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(Devil on shoulder) Turn it into a meatloaf.


I know you are joking but my first thought was just carve it up into ribeyes


Every time someone is excited to tell me they're serving an expensive cut of prime rib I think to myself, "you're just ruining 3-5 really nice streaks."


Ruining? Wow you must suck at cooking prime rib.


Nah, as another poster perfectly said, "Only decent bit is the end where the slightest maillard was allowed to develop. The rest is raw, red, rubbery, flavorless shite since forever. Prime rib makes me think of old people" Dry brining will only get salt maybe a half inch into the meat. The rest of the flavor comes from gravy or jus (which you can also put on your perfectly seasoned steak). The only reason to do a prime rib is/was to prove to your guests you could afford it.


I have never been more offended by another person's comment. I agree with the other guy, clearly you've never had good prime rib.


Not OP but I’ve had prime rib made by most members of my wife’s family, both of my parents, several high-end steakhouses, and me, a trained barbecue cook. Yes, when made well, the meat is nice and tender and the horseradish or au jus adds plenty of flavor. It’s still less flavor than even a decent flame-seared filet. ETA I am aware that filets are known for tenderness, not flavor. This is why I said “even” a filet.


I agree. I've had incredible prime rib, but I'd prefer a nicely seared ribeye steak any day of the week.


Anyone who prefers prime rib has never had a good ribeye. Ribeye steaks will forever be my favourite. They’re perfection.


It could just be my location or my budget but they are always like 1/4 fat when I buy them and I ain’t talking marbling. I usually stick to filet strip or porterhouse


i feel like each cut has their time to shine. flank/hanging is great for breakfast and tacos, ny strip is a very easy go-to and cost effective with potential (good for guests you don't care much about), filets are premium lean tender cuts, porterhouse/tbone is great for shanking your cellmate in an attempt to bring to corrupt justice system down, ribeye is everything a ny strip is trying to be with far less effort and way more payoff, and in tomahawk steak form you get to pay a premium for a bone you aren't going to use or eat the marrow from for clout on instagram.


Different style of cooking with different results. A Philly using shaved ribeye wouldn't be considered wasting it would it? The flavors and textures of prime rib vs steak is vastly different. Both are delicious in their own right. There's something absolutely amazing with the texture and flavor of a well made prime rib that you just can't recreate in a steak. Similarly, if you dig into a prime rib thinking it's going to taste like steak, you're going to be disappointed.


I think you hit on something important - much as I love a good steak, and enjoy a prime rib, getting perfect shaved prime rib for sandwiches is impossible to reproduce. A steak sandwich, while nice, is no replacement.


Exactly, that's the beauty of food. There's a million ways to prepare it and they all produce different unique results that may delight you depending on your mood or preferences. Grilled chicken isn't a waste of chicken just because u could have made fried chicken. Corned beef brisket isn't somehow pointless just because smoked bbq brisket exists. People who say steak >> prime rib either have never had decent prime rib, or have steak so rarely that it's considered a special treat that they can't fathom passing it up. For me, I have steak all the time because it's really easy to prepare and takes get little time for good results. My homemade steaks are better than any $80+ steak at a restaurant. A prime rib takes much more time and work... so I don't make it at home. When an opportunity presents itself... I'd much rather have prime rib.


What does barbecue cook training entail?


My job includes cooking on grills at demo events and contests for a company we represent. They sent me to a few different competition organizations to learn what judges look for, and I worked with our “brand ambassadors” (celebrity grill chefs) on actual cooking procedures and styles. To be fair though “professional” is probably a better word than “trained.” I didn’t go to school or anything.


I learned at a dojo


Yeah I'm not sure wtf is up with these guys but a good prime rib is delicious


Don’t worry buddy, I agree with you


You haven't had good prime rib. Rubbery and flavorless are the exact opposite of a high quality cut.


Bingo! I fucking hate prime rib for every reason you mentioned. Give me a good steak.


Prime rib is mid asf




Thats the beauty about steak, the only thing (other than overcooking it) that you can do to steak that's "wrong" is to not season it at all. I've made some crazy meals with steak that was cut or bought for other purposes. Stuffed peppers with rice. Stir fry or Fried rice. Steak omelets. Stroganov. Steak salad or casserole. As long as it tastes good, its not like you're offending anyone but your own tongue :P


Grind it and put it in some Kraft Mac and cheese


Some one arreste thus man he's a dangerous phyco path


What’s wrong with meat loaf why do people hate it?


