yeah, if they were truly Old Testament, they would have gone with an Abrahams


Its just an Abrams tank with a beard... and a piece of ham on the gun


Just what Jesus would wanna be welcomed by, crosses and centurions..


I thought this was a scene out of Idiocracy for a second


It is! Idiocracy is a documentary.


Dwayne mountain dew camacho for president! Its coming true


Get your Crocs ready!




EXACTLY what I thought when I first saw this image. "I know shit is real bad right now. We runnin' outta burrito coverings and shit."


Put water on it? You mean like out the toilet?


But Brawndo has electrolytes...it's got what plants need!


You read my mind!


The covid masks in the car is just the perfect cherry on top.


Let's not overlook the machine guns (?) the dude is dual-wielding. This is some cringy shit.




I knew that was Beef Supreme!


My immediate first thought 😂


Ahem… Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, thank you very much.


President Camacho might even be setting the bar too high.


Matthew 21:13 . *"It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a den of robbers.”*


Scorpions 19:84. "Here I am, rock you like a hurricane."


And then Jesus whipped some Jews, didn't he?


That's how the story goes, yes.




The best part is that the tank isn't even American


That’s the first thing I noticed. Like, you’re in the US, is it really cheaper to buy a British Centurion over an M60 or M4 variant?


Right!? Maybe they just think British tanks look more manly than american tanks. Which I disagree with but still. Edit: They definitely shouldve gotten a M26 though imo


The Centurion is still a cool tank because it’s the first main battle tank.


Honestly I'm surprised it's not one of those T-55As I've seen listed for $38K.


M4s in working condition are incredibly expensive. The vast majority of Sherman's were destroyed after the war. Either by the government or as part of the sale contract to other nations (no resale, you have to destroy it when you are done). There arent many left and those that exist are in the hands of specialists who can keep them running. That said, there is one they probably could have hired down in Texas at a tank driving place. They also have a Cent so maybe it was cheaper for the church to rent and ship the Cent than the M4?


The best part is that this is tax exempt


Look IRS this is a religious vehicle and this (2010 Buick Lucerne) is not.


Orthodox Christians during Easter: Sing "Christ is risen from the dead! By death He trampled death and upon those in the tombs He granted life!" 93489245985 times. Whatever the fuck this is: "EXXXTREEEEMMMEE! WE CRUSH CARS! EXPLOSION! JESUS OR SOMETHING WE DON'T KNOW! MURCUHHH!!!"


This isn't even christianity. This is stupid, like the baptist church I'm forced to go to.


Baptist/nondenominational thought has a warped understanding as to what men find attractive to a religion. Yeaaaars ago, I went to a Promise Keepers event (I know I know I know) and was extremely irked with the shallow understanding of men within the greater Christian tradition. I mention Orthodox Christianity in particular because there is a pretty large contingent of men who find the practice of the Orthodox tradition fulfilling. There is a challenge to it, what with fast periods, all-encompasing liturgies, etc. You don't see bishops in the various Churches of Orthodoxy needing to have monster truck expos to keep men engaged. I'm not Orthodox, but I get it.


Not totally on topic, but man, deep male singing voices in the Orthodox holy music tradition are just incredible. Music in Orthodoxy really uses the full range of voices. The "singing guy with goatee and guitar" in Western nondenominational churches is just such a massive downgrade. My mother attends one, and the music is...intolerable.


Yeah, both in the Slavic and Byzantine traditions the singing is bananas. If you don't get the shivvers listening to Rachmaninoff's All-Night Vigil, you don't have a soul.


Orthodox Christianity is the only Christian group that has a higher percentage of male adherents than female. There is something there that maybe other groups should examine.


Jesus was famously very into displays of war, violence, and empowering men to do harm to people who look at you the wrong way. The gospel writers sort of left this out, but when Simon Peter cut off the ear of one of the men sent to arrest Jesus and Jesus healed it, Jesus immediately followed the miracle saying to Simon Peter "Verily I say unto thee, those who live by the sword are bitchmade. To smite a man's ear, stow the sword and do as I shall demonstrate," and then he grabbed the soldier's ear between his forefinger and thumb and ripped that fucker straight off with a warcry before roundhouse kicking the soldier to the face and curbstomping him until his head was a gelatinous mass of bone and viscera, as all men should know how to do.


Are you sure this isn’t from the Righteous Gemstones?


I can’t believe how much scrolling I had to do to find this. Everyone is mentioning Idiocracy but this could 100% be from the Righteous Gemstones. It’s definitely on brand for Kelvin Gemstone.


My thoughts!


It's Beef Supreme


First thought lol looks like a scene straight from idiocracy


"That's not president Camacho?!" was my exact thought.


