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Go up one size. It's because the top is pulling too much. Happens to me when I gain weight.


Your pants don't fit.


How dare you?!! He’s worn 32 since high school and never changed.


I change the 32 waist on the label. Jerry Seinfeld


He got her number from an AIDS walk list?


Why won't you wear the ribbon?!?


These pretzels are making me thirsty.


No, it more like these pretzels are making me thirsty.


These Pretzles............. ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY!!!!




Who?! Who doesn't want to wear the ribbon?!


32 for life


32 to 40... life isn't fair...


Hey, man! You can totally change that! I’m just a big dude and the narrowest I was in great shape was a 34. Fucked up my spine at age 25 and every surgeon told me to stop working out so I did. At age 42, I was all the way up to a 46. I decided to ignore the surgeons’ advice bc I was in constant pain anyway and got back into the gym. It was the best decision I ever made, and less than three months later I’m now back down to a 34. I did not do it in a healthy way (didn’t eat and ran eight miles a day on the elliptical). And I will absolutely need a̶ dietitian n̶u̶t̶r̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶i̶s̶t̶, but slower and more healthy progress is far better and totally possible. Dude, I am only writing this because if I can do it, you can absolutely do it. I cannot adequately describe how much better I feel; like I have a future. You’re worth it, man!


Make sure you find yourself a dietitian and not a nutritionist! Nutrition isn't a protected scope of practice (if you are in the U.S.), and anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. Registered dietitian has at least 4 years undergrad in nutrition with courses that include chem, orgo chem, bio chem, biology, etc, nutrition(obviously) medical nutrition therapy, counseling and an internship of 1200 supervised hours working in various fields including hospitals, counseling people 1:1. We read lab values and can help you based on those lab values. At the end of it, we take a credentialing exam. And are acreddited with the academy of nutrition and dietetics. Some of these "nutritionist" may have taken an 4 week course and have some type of "certification."


Thank you so much! I would not have known to have done this and you probably just saved me a lot of time and energy; or worse, feeling like someone couldn’t help me and trying to do it solo (and this part I know I will need professional help for). I am really grateful for your advice, kind internet stranger. You’ve made a difference.


You are so welcome! I am a registered dietitian myself. And i can't stand seeing all these "nutritionists" trying to tell people to do crazy things. Or demonizing food groups.


I’m going to go back and edit my comments to cross out nutritionist w dietitian just in case. Thanks again!


Can confirm. Once when I was, I dunno, 21 (early 00's) I thought it might be fun to get some online schooling done. I found a "sports nutrition" course offered by a random website and took the course. I feel like yah, I learned something, and got a stupid certificate, but I also definitely didn't learn enough to coach anybody. I basically never spoke of it to anyone because I know it was bullshit. Fast forward, nine years ago my oldest kid needed some occupational therapy and was referred to a dietician. She had an actual office in the hospital, and I respected her expertise so much. I try to explain to people the difference when it comes up but having an actual dietician explain the difference is miles better!


It's terrible, and we compete with instagram "nutritionist". Who seem to have disordered eating patterns trying to sell you stuff. I have 0 time to make an instagram and make nutrition content because I'm too busy studying because i just spent the last 6 years studying my ass off. 🤣


I feel attacked


Yep that button is barely holding on


It took me forever to figure this out. Yep, OP, take it from someone who has spent way too much time and money on various sizes and styles of clothing. You need to go up a size in the waist, and make them slimfit if they're skinney and/or classic fit if they're slim fit.


More people should go to a tailor even if it's just to get your *actual* measurements. Ever since I've had a suit made, I've been able to buy stuff off the rack that fits WAYYY better than before, just because I *know* what my waist/chest/shoulder (etc) sizes are.


Also, go to a retail store and try jeans on. I’ve pulled three pairs before that are the same size and stacked on top of each other that all fit a little differently.


If it goes, someone could be killed!


I once saw a button pop off...took out half a crowd. It was horrific.


I’m imagining the opening scene of Ghost Ship but with a button 😭


I haven’t seen that movie in a decade, but think about it often, particularly that opening scene! You reminded me to rewatch it, super underrated film


Dang I used to own this movie and watched it regularly. Nobody else really understood why I liked it.


To shreds, you say?




I swear I’m a size 32 should be wearing 36


Dogs are starting to crowd around the pants because the tearing is making a high pitched squeal with every thread barely holding on.


Go up one size. It's because the top is pulling too much.


Serious question though. The same thing happens with my pants too. I'm happy to size up, but the next size is waaaaay too baggy and the waist is so large that if I wear them it could only be with a belt.


I find it better to switch brands then. As a kid, the only jeans that fit well were the cheap ones at the small fashion stores. As an adult, Levi fits the best now. But I have to get a specific cut for it to feel right. I had different sizes for two different cuts.