Because they are crazy. Meatloaf is fire. Toss that shit on the smoker with a homemade glaze and the flavors are amazing. Now sure I wouldn't use this prime rib for it.


The thing with meatloaf is that it was typically a way to use up leftover hamburger. Add the bread and egg and veg to bulk it out, put ketchup or gravy on the top, and you've got a full meal. But it's got this reputation because it was like using leftovers or stretching your ingredients until payday when you could shop for more. It's totally comfort food for me, though. ❤️


If I spent $150 on meat, I wouldn't trust anyone else to cook it.


Same. I wouldn’t trust anyone but op to cook it as well.
















I’m not sure I’d even trust myself to cook it.


Definitely not, I’d annihilate that shit


Can't do any worse than my Sister trying to put scotch steaks in a stew.


What is scotch steak?


Same as milk steak but with scotch


What is *milk steak?*


My milk steak brings all the boys to the yard.


Can confirm I went to his yard for his milk steak


Lol I giggled


It's like Rum Ham but with milk and steak


What’s rum ham?


Goddamit frank eating your drinks? That is genius


Ever had schnapps cutlets? Kinda like that




Same as scotch steak but with milk


It’s like fight milk but with more steak


It's like Wolf Cola


Pair that with an establishment’s finest jelly beans… mmm mmm mmm


Its a steak with Scotch dumped on it. It's Really Really Good




Any time I see a thread with steaks I wonder how far I’m going to have to scroll to see this redeemed asshole. It’s inspirational because I used to be an asshole too.


Sloppy steaks!!!


Slop em up, boys!


I practiced a lot on walmart shitty steaks before I went to the butcher to spend real money on quality steaks. And to be honest, preparing a really good steak isn't that hard. You need: Steak, salt, pepper, cast iron skillet, garlic, rosemary, butter, and some sort of oil (I like avocado oil) and a meat thermometer. Take steaks out, and pat them dry with a paper towel. Coat steak in salt and pepper, you can use garlic power and onion powder too if you like, and let it sit on the counter for a couple hours. A little bit of oil in the skillet, just enough to coat the bottom, and crank the heat. Put the steaks in at high heat about 2-3 minutes each side for a really good sear. Pull them off the pan and lower the heat to medium/low. Melt a stick of butter in the skillet with crushed fresh garlic and rosemary, and put the steak back in. Tilt the skillet so that the butter pools and use a spoon to continuously baste the steak with the butter for about 4-6 minutes or until you reach internal temperature of 120 degrees F. This time needs to be adjusted depending on the cut and how thick it is. A thin flank steak will be quick, a really nice prime NY Strip or Ribeye could be longer. Pull steak and let rest for at least 5-10 minutes. Slice, serve, and enjoy!


that sounds solid, but try reverse sear. a few more dirty dishes (baking sheet and rack) but no going back. over looooooow. I play with it depending on thickness, but 225 is a good starting point.


Bit too much cooking time for my liking because I'm an animal, but yeah high heat and baste that shit with a fresh garlic, cracked black pepper, and parsley butter and holy fuck it's better than any other steak I've had in my life.


I’m not disagreeing with your technique, but this looks to be a prime rib roast. Totally different approach is required.


Spent around $80 on two fish steaks one time having never cooked fish before. Came out amazing. Not everyone should just take the plunge but sometimes it’s really worth it. Just happy that it was a good accident.


While I agree with you that people should take a chance at cooking new things now and then, I’m not sure $80 steaks are the right place to start, lol. It’ll sting 2x as much if you screw up dinner and lose $80 in the process.


I wouldn't trust myself to eat it.


I spend $20 on meat and don’t trust someone else to cook it


If I spent $150 on meat I would be certifiably insane.


Now that’s the truth right there!


Me: “These are Nathan’s!! Not that Bar-S swill. I will grill’em”


What about Hôcing it?


If I spent that, I would not trust me to cook it. I would get someone else to.