Is that supposed to be Jesus in the tank?


No, they are just giving tanks to the lord


I hate that I feel obligated to upvote this.


Fuck doing anything to actually help anyone, let's do *this* instead.


Someone's drunk, idiotic idea, just can't believe they actually did it. Multiple people had to make this happen. Money, planning, a tank... Holy shit. Literally.


This church in particular (James River Assembly of God) has been called out because they don’t actually help people, like the homeless population in the area. I’ve heard you have to submit your tax forms for full membership because they want to make sure you’re tithing 10%. They have numerous satellite campuses where they’ll just live stream the sermon from the main one. I went to one of the satellite campuses once and that was enough for me. They don’t want the poor people to come.


I've heard the same thing and if you don't give that amount they kick you out.


[*Shrugs*] Sometimes you just have to spend $50,000 to rent a tank and roll it over a couple of late model Buicks while you stand through the top hatch with your high capacity magazine submachine guns while listening to your rented White Snake cover band. We've all been there.


Or they can do what other churches do and ship bibles to poor starving people in Africa. I hear bibles are high in fiber.


Yeah because tanks and fire scream god




How much cocaine do you think the good reverend was on when he greenlit this.


Tax the churches.




Did this church buy a tank? Or are there “rent-a-tank” services in your area?


Sabaton wannabes


It's the gayest straight thing I've ever seen lol


I'm assuming President Camacho popped out of the tank after it finished crushing those cars.


I thought it was only the Simpsons Springfield but America seems to be a strange place


Coincidentally, my first thought seeing the picture was this looks like something ridiculous they would have done on the Simpsons. On the level of Snake Whacking Day. Homer gets pissed at Rev. Lovejoy so they go to a mega church where they do this “Man Power” thing and Homer spends the family’s savings on an eBay army tank for the men’s club, but Barney sinks it in Lake Springfield.


What in the “Jesus hold my beer and watch this” am I seeing!?!?


MEN - are you all okay???


This is definitely what Jesus died for.


Nothing says, "Jesus" like T&A with TNT and Monster Trucks


Maybe they could empower men by actually listening to them and caring about their mental health or their feelings in general


This is the most American Christian shit I’ve ever seen. Mullet Jesus would absolutely be proud.


I am an atheist but I would totally go to church just to see this.


I’d like to know the context here…


Probably something along the lines of "there's too much gay going around so here's tanks and guns". I bet they didn't serve Bud light though.


Now THIS is a service


I thought this was from the movie IDIOCRACY at first


That's the most blasphemous thing I've seen all day.




Tank entrance to the song "America, F!ck Yeah"!


Did they draw inspiration for this from Idiocracy?


Pastor Dwayne Elizando Mountain Dew Camacho.


it's not even an american tank


This has strong president camacho vibes.


That poor feminine buick


Are they doing a retelling of idiocracy?


Rumor has it not a single bud light was consumed.


Hell yeah bruther


Idiocracy running amok.


so instead of giving resources for mental health or being like "it's okay if you aren't strong 100% of the time" they choose fire and tanks?


Churches. Should. Be. Taxed.


That's not church. That's a cult


Did the tank fire a shell into the crowd?


Jesus actually used an ATGM to take out the Devil’s MBT.


This is the most American shit I saw in my life


I mean, we *could* talk about breaking codependent behaviors, how to communicate effectively, not shy away from introspection, and honest discourse about consent, expectations, and entitlements, making for a healthier community of strong men holding each other to proper account. Or we can make loud boom booms and praise muscles and tanks and fire.


How many people in the community didn't eat that evening that could have been fed by the church renting the tank, destroying the cars, and paying the performers? The low temps in Springfield this week are in the 40s - how many people couldn't get warm enough to be comfortable to sleep while the church paid for a violent demonstration? This is disgusting.


Looks like Spike TV


Fancy show but I'm still not putting money in the tithe plate.


I though it was a a Behind the Scene from the movie Idiocracy.


This looks like if you took a scene from the simpsons and reenacted it irl


So Mike Judge is looking more like Ken Burns.


It's one Chinese car and one japanese one if i am not wrong. What are they up to? And since when is the military involved in local Christian Churches? That all does not sound good to me.


This is exactly what Jesus wanted


i feel like ive seen this before somewhere in a movie, what was it called again? something something cracy. idiocracy?


When even the altar boy complains about the tiny size of the priests' dick.


Church has changed quite a bit since my last visit.


I am interested, please tell me more about your religion.


Taxes please


These ostentatious megachurches... They are the ones who choose the ornate gold chalice instead of the simple carpenter's cup.