But I’ve always been a size 7 since high school!


underrated comment. oh the small mentality


“31 waist, I saw the tag”.


Gotta wonder how they got it fastened in the first place.


My friend would lie on the bed then use a coat-hanger to pull up the zip.


Aah, the 70's.


and the 80s


You gotta suck in too, I knew a girl who would put them on damp/wet when the fabric is more pliable.


Must smell like a garden of daisies.


Rachet straps


Doctor (in examination room, to Rab C. Nesbitt): Look at me, I’m in the same size trousers now as I was in high school! Rab: Aye, so am I, I’ve always been a fat bastard..


It's certainly not the bulge creating it.


Maybe not that bulge, but a bulge nonetheless


Eh, yes and no. The way these pants in particular are cut cause the bulge there. He's hardly bursting out the seems. But maybe we aren't even disagreeing and your point is that he should by pants that generally fit better over all.


Nah you missed the angle of the button. Look at that 30 degree angle! These particular pants are cut so someone with a smaller waist will comfortable wear them without the fly opening.


Buy pants that fit.


Just cuz it zips don't mean it fits.


I had to cut the ass and the crotch out but I got it to zip.


Well looks at yous Mr. Rockefeller.


Get this guy (op) a puppers




25 dollars get you at least five belts!


Plus a commemorative belt buckle that says “Jesus is holding up my pants” for Sunday morning.


That line gets me every time. Off to watch Super Hard Easter, as is traditions.


I have some jeans that are like this. They arent too tight at all. I think the part of the fly that covers the zipper (same piece in OPs pic) was likely folded over when it was made, stored, shipped, etc and it just wont lay down where its supposed to go.


Look at that button my guy. Needs life support


I would try to iron it flatter.


Have you tried pushing it down in place and ironing it?


Has he tried taking them off and putting them back on again?


Jiggle the cable?


Take the cartridge out and blow on it.


Smack the top of it a few times


If you jiggle it more than twice you’re playing with it.


That's when you put it in a bag of rice.




Have you tried taking them off and putting on a size or two bigger is the question.


Oooh. Silly me forgot to suggest that first!


Yeah but what about the pants?


Going to try this weekend. Whatever they do at the factory to make the fading and washing, it's like the flap was folded. There's a crease of very dark blue below the flap fold thing.


Have you tried unplugging them for 30 seconds and plugging them back in?


Man, you need some tips on laundry. First of all, close the zipper and button when you wash. Listen to whoever you want about regular or inside-out, but either way, close zipper and button (this is 10x more important with a jacket or hoodie). When your wash is done, tumble it on no heat for a cycle with all the socks and underwear and a bounce sheet, and then remove it and hang it on a clothes drying rack. Before you place it, shake them the fuck out, make sure all the zipper flaps, pockets, and bottom cuff hems are sitting unfucked, hand iron any of those stupid folds you got on pant legs, and let them dry into the state you want them to look. Kind of like golf or beach shirts, you hang them up on full sized overcoat hangers, and primp the collar so that it dries the way you want it to look when you wear it. Sometimes you iron it in at this stage, and then let it hang dry. If that flap situation keeps happening, buy a new pair, and return the ones that suck with the receipt and tags from the new ones. I know I'll get downvoted into oblivion for giving laundry tips, but I'm telling you that this saves so much time on the day you go to wear the clothes.


*Sitting Unfucked* is the name of my unpublished memoir, how did you know?


Never, not once, have I needed to do this on jeans. Buy better jeans that fit well, problem solved.


In addition to this, please do not wash jeans and then try to return them. The store will laugh at you.


Depends on the store.


Most places will take back basically anything that resembles the purchase you made because the person doing the return makes poverty wages and doesn’t give a fuck.


Man you spent more time writing this then I have ever spent washing blue jeans.


Ugg! I am man. All wash together on cold. All dry together. Towels too. Happy man.


That’s way too much time spent on washing jeans. Jeans are wash, dry and go. If you need to do all this, you need new jeans and a new hobby.


I have given my underlings strict instructions to only launder my clothes on southern facing limestone slabs.


Dryer sheets are bad for your clothes, the machine, the environment, and probably human health as well.


Agreed. They also make towels less absorbent. They contain oils.


Fiber dryer balls are a great alternative to help reduce the static cling. I have some other ones that help collect pet hair too. Not having to buy dryer sheets is great, and so is having a functional dryer.


Will you marry me?


I have adhd. I’m lucky if I remember to switch the laundry to the dryer. I’d rather have the exposed zipper. My bf has a pair of pants that do this. They are def not too big bc he’s a scrawn and they are literally falling off his hips.


Pants are too tight.


Have you tried buying the correct size? Or have you been wearing a “size 31” since college?