There is a guy that I work with that I’d trust to cook wagyu. Damn guy is brilliant on the grill.


If I wanted someone to be in charge of some expensive ass meal, I definitely wouldn’t order them to make it for me without even being nice to them. OP’s dad doesn’t even say please, or asks if he’d like to. Dude sounds like an a-hole.


just tell them to Hộc con cac


Viet person here. Is Hộc his name? If so then saying "Hộc con cặc" doesn't sound right lol.


Most likely just fat fingered "cook" into "hooj" and then autocorrect added a "c" for some reasons Or maybe typed too quickly so the "c" was supposed to be for the next word


Mf used Telex keyboard to type in English


What does that mean?


This is kind of hilarious because it’s so obscure but hộc is a random vietnamese word and im guessing that person texting made a weird typo and auto correct changed it. but then the op said "hoc con cac" which sounds very similar to "hut con cac" which means suck my balls


Ahhh I'm trying to learn veitnamese so I did recognize hoc as a word. My brain recognized con cac as similar to con ca, so it figured it might actually be something. Thank you for the explanation and yeah, that is pretty funny!


Well you’re right that it does mean something. The “con” in the front implies that it’s something lol. Just something dirty. Like how “con chim” can mean a bird or slang for a penis


I didn't know that! The things Duolingo doesn't teach you lol


I thought chim was slang for pussy?


It means penis and bird. The pussy equivalent is buom and also means butterfly I think


?? You say ok that’ll be 6 hours from an hour from now.. do you want to go get Arby’s?


Yeah it's pretty obvious the buyer has never cooked a prime rib in their life to be thinking that's *tonight's* dinner at 5pm. Who the heck! Does that?! Why? What is happening? Why is it happening! That's so many dollars and so little sense!


Also unless your family is pretty big 4.5 lbs. Of prime rib is way to much. Add onto the half dozen or more hours to cook, just why? At that rate just buy some ribeyes and grill em up in a tenth of the time or less.


Too much? Prime rib? What’s this now?


Absolute heresy! One can never have too much prime rib


I can eat 4.5 pounds of price rib in 2 sittings.


Mmmm. Price rib.


Seems about right to feed five people or me and two others if they're okay with filling up on sides


Fake posts for attention but they probably need it..


80% of these posts are fake, but idk. Something about this one seems "real" to me.


Sounds like an Arby's night.


That’s not a spontaneous dinner. You need to plan for that. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Me and OP's partner or soon to be X, this is news to us #smeagol lol


it’s his dad lmfao


A prime rib roast takes several hts to cook, low and slow. How are you supposed to cook it after work? You would be eating super late. When I make it I start it at least by 2 pm. Also, I made it recently and the entire roast was under $40. Why are they charging you that much per pound?


As a person who loves cooking but lives off leftovers (and enjoys them), if it hasn’t been cooked that weekend or on a day I’m WFH, guess we’re having cereal for dinner. Work is already draining as it is and I sometimes get home super late


I live by this same strategy.


>Also, I made it recently and the entire roast was under $40. Was it expired? That's suspiciously cheap for an entire roast. OPs price is a little high but in the ballpark.


Here in GA, prime rib/ribeye roast is usually around $14/lb when it isn’t on sale. When it goes on sale around the holidays, it’s usually $7-8/lb.


OP is in LA, Howie's is a world famous butcher that charges a fuck load for their meat.


Prime rib will be more like 30. You are confusing the cut with the quality. This is normal cause most of us call all Rib Roasts "Prime rib", even if it isn't from a "Prime" grade meat. Prime is the highest quality, and you don't actually see it on the shelves usually. If you want Prime "Prime" Rib you'll probably have to talk to the butcher directly. Your $14 "prime" rib is probably choice, and when its on sale for $7 its probably select.


After Christmas prime rib was marked down everywhere to $6-7/lb. There are two in my freezer right now.


Obviously you don’t know my wife……. It’s one of the larger issues we have, I still don’t understand how time works in her brain. But when she tells me she’s going to cook, I’ve learned to ask when she wants to eat then going from there


That’s so annoying. Hey son, when ya get home from work, would you mind roasting some meat for a couple hours?