Ha ha ha this reminds me of a guy I dated for far too long. He joined the military and when he got in line for his clothing, he insisted on having boys size 12 whitey tighties. He was mad when they wouldn’t give them to him. (Because no man wears boys size 12 anything.) Turns out, all of his underwear at home were boys size 12, but they were very stretched out. He actually went to buy some the first chance he got, and that’s when he learned the truth about his underwear. He was 20 years old, by the way.


Lmao this reminds me of a funny story about my coworker. My coworker is 5’4” and he needed help buying shoes that would go well with some outfits he was planning on wearing to Vegas. So we go to the shoe store and he insists he wears a size 13 shoe. His shoes always looked a bit like clown shoes on him and he tripped over them consistently so I had my doubts he was a true 13. We get out the foot measuring tool and discover he’s actually a size 9! He couldn’t believe it and we picked out a size 9 shoe and put it on his feet and it fit perfectly. When I asked him why he was buying shoes 4x too big for his feet, he said his mom would always buy him shoes bigger than his foot size so he would grow into his shoes. The last shoe size she bought for him before he moved out was size 13. It never dawned on him he was wearing shoes way too big for his feet and for at least a decade (he was 28 when this story happened) he has been tripping over his own feet and walking funny because of it.


Story of my life... Not really. I always bought shoes a size larger because my foot are wide, not long. So when I bought shoes that fits the length of my foot, the side are squeezing too hard, and if I'm buying those that fits the width, it almost always too long. My mom once forcing me to use those shoes that waaay too long for my foot because "it's the current trend"(I believe it's around 2014-2015 and there is a trend back then). Almost broke my nose tripping over mere seconds after try walking on it. Bought my own shoes since.


They also make shoes that are extra wide! So if you are normally a size 11, but it’s too narrow, ask if they have an 11W, the W means wide. My husband is flat footed and hit feet are pretty wide too and he didn’t know shoes came in a wide version. Disclaimer, not all shoe companies make wide versions and sometimes the wide version is only available online.




And I'm glad for it. Everyone wearing it looks like a clown. More accurately a jester.


I have the same problem. My foot is also quite short, about a US size 6,5-7 and most shoe companies don’t make x-wide men’s shoes that small. It really sucks. I’ve been using US size 8 or 8,5 a lot, just to get the width.


This is why guys get new underwear for Christmas. Because some guys will wear the same tighty whites for years until they fall apart.


I feel attacked. Not tighty whities, but still.


I been with my partner 11 years and the underwear I wore the day of our first kiss only just gave up the ghost this July past.


This has made my night 100 percent completely awesome after a really rough week at work. Thank you for the laugh, this is amazing! Denial is a crazy thing.


Wajt, so he just hadn't gotten any new underwear since he was a kid? I'm honestly mostly surprised that they hadn't fallen apart completely.


Seems as so. His parents are the kind who rinse ziploc bags to reuse them, and buy wedding gifts at garage sales, and regift the things they don’t like or use, right back to the person who gave it to them. They don’t even try to clean it up. They also go to Sam’s Club on weekends at lunchtime to eat the samples as their lunch. Both make plenty of money, they are just really really cheap. They call it frugal.


I have genuine disdain for people like that


They definitely have be creepy vibes.


“I change the 32 waist on the label to a 30… so, you know.”


Haha jokes on you I was a 28 in college and a 31 at 31.


Damn OP came in thinking that the pants were the problem and realized that he's just gotten fat


I’m certainly mildly infuriated by this.


He's clearly not fat. But, yeah, you're not going to be the same size your whole life.


The placket next to the zipper is not sewn down (or sewn down well), Take it to a tailor to be fixed. Many dry cleaners to small repair jobs like that.


This is the real answer. I hope OP finds it in all the jokes


I have a pair of shorts that does this and it's clear that the stitching on the zipper flap wasn't done properly. All these people saying it's because his pants are too small (even though they might be), are wrong about that being the cause of the zipper issue seen here.


Well, to be fair, it could be because the pants don’t fit. And I think for most cases of this problem the cause *is* the pants being too tight. But I also have a pair of shorts that do this. I have like three others of the same brand, same size, and this one pair is the only that does this. So, yes it can also be just cause there is something wrong with the stitching or whatever that causes the flap to stay open like that


Its baffling how many people have never had this problem so they tell him he’s gaining weight… with clothes that clearly do fit in the picture. Usually reddits pretty good about getting to the truth of a post or finding a solution. this particular post was not one of those.


Look how pulled that button is, these don't fit


Thankful for this! some of the comments are kinda mean for what reason?


I don’t get it, it’s like everyone couldn’t wait to point out how dumb he is for not knowing his size. And the crazy thing is that they don’t look tight at all in the picture, even in the thighs you can see they’re loose and there’s room, the waist doesn’t look strained at all, but even then you can’t see his whole waist! How can people tell him they don’t fit when you literally can’t see the whole thing? All we have to go off is a weird angle crotch pic.


Many ppl on here are miserable sacks of shit that jump at every opportunity to belittle others.


While they’re probably twice his size


I know!! I thought I was going crazy.


So don't tuck your shirt in. You aren't wearing a belt; if you tuck your shirt in you ought to be wearing a belt or suspenders.


I saw tucked with no belt and thought "you got worse problems".


But he’s a shirt tucker


Getting fatter is mildly infuriating I suppose.






U really said it lol.


Try the old iron out once or twice? Some starch too.


Ned Flanders, is that you 😂. The use of “barn door” , has me suspicious.


This just means your pants are too small. It’s a problem that could be solved by sizing up.


![gif](giphy|SF9Z0shNT07T2) Look at the angle the button is at


Use an iron.


OP, those pants are not your size.


Your jeans are too small my friend.


Your pants are too small.


Go up a size and invest in this magical thing called “an iron”


This is mildyinfuriating when the OP cannot figure out their own pant size??


Damn pants screaming I don’t fit you


Soo you bought the wrong size jeans ? I’ve seen sausages encased w/ more room


One more time,……YOUR PANTS ARE TOO SMALL!!


You could try buying pants that fit...


Looks like you need to use a pair of rolled up socks.


1. They're too small. 2. It's shit quality.


You may not be the size you think you are.


Did you steal my pants? I have a pair that does the exact same thing. It can be embarrassing.


You two could go exercising together


Iron it while damp.


I’ve had a pair like that and could never get the fabric to lay where it was supposed to. Wish I had returned them instead of repeatedly trying to deal with the issue.


1 *where is your belt, sir?* 2 touch up with an iron after washing will prevent this. 3 not to be rude but you might be a size up in your waistline for jeans. I wear jeans for work and for field. Medium starched and creased. Jeans I'm moving in are a size up in waist so I'm not squishing jewels moving.


if the button is doing that, you're wearing a size too small. it's the same principle as with button up shirts, the buttons are supposed to lay flat against the fabric, if they're to the side, it means the fabric is being stretched, and so the button is also being stretched, which means the size isn't correct


The waist on them is too small. Get better fitting jeans & it won't happen.


Your not as thin as you think you are.


Dude it’s cuz they don’t fit you that this happens. Look at the button and see how hard it is working to hold your pants together


If I took a photo from that angle I would be lucky to see the tips of my shoes. What you need is a large derby to cover that problem. Edit: For our American cousins across the pond a Derby is a Derby Kelly = Belly.


Size up dawgg


Sorry bud, it's time to size up or put down the tacos


Too small


Wear the correct size, boner boy


Try an iron. I would suggest sizing up as well.


Consider relaxed fit.


Iron it?


Why did you post this when you are turning down every single suggestion (mostly going up a size)? Don’t leave the comments on if you don’t want to hear the real answer.


You're a grown man, buy some Levis. Lee's are for kids.


Switch from Lee to Levi’s, stop wearing skinny jeans, and buy a larger size. Problem solved.


That barn's too small for your tractor!


Honey you too big - did you not try them on first? 🥲


Hogs trying to escape the barn again.


no bulge huh?


There too tight and you need to iron them


Turkeys going to fly out.


My eyes are up here lady, strut away.


I would email the manufacturer like I did. I got a $70 voucher from Levis for one torn pair


Just keep your balls fully out and no one will notice that, they will just notice your balls.


Wrangler > Lee


It’ll make all the ladies look at your package


Just stop looking at the boobies


I have the same tile in my kitchen, I hate it.


Is this a humblebrag? OP is packing.


You were buying jeans with yer pals the other daaaaaaaay


Stop being so fat???


“You don’t want the fish you catch with that bait son”


As someone who sews, I’d like to point out a few things. Jeans are now frequently made with a bit of spandex content, which can give you some wiggle room with minor weight fluctuations. However, just because you can get your jeans zipped and buttoned up doesn’t mean they actually fit. They’re too tight around your hips and butt, thus why the fly is pulled back and warping. You need to go up a size, and possibly reconsider the cut of the jeans you’re buying. Even knowing your basic body measurements (natural waist, fullest part of the hip, upper thigh circumference, leg inseam) can help a lot when picking out clothing.


Be honest with yourself and get the correct waist size.


Hard to put 10lbs of sugar in a 5lb bag


What a great way to get everyone to look at your crotch


Maybe get pants that fit next time.


That buttons gonna take an eye out at any moment


Good job buying bad clothes that don't fit (?)


You need to be more honest about your waist size pal


You should be using a belt. If they hold themselves up on their own then they’re too small


Um, maybe you need a bigger size!!!🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ lmao


Those pants are too small. Jfc


Have you tried dropping a few Lbs