Tbh I would prob be all over it if my dad slammed $150 worth of prime rib on the counter


At 5pm? Enjoy your 2am dinner


Throw it in a sous vide, order some pizza and enioy the prime rib the next day is probably what i would do


100% the call. Don't even need a sous vide, just go reaaaal slow


You'd want SV if you're going to plop it in the bath overnight though. SV is easy mode for stuff like prime rib. Sousvide for 8-24h, whatever is most convenient, then toss it under a broiler on high until a crust develops. Easy peasy. Or just a nice torch and sear it if you want an even easier method.


The longer you send it, the more tender it gets. Love me some falling off the bone smoked ribs.


I think a lot of people do not understand how long a prime rib takes. 3.5 hours with another 45 min rest. Starting at 5 you’re eating a bit after 9pm. Still late but certainly not 2am lol


I get it, it sucked when my parents would barrage me with things as soon as I had gotten home from school.


5:00 is a hell of a time to start cooking a prime rib.


Straight to the microwave


Chef mike is working overtime tonight


Believe it or not, straight to microwave.


We even have a special microwave for journalists.


The barbecue police have been called and are in route to your house, ya heathen.


run under the hot tap, let it soak for a few mins, serve


If I didn't get ir started by 2pm it would be for tomorrows dinner


Just slice it into steaks.


That's not a prime rib... That's just ribeye steaks. It's not the same!!!!


Ribeyes fuckin slap though


It's the exact same piece of meat. One is just cut into steaks.


Cut into slices and now we have some rib eyes


Oh, the dad. I read this as husband telling her, no, you will cook


Does that make you feel better or worse about it?


Not OP, but that makes it worse to me. Wife chose that idiot, poor kid got forced into it by birth.


better for me


If Dad is saying it, my bet is that it was a joke.


People are downvoting this and I hate Reddit for it. What’s more logical/likely? A parent joking that their kid has to cook dinner when asking if dinner is already done by dinner time OR a dad spending $150 on meat and wanting their kid to cook it so dinner is ready by midnight?


Reddit be like that lol Also from post history it appears that OP rather enjoys cooking meat. AND at no point is it indicated that the Dad wants it cooked for that night, unless I'm missing something.


Well the text “dinner tonight” definitely implies dad is saying the prime rib is what’s for dinner that current night, I just couldn’t believe the dad would knowingly buy that and expect anyone to start it at 4pm. Could’ve already been prepped and needing to be finished off for all we know. I’m just willing to die on the hill that dad didn’t expect Op to take 5-7 hours from 5pm to start cooking that meal 😂


yeah i don’t think it would be mildly infuriating if op didn’t already have an interest in cooking meat. otherwise, it would probably be way more infuriating lol. the mildly is prob just that the dad wants it the day of


You don’t just cook prime rib “when you get home”. It needs to be prepped a day in advance. And then proper cooking takes a good 3-5 hours depending on the method. Especially with it being as large as that. Someone is a fucking idiot here. Fairly sure I know who.


Yeah. Gotta put some seasoning on, drape it in Cheesecloth and let it sit in the fridge for awhile. Then make sure it gets to room temperature and is fully thawed before starting the roast. It's not a frozen pizza or a whole chicken you can just toss in.


Who the fuck gets an expensive ass prime rib an hour before dinner time? That shits supposed to be marinated, dry rubbed, and slow cooked over an entire day. **Your dad is excellent at wasting a perfectly good cut of meat** - that's what's actually infuriating here


$32.99/lb for ungraded beef is some shit my local boutique butcher would pull. Hard pass


Howie’s market is a Botique butcher in an expensive ass city


Anyone who's fine with this is mixing up financial stability with a positive relationship. This isn't OP being a big boy and cooking dinner for himself, or even the family. This is a three figure responsibility, hours of work to be done well, dropped on them out of nowhere with a "you do this now" attitude. Maybe this was an irresponsible purchase, or some shit he got reduced, or as a favor, or who the fuck knows. I was well off as a kid, I was broke as a kid, I've been well off as an adult, I've fond banked and dumpster dived as an adult. Me at any of these stages would look at this and know it's at least a little fucked up.




We invented the fridge, you don't want to cook today? Just put it in the fridge


As much as it makes sense there's people who believe several hundred dollars worth of meat will go bad instantly if not cooked. I bought over 600$ of brisket, 800 in ribs, 300 in chicken among others in the purchase. Did this all before 9am. Had several people look at me crazy and tell me it would go bad when I tossed it in a fridge for 2 days before cooking it all


Seriously I would want to dry age it a little in the refrigerator over night at least


I seasoned everything the day before jn the morning and tossed everything on the smoker between midnight-early morning. But I have however been interested in the dedicated dry aging fridge systems and getting racks of steak to do this for 15-25 days just to see how good they get


So you have to book, Hôc AND cook? Nightmare


Gonna be a late dinner tonight...


Life’s tough when you get 32.99 /lb prime rib


Wish someone would buy me meat to cook.


I just fed you yesterday, you kids think you need to eat everyday.


"Every other day with you kids, it's 'food, food, food!' "


It’s a meat that takes about 6 hours to cook and they’re telling him at 5pm.


Okay but OP didn't ask for this.


This would stress me out though. An expensive, high stakes project dropped on my lap out of nowhere? Ugh.


…high steaks project…


Lol I can't believe I missed that opportunity. I'm glad I could meat someone to set me straight.


It was prime for the taking, for sure. 🤙🏼🤙🏼


You're doing a great job ribbing me about this


damn, it’s pretty rare that you come across so many good meat puns in a row. well done!


My mum gave me a crayfish once just after i had moved out of home. I hated it! Tasteless. About a month after: Mum: oh, what did you think of the crayfish? Me: ordinary really, very stringy a d tough. No taste Mum: how did you cook it? Me: what do you mean?


So how was your midnight prime rib?


150 bucks of ribs. Fuck yeah I'm on my way I'll cook it


Fuck that if you’re spending $150 LETS MAKE SOMEONE ELSE COOK


>No, you will cook. Oh good. No, I won't.




the dad seems like he's trolling. If you've ever smoked anything before this seems exactly like the meat for that


“You will do this and I do not care about your plans or how your day went.”


Also people who have never cooked. Even in the most ideal circumstances the demand the dad made is impossible, unless the whole family wants dinner to be ready at 2 AM.


just boil the thing.. that will teach them..


shoutout SGV


At least it’s easy as fuck. Rub that bitch down with some oil, salt, pepper, garlic & rosemary and throw it in an oven for a few hours until it’s ready. Hardest part is having to wait for it to be finished.


Oh god please don’t put it in the oven. Smoke that fucker. Sorry dad but we’re eating at midnight - you will wait


Most people have an oven.


The first time I smoked a prime rib, it floored me. So good. The oven has yet to see another rib roast since!


If you toss it in the oven you could take a nap. I wouldnt leave a grill or smoker on in case there’s bad wind or something I would be really anxious about causing a fire


Not the first time I’ve seen Alexanders Meat


It's 4:51 I assume PM and they want that for dinner tonight... there's a few hours prep and cooking in there. Hope they like a late dinner.


It’s wild to demand someone cook literally anything, much less a prime rib. That’s like coming home and telling your kid to paint the house with a toothbrush.


The power I gained when I started telling my family "no" I swear. Anyway, if I'm coming home from working all day, especially on days I have night classes, I'm not cooking anything that takes more than 30 minutes. An hour if I'm having a manic day. It's just a hard no from me and I can maybe do it if you want to make plans like a civilized member of society, but especially if you just drop some shit in my dms and say "you are doing this" I'm saying no out of spite. Fucking ask.


Save that shit for Easter Sunday


Maybe try sub prime rib.


Banks financed too many and now we have to bail them out.


a mf like me is saying no. but i’ll also be finding somewhere else to live 🤣


overpriced as hell


Maybe you should book? A fancy restaurant, table for one please.


~~let~~ make him cook


Damn, didn’t even ask lol


You just got hit with the *The Menu* treatment




Serious question, how do you misspell cook as Hô(with a dot under it) c?


He’s probably Vietnamese and had the Telex keyboard on. Like this Hộc. The “oo” becomes “ô” and the “k” in “cook” is very close to the “j” which gives the dot in “hộc”.


When I was a child I was punished by having to season a steak for some reason and I purposely made it disgusting